RuneScape Wiki
This transcript involves dialogue with Digory, Gudrik, Hendrik, Magda, Morwenna, Ned (Ashdale), Sarah (Ashdale), Smith (Ashdale), and Quarry Overseer.

Adventure begins[]

Opening cutscene[]

  • Voiceover: Some heroes are born, possessing natural gifts that lift them above the ordinary. Some heroes are made. Their strength is the result of hardship and toil. Some heroes live for adventure, confronting terrible dangers in pursuit of riches and fame. While others fight to protect those who cannot defend themselves. But some heroes have more...unlikely origins. This is the story of one such hero. This is your story.

Starting out[]


  • [Use the WASD or arrow keys to turn the camera.]
  • [Left-click Gudrik to talk to him.]

Gudrik calls[]

  • Gudrik: Come here, [laddie/lassie]. I need to talk to you.

While waiting to speak to Gudrik[]

Gudrik may say any one of the following at random: 

  • Dialogue 1:
    • Gudrik: Come here! I've got something to tell you.
  • Dialogue 2:
    • Gudrik: I need to talk to you [laddie/lassie].
  • Dialogue 3:
    • Gudrik: Over here! I need to talk to you.

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: I need to talk to you abut something very important, [laddie/lassie].
  • Player: What's the matter?
  • Gudrik: I had a dream – a vision! The world was on fire. All of Gielinor was consumed in flames! When I awoke, I knew I had to come and get you. You're special, [laddie/lassie]. You have talents and abilities beyond those of ordinary folk. Gielinor needs heroes, now more than ever. That's why you have to come with me to the mainland. Once we're there, I'll guide you to places where you can put your talents to use. But before we set off, we'll need to prepare you for the journey ahead. You're going to need some food and a decent sword, for a start – that rusty old blade of yours wouldn't cut a load of bread!
    • Let's go.
      • Gudrik: Right you are, [laddie/lassie].
    • Who are you?
      • Gudrik: Gudrik's the name. Bane of the baneful and defender of the defenceless. Proud member of the Society of Intrepid Adventurers, and three-time winner of the Beard of the Year award.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Where am I?
      • Gudrik: You take a knock to the head or something? We're in Ashdale, far from the shores of the mainland. Where else would we be?
        • (Shows previous options)
    • What's the plan?
      • Gudrik: We need to prepare you for the journey to the mainland. Our destination is the harbour, but first we need to get you some food, and that means heading down to the fishing spot.
        • (Shows previous options)

First steps[]

Discovering the Zombie[]

First Zombie attacks[]

  • Gudrik: Wait – do you hear that? Saradomin's beard! Kill it!
  • [Left-click the zombie to attack.]

Talking to Gudrik before the second Zombie attacks[]

  • Gudrik: I've never known something like that to happen in Ashdale before. Most troubling.

After defeating the first Zombie[]

  • Gudrik: What in the name of Armadyl's eyebrows was that about? I've never known something like that to happen in Ashdale before.
  • [You've gained your first ability! You can use the Slice ability to deal more damage.]

Second Zombie attacks[]

  • Gudrik: Wait a minute – did you hear that?
  • [Left-click the zombie to attack.]

While fighting the second Zombie[]

  • [Left-click this button or press 1 to use your ability.]

Talking to Gudrik while fighting either Zombie[]

  • Gudrik: This is no time to talk!

After defeating the second Zombie[]

  • [You've gained a level! As you perform actions in Runescape you'll gain XP that will enhance your skills.]
  • Gudrik: Well done [laddie/lassie]! You fought bravely. The question is – where did those creatures come from? I've never seen anything like it in Ashdale before. Something is wrong – very wrong. I'm not as young as I used to be, [laddie/lassie]. If there's danger coming, the task of protecting Ashdale will have to fall to you. Anyway, let's press on. For now, we'll stick with the plan of preparing you for the journey to the mainland. But we should keep an eye out for anything unusual.

Attempting to drop any item(s)[]

  • It wouldn't be a good idea to drop this item!


