RuneScape Wiki

Recruiting Vannaka[]

Wizards' Tower[]

  • Wizard Myrtle: Well met, traveller.
  • Player: Hello, what's that you're doing?
  • Wizard Myrtle: Oh this? I specialise in a type of magic based on the manipulation of water, I'm just practicing my technique. My name's Myrtle, I'm a hydromancer!
  • Player: Nice to meet you. Are you a member of the Wizards' Tower?
  • Wizard Myrtle: You might say I'm affiliated, but I'm just visiting really. I'm in need of some help, perhaps you'd be able to lend a hand?
  • Player: What is it you need help with?
  • Wizard Myrtle: Well, it's quite sad you see. I lost contact with my old mentor, a wizard by the name of Terrova. He lived on an island a stone's throw from here but... It seems to have completely vanished.
  • Player: What happened to it?
  • Wizard Myrtle: The locals knew it as 'Tutorial Island'. They say that it sank into the ocean and disappeared beneath the waves, never to be seen again.
  • Why did they call it 'Tutorial Island?'
    • Wizard Myrtle: It was once a place where all new adventurers started their travels. They would learn the basics of various skills before leaving the island. The inhabitants were all tutors that specialised in different areas. Hence the name 'Tutorial Island'. (Continues below.)
  • [Continue]
    • Wizard Myrtle: No one even knows what happened to the inhabitants, everyone just assumes the worst... I've been studying the art of hydromancy for years now, developing an underwater breathing spell that would allow me to dive down to the island and find out exactly what happened.
    • Player: So, why do you need my help?
    • Wizard Myrtle: Hmm, it's a little embarrassing. Ironic, really. I've got a crippling fear of deep water. If you could go down to the sunken island for me and find out Terrova's fate I'd be eternally grateful. What do you say?
      • Not Right Now
        • Wizard Myrtle: Oh, that's a shame. I don't think I can do this on my own. Please come back if you change your mind!
      • Accept Quest
        • Wizard Myrtle: Oh thank you, this is great news!
        • It is recommended that you have audio enabled for this quest as it features atmospheric music and a sound-based puzzle.
        • Wizard Myrtle: There are still some finishing touches I need to make to the spell, but there's something you can do in the meantime.
        • Player: Erm, what do you mean 'finishing touches'?
        • Wizard Myrtle: Oh you know, just tweas here and there, nothing to worry about. I've only tested it on rats so far, but I'm sure it'll be fine! Now, I've managed to track down the only known survivor of the original islanders. A man called Vannaka.
          • I know Vannaka!
            • Player: I know Vannaka, he's a slayer master!
            • Wizard Myrtle: Ah, it would seem I found the right person for the job then! Clearly Vannaka has been hard at work to earn himself the title of slayer master since leaving the island.
          • Who's Vannaka?
            • Player: Vannaka? I haven't heard of him before.
            • Wizard Myrtle: Apparently he's been hard at work since leaving the island. He's earned himself the title of slayer master!
        • Wizard Myrtle: You'll find Vannaka in Edgeville dungeon. See if he knows anything about the fate of the island or if...anyone else...survived.

Talking to Myrtle after she has advised the player to go to Edgeville

  • Wizard Myrtle: You'll find Vannaka in Edgeville dungeon. See if he knows anything about the fate of the island or if...anyone else...survived.

Edgeville Dungeon[]

