Starting out[]
Talking to the Goblin Generals[]
First time[]
- Greeting:
- General Bentnoze and General Wartface may randomly greet you with any one of the following:
- Dialogue 1:
- General Wartface: Green armour best.
- General Bentnoze: No, no, red every time.
- General Wartface: Go away, human, we busy.
- (Continues below)
- Dialogue 2:
- General Bentnoze: Red armour best.
- General Wartface: No, it has to be green!
- General Bentnoze: Go away, human, we busy.
- (Continues below)
- Dialogue 3:
- General Wartface: We should wear green armour!
- General Bentnoze: Green armour? Are you stupid?
- General Wartface: You stupid! Only stupid goblins think red armour better!
- General Bentnoze: No they don't! Me think red armour better!
- General Wartface: That because you stupid!
- General Bentnoze: Me not stupid!
- General Wartface: Then why you not like green armour?
- General Bentnoze: Because red armour better!
- General Wartface: Only stupid goblins think that! You stupid!
- (Continues below)
- Dialogue 4:
- General Bentnoze: All goblins should wear red armour!
- General Wartface: Not red! Red armour make you look fat.
- General Bentnoze: Everything make YOU look fat!
- General Wartface: Shut up!
- General Bentnoze: Fatty!
- General Wartface: SHUT UP!
- General Bentnoze: Even this human think you look fat! Don't you, human?
- Player: Um...
- Yes, Wartface looks fat[sic]
- Player: Yes, Wartface looks fat!
- General Bentnoze: Ha ha! See, fatty? Even human think you fat!
- General Wartface: Me not care what human think! Human ugly!
- (Continues below)
- No, he doesn't look fat[sic]
- Player: No, he doesn't look fat.
- General Bentnoze: Shut up, human! Wartface fat and human stupid!
- General Wartface: Shut up, Bentnoze!
- (Continues below)
- Yes, Wartface looks fat[sic]
- Dialogue 5:
- General Wartface: I tell all globlins in village to wear green armour now!
- General Bentnoze: They not listen to you! I already tell them wear red armour!
- General Wartface: They listen to me not you! They know me bigger general!
- General Bentnoze: Me bigger general! They listen to me!
- General Wartface: Human! What colour armour they wearing out there?
- Player: Half of them are wearing red and half of them green.
- General Wartface: Shut up, human! They wearing green armour really! Human lying because [he/she] scared of you!
- General Bentnoze: Human scared of me not you! Then you think me bigger general!
- General Wartface: What? Me mean...
- General Wartface: Shut up! Me bigger general!
- (Continues below)
- Dialogue 1:
- General Bentnoze and General Wartface may randomly greet you with any one of the following:
- After greeting:
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
- General Bentnoze: We decide to celebrate goblin new century by changing colour of our armour, brown get boring after a bit. We want change.
- General Wartface: Problem is they want different change to us.
- (Shows other options)
- Wouldn't you prefer peace?
- General Wartface: Yeah peace is good as long as it peace wearing green armour.
- General Bentnoze: But green too much like skin. Nearly make you look naked!
- (Shows other options)
- Do you want me to pick an armour colour for you?
- General Wartface: Yea as long as you pick green
- General Bentnoze: No you have to pick red!
- You should wear red
- General Bentnoze: See? Even stupid human think red best. Now we all wear red!
- General Wartface: Human not know anything! If we wear red then whole village be ugly like YOU!
- General Bentnoze: Go away human. You not helping.
- You should wear green
- General Wartface: Green! We all wear green now, human has decided!
- General Bentnoze: Why we have to do what human say? He not boss of us!
- General Wartface: No but he agree with me!
- General Bentnoze: That prove you a filthy human-lover!
- General Wartface: Me hate humans! This human just happen to be right!
- General Bentnoze: Go away human. You not know anything.
- What about a different colour?
- Player: What about a different colour? Not green or red?
- General Bentnoze: That would mean me wrong ... but at least Wartface not right!
- General Wartface: Me dunno what that look like. Have to see armour before we decide.
- General Bentnoze: Human! Bring us armour in new colour!
- General Wartface: What colour we try?
- General Bentnoze: Orange armour might be good.
- General Wartface: Yep bring us orange armour.
