All Life points: 6,000
Life points1: 6,000
All Life points: 3,825
Life points2: 3,825
All Slayer experience: N/A"N/A" is not a number.
Slayer experience1: N/A"N/A" is not a number.
All Slayer experience: 254
Slayer experience2: 254
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 638.8
Combat experience1: 638.8
All Combat experience: 464.2
Combat experience2: 464.2
All Release date: 14 February 2012
Release date1: 14 February 2012
All Release date: 4 December 2012
Release date2: 4 December 2012
All Combat level: 160
Combat level1: 160
All Combat level: 119
Combat level2: 119
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1263
NPC ID1: 1263
All NPC ID: 15185
NPC ID2: 15185
The TokHaar-Mej is a monster encountered in the final fight of The Elder Kiln and in the waves of the Fight Kiln and Fight Cauldronminigames. It also rarely attacks with melee when you are within range, roughly 1 attack every 5-10 attacks.
They take half damage from all types of attacks except range, so it is best to either range them or tough it out with another method. Dreadnips speed up the battle significantly.
TokHaar-Hok says that the TokHaar were created to build the mountains of Gielinor and it was the TokHaar-Mejs' job to "blast (the rock) into a size that the Kets could carry."
TokHaar-Mej in the Fight Cauldron can be killed for TzHaar slayer assignments.
Items are dropped only in the Fight Cauldron, not in the Fight Kiln.
^Shards are automatically picked up after every kill. They appear in the player's inventory upon leaving the Fight Cauldron. If the player dies, they instead only receive half of the shards they obtained.
Universal drops[]
Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.