  • Vannaka: 'Ello, and what are you after then?
  • Talk about Beneath Cursed Tides.
    • Player: I wanted to ask you about Tutorial Island, you used to live there didn't you?
    • Vannaka: Aye, you aren't wrong. I was an instructor there back in the day.
    • Player: Do you know anything about what happened to it?
    • Vannaka: A terrible thing... Terrible. The whole island just slipped into the ocean, taking all my friends - my family - with it. How can an entire island just disappear like that? It's not right.
    • Player: Were you there when it happened?
    • Vannaka: It happened sometime after I left the island to become a slayer master. To begin with I just thought I'd lost contact with everyone, but I'll remember the fateful day I received word of the incident for the rest of my life.
    • Ask Vannaka about leaving the island.
      • Player: Why did you leave Tutorial Island?
      • Vannaka: To be honest with you, I was bored. Teaching new adventurers was rewarding, but I was never challenged. I sought the excitement of battling monsters toe-to-toe, head-to-head. Nothing save my blade and shield separating me from death. What better way to combine that with my teaching experience than becoming a slayer master? I was born for this. So I left the island to pursue my dreams. If I'd known what would happen... I don't know. Maybe I would have stayed, maybe I could have made a difference.
    • Ask Vannaka about becoming a slayer master.
      • Player: How did you become a slayer master?
      • Vannaka: Duradel mentored me in the art of slaying, I learned much of what I know from him. When I left Tutorial Island I met with he and the other slayer masters who initiated me into their order. Since then I have resided here in Edgeville. Not the cosiest of places but there's a it.
    • Ask Vannaka how he wields a two-handed sword in one hand.
      • Player: How do you wield that two-handed sword in one hand?
      • Vannaka: Haha! Aye, you are not the first to ask me that question. It is a special style of swordsmanship I developed over many years. Perhaps I will teach it to you some time.
    • [Continue]
      • Vannaka: Now it's my turn to ask the questions. Why have you come here? What interest do you have in Tutorial Island?
      • Player: I was sent by a Wizard named Myrtle. She's created an underwater breathing spell, wants me to go down to the island and find out what happened.
      • Vannaka: She must be the wizard who's been asking after me then. People talk around here. What makes her so interested in the island?
      • Player: She claims Terrova was her mentor. Everyone assumes the worst but she seems to hold out some kind of hope.
      • Vannaka: Hmm, I had not allowed myself to entertain the thought of anyone surviving... So you intend to go down to the island?
        • Yes, I do.
          • Vannaka: Then I will accompany you, I must see what became of my friends. Where will I find Wizard Myrtle?
        • I'm not sure yet.
          • Vannaka: Perhaps we should go down together, I need to see what became of my friends. Where will I find Wizard Myrtle?
      • Player: She's waiting by the fountains outside the Wizards' Tower, practicing her water magic.
      • Vannaka: Then I will meet you there, adventurer. I won't be long, just have a quick slayer task to finish off first...
  • Talk about something else.
    • Normal Dialogue.

Talking to Vannaka again

  • Vannaka: 'Ello, and what are you after then?
  • Talk about Beneath Cursed Tides.
    • Vannaka: We should go and meet Wizard Myrtle at the Wizards' Tower. I'll see you there.
  • Talk about something else.
    • Normal Dialogue.

Back at Wizards' Tower[]

  • Wizard Myrtle: ...a whole island vanishing, almost entirely unnoticed. There's just something fishy about all of this.
  • Vannaka: Ah, Player. You made it!
  • I see you two have gotten acquainted.
    • Vannaka: Aye, Myrtle here was just telling me why she can't go and investigate the island herself.
    • Player: You mean because of her fear of deep water?
    • Vannaka: Yes! A hydromancer who's scared of water, real thigh slapper that one.
    • Wizard Myrtle: Yes alright, I think we've got enough amusement our of that one today.
    • Vannaka: I'm sorry, really. It's just a little ironic is all.
    • Wizard Myrtle: It won't be ironic when I submerge you in water and suspend you ten feet in the air.
    • Vannaka: Oh, ok, I was only jesting lass.
    • Wizard Myrtle: Right back at you, you should have seen your face!
    • Player: If you two are finished flirting I'd love to know what the plan is.
    • Vannaka: Flirting? Me? I- well, I want to know what the plan is as well! (Continues below.)
  • What's the plan then?
    • Wizard Myrtle: The plan is to go to Mudskipper Point. It should be a smooth swim down to the island from there, not too many rocks to navigate. Once we're all there I can explain everything to you and tell you a little more about the underwater breathing spell. Any questions?
    • How do I get to Mudskipper Point?
      • Wizard Myrtle: Just head west around the bay, through Port Sarim and from there keep heading south to the furthest spit of land. You should see a single palm tree rising out of the sand. Anything else? (Continues below.)
    • Nope, I'm ready to go!
      • Player: Nope, I'm ready to go! See you at Mudskipper Point!
Screen fades, Wizard Myrtle and Vannaka leave.

The Sunken Island[]

Mudskipper Point[]

  • Vannaka: -would be a lovely spot for a picnic, don't you think?
  • Player: Um, hello.
  • Vannaka: Oh, Player, I didn't see you there! We were just discussing the plan of action...
  • Player: Suuuuure.
  • Wizard Myrtle: We have a task to focus on! Now, I've managed to get the spell working-
  • Player: On humans I hope...
  • Wizard Myrtle: Well, you will be the first human trials, but I'm very confident there won't be any side effects! The only issue is that it draws power from the Wizards' Tower in order to work, so I'm afraid it will only work in this bay. You won't be able to use it anywhere else.
  • Sounds perfect, let's do this!
    • Wizard Myrtle: Great, I'm glad we're all in agreement. (Continues below)
  • That doesn't sound very reassuring.
    • Wizard Myrtle: Don't worry, I have years of practice in hydromancy. I promise you're in safe hands. (Continues below)
  • I have other underwater breathing methods anyways.
    • Wizard Myrtle: Well that's all and good, but Vannaka is still going to need my spell.
  • Wizard Myrtle: If you have other underwater breathing methods let me know which you plan to use, then we'll get you both ready to begin your descent.
  • What underwater breathing method would you like to use?
    • Underwater breathing spell.
      • Wizard Myrtle: Great, I'll cast my spell on you so you can breathe without any diving apparatus.
    • Aquarium diving suit.
      • Wizard Myrtle: Great, you can use the diving suit from your house!
    • Fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus.
      • If both fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus are worn or are in inventory
        • Wizard Myrtle: Great, the fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus should work perfectly!
      • If either fishbowl helmet or diving apparatus, or both, are not worn or in inventory
        • Wizard Myrtle: If you want to use the fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus you'll need to go and fetch them first.

