This transcript involves dialogue with Crondis, Senliten, Leela, Sphinx, Jex, High Priest of Crondis, Jabari, The Pharaoh, and Osman.
Visiting Senliten[]
Without sufficient reputation in Menaphos[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: Can I be of service?
- Senliten: Not at this moment: you need to learn more of the desert, first.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
With sufficient reputation in Menaphos[]
First time[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: Can I be of service?
- Senliten: Perhaps, but first let me tell you a story. My memories have only recently returned to me, and it is an indulgence to share them with someone. Early in my time as Pharaoh, I toured across my kingdom to learn more of the places and people within it. I travelled with a large retinue on a boat up and down the River Elid. Throughout our journey, we were followed by a large crocodile. A few times, we'd lose sight of it for days on end, only for it to make its presence known on the next morning. We did not know if it was stalking us or acting as an escort. Crocodiles were known to sometimes attack and eat humans, but they are also revered by us for their tenacity and modesty. All thought of it was forgotten, however, when we were set upon by a small scouting force of the ancient one. This was before open war had broken out with him. We managed to fend them off, but during the skirmish our boat was damaged and began taking on water. It was at this moment that the crocodile made its final appearance. The boat sank and we all found ourselves in the water with the crocodile, it's[sic] hunger ignited by the smell of blood in the air.
- (Only after asking about the retinue:)
- That's awful.
- Player: That's awful.
- Senliten: Perhaps, but while she was being dragged away, it allowed the rest of us time to swim to the relative safety of the riverbank.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- That's awful.
- (Only if not selected last:)
- What happened to you?
- Player: What happened to you?
- Senliten: I made it safely out of the water, my retinue putting themselves between me and the crocodile as we swam.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- What happened to you?
- (Only if not selected last:)
- What happened to your retinue?
- Player: What happened to your retinue?
- Senliten: In those times, life in this region was nowhere near as harsh as it can be now. It was not uncommon to see those who had difficulty dealing with abundance. One member of my retinue, whose particular vice was food, had grown quite large in her years. She swam slowly, but the crocodile did not... Within seconds it was on her, and dragged her beneath the surface, neither of them to be seen again.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- What happened to your retinue?
- Where are you going with this?
- Player: Where are you going with this?
- Senliten: Within this event, I learned a truth. The crocodile, hungry as it was, could have easily attacked all of us, yet it chose to expend its efforts on only one. With the least amount of effort, it received the largest possible meal. While they may be dangerous animals, if you understand them you can safely navigate their waters. It also taught me a lesson in moderation, to only take what was needed - a lesson that has served my people well once this land became a desert.
- Player: This is a nice story and all, but why mention it now?
- Senliten: It appears that, in recent years, the crocodiles along the River Elid are no longer sated so easily. Leela?
- Leela: Indeed. I have gathered reports from both Pollnivneach and Nardah of locals being attacked and eaten, dragged back to the river. These attacks are becoming more and more frequent, and the people are afraid.
- Senliten: I need your help, Player. You must investigate why crocodiles have become so gluttonous of late. Something is not right.
- (Quest details screen appears.)
- Not Right Now
- Player: Sorry, I can't help right now.
- Accept Quest
- (If you have asked the Sphinx about Crondis prior to accepting)
- Player: Is this something to do with Crondis?
- Senliten: It has everything to do with Crondis.
- (Dialogue continues per section 'Reporting Back to Senliten)
- (If you have not asked the Sphinx about Crondis yet)
- Player: Why is this important? Can the locals not just fend off the crocodiles?
- Senliten: I see you do not connect this with the goddess Crondis? Go to the city of Sophanem: Leela tells me that the Sphinx still abides there. She and a local priest called Jex know much about minor deities. Discover all there is to know about a goddess called Crondis. Doing so will illuminate the importance of the desert crocodiles.
- Not Right Now
- (Only after asking about the retinue:)
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
After dismissing the quest[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: Last time we spoke, you told me a story. Can we talk of it?
- Senliten: Of course.
- (Only after asking about the retinue:)
- That's awful.
- Player: That's awful.
- Senliten: Perhaps, but while she was being dragged away, it allowed the rest of us time to swim to the relative safety of the riverbank.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- (Only if not selected last:)
- Could you retell the story?
- Senliten: Early in my time as Pharaoh, I toured across my kingdom to learn more of the places and people within it. I travelled with a large retinue on a boat up and down the River Elid. Throughout our journey, we were followed by a large crocodile. A few times, we'd lose sight of it for days on end, only for it to make its presence known on the next morning. We did not know if it was stalking us or acting as an escort. Crocodiles were known to sometimes attack and eat humans, but they are also revered by us for their tenacity and modesty. All thought of it was forgotten, however, when we were set upon by a small scouting force of the ancient one. This was before open war had broken out with him. We managed to fend them off, but during the skirmish our boat was damaged and began taking on water. It was at this moment that the crocodile made its final appearance. The boat sank and we all found ourselves in the water with the crocodile, it's[sic] hunger ignited by the smell of blood in the air.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Could you retell the story?
