RuneScape Wiki

Invention Tutorial[]

  • Doc: Hello there, young [fella/lass]. Name's Doc. I'm apprentice to Drorkar, a master smith and crafter.
  • Doc: I've learned a lot from my master, but he's of the old guard - tradition, refinement...nothing more.
  • Doc: My head's full of ideas that'll give those stuffy longbeards a kick up the mineshaft...but there's one thing I don't have.
  • Player: What are you missing?
  • Doc: Power, [laddie/lassie]. We need a new source of fuel - something the world's never seen before - if we're to take a leap into a new era of technology.
  • Player: What if we could harness divine energy as a power source?
  • Doc: What's divine energy?
  • Player: It's the remnants of Guthix's godly power. I sucked it out of wisps and dumped it into the ground. A lot.
  • Player: Trust me. It's powerful stuff. If we could discover a device to store and channel divine energy... It'd give you all the juice you could ever need.
  • Doc: Using the goo from a dead god as a power source, eh? That's crazy...but it might work. Here, use my workbench.
  • [Discover new inventions at an inventor's workbench.]

After closing the Invention Discovery window

  • Player: It looks like I need 'inspiration' to discover the charge pack. How does an inventor get inspired?
  • Doc: Aye, inspiration's the key. You can have the best idea in the world, but it takes inspiration to make it a reality.
  • [Inspiration is the creative spark required to discover new inventions. Inspiration strikes while you train most skills, and when you gain a level in Invention.]
  • Doc: Inspiration usually hits when I'm busy learning new things. One way I get inspiration is to disassemble things.
  • Doc: I like to take things apart to figure out how they work, then stash the materials for later use. Here, take my tools, and a material pouch.
  • [You've added the Inventor's tools to your tool belt. You can now disassemble items into materials.]
  • Player: To manufacture my inventions, I'll need materials. I can get those by disassembling items.
  • [To get started, grab some bits and pieces from Doc's parts bin to disassemble.]

When you search the parts bin

  • You found something to disassemble (Doc's rotten timber appears in your inventory). You found something else to disassemble (Doc's old clothes appear in inventory).
Your Magic abilities interface opens to the skilling abilities tab. An arrow points to a new Invention icon.
  • [To disassemble an item, activate the Disassemble ability in your spellbook's skilling tab, and click the item you want to disassemble.]
An arrow points to another new Invention icon in your inventory interface.
  • [Or you can drag an item onto the lightbulb at the bottom of your backpack.]
An arrow points to a new eyeball icon in your spellbook's skilling tab.
  • [To analyse an item, activate the Analyse ability in your spellbook's skilling tab, and click the item you want to analyse. Analysing items will help you predict what materials you will get if you disassemble the item.]

Disassembling Doc's junk[]

If you attempt to destroy Doc's rotten timber or Doc's old clothes

  • You cannot destroy this item until you complete the Invention tutorial.

After disassembling one of Doc's items

  • [You've added the materials to your tool belt. To view the materials you've collected, click the lightbulb at the bottom of your backpack, or open the bag of materials on your tool belt.]

After disassembling Doc's other item

  • [A sudden wave of 22 inspiration hits you. Inspiration is used to discover new blueprints at an inventor's workbench.]
  • Player: I feel inspired! I'm on the brink of a discovery, but I need to experiment to get it right. Can I use your workbench again?
  • Doc: Be my guest.
  • [Discover new inventions at an inventor's workbench. Discovery requires inspiration. Experiment to optimise the amount of inspiration you will spend to discover an invention.]

Charge Pack[]

If you close the Invention Discovery window, attempt to open the Manufacture window, or talk to Doc again

  • Doc: I think you were going to discover a charge pack.

Building the charge pack prototype messages

  • You narrowly avoid the parts that fly off your prototype.
  • The prototype doesn't seem to do anything at all.
  • Your prototype flies off the workbench and smashes on the floor.
  • Something didn't work correctly in your prototype.
  • Your prototype exploded!

When you find the correct combination of parts

  • Success! Looks like you're on the right track.

After successfully inventing the charge pack and closing the window

  • Player: I did it! I discovered a blueprint for the charge pack. Now I can manufacture this device.
  • [After you have discovered the blueprint for a device, you can manufacture the device at an inventor's workbench.]