Ready to fish[]

  • Gudrik: Right, time to do some fishing. Here's some bait to get you started.
  • [Left-click the fishing spot to start fishing.]

Talking to Gudrik[]

Before catching any fish[]

  • Gudrik: What are you waiting for, [laddie/lassie]? Get fishing!

After catching one Minnow[]

  • Gudrik: You've only caught one fish - you're going to need more than that!

After catching two Minnows[]

  • Gudrik: Just one more fish, I think.

Clicking on the Fishing spot multiple times[]

  • You only need to click once!

After catching three Minnows[]

  • [You caught some fish! Most items you pick up will be stored in your backpack.]
  • Gudrik: Right, let's go and cook those fish.

Attempting to lure the Fishing spot without bait[]

  • You need a fishing rod and some bait to catch these fish.
  • You need a fishing rod and bait.

Talking to Hendrik[]

  • Hendrik: Saradomin's blessing upon you, my friend.
    • What are you doing?
      • Hendrik: Well I was about to do a spot of fishing, but then I heard what sounded like fighting. Is everything alright?
      • Player: There was a zombie attack.
      • Hendrik: Zombies? Is Ashdale? I've never heard anything like it! Was anyone harmed?
        • Everyone's fine.
          • Hendrik: You came to the rescue, eh? I might have known. You always did strike me as the courageous type. Still, I've never known something like that to happen in Ashdale. Let's hope it's not a sign of worse to come.
        • Everything's under control.
          • Hendrik: Glad to hear it. Let me know if the situation changes, won't you?
    • What can you tell me about this place?
      • Hendrik: Since it was founded, Ashdale has become something of a refuge, a place for people who want some peace and quiet. Let's hope it stats that way.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Saradomin? Who's that?
      • Hendrik: Saradomin is one of the beings that first brought life into Gielinor. Most of us who live in Ashdale have taken Saradomin as our patron. He stands for truth, justice, and – above all – order.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Goodbye.
      • Hendrik: Saradomin watch over you, my friend.

Food and healing[]

Ready to cook[]

  • Gudrik: Right, here we are. Find the fish in your backpack, then use the fire to cook it.
  • [Right-click the minnow and select use.]
  • [Left-click the fire.]
  • [Left-click the button to cook your fish.]

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: Right, here we are. Find the fish in your backpack, then use the fire to cook it.

Attempting to eat any Minnows before cooking all of them[]

  • You should finish cooking your fish before eating them.

After cooking the fish[]

  • Gudrik: The look nicely cooked to me! But don't eat them now – keep hold of them until you really need them. Food's the best thing for restoring health, so you should always have a little bit with you in case you get into a fight. Now let's get started on your new sword. That rusty old blade of yours isn't going to last much longer!

Attempting to eat fish while at full health[]

  • Eating food while at full health does not help you.

Talking to Digory[]

  • Digory: Hello there!
    • Who are you?
      • Digory: Digory Popplewell, at your service! I must say you're looking very well, my friend – very well indeed!
        • (Shows previous options)
    • You seem very happy.
      • Digory: Yes - and why not? The sun is shining, the air is sweet, and the sea is as blue as a maiden's eyes. A fine time to be alive, wouldn't you say? Haha!
      • Player: There was a zombie attack!
      • Digory: Zombies? Hah, you certainly have a vivid imagination, my friend. Everyone knows you don't get things like that in Ashdale!
        • (Shows previous options)
    • What are you doing?
      • Digory: What am I doing? Not very much! Doing things is very bad for your health, you know. That's why I make it a policy to do as little as possible.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Goodbye.
      • Digory: Goodbye, my friend!

Talking to Ned[]

  • Ned: What do you want?
    • That's not very friendly.
      • Ned: You may think you're some kind of warrior, wandering around with that sword of yours, but you don't fool me.
      • Player: I saved the villagers from a zombie attack!
      • Ned: Hah, zombies? Don't be ridiculous. There's never been anything like that in Ashdale, and there never will be!
        • (Shows previous options)
    • What are you doing?
      • Ned: I'm catching fairies with an invisible net! What's it look like I'm doing? I'm sitting here by the fire trying to enjoy some peace and quiet.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Who are you?
      • Ned: Don't play the fool with me, young [man/miss]. You know full well who I am! There's only one Ned Swarbrick on this island, and that's me. My family has been in Ashdale since the very beginning, and don't you forget it!
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Goodbye.
      • Ned: Hmph.