- You should wear red
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
Talking to Goblins[]
If Goblin is not sparring []
While wearing green armour[]
- Goblin: Green armour best.
- Err ok.
- Player: Err ok.
- Why is green best?
- Player: Why is green best?
- Goblin: I forgot now, but General Wartface says it is. So it must be.
- Err ok.
While wearing red armour[]
- Goblin: Red armour best.
- Err ok.
- Player: Err ok.
- Why is green best?
- Player: Why is green best?
- Goblin: I forgot now, but General Bentnoz e says it is. So it must be.
- Err ok.
If Goblin is sparring or about to spar[]
While wearing green armour[]
- Goblin [#1]: Green armour best.[sic]
- Goblin [#2]: Red armour best!
While wearing red armour[]
- Goblin [#1]: Red armour best!
- Goblin [#2]: Green armour best!
- Greldo: Green armour betht!
- Why is green best?
- Greldo: Green ith colour of cabbageth.
- I think you mean 'cabbage'. It's a non-count noun.
- Greldo: Grammar nart-thee...
- (Shows previous options)
- Greldo: Grammar nart-thee...
- What's so special about cabbage?
- Greldo: Cabbageth tayth-tee. Me like cabbageth.
- Player: Cabbage. Singular.
- (Shows previous options)
- Cabbage? Yuck!
- Greldo: That what you think, thilly human.
- (Shows previous options)
- Greldo: That what you think, thilly human.
- I love cabbage!
- Greldo: You eat Draynor cabbageth?
- Player: Cabbage.
- Greldo: It tayth-tee. It tingleth on my lipth.
- (Shows previous options)
- Enough about cabbage...
- Greldo: Hmph.
- (Shows initial options)
- Greldo: Hmph.
- I think you mean 'cabbage'. It's a non-count noun.
- Greldo: Green ith colour of cabbageth.
- You're not even wearing any goblin mail!
- Greldo: Human not have to rub it in.
- (Shows initial options)
- Greldo: Human not have to rub it in.
- That's quite a 'lithp' you've got there.
- Greldo: Me not have lithp. What'th a lithp?
- You appear to suffer from a speech impediment.
- Greldo: Me thuffer from thpeech-
- Player: Please, stop right there, before you shower me in spittle.
- Greldo: Thower you in thpitt-
- Player: Enough. Please, stop talking.
- (Shows previous options)
- You 'theem' to 'thtruggle' with your 'ethith'.
- Greldo: That big lithp you got there, human!
- (Shows previous options)
- Greldo: That big lithp you got there, human!
- There's no easy way to say this...
- Player: You have a lisp.
- Greldo: A lithp?
- Player: No. Try again. Lisp.
- Greldo: Lithp?
- Player: Close enough.
- (Shows previous options)
- Enough about your lisp.
- Greldo: What lithp?
- (Shows initial options')
- Greldo: What lithp?
- You appear to suffer from a speech impediment.
- Greldo: Me not have lithp. What'th a lithp?
- I'll be going now...
- Greldo: Yeth. You go, human.
- Why is green best?
- Grubfoot: Grubfoot wear red armour! Grubfoot wear green armour!
- Grubfoot: Why they not make up minds?
- General Bentnoze: Shut up Grubfoot!
Fighting Goblins[]
While fighting amongst themselves Goblins may say any of the following at random:
- Goblin: Green!
- Goblin: Green armour best!
- Goblin: Green armour stupid!
- Goblin: Green not red!
- Goblin: Red armour best!
- Goblin: Red armour stupid!
- Goblin: Red not green!
- Goblin: Red red red!
- Goblin: Stupid greenie!
- Goblin: Stupid reddie!
Searching a crate with goblin armour[]
First time[]
- You find some goblin armour.
- You search the crate but find nothing.
Agent Orange[]
After being asked to bring orange armour[]
- Greeting:
- (Same as above)
- After greeting:
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
- (Same as above)
- Wouldn't you prefer peace?
- (Same as above)
- Where am I meant to get orange armour?
- Player: Where am I meant to get orange armour?
- General Bentnoze: Well first you get goblin armour...
- General Wartface: ...and then you dye it orange!
- General Bentnoze: Even human should be able to work that out!
- But where do I get goblin armour?
- Player: But where do I get goblin armour?