- (Only if not selected last:)
- What happened to you?
- Player: What happened to you?
- Senliten: I made it safely out of the water, my retinue putting themselves between me and the crocodile as we swam.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- What happened to you?
- (Only as the first question:)
- What happened to your servant?
- (Transcript missing. edit)
- What happened to your servant?
- (Only if not selected last and something has already been asked:)
- What happened to your retinue?
- Player: What happened to your retinue?
- Senliten: In those times, life in this region was nowhere near as harsh as it can be now. It was not uncommon to see those who had difficulty dealing with abundance. One member of my retinue, whose particular vice was food, had grown quite large in her years. She swam slowly, but the crocodile did not... Within seconds it was on her, and dragged her beneath the surface, neither of them to be seen again.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- What happened to your retinue?
- Where are you going with this?
- Player: Where are you going with this?
- Senliten: Within this event, I learned a truth. The crocodile, hungry as it was, could have easily attacked all of us, yet it chose to expend its efforts on only one. With the least amount of effort, it received the largest possible meal. While they may be dangerous animals, if you understand them you can safely navigate their waters. It also taught me a lesson in moderation, to only take what was needed - a lesson that has served my people well once this land became a desert.
- Player: This is a nice story and all, but why mention it now?
- Senliten: It appears that, in recent years, the crocodiles along the River Elid are no longer sated so easily. Leela?
- Leela: Indeed. I have gathered reports from both Pollnivneach and Nardah of locals being attacked and eaten, dragged back to the river. These attacks are becoming more and more frequent, and the people are afraid.
- Senliten: I need your help, Player. You must investigate why crocodiles have become so gluttonous of late. Something is not right.
- (Quest details screen appears.)
- Not Right Now
- Player: Sorry, I can't help right now.
- Accept Quest
- Player: Why is this important? Can the locals not just fend off the crocodiles?
- Senliten: I see you do not connect this with the goddess Crondis? Go to the city of Sophanem: Leela tells me that the Sphinx still abides there. She and a local priest called Jex know much about minor deities. Discover all there is to know about a goddess called Crondis. Doing so will illuminate the importance of the desert crocodiles.
- Not Right Now
- (Only after asking about the retinue:)
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
After accepting the quest[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: Why is this important? Can the locals not just fend off the crocodiles?
- Senliten: I see you do not connect this with the goddess Crondis? Go to the city of Sophanem: Leela tells me that the Sphinx still abides there. She and a local priest called Jex know much about minor deities. Discover all there is to know about a goddess called Crondis. Doing so will illuminate the importance of the desert crocodiles.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Speaking with Jex[]
- Player: Hello, Jex.
- Jex: Hello, Player.
- Jex: Jex rubs his head tenderly.
- Select an option
- Are you okay?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Could you tell me more about the minor gods?
- Player: Could you tell me more about the minor gods?
- Select an option
- Could you tell me more about Scabaras?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Could you tell me more about Het?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Could you tell me more about Crondis?
- Player: Could you tell me more about Crondis?
- Jex: Crondis is a ferocious lady with the head of a mighty crocodile.
- Player: That must be awkward when buying helmets.
- Jex: Enough flippancy: remember she is a deity, and this is her place of power.
- Player: What kind of people follow her?
- Jex: She embodies modesty, diligence and resourcefulness, so Crondis is worshipped by the desert's subsistence farmers and hunters. Conversely, she proves unpopular amongst society's elite.
- Player: How so?
- Jex: Crondis teaches that people should take no more than they need and make do with little, which, as you can imagine, conflicts with the values of many in the richer echelons of society. In Menaphos, she is particularly frowned upon, although that is hardly surprising.
- Player: Why?
- Jex: The Pharaoh of Menaphos is a greedy, cruel man whose lack of restraint is beyond even Crondis's help. Excuse me, I should not have spoken that way. It is unwise to speak ill of one's betters.
- Select an option
- Could you tell me more about Crondis's connection with crocodiles?
- Player: Could you tell me more about Crondis's connection with crocodiles?
- Jex: Crondis was once a crocodile. Many people believe that those that hunt in the waters of the River Elid embody her very spirit. They were her most beloved supporters. When I was young, people were wary of them, revered them even, but were not afraid of them. With all the recent crocodile attacks, that has changed. I'm afraid that the growing lack of restraint of the crocodiles along the River Elid is only further proof that not all is well with Crondis.
