RuneScape Wiki
Tooth creature
Healthy tooth creature
Tooth creature Tooth creature (healthy) Tooth creature (decayed)
Release date 13 May 2010 (Update)
Members Yes
Race Tooth
Source Tooth Fairy
Interface No
37 Summoning
Fairytale III
Food Milk, Chocolatey milk
Colour variations 2
Examine Baby: A baby tooth creature from Zanaris.
Healthy: A healthy tooth creature from Zanaris.
Decayed: A decayed tooth creature from Zanaris.

Tooth creatures are pets obtained from the Tooth fairy after completion of Fairy Tale III - Battle at Orks Rift. After Fairy Tale III, the tooth fairy can be found in the Fairy queen's throne room south of the chicken shrine. You need to bring her 5 special kind of teeth to get the pet:

You will obtain a milk tooth creature. It will grow at a faster rate than normal pets, receiving 3⅓% growth for every time it gets a bit more hungry. Feeding it chocolatey milk instead of regular milk, even if you do it once, will result in a decayed adult creature instead of a healthy one. Feeding it at a pet feeder in a player-owned house menagerie is treated as feeding it regular milk.

If you dismiss it or let it run away, you can get another one for free. You don't have to collect the five teeth again. You can obtain both adult versions by storing your current adult version in the menagerie, then obtaining a second baby creature and raising it using the alternative method. If you don't get it from there try the Taverley Pet shop.

Baby Healthy Decayed
Milk tooth creature chathead
Tooth creature chathead
Tooth creature (decayed) chathead
Baby tooth creature
Healthy tooth creature
Decayed tooth creature



  • When the tooth creature is fully grown, if you feed it chocolatey milk it will not decay.
  • Although stating it wants to eat vegetables, using a cabbage or any other vegetable will have no effect as it only drinks milk.
  • The tooth creature is one of the few followers able to block other NPCs. This can be used as an aid in trapping penguins or in creating safespots, for example.