RuneScape Wiki

2001 revision[]

This transcript relates to the original version of the quest.

2013 revision[]

This transcript relates to the revision of the quest prior to the 2014 rework.

This transcript involves dialogue with Delrith, Denath, Grüfeld Bach, Spirit of the Body, Spirit of Faith, and Spirit of the Mind.


  • Grüfeld Bach: You there! In the name of Saradomin, I beseech you - assist me! I have come to this place seeking a dangerous fugitive.
  • Grüfeld Bach: He has stolen a powerful magic artefact; one that could spell the end of this entire city! Help me to stop him - please!
    • Accept Quest
      • Grüfeld Bach: You'll help? Praise Saradomin! I knew you looked righteous! We don't have much time, so listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.
      • Grüfeld Bach: An evil follower of Zamorak know as Denath infiltrated the monastary at Edgeville and made off with a book.
      • Player: A book? that doesn't sound very threatening.
      • Grüfeld Bach: This book is an ancient tome of demonology that was used to banish Delrith back to the demon plane, and is the only object capable of bringing Delrith back here!
      • Player: Delrith?
      • Grüfeld Bach: Delirth is a powerful, ancient demon, and is quite, quite evil and monstrous.
      • Player: Oh.
      • Grüfeld Bach: He has the power to demolish cities, and is impervious to all forms of attack, save one - the holy sword Silverlight.
      • Player: Oh.
      • Grüfeld Bach: Silverlight rests in the crypt below this very church, watched over by the spirits of its former owners. I need you to retrieve it, in case the worst should happen and Delrith returns to this world!
      • Player: Wait! What will you be doing?
      • Grüfeld Bach: I have tracked Denath to this city, but I have lost his trail. I will be hunting him down, and trying to stop him from summoning Delrith at all, before it's too late!
      • Grüfeld Bach: Silverlight is in the crypt beneath this church. Shouldn't you be, too?
      • Player: I had some questions first.
        • Who are you?
          • Player: Who are you?
          • Grüfeld Bach: I am Grüfeld Bach. I devote myself to Saradomin, and smite the evil in the world in his glorious name.
          • Grüfeld Bach: My order specialises in hunting down, destroying and banishing demons that the evil Zamorakians seem so intent on summoning to kill us all.
          • Player: You're part of an order?
          • Grüfeld Bach: Yes. Perhaps you will meet my colleagues someday, but first we must deal with Denath!
        • Tell me about Denath.
          • Player: Tell me about Denath.
          • Grüfeld Bach: Denath is an evil worshipper of the dark, false god Zamorak. He has been a thorn in my side for many years, but his most recent scheme overshadows all of that.
          • Grüfeld Bach: He would call forth a demon that could just as easily kill him and everyone else in this city as do his evil bidding. Denath is insane, and to be approached very cautiously.
        • Tell me about Delrith.
          • Player: Tell me about Delrith.
          • Grüfeld Bach: Delrith is a dark and powerful demon. This is not the first time he has entered our world. 150 years ago, my ancestor battled Delrith, and banished him back to the dark place he came from.
          • Player: Your ancestor?
          • Grüfeld Bach: Yes. I am descended from a long line of devout Saradominst demon hunters. It is in my blood. The spirits interred with Silverlight are the spirits of my forefathers.
        • Tell me about Silverlight.
          • Player: Tell me about Silverlight.
          • Grüfeld Bach: Silverlight is the only weapon that can harm Delrith, and is interred with the spirits of its former wielders in this very church. You can get to the crypt from a trapdoor in the small room to the north-east. Hurry, my friend. We must secure Silverlight in case the worst should come to pass!
    • Not Right Now
      • Grüfeld Bach: Then get away, and let adventurers who want to stop the destruction of the city through!
  • Player: Nothing

Below the Church[]

  • Spirit of the Body: Welcome.
  • Spirit of Faith: Welcome
  • Spirit of the Mind: Welcome
    • I come seeking Silverlight
      • Player: I come seeking Silverlight
      • Spirit of the Body: If you wish to wield Silverlight, you must pass the three trials.
      • Spirit of Faith: The Trial of the Body, in the west. The Trial of Faith, in the north. The Trial of the Mind, in the east.
      • Spirit of the Mind: Seek us there when you are ready.
    • Who are you?
      • Player: Who are you?
      • Spirit of the Body: We are the guardians of this place.
      • Spirit of Faith: We are of the Bach family line.
      • Spirit of the Mind: We are the spirits of those who wielded Silverlight.
    • Aah! That's creepy!
      • Player: Aah! That's creepy!
      • Spirit of the Body: What...
      • Spirit of Faith:
      • Spirit of the Mind: ...creepy?
      • Player: THAT!
      • Spirit of the Body: Ha...
      • Spirit of Faith: ...ha...
      • Spirit of the Mind: ...ha!

