RuneScape Wiki

Starting the event[]

Talking to Frank to start the event[]

  • Frank: Hi, hello there, how are you? You wouldn't happen to be one of those adventurer types, would you? Looking for the portal to Death's mansion?
  • Player: Er, hi. Fine, thanks. And I guess you could say that.
  • Frank: Oh, thank Guthix! The Horsemen have been asked to hold a Halloween convention - Deathcon - but there's too much to do and not enough time. Will you help us?
    • (Event noticeboard opens)
      • Start this quest?
        • Yes
          • (Continues below)
        • No

Accepting the quest[]

  • Frank: You'll help us? Great! Here, take this spare lanyard. It'll show that you're event staff, so you won't get hassled by Security.
  • Player: Don't you mean 'security'...with a small 's'?
  • Frank: No, no, he's definitely a big 'S' - he's The Horseman's guard.
  • Frank hands you a Deathcon lanyard.
  • Frank: Right, to get to Deathcon, simply wear or carry your lanyard and head through the citadel portal in the Clan Camp just over the road from here. When you get there, just run west along the path and look at the event noticeboard - that'll tell you what's left to do. Any questions?
    • Who are The Horsemen?
      • Player: Who are The Horsemen?
      • Frank: Oh, we're a clan - Death's the leader. He set the clan up with his other horsemen friends.
      • Player: Which other horsemen friends?
      • Frank: You know, the riders - War, Famine, and Pestilence?
      • Player: Wow, really? Wait, how are you a founder in a clan with those guys?
      • Frank: Well, I'm sure you know the clan scribe won't let you register a clan without five founders...and I just, er, happened to be passing by when Death and co were registering.
      • Player: So, you were just dragged in off the street?
      • Frank: You don't have to put it so bluntly...but pretty much, yeah. But I'm a full member of the clan - I'm in charge of recruitment, see? Did you have any other questions?
        • (Shows previous options)
  • What's this about a convention?
    • Player: What's this about a convention?
    • Frank: Deathcon II! It's a Halloween convention. We'll get all sorts of visitors and stalls, and we're running some events. It should be a blast!
    • Player: Sounds interesting... How come I never heard about Deathcon I?
    • Frank: Oh, well, Death told me there was one of these last year, but it didn't go so well, which is why he asked me to organise this year's show.
    • Player: Really, what happened?
    • Frank: From what I gather, it started off well. It was a small event; Death greeted everyone personally...
    • Player: That does't sound so bad.
    • Frank: shaking their hands.
    • Player: Oh, right...the touch of Death.
    • Frank: Never mind! We've lowered the alert status this year for Deathcon II. Death's decided to keep himself more isolated this year, leaving me in charge of running things - his human liason, I guess. But Death is planning something else for later... Did you have any other questions?
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Where's Death's mansion portal?
    • Player: Where's Death's mansion portal?
    • Frank: Oh, he's closed it off this year. It was too small to hold a convention in for a start, and Death was getting a bit bored of it. Besides, our clan has a citadel now - it's the ideal space in which to hold a convention! That said, he's made the RIP tent something of a home away from home...
    • Player: Wait, I don't need to be part of a clan to go to this convention, do I?
    • Frank: Oh, no, of course not. The only connection to clans is that we're holding the event in our citadel - and that's just because it's got lots of room and looks nice. You won't need to be in a clan for any part of it, but it doesn't matter if you are either.
    • Player: So you're not recruiting people to join The Horsemen, just looking for people to lend a hand?
    • Frank: That's right, but it'll be worth your while, I assure you. Besides, Death only lets other anthromorphic personifications join The Horsemen. You know, the physical embodiment of a universal concept.
    • Player: You're human, though, aren't you?
    • Frank: Well, yes, but I'm just the exception that proves the rule. Did you have any other questions?
      • (Shows previous options)
  • No, I'm good.
    • Player: No, I'm good.
    • Frank: Um, okay, I'll be here if you change your mind.

Talking to Frank after agreeing to help[]

  • Frank: Don't forget, to get to Deathcon, simply wear or carry your lanyard, then use the citadel portal in the Clan Camp just over the road. Did you have any questions?
    • Who are The Horsemen?
      • (Same as above)
    • What's this about a convention?
      • (Same as above)
    • Where's Death's mansion portal?
      • (Same as above)
    • No, I'm good.
      • Player: No, I'm good.
      • Frank: Don't forget, to get to Deathcon, simply wear or carry your lanyard, then use the citadel portal in the Clan Camp just over the road.

