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TokHaar-Tok-Xil is a TokHaar creature encountered in the Fight Kiln and Fight Cauldron minigames. It is also summoned by TokHaar-Hok in the final battle of The Brink of Extinction. They look similar to the Tok-Xil in the TzHaar Fight Cave, however, they have a higher max hit and more Life Points, and they are weak to crushing weapons rather than slashing. They have low defence, and can easily be killed in as few as two hits by a player with a fairly powerful melee weapon, such as a Chaotic maul.

TokHaar-Tok-Xil in the Fight Cauldron can be killed for TzHaar slayer assignments.


Items are dropped only in the Fight Cauldron, not in the Fight Kiln.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Obsidian shardObsidian shard7Always[1]Not sold
Mithril oreMithril ore30Common5,910
Uncut rubyUncut ruby2Uncommon3,684
Onyx bolt tipsOnyx bolt tips5Rare35,535
Ring of stoneRing of stone1Very rare540,799
  1. ^ Shards are automatically picked up after every kill. They appear in the player's inventory upon leaving the Fight Cauldron. If the player dies, they instead only receive half of the shards they obtained.

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575