Zombie cow[]

Discovering the Zombie cow[]

  • Gudrik: Well, what have we here? Give it a poke, will you? Just to make sure it's dead.

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: Well, what have we here? Give it a poke, will you? Just to make sure it's dead.

Inspecting the Dead cow[]

  • [Left-click the zombie cow to attack.]

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: This is no time to talk!

After defeating the Dead cow[]

  • [The zombie cow dropped something! Left-click the item to pick it up.]

After picking up the Dead cow's drop[]

  • Gudrik: Saradomin's beard! Never in all my days have I seen anything like that. Whatever is happening here, it's more serious than I thought. It looks like you're going to need a new sword [laddie/lassie] – your old one is beyond repair! Let's head to the quarry so we can get the ore you need.

Talking to Magda[]

  • Magda: Greetings, child. What brings you to my humble home?
    • Who are you?
      • Magda: Magda is my name – Magda the mystic, as some call me. I see things others cannot. And I see much potential in you, my child.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • What are you doing here?
      • Magda: This ruin has been my home for many years. No doubt it seems basic to you, but it serves me well, and no-one seems to mind my living here.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Can you tell me more about Ashdale?
      • Magda: Ashdale was built over 400 years ago, which is a small span compared with some of Gielinor's more ancient settlements.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Goodbye.
      • Magda: Goodbye, my child.

Creating a new weapon[]

Ready to mine and smith[]

  • Gudrik: You're going to need some tin and some copper. Off you go!
  • [Left-click the copper rock to mine some ore.]
  • [Left-click the tin rock to mine some ore.]

Talking to Gudrik[]

Before mining either ore[]

  • Gudrik: You're going to need some tin and some copper. Off you go!

After mining Copper ore[]

  • Gudrik: Well done. Now all you need is some tin.

After mining Tin ore[]

  • Gudrik: Well done. Now all you need is some copper.

Attempting to mine extra Copper ore before mining Tin ore[]

  • You don't need any more copper.

Attempting to mine extra Tin ore before mining Copper ore[]

  • You don't need any more tin.

Upon mining Copper ore and Tin ore[]

  • Gudrik: Good, you've got everything you need. Let's head over to the smithy.

Attempting to mine additional ores[]

  • Gudrik: No time for that now! Let's make your new sword.

Talking to the Quarry Overseer[]

Quarry Overseer may say any one of the following at random: 

  • Dialogue 1:
    • Quarry Overseer: A good day for mining.
  • Dialogue 2:
    • Quarry Overseer: Good to see you.
  • Dialogue 3:
    • Quarry Overseer: Hello my friend.

Making the Bronze Bar[]

  • Gudrik: Right, the first thing to do is use the furnace to make a bronze bar.
  • [Right-click the tin or copper ore and select use.]
  • [Left-click the furnace.]

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: The first thing to do is use the furnace to make a bronze bar.

After smelting a Bronze bar[]

  • Gudrik: Very good [laddie/lassie]! Now use the anvil to make yourself a new sword.
  • [Right-click the bronze bar and select use.]
  • [Left-click the anvil.]
  • [Left-click the button to make your sword.]

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: Use the anvil to make yourself a new sword. With these ghouls popping up all over the place, you're going to need it.

After smithing a Bronze sword[]

  • Gudrik: Well, look at that! It's a fine blade [laddie/lassie]! Now all you need to do is equip it.
  • [Left-click the sword to equip it.]

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: Are you not going to equip your new sword?

Upon equipping the Bronze sword[]

  • [Items you have equipped can be seen in the Worn Equipment Interface.]