Teleporting using the Clan Portal[]

  • Do you wish to travel to Deathcon?
    • Yes, send me there.
      • You enter Deathcon.
    • No, not right now.
      • (Clan Portal dialogue)

Beauty's statues[]

Talking to Beauty[]

  • Beauty: Scusi.
  • Player: Who said that?
  • Beauty: Over here, the statue. Mi chiamo Beauty.
  • Player: You're Beauty? The statue?
  • Beauty: Of coure, mi amore. How else would beauty stay beautiful than to be captured in time, like all my other statues here?
  • Player: You crafted all the statues round here?
  • Beauty: Si, signore, I am The Horseman's artisan. In fact, I'm in need of some help to set up statues for the convention.
  • Player: Maybe I can help. Tell me what we need to do.
  • Beauty: First, we need to pick a statue for each of The Horseman's founders. They're very specific about what they like - what colour and which creature to use.
  • Player: Okay, pick statues - check.
  • Beauty: After that, we have to place the statues on plinths - again, they each have their own request. The plinths are around the welcome area portal, but I'll explain more about that part once we've decided upon which statues we'll be using. Capisce?
  • Player: Yes, I think I understand - pick a statue for each founder, then set them up on the plinths by the welcome portal.
  • Beauty: Andiamo. Whose statue should we pick?
    • Death's
      • Beauty: Ah, well, our lovely leader is an easy one - his favourite colour is green and he likes dragons.
      • Player: That should make it pretty easy to pick his statue.
      • Beauty: Let's see what I have in stock.
        • (Continues below)
    • Famine's
      • Beauty: Now, Famine, our resident chef, he likes the colour black.
      • Player: And what sort of creature?
      • Beauty: Ah, Famine is a strange one. He likes, um, arthropods.
      • Player: Arthropods? That's a bit broad isn't it?
      • Beauty: Si - insects, crustaceans, arachnids - creepies.
      • Player: Yuck, creepy-crawlies. Well, I don't mind lobsters - they're quite tasty! But Famine wants a black arthropod.
      • Beauty: Esatto! So what statue should we pick for him?
        • (Continues below)
  • Frank's
    • Beauty: Oh, Frank's such a nice guy. He really likes elementals - his favourite is the Chaos Elemental, but I don't have one of those. He does like the colour blue, though, so maybe there's something in that?
    • Player: So, a blue elemental of some sort. Blue is a cold colour.
      • (Continues below)
  • Pestilence's
    • Beauty: Right, Pestilence - we call him Pest for short - his favourite colour is white.
    • Player: What sort of creatures does he like?
    • Beauty: Hmm, well, it's not the sort of creature he likes so much as its living status.
    • Player: Okay, what sort of living status?
    • Beauty: Dead. Or rather undead.
    • Player: Okay! So, er, what is Pest's role in the clan?
    • Beauty: Why, he's our medic, of course!
    • Player: Right, yes, of course he would be. Silly question.So, what statue would be best for Pest?
      • (Continues below)
  • War's
    • Beauty: And War, huh, he's good for absolutely nothing...
    • Player: Say that again.
    • Beauty: Oh, never mind. Anyway, his favourite colour is, rather predictably, red. He's always on about the crimson splatter of blood this, and the fire-scorched sky that. I mean, you'd think he had nothing better to do, right?
    • Player: And what does he like?
    • Beauty: Oh, I'd have to go with demonic creatures - warmongers every one of them.
    • Player: So, what statue should we pick for War?
      • (Continues below)

Picking a statue[]

