RuneScape Wiki
Hatchet head (dragon)
The Dungeoneering toolkit was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.

Toolkit (Dungeoneering) detail

A Toolkit was an item within Daemonheim, sold only by the Smuggler for 1,320 coins. It contained a fly fishing rod, a novite pickaxe, novite hatchet, a vial, a knife, a hammer, 50 feathers, and a tinderbox.

The only real use for this item was convenience; there was no cost benefit to purchasing this item, as the total of all of the items in the kit was 1,319 coins, 1 coin less than the actual toolkit. The items could not be placed back into the kit once it was opened — the kit disappeared, leaving the items contained within it in the player's inventory.

On 15 March 2011, the item was made tradeable.[1] This made it easier for players to provide toolkits for each other. This update also made it possible to put an offer in for it in the Grand Exchange, although this was likely unintended since the item couldn't be taken outside of Daemonheim.

The toolkit was removed on 11 April 2012, when it was replaced with a Dungeoneering tool belt. The new tool belt contains all the items found within the toolkit, apart from the vial and feathers, without the need for inventory space.

