The Next Phase[]
- Player: Hello again, how's things?
- Veliaf Hurtz: I'd say we've achieved a successful mission. This will be our new command base. I've scheduled some recon missions for the area. Secondary phase of operations will involve intelligence missions in the Sanguinesti region. We may need your help with that. We'll also need to extend a diplomatic mission into Misthalin in an effort to secure allies in our fight against Drakan.
- Player: What will you do here in Burgh de Rott?
- Veliaf Hurtz: Oh, the usual. Keep a low profile and keep an eye on what the Vampyres are up to. We've come across a lot of information recently about what went on in Morytania before Drakan came here, mainly thanks to you. We'll need to spend some time looking through that and seeing if it's of any use to us.
- Player: Why check in the Sanguinesti region?
- Veliaf Hurtz: It's where most of us came from. Many of us still have friends or relatives there. And we presume that they're still being farmed for blood in the Ghetto's[sic] of the Sanguinesti region.
- Player: That sounds awful!
- Veliaf Hurtz: That's why we fight the vampyres, even though the odds are stacked against us. If we do find any members of the Myreque, we'll see if we can help out and join forces.
- Player: Why ask Misthalin for some help?
- Veliaf Hurtz: We can't hope to fight the power of the Vampyres alone. They're the most fearsome supernatural entity you could hope to come against. We'll need help from Misthalin by the bucket load if we're to stand a chance against them.
- Player: Is there something I can do to help out?
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well, we've been thinking of scouting a route into the Sanguinesti region for some time now. Are you interested to learn more details? Would you like to take this quest on?
- Player: Yes, please tell me more.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well, we need you to find a way into the Sanguinesti region. It's important that we find out if there are any members of the Myreque still active there.
- Player: What is the Sanguinesti region?
- Veliaf Hurtz: It's the region to the east that is mainly controlled by the vampyres. People live there in ghettos – it's pretty terrible. If you look around Burgh de Rott, and if you're resourceful enough, you'll probably find something to help you gain entrance into that dark land. The wall is best avoided as there are too many juves in that area to work safely. If you find a way in, beware of the vyrewatch – they're powerful vampyres, a bane on the living! They're also invulnerable to every weapon we know of, including the Rod of Ivandis!
- Player: How can I search for the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque?
- Veliaf Hurtz: The Myreque has sympathisers everywhere, especially in that drab and horrible place. You'll need to talk to some people and ask them about the Myreque. Hopefully, you'll get some information that will help you to track them down. But be aware, the Myreque are very good at hiding their locations... It's why they've survived so long. And beware, [Player], the vyrewatch cannot be harmed, even by the Rod of Ivandis!
- Player: Can you tell me about the Sanguinesti Myreque?
- Veliaf Hurtz: Certainly. The Myreque, or at least the resistance that has now become the Myreque, originated there. Previously there was nothing. It was many years ago that some very brave people, led by Safalaan Hallow, managed to escape from the ghettos of the Sanguinesti region. They got information about what was happening and helped to organise the resistance, which today is called the Myreque. The name was given to us by the locals, who named us after the place where we hid in Mort Myre.
- Player: How should I get into the Sanguinesti region?
- Veliaf Hurtz: There is a wall to the east that you would find impossible to get past. It's higher than any building in Burgh de Rott and it's patrolled by the vyrewatch. The wall extends all the way out to sea, but you may be able to find a way around it. Search around Burgh de Rott; you may find something to help you.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: What is the Sanguinesti region?
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well, we need you to find a way into the Sanguinesti region. It's important that we find out if there are any members of the Myreque still active there.
- Player: Er, no thanks.
- Player: Yes, please tell me more.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well, we've been thinking of scouting a route into the Sanguinesti region for some time now. Are you interested to learn more details? Would you like to take this quest on?
- Player: Ok, thanks.
- Player: What will you do here in Burgh de Rott?
Veliaf again[]
- Player: Hey, what should I do again?
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well, we need you to find a way into the Sanguinesti region and see if you can make contact with any members of the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque.
- Player: What is the Sanguinesti region?
- Same as before
- Player: How can I search for the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque?
- Same as before
- Player: Can you tell me about the Sanguinesti Myreque?
- Same as before
- Player: How should I get into the Sanguinesti region?
- Same as before
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: What is the Sanguinesti region?
In Search of the (Sanguinesti) Myreque[]
Boat de Ruin[]
You see that the port side (left-hand side) of the boat is broken; you'll need to get closer in order to fix it.
This boat looks pretty broken and in need of a serious overhaul. It's missing a plank and four nails.
You manage to fix the boat. You feel it's a good job, well done.
This chute looks like it's in pretty poor condition. You don't think you'll get the boat down it in this state. It looks like it might need one plank and four nails to repair.
You manage to fix the chute. You feel it's a good job, well done.
You prepare to push the boat down the slipway.
You dock the boat at a portion of wall that looks climbable.
First Contact[]
- Meiyerditch citizen: He-he-hello? or Leave me alone! or Argghghhh!
- Player: Hello, I wondered if I could have a chat. or Sorry, I just wanted to ask some questions! or Hey, don't be scared, I just want to talk to you.
- Meiyerditch citizen: Well, I guess so.
- Player: What do you do here?
- Meiyerditch citizen: Like everyone else we just survive here. Just try to keep alive till the next blood tithe – that's when they feed us. or When I'm not being drained of blood I'm fixing up the ghetto. or I'm barely surviving... or When I'm not being drained of blood, the vyrewatch force me to repair walls. or I just try to make a living the best way I can. You haven't got some food have you? or Why do you wanna know?
- Player: [if 'Why do you wanna know?'] Just curious, that's all.
- Meiyerditch citizen: I dunno. I don't know if I can trust you.
- Player: I'm lost... Can you help me?
- Meiyerditch citizen: Well, you're in sector one, but if you were hoping for any other help then I'm very sorry. I find it hard enough to help myself. Life's so very hard here. Before too long they'll be wanting another blood tithing and then I'll just feel awful again.
- Player: What's a blood tithing?
- Meiyerditch citizen: You must be new here, else you'd know for sure. It's where we have to give a blood tithe to the vampyres. They do it on a weekly basis, a different sector each week so they don't kill us all off.
- Player: Do you know about the Myreque?
- Meiyerditch citizen: It's probably best not to talk about that, friend.
- Player: I need to make contact with them. Please don't worry – I'm on their side.
- Meiyerditch citizen: As are we all, but I really can't talk about them. It's not a subject easily broached here.
- Player: (whisper) Do you know about the Myreque?
- Meiyerditch citizen: Yes... but I really can't talk about them.
- Player: Can you tell me about the Sanguinesti region?
- Meiyerditch citizen: Yep, that's where we are at the moment. This place, Meiyerditch, is just one large ghetto. The city is sectioned off so that the vampyres can collect blood tithes on a rotational basis. That way they don't kill us all off in one go.
- Player: What do you know about the vampyres?
- Meiyerditch citizen: They're monsters, I know that much. I've never known anything else, but I have a feeling it might be nice to not have to live in fear the whole time. Worrying about if I'm going to make the next blood tithe quota. I know that juveniles are the lowest form of the vampyres, most likely converted from some sort of bipedal creature, probably human. Juvinates are initiated juveniles who've had some training and are starting to get some special powers. After that you have the vyrewatch – they're nasty... really nasty.
- Player: What do you know about Drakan?