Talking to Myrtle about beginning the dive

  • Wizard Myrtle: Excellent, us hydromancers are used to looking into murky water so hopefully I'll be able to keep an eye on your locations through the waves.
  • Vannaka: I'm going to swim down to the cave where I used to be stationed, Player. I must find out what happened to my old mate Dezzick. Meet me there once you've explored a while, and be careful.
  • Player: Ok, you too Vannaka.

Talking to Wizard Myrtle again before diving to Tutorial Island

  • Wizard Myrtle: Hello, player! I wasn't expecting to see you back here just yet. Hope the search of the island is going well.
  • I'd like to change my under water breathing method.
    • What underwater breathing method would you like to use?
      • Underwater breathing spell.
        • Wizard Myrtle: Great, I'll cast my spell on you so you can breathe without any diving apparatus.
      • Aquarium diving suit.
        • Wizard Myrtle: Great, you can use the diving suit from your house!
      • Fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus.
        • If both fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus are worn or are in inventory
          • Wizard Myrtle: Great, the fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus should work perfectly!
        • If either fishbowl helmet or diving apparatus, or both, are not worn or in inventory
          • Wizard Myrtle: If you want to use the fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus you'll need to go and fetch them first.
  • I'd like to dive to the sunken island.
    • Dive to the sunken island?
      • Yes, I'm ready.
        • Attempting to dive with weapons equipped
          • Wizard Myrtle: You should unequip your weapons before you go, the water could damage them.
        • Attempting to dive with a follower
          • Wizard Myrtle: You should dismiss your follower before you go, we can't be sure they'll be safe.
        • Wizard Myrtle: Excellent, us hydromancers are used to looking into murky water so hopefully I'll be able to keep an eye on your locations through the waves.
        • Vannaka: I'm going to swim down to the cave where I used to be stationed, Player. I must find out what happened to my old mate Dezzick. Meet me there once you've explored a while, and be careful.
        • Player: Ok, you too Vannaka.
      • No, I'm not ready yet.
        • Wizard Myrtle: Ok, just let me know when you're ready to go.
  • I need to deposit some items.
    • Wizard Myrtle: I can deposit some items for you if you want.
      • Opens deposit box interface

Underwater Tutorial Island[]

Survival Skills[]

  • Player: Woah! Y-you're alive?
  • Brynna: Ah! Oh, sorry... I've not seen anyone come through these parts in years. I'm sure there was something I'm supposed to say, it feels like a forgotten memory though. Your clothing sure is fancy, I've not seen the likes of that before! Most people that came through here back in the day wore that horrendous green clothing - never really understood the fashion back then.
  • If player started RuneScape on Tutorial Island
    • Brynna: In fact, I remember someone that looked a little like you back then.
  • Player: You've been down here so long... I've come to try and save you. Have you tried swimming to the surface?
  • Brynna: The...surface? I have tried to swim up there towards the sun, but no matter how hard I kick my legs I never seem to get past a certain point. Any way, at least I have my friends to talk to down here.
A prawn appears to crawl out of a shell on Brynna's shoulder.
  • Prawn: ...
  • Brynna: I know, I know, only two legs!
  • Prawn: ...
  • Brynna: Oh yes, of course! I almost forgot. I'm supposed to teach you the skills you need to survive! First up, the most basic survival skill of all: making a fire.
  • Player: But I already know how to make a fire!
  • Brynna: Please do not interrupt me Player! As I was saying, the most basic of survival skills is making a fire. Your first task is to light one for me!
Brynna pulls out a rotten hatchet and a soaked tinderbox.
  • Player: Erm, it's okay... I have my own.
  • Brynna: Oh, come prepared have we? Right then, I'll keep these fine tools for the next person!
  • Player: How do you expect me to light a fire here? We're underwater!
  • Brynna: Hmm, so we are... Well, the most important thing is that you cook a shrimp. You should find some swimming around the area.
  • Prawn: !!!
  • Brynna: It's fine Gerald. You're a prawn not a shrimp, silly. Now then, you must cook me a shrimp before continuing through the island. You may go no further until the task is complete.
  • Player: Hmm, well I guess if I'm to break the curse I'll figure it out.

Talking to Brynna again

  • Brynna: I still need you to cook me a shrimp, Player. You should find some swimming around the area.

