RuneScape Wiki

Starting out[]

Claiming the snowboard (2016)[]

  • Player: A new snowboard. Neat!
  • You take this years[sic] snowboard from the snow.

Talking to Santa Claus[]

First time[]

  • Player: Woah, where am I?
  • Santa checks his list to see whether you've been naughty or nice.
  • Santa Claus: Ah, Player, you've been a good boy this year. I guess I could show you around.
  • Santa Claus: This is my Christmas neighbourhood. It's where I keep my wardrobes to different Christmas celebrations that are going on right now!
  • Santa Claus: It's my secret method of getting around all of Gielinor in only one night... Besides my sleigh of course.
  • Player: So that's how you do it!
  • Player: Can I use the wardrobes?
  • Santa Claus: I'm not too sure... They're a pretty big responsibility.
  • Santa ponders for several moments.
  • Santa Claus: I'll tell you what - since you've been such a good boy this year, I'll open one wardrobe for you, so you can join in on the celebrations!
  • Santa Claus: I'll open a wardrobe that should be quite pleasant - my wife is in this one at the moment I believe.
  • Santa Claus: You should find the wardrobe just to the east which will take you to 'The Land of Snow'! A snowman will be outside it waiting for you.
  • Player: Thanks Santa, I'll get right in there!


  • Player: I've opened the wardrobe to the Land of Snow. You should check it out just over there.
  • Santa gestures towards the east.

Talking to the dragon snowman[]

  • Dragon snowman: Why don't you visit the Land of Snow? I'm sure there is something fun for you to do!

2007 event[]

Entering the event[]

  • Queen of Snow: Oh, a visitor! I haven't had one here in a while.
    • (If the snow globe has not been obtained before:)
      • (Transcript missing. edit)
    • (If the snow globe has been obtained before:)
      • Queen of Snow: I've given you a snow globe before, haven't I?
      • Player: I think so, many years ago.
        • (If the snow globe is carried:)
          • (Transcript missing. edit)
        • (If the snow globe isn't carried:)
          • Queen of Snow: But you appear to have lost it. I can give you another if you promise not to lose it!
          • Do you promise not to lose it?
            • Yes
              • The Queen of Snow hands you a snow globe.
              • (Continues below.)
            • No
              • Queen of Snow: Fine. Your loss.
              • (Continues below.)
  • Queen of Snow: Now we've got snow globes out the way, welcome to the land of snow!
  • Queen of Snow: I'd love it if you could build some snowmen for me. Hats, weapons and all!
  • Player: How do I go about building a snowman? Especially with hats and weapons!
  • Queen of Snow: Gather snow around here or with your snow globe and use it to build the snowmen.
  • Queen of Snow: Once you've built one, ask one of my charming imp helpers for a hat or a weapon, then give it to the snowman and you're all set!
  • Player: Awesome, I'll get to it.

Talking to Queen of Snow[]

  • (If the snow globe isn't carried:)
    • Queen of Snow: Oh, you've lost your snow globe already! I can give you another if you promise not to lose it.
    • Do you promise not to lose it?
      • Yes
        • The Queen of Snow hands you a snow globe.
        • (Continues below.)
      • No
        • Queen of Snow: Fine. Your loss.
        • (Continues below.)
  • Queen of Snow: Why don't you build a snowman?
  • Player: I've forgotten how to build one.
  • Queen of Snow: Gather snow around here or with your snow globe and use it to build the snowmen.
  • Queen of Snow: Once you've built one, ask one of my charming imp helpers for a hat or a weapon, then give it to the snowman and you're all set!
  • Player: Awesome, I'll get to it.

Building a snowman in a skilling location[]

  • Player: These snowmen look special. I should be making my own snowmen instead of these pre-made ones.
  • To unlock the skilling snowmen you must finish Part 1 of this year's Christmas event.

Talking to snow imp[]

Before building a snowman[]

  • Snow imp: Oi, wot you wanting?
  • Player: Can I have a snowman hat or weapon please?
  • Snow imp: You gots to build the snowmens first!

After building a snowman[]

First time[]
  • Snow imp: Oi, wot you wanting?
  • Player: Can I have a snowman hat or weapon please?
  • Snow imp: Nah.
  • Player: Excuse me? You've been tasked to give me one.
  • Snow imp: Task'd? We're on strike and we've gots the representative now. Imp Workers Union's said no hats or weapons, so none for you.
  • Player: There's An 'Imp Workers Union'? With a representative? I guess I'll be on my way then...
  • Player: I can't believe they've done this. I guess I'll have to ask the Queen of Snow what to do.
  • Snow imp: On strike! Imp Workers Union said no hats or weapons!

Returning to Queen of Snow[]

First time[]

  • Player: I've built a snowman, but the imps are refusing to give me a hat!
  • Queen of Snow: Refusing? What are they babbling on about now?
  • Player: Some 'Imp Workers Union'. They seem pretty serious about it too! I think I've upset them.
  • Queen of Snow: I'll have a word with them... For the time being, maybe you should be a bit more mischievous to them.
  • Player: Ha ha, I know exactly what to do to them!
  • Queen of Snow: I'm sure the snow imps will look forward to it.


  • Queen of Snow: Take a hat or weapon from the snow imps! Try to be more mischievous towards them.
  • Player: Yes Ma'am.

Returning to a snow imp[]

First time[]

  • Player: Right. You need to give me a snowman hat or a weapon now!
  • Snow imp: Imp Workers Union said no more!
  • What should you do to the imp?
    • Kick him
      • (Transcript missing. edit)
    • Throw a snowball at him
      • (Transcript missing. edit)
    • Tickle him
      • You tickle the imp.
      • Snow imp: Wot you tryin' to do human. I ain't givin' you hats.
      • The imp now refuses to speak to you.
      • Player: Hmm, the snow imps are still refusing. I guess I'll have to go back to the Queen of Snow again.


  • Snow imp: Leave me alone. Unions don't permit adventures[sic] talking to us.
  • The snow imp refuses to speak to you

Returning to Queen of Snow[]

First time[]

  • Player: My mischievous plan didn't work. The imps still refused to speak to me.
  • Queen of Snow: Blast! I can't believe they ever got anyone to represent them. Who would do such a thing! It's ruining Christmas!
  • The Queen of Snow is angered and her temperature is rising.
  • Player: Ma'am, are you alright?
  • Player: Your highness?
  • Player: Miss?
  • Queen of Snow: It's Ma'am to you!
  • The Queen of Snow takes a moment and cools down.
  • Queen of Snow: Sorry about that. Whoever is representing those snow imps really ruined all the fun. Here, I've got a small stock of leftover snowman hats and weapons for you to use.
  • (Snowman hat and weapon selection interface opens.)


  • Queen of Snow: Here, I have a small stock of leftover snowman hats and weapons too.
  • Player: Awesome, I'll put these on a snowman.
  • (Snowman hat and weapon selection interface opens.)

Finishing a snowman[]

  • Player: I've built a snowman. I should speak to the Queen of Snow, she might have more things for me to do.

Returning to Queen of Snow[]

  • Queen of Snow: I'm glad you've finished making your snowman, though I'm terribly sorry for the way the imps have treated you. Please let Santa know what's been going on here. I'll allow you to build the special snowmen south of me after you've helped him out!
  • Player: Thank you, I'll head to Santa now and tell him everything that has happened.

Building a snowman in a skilling location[]

  • Player: The Queen of Snow said I could play over here but I should probably visit some more wardrobes first. I wouldn't want to keep Santa waiting!
  • To unlock the skilling snowmen you must finish Part 1 of this year's Christmas event.

Returning to Santa Claus[]

First time[]

  • Player: The imps refused to help me in the Land of Snow. They kept rambling on about unions.
  • Santa Claus: Unions, you say? I'm amazed they've managed to get someone to represent them.
  • Player: That's right, they mentioned they had someone offer to represent them.
  • Santa Claus: Who on earth would represent the snow imps? They're treated so well.
  • Santa Claus: It's really unlike them... We have such a good working relationship with the snow imps. They're a bit mischievous at times, but have never outright denied helping!
  • Santa Claus: I'm so sorry about this Player.
  • Player: Don't worry, Santa!
  • Santa Claus: I promised you a reward for being good this year, so I'll open up another wardrobe to the south. This one will take you to 'The Little Town of Daemonheim'. Hopefully nothing goes wrong at that celebration!
  • Player: Santa, have you lost another one of your hat's[sic] again?
  • Santa Claus: Salty does this every year! You really should pay closer attention to him.
  • Santa Claus: Unless you want to be put on the naughty list this year, I think you'll find it's Thorvar's hat!
  • Player: Ah yes, Thorvar's hat! Of course!
  • Santa Claus: Speak to...
  • Santa Claus: Thorvar...
  • Santa Claus: Just outside the wardrobe and he'll guide you through!


  • Santa Claus: Why don't you speak to 'Thorvar' outside the wardrobe to south. He'll be sure to help you get in there.

Talking to Queen of Snow[]

  • Queen of Snow: Ah, hello again! How is Christmas treating you?
  • Player: It's going swell. Is there anything else to do here?
  • Queen of Snow: Well once you've gone through some of Santa's wardrobes, I'll allow you to build the special snowmen to the south. They're a pretty unique experience.

2010 event[]

Trying to enter the Christmas cupboard[]

  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Don't go in there without a bag! Come here and I'll hand you one.

Talking to Thorvar Crittersmash[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hey there!
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Hey! Did Santa ask you to help me?
  • Player: He sure did...
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: He's such a swell guy, that Santa!
  • Player: He sure is...
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: So kind...
  • Player: Yup...
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Generous too! Sweet, attractive, great with kids. Did you notice he lost weight?
  • Player: He's great, I get it!
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: He sure is! Anyway, here - take this bag and I'll let you through the wardrobe.
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: You'll need this bag to collect four of my belongings inside the dungeon.
  • Player: Okay? What am I collecting?
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Some snowmen 'accessories'.
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: An incredible Snow-maker.
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: My glistening magical seal-ification trinket!
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: And my gracious and glorious ice skates!
  • Player: Is that everything?
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Oh and the most important thing: my hat! Salty has run off with it!
  • Player: Salty?
  • Thorvar ignores you interupting[sic] him.
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Inside the bag is a bucket. Use this bucket to catch Salty, you'll know when the time is right to use the bucket!
  • Player: Accessories, Snow-maker, trinket, ice skates and your hat.
  • Player: Got it!
  • Thorvar hands you a bag.


  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Why don't you go through the wardrobe and enjoy the celebration?

Retrieving the bag[]

  • Thorvar Crittersmash: How have you lost your bag already?
  • Thorvar hands you a bag.

Talking to Santa Claus[]

  • Santa Claus: The Little Town of Daemoneheim[sic] wardrobe is open to the south! Remember to talk to 'Thorvar' if you need help.

Attempting to leave the first room early[]

  • You should pickup[sic] what you came here for before attempting to leave.

Picking up the snowman accessories[]

  • You collect the snowman accessories and place them in the bag.
  • The bag seems lighter as you place accessories in it.
  • Player: Hmm, that seems odd. Perhaps I should double check this bag.

Checking the bag[]

  • You feel about in the bag.
  • It appears to be empty.
  • Player: What, where have the snowmen accessories gone?
  • Player: I guess I'll just have to progress without them.

Attempting to slide on ice as human[]

  • This ice looks too thin to hold your weight. Maybe there is something around here that could help.

Picking up the trinket of sealification[]

  • You pick up the trinket of sealification and put it in the bag.

Checking the bag[]

  • You feel about in the bag.
  • You can just feel the tip of the seal trinket in here.
  • Player: What, where have the snowmen accessories gone?
  • Player: I guess I'll just have to progress without them.

Using the trinket[]

  • You attempt to take the seal trinket out of the bag.
  • The seal trinket escapes your grasp and falls deeper in the bag... an unfathomable and unreachable amount of deepness.
  • Player: The trinket is no longer in the bag...
  • Player: And another seems to be where it was originally!

Picking up the trinket again[]

  • You pick up the trinket of sealification and put it in the bag again.

Checking the bag again[]

  • There is certainly a seal trinket in the bag this time.
  • Player: The trinket has not moved this time... how odd!