- Meiyerditch citizen: Drakan? Which one: Ranis or Vanescula?
- Player: Well, I was referring to the main Drakan, you know, the overlord of Morytania.
- Meiyerditch citizen: Hmm, nothing has been seen of him for many years now. Some people say they occasionally see Ranis or Vanescula flying about, but it's not too often.
- Player: What is there to do around here?
- Meiyerditch citizen: To do? Around here? Survive! Eke out an existence and just live for another day, that's it really. The juvinates organise work crews to mine the daeyalt, fix the walls, the castles and so on. If we refuse to do the work they put us on double tithes and you can't do that for long before you dry up.
- Player: Is there anything I can do to help?
- Meiyerditch citizen: It's very nice of you to offer, my friend, but I shouldn't expect that you could do anything. The vampyres are just too powerful to overcome. Anyone who has challenged their power in the past, like that poor Queen Effaritay[sic], came undone.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: What do you do here?
Second Contact[]
- Meiyerditch citizen: Oh, hello. How's everything? or What? What's wrong? or Hey, don't sneak up on me like that! or Hello?
- Player: Not too bad thanks, but I wanted to ask a question. or Nothing, I just need to ask a couple of questions. or Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to ask a question. or Hello, I wonder if I could ask some questions.
- Meiyerditch citizen: Well, I guess so.
- Player: I'm lost... Can you help me?
- Meiyerditch citizen: Lost? Well I can tell you you're in sector one, if that helps.
- Player: Do you live here then?
- Meiyerditch citizen: Live here? Huh! I exist here. I survive here even. No one actually 'lives' here. We all gave up ideas of living a long time ago.
- Player: That sounds awful!
- Meiyerditch citizen: It is, it's terrible. But keep your sympathy, my friend, it's wasted on the likes of us.
- Player: What do you do here?
- Same as before
- Player: Do you know of the Myreque?
- Meiyerditch citizen: I'm really sorry, but I just cannot talk to you about that. I'm sorry.
- Player: (whisper) I really need to meet the Myreque. If you can't talk to me about them, maybe you know someone who will?
- Meiyerditch citizen: I understand, but you may not like what you find. Go and talk to Old Man Ral - he might help you. He lives in the centre of sector one.
- Player: Can you introduce me to Old Man Ral?
- Meiyerditch citizen: Well, I don't need to do that. Just tell him that a friend has recommended you to him. It makes him feel important.
- Player: Do you know how Old Man Ral can help me?
- Meiyerditch citizen: He should be able to give you some background information on this place and perhaps put you in touch with people of the same way of thinking as yourself... Hope that helps. See you around.
- Player: Can you introduce me to Old Man Ral?
- Meiyerditch citizen: I understand, but you may not like what you find. Go and talk to Old Man Ral - he might help you. He lives in the centre of sector one.
- Player: Can you tell me about the Sanguinesti region?
- Same as before
- Player: What do you know about the vampyres?
- Same as before
- Player: What do you know about Drakan?
- Same as before
- Player: What is there to do around here?
- Same as before
- Player: Is there anything I can do to help?
- Same as before
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: I'm lost... Can you help me?
- A Meiyerditch child: Leave me alone! or Get off me, I haven't got anything! or Argghghhh! or He-he-hello?
- Player: Sorry, I just wanted to ask some questions! or Hey, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to ask a few questions. or Hey, don't be scared, I just want to talk to you. or Hello, I wondered if I could have a chat.
- A Meiyerditch child: Well, I guess so.
- Player: What do you do here?
- A Meiyerditch child: I was playin', but den da flapsies came so I was hidin'. Don't want da flapsies to bit me. or Nuffin', I wasn't doin' nuffin'! Yous ain't my dad, I'm tellin' on you! or I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, and you sure are strange... or I 'elp wiv building fings an' da wall. But mainly I is hiding from da vyresies. I don't like dem vyresies.
- Player: I'm lost... Can you help me?
- A Meiyerditch child: Urm, well I fink we're in sector two. Not sure what else to say. I'm only a kid ya know!
- Player: Do you know about the Myreque?
- A Meiyerditch child: Err, me dad says I'm not allowed to talk about that. Do you have any sweets?
- Player: No, sorry, but please can you answer my questions?
- A Meiyerditch child: As are we all, but I really can't talk about them. It's not a subject easily broached here.
- Player: (whisper) Do you know about the Myreque?
- A Meiyerditch child: Err, no! I'm not allowed to say any thingies about dem; but they're the good 'uns what can help us.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: What do you do here?
[note: dialogue starts with options right away]
- Player: What is this place?
- Cat: It's a desolate, sad place... The peoples here seldom feed me - take me with you!
- Player: I'm sorry, I can't take you with me, but I will help if I can.
- Player: How are you doing?
- Cat: Not well, I have to ssssssay, but you look healthy. I wish I were healthy like you.
- Player: What's that awful smell?
- Cat: *Sniff, sniff* I don't think it's me. All I can smell is dirty vyrewatches tithing the poor humans.
- Player: How long have you been here?
- Cat: As long as I can remember. So far we've not found any way out of this place, and after all, we couldn't leave these poor humans to fend for themselves.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
[Note: all dialogue options are the same as with the regular citizens, except for 'What do you do here?']
- Player: What do you do here?
- Trader Sven: I'm a black-market trader... Fancy taking a look at my wares?
- Player: What sort of stuff have you got?
- Trader Sven: Well then, young [lad/lass], that is a good question. In fact, I specifically deal in vyrewatch uniforms – they might leave you alone a bit more if they think you're one of them! Makes it easier to move around the sectors without them demanding a blood tithe every time you dare breathe. So then, do you wanna have a look at my stuff?
- Player: Yes, I'll take a look at your wares!
- Trader Sven: Good on ya, [lad/lass]. Good on ya.
- Player: No, I want to ask more questions.
- Player: What sort of stuff have you got?
- Trader Sven: I'm a black-market trader... Fancy taking a look at my wares?
Old Man Ral[]
- Player: Hello there!
- Old Man Ral: Hmph!
- Player: I'm lost... Can you help me?
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! What do I know about anything? I know nothing of you!
- Player: Do you know anything about the Myreque?
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! A simple man only knows simple truths, and what I know is my own business. I share that which is precious only to those who consider it valuable. Nothing will I share with those who are unknown to me.
- Player: I just want to help, what should I do?
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! I am a simple man, what little do I know? Must a man be esteemed before he feels his efforts are truly appreciated?
- Player: You're answering every question with a question!
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Am I?
- Player: Someone said you could help me.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! People say things they do not mean – many times this has been true.
- Player: It's true. They said that you were very well informed. In fact they had a name for you!
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Oh yes, what was it?
- Player: Old Man Ral, he's a very good pal.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Nope, that can't be me they're talking about, must be someone else.
- Player: No, I'm sure they gave you a name, but it might have been something else.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Okay then, what was it?
- Player: Old Man Ral, the nefarious rascal.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Nope, doesn't sound like me, you're sure you've not got me confused with someone else?
- Player: No, I'm pretty sure they directed me to you. What was that name they used to describe you?
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Yes indeed, what was the name?
- Player: Old Man Ral, the Meiyerditch snitch.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! A snitch! Are you trying to insult me? Get out! Go on!
- Player: No, no, sorry, I do apologise. I'm sure that was someone else. My mistake entirely!
