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This transcript involves dialogue with Otto Godblessed.


Diving into the whirlpool before the miniquest
  • You are swept, out of control, through horrific underwater currents.
  • You are swirled beneath the water, dashed against sharp rocks.
  • You find yourself on the banks of the river, far below the lake.
  • Otto Godblessed: Good day, you seem a hearty warrior. Maybe even some barbarian blood in that body of yours?
    • I really don't think I am related to any barbarian.
    • You think so?
      • Player: You think so?
      • Otto Godblessed: Who can tell? My forefathers weren't averse to tavelling, so it is possible. They tend to cause too much trouble in your so-called civilised lands, however, so most returned to their ancestral lands. In any case, I think you are ready to learn more secret tribal feats for yourself.
      • Player: Oh, that sounds interesting, what sort of skills would these be?
      • Otto Godblessed: To begin with I can supply knowledge in the ways of firemaking, our special rod fishing tricks and a selection of spear skills.
  • Player: There are more advanced stage though, to judge by your description?
      • Otto Godblessed: Your perception is creditable. I can eventually teach of more advanced firemaking techniques, and the rod fishing skills are but a preliminary to our special potions and brews. These secrets must, however wait, until you have learned of the more basic skills.
        • Please, supple me details of your cunning with harpoons.
        • Are there any ways to use a fishing rod which I might learn?
        • My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.
    • Who are you?
    • Sorry, I'm too busy to talk about genealogy today.


  • Please, supple me details of your cunning with harpoons.
    • Player: Please, supple me details of your cunning with harpoons.
    • Otto Godblessed: First you must know more of harpoons through special study of fish that are usually caught with such a device.
    • Player: What do I need to know?
    • Otto Godblessed: You must catch fish which are usually harpooned, without a harpoon. You will be using your skill and strength.
    • Player: How do you expect me to do that?
    • Otto Godblessed: Use your arm as bait. Wriggle your fingers as if they are a tasty snack and hungry tuna and swordfish will throng to be caught by you.
    • Player: That soudns rather insanely dangerous. I'm glad you didn't mention sharks too.
    • Otto Godblessed: Oh, my mind slipped for a moment, this method does indeed work with sharks - though in this case the action must be more of a frenzied thrashing of the arm than a wriggle.
    • Player: ...and I thought Fishing was a safe way to pass the time.
      • I seek more answers.
      • I have no more questions at this time.


If the player hasn't completed Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest
  • Tell me more about the use of spears.
    • Player: Tell me more about the use of spears.
    • Otto Godblessed: The next step is to manufacture a spear, suitable for combat. Our distance cousins on Karamja are in need of help, however, and you must aid them before I can aid you. You must go now and complete the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest.
    • Player: Couldn't you just take a bribe or something? I am sure you could do with some cash.
    • Otto Godblessed: I am afraid this is a vital step; the spirits foresee that your understanding of spears will increase through this quest. You may not progress in the use of spears until you have completed this mission.
    • I seek more answers.
      • Player: I seek more answers.
      • Goes back to above
    • I have no more questions at this time.
      • Player: I have no more questions at this time.
      • Otto Godblessed: In that case, farewell.

Fishing rod[]

  • Are there any ways to use a fishing rod which I might learn?
    • Player: Are there any ways to use a fishing rod which I might learn?
    • Otto Godblessed: While you civilised fok use small weak fishing rods, we barbarians are skilled with heavier tackle. We fish in the late nearby.
    • Player: So can you teach me of this Fishing method?
    • Otto Godblessed: Certainly. Take the rod from under the bed in my dwelling and fish in the lake. When you have caught a few fish I am sure you will be ready to talk more with me. You will know when you are ready, since inspiration will fill your mind.
    • Player: So I can obtain new foods from these Fishing spots?
    • Otto Godblessed: We do not use these fish quite as you might expect. When you return from Fishing we can speak more of this matter.
      • I seek more answers.
      • I have no more questions at this time.
        • Player: I have no more questions at this time.
        • Otto Godblessed: In that case, farewell.