  • Which statue would you like to pick?
    • Skeleton
      • If you are selecting Pestilence's statue: 
        • Beauty: Magnifico! White, undead - a skeleton will be perfect for our little Pest.
          • (Continues below)
      • If you are not selecting Pestilence's statue: 
        • Beauty: Skeletons are undead, and being animated bones are typically white.
          • (Shows previous options)
    • Blue crab
      • Beauty: Blue crabs are crustaceans, which are a type of arthropod.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Waterfiend
      • Beauty: Fiends are a low order of demonic creature, and these being made of water are blue.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Snowy Knight
      • Beauty: The Snowy Knight is a pretty white butterfly, and insects fall under arthropod.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • (Next page)
      • (Previous page)
      • Baby blue dragon
        • Beauty: Well, Death would like even baby dragons, but blue is not his favourite colour.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Crimson clupea
        • Beauty: That's just a red herring, mi amore.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Cockroach
        • Beauty: Cockroaches are arthropods, and are mostly green in colour.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • (Next page)
        • (Previous page)
        • Fire elemental
          • Beauty: An elemental comprised of fire, so that would be a red colour.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Red dragon
          • Beauty: Red dragons would suit Death, but War prefers that colour more.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Demon warlord
          • If you are selecting War's statue: 
            • Beauty: Perfetto! A demon warlord for War, you couldn't find something more appropriate.
              • (Continues below)
          • If you are not selecting War's statue: 
            • Beauty: Like many demons, warlords tend to be red.
              • (Shows previous options)
        • (Next page)
          • (Previous page)
          • Ghost
            • Beauty: Ghosts are undead...well, maybe just dead... Anyway, they do come in many colours, but most I've seen were blue, so that's how I sculpt them.
              • (Shows previous options)
          • Green dragon
            • If you are selecting Death's statue: 
              • ​Beauty: Bene, that would do it. For the man who likes dragons and the colour green: a green dragon!
                • (Continues below)
            • If you are not selecting Death's statue: 
              • Beauty: What can you say about a green dragon that the name doesn't already?
                • (Shows previous options)
          • Nature impling
            • Beauty: Nature implings are mostly green, and some might say, er...cute? A very low order of demon, too..
              • (Shows previous options)
          • (Next page)
            • (Previous page)
            • Giant spider
              • If you are selecting Famine's statue: 
                • ​Beauty: Si, that would fit the bill. Spiders are arachnids, and many of the giant kind are jet black in colour.
                  • (Continues below)
              • If you are not selecting Famine's statue: 
                • Beauty: Giant spiders tend to be mostly black. Being arachnids, Famine would like them.
                  • (Shows previous options)
            • Ice demon
              • Beauty: These chilly demons are a sort of blue-white colour, depending on the light.
                • (Shows previous options)
        • Scorpion
          • Beauty: Scorpions are arthropods, and tend to be mostly red in colour.
            • (Shows previous options)
    • (Next page)
      • (Previous page)
      • Earth elemental
        • Beauty: Earth elementals tend to have earthy colours, like greens, browns and rocky greys.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • King Black dragon
        • Beauty: Ah, the king of the dragons: he has jet black skin...and three heads!
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Shade
        • Beauty: Shades are undead creatures of sorts, and have a shadowy black hue.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • (Next page)
        • (Previous page)
        • Frost dragon
          • Beauty: Frost dragons are predominantly white, but that's not Death's favourite colour, and only he would want a dragon.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Abyssal demon
          • Beauty: Abyssal demons are mostly black, though they have hints of other colours too.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Aberrant spectre
          • Beauty: Spectres are classed as undead, with these aberrant ones having an ugly green colour.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Glacor
          • If you are selecting Frank's statue: 
            • Beauty: Oh, Frank will love this. He's never seen a glacor with his own eyes.
              • (Continues below)
          • ​If you are not selecting Frank's statue: 
            • Beauty: Glacors are a rare type of ice elemental, and have a blue colouring.
              • (Same as above)

After selecting the correct statue for a horseman[]