Talking to the Smith[]

Smith may say any one of the following at random: 

  • Dialogue 1:
    • Smith: Alright.
  • Dialogue 2:
    • Smith: ''Ello.
  • Dialogue 3:
    • Smith: 'Ello, young 'un.
  • Dialogue 4:
    • Smith: Want to use my anvil? Help yourself.
  • Dialogue 5:
    • Smith: Want to use the furnace? Help yourself.


Discovering the church in danger[]

  • Gudrik: Wait a minute – did you hear that?
  • Player: It sounded like it came from the church.
  • Gudrik: Let's go!

On your way to the church[]

  • Gudrik: Prepare yourself, [laddie/lassie] – something tells me we've got a fight ahead of us.

Talking to Sarah[]

  • Sarah: I'm glad you're here. Something weird is happening inside the church.
  • Player: Like what?
  • Sarah: I don't know. There was a sound, sort of like a thunderclap, and then the sky went all strange. It seems to be focused on the church.
  • Player: Don't worry, I'll deal with it.
  • Sarah: You're going in there? I always said you were two sandwiches short of a picnic. Just be careful, okay?
  • Player: I will.
  • Sarah: Good luck.

On your way to the church[]

  • Gudrik: Prepare yourself, [laddie/lassie] – something tells me we've got a fight ahead of us.

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: This is no time to talk!

Attempting to unequip your Bronze sword[]

  • You can't put your weapon away now!

Attempting to fight a Zombie that Gudrik is dealing with[]

  • Gudrik is dealing with this zombie.

After defeating the first Zombie[]

  • [You've gained another ability! The kick ability will allow you to stun your target.]

At the start of the second Zombie's attack[]

  • [Click the Kick ability or press 2 to stun your opponent.]

At the start of Morwenna the Cruel's attack[]

  • Gudrik: Let's get her.
  • [Use your abilities to deal more damage!]

As Morwenna the Cruel shields herself[]

  • [Morwenna is using a shield spell! Use the Kick ability to break through.]

During the fight with Morwenna the Cruel[]

Morwenna will say each of the following in sequence and repeat until she is defeated: 

  • Morwenna: Can you not feel my power?
  • Morwenna: It is useless to resist.
  • Morwenna: Once you are dead, I will make you my slave.
  • Morwenna: Hahahah!
  • Morwenna: My undead servants will destroy you!

If you run out of food[]

  • Gudrik: You're running low on food - take some of mine!

If your health becomes low[]

  • [Your health is low! Eating food restores health.]

Upon defeating Morwenna the Cruel[]

Morwenna falls to the floor.
  • Morwenna: No! It can't be. How did-
Morwenna screams and disappears.

After the fight[]

  • Gudrik: Well that was a fight to remember! You fought bravely, [laddie/lassie], and you did me proud. I'm sure the townspeople will want to thank you for what you've done. Meet me at the harbour when you're ready to set off for the mainland.

Saying goodbyes[]

Talking to Digory[]

  • Digory: Three cheers for the hero of Ashdale!
    • The hero of Ashdale?
      • Digory: Yes indeed – after all, you saved us from that awful witch! I must admit, I never thought anything like that would happen here, but I'm glad you were on hand to help, my friend!
        • (Shows previous options)
    • You seem very happy.
      • Digory: Well, yes – and why not? The sun is shining, the air is sweet, and everyone is safe and sound – thanks to you!
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Goodbye.
      • Digory: Goodbye, my friend!

Talking to Sarah[]

  • Sarah: Looks like you saved the day.
    • Player: Thanks, rhubarb face.
      • (Continues below)
    • Player: Thanks apple face.
      • (Continues below)
    • Player: Thanks, monkey features.
      • (Continues below)
  • Sarah: Hah, good one. So what's next for the hero of Ashdale?
  • Player: I'm going to the mainland.
  • Sarah: Oh, so you're leaving us? What a relief. Ah, you know I'm only joking. Truth is, I'll miss you. It won't be the same without you around.
  • Player: What about you?
  • Sarah: Some people are born for greatness, pumpkin head. The rest of us have to play the hand we're dealt. For you, the future lies over the sea, far from Ashdale. But I'll always be here if you want to come and visit.
  • Player: Goodbye.
  • Sarah: Bye for now.