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! So, no one actually referred to me at all then?
- Player: No, they did, and they referred to you as...
- Player: Old Man Ral, the sage of Sanguinesti.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Sage of Sanguinesti, eh?
- Player: Yes, yes, saying you were the local font of knowledge.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! So, that's what they call me now, is it?
- Player: Oh yes, yes. All the time. And only in the most respectful way.
- Old Man Ral: Hmmm. Sage of Sanguinesti. Has a nice ring to it. Yes, that sounds like they were referring to me. What else did they say about me?
- Player: They said that you might be able to help me find some people... Some hidden people.
- Old Man Ral: Hmmmph. That depends. Did they hide themselves or did someone else hide them?
- Player: Well, hopefully they hid themselves. I need to make contact with the Myreque.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph. Myreque, eh? Well, it'll take a lot to find them. It's not an easy route up to sector three, but that's where they are. You'll need to follow the symbols in order to get there. And now you should leave – I have little tolerance for people and talking to you has tired me out.
- Player: Okay, thanks very much.
- Player: Sorry to bother you.
- Player: Old Man Ral, he's a very good pal.
- Player: Sorry to bother you.
- Player: I'm lost... Can you help me?
Speaking to Old Man Ral Again[]
- Player: Hello again!
- Old Man Ral: Hmph!
- Player: What do you do here?
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Why? What do I know? I'm just an old man; what would anyone want with an old man?
- Player: I'm lost. Can you help me?
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Who says I'm not lost, eh? Ever think of that, did you? In a rush to find out all the answers, not thinking for a second that someone else might be just as lost, if not more lost, than you! And what do you care about them, huh?
- Player: Do you know about the Myreque?
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Why should I know about the Myreque, eh? What use have they ever been to me, huh? I ask you!
- Player: Can you help me?
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! What makes you think that I can help you, eh? Do I look like a fountain of knowledge, eh? Do I?
- Player: Well, you've helped me before! You said something about symbols? To find the Myreque.
- Old Man Ral: Hmph! Yes of course, that's how to get to them. Follow the symbols.
- Player: Which symbols?
- Old Man Ral: The symbol of the Myreque - the silver sickle!
- Player: Oh, and where would that be then?
- Old Man Ral: Around and about; it should be an aid.
- Player: Ok, thanks.
- Player: What do you do here?
The Sanguinesti Order[]
Mekritus A'hara[]
- Player: What do you do here?
- Mekritus A'hara: I'm helpin' ta protect the base camp. How about you, what are you doing here?
- Player: Oh, I'm trying to help out around here.
- Mekritus A'hara: Good, we can always use extra help – just make sure you don't go getting into any trouble or you'll have me to deal with!
Flaygian Screwte[]
- Player: Hello. What do you do here?
- Flaygian Screwte: I'm a researcher. I'm looking for ways to defeat those awful Vyrewatch – it's looking tough, but we must keep trying.
Vertida Sefalatis[]
- Player: Hey, you're with the Myreque aren't you?
- Vertida Sefalatis: Who are you? What are you doing here?
- Player: I'm a friend of the Myreque, I've come to help!
- Vertida Sefalatis: Oh, and I'm just supposed to believe you am I?
- Player: It's true. I was sent by Veliaf – he's the leader. We've just moved base from the Hollows to Burgh de Rott.
- Vertida Sefalatis: Veliaf? Is he still alive? Amazing! Well, you make a convincing story, so I guess I'll have to believe you for now.
- Player: Who are you and what do you do here?
- Vertida Sefalatis: My name is Vertida and I'm a member of the Myreque here in Meiyerditch.
- Player: I can't believe that people live in these conditions, it's truly terrible.
- Vertida Sefalatis: I know! It's the reason why I fight for the Myreque. I presume you have the same sentiments!
- Player: I was asked to make contact with the Myreque.
- Vertida Sefalatis: [if not given the message] Well, it seems like you've done that! I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll write you out a message to give to Veliaf as proof that the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque exists.
- Vertida gives you a message.
- Vertida Sefalatis: This will explain our current situation and give some proof than the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque exists.
- Vertida Sefalatis: [if given the message] Well, it seems like you've done that! Just take that message I gave you to Veliaf as proof that the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque exists.
- Player: What should I do now?
- Vertida Sefalatis: [if given the message] That's really up to you. You could investigate the ghetto a little more – familiarise yourself with the area. However, you'll probably want to get back to where you came from and deliver that message I gave you.
- Vertida Sefalatis: [if not given the message] That's really up to you. You could investigate the ghetto a little more – familiarise yourself with the area. Why are you here anyway?
- Player: I was asked to make contact with the Myreque.
- Vertida Sefalatis: Well, it seems like you've done that! I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll write you out a message to give to Veliaf as proof that the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque exists.
- Vertida gives you a message.
- Vertida Sefalatis: This will explain our current situation and give some proof than the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque exists.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: Who are you and what do you do here?
Envoy to Misthalin[]
Back to the Burgh[]
- Player: Well met, Veliaf.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well met indeed. What news, my friend?
- Player: I have a message for you from Vertida!
- Veliaf Hurtz: Great! Please let me see it.
- You hand over the message to Veliaf.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Hmm, bad news. It looks like the vampyres are bringing in fresh victims from somewhere. These beasts just don't know when to stop! I've also heard disturbing news from Paterdomus that needs to be investigated.
- Player: What should we do about the vampyres?
- Veliaf Hurtz: We need to get assistance from somewhere... Maybe Misthalin will come to Morytania's aid? If we could persuade Roald to send us some troops, that would be a start.
- Player: What should we do about Paterdomus?
- Veliaf Hurtz: I'm not sure. There have been some odd reports from that area recently, people going missing and some odd noises being heard. It would certainly help to talk to Drezel and find out from him what he thinks is going on.
- Player: What do you want me to do?
- (Same as outer option)
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: What should we do about the vampyres?
- Player: What do you want me to do?
- Veliaf Hurtz: [if not given the message] Please return to the Meiyerditch Myreque and ask them for some sort of status report.
- Player: Oh, I've just remembered, I have a message for you from Vertida.
- See first option
- Veliaf Hurtz: [if given the message] Firstly, we need you to talk to Drezel and ask him about the activities near Paterdomus. Drezel will likely also want you to pass some information on to the King. Then, press onwards to Varrock and seek an audience with King Roald. Express the desperate nature of the situation here and beg him to send troops.
- Player: Any tips to offer?
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well, you could offer to guide one of the Burgh de Rott villagers up to Paterdomus. It might be nice to have company for the trip.
- Player: How should I do that?
- Veliaf Hurtz: Go back into the Sanguinesti region and talk to your contact.
- Player: Oh, I've just remembered, I have a message for you from Vertida.
- See first option
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: I have a message for you from Vertida!
- Drezel: Greetings again adventurer. How go your travels in Morytania? Is it as evil as I have heard?
- Player: Hey, Drezel, Veliaf sent me. Apparently there have been some 'strange goings on' which you need me to investigate. Actually, that's a bit odd isn't it? Because in Morytania, 'strange' is the order of the day. I'd have been more surprised if there had been reports of things going back to normal!
- Drezel: Good! I'm glad you're keeping your sense of humour, it will help you to maintain mental clarity while dealing with the tasks you've been given.