Using the trinket outside the correct room[]

  • Player: There is a time and a place for this, and it isn't here. I should use this in the seal sliding room of Thorvar's dungeon.

Continuing from portal room without picking up the items[]

  • You feel like you're forgetting something.

Picking up the snowmaker[]

  • You pick up the snowmaker which is obviously far too large to fit in the bag, but the bag seems to consume it.
  • Player: I don't know if I can handle whats[sic] happening with this bag anymore.

Checking the bag[]

  • There is an assortment of things in the bag, as well as some things missing from previous bag related mishaps!
  • Player: I should keep looking for the last few items. I hope nothing goes wrong with them, too...

Picking up the ice skates[]

  • You pick up the ice skates and place them in the bag.
  • The ice skates seem to vanish into the bag. When you reach in to look for them, you find some Snowmen accessories instead.
  • Player: How is this bag not working? It's a simple bag!

Checking the bag[]

First time[]

  • You hesitantly feel about in the bag.
  • You find a bucket!

Second time[]

  • You hesitantly feel about in the bag.
  • You find another bucket!

Third time[]

  • You hesitantly feel about in the bag.
  • You find yet another bucket!

Fourth time[]

  • You hesitantly feel about in the bag.
  • How many buckets are in this bag?


  • (As on the first time.)

With full inventory[]

  • You notice a bucket in the bag but you've got a full inventory, so you leave it in there.

Entering the fifth room[]

  • Memory of Thorvar Crittersmash: Inside the bag is a bucket. Use this bucket to catch Salty, you'll know when the time is right to use the bucket.

Catching Salty Claws[]

  • You place the bucket containing Salty Claws into the bag.
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: You've found Salty! Come here!
  • The player gets teleported back to Thorvar.

Returning to Thorvar Crittersmash[]

First time[]

  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Ahh my things! Thank you, great adventurer!
  • Thorvar takes his bag back and looks inside.
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Nothing is in here. Why haven't you picked anything up?
  • Salty clicks from inside the bag.
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Oh, Salty is here! How did I miss you? Thank you again adventurer!
  • Player: I don't think I ever want to touch that bag again. I better tell Santa about this.


  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Thanks for helping the mighty Thorvar Crittersmash! Perhaps you should talk to Santa to find out what he wants you to do next.

Attempting to enter the Christmas cupboard[]

  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Thanks for bringing my stuff back. If you talk to Santa and finish some more wardrobes I'll let you jump into seal sliding!

Returning to Santa Claus[]

First time[]

  • Player: Santa, there was some strange goings on in the Little Town of Daemonheim as well!
  • Santa Claus: Oh dear, what happened in there?
  • Player: The horror of Thorvar's bag. It was endless.
  • Player: I watched it consume a snowmaker whole.
  • Player: I placed a seal trinket inside the bag so I could use it, then it just vanished! I had to pick it up again, as if I was just repeating myself.
  • Player: Then I had to reach my arm in and grab a bucket... I thought I was going to fall into it!
  • Santa Claus: I don't have any explanation for this. A bottomless bag, Snow imps refusing to work and unionising, what next?
  • Santa Claus: I'm so sorry again Player, I'll start investigating these strange goings on and let you know as soon as I've found out what's happening.
  • Player: Don't worry, Santa. I'm still having lots of fun at these celebrations. We'll find out what's happening eventually!
  • Santa Claus: You're right, Player! I still think you deserve a celebration that won't have been tampered with though... I'll open up another wardrobe to the south for you to 'A Towering Feast'!
  • Player: The wizards are holding another event in a different dimension again?
  • Santa Claus: Ah yes, it's tradition every year now after the lack of clean-up required previously. I believe they simply have their Wizard's Tower summoned from the abyss - fresh every year!
  • Santa Claus: Sadly, that does mean the tower is in a state before it's refurbishment and also before any set up has been started for their feast, but I'm sure they'll welcome your help.
  • Player: Well it certainly was quite fun helping out before!
  • Player: Let's hope nothing goes wrong this time!
  • Santa Claus: Speak to Sinterklaas outside the wardrobe to get started.


  • Santa Claus: Wizard Sinterklaas will help you through the Towering Feast! He's beside one of the wardrobes to the south.

2011 event[]

Trying to enter the Christmas cupboard[]

  • Wizard Sinterklaas: Hey you. Why don't you come here and speak to me before going in there.

Talking to Wizard Sinterklaas[]

First time[]

  • Wizard Sinterklaas: You want to help? Marvellous! Now ,what next... Ah, yes! Step through that wardrobe to the other tower and speak to...
  • Wizard Sinterklaas: ....erm...
  • Wizard Sinterklaas: ...Sedridor, that's it!
  • Player: Not much of a social wizard, are you? Thank you for the help, Sinterklaas.
  • Wizard Sinterklaas: My pleasure... Erm... Yes! My pleasure.


  • Wizard Sinterklaas: Shouldn't you be helping the wizards? They're just through the portal here.

Talking to Santa Claus[]

  • Santa Claus: Aren't you supposed to be at the Towering Feast? You should probably head back and help.
  • Player: It's not as easy as I remember!

Wizards' overhead lines[]

  • (One of the following is shown randomly:)
    • I bet they forget to stuff the turkey.
    • I bet they have not even bought us guests presents!
    • I bet they just order takeaway!
    • There is no theme this year! Last year we had a fancy dress.
    • We cannot be having a party in a library, surely!
    • We had a better doorman than that Sinterklaas last year.
    • We had better music last year.
    • We had more decorations than this last year.
    • Where are the pre-dinner snacks?
    • Why has nobody offered us drinks?

Searching the north-eastern or south-western bookcase[]

  • Player: Why is there a wizard's sock in a book case? I'd best leave it there - someone might come back for it.

Searching any other bookcase on the ground floor[]

  • (One of the following is shown randomly:)
    • ''Grrrrrrnnnaaaaarrr` and Other Famous Demon Quotes.'
    • '100 Spells For Destroying Brussel Sprouts.'
    • '4-Dimensional Sudoku.'
    • 'A Glittering Career - Autobiography of the Tinsel Snake.'
    • 'Fremlins - A book about why you shouldn't give drinks to Fremennik after midnight'
    • 'How to transmute gold pieces into Christmas puddings.'
    • 'Idiots' Guide to Selling Dwarf Cannons to Goblins.'
    • 'Interdimensional Twister and Other Parlour Games.'
    • 'Making it Christmas every day with time contraction.'
    • 'Never imbibe frozen amber dihydrogen monoxide and other cautionary tales.'
    • 'The Life & Times of a Thingummywut' by Traiborn the Wizard
    • 'Wizard 2: Cast Harder.'
    • 'Wizard 3: Cast Hard With a Vengenance.'
    • 'Why Don't Dagannoths' Feet Freeze? And Other Interesting Facts.'

Attempting to access another floor[]

  • Player: I should speak to Sedridor to find out how I can help at the banquet before I start exploring.

Talking to Wizard Distentor[]

  • Player: Hello Wizard Distentor. You turned up early, too?
  • Wizard Distentor: Hello there, young adventurer. Indeed we did; we wouldn't dream of turning up late to a Christmas banquet.
  • Player: Better to turn up early than late, I suppose.
  • Wizard Distentor: Indeed, if only Traiborn had remembered that last year.
  • Player: You should be happy he remembered to turn up at all.
  • Player: How was the banquet last year?
  • Wizard Distentor: Last year's banquet was the best banquet so far. We had the turkey dance onto your plate before bursting into flames and cooking itself. The vegetables grew out of the table pre-cooked and the gravy was dispensed by a gravy cloud that could be beckoned to your plate
  • Player: That does sound good!

Talking to Wizard Frumscone[]

  • Player: Hello Wizard Frumscone. How are the zombies doing?
  • Wizard Frumscone: The zombies are doing fine, thank you. This isn't very cheery chat for Christmas, you know!
  • Player: You're right. Can you summon us some cheery creatures for Christmas?
  • Wizard Frumscone: Well, between me and you, I think there are already creatures going around. I swear I saw an imp in here earlier.
  • Player: Really? I had better ask Sedridor about this.

Talking to Zavistic Rarve[]

  • Player: Hello, Zavistic Rarve. Are you enjoying yourself?
  • Zavistic Rarve: No, I am not! So far my experience consists of being greeted by a somewhat confusing man who didn't know what he was doing...
  • Player: You mean Sinterklaas?
  • Zavistic Rarve: ...then we were just herded into this library, and that is the last I saw our 'hosts'.
  • Player: Well, you did turn up quite early for the banquet.
  • Zavistic Rarve: There is nothing wrong with being punctual.
  • Player: Indeed.

Talking to Sedridor[]

First time[]

  • Sedridor: Oh my, another early attendee. I'm sorry, but the banquet isn't quite ready yet. Could you wait in the library with the guild wizards, please?
  • Player: Don't worry Sedridor, Sinterklaas let me through the portal early to help.
  • Sedridor: Oh thank the elements! We may just get things done in time with your help.
  • Player: Have the guild wizards not offered to help?
  • Sedridor: No, sadly I feel that they have come here early to criticise. That is all they have done so far, anyway.
  • Player: Well that isn't very helpful!
  • Sedridor: No it isn't, but they are used to being in control. This is our first year hosting the banquet, it is usually hosted at the guild.
  • Sedridor: I asked if the wizards of the tower could host it this year for a change, and most of the wizards in Gielinor were fine with it.
  • Sedridor: The guild wizards didn't like us stealing their limelight very much and have been very sceptical ever since.
  • Sedridor: I'm sad to say that preparations have not been going well so far, either. If we don't get everything just right we will never hear the end of it!
  • Sedridor: We didn't even create this dimension properly. If you look hard enough you can see a duplicate wizard tower over there!
  • Player: Sounds like you've got yourselves into a bit of a pickle here. I don't think I can do anything about your duplicate tower but what else could I help with?
  • Sedridor: Well, in the basement Isidor and the chefs Kris and Kringle need some help.
  • Sedridor: Isidor told me that he needs help making the basement more festive with snow. He mentioned a new device of his that explodes placing snow everywhere.
  • Sedridor: He is far too busy making sure that all the wizards have portals to get home quickly after they have had too many Wizard Mind Bombs.
  • Sedridor: We have hired some excellent chefs to cook the banquet. They are not wizards, but they have a very good reputation.
  • Sedridor: I received word that they need a runner to get them some special ingredients. Speak to the head chef Kringle in the kitchen in the basement.
  • Sedridor: On the top floor Wizard Whitezag and Wizard Sioncorn need some help.
  • Sedridor: I have been hearing some strange noises and commotion on the top floor of the tower and past experiences tell me that is probably Wizard Whitezag. Could you check up on him for me, please?
  • Sedridor: Wizard Sioncorn has told me that she is having some trouble getting the decorations for the banquet. She means well but she is rather accident prone so if you could help her that would be very much appreciated.
    • Ask about Isidor's Task.
      • Sedridor: Isidor needs help in the basement; something to do with snow and a new explosive device...
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Ask about Whitezag's Task.
      • Sedridor: I asked Wizard Whitezag on the top floor to summon some waiters. I've heard a lot of commotion up there, but that's it. Could you check to see what they are up to?
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Ask about Sioncorn's Task.
      • Sedridor: Wizard Sioncorn on the top floor is having some trouble getting the decorations out of the attic. Could you help her?
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Ask about Kris and Kringle's Task.
      • Sedridor: We have hired in some excellent chefs for the banquet, but they are a bit short on ingredients. Could you head to the kitchen in the basement and see if you can help them?
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Ask about something else.
      • So, what do you need help with?
        • (Returns to the options about tasks.)
      • Why have you built a second Wizards' Tower?
        • Sedridor: We didn't build another tower. We are still in the Wizards' Tower - just a little off to the side!
        • Player: Off to the side?
        • Sedridor: Indeed! I would love to explain it to you, but unless you know your alphabet past Z I am afraid it would be a bit difficult.
        • Player: The alphabet goes past Z?
        • Sedridor: Yes. I'm afraid there is no simple way to explain it. Anything else you want to know?
        • Player: Why don't you host the banquet in the normal tower?
        • Sedridor: Well, we wizards are busy people and we only had enough time to either set up a party or clean up after one. I think we made the right choice.
        • Player: I think you are just too lazy to tidy up......
        • Sedridor: Using brains instead of brawns isn't laziness. It's much harder to come up with an ingenious way to clean up, like destroying another dimension.
        • Player: Destroying the tower isn't technically cleaning up!
        • Sedridor: I'm afraid we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one Player.
        • (Returns to the previous options.)
      • I had better go now and help set up
        • (Dialogue terminates.)


