Episode 1: For Your Ice Only[]
See Snow Imp (Christmas 2015) Dialogue.
Attempting to cook at the range
- Player: I should be looking for [Snow imp] and I'm pretty sure he's not in here.
Attempting to open a present without a label
- Player: These presents smell weird and they aren't mine. It's best that I don't open them.
Attempting to open a present labelled with an alternative snow imp name
- Player: For [Snow imp]? Doesn't ring a bell. I don't think I should open it.
Attempting to open a present with a label for a prominent NPC
- Player: For [NPC]? I really don't think I should open that.
Your own present[]
- Finding the label with the player's name
- Player: That one is for me? Ooh, that's nice! Now, should I open it yet or...?
- Yes
- You unwrap the present... Suddenly something whacks you around the head with force and you pass out.
- Screen fades to black. The player awakens at Daemonheim.
- Player: Uurgh, my head hurts! What happened?
- Fremennik Shipmaster: Ah, you're coming around! We saw this giant present float this way, wash ashore and tip over. You fell out of it, out cold. Glad to see you're still alive!
- Before completing the quest
- Player: I have no idea what that was about. As much as it pains me, I should go back to the iceberg and keep looking for [Snow imp].
- After completing the quest
- Player: Urgh, so that's what happened to [Snow imp]. I should go back to the iceberg and save Christmas!
- No
Speaking to the Fremmenik Shipmaster
- Player: Have you noticed that iceberg?
- Fremennik Shipmaster: Ah, that! Yes, we have. We've got sharp eyes. It's covered in presents, but we don't know how to get there. We sent a letter to Santa to ask him if it was for us. We've never heard back from him, although a present did turn up... And you were in it. We're not sure what to think of that... Did you want that lift?
- Regular chat options
Your snow imp's present[]
- Player: For [Snow imp]. [Snow imp]? That's my snow imp buddy! I wonder what happened to him?
- Open the present?
- Yes
- If the player got their snow imp in 2009 or earlier
- Player: [Snow imp]? I got you buddy! Let's open this!
- If 2010 or later
- Player: [Snow imp]? I'm going to get you out! Let's open this!
- Screen fades out and cutscene starts.
- You unwrap the present.
- Snow imp: Ow Ow... Me head! Who's there? What's happenin?
- Player: [Snow imp]! Are you ok?
- Snow imp: Player? Is that you? I must be dreaming... Am I dead?
- Player: No, no, you're alive! Let's get you out of this box and you can tell me what happened!
- Imp escapes from present.
- Snow imp: You saved me, Player!
- If the player got their snow imp in 2009 or earlier
- Player: It was the least I could do for my best friend!
- If 2010 or later
- Player: It was nothing!
- If the player got their snow imp in 2009 or earlier
- Player: So, tell me, [Snow imp]. What happened to you?
- If the player got the ice amulet in 2008
- Snow imp: Before I start, lemme give ya yer ice amulet back. Here it is. Summon me and we can continue our chat.
- Otherwise
- Snow imp: Before I start, lemme give ya this. It's an ice amulet dat's been enchanted so it don't melt. If ya wear it, ya can use it to summon me. Yeah, let's do dis. Summon me wiv yer amulet and we can continue our chat.
- If the player got the ice amulet in 2008
- Snow imp: Also, should ya eva lose it, ya can always come back ta dis pressie to get it back. Ok? Now put it around yer neck and summon me!
- Screen fades out and cutscene ends.
- If the player got their snow imp in 2009 or earlier
- No
- Yes
Summoning your snow imp[]
- Snow imp: So we's got told about some pressies on a big ice lump.
- Player: Who told you?
- Snow imp: Well, we got a few letters ta Santa from 'em guys wiv horned hats on that rock ova dere. They were saying thankies for all der pressies, how do we get ta dem? We was like, pressies? We don't know about no pressies on a lump of ice. It's not us. So I went ta check it out. I teleported here, and I saw der lodestone for adventurers to use, and I fort dat it was a bit weird. Pressies had names on, I had a look, for important people, but for us imps too. Found mine. But before I had decided what to do, der box opened and I was whacked in it. Den I went all sleepy.
- Player: I see. So we've got to be on our guards, then. I was told that Jack Frost came looking for you and he too didn't come back.
- Snow imp: Prince Jack? Noes! We 's gotta find him before der Queen of Snow comes looking fer him.
- Player: Too late. Her and Santa also went missing.
- Snow imp: Dem too? Player, we's gotta do sumfink about it! We needs ta look fer dem. Nows! Let's explore.
- Player: You're right. Let's find Jack and get to the bottom of this.
Speaking to the snow imp again
- Snow imp: Let's look for Prince Jack, Player!
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: He is somewhere on dis lump of ice, I can feel his frost.
- See below options
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: He must be somewhere on dat lump of ice ya found me on.
- Player:
- Ok!
- Later, maybe
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
- Attempting to enter the east side of the iceberg without the snow imp summoned
- Player: I have an ominous feeling. I shouldn't explore the iceberg without having [Snow imp] by my side.
- Ignoring the ominous feeling and attempt to cook at the nearby range anyway
- Player: I doubt Prince Jack is hiding in there.
It's a trap![]
- Snow imp: I guess Prince Jack must be dat way. Wait, what's dis? Is dat a... Cookin' range?
- Player: Watch out! We're surrounded!
- Penguins appear
- Being able to understand penguins
- Penguin: Your time of meddling is over, human! Seize them!
- Player: No, wait! I'm sure we can solve this amicably!
- Penguin: What are you doing here?
- Snow imp: I came to see da illegal pressies. Dem Christmas pressies dat we imps didn't pack, ya see?
- Penguin: And the human?
- Player: When [Snow imp], Jack Frost, the Queen of Snow and Santa went missing, I was sent to get them back.
- Penguin: So others know you are here?
- Snow imp: Aye, and they's all gonna come and meddle if you don't let us all go!