- (If all the relevant dialogue hasn't been exhausted yet:)
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- (If all the relevant dialogue has been exhausted:)
- Player: I think I've learnt abough about Crondis... I think I understand why she is so important.
- Could you tell me more about Crondis's followers?
- Player: Could you tell me more about Crondis's followers?
- Jex: Crondis is worshipped by those who rely upon their own ingenuity to survive: sailors, engineers and rouges hold her in high regard. Due to her popularity amongst seafarers, word of Crondis has spread far and wide and her followers can be found in a great number of exotic places.
- (If all the relevant dialogue hasn't been exhausted yet:)
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- (If all the relevant dialogue has been exhausted:)
- Player: I think I've learnt abough about Crondis... I think I understand why she is so important.
- Could you tell me more about Crondis's influence over the desert?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Could you tell me more about the minor gods?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Could you tell me more about Crondis's connection with crocodiles?
- Could you tell me more about Apmeken?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Goodbye, Jex.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Could you tell me more about Scabaras?
- Why is your temple still in such a state?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Goodbye, Jex.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Are you okay?
Speaking with the Sphinx with a cat following or in inventory[]
- Player: Good day.
- The Sphinx ignores you.
- Sphinx: Ah, how interesting...a cat. Come here to me, kitty.
- Cat: Meow.
- Your cat and the Sphinx converse in a yeowling language for a short time.
- (If the player has an item enabling catspeak on:)
- Sphinx: Do you think that you'll be able to communicate with me at a deeper level because you're wearing that amulet of catspeak?
- Player: Ummm, yes.
- Sphinx: Foolish human, am I not part human? The Sphinx shakes her head in bemusement.
- (Continues below.)
- Player: I need help.
- Sphinx: What with? Your cat tells me that you have held The Devourer at bay.
- Select an option
- I need help with The Devourer.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Can you tell me about the gods of the Menaphites?
- Player: Can you tell me about the gods of the Menaphites?
- Sphinx: I suppose I could spare a moment or two. Who do you want to know about?
- Select an option
- Tell me about yourself.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Tell me about the major gods.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Tell me about the minor gods.
- Select an option
- Tell me about Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Tell me about Het.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Tell me about Scabaras.
- Tell me about Crondis.
- Player: Tell me about Crondis.
- Sphinx: Crondis is the lesser deity of resourcefulness and unassuming cunning. She has the head of a crocodile, which I don't see as being physically pleasant.
- Player: Coming from a mixed up creature like yourself, that's an interesting criticism. Any other information you can impart?
- Sphinx: There is a place sacred to Crondis in the Temple of the Lesser Gods in the north-east of this city. Jex there should know more about this deity.
- (If all the relevant dialogue hasn't been exhausted yet:)
- Select an option
- Can I ask about someone else?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Thanks, I think I now have a better understanding of this place.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Can I ask about someone else?
- Select an option
- (If all the relevant dialogue has been exhausted:)
- Player: I think I've learnt abough about Crondis... I think I understand why she is so important.
- Tell me about Apmeken.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Select an option
- Tell me about yourself.
- I need help with The Devourer.
Reporting back to Senliten[]
First time[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Choose an option:
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Senliten: Crondis was once a crocodile, turned into a deity by Tumeken, father of the Kharidian lands. Crocodiles are her symbol, her greatest supporters and her mortal embodiment. Of all the gods, Crondis is the most moderate. For the crocodiles of the Elid to so brazenly attack people suggests all is not well with her. It will not be long before this sign of such rapaciousness spreads to the people of the desert, if it has not done so already. The crocodiles must be restored their modesty. They must return to being measured, determined and restrained. I must ask that you do this for me. I cannot leave this tomb yet, and I need Leela to act as my temperance.
- Player: Okay, so you need me to discover where Crondis is and find out what might be wrong with her? How do I do that?
- Senliten: There is a relic, housed within this mastaba, that should help you to locate Crondis. After the crocodile attack, my group was stranded in the desert. It was only through the learning of the crocodile's modesty that we were able to survive. As we set out on our long journey back home, we took what food and water we needed from the Elid and it sustained us. After these lands became a desert, however, finding food and water became much harder, and so I sought out a genie to create a relic for me with which to locate these things should I ever have need.
- Player: That can't have been easy - I've had to deal with a genie myself, not long ago.
- Senliten: Indeed, they are tricky and fickle beings, but not without their uses. This one created for me a dowsing rod, which can find an oasis in any desert. It is housed in the model barque - a replica of the boat that sank that day - on display in the entrance to this mastaba. You have my permission to remove this dowsing rod relic from my tomb without becoming cursed. Use it to locate Crondis and set things right.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Without dowsing rod[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Choose an option:
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: What was I doing again?