Obtaining a fish
  • You feel you have learned more of barbarian ways. Otto might wish to talk to you more.
Talking to Otto Godblessed again after fishing
  • Please, supple me details of your cunning with harpoons.
  • Are there any ways to use a fishing rod which I might learn?
    • Player: Are there any ways to use a fishing rod which I might learn?
    • Otto Godblessed: Your mind is as clear as the water you have fished. This is good.
    • Player: So what do I do with these fish? They are all bloated and so nasty looking that even a starving vulture wouldn't eat one.
    • Otto Godblessed: Patience young one. These are fish which are fat with eggs rather than fat of flesh, that is what we will make use of. We can speak of this in a few moments.
      • I seek more answers.
      • I have no more questions at this time.
  • My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.


(The option for fishing rod gets replaced with the herblore one)

Talking to Otto Godblessed again without mixing the potion
  • Please, supple me details of your cunning with harpoons.
  • What was that secret knowledge of Herblore we talked of?
    • Player: What was that secret knowledge of Herblore we talked of?
    • Otto Godblessed: Do you have my potion?
    • Player: What was it you needed again?
    • Otto Godblessed: Bring me a lesser attack potion combined with fish roe. There is more importance in this than you will ever know.
      • I seek more answers.
      • I have no more questions at this time.
  • My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.
Mixing the roe with attack potion
  • You feel you have learned more of barbarian ways. Otto might wish to talk to you more.
Talking to Otto Godblessed again after mixing the potion
  • Please, supple me details of your cunning with harpoons.
  • What was that secret knowledge of Herblore we talked of?
    • Player: What was that secret knowledge of Herblore we talked of?
    • Otto Godblessed: I see you have my potion. I will say no more than that I am eternally grateful.
    • Player: I feel I am missing some vital information about your need for this potion, though I often have this suspicion.
    • Otto Godblessed: I will not reveal all of my private matters to you. Some secrets are best kept rather than revealed.
      • I seek more answers.
      • I have no more questions at this time.
  • My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.


  • Please, supple me details of your cunning with harpoons.
  • Are there any ways to use a fishing rod which I might learn?
  • My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.
    • Player: My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.
    • Otto Godblessed: The first point in your progression is that of lighting fires without a tinderbox.
    • Player: That sounds pretty useful, tell me more.
    • Otto Godblessed: For this process you will require a strung bow. You use the bow to quickly rotate pieces of wood against one another. As you rub the wood becomes hot, eventually springing into flame.
    • Player: No more secret details?
    • Otto Godblessed: The spirits will aid you, the power they supply will guide your hands. Go and benefit from their guidance upon an oaken log.
      • I seek more answers.
      • I have no more questions at this time.
        • Player: I have no more questions at this time.
        • Otto Godblessed: I see you have free space and no record of the tasks I have set you. Please take this book as a record of your progress - between the spirits and your diligence I expect it will always be up to date.
Talking to Otto Godblessed again without making a fire
  • Please, supple me details of your cunning with harpoons.
  • Are there any ways to use a fishing rod which I might learn?
  • My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.
    • Player: My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.
    • Otto Godblessed: By now you know my response.
    • Player: Go and light some oak logs using a strung bow?
    • Otto Godblessed: Exactly.
    • Goes back to "I seek more answers."
Lighting a fire with a bow
  • You feel you have learned more of barbarian ways. Otto might wish to talk to you more.
Talking to Otto Godblessed again after making a fire
  • My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me.
    • Player: My mind is ready for your Firemaking wisdom, please instruct me. The Firemaking with my bow worked!
    • Otto Godblessed: Fine news indeed, secrets of our spirit boats now await your attention.
      • I seek more answers.
      • I have no more questions at this time.