  • So, what do you need help with?
    • (If Isidor's task is not complete:)
      • Ask about Isidor's Task.
        • (If the section hasn't been started yet:)
          • (As before.)
        • (If the section has been started but not finished yet:)
          • Sedridor: Isidor still needs help covering the banquet area with snow.
          • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • (If Whitezag's task is not complete:)
      • Ask about Whitezag's Task.
        • (If the section hasn't been started yet:)
          • (As before.)
        • (If the section has been started but not finished yet:)
          • Sedridor: Wizard Mizgog tells me that the imp situation has not been resolved yet. Could you look into that? I don't much like the idea of mischievous imps running around.
          • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • (If Sioncorn's task is not complete:)
      • Ask about Sioncorn's Task.
        • (If the section hasn't been started yet:)
          • (As before.)
        • (If the section has been started but not finished yet:)
          • Sedridor: Wizard Sioncorn on the top floor still needs help getting the decorations out of the attic.
          • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • (If Kris and Kringle's task is not complete:)
      • Ask about Kris and Kringle's Task.
        • (If the section hasn't been started yet:)
          • (As before.)
        • (If the player is looking for ingredients:)
          • Sedridor: The chefs in the basement still need ingredients.
          • (Returns to the previous options.)
        • (If the player has handed in the ingredients:)
          • Sedridor: The chefs in the basement still need help cooking food for the banquet.
          • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Ask about something else.
      • (Returns to the initial options.)
  • Why have you built a second Wizards' Tower?
    • (As before.)
  • I had better go now and help set up
    • (Dialogue terminates.)

Playing the piano[]

  • (One of the following is shown while one of four Christmas tunes is played:)
    • Don't give up the day job!
    • Music to your ears.
    • Practice makes perfect.
    • Somewhere a dog starts to howl...
    • When did you learn to do that?!
    • You play a tune ont he old 'Joannah'.
    • You rock!
    • You tinkle on the ivories!

Searching the bookcase on the first floor[]

  • There's a large selection of books, the majority of which look fairly old. Some very strange names... You pick one at random :
  • (One of the following is shown randomly:)
    • '101 Ways to Impress your Mates with Magic'
    • 'Air Strike for Beginners'
    • 'The Dark Arts of Magical Wands'
    • 'Fire, Earth and Water - What's it all about?'
    • 'How to become the Ultimate Wizard of the Universe'
    • 'The Life & Times of a Thingummywut by Traiborn the Wizard'
    • 'Living with a Wizard Husband - a Housewife's Story'
    • 'So you think you're a Mage? Volume 28'
    • (Continues below.)
  • Interesting...

Talking to Traiborn[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas, Traiborn!
  • Traiborn: Merry Christmas, young thingummywut.
  • Traiborn: A thingummywut? Where? Where?
  • Traiborn: Those pesky thingummywuts. They get everywhere. They leave a terrible mess, too.
    • Er, you just called me a thingummywut.
      • Traiborn: You're a thingummywut? I've never seen one up close before. They said I was mad!
      • Traiborn: Now you are my proof! There ARE thingummywuts in this tower! Now, where can I find a cage big enough to keep you in?
        • I saw you summon a thingummywut.
          • Traiborn: You saw a thingummywut? At last! What did it look like?
          • Player: I couldn't really see it.
          • Traiborn: Invisible thingummywuts in the tower, eh? I'll keep an eye out for 'em.
        • Er, I'd better be off, really.
          • Traiborn: Oh, okay, have a good time and watch out for sheep! They're more cunning than they look.
        • They're right, you are mad.
          • Traiborn: That's a pity. I thought maybe they were winging me up.
    • I saw you summon a thingummywut.
      • Traiborn: You saw a thingummywut? At last! What did it look like?
      • Player: I couldn't really see it.
      • Traiborn: Invisible thingummywuts in the tower, eh? I'll keep an eye out for 'em.
    • Tell me what they look like and I'll mash 'em.
      • Traiborn: Don't be ridiculous. No-one has ever seen one.
      • Traiborn: They're invisible, a muth, or a figment of my imagination. Can't remember which, right now.

Talking to Wizard Mizgog[]

  • (If the player hasn't yet looked for imps or broken wand:)
    • Wizard Mizgog: Merry Christmas Player!
  • (If the player is looking for imps but broken wand isn't needed:)
    • Wizard Mizgog: When you find an imp, you need to banish them with the words `Ziemmassvetku vecitis`.
  • (If the player isn't looking for imps but broken wand is needed:)
    • I don't suppose you have a broken wand I could have do, you?
    • Wizard Mizgog: As luck would have it, I broke one of my wands this morning. Here you go.
    • Wizard Mizgog gives you his broken wand.
  • (If the player is looking for imps and broken wand is needed:)
    • Wizard Mizgog: Hello Player. How can I help you?
      • I don't suppose you have a broken wand I could have do, you?
        • Wizard Mizgog: As luck would have it, I broke one of my wands this morning. Here you go.
        • Wizard Mizgog gives you his broken wand.
      • How do I banish imps again?
        • Wizard Mizgog: When you find an imp, you need to banish them with the words `Ziemmassvetku vecitis`.
      • Nothing
        • Player: I don't need any help, thank you. Merry Christmas Wizard Mizgog!
        • Wizard Mizgog: That's good to hear. Merry Christmas, Player!
  • (If the player has finished looking for imps and broken wand isn't needed:)
    • Wizard Mizgog: Good job helping out with the imps. I know that Whitezag can be a handful sometimes
    • Player: That's no problem. I am here to help after all.
    • Wizard Mizgog: Merry Christmas Player!

Talking to Timmy[]

Outside the puzzle[]

  • (If the lesser demon claws aren't needed:)
    • Player: Erm... Hello, Timmy...
    • Timmy: RAWR!
  • (If the 2 sets of lesser demon claws are needed:)
    • Player: Erm.... Excuse me...Timmy... Could I have a couple of your claws, please?
    • Timmy: RAWR!
    • Player: Oh dear, I think I may have annoyed him!
    • Player: That said, it looks like he dropped his claw while attacking the bars.
    • Player: *Yoink!*
    • The player picks up the demon claws.
    • Player: I wonder if I can annoy him again.
    • Use items from Timmy's toy box on Timmy to make him react. You can also annoy him by performing emotes outside his cage. You must be careful though, some will annoy Timmy, others will calm him down.
    • Timmy's puzzle begins.
  • (If the 1 set of lesser demon claws are needed:)
    • Player: Lets[sic] see if I can get another claw....
    • Timmy's puzzle begins.

During the puzzle[]

If the player clicked out of the initial dialogue[]
    • Player: Lets[sic] see if I can get another claw....
First three times[]
  • Timmy is annoyed by your attempts to speak with him!
  • Timmy: RAWR!!
  • The anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy ignores you.

Talking to Isidor[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hello, Sedridor sent me. He said you needed some help.
  • Isidor: Help? Did I ask for some help?
  • Player: Yes; something to do with snow and explosions...
  • Isidor: Oh yes! The snow emitters; you had best crack on and place them for me, then!
  • Player: do they work?
  • Isidor: What? You don't know?
  • Player: No, I've never used them before.
  • Isidor: Well, I had better teach you then, you may hurt yourself otherwise!
  • Player: Yes, I think that is for the best.
  • The camera changes to a bird-eye view.
  • Isidor: Okay Player what I need you to do is cover the floor of the banquet area in snow. It looks rather dungeon-like at the moment, and that is no scene for a Christmas banquet.
  • Isidor: To help you I have created a device called a snow emitter, it takes all the moisture in the air and sucks it through a portal to an arctic plane.
  • Isidor: The water will freeze in the arctic plane, pass back through the portal and finally shoot out the snow emitter as snow. Got that?
  • Player: parts.
  • Isidor: Good enough for me. There are a number of rules you need to follow when using a snow emitter.
  • A snow emitter appears with some snow around it.
  • Isidor: When you place an emitter snow will shoot out in 4 directions.
  • Isidor: Notice that the snow is blocked by the furniture. It will be blocked by the bricked edge too.
  • The snow emitter disappears with the snow.
  • Isidor: When you remove an emitter, snow that was laid down will also be removed.
  • Two snow emitter appear in an invalid configuration.
  • Isidor: You must not place 2 snow emitters in a position where they can shoot snow at each other. If I see you doing this I will stop you.
  • The snow emitter disappear with the snow.
  • Isidor: Now for the most important bit. I am going to enchant you so that you can see weak spots in the inter-dimentional rift.
  • Player: The what?
  • Isidor: Inter-dimentional rift...
  • Player: ...
  • Isidor: ...don't worry about it.
  • Numerous numbers appear.
  • Isidor: These numbers show how weak a spot is, the higher the number the more snow emitters you can place around that spot...
  • A snow emitter appears to the left of a number 3.
  • Isidor: ...horizontally...
  • A snow emitter appears below the number 3.
  • Isidor: ...vertically...
  • A snow emitter appears to the right above the number 3.
  • Isidor: ...and diagonally.
  • A snow emitter appears to the above the number 3.
  • Isidor: Finally, you can only place emitters around these weak spots and only up to the value shown by the number. I will stop you from putting too many around a weak spot.
  • The camera changes back to the player.
  • Isidor: Ready to start placing the emitters now Player?
    • I'd like to start placing the snow emitters please.
      • The snow emitter puzzle begins.
    • Could you explain the snow emitters to me again please?
      • (The tutorial is repeated.)
    • I have to go help elsewhere.
      • Isidor: Okay, please come back when you have time to help.


  • Player: Hello Isidor.
  • Isidor: Hello...erm..... Player. What are you doing here?
  • Player: I'm helping set up the banquet area using your snow emitters...
  • Isidor: Yes, I remember now.
    • I'd like to start placing the snow emitters please.
      • The snow emitter puzzle begins.
    • Could you explain the snow emitters to me again please?
      • (The tutorial is repeated.)
    • I have to go help elsewhere.
      • Isidor: Okay, please come back when you have time to help.

Exiting the snow emitter puzzle[]

  • If you exit the puzzle all the snow emitters will be removed.
  • Are you sure?
    • Yes
      • (The puzzle is abandoned.)
    • No
      • (Dialogue terminates.)

Placing a snow emitter outside the banquet area[]

  • Isidor: Please don't place snow emitters outside the banquet area, Player. I don't want to clean up after you!

Placing a snow emitter in a spot not next to a weak spot[]

  • Isidor: That spot is not next to a weakspot so no snow would come out of the emitter, better to just not place one there.

Placing a snow emitter so that it would shoot another[]

  • Isidor: I thought I told you not to make snow emitters shoot each other!

Placing a snow emitter next to a full weak spot[]

  • Isidor: You already have the maximum amount of emitters around that weak spot Player. Try removing some around the weak spot before placing more.

Finishing the snow emitter puzzle[]

  • Player: That looks about right to me. I should go and tell Isidor that I am done.

Returning to Isidor[]

First time[]

  • Player: I have covered the banquet area in snow.
  • Isidor: Thank you for your help Player, the banquet hall looks great!


  • Isidor: Thank you for your help Player, you should help others now.