  • If you have yet to select more than one correct statue: 
    • Beauty: Andiamo. Whose statue should we pick?
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for Death: 
        • Death's
          • (Same as above)
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for Famine: 
        • Famine's
          • (Same as above)
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for Frank: 
        • Frank's
          • (Same as above)
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for Pestilence: 
        • Pestilence's
          • (Same as above)
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for War: 
        • War's
          • (Same as above)
  • ​If you have yet to select exactly one correct statue: 
    • Beauty: Just one more statue to pick...
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for Death: 
        • Death's
          • (Same as above)
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for Famine: 
        • Famine's
          • (Same as above)
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for Frank: 
        • Frank's
          • (Same as above)
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for Pestilence: 
        • Pestilence's
          • (Same as above)
      • If you have yet to select the correct statue for War: 
        • War's
          • (Same as above)
  • ​If you have selected all correct statues: 
    • Beauty: Right, that's a statue picked for each of the founders. Now, to cover their placement!
    • Player: Yeah, so how do I put these statues up, then?
    • Beauty: First off, you'll want to head over to the five plinths around the welcome portal to the east. Then you'll need to place a statue on each of them to suit the founders' requests.
    • Player: What requests are they?
    • Beauty: Death wants his statue to be in the most prominent position - he is the clan's central figure, after all! War wants his on one of the two plinths nearest to the battlefield entrance over to the west. Frank just doesn't want his statue on either end, but rather next to Death's. He likes to feel like he's a proper part of the clan, not just here to make up the numbers. Famine's asked for his tatue to not be next to Pestilence's - he thinks you humans get him and Pest mixed up. Finally, Pestilence would like his statue to be close to the citadel, but not next to Death's statue. He didn't say why, though.
    • Player: I think I got all that. I'll head over there and set them up.
    • Beauty: Pop back here once  you have and I'll check they look okay.
    • Player: Will do.

Placing a statue on a plinth[]

  • Whose statue do you want to place here?
    • Death's.
      • You place the chosen statue on the plinth.
    • Famine's.
      • You place the chosen statue on the plinth.
    • Frank's.
      • You place the chosen statue on the plinth.
    • Pestilence's.
      • You place the chosen statue on the plinth.
    • War's.
      • You place the chosen statue on the plinth.

Checking the statues[]

  • Beauty: Let's check your statues...
    • If Death's statue is placed correctly: 
      • Beauty: Death's dragon statue is correct.
        • (Continues below)
    • If Famine's statue is placed correctly: 
      • Beauty: Famine will be happy with his spider statue there.
        • (Continues below)
    • If Frank's statue is placed correctly: 
      • Beauty: That's a good place for Frank's glacor statue.
        • (Continues below)
    • If Pestilence's statue is placed correctly: 
      • Beauty: Pest's skeleton statue looks great lounging there.
        • (Continues below)
    • If War's statue is placed correctly: 
      • Beauty: War's demon statue is in a good place.
        • (Continues below)

After naming all correctly placed statues[]

  • If at least one statue is placed correctly and any others are not: 
    • Beauty: The others don't seem right yet, though.
    • Player: Yeah, so how do I put these statues up, then?
      • (Same as above)
  • ​If all statues are placed correctly: 
    • (Transcript missing. edit)

Infinity's dance floor sequence[]

Talking to Infinity for the first time[]

  • Player: Hello there, giant spider thing.
  • Infinity: 'Lo.
  • Player: Can I ask what your name is?
  • Infinity: 'Finity.
  • Player: So you're Infinity?
  • Infinity: 'S wot I said.
  • Player: I've heard you need a hand setting something up in the party room?
  • Infinity: Yup. Dance floor. Needs pattern.
  • Player: How do I do that?
  • Infinity hands you an instruction manual.
  • Infinity: Take instructions. Read the manual. Pattern sequencing.
  • Player: Right, so you just want me to read these instructions and fix your dance floor?
  • Infinity: Yup. Say when done.
  • Player: Charming.

Talking to Infinity after agreeing to help[]

  • Player: Infinity?
  • Infinity: S'up?
    • Could I get another dance floor manual?
    • I'm not sure what I'm doing.
    • Could you reset the dance floor please?
    • Could you help me solve it?
    • Could you check my dance floor pattern?
      • Player: Could you check my dance floor pattern?
        • If your dance flor pattern is incorrect: 
          • Infinity: ​X tiles right. Rest wrong.
        • If your dance floor pattern is correct: 
          • Infinity: Pumpkin!
          • Player: Oh, I guess I got it right!
          • Player: There you go. One dance floor pattern sequenced.
          • Infinity: Thanks.
          • Player: Did you only need the one sequence doing?
          • Infinity: Yup. Got it now. I'll do rest.
          • Player: So I'm done here?
          • Infinity: All done. Good 'un.
          • Player: Okay, bye.
          • Infinity: Later.

