- Armadylean record keeper: Hello there - what can I do for you?
- Player: What can I do here?
- Armadylean record keeper: I'm Armadyl's record keeper. I look after the day-to-day administration of this conflict.
- Armadylean record keeper: I keep track of Armadyl's plans to upgrade our forces. I'm also in charge of hiring mercenaries to bulk out our army.
- Armadylean record keeper: Since it'll be you out there in the field, I'd appreciate your guidance on both. I'll have new mercs to choose from and new upgrades - every five days.
- Armadylean record keeper: We'd also like your opinion on more general strategy, which you can check on the strategy board.
- Player: I'd like to give directions for the next upgrades.
- Upgrades screen opens
- Player: I'd like to see the options for hiring mercenaries.
- Mercenaries screen opens
- Player: Tell me about yourself.
- Armadylean record keeper: Me? I was a Guardian once. Didn't work out, in the long term.
- Armadylean record keeper: The Guardians of Armadyl went to sede a bit when the big fellow left. The disciples in the Temple of Ikov even let the staff get stolen.
- Armadylean record keeper: So I spent some time in a warband, but honestly it felt like a bandit group hiding behind a name.
- Armadylean record keeper: Armadyl coming back changed all that. I serve him directly now, and my heart is full.
- Player: Nothing for now, thanks.
- Armadylean record keeper: Come back any time.
- Player: What can I do here?
Dialogue for Armadylean record keeper