- Senliten: You are to recover the dowsing rod relic from the model boat within the entrance to this mastaba, and use it to located[sic] Crondis such that you may set things right with her.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
With dowsing rod[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Choose an option:
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: I've got the dowsing rod. Now what?
- Senliten: Being so far underground must be sending it haywire. Go up to the surface and try activating it.hings right with her.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Finding water[]
First incorrect oasis[]
- Player: This doesn't look like a place you'd find Crondis, I'll give this another try.
Second incorrect oasis[]
- Player: I think I see a pattern here... One last try!
Third incorrect oasis[]
- Player: Another Oasis!? [sic] This isn't working out, I'm heading back to Senliten.
Attuning to Crondis[]
Checking with Senliten regarding a malfunctioning dowsing rod[]
First time[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Choose an option:
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: Senliten, the dowsing rod keeps taking me to oases in the desert. How can I make it lead me to Crondis?
- Senliten: Of course! The rod hasn't been tuned to look for Crondis so it just searches for what it knows.
- Player: Could you charge it for me?
- Senliten: I cannot, but I know the ones who can. You should seek out the Elid elementals. They can be found in a cavern at the source of the River Elid. Be careful, though. I have heard of adventurers perishing at the hands of the Saradominist golems that dwell there.
- Player: Somehow I don't think that's going to be a problem.
- Senliten: Also, the dowsing rod relic can be used as a key to enter their dwelling.
- Player: Oh, and I seem to remember I'll need a rope to get in...
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Choose an option:
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Senliten: Well? Did the Elid elementals tune the dowsing rod to find Crondis?
- Player: Oh, I haven't visited them yet.
- Senliten: Please hurry. Travel to the source of the River Elid and find them. You can use the dowsing rod relic as a key to enter their dwelling.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Speaking with the Elid elementals[]
First time[]
- Nirrie: We didn't expect to see another of your kind
- Tirrie: here again so soon.
- Hallak: Well, I did. Knew thou has been coming for ages.
- Nirrie: What? How did we not know that thou
- Tirrie: art here for aid on your pilgrimage to Crondis?
- Player: Hello? You know I'm here, right?
- Nirrie: Of course, we knew you
- Tirrie: were here before you did.
- Hallak: Although I knew first. Speak.
- Select an option
- I need your help to charge the dowsing rod.
- Player: I need your help to charge this dowsing rod - I'd like to find Crondis to discover why she's been so silent recently.
- Nirrie: Alas, Crondis is not silent, we
- Hallak: just don't have the luxury of being so deaf.
- Tirrie: Her greed makes the swirling sound of an insatiable vortex, a rapacious whirlpool that will inevitably lead to every drop in this destitute desert drying up.
- Player: So an intervention is in all four of our interests?
- Hallak: All three of our interests. We are one, and Elidinis wishes for change too.
- Nirrie: Crondis is all she has to remember her husband's ingenuity and resourcefulness by and
- Tirrie: the tides of her timeless love for him should not be stemmed by Crondis's gluttony.
- Nirrie: There, it is done. We have
- Tirrie: repurposed that artefact you hold
- Hallak: you may use it to locate Crondis.
- Wow, how do you finish each other's sentences like that?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- What manner of beings are you?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- I need your help to charge the dowsing rod.
- Nirrie: It is vital that you go to where
- Tirrie: Crondis is, and quickly. The crocodiles help us protect the river, and when they are
- Hallak: feral. we[sic] really have to pick up the slack and,
- Tirrie: more importantly, it throws the esturaries[sic] into imbalance.
- (If the player is holding the uncharged dowsing rod:)
- Nirrie: Your rod has been
- Tirrie: charged. Be careful not to lose it again, or you may need to bring us
- Hallak: a turnip.
- Nirrie: Really?
- Hallak: Have you ever wondered what it's like to be soup?
- Nirrie: You know we have. It's a waste of
- Tirrie: time-
- Hallak: vegetables. Time vegetables.
- Nirrie: Leave us alone. We have much to discuss.
- (If the player isn't holding the uncharged dowsing rod:)
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
Returning to Senlinten[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Choose an option:
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: I've found Crondis! The dowsing rod led me to a sunken pyramid in the mouth of the River Elid. There's a ferryman in Menaphos named Kags who's happy to take me there.
- Senliten: Ensure you show Crondis the proper respect - she is a goddess, after all.
- Player: I'll return and see if there is anything she can do to stop the crocodile attacks.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Menaphos Port District[]
- Portmaster Kags: Hi, I'm Kags, the portmaster round here. I run a volunteer transportation service and I'm going places!