- Player: Okay then, what do you want me to do? Hurry up, I have to get on and speak to King Roald, or rather, Roald. We've been on first name terms for quite a while now. Funny that, eh? A lowly adventurer like me having mates like you and the king of a country. Still, at least I haven't lost my common touch.
- Drezel: Just check around the building, will you, and make sure there's nothing funny going on. Ivan mentioned that he had heard some strange noises recently. Not too near, just outside of the temple grounds. Come and let me know if you find something.
- Player: When and where were these sounds heard?
- Drezel: Ivan said he heard them occasionally at odd times during the day, but usually when it's very quiet. We both looked around near the temple but we didn't find anything. We were both a bit nervous about going any further west than the steps.
- Player: Do you think the sounds could have come from beyond the steps? I mean, from further west?
- Drezel: It's certainly possible and more than likely. I'd be grateful if you could extend your search as wide as possible.
- Player: Did you hear the sounds as well?
- Drezel: I must confess, I have heard some strange things around here recently. Like hushed voices.
- Player: So maybe Ivan was whispering to you?
- Drezel: They didn't sound human!
- Player: Right! That's different! What did they sound like?
- Drezel: Well, very gruff, almost animal-like and speaking in guttural common tongue.
- Player: Hmmm, never fear, inspector [Player] is here! I'll work this out Drezel, don't you worry!
- Player: Has anyone seen or reported anything unusual?
- Drezel: Unfortunately, they have. Several people have gone missing from the local limestone mining area. Other locals have reported seeing shadowy figures moving along the Paterdomus path, which goes from Paterdomus to Varrock. Now, there's nothing to suggest that this is anything more than just an enterprising, though perhaps ruthless, bunch of brigands. If it is, simply give them a taste of Misthalin law and order.
- Player: And if it turns out to be worse than that?
- Drezel: Well then, my friend, I will pray that Saradomin's blessings be upon you, that he guides your actions and keeps you safe from harm.
- Player: How incredibly reassuring!
- Drezel: Don't take that tone with me, young [man/woman]! Saradomin's powers are not to be underestimated.
- Player: How is Ivan – is he okay?
- Drezel: He's as well as can be expected, considering the circumstances. He's a very confused young man at the moment what with the shadowy events that started his life. Both his parents died in the Sanguinesti region, though he still holds hope that they may be found alive. The death of Sani has really affected him as well. Like him, she was an orphan – they had a lot in common.
- Player: It's all so incredibly tragic, I wish there was something I could do for him.
- Drezel: Well, you brought him here, which was very brave. He's very grateful to you. It's remarkable, really. He has this inner calmness that I find so very affecting. His studies go well and he has Saradomin's blessings, it's clear to see. I would see him as a worthy successor as protector of Paterdomus. When all his teachings are done, naturally.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: When and where were these sounds heard?
Search and Find[]
You search the bushes and find someone lying unconscious.
- Shadowy figure [1]: I told you to hide it properly!
- Shadowy figure [2]: Not to worry! Now we've got more!
- Shadowy figure [1]: Nah, we can't take [him/her], it'll look suspicious.
- Shadowy figure [2]: Let's go! Have you got the tithe?
- Shadowy figure [1]: Of course!
Reporting Back[]
- Drezel: Greetings again adventurer. How go your travels in Morytania? Is it as evil as I have heard? Hello, [Player], did you find anything out nearby?
- Player: Yes, perhaps a bit too much!
- Drezel: How do you mean, [Player]?
- Player: But for the grace of Saradomin am I here now! I was attacked from behind.
- Drezel: Did you see the assailants?
- Player: Not clearly, but I believe they could have been werewolves, or at least a type of werewolf.
- Drezel: This is terrible, terrible news! They have found a way to get across the Salve!
- Player: I know, it's very worrying.
- Drezel: I must make immediate preparations and meet with other members of my order. You must hurry directly to King Roald and impart this information to him. Here, take these runes, they should help you to return to Varrock faster.
Drezel gives you a handful of runes.
- Player: Very well, I'll make my way and bid you good luck.
- Drezel: Likewise, [Player].
Drezel again[]
- Drezel: Hello, [Player], Have you been to Varrock yet?
- Player: Not yet, sorry; what should I do again?
- Drezel: You said that you wanted to warn King Roald about possibly incursions into Misthalin from Morytania. You also wanted to ask him about sending troops to help the Myreque in their efforts to overthrow Drakan and his minions.
- Player: Ah yes, quite right, thanks for reminding me.
- Veliaf Hurtz: You've returned already?
- Player: Yes, I have some news!
- Player: I was attacked near the temple!
- Veliaf Hurtz: Attacked by whom?
- Player: By beasts! From Morytania, I believe... perhaps werewolves.
- Veliaf Hurtz: This must be Drakan's foul doing! Did you speak with Roald yet? We need his support if we are to end this suffering.
- Player: Not yet, I'm afraid. I thought you would want to know about the werewolves as soon as possible.
- Veliaf Hurtz: It's good of you to return with this information, but we need to know Roald's answer before we can make any further plans.
- Player: What should I do now?
- Veliaf Hurtz: We need to know if Roald will aid us in our struggle. Please go and speak to him and ask him for his assistance in this matter. And let us all pray that he will give you a favourable answer.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: I was attacked near the temple!
An Audience with the King[]
- Player: Hello, Roald, I must speak with you on a matter of grave importance.
- King Roald: Certainly. What seems to be the problem?
- Player: I am witness to a great many terrible things happening in Morytania, some of which could be happening in Misthalin before long!
- King Roald: This sounds pretty grave, please go on.
- Player: I have for some time now been helping a collection of brave freedom fighters – the Myreque – fight against the darkness of Morytania. The land is controlled by a dark, merciless overlord known as Drakan. He and his vampyric kin farm humans for their blood! People, my lord! Men and women like your own loyal subjects, who live such pitiful lives that death is a welcome end for them.
- King Roald: This sounds shocking... awful. Yes, yes of course, we must do something!
- Aeonisig Raispher: I would beg my lord not to give in so easily to his very compassionate nature. We know not if these people are loyal Saradomin supporters, my liege.
- King Roald: Oh yes, we need to consider that as well. You're right of course, Aeonisig. Do you know if these people follow Saradomin?
- Player: Sure, I am not certain, but surely this isn't the issue? They are in dire need...
- Aeonisig Raispher: As are many, my young friend. Is the King meant to leave Misthalin unguarded on the whim of some errant adventurer?
- Player: But you don't understand! I also need to tell you that I have seen beasts from Morytania roaming around Misthalin. I am almost certain they were werewolves. I saw them west of the River Salve, beyond the grounds of the temple, Paterdomus.
- King Roald: I dare say you gave fight and slaughtered the foul beasts where they stood?
- Player: I'm sad to say that I did not. I had no chance, sire. I was knocked unconscious before I could properly react. Please sir, Misthalin must come to the aid of the people of Morytania. The Myreque cannot fight this battle against the vampyres by themselves!
- King Roald: Yes, yes! I will ready my army and prepare to enter Morytania via Paterdomus. Morytania has for too long threatened the borders of Misthalin.
- Aeonisig Raispher: My lord, this course of action will lead to very severe consequences! Your interference in Morytania will likely upset the balance and could send the world into another cataclysmic god war.
- King Roald: But Drakan has invaded Misthalin! I must respond!
- Aeonisig Raispher: There is no proof that Drakan has invaded Misthalin, my lord!