- General Wartface: There some spare armour around village somewhere. You can take that.
- General Bentnoze: It in crates somewhere. Can't remember which crates now.
- But where do I get dye?
- Player: But where do I get dye?
- General Bentnoze: You go north of here into Wilderness. There you find many ways to die!
- Player: No, D-Y-E, not D-I-E.
- General Wartface: Stupid Bentnoze, you not know how to spell!
- General Bentnoze: Shut up, Wartface!
- Player: Do you know where I can get dye though?
- General Bentnoze: Me not know where dye come from.
- Player: Well where did you get your red and green dye from?
- General Wartface: Some goblin or other, he steal it. Say he steal it from old witch in Draynor Village.
- General Bentnoze: Maybe you can get more dye from her?
- But where do I get goblin armour?
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
Giving the Goblin Generals orange goblin mail[]
- Greeting:
- (Same as above)
- After greeting:
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
- (Same as above)
- Wouldn't you prefer peace?
- (Same as above)
- I have some orange armour here.
- Player: I have some orange armour here.
- Camera pans to changing room.
- General Wartface: Grubfoot!
- Grubfoot: Yes General Wartface sir?
- General Wartface: Put on this armour!
- Grubfoot goes into the changing room...[sic] ...And[sic] emerges wearing orange armour.
- Grubfoot: What do you think?
- General Wartface: No I don't like that much.
- General Bentnoze: It clashes with skin colour.
- General Wartface: We need darker colour, like blue.
- General Bentnoze: Yeah blue might be good.
- General Wartface: Human! Get us blue armour!
- Camera returns to normal view.
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
Agent Blue[]
After being asked to get blue armour[]
- Greeting:
- (Same as above)
- After greeting:
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
- (Same as above)
- Wouldn't you prefer peace?
- (Same as above)
- How am I meant to get blue armour?
- Player: How am I meant to get blue armour?
- General Bentnoze: Maybe same way you got orange armour?
- General Wartface: Get goblin armour and dye it blue!
- But where do I get goblin armour?
- (Same as above)
- But where do I get dye?
- (Same as above)
- But where do I get goblin armour?
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
Giving the Goblin Generals blue goblin mail[]
- Greeting:
- (Same as above)
- After greeting:
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
- (Same as above)
- Wouldn't you prefer peace?
- (Same as above)
- I have some blue armour here.
- Player: I have some blue armour here.
- Camera pans to changing room.
- General Wartface: Grubfoot!
- Grubfoot: Yes General Wartface sir?
- General Wartface: Put on this armour!
- Grubfoot goes into the changing room...[sic] ...And[sic] emerges wearing blue armour.
- Grubfoot: What do you think?
- General Bentnoze: That not right. Not goblin colour at all.
- General Wartface: Goblins wear dark earthy colours like brown.
- General Bentnoze: Yeah brown might be good.
- General Wartface: Human! Get us brown armour!
- Player: I thought that was the armour you were changing from. Never mind, anything is worth a try.
- Camera returns to normal view.
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
Agent Brown[]
After being asked to get brown armour[]
- Greeting:
- (Same as above)
- After greeting:
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
- (Same as above)
- Wouldn't you prefer peace?
- (Same as above)
- How[sic] am I meant to get brown armour?
- Player: Where[sic] am I meant to get brown armour?
- General Wartface: Brown was old colour of armour before we change it.
- General Bentnoze: There bound to be some around somewhere.
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
Giving the Goblin Generals goblin mail[]
- Greeting:
- (Same as above)
- After greeting:
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
- (Same as above)
- Wouldn't you prefer peace?
- (Same as above)
- I have some brown armour here.
- Player: I have some brown armour here.
- Camera pans to changing room.
- General Wartface: Grubfoot!
- Grubfoot: Yes General Wartface sir?
- General Wartface: Put on this armour!
- Grubfoot goes into the changing room...[sic] ...And[sic] emerges wearing brown armour.
- Grubfoot: What do you think?
- General Wartface: That colour quite nice. Me can see myself wearing that.
- General Bentnoze: It a deal then. Brown armour it is.
- General Wartface: Thank you for sorting out our argument. Take this gold bar as reward!
- Camera returns to normal view.
- Why are you arguing about the colour of your armour?
Congratulations! Quest Complete!
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