- Penguin: This is very concerning. We can't let that happen. The Pinch will not be happy. Perhaps we could negotiate the release of one of your friends for a price.
- Player: What price?
- Player: No, we will never negotiate with naughty penguins!
- Penguin: Seize them!
- Snow imp: Noes! Wait! What price?
- Penguin: ...
- Penguin: ...
- Penguin: ... A feast! News of your Christmas feasts have reached even us. An army marches on its stomach...
- Player: Army?
- Penguin: Army? A typo. I meant a penguin. A penguin slides on its stomach.
- Player: But how do you typo while talk-
- Penguin: SILENCE! Summon aid if you must, and prepare us a feast. Only then we will release one of your friends. After that, you will leave immediately.
- Player: We'll see about that...
- Snow imp: We's accept! Player, let's show dem.
- Screen fades out and in, penguins are gone
- Being unable to understand penguins
- Penguin: Awk, Awk! Awk, Awk!
- Player: What?
- Snow imp: He says you's gotta stop messin' around here.
- Penguin: Awk, Awk!
- Snow imp: Seize us!?
- Player: What? No, wait! I'm sure we can solve this amicably!
- Penguin: Awk Awk AwkAwk?
- Snow imp: I came to see da illegal pressies. Dem Christmas pressies dat we imps didn't pack, ya see? He's askin' us whot we's doin' there.
- Player: When Imp, Jack Frost, the Queen of Snow, and Santa went missing, I was sent to get them back.
- Penguin: Awk awk awkawk awk awkawk awk?
- Snow imp: Aye, and they's all gonna come and meddle if you don't let us all go!
- Penguin: Awk awkawk awkawk awkawk awk awk awkawk awk. Awk awkawk awk awk awkawk awk.
- Snow imp: He says da fact dat all our friends could turn up to save us is a problem. He could free a pris'ner for a price.
- Player: What price?
- Player: No, we will never negotiate with naughty penguins!
- Penguin: Awk awk
- Snow imp: Noes! Wait! What price?
- Penguin: ...
- Penguin: ...
- Penguin: ... Awk awkawk awkawk awk awkawk awk awk awk. Awkawk awk awk awkawk awk awkawk.
- Snow imp: Food. He wants a feastie for his army.
- Player: Army?
- Penguin: Awk! Awk awk!
- Snow imp: Penguins. He means penguins. Dey don't get ta celebrate Christmas, I guess. A'right! We accept! Player, let's show dem.
Trying to cook at the range without a snow imp summoned
- Player: I should probably ask the snow imps how they would like me to help before I dive straight into cooking.
Speaking to the snow imp
- Snow imp: Right, we's got ta cook.
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: I brought me buddies ta help. Let's go and ask dem.
- See below options
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: We gotta go back to da ice lump and talk ta me buddies dere.
- Player:
- Ok!
- Later, maybe
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
Cooking up a storm[]
- Snow imp: Hey, wazzup! We's the feastie cookin' team! You's gotta help us!
- Player: What do I do?
- At the Cooking station
- Snow imp: Ya gotta cook what I tell ya when I tell ya using dis range here. Although ya need to show me ya can do it first before I'll let ya get Cookin XP from it. Ya also gotta taste what he tells ya when he tells ya. Although ya need to show him ya can do it first before he'll let ya get Defence XP from it. When ya's done both, der penguins will be happy and will free someone!
- At the Tasting station
- Snow imp: Ya gotta taste what I tell ya when I tell ya. Although ya need to show me ya can do it first before I'll let ya get defence xp from it. Ya also gotta cook what he tells ya when he tells ya using dat range ova dere. Although ya need to show him ya can do it first before he'll let ya get cookin xp from it. When ya's done both, der penguins will be happy and will free someone!
- At the Cooking station
Cooking completed[]
- Being able to understand penguins
- Penguin: You've served us well. What you seek is in these presents. Then get out of here.
- Player: Let's see what we find, shall we?
- Being unable to understand penguins
- Penguin: Awk awk awk. Awk awk awk awkawk awk. Awk awk.
- Snow imp: He says we's done well and what we's lookin for is in one of dese pressies. Den he said ta get out of 'is face.
- Player: Out of his face?
- Snow imp: Aw, ok, he just said to leave.
- Player: Let's see what we find, shall we?
Speaking to snow imp
- Snow imp: We's done it! Let's open dat present in da corner!
- Player:
- Ok!
- Later, maybe
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya!
- Imp teleports away
- Player:
Finding Jack Frost[]
- Opening the nearby present
- You open the present...
- Jack Frost: Uurgh... My head...
- If the player opened their present earlier
- Player: I know, I've been there.
- If the player opened their present earlier
- Snow imp: Join da club!
- Jack Frost: So what's the deal here? I heard Imp went missing, and when I arrived, I got whacked around the head. What's that about?
- Player: The penguins are behind this. They captured [Snow imp], you, the Queen of Snow and Santa.
- Jack Frost: Hey, does that mean I'm free for the holidays?
- If previous Christmas events have been participated in
- Snow imp: Ya should treat yer parents wiv a bit more respect, mefinks.
- Jack Frost: Like they care! Who are you to tell me what to do?
- Snow imp: Of course dey care. And I care, and I'm yer friend. I care for ya, and I care for dem. So we need ta free dem, and ye're going ta HELP. Nuff said.
- Otherwise
- Player: I... Guess? Wait, no,
- Player: I've got to find them before it's too late. The only difference is whether you choose to help [Snow imp] and me or not.
- Jack Frost: Ok. I better help, then. We'll probably need to come up with a plan. Until then we might as well loot some of these presents at my feet.
Post-Quest Dialogue[]
- Snow imp: Hey, wazzup! We's the feastie cookin' team! You's gotta help us!
- Player: What do I do?