If you talk to Doc

  • Doc: Use the right half of the workbench to manufacture a charge pack.

After manufacturing the charge pack

  • [You invented the charge pack! Add the charge pack to your tool belt.]

When you add the charge pack to your tool belt

  • Doc: You've done it. You've invented a charge pack! Equipment that requires charges to power will drain energy from this central resource on your tool belt. Imagine what your discovery could lead to... What if you could use the power from this divine energy to augment your equipment? Even upgrade and diversify your weapons and armour...
  • [Congratulations! You just advanced an Invention level. You Invention level is now 2. When you gain a level in Invention, you also get inspiration to discover new inventions.]
  • Player: You've inspired me. I've got an idea for a device that'll augment my equipment - and improve as I use it!
  • Doc: That's the spirit. Discover all the blueprints you can at the inventor's workbench, until you run out of inspiration.
  • [Discover new inventions at an inventor's workbench. Discovery requires inspiration. Experiment to optimise the amount of inspiration your will spend to discover an invention.]


When you successfully invent the augmentor

  • [You earned 250 Invention XP, and discovered a new invention: Augmentor. You can manufacture an augmentor on an inventor's workbench, and then use the augmentor on high-level weapons to augment them. With further research you will be able to augment armour.]

When you close the window

  • Player: ...And that's how you make an augmentor! It needs to be imbued with divine energy during the manufacturing process.
  • Doc: Divine energy, eh? My master got some of that in trade, but we've not been able to do a thing with it. Here, maybe It'll help you manufacture your first augmentor.
  • Doc gives you enough divine energy to manufacture an augmentor.
  • 2000 Pale energy appears in your inventory
  • Doc: An elegant design, that's for sure. When you've manufactured an augmentor, may I...take a look? You can disassemble some more parts from my bin for materials.
  • [Collect more junk from Doc's parts bin to disassemble.]

When you search the parts bin

  • You found something new to disassemble (Doc's broken dagger). You found something else to disassemble (Doc's cracked orb). You found one last thing to disassemble (Doc's broken shieldbow).

If you try and search the parts bin for more items

  • Doc: Now, now. Don't be greedy. It you need more materials, you'll have to disassemble your own items.

After manufacturing the augmentor

  • You show Doc the augmentor you invented.
  • Player: Behold! My latest invention. The augmentor. How about we test it out by augmenting a weapon?
  • Doc: Great idea, boss, but let's not waste one of your valuable weapons on an early test, eh? Here's something I have to hand[sic].
  • Doc gives you a bunch of purple flowers.
  • Doc: Don't look at me like that. It's a weapon, ain't it? Technically. If we can augment flowers, we can augment anything. Try attatching your new augmentor to the flowers.
  • [Use an augmentor on equipment to augment it. Augmented equipment is untradeable and draws power from your charge pack when in use.]

If you try and wield the flowers

  • You cannot equip this item at the current stage of the Invention tutorial.

Using augmentor on flowers

  • [This will convert Purple flowers into an augmented version which requires divine charges to use. It will also become untradeable. This process cannot be undone without using an augmentation dissolver. Do you wish to continue?]
    • Cancel
    • OK

After augmenting the flowers

  • Player: Look! I've attached the augmentor to the flowers. Now those flowers will become ever more lethal as I beat people to death with them.
  • [Augmented equipment levels up as you use it. For example, augmented weapons and armour you've equipped will gain experience when you defeat enemies. Right-click and choose Check to determine its current level and statistics.]

Checking flowers

  • [Your augmented equipment has a space to add a gizmo. (Items wielded with both hands have two gizmo slots.) Gizmos let you add new qualities to your equipment, called perks.]
  • (When you close the window, your Invention will level up to 3)

Gizmo Shell[]

  • Player: I have a new idea! My augmented equipment has space to install upgrades. What we need is a gizmo shell, to which I can add perks for my equipment.
  • [Discover new inventions at an inventor's workbench. Discovery requires inspiration. Experiment to optimise the amount of inspiration you will spend to discover an invention.]

After inventing the gizmo shell

  • [You earned 400 Invention XP, and discovered a new invention: Gizmo. You can manufacture a weapon or armour gizmo using an inventor's workbench.]