Cooking the shrimp correctly at the first try

  • The hot vent boils the shrimp nicely.
  • Player: Hmm, it looks like the vent is losing pressure through that hole. If I were to block it I reckon I could make this vent a lot hotter.

Talking to Brynna after cooking the shrimp correctly

  • Brynna: Great Saradomin's beard! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
  • Player: What?
  • Brynna: Nobody - and I mean nobody - has ever cooked a shrimp the first time before! Did you buy this from one of those dodgy bank sales?
  • Player: No! I cooked it over there on that steam vent.
  • Brynna: Well, I'm afraid to complete my task you must bring me a burnt shrimp first. It's the way it has always been.
  • Player: But...
  • Brynna: No buts! Get cracking!

Talking to Brynna after burning the shrimp

  • Brynna: Oh dear, it looks like you burnt that one!
  • Player: Sure...
  • Brynna: I mean, I know that shrimpin' aint[sic] easy, but let's try again. Catch another one and make sure you don't overcook it this time!

Talking to Brynna with another burnt shrimp

  • Brynna: I need to see progress! Catch a shrimp and make sure to cook it before you bring it to me.

After cooking the shrimp correctly

  • Brynna: Oh lovely, that's cooked to perfection! What do you think of that, Gerald?
  • Prawn: ...
  • Brynna: Oh shush. Player, you've completed my task! Now you can move onto the next one with Chev[sic] Lev, I wish you the best of luck.

Talking to Brynna again

  • Brynna: You've completed my task, Player. Now you can more onto the next one with Chev[sic] Lev, I wish you the best of luck!

Trying to catch shrimp again

  • Brynna: Please leave the shrimp be, I need to make sure their numbers are plentiful enough for future adventurers.

Culinary Teachings[]

Talking to the large jellyfish or trying to gather tasty looking seaweed.

  • Player: Umm, hello?
  • Large Jellyfish: Do you like your face?
  • Player: Um, yes.
  • Large Jellyfish: In that case I suggest you leave. OR I'LL STING IT OFF!
  • Player: Can't argue with that, I'm out of here.

Talking to Master Chef

  • Master Chef: Well well, a new face. That's something of a rare sight these days.
  • Player: Your friend Brynna told me of the problems you're all having. I think I can help you but I'll need you to take me through one of your cooking classes first.
  • Master Chef: Hmm, it's been a while since someone has sought my culinary teachings.
  • If player started Runescape on Tutorial Island
    • Master Chef: Haven't I taught you before?
    • Player: Trust me, just go with it. (Continues below)
  • Player: How does making bread underwater work anyway?
  • Master Chef: Haha, no one makes bread any more, it's so last age! Everyone is into far more healthy options like salads. First I'll need you to fetch some of my especially delicious seaweed from outside, it's the basis of any good sea salad. Once you have that we can get started.
  • Player: You guys sure do like seaweed down here don't you...
  • Master Chef: It's the most versatile ingredient around!
Lev hands you a small music box.
  • Player: What's this for?
  • Master Chef: So here's the thing. A rather large and angry looking jellyfish seems to have taken a liking to my seaweed.
  • Player: Okay, but that still doesn't answer the question of the music box.
  • Master Chef: Ah yes, well I'm hoping that the music might be used to make the jellyfish a little less on edge. Also, I'm totally scared of it if I'm honest which is where you come in.
  • Player: So you want me to risk my life at the hands, err tentacles, of an enraged jellyfish with nothing but a music box that might calm it down?
  • Master Chef: Exactly.
  • Player: *sigh* Fine.

Talking to Lev again

  • Master Chef: We can't continue the lesson without the finest seaweed.

Attempting to leave through the western door

  • Master Chef: You can't leave yet, I still have valuable techniques to teach you.

Playing music

  • Playing the wrong music at the first portion
    • Large Jellyfish: What is that?! PLAY SOMETHING ELSE!
  • Playing the correct music at the first portion
    • Large Jellyfish: Ah, this is one of my favourites. PLAY ME MORE BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS!
  • Playing the wrong music at the second portion
    • Large Jellyfish: That's not how it goes. DO IT PROPERLY NEXT TIME!
  • Playing the correct music at the second portion
    • Large Jellyfish: I haven't heard this in an age. DON'T KEEP ME WAITING!
  • Playing the wrong music at the third portion
    • Large Jellyfish: Well that just ruined it. WHY DO YOU SPOIL EVERYTHING!?
  • Playing all correct.
    • Large Jellyfish: What a great piece, I've not felt so relaxed in a long time.
    • Player: That's good to hear. Can I get some of that seaweed now?
    • Large Jellyfish: Hmm? Oh sure, go ahead.
  • Talking to Jellyfish after playing music, or taking more seaweed.
    • Player: Hmm, better not risk it. Who knows what could set that crazy jellyfish off again.
    • Large Jellyfish: You what?
    • Player: Err, nothing...