- Player: Really, you don't charge?
- Portmaster Kags: I just love the ocean! Where would you like to go?
- Where would you like to go?
- Transport to sunken pyramid.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Transport to Crondis's pyramid.
- The player appears next to Crondis's pyramid.
- Transport to Jaldraocht.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- [More...]
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Transport to sunken pyramid.
In the presence of a goddess[]
Talking to High Priest of Crondis[]
- High Priest of Crondis: Ah, pilgrim. Are you here to serve the mighty Crondis? *whispers* Please say yes.
- Player: Are you okay? You seem like you don't want to be here.
- High Priest of Crondis: Hahahahaha! Of course I want to be here. Why would you say that? Why? *whispers* Why? Keep it down, you'll upset her.
- High Priest of Crondis:I have the honour of tending to the delectable Crondis. Are you here to assist me in this honour? *whispers* She's insatiable. I need help.
- Crondis: Who is it, Tamsah? Tell them to go away - I'm bathing.
- Player: My name is Player. I came here to visit the, er, you...and to make sure everything was alright with you. Is it?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* It really isn't.
- Crondis: Of course! Could not be better. Why would you think otherwise?
- Player: There have been reports recently of crocodiles attacking people living on the river's edge.
- Crondis: Ha! Crocodiles get hungry too, you know. It's nothing, I'm sure. Though, now you mention it...
- Player: You might know how to put a stop to it?
- Crondis: What? No! I'm hungry too. Bring me something!
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Now you've done it.
- Crondis: Well? Where is my snack? Or should I just eat one of you two instead?
- Player: *whispers* Um, what should I do? Should we stand still so she can't see us?
- Crondis: Eeny!
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* I don't think that works on crocodiles.
- Crondis: Meeny!
- Player: *whispers* Well, what then?
- Crondis: Miny!
- High Priest of Crondis: How about a beltfish, oh great one? You like those, don't you?
- Crondis: Haha! Yes! Bring me a beltfish...freshly caught!
- Player: *whispers* Where can I get a beltfish?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* You can fish them in Menaphos. Best catch one yourself; she only likes them fresh.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* And please, for the love of Crondis, hurry up!
Returning without raw beltfish[]
- Crondis: Where is my beltfish?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver a raw beltfish.
Returning with raw beltfish[]
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for!
- Crondis: Mmm, lovely!
- Crondis: But now I have fish bits in my teeth! Bring me some toothpicks!
- Player: *whispers* Toothpicks? Where can I get toothpicks? Hey, also, what's a toothpick?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* We make our own; Crondis only likes locally-sourced wood. She says the acadia logs found in Menaphos are the best - just go cut and bring me a couple of those and I'll make the toothpicks.
- Crondis: This time make it TWO!
- Choose an option:
- Yes, of course.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Thank you!
- No.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Don't say no! She hates hearing that wor-
- Crondis: No? No! You don't deny Crondis! Bring my food or I'll eat you instead!
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Or more likely me...
- Crondis: Where are my acadia logs?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver acadia logs: 2
- Yes, of course.
Returning without having delivered all the acadia logs[]
- Crondis: Where are my acadia logs?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver acadia logs: [amount missing]
Returning with acadia logs[]
With some still missing[]
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for!
- Crondis: Where are the rest of them?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver acadia logs: 1
With all the logs[]
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for! Please let that be enough.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* It's never enough. She's insatiable.
- Crondis: Yes! That's enough food for now.
- Player: Oh, thank goodne-
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Don't, you'll jinx it!
- Crondis: Now I want something shiny! Tamsah, our pyramid top could do with replacing!
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Now look what you've done; I'll have to go on the roof now, and I'm scared of heights!
- Player: *whispers* Sorry... What do you need?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Could you bring me four of the golden pyramid tops from Jaleustrophos, please?
- Player: *whispers* That's the Agility Pyramid, right? Will do.
- Crondis: FOUR golden pyramid tops! Shiny!
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* See what I mean? It just doesn't stop. Help me...
- Choose an option:
- Yes, of course.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Thank you!
- Don't you think you've had enough?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* What are you doing?
- Crondis: I say when I've had enough! And I haven't! And I won't! Go, get what I want! Where are my pyramid tops?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver pyramid tops: 4
- Yes, of course.
Returning without having delivered all the pyramid tops[]
- Crondis: Where are my pyramid tops?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver pyramid tops: [amount missing]
Returning with pyramid tops[]
With some still missing[]
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for!
- Crondis: Where are the rest of them?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver pyramid tops: [amount missing]
With all the pyramid tops[]
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for! Surely, you've had enough by now...oh, great Crondis?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* That line never works for me.