- At the Cooking station
- Snow imp: Ya can taste what I tell ya when I tell ya. Ya'll get Defence XP from it. Ya also can cook what he tells ya when he tells ya using dat range ova dere. Ya'll get Cookin XP from it.
- At the Tasting station
- Snow imp: Ya can cook what I tell ya when I tell ya using dis range here. Ya'll get Cookin XP from it. Ya also can taste what he tells ya when he tells ya. Ya'll get Defence XP from it.
- At the Cooking station
- Player: Ok!
Episode 2: Live and Let Slide[]
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Now dat we's found Prince Jack, we gotta think of a plan ter free da Queen o' Snow. Maybe Prince Jack got some ideas?
- See below options
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Player, we's still got ter save da Queen o' Snow and Santa. We should go back to da ice lump.
- Player:
- Ok!
- Later, maybe
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
Making Ice Skates[]
Speaking to Jack Frost
- Player: Hey Jack, how about we come up with a plan to find your parents?
- Jack Frost: Right now we can't access the next level of the iceberg. I can fix that, I think, but we need to decide what to do once we're up there. There's gotta be something I can do to with ice to disrupt these penguins.
- Without a snow imp summoned
- Player: A sheet of ice? Would that distract them?
- Jack Frost: Might do, but would they be distracted enough that we'd have time to free Mum and Dad?
- Player: Probably not. I wonder if Imp would have any better ideas. I should summon him.
- With a snow imp summoned
- Snow imp: Don't dey like sliding? Mebbe ya could ice da place ter give dem something to slide on?
- Player: That sounds like fun! How about some kind of ice rink?
- Jack Frost: Yeah, I've done that before.
- If the player participated in the 2008 Christmas event
- Player: And I remember it. This time I'd appreciate a way to pick which way I'm going.
- Otherwise
- Player: Do I get to try? Will I have a way to pick which way I'm going?
- Snow imp: Ice skates? Yeah! Den ya lure dem on der ice and watch dem fall ova!
- Jack Frost: It's crazy enough that it might just work. We've not got much to lose so let's try it out. Ok, so here's the plan. I'll make some ice steps, then meet you up there. Meanwhile, you go and make a pair of ice skates.
- Player: How?
- Jack Frost: I dunno. Maybe stick a couple of iron battleaxes on a pair of leather boots?
- Player: ... Really?
- Jack Frost: Why not? You don't know unless you try... Let's do this! See ya!
Speaking to snow imp
- Snow imp: How's dose ice skates coming along, Player?
- Player: What was I supposed to use to make them already?
- Snow imp: I fink Prince Jack said two iron battleaxes and some levver boots.
- Player: Two iron battleaxes and some leather boots. Ok.
- Thanks!
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
Using two iron battleaxes on a pair of leather boots
- As you observe an iron battleaxe to see if it would be of any use, you notice the blade is uncannily suitable.
- Player: Well, I never...
- You combine the items into a not too shabby-looking pair of ice skates.
Speaking to the snow imp
- Snow imp: Nows ya got der skates, we should go back ta Prince Jack!
- Player:
- Ok!
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
- Player:
Speaking to any penguin near Jack Frost
- Penguin: Leave this place.
- Penguin: You're not supposed to be here. Go away.
Speaking to Jack Frost
- Jack Frost: Oh, it worked?
- Player: Of course, I'm a professional!
- Player: It took a bit of creative thinking.
- Snow imp: He/She smashed most of da small blade off on da ground, then bashed the rest in der heel of der boot sole till it stuck, den he/she broke der rest of der handle off and wrapped der laces around der lot ta hold!
- Jack Frost: Brilliant. I'm going to keep the skates here and you can have them any time you want to skate. Your job now is to go on the rink and skate so well that the penguins try and join you. When they get there, they'll hopefully fall over on the ice and once they're all gone, we can quickly look for Ma and Da. You'll have to mind out for the penguins when they've fallen, don't go tripping over them. Also keep an eye out for lighter patches which I expect will be too slippery even with your skates.
- Start Ice Skating?
- Yes.
- With have boots equipped
- Jack Frost: I can't put your ice skates on you while you are wearing stuff on your feet!
- With a follower
- Jack Frost: Followers aren't allowed on the ice rink in case they fall over. Please dismiss it and then talk to me again.
- With have boots equipped
- No.
- Jack Frost: Let me know if you want to skate again.
- Can you remind me how to skate?
- Jack Frost: Easy! Go round, enjoy yourself. Just mind the fallen penguins, don't go tripping over them and keep an eye out for lighter patches which I expect will be too slippery even with your skates. You'll get Agility XP for it.
- Yes.
Speaking to the snow imp
- Snow imp: Skate skate skate!
- Player:
- Ok!
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
- Player:
Ice Skating[]
Speaking to Jack Frost every time a penguin guard leaves the present
- Jack Frost: Three penguins left! The strategy is working, just skate some more!
- Jack Frost: Two penguins left! I can't believe they're falling for this!
- Player: Literally!
- Jack Frost: One penguin left!
- Jack Frost: They've left the presents unguarded! You'd better go check them.
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: We's done it Player! Let's free der Queen o' Snow!
- See below options
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and free der Queen o' Snow!
- Player:
- Ok!
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
Saving the Queen of Snow[]
Opening the present near Jack Frost
- You open the present...
- Queen of Snow: Oh... My... My head is spinning. I... was looking for Jack and...
- Player: You've been kidnapped by penguins.
- Jack Frost: But don't worry, Ma, we've got this. [Snow imp] and Player freed me and we all came to your rescue.
- Snow imp: Yep! And now we's gonna snow up deir sorry faces. Wiv snowballs.
- Queen of Snow: Now that you and Jack are safe, wouldn't we be better off minding our own business and going home?
- Jack Frost: Ma... They've got Da, too.
- Queen of Snow: Nick? Oh, in that case, we've got to do something about that.