Pyre ships[]

(The option for firemaking gets replaced with this one)

  • I have completed Firemaking with a bow. What follows this?
    • Player: I have completed Firemaking with a bow. What follows this?
    • Otto Godblessed: The next stage is quite complex, so listen well. In order to send our ancestors into the spirit world, their mortal remains must be burned with due ceremony. This can only be performed cllose to the water on the shore of the lake, just to our north-east. You will recognise the correct places by the ashes to be seen there. You will need to construct a small ship by using a hatchet upon logs in this area, then add the bones of a long dead barbarian hero.
    • Player: Where do I obtain these bones?
    • Otto Godblessed: From the caverns beneath this lake. Many of our ancestors travelled to these caverns in order to hunt for glory and found only death. Their bones must still lie inside, their spirits trapped in torment.
    • Player: So I make sure I am in the right place, then throw these bones on a ceremonial ship before i set light to it?
    • Otto Godblessed: Correct. The spirit will ascend to glory; the pyre will send the earthly remains to the depths. You will also obtain a closer link to the spirit world. During this heightened contact, any bones you bury will have increased importance to the gods. The number of bones that may be buried, before the link fades, is increased with the difficulty of obtaining the wood which you use.
    • Player: Do you foresee any problems?
    • Otto Godblessed: I have little knowledge of the caverns - they are blocked from the sight of the spirits with whom I commune. I can only suspect that whatever slew barbarian heroes is indeed mighty. I would also suggest that these bones might well be very uncommon, since heroes are not found in vast numbers. Good luck.
    • Player: How do I enter these caverns then?
    • Otto Godblessed: Dive into the whirlpool in the lake to the east. The spirits will use their abilities to ensure you arrive in the correct location, though their influence fades, so you must find your own way out.
      • I seek more answers.
      • I have no more questions at this time.
Talking to Otto Godblessed again with an empty inventory
  • Otto Godblessed: I see you have free space and no way to record any information you may recover from the caverns. Please take this book as a record of your researches - between the spirits and your diligence I expect it will always be up to date.
  • Player: Why might I need such a thing? I already have a book of


  • Otto Godblessed: Those who have previously entered the cavern have not all returned, some of them seemed intent upon research and discovery as much as loot and daring deeds. It would be a shame it you were to recover any of their notes and be unable to record them handily. I hope the new book will give you space for such discoveries.
  • Shows other training options.

Talking to Otto Godblessed again
  • I have completed Firemaking with a bow. What follows this?
    • Player: I have completed Firemaking with a bow. What follows this?
    • Otto Godblessed: I will repeat myself fully, sicne this is quite complex. Listen well. In order to send our ancestors into the spirit world, their mortal remains must be burned with due ceremony. This can only be performed cllose to the water on the shore of the lake, just to our north-east. You will recognise the correct places by the ashes to be seen there. You will need to construct a small ship by using a hatchet upon logs in this area, then add the bones of a long dead barbarian hero.
    • Continues same as before
  • Could you tell me more of these spirits you continually refer to
    • Player: Could you tell me more of these spirits you continually refer to?
    • Otto Godblessed: Certainly, though it is quite simple - they are the barbarians of the past, who have died in the passing of the years. There are three categories which learned sages claim may describe all spirits encountered. The majority are at peace, having died with their ambitions sated, even if this ambition was as simple as a glorious death. They can contact those in our world in order to spur us on to glory. Of course, they cannot or will not contact all inhabitants of these lands. All are not worthy.
    • Player: So those are the spirits who give us guidance. What of the other sorts?
    • Otto Godblessed: A second category of spirit is made of those who are not yet at peace. However, all that is needed is for their mortal remains to be laid to rest and they will join the peaceful majority.
    • Player: I can see the pyres serve this purpose. The final category is also restless?
    • Otto Godblessed: Alas, there is a small minority who will never be at rest. These have been slain in moments of insanity by their brothers or by adventurers. They are not at rest and will attack those they blame for their tortured state. They are not known, however, for being able to determine this blame with any great accuracy, so may be considered dangerous to all.
    • Player: I thank you Otto, it makes a bit more sense now.
Attempting to enter the whirlpool
  • You realise that you are about to attempt entry an unknown and potentially hideously dangerous place, with no known exists. Doughty barbarian warriors have entered, never to return.
  • Are you really sure you wish to enter?
    • Yes, I wish to enter the unknown.
      • You dive into the swirling maelstrom of the whirlpool.
      • You are swirled beneath the water, the darkness and pressure are overwhelming.
      • Mystical forces guide you into a cavern below the whirlpool.
    • No, I fear the unknown perils.
      • You decide that discretion is the better part of valour.