- Crondis: NO! I say when I've had enough. Those toothpicks didn't do the job! Bring me some plovers; they clean Crondis teeth good!
- Player: *whispers* Plovers?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Plover birds. They apparently like cleaning bits of food out of crocodiles' mouths, so my croccy god tells me. *whispers* They tend to wade in the mouth of the River Elid; you'll find some on the Sophanem side of the river. *whispers* It never ends. She is so demanding. So...greedy!
- Crondis: EIGHT little plover birds, cleaning out my teeth!
- Choose an option:
- Yes, of course.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Thank you!
- Not gonna happen.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Oh, goddesses...
- Crondis: It is going to happen. Do you know why it's going to happen? Because I DEMAND IT! Where are my plover birds?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver plover birds: 8
- Yes, of course.
Returning without having delivered all the plover birds[]
- Crondis: Where are my plover birds?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver plover birds: [amount missing]
Returning with plover birds[]
With some still missing[]
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for!
- Crondis: Where are the rest of them?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver plover birds: [amount missing]
With all the plover birds[]
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for!
- Player: *whispers* Did she just eat all of those plovers? Excuse me, but did you just eat all of those plovers? It took me ages to catch those!
- Crondis: Of course! How else would they clean my teeth save for with their crunchy little bones? Or did you think they'd magically peck away at leftovers stuck in my teeth?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Don't question her; best to just keep quiet.
- Crondis: Now I want something SWEET!
- High Priest of Crondis: How about some croc ices, oh delectable one? You love those, don't you?
- Crondis: Ooh, goody! Well done, Tamsah!
- Player: *whispers* Thanks a lot, Tamsah; you're such a croccy's boy. Fine, where do I get these croc ices?
- High Priest of Crondis: It's a desert...I mean a dessert. We get them imported from a man in Nardah named Rokuh. Just bring one.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Actually, you'd better grab more than that - they're hard to stop eating once you start.
- Choose an option:
- Yes, of course.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Thank you!
- No, no, no, no and no!
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* You're crazy!
- Crondis: YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* You'd better go, and quickly! I'll try to calm her down...
- Crondis: Where are my croc ices?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver croc ices: 16
- Yes, of course.
Returning without having delivered all the croc ices[]
- Crondis: Where are my croc ices?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver croc ices: [amount missing]
Purchasing croc ice[]
- Rokuh: Come one, come all, buy my amazing choc ice invention here! Chocolate on the outside. Iced cream on the inside. Oh I also have some chocolate left over from making choc ices which I'm selling too.
- Choose an option:
- Cool, I'd like to buy some.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Do you sell croc ices?
- Rokuh: Why, yes I do! I've just recently started stocking some for a customer near Menaphos. I have to warn you, though - they are VERY moreish. They are so delicious, it's hard to stop at just eating one. Though, you should be aware you'll have to deliver them by foot. Any sort of magical interference and they'll melt.
- Rok's Chocs Box (Now With Added Crocs!) interface opens.
- How do you stop your icy snacks melting?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- How's business, now that the curse has gone?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Made any more chimp ices?
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Cool, I'd like to buy some.
Returning with croc ices[]
With some still missing[]
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for!
- Crondis: Where are the rest of them?
- Crondis still wants you to deliver croc ices: [amount missing]
With all the croc ices[]
- (With croc ice still undelivered:)
- Player: Here, I have what you asked for!
- (Continues below.)
- Crondis: More croc ices! More, more more! Bring me MORE!
- Crondis: I want thirty-two croc ices now! Go, get them!
- Choose an option:
- [Say nothing]
- You decide you can't say something nice, so decide not to say anything at all.
- Player: THAT'S ENOUGH!
- Crondis: !
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Uh oh, now you've done it. You've gone too far this time. We're doomed...
- Crondis: !
- Crondis's head looks like it's about to explode. She is so angry with you that she can't seem to find the words.
- Crondis: YOU DARE...?
- Player: Yes, I dare! Get a hold of yourself! You're nothing but a greedy bully! You're no goddess.
- Crondis: I AM! I AM CRONDIS! I WILL...
- Player: You'll what?
- Crondis: I WILL...
- Player: Go on, then, what are you going to do?
- Crondis: I WILL...
- Player: Spit it out, already!
- Crondis spits out a mysterious black mass.
- Player: I didn't mean literally!
- Fight with Ukunduka begins.
- [Say nothing]
Returning to Senliten[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: I put my foot down with Crondis - I told her outright there would be no more food deliveries from me.
- Senliten: What did she say?
- Player: It's more what she did than what she said. She got so angry with me, I didn't know what she was going to do, but all of a sudden she stopped and something flew out of her mouth.