Talking to Wizard Whitezag[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hello. Sedridor sent me to see how the waiters are coming along.
  • Wizard Whitezag: Checking up on me, I see! I am the greatest summoner that ever lived! I don't need checking up on.
  • Player: So I can tell Sedridor that those loud noises he heard are nothing to worry about and we will have plenty of waiters at the banquet...
  • Wizard Whitezag: Of course!
  • Wizard Mizgog: Actually, Player, things have gone a bit out of whack here...
  • Wizard Whitezag: What are you talking about, Mizgog? Things are fine...aren't they?
  • Wizard Mizgog: They most certainly are not. You have let those blasted things escape again!
  • Wizard Whitezag: They didn't escape, I sent them off to do some jobs!
  • Wizard Mizgog: Was one of those jobs taking one of your spare hats?
  • Wizard Whitezag: Yes! I am...having it cleaned!
  • Player: Okay...can I just....
  • Wizard Mizgog: Well you are definitely the greatest at summoning up excuses.
  • Wizard Whitezag: One day, I will show you all. Then you will stop questioning my abilities!
  • Player: Hello....
  • Wizard Mizgog: I am not questioning your summoning ability, I am questioning your ability to control what you summon!
  • Wizard Whitezag: How dare you! Do you know who you are speaking to?
  • Wizard Mizgog: I'll stop questioning you when you can control those mischievous imps....
  • Player: I cannot help you if you don't listen to me....
  • Wizard Whitezag: I have no idea what you are talking about, Player; I have already said that I don't need help.
  • Player: I think we both know that isn't true.
  • Wizard Whitezag: Fine! It won't do to be shown up in front of Frumscone, anyway. There are four, and I don't know where they are.
  • Player: You don't know where they are...
  • Wizard Mizgog: Don't worry, Player; they cannot get off the island. Just look around the tower for them. They have never been good at hiding, so you'll spot them.
  • Player: What do I need to do when I find the imps?
  • Wizard Mizgog: When you find an imp, you need to banish them with the words `Ziemmassve'tku veci'tis`.
  • Player: Okay, I'll try to find them for you. I'll keep an eye out for your hat, too


  • (If the player is looking for imps and lesser demon claws aren't needed:)
    • Wizard Whitezag: Have you found all the imps yet?
    • Player: Not yet I'm afraid.
  • (If the player isn't looking for imps and lesser demon claws are needed:)
    • Player: Could I have two of Timmy's claws?
    • Wizard Whitezag: Haha... They are not mine to give, Player. You should get in the cage and ask him for them!
  • (If the player is looking for imps and lesser demon claws are needed:)
    • Ask about Timmy's claws.
      • Player: Could I have two of Timmy's claws?
      • Wizard Whitezag: Haha... They are not mine to give, Player. You should get in the cage and ask him for them!
    • Ask about imps.
      • Wizard Whitezag: Have you found all the imps yet?
      • Player: Not yet I'm afraid.

Checking the bed[]

  • Player: Hello under there!
  • Imp: Shh! You's messin' up tha game!
  • Player: What game?
  • Imp: We's playin' hide n' seek. Now goes away! You's givin' my position away!
  • Player: Who is the seeker?
  • Imp: 'Tis Whitezag. He's no gud, though!
  • Player: I found you really easily here. Do you want me to show you a really good hiding place?
  • Imp: That'd be real nice of ya, Player!
  • Player: Ziemmassve'tku veci'tis
  • The imp is teleported out.
  • Player: I don't think Whitezag is going to find him there!

Checking the bookcase[]

  • Player: Hello in there!
  • Imp: Shh! Can't you see I's readin'?
  • Player: You are not even holding a book.
  • Imp: Imps are magical, u'no... we dun' need to.
  • Player: That's good. You wont[sic] mind if I send you back home, then!
  • Player: Ziemmassve'tku veci'tis
  • The imp is teleported out.

Checking the fountain[]

  • Player: Hello in there! Are you still alive?
  • Imp: H'LP MEH!!
  • Player: I think I had better get you out of there as soon as possible.
  • Player: Ziemmassve'tku veci'tis
  • The imp is teleported out.

Checking the Oak Tree[]

  • Player: Hello up there!
  • Imp: Goes away! Can't you see that I'm busy climbing this tree?
  • Player: It looks like you are hanging more than climbing.
  • Imp: Well, there's no need to be rood!
  • Player: Sorry...
  • Imp: So's you shud be!
  • Player: Is that your hat?
  • Imp: O'course 'tis!
  • Player: It looks a lot like a hat belonging to a certain wizard I know...
  • Imp: Dunno wha' you're talkin' bout!
  • Player: Of course you don't... Time to go home!
  • Player: Ziemmassve'tku veci'tis
  • The imp is teleported out.
  • (If all the imps have been found:)
    • Player: That's all of them. Time to go back to Whitezag...

Returning to Wizard Whitezag[]

First time[]

  • (If the lesser demon claws aren't needed:)
    • Wizard Whitezag: Have you found all the imps yet?
    • Player: Yes; they are all taken care of!
    • Wizard Whitezag: ...and my hat?
    • Player: Yes, even that. Here you go.
    • Wizard Whitezag: Ah, I keep creating and losing these hats. Thanks!
    • You hand the hat to Wizard Whitezag.
    • Player: Anything you need help with?
    • Wizard Whitezag: No, I'm sure the next imps will behave.
    • Player: Can I suggest snow imps?
    • Wizard Whitezag: Snow imps... That's a good idea... Of course, Player! That is what I meant. I am the greatest summoner ever after all.
    • Player: Yes...I'll tell Sedridor that it's all sorted.
    • Wizard Whitezag: Good!
  • (If the lesser demon claws are needed:)
    • Ask about Timmy's claws.
      • Player: Could I have two of Timmy's claws?
      • Wizard Whitezag: Haha... They are not mine to give, Player. You should get in the cage and ask him for them!
    • Ask about imps.
      • Wizard Whitezag: Have you found all the imps yet?
      • Player: Yes; they are all taken care of!
      • Wizard Whitezag: ...and my hat?
      • Player: Yes, even that. Here you go.
      • Wizard Whitezag: Ah, I keep creating and losing these hats. Thanks!
      • You hand the hat to Wizard Whitezag.
      • Player: Anything you need help with?
      • Wizard Whitezag: No, I'm sure the next imps will behave.
      • Player: Can I suggest snow imps?
      • Wizard Whitezag: Snow imps... That's a good idea... Of course, Player! That is what I meant. I am the greatest summoner ever after all.
      • Player: Yes...I'll tell Sedridor that it's all sorted.
      • Wizard Whitezag: Good!


  • (If the lesser demon claws aren't needed:)
    • Player: Have you released any more imps yet?
    • Wizard Whitezag: Not yet Player!
  • (If the lesser demon claws are needed:)
    • Ask about Timmy's claws.
      • (As before.)
    • Ask about imps.
    • Player: Have you released any more imps yet?
    • Wizard Whitezag: Not yet Player!

Talking to Wizard Sioncorn[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hello, Wizard Sioncorn. Sedridor said that you would like some help with some decorations.
  • Wizard Sioncorn: Yes, Player. I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I agreed to help sort out the decorations, but they keep escaping!
  • Player: Keep escaping?
  • Wizard Sioncorn: Yes, the decorations have been kept in the attic.
  • Player: There is an attic?
  • Wizard Sioncorn: Yes, the attic is kept hidden as it is filled with all manner of magical artefacts that we would rather keep hidden due to their power.
  • Wizard Sioncorn: It seems that magic in the attic has leaked into the decorations...and now they are alive!
  • Player: So how can I help you?
  • Wizard Sioncorn: Well, every time I pick up the box of decorations, the decorations escape. If you could catch any that escape while I carry the box of decorations out, that would be very much appreciated.
  • Wizard Sioncorn: Could you help me get the decorations from the attic Player?
    • Sure
      • The decoration-grabbing begins.
    • Sorry I'm busy with something else at the moment
      • Wizard Sioncorn: Ok Player, please gome back and help when you can.


  • Wizard Sioncorn: Could you help me get the decorations from the attic Player?
    • Sure
      • The decoration-grabbing begins.
    • Sorry I'm busy with something else at the moment
      • Wizard Sioncorn: Ok Player, please gome back and help when you can.



  • Wizard Sioncorn: Okay, Player, I am going to pick up the box and take it to the portal. Remember to pick up any decorations that escape.

Wizard Sioncorn carrying the box[]

  • (One of the following are shown overhead:)
    • Wizard Sioncorn: Oh's hard to fly with this heavy box!
    • Wizard Sioncorn: Quick Player get that decoration!


  • Wizard Sioncorn: This is hopeless, they are everywhere, I'm going back to the tower, you can exit the attic through the portal. Speak to me when you are ready to try again.


  • Wizard Sioncorn: Thank you for your help, Player. You can exit the attic through the portal.


  • If you leave now, all items that have been dropped on the floor will stay in the attic and never be found again.
  • Are you sure you want to leave?
    • Yes
      • The player gets teleported back to the second floor.
    • No
      • (Dialogue terminates.)

Returning to Wizard Sioncorn[]

First time[]

  • Wizard Sioncorn: Thanks again for the help. I can decorate the banquet room now.
  • Player: No problem, Wizard Sioncorn. I am happy to help!


  • Wizard Sioncorn: Thank you for the help, Player! Hope to see you at the banquet.

Talking to Kringle[]

First time[]

  • Kringle: What's that horrible smell?
  • Kringle: Oh, it you human. It hard to concentrate with that smell around!
  • Player: Nice to meet you too. Sedridor told me to come and help you....and why are you playing around with a cannon?
  • Kringle: Stupid human. It not a cannon - it a secret dwarven cooking device!
  • Player: Believe me, it's a cannon, and if you are not careful you will blow us all up!
  • Kringle: Human is stupid and smelly; Kringle got no time for this! Speak to Kris - he tell you how to help.


  • Kringle: That horrible smell back....I told you to go away and speak to Kris, human!

Talking to Kris[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hello, Kris. Kringle said that you have a job for me.
  • Kris: Yes; Kris need you to get him ingredients.
  • Player: Sure, what do you need?
  • Kris: I needs 5 enchanted Christmas puddings, 2 dragon eyes, 2 demon claws, sparks from a wand and some Christmas spirit.
    • Ask about enchanted Christmas puddings.
      • Kris: I need 5 of dem puddings dat are jumping around da kitching. I too slow to get em; tiny human should be fast enough to get em.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Ask about dragon eyes
      • Kris: I need da eyes from a dragon. You looks too puny to take on a real one so speak to Traiborn about his.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Ask about demon claws.
      • Kris: I need 2 claws from Timmy upstairs. Speak to Wizard Whitezag about how to gets em.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Next.
      • Ask about the wand.
        • Kris: I need a sparky wand. Mizgog broke his recently, so speak to him.
        • (Returns to the initial options.)
      • Ask about Christmas spirit.
        • Kris: This Christmas meal, so I need something festive. I need you ta fill dis jar wiv Christmas spirit.
        • Player: How do I catch Christmas spirit?
        • Kris: Use da jar on someone and wish em Merry Christmas. Da jar will do rest.
        • Kris: Here is jar for you to use.
        • Kris gives you an empty Christmas spirit jar.
        • (Returns to the initial options.)
      • Ask about something else.
        • What do I need to collect still?
          • (Returns to the initial options.)
        • Can I have a Christmas spirit jar?
          • (If the jar is owned:)
            • Kris: You already has a Christmas spirit jar.
            • (Returns to the previous options.)
          • (If the jar is lost:)
            • Kris: Here is jar for you to use.
            • Kris gives you an empty Christmas spirit jar.
        • I'd like to hand in what I have so far.
          • Kris: You gots nothin' for me.
        • Nothing.
          • (Dialogue terminates.)
      • Previous.
        • (Returns to the initial options.)