- Snow imp: Snowbaaaaaaalls!!! Faces!!!!
- Queen of Snow: Maybe that's what it will take, but we need to think this carefully. Meanwhile, Player probably deserves a present.
- Jack Frost: Yeah, just pick one of those. I'm sure it's fine.
- Queen of Snow: Jack! They're not ours!
- Jack Frost: Chill, Ma. Player, take that one on top. Packed it myself. It's fine.
Episode 3: License to Chill[]
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Let's have a chat wiv der Queen to see what ta do next!
- See below options
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and talk der Queen o' Snow!
- Player:
- Ok!
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
Building Snowmen[]
Speaking to the Queen of Snow
- Queen of Snow: We need to find a way to free Nick. I presume he's higher up on the iceberg. I see some penguins patrolling the next level. They'll need dealing with before we can move on.
- Player: Any ideas how?
- Snow imp: Snowbaaaaaaalls!!! Faces!!!!
- Player: Oh, yes, snowballs, I remember now!
- Queen of Snow: I've mulled it over, and I've come up with this strategy. There's only so many snowballs the few of us can throw. But with your help, I can make snow warriors to help us in this fight!
- Snow imp: Yeah! Ya bring on der snowmen!
- Player: I like making snowmen!
- Queen of Snow: Then it's settled! I'll meet you up there, Player, then we'll make animated snowmen. Meanwhile, I'll delegate the access to the next level to my dear son.
- Jack Frost: Deal. Let me make you some steps to get up there, then!
Speaking to the Queen of Snow on the third level of the iceberg
- Queen of Snow: Ah, Player! The penguins seemed to have moved to the next level for now. It should give us plenty of time to make a few snowmen to take on them. I've discovered three suitable piles of snow, ready to be turned into our snow army. All you have to do is to build them, and they will animate. Once they are ready, we can make a move.
- Snow imp: Snowbaaaaaaalls!
- Player: Ok!
While making snowmen
- If you speak to Imp
- Snow imp: Hey, Player! Let's build some snowmen, yeah? Only <x> left.
- If you speak to the Queen of Snow
- Queen of Snow: You've still got <x> snowmen left to build.
After the snowmen are made
- Queen of Snow: They're all ready! Thank you. Now we're ready to proceed. I'm going to order them to attack. If they start taking hits, you can keep them alive by pelting them with snowballs. I've enchanted this snowdrift here to give you up to 100 snowballs every time you interact with it. Of course you can also use those snowballs to pelt anything that comes along yourself! Are you ready?
- Player: Yes
- Queen of Snow: Then let's go!
- Player: No.
- Queen of Snow: That's fine. Talk to me when you are.
- Player: Yes
- If you speak to Imp before starting the fight
- Snow imp: Snowmen, done! let's have a chat wiv der Queen to see what ta do next!
Fighting the Penguins[]
- Queen of Snow: It's a... Snowverload? Player, you better stay away from it and let the snowmen get it low on health. When it's almost dead, lure it towards me and I'll finish him off! It can only be successfully defeated by throwing snowballs at it.
Speaking to the Queen of Snow again
- Queen of Snow: We're under attack! Get him low on health, then attract him to me by pelting him with snowballs!
- If you speak to Imp
- Snow imp: Der snowmen! Let's pelt 'em wiv snowballs!
Speaking to the Queen of Snow when Snowverload has low health
- Queen of Snow: He's almost defeated! Bring him to me by pelting him with snowballs and I'll finish him off!
Upon defeating Snowverload
- Queen of Snow: (In-game) We've done it!
- If you lost any snowmen during the fight
- Queen of Snow: Just in case, you'll need to rebuild <x> snowmen before we start
After the fight
- Queen of Snow: Oh, Player, that fight was inspired. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting them to send a Snowverload, but you handled the fight admirably. These penguins are resourceful. Oh, look!
- Being able to understand penguins
- Penguin (left): Aaaw, shoot.
- Penguin (right): The boss is going to be positively peeved.
- Penguin (left): I can already imagine him. You're a failure! No fish for you! No Christmas for you! We'll send you to the Chaos Elemental!!!
- Penguin (right): ...
- Penguin (left): He's right behind me, isn't he?
- General Pinchkin: Mocking your superior? Disgraceful! No fish for you! What happened to our Secret Defence Weapon?
- Penguin (right): D-disabled by intruders, Sir!
- General Pinchkin: Disabled? Disabled! No fish for you! Intruders? Get them! We can't have all that meddling so close to plan completion!
- Being unable to understand penguins
- Penguin: Awk awk...
- Queen of Snow: Look! They're despairing!
- Penguin: Awk awkawk awk awkawk awk awk.
- Queen of Snow: He says the boss is going to be peeved.
- Penguin: Awk Awk. Awkawk! Awk awk awk awk! Awk awkawk awk awk awk! Awk awk awk awkawk awk awkkwakwkakwa!!!
- Queen of Snow: He seems to be... imitating his boss? Does the boss really sends failing lackeys to the Chaos Elemental?
- Penguin: ...
- Queen of Snow: Who's right behind him...
- Penguin: Awk awk awkawk awkawk awk?
- Queen of Snow: ...Aaand he's just realised!
- General Pinchkin: Awkawkawk awk awkawk? Awkawkawk! Awk awk awk awk! Awkawk awk awk Awk Awkawk Awk?
- Queen of Snow: They're in big trouble. Boss's asking about some Secret weapon.
- Penguin: Awkawk awk awkawk, awk!
- Queen of Snow: Must have been their snowman which we've just taken care of.
- General Pinchkin: Awkawk? Awkawk! Awk awk awk awk! Awkawk? Awkawk! Awkawk awk awk awkawk awk awkawk!
- Queen of Snow: Oh, oh dear. We're in trouble! Hopefully our snowmen will help!
- Being able to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: Do I have to do EVERYTHING myself?
- Being unable to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awk awk AWKAWKAWK awkawk?