The Trial of the Body[]

  • Spirit of the Body: The Trial of the Body will show you have the strength needed to wield Silverlight properly. A powerful weapon can easily be wrested from weak arms.
  • Spirit of the Body: Are you ready for the trial?
    • Yes
      • Player: Yes
      • Spirit of the Body: The Trial of the Body is to clean up these bones.
      • Player: That's it?
      • Spirit of the Body: Don't underestimate the trial...
      • Skeletons emerge from the piles of bones.
      • Spirit of the Body: ...manual labour can be hard work.
    • No.
      • Player: No.

During the trial

  • Spirit of the Body: There are still some bones for you to clean up.

After completing the trial

  • Spirit of the Body: You have completed the trial. I will wait for you in Silverlight's chamber.

Talking to the Spirit of the Body after the trial is complete

  • Spirit of the Body: You have completed my trial. Visit the other spirits, and complete theirs.

The Trail of Faith[]

  • Spirit of Faith: The Trial of Faith demonstrates that you believe in the power of the gods to guide you. Without faith, Silverlight will be powerless in your hands.
  • Spirit of Faith: Are you ready for the trial?
    • Yes
      • Player: Yes
      • Spirit of Faith: The Trial of Faith is simple. You must cross this chasm.
      • Player: How can I do that? There's no way across, and it's a long way down!
      • Spirit of Faith: I will tell you the path you must walk. Do not believe in your eyes; believe in me, have faith in the gods to guide you.
      • Player: Alright... I'm ready...
      • Spirit of Faith: Step out into the chasm from the step behind me.
    • No.
      • Player: No.

During the trial

  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step East.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step East.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step West.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step West.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step South.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step West.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step West.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.
  • Spirit of Faith: Step North.

Talking to the Spirit of Faith after the trial is complete

  • Spirit of Faith: You have completed my trial. Visit the other spirits, and complete theirs.

The Trial of the Mind[]

  • Spirit of the Mind: The Trial of the Mind will prove that you are focused on your task, and understand what ties ahead of you. You cannot be trusted with Silverlight if your mind is clouded.
  • Spirit of the Mind: Are you ready for the trial?
    • Yes
      • Player: Yes
      • Spirit of the Mind: Why are you in this place?
        • I seek Silverlight.
          • Player: I seek Silverlight.
          • Spirit of the Mind: And what is Silverlight?
            • A musical troupe.
              • Player: A musical troupe.
              • Spirit of the Mind: I cannot prove that there is not such a group, however, your answer falls short.
            • A magical candle.
              • Player: A magical candle.
              • Spirit of the Mind: Incorrect.
            • A sword that slays demons.
              • Player: A sword that slays demons.
              • Spirit of the Mind: Why do you require a sword that slays demons?
                • Why *don't* you need a sword that slays demons?
                  • Player: Why *don't* you need a sword that slays demons?
                  • Spirit of the Mind: Wanting for the sake of wanting is shameful and ignoble. Incorrect.
                • A powerful demon threatens Varrock.
                  • Player: A powerful demon threatens Varrock.
                  • Spirit of the Mind: Who is this demon?
                    • Delrith.
                      • Player: Delrith.
                      • Spirit of the Mind: And who sends you to claim Silverlight and fight Delrith?
                        • Zamorak.
                          • Player: Zamorak.
                          • Spirit of the Mind: That is incorrect.
                        • Denath.
                          • Player: Denath.
                          • Spirit of the Mind: Denath attempts to summon Delrith. Why would he send you to claim a weapon and slay him?
                        • Grüfeld Bach.
                          • Player: Grüfeld Bach.
                          • Spirit of the Mind: Your mind is focused. The Trail of mind is complete.
                          • Spirit of the Mind: You have completed the trial. I will wait for you in Silverlight's chamber.
                    • Zamorak.
                      • Player: Zamorak.
                      • Spirit of the Mind: That is not correct.
                    • Grüfeld Bach.
                      • Player: Grüfeld Bach.
                      • Spirit of the Mind: Grüfeld Bach is a noble descendant of the wielders of Silverlight! Our flesh and blood! He is no demon!
                • It will look nice in my weapon rack.
                  • Player: It will look nice in my weapon rack.
                  • Spirit of the Mind: Silverlight yields not to the vain!
        • Graverobbing.
          • Player: Graverobbing.
          • Spirit of the Mind: Stealing the earthly possessions of the dead is not a purpose worthy of wielding Silverlight.
        • I like hanging out in crypts.
          • Player: I like hanging out in crypts.
          • Spirit of the Mind: As...nice as that is for you, it is not the answer I seek.
    • No
      • Player: No