When collecting ingredients[]

  • What do I need to collect still?
    • (If the enchanted christmas puddings haven't been turned in:)
      • Ask about enchanted Christmas puddings.
        • Kris: I need 5 of dem puddings dat are jumping around da kitching. I too slow to get em; tiny human should be fast enough to get em.
        • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • (If the dragon's eyes haven't been turned in:)
      • Ask about dragon eyes
        • Kris: I need da eyes from a dragon. You looks too puny to take on a real one so speak to Traiborn about his.
        • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • (If the lesser demon claws haven't been turned in:)
      • Ask about demon claws.
        • Kris: I need 2 claws from Timmy upstairs. Speak to Wizard Whitezag about how to gets em.
        • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • (If the broken wand hasn't been turned in:)
      • Ask about the wand.
        • Kris: I need a sparky wand. Mizgog broke his recently, so speak to him.
        • (Returns to the options before last.)
    • (If the Christmas spirit jar has't been turned in:)
      • Ask about Christmas spirit.
        • Kris: This Christmas meal, so I need something festive. I need you ta fill dis jar wiv Christmas spirit.
        • Player: How do I catch Christmas spirit?
        • Kris: Use da jar on someone and wish em Merry Christmas. Da jar will do rest.
        • (If the jar has been lost:)
          • Kris: Here is jar for you to use.
          • Kris gives you an empty Christmas spirit jar.
          • (Continues below.)
        • (Returns to the options before last.)
    • (If anything hasn't been turned in:)
      • Ask about something else.
        • (Returns to the initial options.)
    • (If something has been turned in:)
      • Nothing.
        • (Dialogue terminates.)
  • Can I have a Christmas spirit jar?
    • (If the jar is owned:)
      • Kris: You already has a Christmas spirit jar.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • (If the jar is lost:)
      • Kris: Here is jar for you to use.
      • Kris gives you an empty Christmas spirit jar.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
  • I'd like to hand in what I have so far.
    • (If there is nothing to hand in:)
      • Kris: You gots nothin' for me.
    • (If the player has 5 enchanted christmas puddings:)
      • Kris: Thanks for da puddings. Dats all of dem.
      • (Continues below.)
    • (If the player has 2 lesser demon claws:)
      • Kris: Thanks for Timmy's claws.
      • (Continues below.)
    • (If the player has 2 dragon's eyes:)
      • Kris: Thanks for da dragon eyes.
      • (Continues below.)
    • (If the player has the broken wand:)
      • Kris: Thanks for da wand.
      • (Continues below.)
    • (If the player has the full Christmas spirit jar:)
      • Kris: Thanks for da Christmas spirit.
      • (Continues below.)
    • (If the player has still has items to hand in:)
      • (Dialogue terminates.)
    • (If all the items have been handed in:)
      • Kris: Dat all of dem! You should speak with Kringle now. He cooking genius; he help us cook ingredients.
      • (Continues below.)
  • Nothing.
    • (Dialogue terminates.)

After collecting ingredients[]

  • Kris: You should speak with Kringle now. He cooking genius; he help us cook ingredients.

Talking to Traiborn[]

First time[]

  • Player: Excuse me Traiborn, could I have the eyes from your dragon bust over there?
  • Traiborn: You most certainly cannot!
    • C'mon, I need them!
      • Traiborn: No! I slew the dragon, I get to keep it, including its eyes!
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • But this is another dimension. It isn't the real dragons head!
      • Traiborn: How do you know that I didn't slay the dragon in this dimension?
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • If you don't then you won't get any food at the banquet...
      • Traiborn: I hear a goblin and a troll are doing the cooking this year so it's probably for the best.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Look over there! A thingummywut!
      • Player: Look over there! A thingummywut!
      • Traiborn: Where?
      • Traiborn turns away while you steal the dragon's eyes.
      • Traiborn: I cannot see it, what did it look like?
      • Player: You really are as crazy as they say!
      • Traiborn: Listen Player! Thingummywuts are no joking matter! I will not have you coming in here and making a mockery of my life's work. Now, get out!
    • Fine then, I guess we all miss out on dinner.
      • Traiborn: I'm glad you saw sense.


  • Traiborn: I thought I told you to get out!

Timmy's puzzle actions[]

Leaving the room with Timmy's toys[]

  • An enchantment on Timmy's toys magically teleport them back into his toy box.

Using an invalid item on Timmy[]

  • Timmy is not interested in your offering.

Using lesser demon claws on Timmy[]

  • You are supposed to be getting them from Timmy, not giving them back!

Using a snowball on Timmy[]

First two times[]
  • You throw a snowball at Timmy.
  • Timmy: Ragrrghh!!
  • Timmy is angered by your cowardly attacks from behind bars.
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
Third time[]
  • You throw a snowball at Timmy.
  • Timmy: Ragrrghh!!
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • You throw a snowball at Timmy.
  • Timmy: Ragrrghh!!
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.

Using a Christmas pudding on Timmy[]

First two times[]
  • You throw a Christmas pudding at Timmy.
  • Timmy: RAARRGGGHHHH!!!!
  • Timmy is angered by your wasteful use of pudding.
  • Timmy's anger level rises greatly.
Third time[]
  • You throw a Christmas pudding at Timmy.
  • Timmy: RAARRGGGHHHH!!!!
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • You throw a Christmas pudding at Timmy.
  • Timmy: RAARRGGGHHHH!!!!
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.

Using a brick on Timmy[]

  • You pass the brick through the bars and Timmy eats the brick.
  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your offering.

Using a toy doll on Timmy[]

First two times[]
  • You place the doll through the bars and into Timmy's cage.
  • Timmy: Gnaarrrgghhh!!
  • Timmy is angered by your attempts to make him look silly.
  • Timmy's anger level rises greatly.
Third time[]
  • You place the doll through the bars and into Timmy's cage.
  • Timmy: Gnaarrrgghhh!!
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • You place the doll through the bars and into Timmy's cage.
  • Timmy: Gnaarrrgghhh!!
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.

Using a teddy bear on Timmy[]

  • You place the teddy through the bars and into Timmy's cage.
  • Timmy's is pleased greatly by your offering. Timmy loves his teddy.
  • Timmy's anger level is completely drained.

Using a Timmy's christmas present on Timmy[]

  • You give Timmy a present.
  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy's is pleased with your offering.

Destroying Timmy's christmas present[]

First two times[]
  • Player: Hey, Timmy... Look, it's your Christmas present!
  • The player stomps on the present.
  • Timmy: Gnnnaaaarrrggghhh!
  • Timmy's is displeased with your decision to destroy his Christmas present!
  • Timmy's anger level rises greatly.
Third time[]
  • Player: Hey, Timmy... Look, it's your Christmas present!
  • The player stomps on the present.
  • You have destroyed all the presents that Timmy cares about and this no longer annoys him.
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Player: Hey, Timmy... Look, it's your Christmas present!
  • The player stomps on the present.
  • You have destroyed all the presents that Timmy cares about and this no longer annoys him.

Performing the Bow or Curtsy emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your display of obedience.

Performing the Angry emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your show of frustration.

Performing the Think emote[]

First three times[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is displeased with your scheming.
  • Timmy is displeased with your scheming.

Performing the Shrug emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your show of confusion.

Performing the Cheer, Laugh, Jump For Joy, or Jig emote[]

First two times[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is displeased with your show of happiness.
Third time[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.

Performing the Yawn emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your show of boredom.

Performing the Dance emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with the entertainment you have given him.

Performing the Headbang emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your appreciation of good music.

Performing the Cry emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your upset.

Performing the Blow Kiss emote[]

First two times[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is displeased with your show of affection towards him.
Third time[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.

Performing the Panic or Scared emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your display of fear.

Performing the Raspberry emote[]

First two times[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is displeased with your cowardly taunting from behind bars.
Third time[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.

Performing the Stomp emote[]

First two times[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is annoyed by your stomping.
Third time[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.

Performing the Flap emote[]

First two times[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is confused and annoyed by your attempts to fly.
Third time[]
  • Timmy's anger level rises a little.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.
  • Timmy is bored with your repetitive actions.

Performing the Slap Head emote[]

  • Timmy's anger level reduces a little.
  • Timmy is pleased with your attempts to knock yourself out.

Filling the angry level bar[]

  • Timmy: RAWR!!!
  • The player grabs another lesser demon claw.
  • Player: Got it!

Using the Christmas spirit jar on someone[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas [Target]

Returning to Kringle[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hello, Kringle. Kris said I should speak to you about cooking the ingredients...
  • Kringle: Silly human, you not cooking; Kringle the chef!
  • Player: Right... Well, what do you need help with, then?
  • Kringle: I need you to load device. I too short and Kris' hands too big.
  • Player: Not so smelly now you need my help, am I?
  • Kringle: No, Player. You still smelly, but needs must.
  • Player: Not much of a people-goblin, are you? Fine, I'll help. Maybe blowing yourself up with a cannon will teach you some manners!
  • Kringle: I already told you human, it a dwarven cooking device.
  • Player: Fine. How do you want me to load the `cooking device`?
  • Kringle: You need to do it in right order, recipe a bit vague, Kringle drunk when he write it....Kringle always cook with wine - sometimes it even go in food.
  • Kringle: Here is recipe. Claws not on top of eyes, they burst them, but they go well together. Spirit is drizzled on top everything, puddings needs most flavour added to it but don't put spice directly on them.
  • Kringle: Here ingredients from Kris. Spice in barrel over there. Speak to me when you done.
  • Kringle hands the ingredients to the player.

While loading up the secret dwarven cooking device[]

  • Kringle: You not finished loading yet, what you want?
    • Can I get the ingredients again please?
      • Kringle: Here you go, speak to me when you done.
      • Kringle hands the ingredients to the player.
    • What was the order of ingredients again?
      • Kringle: Claws not on top of eyes, they burst them, but they go well together. Spirit is drizzled on top everything, puddings needs most flavour added to it, but don't put spice directly on them.
    • I have put all the ingredients into the cannon
      • Kringle: Let me check how you did...
      • Kringle: You not finished yet!
      • (Dialogue restarts from the beginning.)
    • I will go load the cannon now
      • (Dialogue terminates.)

Adding an incorrect ingredient[]

  • Kringle: That not look like right ingredient to me.

After loading up the secret dwarven cooking device[]

First time[]
  • Kringle: Cannon look loaded!
  • Kringle: You want to watch Kringle cook now?
    • Sure! This has got to be seen...
      • The cutscene starts.
    • Err...I'll be back later.
      • Kringle: It smelling better already.
  • Kringle: You want to watch Kringle cook now?
    • Sure! This has got to be seen...
      • The cutscene starts.
    • Err...I'll be back later.
      • Kringle: It smelling better already.

Cooking cutscene[]

  • Kris: Now you gets ta see da genius dat Kringle at work!
  • The secret dwarven cooking device shoots at Kringle, the walls, Kris, and the player, the last of which it misses.

Returning to Kringle again[]

First time[]

  • Player: Ancient cooking device, eh? Stupid human, eh? I hate to say it, but I am going to anyway...
  • Player: I...
  • Player: Told...
  • Player: You...
  • Kringle: What smelly human talking about?
  • Kringle: Let try this food...
  • Kringle tastes the food.
  • Kringle: It beautiful! This is the BEST Christmas pudding I ever tried!
  • Player: But you and Kris got shot... You messed up your kitchen!
  • Kringle: What is it you humans say? `You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs'.
  • Player: Well....yes...but......
  • Kringle: Well, then, Kringle cooks as good as human!
  • Player: I give up...
  • Kringle: Finally smelly human accept Kringle smarter!
  • Kringle: Thank you for help - you done here. Can you leave now? Kringle need to concentrate and you smell making it difficult.
  • Player: With pleasure...


  • Kringle: Thank you for help - you done here. Can you leave now? Kringle need to concentrate and you smell making it difficult.
  • Player: With pleasure.

Returning to Kris[]

  • Kris: Thanks for da help. You not bad for puny human.

Finishing all the tasks[]

  • Player: That is all of the tasks done! I should go see Sedridor now.

Returning to Sedridor[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hello Sedridor! I have completed all of the tasks you asked me to complete.
  • Sedridor: Excellent Player, now we can show those blasted Magic Guild wizards what the Wizards' Tower is made of!
  • Sedridor: Are you ready for the banquet now, Player?
    • Yes
      • The banquet begins.
    • I have to go now
      • Sedridor: Okay, Player. Come back later for the banquet.


  • I am ready for the banquet now
    • The banquet begins.
  • Why have you built a second wizards tower?
    • (As before.)
  • I had better go now
    • Sedridor: Okay, Player. Come back later for the banquet.