- Queen of Snow: Looks like he ran out of flunkeys to send our way and is coming down himself...
- Snow imp: Snowbaaaaaaall tiiiiiime!
- When the two penguins are defeated
- Being able to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: (pelted) Hey! (pelted) No! (pelted) Stop it! (pelted) Awwww!
- Being unable to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: (pelted) Awk! (pelted) Awk! (pelted) Awk awk! (pelted) Awwww!
- Being able to understand penguins
- Queen of Snow: I think it was their leader we just incapacitated. With luck, you should be free to climb to the top of the iceberg and find Nick! I'll make you some steps.
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Da path ta der top of der ice lump is open, Player! Let's find Santa and save Christmas!
- See below options
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and look fer Santa!
- Player:
- Ok!
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
Speaking to General Pinchkin
- Being able to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: This is most embarassing. I REFUSE to talk. ...Although I would be grateful if you got me away from the edge of this slope.
- Being unable to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awkawkawk. Awk awkawk awk. Awkawk awkawkawk awk awk awkawk awk awkawk awk awk awkawk awk awk
- Snow imp: He's well annoyed! He's not talkin to us. But he'd like us ta push him down der slope!
- General Pinchkin: Awk!! Awk
- Snow imp: Oh ok! He said to push him AWAY from der slope.
- If you push Pinchkin away from the slope
- Player: There. Hope you're happy.
- Being able to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: Thank you. I still refuse to talk.
- Being unable to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: Awk awkawk awk
- Snow imp: He's relieved, but he's still not talkin'.
Saving Santa[]
Speaking to the Queen of Snow before speaking to Santa, after the present is opened
- Queen of Snow: You found Nick? Oh thank you, Player! I suppose we should get to the bottom of this whole operation before heading home. Maybe Nick can help with that. Meanwhile, we can still use my snowmen to fight back against the penguins. They're enchanted but they still need putting together. If you could assist me with building them, they'll come alive and start to attack the penguins and you'll gain some experience in Construction and combat. And if a Snowverload attacks again, don't forget to bring him to me when he's low on health.
Speaking to the snow imp before speaking to Santa, after the present is opened
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Woop woop! We've saved Santa! We should check on 'im, mefinks.
- See below options
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and check on Santa!
- Player:
- Ok!
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya! (Imp is dismissed)
Speaking to Santa Claus
- You open the present...
- Santa Claus: Ho ho hoooowww... My head doesn't feel so jolly!
- Player: Where's the anti-headache potion when you need one?
- Snow imp: Santaaaa! We's done it! We's saved der day!
- Santa Claus: Ho ho! If it isn't [Snow imp]! You came to the rescue?
- Snow imp: We all did! Player, Prince Jack, der Queen o' Snow, and meself!
- Santa Claus: Jack and Lumi too? They're safe? That's a relief! Although it's a bit embarrassing that the people I set out to rescue ended up saving me instead.
- Player: What matters is that everybody is safe! We've yet to find out what on Gielinor the penguin's plan was, but at least we've saved Christmas!
- Santa Claus: Ho ho! You're right of course! Penguins you say? I have a few of them on my naughty list, I wonder if it's related. Anyway, I might as well reward you for your help! Let me sneakily pack a present for you in one of those boxes!
Episode 4: Quantum of Solstice[]
Speaking to Santa
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! I hope you liked your present, Player!
- Player: Yes, thank you! What now?
- Before Christmas eve
- Santa Claus: I'm going to get ready to deliver all the presents on Christmas eve.
- After Christmas eve
- Santa Claus: I'm resting from delivering all the presents on Christmas eve.
- Before Christmas eve
- If the player has moved General Pinchkin
- Player: Anything I can help with? I have the nagging feeling I should be helping you somehow.
- Santa Claus: Ho ho no, Player. You've done more than enough to help! Although you could keep an eye on that snowball and make sure that Mr Pinchkin doesn't cause any more trouble?
- Player: It's true that we never did get to the bottom of what all this was about.
- Otherwise
- Santa Claus: Meanwhile, I trust you and [Snow imp] to get to the bottom of this mystery!
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- If the player hasn't moved Pinchkin yet
- Snow imp: Hey! Mebbe we should check what with dat penguin in der snowball?
- If the player has moved Pinchkin already
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, I's wanna know what dem penguins were up ta. Mebbe we should ask dat leader of dem!
- If the player hasn't moved Pinchkin yet
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, I's wanna know what dem penguins were up ta. Mebbe we should ask dat leader of dem on der ice lump!
Pinchkin's Plan[]
Speaking to General Pinchkin
- Being able to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: ... Christmas is (Before Christmas: soon) upon us, and I ought to make amends for my behaviour.
- With snow imp summoned
- Snow imp: You bet! Me ears are still ringin'!
- Without snow imp summoned
- Player: Yes. Yes you should.
- With snow imp summoned
- General Pinchkin: All I wanted was to spread the Christmas cheer too by sending presents. I didn't want this to get out of proportion. We are the P.I.N.C.H., the Penguin Initiative for the Nationalisation of Christmas Holidays.
- Player: Oh... But why hitting everybody around the head? Why not explain?
- General Pinchkin: We thought Santa coming here would upstage us and make us look as if we were affiliated, completely ruining our message that Christmas is for everyone!
- Santa Claus: Oh!
- With snow imp summoned
- Snow imp: Dat's a funny one!
- With snow imp summoned
- Player: I still think you were a bit heavy handed.
- General Pinchkin: And I wish to apologise. The P.I.N.C.H. is sorry. But how to make amends? Those presents still need to be delivered. In my condition I can do nothing. And the rest of the movement is being scattered by your friends.
- Santa Claus: He seems genuine! It is Christmas after all, I suppose we could help him out. Although it sounds like my involvement would detract from his message.
- General Pinchkin: We hoped for adventurers to come here and deliver the presents for us. This is why we installed the lodestone.
