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The tormented soul is a monster found on Uncharted Isles. It is considered a common resource, and will always be found near a pile of sun-bleached bones, which acts as their spawn point.

Attacking the tormented souls will scale their life points and combative abilities to the player's own combat level.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Chimes 1Chimes2–5CommonNot sold
Amulet of strengthAmulet of strength1Uncommon4,143
Big bonesBig bones1–2 (noted)Uncommon203–406
Mithril arrowMithril arrow5; 8; 10; 13–14Common105–294
Adamant arrowAdamant arrow15Uncommon765
Yew logsYew logs(noted)Unknown835
Maple shortbowMaple shortbow1–2 (noted)Common688–1,376
Yew shortbowYew shortbow1–2 (noted)Uncommon896–1,792
Magic shortbowMagic shortbow(noted)Unknown1,189