The banquet[]


  • Frumscone: Nice waiters. They're very cute!
  • Whitezag: What do you mean by `cute`?
  • Frumscone: Haha! Calm down! I think those tiny snow imps are perfect waiters.
  • Whitezag: No, I will not calm down! Do you think I cannot create anything better?
  • Whitezag: I'll show you!
  • Whitezag summons a snow warrior.
  • Frumscone: Don't try to bully me like you do to Mizgog. The wizards from the Magic Guild are no pushovers!
  • Frumscone summons three snow warriors.
  • Whitezag: And you think the wizards o The Wizards' Tower are? You Magic Guild wizards think you are so much better than us! Prepare to be proven wrong!
  • Sedridor teleports to the scene.
  • Sedridor: I guess it wouldn't be Christmas without at least one argument...
  • Sedridor: Let's take this elsewhere, though. I don't want my dinner ruined.
  • Frumscone and Whitezag continue the snowman fight in the room to the north.
  • Player: Looks like the wizards feast is all done. That went well! I should tell Santa the good news!

Talking to a Snow Imp[]

  • (If a snow imp has been summoned with ice amulet:)
    • Snow Imp: 'Ello!
    • Snow Imp: 'Ello [snow imp name]. Hows it going?
    • Snow imp: I's alrite, Player's lookin' afta me!
    • Snow Imp: S'good t'hear!
    • (Continues below.)
  • Snow Imp: 'Ello!
  • Player: Hello! Merry Christmas!
  • Snow Imp: Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoys da feastie!

Talking to a snow imp summoned with ice amulet[]

  • Snow imp: 'Ello, Player!
  • Player: Hello again [Snow imp name]. Merry Christmas!
  • Snow imp: Merry Christmas Player, thanks for bringing me to da feastie!
  • Player: No problem! It wouldn't be Christmas without [Snow imp name], would it?
  • Snow imp: Certainly not Player

Talking to Aubury[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas, Aubury!
  • Aubury: Merry Christmas, Player!
  • Player: How is the shop doing?
  • Aubury: It is a lot quieter these days, but I don't mind. Teleporting people to the rune essence mine that many times a day gets tiring.
  • Player: I can only imagine.

Talking to Bogrog[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Bogrog!
  • Bogrog: Merry Christmas tiny human!

Talking to Isidor[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Isidor!
  • Isidor: Merry Christmas Player! Thank you for your help, the banquet hall looks very snowy. Good job!

Talking to Kringle[]

  • (As before.)

Talking to Kris[]

Without enchanted christmas pudding[]
  • Kris: If you give me more puddings I can teach you more about puddin' cookin' if you wants.
With enchanted christmas pudding[]
  • Kris: Ahh, you has puddings, would you like to give dem to me?
    • Yes
      • The player exchanges the pudding for some Cooking experience.
      • Kris: Mmm, me luv da puddins.
    • No
      • Kris: Oh, me want da puddins too.

Talking to Sanfew[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Sanfew!
  • Sanfew: Merry Christmas Player!

Talking to Sedridor[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Sedridor!
  • Sedridor: Merry Christmas Player!
  • Sedridor: Thank you for your help young adventurer. I think we proved to the guild wizards that we are capable of making a rather good banquet!

Talking to Thormac[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas, Thormac!
  • Thormac: Merry Christmas Player!
  • Thormac: You have not seen my pet scorpion around here, have you?
  • Player: No! Sorry, I've had enough of chasing animals for one day thank you.
  • Thormac: Well, okay. Can you let me know if you find it, please?
  • Player: Sure.

Talking to Timmy[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Timmy!
  • Timmy: RAWR!!

Talking to Traiborn[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Traiborn!
  • Traiborn: Merry Christmas young thingummywut. Somebody has stolen the eyes from the dragon bust in my room. Would you know about that?
  • Player: idea. It must have been a thingummywut.
  • Traiborn: Interesting theory Player.....I shall have to investigate more; those blasted thingummywuts cause me so much trouble!
  • Player: Yeah... Tell me about it.....

Talking to Wizard Acantha[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Acantha!
  • Wizard Acantha: Merry Christmas Player!

Talking to Wizard Distentor[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Wizard Distentor!
  • Wizard Distentor: Merry Christmas Player!
  • Player: So, what do you think of the banquet?
  • Wizard Distentor: It's okay, the turkey isn't dancing to the table but the snow imps are good waiters.
  • Player: Did you try any of the pudding?
  • Wizard Distentor: I did! I may not be a big pudding fan, but anything cooked in a cannon has to be tried!
  • Player: You are braver than I am.

Talking to Wizard Frumscone[]

  • Wizard Frumscone: Good job on choosing to support the mighty wizards at the Magic Guild! Time to put those tower mages in their place; grab some snow and help me!
  • Player: What is it that you need me to do with the snow?
  • Wizard Frumscone: Grab some snow from the piles beside me, then run over to the piles of snow over there. Pick what type of snowman you want to build and then add snow.
  • Wizard Frumscone: When it is built I will bring it to life! I can only animate 2 snowmen per snow pile, though, so choose wisely!

Talking to Wizard Korvak[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Korvac[sic]!
  • Wizard Korvak: Merry Christmas Player!

Talking to Wizard Mizgog[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Mizgog!
  • Wizard Mizgog: Merry Christmas, Player! Have you seen what Wizard Whitezag is up to now? He has picked a fight with Frumscone - They are fighting it out behind that screen there...
  • Player: What happened?
  • Wizard Mizgog: I'm not sure, I didn't see. I have no doubt that it will be a childish reason, though...

Talking to Wizard Shug[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Shug!
  • Wizard Shug: Zzz....
  • Wizard Shug: Urrgghhh...Watch out for that thingummywut Traiborn!!
  • Wizard Shug: Zzzz....
  • Player: I had better not let Traiborn know about this. It won't do him any good....

Talking to Wizard Sioncorn[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Sioncorn!
  • Wizard Sioncorn: Merry Christmas Player!
  • Wizard Sioncorn: Thank you very much for your help with the decorations. I could not have done it without you.

Talking to Wizard Vief[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Vief!
  • Wizard Vief: Merry Christmas Player!

Talking to Wizard Whitezag[]

  • Wizard Whitezag: Good job on choosing to support the real wizards at the Wizards' Tower. Time to teach those self-important mages of the Magic Guild a lesson; grab some snow and help me!
  • Player: What is it that you need me to do with the snow?
  • Wizard Whitezag: Grab some snow from the piles beside me, then run over to the piles of snow over there. Pick what type of snowman you want to build and then add snow.
  • Wizard Whitezag: When it is built I will bring it to life! I can only animate 2 snowmen per snow pile, though, so choose wisely!

Talking to Zavistic Rarve[]

  • Player: Merry Christmas Zavistic!
  • Zavistic Rarve: Merry Christmas, Player!
  • Player: This is a great banquet!
  • Wizard Distentor: Yes, this is the first thing I have seen tower wizards do correcly... They must have had some help.
  • Player: Maybe, yes - They do have good friends.
  • Wizard Distentor: I did! I may not be a big pudding fan, but anything cooked in a cannon has to be tried!
  • Player: You are braver than I am.

Talking to Zimberfizz[]

  • Zimberfizz: Merry Christmas Player!
  • Player: Merry Christmas Zimberfizz! What are you doing here?
  • Zimberfizz: I's 'ere on bizniss!
  • Player: I'm not going to ask.....

Returning to Santa Claus[]

  • Player: The Towering Feast was amazing!
  • Santa Claus: Was everything ok? Nothing went wrong?
  • Player: Nope, everything all seemed normal!
  • Player: Well... To the wizard's standards, that is.
  • Santa Claus: That's great, I'm super glad to hear that! All good boys and girls deserve a great celebration each year.
  • Santa Claus: I'll continue to investigate what's been going on at the celebrations. Please come back when I'm finished some investigating to help out if you wish!
  • Player: Sure thing, Santa!
  • Congratulations! Event complete!
  • Santa Claus: Please feel free to re-enter the wardrobes. My wife and the other hosts require help and have set up some additional activities for you.
  • Player: What can I help out with?
  • Santa Claus: The Queen of Snow would love more help building snowmen. She's got some magical ones which are infused with various combat skills in the south of the Land of Snow.
  • Santa Claus: Thorvar has set up the seal sliding course. Mastering the ice will help boost your agility and dungeoneering skills!
  • Santa Claus: The wizard's cooks, Kris and Kringle, still need help gathering puddings. Those puddings are quite tricky to grab, better be quick on your feet when you go to get 'em.

Christmas never dies![]

Talking to Santa Claus[]

First time[]

  • Santa Claus: Welcome back, Player!
  • Player: Thanks, Santa! Any news on the mysterious occurrences that happened at the celebrations?
  • Santa Claus: I've been investigating and I've found some things which I was hoping I could get an elf to follow up on. Want to help me out, Player?
  • Player: Sure thing, Santa! Let's work this one out together. What would you like me to do?
  • Santa Claus: Could you pop back to the Queen of Snow and have a chat with her?
  • Player: I'll get right on it.


  • Santa Claus: The Queen of Snow might have more information about the imps unionising. Please talk to her and tell me what you find out.
  • Santa gestures to the wardrobe with a Dragon Snowman outside.

Talking to Queen of Snow[]

First time[]

  • Queen of Snow: Come back for more snowman building?
  • Player: Maybe later. I'm here to ask about the snow imps!
  • Queen of Snow: Mischievous little things. What would you like to know about them?
  • Player: How did they get to unionise? Snow imps don't seem that organised to me.
  • Queen of Snow: They aren't. Someone has represented them but I'm not sure who. However they all seem to have received baubles as a gift from said person. I'm not sure if that helps.
  • Player: That might be helpful. I'm sure Santa will know more. Thanks for your help!
  • Queen of Snow: No problem! Please come back and help build some snowmen any time!


  • Queen of Snow: I've told you all I know about the snow imps and the baubles. Perhaps Santa has more for you to do.
  • Queen of Snow: In the mean time you can build the special snowmen in the south of the Land of Snow. They'll be a pretty unique experience compared to the others you made...

Returning to Santa Claus[]

First time[]

  • Santa Claus: What did the Queen of Snow say about the snow imps?
  • Player: She didn't have any idea who represented them. However she mentioned the snow imps all received baubles as gifts.
  • Santa Claus: Baubles?
  • Santa Claus: That could only lead to...
  • Player: Who? Who could it lead to?
  • Santa mutters to himself.
  • Santa Claus: No, it couldn't be him.
  • Santa Claus: Perhaps a revisit to the Little Town of Daemonheim might provide some more clues. I'll reopen it for you to revisit.
  • Player: Thanks Santa, I'll get right on it!


  • Santa Claus: I've re-opened Thorvar's wardrobe to the Daemonheim event. Why don't you investigate it?
  • Santa gestures to the wardrobe with Thorvar Crittersmash outside.

Talking to Thorvar Crittersmash[]

  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Ah Player, I see you've come back to enjoy more of the mighty Thorvar Crittersmash's celebrations!
  • Player: I've been sent to look for anything strange going on in the Little Town of Daemonheim. Got any ideas?
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Please, help yourself to the mighty mysteries of Thorvar's wardrobe.
  • Teleport to the 2010 event?
    • Yes
      • The player gets teleported to the dungeons.
    • No
      • (Dialogue terminates.)

Entering the wardrobe next to Thorvar[]

  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Ah Player, I see you've come back to enjoy more of the mighty Thorvar Crittersmash's celebrations!
  • Player: I've been sent to look for anything strange going on in the Little Town of Daemonheim. Got any ideas?
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Please, help yourself to the mighty mysteries of Thorvar's wardrobe.
  • The player gets teleported to the dungeons.

Interacting with any object other than Thorvar's bag in the dungeon[]

  • You shouldn't progress through the dungeon again, perhaps searching the bag might help?

Searcing Thorvar's bag[]

  • Player: I know I'm going to regret this.
  • You search inside the bag.
  • The bag seems much larger on the inside.
  • You fall into and are consumed by the bag.
  • The player appears in a store room.
  • Player: What just happened?
  • Player: Where am I?
  • Player: What's in these crates?

Leaving the store room[]

  • (If a puppet box hasn't been searched:)
    • Player: I haven't discovered much here yet, perhaps I should look around a bit before I leave.
    • (Continues below.)
  • Exit the instance?
    • Yes
      • The player gets teleported back to the Santa's Christmas neighbourhood.
    • No
      • (Dialogue terminates.)