Talking to Master Chef Again

  • Player: Here's your music box back, it seemed to calm the jellyfish eventually.
  • Master Chef: Good, I was getting worried I must admit.
  • Player: I've got the seaweed.
  • Master Chef: Fantastic, go place the seaweed on the table over there and we can get started.
You roll the seaweed out on the table.
  • Master Chef: Great, now we have the seaweed I am going to give you access to my wide variety of caviar to make some delicious sea salads! First, I want you to create something sweet and sour with a bit of spice. Think you can handle that?
  • Making it correctly (repeats for all instructions)
    • Master Chef: Fantastic, that's exactly what I was looking for!
  • Making it incorrectly (repeats for all instructions)
    • Master Chef: That's not quite right. (Repeats instructions)
  • Master Chef: Now, I want you to create something mellow yet sour with some bitter undertones. Think you can handle that?
  • Master Chef: Now, I want you to create something spicy with a salty bitterness. Think you can handle that?
  • Master Chef: You've done well my friend. I hope that what I have taught you will aid your efforts to help us, good luck!

Attempting to leave through the western door after completing, but with music box

  • Master Chef: Before you go, could you return my music box?
  • Player: Of course. Here you go.

Smithing a butter knife[]

  • Mining Instructor: Greetings adventurer! I suppose you'll be here to learn about Mining and Smithing?
    • Absolutely!
      • Continues below
    • If I must.
      • Mining Instructor: You must!
  • Mining Instructor: I need you to make a bronze dagger. You'll need to mine some tin and copper ore, then use the furnace to smelt it. Any questions?
  • How am I supposed to smelt a bar underwater?
    • Mining Instructor: Under-WHAT-er!?
    • Player: Underwater.
    • Mining Instructor: Under-WHAT-er!?
    • Player: We're underwater. Haven't you noticed?
    • Mining Instructor: Under-WHAT-er!?
    • Player: This isn't going anywhere quickly. I'll find a way to light the furnace on my own.
  • Can I just show you the one I made earlier?
    • Mining Instructor: Don't be ridiculous! I'd have no way of knowing you actually made it yourself!
    • Player: Can I at least bring my own ores?
    • Mining Instructor: Oh, you are a funny one!
    • Player: That's a no then.
  • Good bye.

Talking to Mining Instructor after mining ores

  • Mining Instructor: I see you've got the ores you need. That's a great start. You should next look at giving the furnace a kick-start to smelt some bronze bars.
    • Same options as before

Talking to Mining Instructor after making Bronzish bar

  • Mining Instructor: You're making good progress, Player. All that's left is to make the dagger at an anvil.

Talking to Mining Instructor after making Bronze butter knife

  • Mining Instructor: Splendid work, Player! I'm sure that dagger will serve you well for many battles to come! You should seek out your next tutor.

Talking to Mining Instructor after completing his task

  • Mining Instructor: I'm proud of you, Player. We'll make a master smith of you some day.
  • If the player has 99 Smithing
    • Player: I already am a master smith.

Two-Handed Sword training[]

  • Player: Vannaka! Have you seen what's happened to the people here?
  • Vannaka: I have. I never imagined there would be survivors, let alone that they would be bound to such a fate. Dezzick barely seemed to know who I am. It seems like what ever changed him physically has also affected his mind... How could this possibly have happened? Who could have done this to them?
  • Player: They were cursed by a dark wizard. The only way to break it is to complete each tutor's task one last time. I've already done a few of them.
  • Vannaka: Is that so? Well, if you need to complete every tutor's task then you'll need to complete mine too. Perhaps I should set you one?
  • Sure, I'm up for a challenge.
    • Vannaka: Great. If its a challenge you're looking for then I've got something that might intrigue you. (Continues below.)
  • That makes sense.
    • Vannaka: Aye, it does. I've got something a little more interesting than my original task too. (Continues below.)
  • Ok, but make it quick.
    • Vannaka: How quick it is will be up to you. I've got something a little more interesting than my original task for you.
  • Vannaka: You're a fully fledged adventurer now, I think you're a bit past using that butter knife. It's about time I taught you how to wield my two-handed sword in one hand. Like I mentioned before, it is an art which can only be performed with a perfectly balanced blade like mine. Underwater is actually the perfect place to learn to wield the larger blade as it will relieve some of the weight for you.
  • Great, please tell me more.
    • Vannaka: The water will also help to amplify your senses. You must not use your sight, but instead sense sound and movement as ripples in the water. The sensory information will help you determine the opportune moment to strike a deadly blow. Choosing the wrong moment is extremely costly with a larger weapon as recovery is much harder. Understand?
    • Player: Yes, senpai. (Continues below.)
  • Let's get on with the task.
    • Continues below.
  • Vannaka: Ok, when you're ready to begin the task enter the arena and pick up my spare sword and shield. Don the blind fold I've wrapped around the hilt. Use only your senses to dispatch every giant sea rat that comes at you.