When you close the window

  • Player: I've discovered the gizmo shell!
  • Doc: You're a genius! Please show me your gizmo shell after you manufacture it at the inventor's workbench.
  • [After you have discovered the blueprint for a device, you can manufacture the device at an inventor's workbench.]

After manufacturing the gizmo shell

  • You show Doc the gizmo shell you invented.
  • [Not only can you level your augmented equipment, you can also add perks to it. A gizmo shell is an empty container with space for up to 2 perks.]
  • [To choose the perks for a gizmo, add materials to a gizmo shell.]

After configuring the gizmo

  • (Your Invention will level up to 4)
  • [Use a gizmo on augmented equipment to install the perk(s) you selected.]
  • Player: Now that I understand the fundamentals of Invention, I'll find the wider world to be an inspiring place. Useful materials can come from many sources, and inspiration could strike whenever I improve my skills.
Congratulations, You have completed the Invention Tutorial!

Machine tutorial[]

Building at a machine hotspot for the first time[]

  • Doc: Ahh, I see you've discovered a machine hotspot! Would you like a quick run-down of machines?
  • Partake in the machine tutorial?
    • Yes (Recommended)
      • If you'd like to skip the tutorial at any point, just speak to Doc[sic]
      • Doc: I've managed to set up the back room to cater for your machine needs! Machines are incredible devices that'll do your bidding even while you aren't present in Gielinor!
      • Machines process items once every hour including when you're offline. The amount they process per hour is determined by the tier of the machine, higher tiers have a higher throughput.[sic]
      • Doc: So you'll see lots of sections around the room with sheets over them! I've called them hotspots and you'll be able to build your machines on them once you've discovered them with a blueprint.
      • Doc: However, you'll need to set up a power supply to these machines, try building a generator in the middle of the north wall.[sic]
    • No (Skip)
      • (Transcript missing. edit)

Building at a machine hotspot after the first time[]

  • Doc: You should try and build a generator before touching those. You'll have to discover it with a blueprint and have the correct components too!

Talking to Doc[]

  • Doc: Go off and build a generator before building any other machines. You'll have to discover it with a blueprint and have the correct components too!

Checking the tutorials with Doc[]

  • Would you like to skip the machine tutorial?
    • Yes
      • (Transcript missing. edit)
    • No
      • (Tutorials interface opens.)

Building a generator[]

  • Doc: Ah that generator looks fantastic! Can you feel the energy it's emitting?
  • Doc: Now you've built the generator you'll want a machine to start using that lovely power up!
  • Doc: Pick one of the other hotspots and get building that machine! Ensure you've discovered a machine blueprint too!

Interacting with the generator or talking to Doc[]

  • Doc: Now you've built the generator you'll want a machine to start using that lovely power up!
  • Doc: Lower tier machines require less power than higher tier ones, so you'll want a mix of low and high tiers. We don't want to be overloading the generator.
  • Doc: Pick one of the other hotspots and get building that machine!

Building a machine[]

  • Doc: Woah, look at that beauty! Now to get it started we'll just need to...
  • Doc: Darn! No machine charge, Player! We've forgotten the machine charge!
  • Doc: Pour some of that divine charge into your generator, it'll convert it to machine charge![sic]

Interacting with a hotspot or talking to Doc[]

  • Doc: Pour some of that divine charge into your generator, it'll convert it to machine charge![sic]

Adding charge to the generator[]

  • Doc: Ahh, can you hear the hum! I think the generator is working!
  • Doc: One more quick thing, some machines require secondaries to function.[sic] For example the a machine[sic] might require nature and fire runes while another might only require vials of water.
  • Doc: These should be obvious on the machines though, if you click 'Manage' on one of your machines, I'll give you a run down of that control panel too.[sic]

Interacting with the generator or a machine or talking to Doc[]

  • Doc: Why don't you click 'Manage' on your machine to access a quick run-down of that control panel? After that you'll be all set for machines!

Managing a machine[]

  • (Machine interface is shown with overlays explaining each component.)