Searching a puppet box[]

  • You search the puppet box.
  • Player: These are marionettes... I think this might be the clue Santa and I have been looking for. I should go back and see what he thinks!
  • Player: I guess I can just leave through the exit door?

Returning to Santa Claus again[]

First time[]

  • Player: Santa, you won't believe what happened!
  • Santa Claus: Did the price of coal fluctuate enough for me to panic sell my stack?
  • Player: No! I went back inside the wardrobe and found Thorvar's bag. After investigating it, I fell inside!
  • Santa Claus: Inside of the bag?
  • Player: Yes!
  • Player: I ended up in a store room filled with seal trinkets, ice skates and marionette heads!
  • Santa Claus: Sorry, just to reclarify: You fell into the bag?
  • Player: Yes! Inside. The. Bag!
  • Santa looks bamboozled, befuddled and bewildered.
  • Player: Honestly, it was all inside the bag...
  • Santa Claus: Say no more! I believe you but thousands wouldn't...
  • Santa Claus: It's just as I feared... Baubles and marionettes only point to one person!
  • Player: Diango!
  • Santa Claus: Yes! How did you know?
  • Player: I've toyed about in his workshop before - creating endless amounts of mannequins, upon mannequins...
  • Santa Claus: He's usually such a nice guy. I don't know what would have gotten into him!
  • Player: I'll confront him, Santa, and find out once and for all what's been going on!
  • Santa Claus: Thanks, Player! I've opened up a final wardrobe to Diango's Workshop.


  • Santa Claus: I've opened up Diango's Workshop for you. Confront him and find out once and for all what's been going on.

Talking to Bethan[]

  • Bethan: Diango has been overworking us too much. Please go inside his workshop and speak to Rosie. Together I'm sure you'll be able to do something!

Entering the cupboard[]

  • Teleport to the 2005 event?
    • Yes
      • The player gets teleported back to the Santa's Christmas neighbourhood.
    • No
      • (Dialogue terminates.)

Rosie's overhead line[]

  • Rosie: Quickety, quick you lazy pixies!

Leaving Diango's workshop[]

  • If you leave Diango's workshop, any marionette parts, bits of bauble or boxes will be removed from your inventory.
  • Leave Diango's workshop?
    • Yes
      • The player gets teleported back to the Santa's Christmas neighbourhood.
    • No
      • (Dialogue terminates.)

Interacting with objects in Diango's workshop before talking to Rosie[]

  • Player: I should speak to Rosie before I touch these.

Pixies' overhead line[]

  • Pixie: Less paint!

Talking to any of the pixies other than Rosie[]

  • Pixie: We shouldn't be talking to you, Diango will shout at us! Speak to the head pixie, she can help!

Talking to Diango[]

  • Diango: If you aren't helping me by bringing me marionettes and bauble boxes. Then you're against me.
  • Diango ignores you.

Talking to Rosie[]

First time[]

  • Rosie: Human! Help us please! Diango is on his high horse and demands high output!
  • Player: Slow down. What is Diango doing?
  • Rosie: Where do I begin? He's working us too hard; we've been working non-stop for months. My pixies will soon be dropping like flies!
  • Rosie: He has manipulated a group of snow imps to prevent them creating any competing presents, but they keep running off with a load of baubles and we're getting the blame!
  • Rosie: He's even stealing people's belongings via the bag-time-continuum!
  • Player: That's awful... and mildy[sic] confusing!
  • Player: How can we stop him Rosie?
  • Rosie: I don't know. He refuses to speak to us anymore.
  • Rosie: He doesn't even acknowledge us unless we've got marionettes or baubles to bring to him.
  • Rosie: Wait!
  • Rosie: That's it! If you make him a box of marionettes and a box of baubles I'm sure you'll have his attention long enough to confront him!
  • Rosie: If you give him a box of marionettes and a box of baubles I'm sure you'll have his attention long enough to be able to confront him.
  • Player: So I need a box of baubles and a box of marionettes. How do I go about making them?
  • What would you like to know?
    • How do I make marionettes?
      • Player: How do I make the marionettes?
      • Rosie: Get a torso from the torso box.
      • Player: Uh huh.
      • Rosie: Bring it to a box of heads, and use the torso on it. They must be the same colour.
      • Player: Uh huh.
      • Rosie: Add arms and then legs and when that's done bring the marionette to me. I'll add some string diddly ings to it and give it back to you.
      • Player: What then?
      • Rosie: Request a marionette box from me when you've got room.
      • Rosie: Want to know more?
      • (Continues below.)
    • How do I make baubles?
      • Player: How do I make the baubles?
      • Rosie: You take them from the boxes in the east and paint them on the benches to the west.
      • Player: What then?
      • Rosie: Request a bauble box from me when you've got room.
      • Rosie: Want to know more?
      • (Continues below.)
    • Can I have a box?
      • What box would you like?
        • Marionette
          • Rosie hands you a marionette box.
        • Bauble
          • Rosie hands you a bauble box.
        • Both
          • Rosie hands you a bauble box and a marionette box.
    • Actually I know how to make these.
      • (Dialogue terminates.)
  • What would you like to know?
    • How do I make marionettes?
      • Player: How do I make the marionettes?
      • Rosie: Get a torso from the torso box.
      • Player: Uh huh.
      • Rosie: Bring it to a box of heads, and use the torso on it. They must be the same colour.
      • Player: Uh huh.
      • Rosie: Add arms and then legs and when that's done bring the marionette to me. I'll add some string diddly ings to it and give it back to you.
      • Player: What then?
      • Rosie: Request a marionette box from me when you've got room.
      • Rosie: Want to know more?
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • How to I make baubles?[sic]
      • Player: How do I make the baubles?
      • Rosie: You take them from the boxes in the east and paint them on the benches to the west.
      • Player: What then?
      • Rosie: Request a bauble box from me when you've got room.
      • Rosie: Want to know more?
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Actually I know how to make these.
      • (Dialogue terminates.)


  • Rosie: Human! Please make a box of marionettes and paint a box of baubles to give to Diango so you can confront him!
  • What would you like to know?
    • (As before.)

Constructing marionettes[]

Taking torsos[]

  • You take [a/some] [blue/green/red] marionette [torso/torsos] from the box.

Adding heads[]

  • You add [a head/heads] to your [marionette/marionettes].

Adding arms[]

  • You add arms to your [marionette/marionettes].

Adding legs[]

  • You add legs to your [marionette/marionettes].

Adding string[]

  • Pixie: Great googelies! You've made [a marionette/some marionettes]!
  • The pixie quickly adds some strings to your [marionette/marionettes].
  • (If Rosie is used:)
    • Rosie: There you go. Now what else do you want?
    • (Continues below.)
  • (Continues as before.)

Confronting Diango[]

  • Player: I've brought you your boxes. Now, why are you causing all these Christmas problems?
  • Diango: Muhahaha! I didn't think anyone would find out I was extorting other people's celebrations!
  • Diango: I'm in the profit game now. I'm sick of being undervalued and just having to store everyone's items. The amount people store nowadays is insane. Guthix only knows where they keep getting it all...
  • Player: But you can't just extort other people's celebrations for your own benefit!
  • Diango: I can and I will. My new battle marionette business will explode and make me billions of GP!
  • Player: But Christmas isn't about money! It's about bringing cheer to everyone around you that you love!
  • Diango: I made that mistake once before creating partyhats to be given to adventurers. They're now worth billions and my patent has been taken from me - I can't create any more!
  • Diango: But that's all in the past now. Battle marionettes will be the rare of the future!
  • Player: Battle marionettes?
  • Diango: Yes! They make great combat toys! I'll tell you what - I'll humour you! If you can beat me in a marionette battle I might re-consider my business approach.
  • Player: The things I do for Christmas.
  • Diango hands you a fragile marionette named Stringy.
  • Diango: Get ready to fight!
  • Diango and Player engage in a marionette fight.
  • Score

Diango : 1
Player : 0

  • Player: How about best of three?
  • Diango: Get ready to lose again!
  • Diango and Player fight again.
  • Score

Diango : 2
Player : 0

  • Diango: You lose again! Come back to me when you're worth your puppets in a marionette fight!
  • Player receives the battle marionette.
  • Diango: Now! Get out my workshop!
  • Diango teleports you away.
  • Player: I better tell Santa about all of this.

Attempting to re-enter the workshop[]

  • As you try to walk through the door an invisible force seems to repel you from entering. Perhaps Diango knows you're unprepared to re-visit him.

Talking to Bethan[]

  • Bethan: I don't think Diango will let you back in at the moment.

Checking out the battle marionette[]

No charges[]

  • Player: Stringy just looks a bit battered. I'm sure Wizards and Creatures at the Towering Feast could help!

One charge[]

  • Stringy looks slightly better. I should keep asking wizards and monsters in the Towering Feast for help. 1/6

Two charges[]

  • Stringy is improving. I should keep asking wizards and monsters in the Towering Feast for help. 2/6

Three charges[]

  • Stringy is improving. I should keep asking wizards and monsters in the Towering Feast for help. 3/6

Four charges[]

  • Stringy is improving. I should keep asking wizards and monsters in the Towering Feast for help. 4/6

Five charges[]

  • Player: I should only need to visit [missing NPC] now. 5/6

Six charges[]

  • Player: I've completed the Stringy and should speak to Santa again. 6/6

Returning to Santa Claus for the third time[]

First time[]

  • Player: Diango is behind it all!
  • Player: He's lost his Christmas cheer and only wants to work for profit!
  • Santa Claus: Not his Christmas cheer! How on Gielinor were you able to confront him?
  • Player: I had to make some items just to grab his attention long enough. Then he challenged me to a battle marionette fight!
  • Santa Claus: What then?
  • Player: I lost. My marionette Stringy fell in battle.
  • Santa Claus: We can't have that! We can't let Diango get away with this. I'm sure the wizards will help nurse Stringy back to full health and even improve his strength! After all, you helped them with their feast!
  • (If the battle marionette has been lost:)
    • Santa Claus: But you've lost your marionette. Thankfully I've found Stringy again.
    • Santa hands you a beaten up marionette named Stringy.


  • (If the battle marionette has been lost:)
    • Santa Claus: Oh you've lost your marionette. Thankfully I've found Stringt again.
    • Santa hands you a beaten up marionette named Stringy.
    • (Continues below.)
  • Santa Claus: I've re-opened the wizards tower event. Im[sic] sure some of the wizards there will help enchant your marionette.

Talking to Wizard Sinterklaas[]

  • Wizard Sinterklaas: Ah, coming back to the wizards for help I see! Good luck!

Entering the cupboard[]

  • Teleport to the Towering Feast?
    • Yes
      • The player teleports to the 2011 Christmas event.
    • No
      • (Dialogue terminates.)

Talking to Aubury[]

  • Player: Hello Aubury, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Aubury: I haven't brought any runes with me. I've left them all at the shop. Sorry.
  • Aubury: I'm sure the other wizards and creatures around here can help.

Talking to Bogrog[]

  • Player: Hello Bogrog, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Bogrog: Bogrog smash the marionette?
  • Player: Actually I'll just ask someone else.

Talking to Isidor[]

  • Player: Hello Isidor, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Isidor: I'd love to!
  • Isidor: But I've never been good with enchanting spells. You might want to ask someone else!

Talking to Sanfew[]

  • Player: Hello Sanfew, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Sanfew: Sorry it wouldn't feel right using my magic in this tower.
  • Sanfew: Perhaps someone else can help you.

Talking to Sedridor[]

  • Player: Hello Sedridor, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Sedridor: A marionette? Sorry Player I'd be worried it would break. I'm sure some other wizards and creatures around here will help though.

Talking to Thormac[]

  • Player: Hello Thormac, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Thormac: Sorry I cannot. I'm too busy feasting and hunting for my pet scorpion.
  • Thormac: I'm sure the other wizards and creatures around here can help.

Talking to Wizard Acantha[]

  • Player: Hello Acantha, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Wizard Acantha: Sorry I'm far too busy for that. Ask someone else.