- With snow imp summoned
- Snow imp: Oh yeah?
- With snow imp summoned
- Player: I see where this is going. Ok then, what do I need to do?
- General Pinchkin: Please deliver some presents to the persons named on the label! Thank you.
- With snow imp summoned
- Snow imp: Ok! I'll help ya, Player. We'll goes faster if I teleport us dere.
- Without snow imp summoned
- Santa Claus: Player, [Snow imp] will help you. He can teleport anywhere, that should make the task easier.
- Player: Good idea! I'll talk to him.
- With snow imp summoned
- General Pinchkin: ... Christmas is (Before Christmas: soon) upon us, and I ought to make amends for my behaviour.
- Being unable to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: ...
- WIthout snow imp summoned
- Player: Sorry, but I don't get it. Maybe [Snow imp] could help?
- With snow imp summoned
- Snow imp: He's not sayin' anyfink.
- Player: I can tell. It's suspicious.
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awkawk awk awkawk awk, awk awk Awkawk awk awk.
- Snow imp: He says 'cause it's Christmas he's gonna say sorry and do good!
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awkawk awk awk awk. Awkawk awkawk awk awk awkawk awkawk.
- Snow imp: He says he wanted ta spread da Christmas cheer too. They's da P.I.N.C.H. Da Penguin Initia...Initav...
- Santa Claus: Initiative.
- Snow imp: for the Natio-sumfink of Christmas Holidays.
- Santa Claus: Nationalisation.
- Player: Oh... But why hitting everybody around the head? Why not just explain?
- General Pinchkin: Awk awkawk awk awkawkawk awk awk awk, awk awk. Awk awkawkawk awkawk, awk awkawk awk awk awk awk awkawk.
- Snow imp: He didn't wanna have Santa get all da kudos for da pressies. Den people would still fink only Santa gives Christmas pressies.
- Santa Claus: Oh!
- Player: I still think you were a bit heavy handed.
- General Pinchkin: Awk awkawk awkawkawk awk awk awk, awk awk! Awk awk. Awk awkawkawk awk awk.
- Snow imp: He says sorry. He wanna make it betta.
- General Pinchkin: Awk awkawk awk awkawkawk awk awk awk, awk awk. Awk awkawkawk awkawk, awk awkawk awk awk awk awk awkawk.
- Snow imp: But he's stuck. And we's meddlin' wiv his sub-penguins.
- Santa Claus: He seems genuine! It is Christmas after all, I suppose we could help him out. Although it sounds like my involvement would detract from his message.
- General Pinchkin: Awkawkawk awk awk awk awk. Awk awk awk awkawk awk awkawkawk awkawk awk.
- Snow imp: He says he wanted peeps like ya ta come and deliva all der pressies. Dey put da lodestone up.
- Player: I see where this is going. Ok then, what do I need to do?
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awk awkawk awk awk awkawkawkawk awk awk. Awk awk!
- Snow imp: Deliva pressies ta der right peoples! I'll help ya, Player. We'll goes faster if I teleport us dere.
Speaking to snow imp if they weren't previously summoned
- Snow imp: Hey! What's up?
- Player: So apparently the penguins were just trying to spread the message that Christmas belongs to everyone by letting adventurers deliver presents they packed.
- Snow imp: Oh yeah? Dat's a bit weird.
- Player: They said sorry, and want to make amends by delivering presents. Except of course the leader is in a snowball, so we've got to do it.
- Snow imp: We's good at deliverin' stuff, us imps. I'll help ya.
- Continues below
Speaking to snow imp
- Snow imp: So where am I getting dis pressie from?
- Being able to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: Get one of the big ones behind me.
- Being unable to understand penguins
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awk awk awk awk awkawk awk.
- Snow imp: 'K! Be right back!
- Snow imp: Got it! Me word it's heavy! It smells, too! So, Player, I've got der pressie! Let me read der label... King... Yep, should be able ta take us dere. Is ya ready, Player?
- Yes!
- Snow imp: Hold on tight!
- Player: What to?
- Not yet!
- Could you teleport me to the top of the iceberg?
- Snow imp: Sure! Let's go!
- Could you please leave me alone for a while?
- Snow imp: Sure! See ya!
- Yes!
King Black Dragon's Lair[]
- Player: Where are we? Hang on, what? [Snow imp], what did you do?
- Snow imp: Shhh, don't worry, Player I knows what I's doin'
- Player: We're dead, we're so dead.
- Snow imp: Chill, Player! It's all good!
- Snow imp: Hiya, Mr. King! Merry Christmas!
- King Black Dragon: [Snow imp]! What a lovely surprise! It's been a while.
- Player: Wait, what?
- King Black Dragon: Is this my present? An adventurer?
- Snow imp: Player? Nah, she/he's a friend! She/He just helpin' me out. Well, ok, I's helpin' her/him. I's got a lil' extra delivery for ya dis year!
- King Black Dragon: Interesting!
- Snow imp: Dis is a very special gift! I hopes ya like it!
- Being able to understand penguins
- Penguin (left): King Arthur, your time as a ruler is over!
- Being unable to understand penguins
- Penguin (left): Awk Awkawk, awk awk awk awk awkawk awk awk!
- Snow imp: King Arthur, you's done for? Arthur. Dat'd be a nice name for ya, wouldn't it, Mr. King?
- Penguin (left): ...
- Penguin (right): ...
- Penguin (left) : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (Both penguins run around screaming in terror)
- King Black Dragon: What are these?
- Penguin (left): Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Snow imp: Penguins! Dey's been trying some dodgy dealin'. Ya could keep 'em as pets.
- Penguin (left): Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- King Black Dragon: They are cute, but too noisy for my liking. Also, they smell.
- Penguin (left): Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Snow imp: Ya, dey's ravver fishy smellin'.
- Penguin (left): Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- King Black Dragon: Do they taste any good?