- Player: Yes there is! I saw it with my own eyes!
- Aeonisig Raispher: Being knocked out by agents unknown does not constitute evidence. In fact, it's something that the most inexperienced of local folk could accomplish!
- King Roald: But I can't just stand here and do nothing, Aeonisig! I must try to help if I can.
- Aeonisig Raispher: I am afraid with the Guthixian edicts regarding religious balance, there is little else we can do. Of course, there are measures we can start to take which might have an influence on that...
- King Roald: Well speak up man we haven't got all day.
- Aeonisig Raispher: The Guthixian edicts govern spiritual balance, sire – perhaps these need closer study. In addition, we need to consider a reduction in the Guthixian influence we are forced to endure in our religious affairs.
- King Roald: But that will take ages, we need to act now!
- Aeonisig Raispher: As you say, sire, it will take some time. We now pay the price for our lack of foresight in letting Guthixian edicts restrict the might of Saradomin's will.
- King Roald: Yes, yes, but we can start to make amends for that now, can't we?
- Aeonisig Raispher: Yes sire, there are some papers to sign, but essentially we can start work on this right away.
- Player: Signing papers! Is that the sum total of the aid that Misthalin can provide to Morytania?
- Aeonisig Raispher: Hold your disrespectful tongue! How dare you address the King in that way? We should throw you in the stocks!
- King Roald: I am sorry, but Aeonisig is my advisor, and what he says, while it pains me, is the truth. However, I will enact a 'mercenary protocol'. This will allow all able-bodied men to fight in the defence of Misthalin for glory and spoils. You will find that many sword arms from Misthalin should join the resistance force. In the meantime, we will look into the Guthixian edicts and find a way to rid ourselves of Drakan for good.
- Player: Why can't you send troops to Morytania?
- King Roald: The followers of Guthix keep a careful account of the balance of religious and spiritual beliefs in the world. At the moment things are 'in balance'. If I send troops to Morytania, Drakan will call for Zamorakian followers to come to his aid, most likely through a portal to another realm.
- Player: Like Zanaris?
- King Roald: Similar, but instead of fairies you'll find creatures of such incarnate evil that it will make Morytania seem like a goblin cave. So if I send troops we will start a bloody war and both Saradominist and Zamorakian forces will collide. It will tempt another god war, and followers of Guthix are bound by oath to fight to keep the balance. When all three sides are joined in war, according to the edicts, Guthix will 'reawaken and remake the world without mercy for the pain of beast or man.'
- Player: So we should try to avoid that then!
- Player: What is a 'mercenary protocol'?
- King Roald: It means that people can fight with the blessings of the King in defence of the realm. Normally, if a force of armed men is amassed they may be considered a threat to Misthalin's national security, and we'd have to send the army to disband them. However, if a group of men form a mercenary company they can be registered, and are allowed certain rights so long as they operate within the law. They're essentially swords for hire, and we don't usually allow such things, but this situation in Morytania requires some action. Unfortunately, this is the best thing I can think of at the moment.
- Player: When can you send aid to Morytania?
- King Roald: It depends on how long it takes the Church of Saradomin to read through the Guthixian edicts and return with an answer on how to proceed.
- Player: What part does Guthix play in all this?
- King Roald: Guthixian edicts rule over those of all other religions. Followers of Guthix claim that the edicts have largely controlled the peace that Misthalin has experienced for so many years. My advisors are suggesting that this may not be strictly true. Followers of Guthix have sworn an oath to perform ceremonies to try and re-awaken Guthix if the edicts are broken. They say that peace and tolerance is needed to maintain the balance. But I am certain they would be outraged to see the conditions that you yourself have witnessed in Morytania.
- Player: What should I do now?
- King Roald: That is for you to decide. I would assume that you wish to report back to your comrades in Morytania. If they're relying on support from Misthalin, you may need to let them know that it might take some time before that happens.
- Player: So I came all this way for nothing?
- Aeonisig Raispher: Is it nothing to have an audience with the King? Your lack of respect astonishes me. How you have survived so long with such disgraceful manners is nothing short of a miracle!
- Player: Sorry, sire, I had just hoped for so much more.
- King Roald: Well then, I must try to do something to satisfy you. I will have my advisor Aeonisig teleport you to Paterdomus in order that you are more quickly on your way. Will you accept my offer?
- Player: Yes thanks, I'll accept the free teleport.
- King Roald: Very good. My advisor, Aeonisig, will teleport you back. The best of luck to you.
- Aeonisig Raispher: Prepare yourself for teleport!
- Aeonisig teleports you back to Paterdomus.
- Player: No thanks, I've other things to do here.
- King Roald: Very well. Come back if you change your mind.
- Player: Yes thanks, I'll accept the free teleport.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: Why can't you send troops to Morytania?
Coming back[]
- Player: Does your offer of a teleport still stand?
- King Roald: Certainly, are you ready now?
- Player: Yes thanks, I'll accept the free teleport.
- King Roald: Very good. My advisor, Aeonisig, will teleport you back. The best of luck to you.
- Aeonisig Raispher: Prepare yourself for teleport!
- Aeonisig teleports you back to Paterdomus.
- Player: No thanks, I've other things to do here.
- King Roald: Very well. Come back if you change your mind.
- Player: Yes thanks, I'll accept the free teleport.
- King Roald: Certainly, are you ready now?
- Player: I'd like to ask a few questions if I may?
- King Roald: Certainly, go ahead.
- Player: Why can't you send troops to Morytania?
- Same as before
- Player: What is a 'mercenary protocol'?
- Same as before
- Player: When can you send aid to Morytania?
- Same as before
- Player: What should I do now?
- Same as before
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: Why can't you send troops to Morytania?
- King Roald: Certainly, go ahead.
Breaking the News[]
Back to Drezel[]
- Player: Drezel, I have returned from Varrock with some bad news. King Roald isn't able to send troops for our fight against the Drakans. Apparently, some Guthixian edicts need to be scrutinised in more detail or else the balance will be affected?
- Drezel: Oh dear! Yes of course, the Guthixian edicts which govern the balance of power within these realms must be taken into consideration. I learnt something about them during my training. I can certainly understand that if Saradomin's power were to substantially increase, the Drakans would waste no time in calling on their dark brethren from other realms.
- Player: Can you explain a little about the Guthixian edicts?
- Drezel: Well, only a little. Guthix is merely a nature god of some average power, nothing really compared to Saradomin. However, his followers, the druids of Taverley, and other creatures located around the world, believe him to lie in slumber. They also believe that Guthix made the world, and according to their history, Guthix was said to have evicted the remaining gods from the world during the god wars, and banished or destroyed any powerful entity aligned to a god, leaving only mortals here. Of course, the Church of Saradomin is highly sceptical of all this.
- Player: So the world belongs to Guthix then?
- Drezel: Of course not! But that's what the Guthix followers believe. There are aspects of other gods which people in the world admire and wish to venerate. According to Guthixian followers, when all the gods were banished, a sort of religious balance was created which needs to be maintained. The followers of Guthix have said that if a second war of the gods were to begin, Guthix would be so angry that he would remake the world, destroying civilisation as we know it. Again, both Saradominist and Zamorakian beliefs differ on this point.
- Player: That seems a bit unfair – doesn't he care for people? I thought Guthix was meant to be a good god?
