RuneScape Wiki

The Tombstone Transcription are received after defeating Grave Creeper in Dungeoneering. As with all the other Dungeon journal drops, it is random when you will receive the drop.


I have transcribed the words written on Grave Creeper's tombstone: 'Here lieth Altus Creeper, grave digger. His riches were bones, and he stole liberally. We ask that you steal his riches with the same abandon. May his grave be toiled, his body spoiled and the worms grow tired of being turned.'

I believe that, by reading the gravestone, I have been gripped by a terrible curse, wasting my body. I can only hope that, by reading this transcription, the curse has been transferred to you. I apologize, reader, but my situation calls for desperate action. Please do not take it personally - Radgund