- Senliten: What was it?
- Player: I think it's some sort of crocodile demon, a manifestation of whatever was corrupting Crondis.
- Senliten: A demon? This sounds like the work of Amascut. Whatever happens, you must rid Crondis of this entity. No doubt it was what was causing her greed.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Fighting Ukunduka[]
During the fight[]
When not eating food[]
- (One of the following is seen randomly:)
- Ukunduka: I will devour you whole.
- Ukunduka: I'd rather have a bowl of croco pops.
- Ukunduka: You are nothing but a tiny morsel.
When consuming food[]
- (One of the following is seen randomly:)
- Ukunduka: Could have done with more salt; I'm sure you've got plenty to spare.
- Ukunduka: That food was delicious!
- Ukunduka: Yuck! That was cooked horribly.
After the fight[]
Returning to Senliten[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Player: I managed to defeat the crocodile demon!
- Senliten: That is good news, but what of Crondis?
- Player: Oh, right, yes. I should probably go and check on her, see if she is alright.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Talking to Crondis and her High Priest[]
First time[]
- High Priest of Crondis: I don't even know what you destroyed there, I never saw you eat one of those, Great One.
- Crondis: Where am I? I feel like this is the first time I've seen clearly in a long time.
- High Priest of Crondis: I always feel better after throwing up, my almighty Lord. *whispers* Stress of the job...
- Crondis: You realise that I can hear you, Tamsah? Regardless, this can wait until later. Is there anything I can do for you, Player?
- Player: Is there anything you can do about the crocodiles attacking people?
- Crondis: Crocodiles are attacking people? That will just not do! Consider it done.
- Crondis: Now, after all that work, I couldn't be hungrier...
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Oh, no!
- Crondis: *snaps fingers*
- Crondis: A croc ice! Just one, though; can't be greedy.
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* She could just do that the entire time?
- Crondis: Is there a frog in your throat, Tamsah? No? Want a crocodile in there?
- High Priest of Crondis: *whispers* Please, don't leave me.
- Crondis: What was that? Speak up, high priest!
- High Priest of Crondis: I said: I hope you never leave me, almighty Crondis[sic]
- Crondis: That's so sweet. You may leave with my blessing, Player.
- Player: Be seeing you two!
- High Priest of Crondis: That thing you killed looked pretty terrifying!
- Player: What would you have done if I wasn't around?
- High Priest of Crondis: Well, I've learned a few tricks for subduing crocodiles. You just have to grab their jaw to stop it from opening.
- Crondis: Tamsah, can you come over here? My back needs doing and my arms are too small to reach.
- High Priest of Crondis: If only my hands were big enough for this one...
- Crondis: You should probably be on your way, Player. I think my high priest has forgotten I'm an all-powerful deity.
- High Priest of Crondis: But an all-powerful deity that still can't scratch her own back? Sounds like you need me!
- Crondis: I do, but remember your place.
Uzer Mastaba[]
- Osman: What are you still doing here?
- Leela: You know what I'm doing here! I'm working with Senliten for the betterment of all!
- Senliten: I warned you both before - this is not a place for your squabbles.
- Osman: No, I am working for the betterment of all! You are playing with animals. My plan will work, you just have to trust me!
- Leela: How can I trust you when you won't share it with me? You just wanted me safe, out of the way. Your plotting just creates more corruption; we're working to remove it!
- Osman: Like with your crocodile taming? How exactly does that help anything?
- Leela: You're too blind to see it!
- Osman: I am not blind, I'm just focussed on the big picture - Menaphos! Your work only helps individuals; my plan helps everyone.
- Senliten: Do you not see the folly in that, Osman? People are ruled, not places.
- Osman: Yet one cannot be done before the other. I'll hear no more! Besides, we have company...
- Player enters the cutscene.
- Osman: I give up with you, Leela - you're as willful as your mother was. I can't, however, understand why you waste your time with this nonsense, Player. When you're ready to make a serious contribution to our cause, come see me in Al Kharid.
- Osman leaves the cutscene
- Senliten: I'm sorry, Leela, but your father just isn't ready to listen.
- Leela: He's only going to make things worse...
After the cutscene[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Senliten: Let us not dwell on Osman's visit. How fare things with Crondis? I can feel her restraint returning to the desert. What caused it?
- Player: Crondis is all better now, I think. After I destroyed her manifest corruption, she became a lot more reasonable. She agreed to put an end to the crocodile attacks immediately. The Devourer tricked her into ingesting some sort of corruption, which affected the crocodiles of the River Elid.
- Senliten: Yet another scheme of the Devourer's. It concerns me greatly that there may be reason behind her acts of corruption we are yet to understand.
- Leela: How can we figure out what she's up to?