- Drezel: He's a god of nature and hates to see imbalance. So even though there is evil in the world, Guthix sees it as necessary in order to keep the balance. The tolerance of evil by good keeps the powers of good, and of law, in check – and vice versa.
- Player: So how does this relate to edicts?
- Drezel: Most leaders in the world rely on some of, indeed much of, the advice of their spiritual advisors. And the edicts forbid any action that might lead to an imbalance of power. All spiritual teachings follow the concept of balance in some form or other. Though some followers of Saradomin and Zamorak think that the concept of balance stipulated by Guthix's followers might be different to what Guthix will act on.
- Player: What should I do now?
- Drezel: The Myreque will need to know all that you have experienced so far. I'm sure they will be grateful. If you have the stomach for it, I'm sure Veliaf would gladly accept your further assistance. I for one am grateful for your efforts. Recently, I have noticed that more people are making their way to Paterdomus through Morytania and into Misthalin. Is that anything to do with you, I wonder.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: Can you explain a little about the Guthixian edicts?
- Player: Well met, Veliaf. I have some news for you.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Hello, [Player]. It's good to see you again.
- Player: I was attacked near to Paterdomus! While I checked around near Paterdomus I was attacked by two beasts. I think they were werewolves! I believe they have found a way to cross the River Salve.
- Veliaf Hurtz: This is most likely Drakan's doing, or at least one of his minions. The werewolves, like us, have to pay tithes. However, they're more than willing to take the lives of humans to pay their blood tithes.
- Player: King Roald cannot send troops! I have talked to him at great length and have been unable to persuade him to send troops. While talking with him, his Saradominist advisor kept interrupting. He cited Guthixian edicts as the reason for not sending aid.
- Veliaf Hurtz: How does this prevent Roald from sending troops?
- Player: Roald is concerned that sending troops down to Morytania might propagate another war between the gods. If he sends troops, Drakan might call for Zamorakian followers from another realm. It could escalate, but the Church of Saradomin is looking into it now.
- Veliaf Hurtz: I know you are only the messenger, but you do bear bitter news. There has long been a desire by the Saradominists to see Guthixian power eroded away. I am not so well versed with such dealings but it smells like politics to me.
- Player: Roald did agree to enact a mercenary protocol. He thought some brave souls from Misthalin might heed this call to arms and take up their swords in the name of the resistance. Roald said it was the best he could offer for the moment without contravening the Guthixian edicts.
- Player: What should we do now? There must be someone else we can turn to?
- Veliaf Hurtz: We must inform the head of the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque of these events. Please go as fast as you can back to the Sanguinesti hideout and forward this information to the leader there.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: I was attacked near to Paterdomus! While I checked around near Paterdomus I was attacked by two beasts. I think they were werewolves! I believe they have found a way to cross the River Salve.
Drezel again[]
- Drezel: How's everything going, [Player]?
- Player: Not as well as I'd hope, Drezel. I'm still working with the Myreque, trying to help out. I just hope that we can find a way to defeat those Drakans.
- Drezel: You can be sure that a great many people hope for exactly the same thing, [Player]. Good luck to you, and Myreque prevail!
- Player: Myreque prevail, Drezel, and good luck to you!
Sanguinesti Revisited[]
Meiyerditch Hideout[]
- Player: Well met!
- Vertida Sefalatis: Myreque prevails! What can I do for you?
- Player: I have a message from Veliaf – bad news I'm afraid. I was sent on a mission to Misthalin to seek help from Roald. We hoped that Roald might send troops to aid us in our quest against the vampyres. On the way, though, I came across some werewolves, to the west of Paterdomus and the River Salve!
- Vertida Sefalatis: This is disastrous! Things seem to go from bad to worse! You will have to communicate this information to Safalaan directly, my friend. He needs to know as soon as possible.
- Player: Where is Safalaan and what does he look like?
- Vertida Sefalatis: He's out on a mission sketching Castle Drakan, He's taken the wall route so you'll need to do the same. There is a barricade that prevents further travel north, it's located under the wall. You'll need to search the wall southeast of the barricade to release the lock on the door, it will be unlocked for two minutes. There is a catch on the door so you can always open it when you approach it from the north.
- Player: Okay, great, that's helpful. Now, how can I recognise Safalaan?
- Vertida Sefalatis: He's very distinctive. It shouldn't be a problem trying to find him if you know where to look, and you've got a good set of eyes on you!
- Player: What do you think this means for us?
- Vertida Sefalatis: I'm not sure. Safalaan is the best one to talk to regarding that. However, we can but hope for the best. That and a quick and painless death.
- Player: How very comforting.
- Player: What should I do now?
- Vertida Sefalatis: Go and scout out the castle by following the great vyre-wall to the west. There is a barricade which prevents travel north, located under the wall. You'll need to search the wall southeast of the barricade to release the lock on the door, it will be unlocked for two minutes. There is a catch on the door so you can always open it when you approach it from the north. If you're careful, the vyrewatch won't see you.
- Player: Okay, great, that's helpful Any other details?
- Vertida Sefalatis: Safalaan is on a mission at the moment, he may wish to return to base when he hears your news, so it would be helpful if you could offer to take his mission over for him. I'm going to the wall now, so you can come with me – it'll be quicker than going back on your own.
- Player: Oh, wait, I wanted to ask more questions first.
- Vertida Sefalatis: Okay, go ahead.
- Player: Okay, lead the way.
- Vertida leads you quickly through the ghetto.
- Player: Oh, wait, I wanted to ask more questions first.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: Where is Safalaan and what does he look like?
Reporting to Veliaf[]
- Veliaf Hurtz: Hello, [Player], how goes it?
- Player: Hello, Veliaf!
- Player: I have met with the Sanguinesti Myreque.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Good, it seems like you're really proving your worth. Keep up the good work and if they need your assistance, I'd be grateful if you could accommodate them.
- Player: What should I do now?
- Veliaf Hurtz: Polmafi, Radigad and myself are still settling down into our new base camp. If the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque needs you, please feel free to aid them.*
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: I have met with the Sanguinesti Myreque.
Meeting the Leader[]
- Player: Hello, my name is [Player]. I come with a very important message from Vertida.
- Safalaan: Vertida, eh? What makes you think I know a Vertida?
- Player: He's asked me to come and seek you out. I am working with Veliaf in Burgh de Rott.
- Safalaan: Ah, Veliaf! Myreque prevail! My friend, you're just the tonic for my otherwise black mood. Tell me, what news comes from the west?
- Player: I went to see King Roald to see if he would send troops to aid our situation. Unfortunately, his advisor reminded him that Guthixian edicts prevent his intervention at this time.
- Safalaan: Guthixian edicts, eh? Hmm. Well I commend you on your efforts to rally support for our cause, but I have a strange feeling about Roald's reasons for not aiding us. I seem to remember that 'Guthixian edicts' have been given as a reason before when help was requested.
- Player: I'm afraid that's not all. I was attacked by werewolves on the western side of the Salve, near to Paterdomus. I was knocked unconscious and left for dead.
- (continues like next one)
- Player: I was attacked near Paterdomus on my travels. I believe my assailants were werewolves on the western side of the Salve, near to Paterdomus. I was knocked unconscious and left for dead.
- Safalaan: This is dreadful! They've discovered a way to get past the Salve's magical influence? I am surprised with this that Drakan doesn't start a full onslaught. You have done well to bring me this information. I must return now to the base camp in order to discuss this information and work out what must be done.