Talking to Wizard Distentor[]

  • Player: Hello Distentor, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Wizard Distentor: I could not.
  • Wizard Distentor: However I'm sure the other wizards and creatures around here can help.

Talking to Wizard Korvak[]

  • Player: Hello Korvac[sic], I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Wizard Korvak: I'm here for a feast, not for your toy.
  • Wizard Korvak: Find someone else around here to help you.

Talking to Wizard Mizgog[]

  • Player: Hello Mizgog, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Wizard Mizgog: I'm busy.
  • Player: Doing what? Feasting?
  • Wizard Mizgog: Being busy. Bother someone else.

Talking to Wizard Shug[]

  • Player: Hello Shug, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Wizard Shug: Zzzz...
  • Player: Hello?
  • Wizard Shug: Zzzz....
  • Player: I guess I'll ask someone else then.

Talking to Wizard Sioncorn[]

  • Player: Hello Sioncorn, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Wizard Sioncorn: Stringy is almost as big as me!
  • Wizard Sioncorn: I'd be a bit intimidated if I brought that to life. You might want to ask someone else.

Talking to Wizard Vief[]

  • Player: Hello Vief, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Wizard Vief: What is a marionette?
  • Player: It's a small wooden toy, shaped like a person but with strings.
  • Wizard Vief: That sounds like its something I do not want to infuse with magic.
  • Wizard Vief: Maybe someone else can help you with your 'marionette'.

Talking to Zavistic Rarve[]

  • Player: Hello Zavistic, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Zavistic Rarve: Enchanting? I came here to feast, not cast spells.
  • Zavistic Rarve: Ask one of the other creatures or wizards here. I'm sure they'll help.

Talking to Zimberfizz[]

  • Player: Hello Zimberfizz, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy.
  • Zimberfizz: Nah, I got some bizniss to attend to.
  • Player: Oh, I guess I'll find someone else.

Talking to Kringle[]

  • Player: Hey Kringle, I was wondering if you could use your amazing cannon cooking skills to improve my marionette Stringy.
  • Kringle: Oh, smelly human. Goblins taught to not play with their food.
  • Player: I'm not eating it!
  • Kringle: Ha! Whatever human say. Pass it here.
  • Kringle enhances Stringy... somehow.
  • Player: Thanks!
  • (One of the lines from checking out the battle marionette is shown, depending on progress.)

Talking to a Snow Imp[]

  • Player: Hello there, I was wondering if you could enhance my battle marionette, Stringy, with some of your snow imp magic?
  • Snow Imp: Ello, erm.. sure, I can do something.
  • The snow imp enhances Stringy... somehow.
  • Player: Thanks? I think.
  • (One of the lines from checking out the battle marionette is shown, depending on progress.)

Talking to Timmy[]

  • Timmy roars at you.
  • Player: Hello there, I was wond...
  • Timmy roars at you again.
  • Player: I was wondering if you could...
  • You hold up the marionette as Timmy roars. You can sense Stringy becoming a fearless, if not slightly brutish, warrior.
  • Player: Thanks? I think.
  • (One of the lines from checking out the battle marionette is shown, depending on progress.)

Talking to Traiborn[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hello Traiborn, I was wondering if you could use your knowledge of Thingummywuts to help enhance my marionette, Stringy.
  • Traiborn: You want MY knowledge of Thingummywuts...? Certainly! Pass it here!
  • Traiborn enhances Stringy with his knowledge of Thingummywuts.
  • Player: Thanks!
  • (One of the lines from checking out the battle marionette is shown, depending on progress.)


  • Player: Thanks for enchanting Stringy! He's much smarter with his new knowledge of Thingummywuts.
  • Traiborn: No problem. I hope he serves his purpose well.

Talking to Wizard Frumscone[]

  • Player: Hello Frumscone, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy, with your powerful spells.
  • Wizard Frumscone: Yes, my spells are more powerful than Grayzag's. Of course I'll enchant Stringy!
  • Frumscone enchants Stringy with his 'Powerful' spells.
  • Player: Thanks!
  • (One of the lines from checking out the battle marionette is shown, depending on progress.)

Talking to Wizard Whitezag[]

  • Player: Hey, I was wondering if you could enchant my marionette, Stringy, with your superior spells.
  • Wizard Whitezag: Well, my spells are superior than Frumscones.[sic] Of course I'll enchant Stringy!
  • Your marionette is enchanted with 'Superior' knowledge.
  • Player: Thanks!
  • (One of the lines from checking out the battle marionette is shown, depending on progress.)

Talking to Wizard Sinterklaas again[]

  • Wizard Sinterklaas: I hope your enchanted marionette serves you well!

Returning to Santa Claus for the fourth time[]

First time[]

  • (If the enhanced battle marionette has been lost:)
    • Player: I've enchanted my marionette but I've lost it. I can't find Stringy anywhere!
    • Santa Claus: Have no fear, Santa is here.
    • Santa hands you your enhanced marionette named Stringy.
    • Santa Claus: Stringy is comming[sic] along really well isn't he?
    • (Continues below.)
  • Santa Claus: You should go back into Diango's workshop and confront him again. He won't know what's hit him!


  • (If the enhanced battle marionette has been lost:)
    • Player: I've enchanted my marionette but I've lost it. I can't find Stringy anywhere!
    • Santa Claus: Have no fear, Santa is here.
    • Santa hands you your enhanced marionette named Stringy.
    • Santa Claus: Stringy is comming[sic] along really well isn't he?
    • (Continues below.)
  • Santa Claus: You should go and confront Diango with Stringy. Let's do this!

Talking to Rosie again[]

  • Pixie: Diango has forbidden us to talk. Please discuss it with him I can't get in trouble!

Confronting Diango again[]

  • Diango: Ha, come back for more? Let's see if you've made a toy out of your bark!
  • Player: Stringy will fight with more passion, power and perserverance[sic] than you could ever have!
  • Diango: Get ready to fight!
  • Diango and Player engage in a marionette fight.
  • Score

Diango : 0
Player : 1

  • Diango: How about best of three?
  • Player: Looks like I've got the upper hand here Diango!
  • Diango and Player fight again.
  • Score

Diango : 0
Player : 2

  • Diango: How have you beaten me?
  • Santa Claus teleports into the scene.
  • Player: Santa!
  • Diango: Santa!
  • Santa Claus: Diango!
  • Player: I've beaten him, Santa! Little Stringy won the battle!
  • Diango: Santa, what're you doing here?
  • Santa Claus: Why have you been causing problems with celebrations, Diango? I've always trusted you. You've always ensured the happiness of Christmas. Never ruin it!
  • Diango: But battle marionettes will make me billions! I'm tired of holding everyones[sic] unwanted belongings.
  • Santa Claus: Christmas isn't about belongings or money, Diango. Its[sic] about giving; spending time with friends and family - loves ones!
  • Diango: I have no family. The only people who come to see me are using me for my services!
  • Player: I'm your friend, Diango! Many adventurer's[sic] like myself would be lost without your services, and your great personality!
  • Diango: You're just saying that!
  • Santa Claus: Player is not just saying that, Diango. Your services provide joy for adventurers all year around.
  • Santa Claus: And besides... I'm your family Diango. The Queen of Snow, Jack Frost, the snow imps, the pixies. We're all your family!
  • Rosie yelling from a distance: We miss the old Diango!
  • Diango: What have I done?
  • Diango: What have I done? I truly have forgotten the meaning of Christmas!
  • Diango: I'll stop the extortion of the other celebrations!
  • Diango: My services are important for all adventurers! I'll continue it forever, and even keep my marionette factory open for fun - not profit!
  • Diango: I've still got a last few orders to fill for the rest of the year, though!
  • Player: These marionettes give a great amount of knowledge. It's a tricky craft! I'll happily help you out and finish some more orders for you!
  • Santa Claus: I do love a happy ending!
  • Santa claus teleports out.
  • Congratulations! Episode complete!
  • Diango Unclaimed: If you'd like to help me finish my last few orders, I could do with some extra help painting baubles and making marionettes. Rosie can still give you boxes and just hand them into me when you're done.[sic]
  • Player: Thanks Diango!

After the episodes[]

Talking to any pixie but Rosie[]

  • Pixie: You stopped Diango's treachery! We aren't forced to work long hours anymore!
  • Player: Why are you still here then?
  • Pixie: We enjoy it. Painting and creating is fun!

Talking to Bethan[]

  • Bethan: You did it! Thank you for stopping Diango.

Talking to Diango[]

Without full boxes[]

  • Diango: If you've got extra boxes I'll happily take them from you[sic]

With full boxes[]

  • Diango: Howdy! I see you've got some boxes for me, want me to take them?
    • Yes
      • Diango: Thanks. You've currently handed in X marionette boxes and Y baubles boxes!
    • No
      • Diango: Not sure what you're palnning on doing with them then.

Talking to Queen of Snow[]

  • Queen of Snow: You can build the special snowmen in the south of the Land of Snow if you'd like. They'll be a pretty unique experience compared to the others you made...

Talking to Rosie[]

  • Rosie: You stopped Diango's treachery! How would you like me to help you?
  • What would you like to know?
    • How do I make marionettes?
      • (As before.)
    • How do I make baubles?
      • (As before.)
    • Can I have a box?
      • (As before.)
    • Actually I know how to make these.
      • (As before.)

Talking to Santa Claus[]

Before the release of Christmas never dies![]

  • Santa Claus: Please feel free to re-enter the wardrobes. My wife and the other hosts require help and have set up some additional activities for you.
  • Player: What can I help out with?
  • Santa Claus: The Queen of Snow would love more help building snowmen. She's got some magical ones which are infused with various combat skills in the south of the Land of Snow.
  • Santa Claus: Thorvar has set up the seal sliding course. Mastering the ice will help boost your agility and dungeoneering skills!
  • Santa Claus: The wizard's cooks, Kris and Kringle, still need help gathering puddings. Those puddings are quite tricky to grab, better be quick on your feet when you go to get 'em.
  • Player: Awesome, I'll be sure to check those out at some point.

After the release of the Christmas never dies![]

  • Santa Claus: Thank you so much for saving Christmas for everyone, Player! I'm sure if you want to help more you can go back to the previous celebrations and help for some extra experience.
  • Player: Awesome! Can you remind me what I can help with?
  • Santa Claus: The Queen of Snow would love more help building snowmen. She's got some magical ones which are infused with various combat skills in the south of the Land of Snow.
  • Santa Claus: Thorvar has set up the seal sliding course. Mastering the ice will help boost your agility and dungeoneering skills!
  • Santa Claus: The wizard's cooks, Kris and Kringle, still need help gathering puddings. Those puddings are quite tricky to grab, better be quick on your feet when you go to get 'em.
  • Santa Claus: Diango still needs help finishing off his last orders of baubles and marionettes. That'll boost your fletching and crafting skills.

Talking to a snow imp[]

  • Snow imp: Leave me alone. Unions don't permit adventurers talking to us.
  • Player: I've spoken to Diango and he has told me everything.
  • Snow imp: I don't believes you.
  • Player: I' confronted him about the union and even fought him with a battle marionette!
  • Snow imp: The 'uman toys?
  • Snow imp: You have an 'uman toy!
  • Player: 'uman? Oh you mean the marionette? Of course, mine is called Stringy.
  • You show Stringy off to the snow imp.
  • Snow imp: 'uman toy is the best! We only stole baubles after signin' the papers.
  • Player: Well enjoy your bauble and I'll enjoy Stringy!

Talking to Thorvar Crittersmash[]

  • Thorvar Crittersmash: Hey there!
  • Player: Hey Santa!
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: I'm not Santa, I'm Thorvar!
  • Player: Sorry.
  • Thorvar Crittersmash: There is some seal-sliding through the portal if you want to join in!
  • Player: Sounds... slippery.

Talking to Wizard Sinterklaas[]

Before completing the Christmas never dies![]

  • Wizard Sinterklaas: I hear Kris and Kringle still need help catching those Christmas puddings for an endless dessert if you'd like to help?
  • Player: Sure!

After completing the Christmas never dies![]

  • Wizard Sinterklaas: I hope your enchanted marionette serves you well!