Checking the dance floor pattern[]

  • Player: Could you check my dance floor pattern?
    • (Same as above)

Frank's fireworks[]

Talking to Frank[]

  • Frank: It's good to see you again, Player. How have you been getting on?
  • Player: I'm doing okay, I guess.
    • If you set up statues for Beauty: 
      • Player: I helped Beauty to set up some statues around the welcome portal.
      • Frank: Yes, I saw her on my way in. I think you've made a friend there.
        • (Continues below)
    • If you sequenced the dance floor for Infinity: 
      • Player: I fixed the dance floor in the party room for Infinity.
      • Frank: Great, that'll be needed for the after party. Nice one.
      • Player: She's not a chatty one, though, is she?
      • Frank: No, I guess not. Spiders aren't exactly known for being great conversationalists! But don't mistake her curtness for rudeness, though. She may not be a big talker, but she's very loyal to her clanmates.
      • Player: I'll try to remember that.
        • (Continues below)
  • Player: Anyway, what are you doing up here on the roof?
  • Frank: Aha! I'm glad you asked! I'm setting up some fireworks for a display. At least, that's what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm not so good with explosions, loud noises or heights.
  • Player: I guess that comes from being in a clan whose founders could start an apocalypse at any moment.
  • Frank: What? Oh no, those guys are great. I'm just a worrier; it runs in my family.
  • Player: So how are you setting up fireworks up here?
  • Frank: Ah, I've roped in Horses! But I could always use another helper.
    • You're using horses?
    • What's with the chicken?
    • What are you trying to do?
    • I'll help you out.
      • Player: I'll help you out.
      • Frank: Great! Right, I've trained my pet chicken, Horses, to respond to voice commands...but I think he's sensing my nervousness from being up here and he isn't really responding to me. Maybe you'll have better luck; he seems to have taken a shine to you.
      • Player: Okay, what do I have to do?
      • Frank: Well, just say when you're ready and you can assume direct control. Bear in mind that Horses moves a little...funny. He won't just go to just anywhere you tell him. I don't know if you've ever played chess, but he moves in an L-shape like the horses in that game. He can't fly over obstacles, because he's a he's still a little bit on fire. Once you get the hang of it, direct him to where each of the four fireworks are. If you want to stop before setting off all the fireworks, just give me a shout or head for the stairs. There are four fireworks to test. So, are you ready to direct Horses to set off the fireworks?
        • Are you ready?
          • Yes.
            • You enter the fireworks testing area.
          • No.

Directing Horses[]

While Horses is away from the fireworks testing area[]

  • Horses: Bwuck!

As Horses waits for instructions[]

  • Horses: Bwuck?

Towards Death[]

  • Player: Horses: Death
  • Horses: BWUCK!
  • Horses moves in the specified direction.

Towards Famine[]

  • Player: Horses: Famine
  • Horses: BWUCK!
  • Horses moves in the specified direction.

Towards Pestilence[]

  • Player: Horses: Pestilence
  • Horses: BWUCK!
  • Horses moves in the specified direction.

Towards War[]

  • Player: Horses: War
  • Horses: BWUCK!
  • Horses moves in the specified direction.

Preparing to leave the area[]

  • Frank: Do you want to leave?
    • Yes.
      • You leave the fireworks testing area.
    • No.

After setting off all four fireworks[]

  • Frank: Hey, Player, thanks for helping me and Horses out there.
  • Player: You're welcome. Do you know what else there is to do around here?
    • If you have yet to place all statues for Beauty: 
      • Frank: Beauty is at her stall right near the welcome portal. I know she needs a hand with something still too.
        • (Continues below)
    • If you have yet to sequence the dance pattern for Infinity: 
      • (Transcript missing. edit)
        • (Continues below)
  • Frank: Don't forget the little 'event' Death's planning - check The Horsemen's event noticeboard for more details.

Returning to Death[]

Interacting with Muncher[]

  • Muncher may say any one of the following:  
    • Muncher: *bark*, *bark*, *bark*
    • Muncher: *grrr*

Talking to Death[]

  • Death: Ah, it's you, Player. I wondered if you'd show up to lend a hand again this Halloween. I hope you've been enjoying the sights of Deathcon II, or at least admiring The Horsemen's clan citadel. It's bigger than my mansion; even with the rest of the clan helping out, I'm going through more butlers than ever.
  • Player: Um, yes, it's very...appropriate?
  • Death: From what some of my Horseman clanmates have told me, you've made yourself most useful.
  • Player: I've been keeping busy.
  • Death: Indeed, and in return you should be rewarded.
Congratulations! Event complete!