- Penguin (left): Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Snow imp: No ideas! I's gonna take dem away nows. I fink I gave ya der wrong pressie!
- King Black Dragon: Fair enough then. Thanks for popping by, [Snow imp].
- Penguin (left): Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Snow imp: Ya's welcomes! Let's go back!
Back on the Iceberg[]
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Let's go and 'ave a chat wiv dat leader. 'e's got some talkin' ta do.
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and 'have a chat wiv der leader!
Speaking to General Pinchkin
- Being able to understand penguins
- Player: You've got some explaining to do!
- General Pinchkin: Do I?
- Player: When we delivered your 'present', two penguins jumped out of it...
- Snow imp: And attacked King Arthur! Nows penguins rule Camelot!
- General Pinchkin: Really? Haha! Sorry, I mean... Really? Disgraceful! Some of my subordinates must have tried to use my mission of peace and love for their own nefarious purposes. No fish for them! I can only apologise by offering another present to deliver.
- Player: Oh no. Not going to happen. The reality is that [Snow imp] here was, just like you, being liberal with the truth. We, in fact, took your present to the King Black Dragon.
- Snow imp: Der penguins in der present? Shoulda seen deir faces! Fright of deir lives it was! Dey's probably still screamin'!
- Player: I think I can still hear them now, actually!
- Snow imp: Anyhows, you's beat. Time ta come clean!
- General Pinchkin: That information is classified. However since the plan has failed, there is no other way for my genius to be recognised. It was a foolproof plan! My fiercest warriors, hiding in presents delivered by clueless adventurers to the influential people of this world. Over the course of one day, they would overcome every ruler on Gielinor and we would, finally, take over the world! But no. SOMEONE had to meddle. Of course someone had to meddle. Someone ALWAYS meddles!
- Snow imp: Welcome ta life. News just in! Fools aren't der only ones ya got ta account fer!
- General Pinchkin: ... The P.I.N.C.H. won't lower themselves to talk with the likes of you anymore.
- Snow imp: Good! Our cleavaness mighta rubbed off!
- Santa Claus: Ho, ho, Player. I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. Could you come and have a chat?
- Being unable to understand penguins
- Player: When we delivered your 'present', two penguins jumped out of it...
- Snow imp: And attacked King Arthur! Nows penguins rule Camelot!
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awk! ...awk. Awk? Awkawkawk! Awk awkawk awkawkawk awk awk awk awk awkawkawk awk awkawk awk awk awk, awkawk awk awk awk awk awkawkawk, awkawk. Awk awk awk awkawk awkawk.
- Snow imp: 'e's pretending he knows nowt about it and's putting der blame on 'is lackeys. And he wants us to deliva more pressies!
- Player: Oh no. Not going to happen. The reality is that [Snow imp] here was, just like you, being liberal with the truth. We, in fact, took your present to the King Black Dragon.
- Snow imp: Der penguins in der present? Shoulda seen deir faces! Fright of deir lives it was! Dey's probably still screamin'!
- Player: I think I can still hear them now, actually!
- Snow imp: Anyhows, you's beat. Time ta come clean!
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awkawkawk awkawk, awkawk awk awkawk, awkawk awk awk awk awk awk, awk awkawkawk awk awkawk awk.
- Snow imp: 'e says he shouldn't tell us 'cause it's a secret, but 'e's got a big head and he's afta fame.
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awkawkawk, awk awk. Awk awkawkawk! Awk awkawk awk awkawk awk awk awk awk awk awk awkawk awkawk awk.
- Snow imp: 'e says he had plan ta send penguins to kings in pressies by getting peeps like ya ta deliva dem.
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awk awk awkawk awk, awkawk awk awk awk awk awk awk awk awk awk. Awk awk awk awkawk awk awk awk awk awk awk awk!
- Snow imp: Den der penguins would attack and rule Gielinor in a day.
- General Pinchkin: AAAWK! Awk awkawk! Awk awkawk awkawk awk awk awk...
- Snow imp: But someone meddled. Dey always do. Welcome ta life, Mr Penguin!
- General Pinchkin: ... Awk awk...
- Snow imp: Now 'e's in a huff and won't talk ta us. Good! Our clevaness mighta rubbed off!
- Santa Claus: Ho ho, Player. I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. Could you come and have a chat?
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Now we knows what der penguins is up to, we should go ta Santa.
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and 'have a chat wiv Santa!
Preparing a Christmas Dinner[]
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! I overheard you talking to General Pinchkin. It sounds like there are a lot of naughty penguins on the iceberg ready to be delivered and cause mischief.
- Player: That's true. We probably need to do something about that before one of them accidentally get[sic] delivered to the right recipient!
- Snow imp: We could... Snowball deir faces!!!
- Player: How about we invite them to a traditional Christmas dinner? That should keep them out of mischief and presents!
- Santa Claus: Ho ho, good idea, Player, especially as I'm starting to get a little bit peckish. Hmm, I suppose if we're going to throw a party proper do, we should probably make the area more festive first, shouldn't we?
- Player: Oh! We could decorate the trees!
- Snow imp: And add some lights!
- Santa Claus: Yes, yes, that's the spirit. How about you decorate one tree and I do the other, Player?
- Snow imp: I'll do der lights!
- Player: Let's do it!
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Ya decorate der tree and I add some lights!
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and do some decoratin'!
Speaking to snow imp after the trees are decorated
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Dat's anovver good ting done! Let's go back ta Santa!
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and do some decoratin'!
After decorating the tree
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! Very nice, Player! What else could we do?
- Player: I could carve ice sculptures from those ice blocks?
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! What a good idea! You show these things!
Carving Ice Statues[]
Speaking to the snow imp
- First statue
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Let's do der sculptin'. Let's start wiv dat one next ta der slope. Let's make Prince Jack!
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and sculpt some ice blocks! Ya could make Prince Jack!