In training

You close your eyes and begin to listen to your deepest senses.
  • Vannaka: Empty your mind. Focus only on the sensory information you are receiving and the blade in your hand. These core focuses should be amplified whilst underwater. Your movements will be slower, but you will feel the ripples around you. The key to mastering the larger blade is not though strength alone. You must choose your attacks carefully, only striking when the moment is right. Feel the weight of the blade and work with it, not against it. Only then will you understand the art of wielding a heavy weapon. It is a... double-edged sword.

After the training

  • Vannaka: Remove the blindfold, look!

Talking to Vannaka again

  • Vannaka: Wow, you did it! You're a natural.
  • You taught me well.
    • Vannaka: Aye, there are a few that know this skill as well as I do. You have the potential to be one of them. (Continues below.)
  • It was nothing.
    • Vannaka: Clearly! Who knows, maybe one day you'll wield a larger blade as well as I do. (Continues below.)
  • I'm a beast.
    • Vannaka: Clearly! Who knows, maybe one day you'll wield a larger blade as well as I do. (Continues below.)
  • Vannaka: Now, you have islanders to save. I am confident, now more than ever, in your abilities. Go forth and complete the remaining tasks.
  • Player: What will you do?
  • Vannaka: I'm going to try speaking to Dezzick and the others you've already met. Perhaps doing their tasks has helped to jog their memory a bit. And don't worry, once we reach the shore again I'll tell you how to wield that sword on dry land!

A bank heist[]

  • Financial Advisor: Okay, making money. Quite. Well, there were three basic ways of making money here: combat, quests, and trading. I will talk you through why each is no longer viable very quickly.
  • Can we skip to the task?
  • Player: I don't want to be rude, but I've got people to save. Can we stick to what IS viable? (Continues below)
  • Do continue.
  • Financial Advisor: Let's start with combat as it is probably still fresh in your mind. There are barely any monsters to fight underwater, so it isn't a steady job. Now, the next way to earn money quickly is by quests. Many people on Gielinor have things they need doing, but very few of those are underwater. By getting a high level in skills such a Cooking, Mining, Smithing or Fishing, you can create or catch your own items. No matter the quality of your goods though, an underwater bank sale is never going to be especially well attended. (Continues below)
  • Financial Advisor: Well, there is one money making method I can still think of... The local banker, Jed - gods rest his soul - passed away a few years ago. Which does leave the bank vault somewhat undefended. Figuring out the combination would certainly prove a lucrative venture. I'm sure if you rifle through Jed's notes you'll find some clues.

Talking to the Financial advisor again

  • Financial Advisor: The only remaining method of making money on the island is to go on the rob. In order to prove you understand the money making process, I'm going to need you to open the bank vault. I'm sure there are clues to the code littered around the bank booth.

After doing the heist

  • Player: I got the vault open.
  • Financial Advisor: Excellent! I'll go and... evaluate your work. Consider your work here done though, Player. Go and seek the next tutor. Take the east door out of the bank.

Talking to Financial Advisor again

  • Financial Advisor: Excellent work, my fellow... finance expert.

Fishy Friends[]

  • Brother Brace: Praise Saradomin, our saviour has arrived! My my, you certainly look more accomplished than the adventurers we used to get through here.
  • If the player started RuneScape on Tutorial Island
    • Player: I was one of those adventurers!
    • Brother Brace: It's a compliment! You're clearly more accomplished these days!
  • Brother Brace: Now then, if I'm not mistaken you must be the individual who has come to rid us of this terrible, terrible curse. Word spreads quickly around our small community.
  • Player: That would be me.
  • Brother Brace: I knew this day would come! Saradomin spoke to me in my dreams, told me a hero would come if we just kept faith in him. Unfortunately the prayer book I need to conduct my services floated away some time ago. I'm afraid I just can't help you without it.
  • Player: I'm sure I can find it for you, any idea where it went?
  • Brother Brace: Splendid! What a helpful soul you are. I suggest you ask some friends of mine, they may have seen it drifting by.
  • Player: Friends? You mean the other tutors?
  • Brother Brace: Oh no, not them - one must make new friends every now and then. The local fishies attend my services, it seems most of them have petty crimes they wish to repent for. They are a bit skiddish around strangers however, won't talk to you if you don't address them by name.
  • Player: How am I supposed to know their names?
  • Brother Brace: Here, take this. Every time I make a friend I write their name down on the list so I don't forget. It should help you identify them!
Brother Brace hands you his friends list.
  • Player: Great, I'll go see if they know anything.
  • Brother Brace: Lovely, I held mass not too long ago so they shouldn't have strayed too far from the chapel.