- Player: Can I help in some way?
- Safalaan: Yes, you certainly can, my friend. I was on a mission to scout out this castle. We need to get plans of the castle in order to mount an attack. I have yet to start, but please could you take over for me?
- Player: I can certainly try! Are there any specific details I should know?
- Safalaan: Indeed there are. We need sketches of the northern, western, and southern sides of the castle. I've checked the situation out with regards to the vyrewatch flight patterns and you'll attract less attention if you quickly make your way to the north and to that sketch first, then sketch the western side, and finally finish off here at the southern aspect.
- Safalaan gives you some charcoal and papyrus.
- Safalaan: Just in case you run into some troubles and need some more, you can get some more papyrus off old man Ral. He's helped us out once or twice before. Good luck, my friend. Return to the base camp when you have completed the plans.
- Player: What did you want me to do again?
- Safalaan: We need some accurate plans of the castle in order to accurately plan an attack. Please make some careful sketches starting from the north side, moving to the west and finishing off with a sketch from this view. One of our agents has already placed some markers on the walls at the best vantage point.
- Player: What are you going to do?
- Safalaan: With the news you've just given me, I'll need to go back to the base and discuss the implications with the rest of my team. Your help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: What did you want me to do again?
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: Can I help in some way?
- Safalaan: This is dreadful! They've discovered a way to get past the Salve's magical influence? I am surprised with this that Drakan doesn't start a full onslaught. You have done well to bring me this information. I must return now to the base camp in order to discuss this information and work out what must be done.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: I went to see King Roald to see if he would send troops to aid our situation. Unfortunately, his advisor reminded him that Guthixian edicts prevent his intervention at this time.
Safalaan again[]
- Player: Hello again!
- Safalaan: Myreque prevail!
- Player: What did you want me to do again?
- Same as before
- Player: What are you going to do?
- Same as before
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: What did you want me to do again?
A Close Call[]
You start sketching. You make the first sketch of the north facing side.
You start sketching. You make the sketch of the western approach.
You see Vanstrom with some other people...
- Vanstrom Klause: So yes, lady Vanescula, we're getting maximum yield from the current rotation. And more tithes are coming in all the time.
- Vanescula Drakan: Good, good! You seem to be well in control.
- Vanstrom Klause: If I remember, ma'am, I had little choice. You were quite... 'persuasive' the last time we met.
- Vanescula Drakan: Ha, ha, ha. Vanstrom, you do make me laugh.
- Vanstrom Klause: Perhaps a light refreshment, m'lady? This is from the fresh batch.
- Vanescula Drakan: Why, with these blood tithes you're really spoiling us!
- Ranis Drakan: Visciously efficient as ever, Vanstrom! You never fail to please your masters.
- Vanescula Drakan: Mmm, delicious! Well, it's been lovely as usual, Vanstrom. But we really have to get on.
- Vanstrom Klause: The same is true for me, m'lady.
(Cutscene ends)
You start sketching. You spot Vanstrom Klause flying out from a balcony; he spots you!
- Vanstrom Klause: Ha! So we meet again, [Player]. Prepare to die!
- Sarius Guile: Sorry for the interruption, Lord Vanstrom, but Lady Vanescula 'requests' that this individual be questioned before being used as a punch bag.
- Vanstrom Klause: I take no orders from food sacks like you, Guile. Attend to this yourself. In any case, he wasn't much of a punch bag anyway.
- Sarius Guile: Awaken! There are things for you to know.
- Player: Huh? What happened?
- Sarius Guile: Your life may be forfeit but for now you live. My mistress will understand my motives. She has an interest in the one you call 'Safalaan'. As a kind gesture for my intervening on your behalf, I take it as a kindness that you would deliver a message to him. The message you will find secreted between tiles where smoke is carried away from the depiction of statuesque evil. And now be away, but forget not the task that Safalaan set you! For why else would you be here?
You start sketching. You make a sketch of the south facing side.
Sarius' Secret[]
Reporting to Safalaan[]
- Player: Hey, Vanstrom attacked me near the castle.
- Safalaan: WHAT?
- Player: He just flew at me out of nowhere. I was trying to fight him, but I just couldn't hurt him.
- Safalaan: Brave, very brave. He didn't follow you here did he?
- Player: No, I'm pretty sure I wasn't followed. So anyway, during the fight, Vanstrom knocked me to the floor and I thought I was done for when a woman named Sarius seemed to appear from nowhere.
- Safalaan: Sarius, you say. Hmmm, interesting. Was Vanescula nearby?
- Player: No, I saw Vanescula and Ranis earlier, but when I saw Sarius arrive, Vanescula wasn't around. Sarius told Vanstrom that Vanescula wanted to interrogate me. So Vanstrom got angry and flew away. Sarius then told me about a message which was meant for you. Something about 'smoke and statues'? She said that Vanescula was interested in you for some reason?
- Safalaan: Well, [Player], my friend, you certainly seem to have had a very close call. Thanks for letting me know all of this – it's very helpful.
- Player: I have all three sketches for you!
- Safalaan: You have my gratitude, friend! Myreque prevail! I need to take a good look at these and see if we can find something.
- Player: What should I do now?
- Safalaan: Hmm, good question. Didn't you mention something about Sarius and a message?
- Player: How do you like those sketches I did for you?
- Safalaan: They're really very good, my friend, we're all very grateful for your help.
- Player: What should I do now?
- Safalaan: Hmm, good question. Didn't you mention something about Sarius? She gave you some information regarding a message didn't she? It might be useful if you could get a hold of it.
- Player: How do you like those sketches I did for you?
- Player: Is there any new information?
- Safalaan: Not so far, my friend. We're discussing the news you gave me regarding the werewolves in Misthalin.
- Player: Can you tell me something about this area?
- Safalaan: Yes I could, but I'm a little busy right now. Perhaps later?
- Player: What should I do now?
- Safalaan: Hmm, good question. Didn't you mention something about Sarius? She gave you some information regarding a message didn't she? It might be useful if you could get a hold of it.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: I have all three sketches for you!
- Player: Hiya, Vertida, what should I do now?
- Vertida Sefalatis: Well met, [Player]. You should have a chat with Safalaan. He may be able to help you.
Recovering the Message[]
This fireplace looks pretty old, it certainly hasn't been dusted recently. You see a loose tile and scratch marks where some sort of sharp instrument was used.
You carefully use your knife on the loose tile. You find a message stuffed behind a loose tile on the fireplace.
Delivering the Message[]
- Player: Hey, I've returned! Myreque prevail!
- Safalaan: Myreque prevail!
- (One new dialogue option)
- Player: I have a message for you Safalaan – it may be important!
- Safalaan: A message where from?
- Player: It's a message that Sarius Guile made known to me. I believe she had meant it for you.
- You show the message to Safalaan.
- Safalaan: Hmm, interesting. This message gives details of some sort of laboratory, maybe there is some interesting information there which we should find out. Now that I have those sketches, we can keep an eye out for this place. In fact, it would be great if you could look for it for us. Keep the message – it may help you to locate it.
- Player: Where do you think this laboratory could be?
- Safalaan: It's a good question, but not one I can answer right now. If you get a chance could you look into this for us?
- Player: I have a message for you Safalaan – it may be important!
Safalaan again[]
- Player: What should I do now?
- Safalaan: We're looking into mountain an attack on the vampyres, but we also need to see if this so-called laboratory exists. You could look for it if you like, it might help us out. Come back if you find anything useful.