Talking to the Spirit of the Mind after the trial is complete

  • Spirit of the Mind: You have completed my trial. Visit the other spirits, and complete theirs.

Claiming Silverlight[]

  • Spirit of the Body: Congratulations.
  • Spirit of Faith: Congratulations.
  • Spirit of the Mind: Congratulations.
  • Spirit of the Body: You passed the Trial of the Body; you have proven you have the strength to wield Silverlight.
  • Spirit of the Mind: You passed the Trial of the Mind; you have proven your mind unclouded and clear.
  • Spirit of Faith: You passed the trial of Faith; the gods smile apon you and wil guide the blade in your hands.
  • Spirit of Faith: You are worthy to wield Silverlight. Farewell, hero.
  • The spirits break the barrier surrounding silverlight and disappear
  • Player: There it is...Silverlight. Finally!

Taking Silverlight

  • You have reclaimed Silverlight!

Slaying Delrith[]

  • Player: Grüfeld, I have retrieved Silverlight!
  • Grüfeld Bach: Excellent, and not a moment too soon, hero - I have located Denath! He seeks to summon Delrith beneath the unholy temple of Zamorak right here in Varrock!
  • Player: We're ready to go and stop him, then.
  • Grüfeld Bach: The Temple of Zamorak is in the south east part of Varrock. Look for a trap door within, much like the one in the church. I will meet you there, hero. Make haste!
  • Talking to him again
    • Grüfeld Bach: Denath is beneath the Temple of Zamorak, in the south east part of Varrock. Look for a trap door within, much like the one in this church. I will meet you there.

In the Catacombs[]

  • Grüfeld Bach: Take care, hero. This place is likely crawling with Denath's fanatics.
  • Talking to Bach
    • Grüfeld Bach: Not now, Player! We must stop Denath!
  • When the first monks batch of monks are defeated
    • Grüfeld Bach: That takes care of them! Let's move on!
  • When the second batch of monks are defeated
    • Grüfeld Bach: Is there no end to these extremists? Quickly, we must press on.
  • When the final batch of monks are defeated
    • Grüfeld Bach: That's the last of them. Hurry; find Denath before it's too late!

Confronting Denath[]

  • Denath: Nothing can stop me now! Hahaha!
  • Grüfeld Bach: Denath! Stop!
  • Denath: Well, well! If it isn't Grüfeld Bach, come to foil my plans again.
  • Denath: Not this time though, old man! You're already too late! Behold!
  • Denath destroys the tome of demonology
  • Grüfeld Bach: No!
  • Denath: Hahaha! The end is nigh, Grüfeld Bach! I'd love to stay and witness your annihilation, but I'd rather be far away when Delrith incinerates all of Varrock, so I bid you farewell!
  • Denath: Hahaha!
  • Denath teleports
  • Grüfeld Bach: We were too late! I hope you brought Silverlight, hero. Steel yourself!
  • Delrith appears
  • Delrith: I'm free!
  • Delrith: This world will burn!
  • Delrith: Starting with you!
  • Delrith fires a spell at you and Bach
  • Grüfeld Bach: Saradomin; shield us!
  • Grüfeld Bach: Aaaaaah!
  • Delrith: What?
  • Grüfeld Bach: I must rest to shield us again!
  • Grüfeld Bach: Hero! Slay Delrith, now!
  • When Delrith is reduced 25% LP
    • Grüfeld Bach: Hero, to me!
    • Grüfeld Bach: Saradomin; shield us!
    • Grüfeld Bach: Aaaaah!
  • On defeat
    • Delrith: NOOOOOO!
    • Grüfeld Bach: Delrith is defeated, but this place is coming apart! Let's get out of here!

Finishing up[]

  • Grüfeld Bach: Well done, hero. Your actions saved not only myself, but all of Varrock, from being turned to smouldering ash by Delrith!
  • Grüfeld Bach: Here - you've certainly earned this!
    Congratulations, quest complete!