- On the iceberg
- Second statue
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Prince Jack's done! How about we make der Queen o' Snow in dat block next to der tree?
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and sculpt some ice blocks! Ya could der Queen o' Snow!
- On the iceberg
- Third statue
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Der Queen o' Snow is done! How about we make Santa in that last big block?
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and sculpt some ice blocks! Ya could make Santa!
- On the iceberg
- All statues done
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Dat's anovver good ting done! Let's go back ta Santa!
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and check wiv Santa!
- On the iceberg
Speaking to Santa before all the sculpture are complete
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! These sculptures are coming along very nicely! Keep up the good work!
After the sculptures are all complete
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! You've done very well, Player. It all looks very festive although I admit my statue makes me feel a bit self-conscious!
- Player: I didn't know you have insecurities.
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! I suspect everyone does, Player. The important thing is not to let them get you down. We're better than we think! Now, what's missing for our feast?
- Player: Well we've got the food already prepared. Are we missing anything else?
- Snow imp: Actually, by the smell of dem, I suspect deir favourite Christmas feast might involve eatin' fish! Mebbe we should get 'em some?
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! Festive fish! Yes, why not! I think you could fish from the top of the cliff behind me. I'm sure I can magic some barrel to put your fish in, too. Not sure how many penguins are expected, but I think 21 fish would be a minimum. Good luck!
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Let's fish some fishies of[sic] der cliff just behind Santa! We need 'bout <number of fish left> more!
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and fish festive fishies!
After catching 21 fish
- Player: I've caught enough fish. I should go back to Santa!
Inviting Your Guests[]
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! Marvellous! I believe we have everything we need with the exception of one thing!
- Player: What's that?
- Santa Claus: Our guests, of course! Someone's going to have to go and free them from their festive hideouts.
- Player: Are you asking me to go and open all the presents? It feels like Christmas!
- Santa Claus: Ho ho, literally so! I think you could restrict yourself to the fishy-smelling ones, if the task is too daunting. Obviously, feel free to invite any penguins you see, but the ones in presents are the ones we're most worried about.
- Player: What a drudgery! I'm sure [Snow imp] and I will manage! See you later!
Speaking to the snow imp
- On the iceberg
- Snow imp: Let's find all der penguins lurkin' in pressies! I can just about smell one. We must be gettin' close! We need ta find 'bout <number of presents left> afta dat one.
- Not on the iceberg
- Snow imp: Hey, Player, let's go back ta der ice lump and free all der penguins!
Speaking to Santa again
- Santa: Ho ho ho! How is it going?
- Player: I'm still looking! Not sure how many presents I'm looking for, though.
- Santa: I reckon about <x>. Feel free to invite any penguins you see, but the ones in presents are the ones we're most worried about.
- Player: Ok!
Opening Presents with Penguins in them[]
Possible player dialogue
- Player: These presents certainly smell of penguins...
- Player: These must be the right presents, they look... penguin-sized.
- Player: That odour is unmistakable, I suppose I should release the penguins!
- Player: Oh, these ones smell like fish. I'm certain these are the right presents!
- Snow imp: Yep! Let's get dem outta dere!
- Player: Good news! Plan's been cancelled! You can get out now. Join us for a Christmas feast up on the iceberg!
Possible penguin phrases
- Penguin: Wicked!
- Penguin: For real?
- Penguin: Cool!
- Penguin: No kidding? Awesome!
- Snow imp: (without 40 summoning) Dey's cool wiv it!
Screaming penguins
- Penguin: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Player: Good news! You're safe! And we're putting up a festive banquet up the iceberg to apologise!
- Penguin: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Player: I think we've broken them...
- Penguin: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
- Player: Lots of free fish for you?
- Penguin: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...
- Being able to understand penguins
- Penguin: Oh, ok!
- Player: Fixed?
- Being unable to understand penguins
- Penguin: Awk, awk!
- Snow imp: They's fixed!
Speaking to penguins at the feast
- Penguin: This sure beats being cramped in a dark box.
- Penguin: Fish, glorious fish! Don't care what it smells like!
- Penguin: Hahahaha! No fish for you, Pinchkin!
- Penguin: Can I have grilled fish?
The Feast[]
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! It looks like you found all of them! Let the feast begin!
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! Why do I suddenly feel like eating a boar?
- Sir Amik Varze: Hic!
- Player: That's very random.
- Penguin: Awk!
- Snow imp: Dat's all, folks!
Post-Quest Dialogue[]
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! The penguins tasked me with gifting you this penguin onesie as a reward! It's been thoughtlessly chopped in pieces, but it's still wearable! There you go!
- Player: Thanks!
- Santa Claus: Ho ho ho! All is well! Apart maybe from those ice statues that need fixing for crafting experience, and the penguins always accept more fish!
Speaking to snow imp
- Snow imp: Hey! What's up? Did ya know ya can snowboard down dat massive slope!
Speaking to penguins at the banquet table
- (with 40 summoning)
- Penguin: Got any more tasty fish?
- (without 40 summoning)
- Penguin: Awk awkawk awk awkawk awk?
- Snow imp: 'e wants ta know if we's got any more!
Speaking to General Pinchkin
- Player: So... What does P.I.N.C.H. really stands for?
- With at least a Summoning level of 40
- General Pinchkin: It's my name, and the name of my forefathers before me. General Adenarius Sestertius Pinchkin the 3rd. May my glory be remembered for posterity. Now leave me alone.
- Without at least a Summoning level of 40
- General Pinchkin: Awk awk awk, awk awkawkawk awkawk awk. Awkawk Awkawkawk Awkawkawk Awkawkawk Awkawk awk Awk. Awk awkawk awk awkawk awk awk awkawk awk awk.
- Snow imp: 't's 'is name. Poncy and all, like 'e's part of some big respected family. Also, he's so full of 'imself I'd ravver leave 'im alone.
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