Meiyerditch Laboratory[]
You search the statue. It seems to depict some sort of female vampire, perhaps a vyrewatch. You don't think it represents an individual, but rather a general class of vyrewatch. Her hands are lifted up in the air as if holding something invisible. Close inspection shows that the hands seem smoother than other parts of the statue.
The painting is a little odd. It seems to depict the statue of a female vampyre holding a key.
You slash the painting and inside you can see a large ornate key.
You search the slashed painting. You find a large ornate key.
You carefully place the large ornate key into the statue's hands, You hear a grinding sound as the hands move downwards, then a mechanical click to the north.
Finishing Up[]
Safalaan's Send-off[]
- Player: Well met, Safalaan. I have something you may be interested in. I found it in the laboratory.
You hand the book on Haemalchemy over to Safalaan. He takes the volume and quickly flicks through some pages of the large tome.
- Safalaan: You've done well, [Player], very well indeed. This tome looks like it contains research notes which might give us some clues as to the vampyres' weaknesses.
- Player: Well, whatever it is, someone went to a lot of trouble to try and hide it.
- Safalaan: I can believe that, [Player], and once again you have our gratitude. For my part your arrival has not come soon enough. I have a feeling that your efforts in our struggle are not yet over. I for one would be grateful for your continued assistance. Together we can pull back the darkness of Hallowvale.
- Player: I'll do what I can, Safalaan, you have my support.
- Safalaan: Then I must beg you for a small task, to return to Veliaf with a message to advise him of what has transpired here. I realise that bearing messages seems somewhat lowly, but your ability to pass in and out of Sanguinesti without being detected makes you perfect for this assignment. I also have a small gift for you which should make your journeys through Meiyerditch a tad faster. It's a key that will allow you to open two doors, the first is in sector one and the other is in sector two. The key is shaped to help you find the doors it will open.
Safalaan gives you a sealed message, it's addressed to Veliaf.
- Player: Very well, I'll do as you bid. Farewell.
- Safalaan: Farewell and good luck, my friend!
Although you'd like nothing more than to rip the envelope off this message and read the highly secret details inside, your conscience gets the better of you, and you decide instead to deliver it to Veliaf intact.
Safalaan again[]
- Player: What should I do again?
- Safalaan: Take the message that I gave you to Veliaf. He should be able to explain everything to you when you get there.
- Player: Well met, Veliaf, I have some news for you.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Hello, [Player], it's good to see you again.
- Player: I have a message for you from Safalaan of the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Really? Well, let's see it then!
- You hand over the message to Veliaf. Veliaf reads the message quite thoroughly.
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well, it seems that you have more than proven yourself worthy, [Player]. Safalaan himself has recommended you for promotion to the rank of a private within the Myreque regulars. And for your trouble, I'm going to give you this rather prestigious tome of experience!
- Veliaf gies you a three-charge tome of experience.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: I have a message for you from Safalaan of the Sanguinesti order of the Myreque.
Post-quest dialogue[]
Veliaf Hurtz[]
- Player: Well met!
- Veliaf Hurtz: Well done, [Player]. You really have proven yourself! Welcome to the team!
- Player: So, what's going to happen now?
- Veliaf Hurtz: There are plenty of options for us to move forwards. We'll still keep up regular intelligence-gathering operations within the local area. Then we'll try to look for weaknesses in the vampyres' defences. I'll probably have to meet up with Safalaan at some point, so we can discuss strategies then. This war is far from over, [Player]. There's plenty of time to contribute; don't worry about that.
Polmafi Ferdyris[]
- Polmafi Ferdygris: Hey there, it's brilliant that you've been made up into a full member of the Myreque! Proud to know you [Player], I do hope we get to work together in the future! Keep up the good work, I'm sure Veliaf appreciates it.
Vertida Sefelatis[]
- Vertida Sefelatis: Cognratulations on your promotion! You should be very proud!
- Player: Oh I am, believe me!
Safalaan Hallow[]
- Safalaan: It's nice to see you again, [Player], and congratulations on your well deserved promotion!
- Player: I'm very grateful for the honour!
- Safalaan: We're glad to have you with us! Right, well, I'd better get on with some planning. Those foul Drakans aren't going to get on and destroy themselves,
- Player: I guess not!
Miscellaneous Dialogue[]
Vyrewatch Encounter[]
The Vyrewatch takes an interest in you. You are stunned!
- Vyrewatch: Slurp! You look positively delicious! Let me help you lose a bit of weight. Either I get a bite or you do my bidding. What is it to be, meat sack?
- Player: Okay, have a bite (Offer a blood tithe).
- The Vyrewatch nearly takes a chunk out of your neck!
- Player: Send me to the mines! (Do a bit of menial work).
- Vyrewatch: Very well...
- Player: Give me your best shot, you evil bloodsucker! (Fight!)
- Player: Hey, look over there! (Distract and sneak away).
- Vyrewatch: What? What? Where?
- Player: Okay, have a bite (Offer a blood tithe).
Meiyerditch Sector 3 Cat[]
- Player: What is this place?
- Cat: It's a desolate, sad place. The people here seldom feed me - take me with you!
- Player: I'm sorry, I can't take you with me, but I will help if I can.
- Player: How are you doing?
- Cat: Not well, I have to say, but you look healthy. I wish I were healthy like you.
- Player: What's that awful smell?
- Cat: *Sniff, sniff* I don't think it's me. All I can smell is dirty vyrewatches tithing the poor humans.
- Player: How long have you been here?
- Cat: As long as I can remember. So far we've not found any way out of this place, and after all, we couldn't leave these poor humans to fend for themselves.
- Player: Okay, thanks.
Daeyalt Mines[]
- Player: Hey! How do I get out of here?
- Juvinate guard: When you've filled the mine cart, we'll think about it.
- Player: Hello there.
- Meiyerditch miner: Oh, hello, you must be new here.
- Player: Where are we?
- Meiyerditch miner: What, you can't tell from your surroundings that you're in a mine? You must have been hit hard on the head to not notice that.
- Player: What do you do here?
- Meiyerditch miner: We're miners, perhaps that might give you a clue! We're forced to mine for those stinking vyres. Once we've filled the cart, they sometimes let us go back to Meiyerditch, but then we get tithed. Don't know if I prefer it in here or out there!
- Player: How do you get out of here?
- Meiyerditch miner: They can't keep you in here forever because they have to tithe you, so once you've filled the cart they let you go. Takes about fifteen loads to get the cart filled.
- Player: What is it that you're mining?
- Meiyerditch miner: We're mining for daeyalt. Don't rightly know what it does – we don't ask too many questions – but I've been doing it since I was a kid. The carts keep getting filled, and they keep going along the tracks. Goes to some huge refinery place, it does – massive, like another city under the earth.
- Player: What? Have you seen this place?
- Meiyerditch miner: Not myself, like, but other people I know of have seen it and they wouldn't lie!
- Juvinate guard: You two shut up and get back to work!
- Player: Okay, thanks.
- Player: Where are we?
- Player: Hey! How do I get out of here?
- Juvinate guard: When you've filled the mine cart, we'll think about it.
- Player: But I've filled the mine cart.
- Juvinate guard: Okay, I guess you can go then, food sack!
The juvinate sends you back through the mines.
Part 3 of the Myreque quest series | |
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