Talking to Brother Brace again

  • Brother Brace: How goes thy search, chosen one?
  • Player: I'm still looking at the moment.
  • Brother Brace: Please do let me know as soon as there are any developments. You should find my friends in the area surrounding the chapel.

Talking to Fish Name 1

  • Player: Hello, Fish Name 1.
  • Fish: Oh, um, hello stranger.
  • Player: No need to be alarmed, Brother Brace sent me to see if you might have seen his missing prayer book?
  • Fish: I haven't seen anything, honest. Ask someone else?

Talking to Fish Name 1 again

  • Player: Hello, Fish Name 1.
  • Fish: I don't know where the book is, find someone else to question!

Talking to Fish Name 2

  • Player: Hello, Fish Name 2.
  • Fish: Urk, you shouldn't sneak up on people like that!
  • Player: Sorry. Do you know where Brother Brace's prayer book might be?
  • Fish: I didn't do anything, it wasn't me! Go interrogate someone else!

Talking to Fish Name 2 again

  • Player: Hello, Fish Name 2.
  • Fish: I don't know where the book is, find someone else to question!

Talking to Fish Name 3

  • Player: Hello, Fish Name 3. I don't suppose you have any idea where Brother Brace's prayer book might have gotten to?
  • Fish: Erm, I think I saw something in the coral east of the church / around the anchor east of the bank / in the cannon to the west of the ladder to the caves. Can I go now?/That's all I know!

Talking to other fish

  • Fish: Shouldn't talk to strangers, don't talk to strangers. Strangers bad.
  • Fish: While we devotin', full time to floatin', under the sea... Ah, I don't know you!
  • The fish rotates one eye to look you up and down, then scurries away.

The fishy friends after the player knows about the book's location

  • Player: Are you sure you don't know anything else?
  • Fish: I heard talk about the coral east of the church / the anchor east of the bank / the cannon to the west of the ladder to the caves, I don't know anything else!

The fishy friends after the player has the book

  • Player: Are you sure you don't know anything else?
  • Fish: You have the book now, what more do you want from me!?

Talking to Brother Brace after the player knows about the book's location

  • Brother Brace: How goes thy search, chosen one?
  • Player: I think I'm getting closer, one of your friends said something about the coral east of the chapel / the anchor east of the bank / the cannon to the west of the ladder to the caves.
  • Brother Brace: That is good to hear, I would suggest you now search the area that was mentioned.

Back at the Chapel

  • Brother Brace: How goes thy search, chosen one?
  • Player: Good news, I've found your book.
  • Brother Brace: Oh thank goodness, I knew great Saradomin would bring it back to me!
  • Player: Erm, it was me that went out there and found it...
  • Brother Brace: Yes, of course, but our lord was working through you. I am absolutely certain he brought you here.
Brother Brace flicks through his prayer book and a key falls out.
  • Brother Brace: Ah ha, here we go. I should really keep my door key in a more sensible place in the future.
  • Player: Erm...
  • Brother Brace: Now, I'll unlock the door and you can be on your way. My fellow tutors await the help of the chosen one! Go with faith, my friend. You are walking a righteous path!

Talking to Brother Brace again

  • Brother Brace: I'm looking forward to seeing the surface again!

Bubble Magic[]

  • Wizard Terrova: Welcome adventurer-to-be. Are you ready to face your final test?
  • I certainly am.
    • Wizard Terrova: I do love an eager candidate! (Continues below)
  • What does it involve?
  • Wizard Terrova: You must learn to harness the wiiilllld forces of magic.
  • Wizard Terrova: You cannot pass this trial until you have cast a magic upon those chicken prisoners.
  • Player: Cast a magic?
  • Wizard Terrova: You must blast them with a strike of air.
  • Can you give me some runes to cast this 'strike of air'?
    • Wizard Terrova: I can, but shall not!
    • Player: Really? I'd rather not traipse all the way back to the bank to get some.
    • Wizard Terrova: Should place your focus upon your intended chicken and clear your mind, you'll find you have no need of runes here.
  • What did these poor chickens do to deserve a life of windy assaults?
    • Wizard Terrova: Each of these chickens has engaged in a spree of crimes unmentionable. To give back to the community by serving the education system is their punishment.
    • Player: Unmentionable? Not even a little mentionable?
    • Wizard Terrova: Very well, Step closer. The largest grain heist in known history was perpetrated by some of these birds. To this day we still don't know where they hid their bounty.
  • How are these chickens still alive underwater?
    • Wizard Terrova: Sorcelations!

After air-blasting a chicken

  • Wizard Terrova: Excellent work on the chickens. Consider yourself tutorialised.
  • Hector Vivian: STOP! How dare you try to break my curse. Come out here where I can see you!

If you blast the chickens before talking to Wizard Terrova

  • Wizard Terrova: Welcome traveller. I can't help but notice that you let yourself into my house and bubbled my chickens uninvited.
  • Wizard Terrova: Excellent work. I like your style.
  • Wizard Terrova: Consider the tutorial completed.