After the tutorial[]

  • Doc: What can I do you for, boss?
  • Player: Who are you?
    • Doc: Did you take a knock to your noggin' boss? It's me, Doc. Been with you since the start. I dunno, you get in that lab of yours and forget the world sometimes.
    • Player: Oh, right, Doc. Of course. I, er, know who you are. Of course I do. Yeah.
  • Remind me how Invention works?
    • Options for redoing the tutorial appear.
  • What can you tell me about technology trees?
    • Doc: Ah, technology trees, you say? Now, that's more my sort of thing! Basically, there's a lots of different races in this world, and they all have their own way of doing things. Take us dwarves, for instance - we've mastered the use of lava to generate steam, and we use that steam to power devices - transport, power tools, that sorta thing. But then there's a bunch of goblins that have harnessed the power of lightning! They call it electricity or something.
    • Player: You're saying the word 'thing' a lot.
    • Doc: Aye, I suppose I am. A better word would be 'device' - specialised equipment created to excel at one, er, thing...
    • Player: What about us humans - are we known to have a particular specialisation?
    • Doc: Oh, you lot are known to be the creative bunch. You certainly got a handle on all this divine energy stuff, with its transmuting and magical properties. You could no doubt use the stuff to make some devices of human origin.
    • Player: Can I specialise in the technology that other races use?
    • Doc: Oh, not doubt you can find someone to teach you, so long as you teach them about divine energy in return. I'm sure you could learn about steam power from my master, Drorkar, and about electrical energy from a cave gobin fella named Oldak. This is, though, when you learn about a new technology, you can't focus on another one until you've mastered it. Once you've made your choice, you're locked in until you have enough inspiration to take on more learning. And whatever technology you learn about later on, it'll be a little bit harder for you to make stuff with that technology. 'Cause you're coming 'late to the party', as it were.
    • You'll be inspired enough to commit to your first technology tree unlock at level 40 Invention. Any technology trees you unlock AFTER your first increases the Invention level requirement to build devices within it (+20 levels for your secondary specialisation)!
  • (Only if the player is below 99 Invention:)
    • You're an experienced inventor.
      • Doc: Glad you think so. I couldn't have got here without you pioneering with inventing and stuff.
  • (Only if the player has achieved 99 Invention:)
    • Let's discuss skill mastery...
      • Can I buy an Invention skillcape?
        • Player: Can I buy an Invention skillcape?
        • (The Invention skillcape store opens.)
      • I've noticed there are a couple of versions of each skillcape.
        • Doc: Yes! We, the skill masters, have crafted new versions of all skillcapes! We felt like it was time for a change.
        • (If the player currently has the new model activated:)
          • Doc: You can still choose to wear the old model skillcape if you want. Would you like to change which model you are currently using?
            • Yes, I would like to wear the old version of the skillcape.
              • Doc: Would you like to wear the old model for just this cape, or for the Quest point cape and all of the skillcapes you own?
                • I would just like to change the Invention skillcape.
                  • Doc: No problem, you will now use the older model for your Invention skillcape.
                • I would like to change all my skillcapes.
                  • Doc: No problem, you will now use the older model for all of your skillcapes!
                • I've changed my mind!
                  • (Dialogue terminates.)
            • No, thank you.
              • Doc: Great! I'm glad you're enjoying our new version!
        • (If the player currently has the old model activated:)
          • Doc: It looks like you're currently using the old model for your Invention skillcape. Would you like to change to the newer one?
            • Yes, I would like to wear the new version of the skillcape.
              • Doc: Would you like to wear the newer model for just this cape, or all of the skillcapes you own?
                • I would just like to change the Invention skillcape.
                  • Doc: No problem, you will now use the newer model for your Invention skillcape.
                • I would like to change all my skillcapes.
                  • Doc: No problem, you will now use the newer model for all of your skillcapes!
                • I've changed my mind!
                  • (Dialogue terminates.)
            • No, thank you.
              • Doc: Great! I'm glad you're still enjoying the old version!
                • Doc: If you want, I can make it so you use the old model for all of the skillcapes you own!
                  • Ok, I'd like to wear the old version for all my skillcapes.
                    • Doc: Great, you will now use the old model for all of your skillcapes!
                  • No, thanks.
                    • (Dialogue terminates.)
      • Let's discuss something else...
        • (Returns to the previous options.)
      • Never mind.
        • Player: Never mind.
  • Never mind.
    • (Dialogue terminates.)