- Player: What can we do but react as we discover each of her plots? It's not like we can just ask her.
- Leela: Can we not? She seemed particularly unhinged when we faced her, if we could but track her whereabouts.
- Player: Ozan believes she's working below Menaphos.
- Leela: Ozan? So that's where he went? How is he doing?
- Player: He's trying to track down what happened to the Kharid-ib. I'm helping him search the tombs beneath the city.
- Senliten: That seems as good a plan as any, Player. Please continue to assist this Ozan character. For now, however...
- The Pharaoh Queen bestows great knowledge upon you.
- Congratulations! Quest complete!
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Post-quest dialogue[]
Cutscene of Jabari and the Pharaoh of Menaphos[]
- Jabari: Mighty Pharaoh, I bring you some troubling news.
- Pharaoh: Speak.
- Jabari: Crondis has somehow managed to shake off my mistress's shackles.
- Pharaoh: WHAT? The last thing I need is deities running rampant on my doorstep! What are our options?
- Jabari: Well, I'm afraid we lose the free fear keeping many Menaphites inside the walls; we can up our payments to the bandits and thugs around the desert as a substitute.
- Pharaoh: Good. Make it so. We may have to pay Crondis a visit sooner or later. Time is ticking away for her and her kind. We'll see how she likes the taste of my wrath! The new must consume the old, and the time of the pantheon is coming to a close. Soon, the whole world will know a new master!
- Jabari: Indeed, sire.
Talking to Khoochak[]
- Khoochak: *braaak* Hello, friend. *raaawwwwk*
- Khoochak: *braaak* Forgot an adventure? Ask the parrot. *raaawwwwk*
- Mention a desert adventure to Khoochak?
- Yes.
- Choose an option:
- Stolen Hearts
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Diamond in the Rough
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Icthlarin's Little Helper
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Missing My Mummy
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- [More options]
- The Feud
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- The Golem
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Spirits of the Elid
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Tourist Trap
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- [More options]
- Shadow of the Storm
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Smoking Kills
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- A Tail of Two Cats
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Enakhra's Lament
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- [More options]
- Contact!
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Dealing With Scabaras
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Desert Treasure
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Do No Evil
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- [More options]
- Jack of Spades
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Crocodile Tears
- Khoochak: *braaak*
- Khoochak: Met with Crondis, greedy Crondis.
- Khoochak: Brought her a croc ice!
- Khoochak: Brought her a croc ice!
- Khoochak: Brought her a croc ice!
- Khoochak: Brought her a croc ice!
- Khoochak: Brought her a croc ice!
- Khoochak: That joke got old quick! Bored now.
- Khoochak: She spat something up! Disgusting, gross - kill it with fire!
- Khoochak: I'm talking about you now.
- Khoochak: *raaawwwwk*
- Ask about another adventure?
- Yes.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- No.
- (Dialogue terminates.)
- Yes.
- [Back to start]
- (Returns to the first quest options.)
- Jack of Spades
- Contact!
- Shadow of the Storm
- The Feud
- Stolen Hearts
- Choose an option:
- No.
- Khoochak: *braaak* Get lost, bucko. *raawwwwk*
- Yes.
- Mention a desert adventure to Khoochak?
Talking with Senliten[]
- Senliten: Greetings, Player.
- Choose an option:
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Do No Evil.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Crocodile Tears.
- Senliten: Thank you for setting things right with Crondis. I can already feel her modesty returning to the hearts of the Kharidian people.
- Ask about something else.
- (Non-quest dialogue.)
- Talk about Dealing With Scabaras.
Crondis Pyramid[]
- High Priest of Crondis: So good to see you. How are your travels faring?
- Player: Ah, so-so. How are things with you and Crondis?
- High Priest of Crondis: Much, much better. Spitting up that icky thing has really curbed her hunger and improved her...
- Crondis: Ooh, is that Player? Ask them how their travels are going!
- High Priest of Crondis: They said that the travels are going so-so[sic]
- Crondis: I asked them, Tamsah...
- Player: My travels are going so-so, but thank you, Crondis[sic]
- High Priest of Crondis: 'Be my high priest', she said. 'All my commandments will go through you', she said. Do you not wonder how she isn't wrinkly from being in the bath so long? She was a human when she got in.
- Crondis: Stop being ridiculous, Tamsah.
- High Priest of Crondis: No but you were a quarter of the size. Those croc ices aren't low-calorie, you know, and it's not like you swim like when you were younger!
- Crondis: Cease your impudence! And come wash my back.
- Player: I should definitely get out of here.
Part 10 of the Desert quest series | |
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Enemies |
Items |
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Miscellaneous | Quick guide • Transcript |