  • Wizard Terrova: Vivian? It's you?
  • Hector Vivian: Ahahaha! You remember me then? Yes, 'twas I who cursed you! Who is this arrogant fool trying to put an end to your punishment?
  • I'm the world guardian.
    • Continues below
  • I'm your worst nightmare!
    • Continues below
  • You don't deserve an introduction.
    • Continues below
  • Hector Vivian: Pfff, it matters not. I've caught you at the last moment, your plans to break the curse are foiled! And you've brought Vannaka right to me! The final piece of the puzzle. The one who got away... Finally I can transform him, the curse will be complete!
  • Player: Let him go.
  • Hector Vivian: Who's going to make me?
  • Wizard Myrtle: I AM!
  • Player: Myrtle! What about your fear of-
  • Wizard Myrtle: Nevermind that now. It's time to make this evil old man pay for what he's done!
  • Wizard Terrova: I will focus a spell to reverse the curse onto Vivian. You must overcome him Myrtle, I have faith in you.
  • Hector Vivian: Haha, I was once a hydromancer like you Myrtle. Look how far I've come, see where hydromancy has led me! I've perfected my curse since leaving here. You'll be no match for my minions!
  • Wizard Myrtle: Player, I can only do this with your help. Keep his minions off me and lend me your power when you're able!

One of the following is randomly played if Myrtle is attacked by Crassians

  • Wizard Myrtle: Ow!
  • Wizard Myrtle: Get back creature!
  • Wizard Myrtle: It's on me!

Beating Vivian

  • Wizard Terrova: You must put a stop to him, Player!
  • Hector Vivian: No, please don't! No! Noooooo!
  • Player: Bloop.
  • Hector Vivian: Arrrrgh curse you!
  • Player: You won't be casting any more curses from inside that bubble, Vivian.
  • Hector Vivian: Blasted bubbles... I would have got away with it if it wasn't for your meddling!
  • Wizard Terrova: I believe the spell was a success, heroes. I was able to save Vannaka from the curse and reverse a component of it onto Vivian.
  • Wizard Myrtle: Well he doesn't seem to have four legs so... Does that mean he's confined to the island forever?
  • Wizard Terrova: Correct, my child. His terrorizing days are over.
  • Hector Vivian: Damn you all to hell! I WILL have my revenge, mark my words.
  • Wizard Myrtle: Yes, yes. Enjoy your time at the bottom of the ocean, Vivian.
  • Player: You conquered your fear of deep water Myrtle!
  • Wizard Myrtle: Oh my, I almost forgot! I supposed it's not so bad down here... Ok that's enough for me I think! Let's go back to the surface now.
  • Wizard Terrova: I'll round up the other tutors, we'll be right with you!

The tutors resurface[]

Talking to Wizard Myrtle or Vannaka

  • We did it!
    • Wizard Myrtle: It wouldn't have been possible without everything you did for us, Player. Thank you.
  • Feels great to be back on dry land.
    • Wizard Myrtle: I couldn't agree more, the warm sand between my toes has never felt more comforting.
  • I'm glad that's over.
    • Wizard Myrtle: I'm inclined to agree, but we got the job done and that's what counts.
  • Wizard Myrtle: I don't know what came over me diving into that water...
  • Vannaka: Aye, lass. You made me feel like a damsel in distress - saved my hide!
  • Wizard Myrtle: Come on now, Vannaka. You would have done the same for me.
  • Vannaka: Dived to the depths of the ocean to save you? Yes, Miss Myrtle, I believe I w-
  • Player: Ahem! So, erm, where are the islanders? Shouldn't they be here by now?
  • Wizard Myrtle: Terrova should be arriving with them any minute! With the curse lifted their appearances should be restored when they emerge from the water.
  • Vannaka: Look, here they come!
Screen fades and the tutors appear on land.
  • Wizard Myrtle: Terrova, I thought I'd lost you for ever... It's so good to have you back.
  • Magic Instructor: Don't worry child, I am here now. I feel like I've just awoken from a hazy dream.
  • Master Chef: There's all this fresh crab floating about, we could have a barbeque to celebrate! Hero, I won't be needing my seaweed patches or fishing spots on the island any more, you're welcome to them. You'll learn a lot from harvesting them and can feed the produce to the giant oyster for some delicious rewards! The resources take a month to regrow, so you only have to go back and visit every once in a while.
  • Mining Instructor: Ok, enough of this talk, we have lost years to make up for.
  • Financial Advisor: True. Adventurer, you have our gratitude, but we must be off.
  • Wizard Myrtle: We'll see you soon, Player, if you ever want to revisit the island come and see me at the fountains outside the Wizards' Tower. I'll be able to send you back down.
  • Player: Ok, enjoy the fresh air everyone.
Quest Complete!