Talking to Hendrik[]

  • Hendrik: Well done, my friend. You showed true courage.
    • It was nothing.
      • Hendrik: You are both brave and humble, my friend, and it is to your credit.
    • I couldn't have done it without Gudrik.
      • Hendrik: Gudrik is as brave as he is strong. Ashdale owes both of you a debt of gratitude.
    • The evil old crone didn't stand a chance.
      • Hendrik: Hah, I'm sure! It just goes to show that underestimating your enemy can be deadly. I hope you never make the same mistake.
    • Do you have any fishing bait?
      • If you have not yet received fishing bait from Hendrik and you do not have fishing bait with you: 
        • Hendrik: Of course – here you go. Let me know if you need any more.
        • Hendrik hands you 10 fishing bait
      • If you have already received fishing bait from Hendrik and you still have fishing bait with you: 
        • Hendrik: Don't you already have some? Try looking in your backpack.

Talking to Ned[]

  • Ned: Hello.
  • Player: Hello yourself.
  • Ned: Alright, alright, don't get too familiar. You might have saved the town, but you should still show your elders the proper respect.
    • What are you doing?
      • (Same as above)
    • Who are you?
      • (Same as above)
    • Goodbye.
      • (Same as above)

Talking to the Villager[]

Villager may say any one of the following at random: 

  • Dialogue 1:
    • Villager: Oh, it's you.
  • Dialogue 2:
    • Villager: Sea's calm today.
  • Dialogue 3:
    • Villager: The sea is a cruel mistress.


Ready to leave Ashdale[]

  • Gudrik: This boat will take us to the mainland. Just use the gangplank to climb aboard.
    • I'm ready to leave.
      • Gudrik: Just climb aboard the boat. I'll be right behind you.
    • There's something I'd like to ask first.
      • Gudrik: Alright, [laddie/lassie] – fire away.
        • Actually, I'm ready to leave.
          • Gudrik: Just climb aboard the boat. I'll be right behind you.
        • Can you tell me more about Morwenna the Cruel?
          • Gudrik: She was an evil necromancer who terrorized Gielinor during the Fourth Age. She died hundreds of years ago ... but someone must have brought her back. As for why she came here, I think it might have something to with the fact that I, sort of ... plundered her tomb, back in my adventuring days. Hey, don't look at me like that! How was I to know she'd come back from the dead?
            • (Shows previous options)
        • How did you lose your arm?
          • Gudrik: It happened year ago. I was exploring the Kharidian Desert and accidentally disturbed a kalphite hive. Vicious wee blighters, those kalphites. They swarmed me, and – well, you can see the result for yourself. It makes opening jars a challenge, I can tell you that.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • What's our next move?
          • Gudrik: We defeated Morwenna the Cruel and equipped you for the journey ahead. All that's left to do is board the boat for the mainland.
            • (Shows previous options)

Talking to Gudrik[]

  • Gudrik: This boat will take us to the mainland. Just use the gangplank to climb aboard.
    • I'm ready to leave.
      • (Same as above)
    • There's something I'd like to ask first.
      • (Same as above)

Skipping the Tutorial[]

Before arriving in Taverley[]

  • The RuneScape tutorial has been designed to introduce new players to the basics of the game, and anyone who has not played the game is advised to complete it.
  • Do you want to skip the tutorial?
    • Yes.
      • Tutorial ends; you spawn in Taverley, in Gudrik's house.
    • No.
      • (Dialogue ends)

In Taverley[]

Upon arrival at Taverley[]

  • Gudrik: This is Taverley, the westernmost province of the kingdom of Asgarnia. My house is just a short way from here. Let's go!

At Gudrik's house[]

  • Gudrik: Right, the first thing I need to do is give you this. It's a contact gem. It'll allow you to talk to me even when I'm far away.
    • (Contact Gem opens)

Path begins[]

  • [If you need to talk to Gudrik, click this button.]
  • [To toggle directions to your task on or off, click this button.]
  • [Click here to open the Path System interface.]
    • (Path System opens)

Path System[]

Main article: Transcript:Path