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Searching for a crew

Talking to Trader Stan

First time

  • Trader Stan: Can I help you?
    • Yes, who are you?
      • (Non-miniquest dialogue)
    • Talk about the Skulls pirate, Jed.
      • During the Port Sarim Invasion:
        • Trader Stan: Jed? He's crazy! That blasted pirate! It's bad enough he stole one of my ships after his old one was set ablaze! But now he's come back and stolen another one! And he's using it to attack the jail!
        • Player: What's he up to now?
        • Trader Stan: He's one of them Skulls - they're notorious slave traders. My guess is he's under a tight quota, and the jail's inhabitants are just easy pickings!
        • Player: Yeah, I should probably help them out with that...
        • Trader Stan: The jail guards are putting up a stoic defence, to be sure, but that blasted Jed is dragging my name through the mud by using my boat in the attack! Not only that, but... well... there was something on my boat when he took it. Something priceless to me. I need it back.
          • (Continues below)
      • After the Port Sarim Invasion:
        • Trader Stan: Jed? That crazy, blasted pirate? He stole two of my ships! TWO! And the second one, he used to assault Port Sarim's jail.
        • Player: Why would he do that?
        • Trader Stan: He's one of them Skulls - they're notorious slave traders. My guess is he was under a tight quota, and the jail's inhabitants were just easy pickings! And to add insult to injury...well...there was something on my boat when he took it. Something priceless to me. I need it back.
          • (Continues below)
      • After Trader Stan tells you about Jed:
        • If you have not yet started Player-owned Ports:
          • Trader Stan: Say, you're pretty renowned yourself around these parts, aren't you? I can trust you, right?
            • (Continues below)
        • If you have started Player-owned Ports:
          • Trader Stan: Say, you're the new Portmaster around these parts, aren't you? I can trust you, right?
            • (Continues below)
      • Player: Yeah, sure, I guess so.
      • Trader Stan: I stopped sending my charter ships to the Wushanko Isles years back, when all the sea monsters started showing up. But if they've cleared up enough that scum like Jed can so brazenly waltz in and out of it, with my ships no less, then maybe it's time I took my business back that way.
      • Player: Where do I come into this?
      • Trader Stan: You're a capable, dependable sort, I can just tell these things. But even if you're not, I'm sure you're at least interested in making some money. I don't have the staff myself right now to spare on any voyages to Wushanko. How would you like to become my newest captain?
      • Player: Captain my own ship? I don't own a ship. I don't have any crew!
        • During Boat to the Arc:
          • Trader Stan: Don't worry about a ship. I need a new one building anyway, to replace those I lost. I'm already getting offers of help from the locals. Hey, maybe you can help out too - there's nothing like being involved in building your own ship. I have plans for a neat little interceptor. Just the thing for an exploratory foray back east. If things pan out, you can let me know, and then I can start sending my big, expensive charter ships back there.
            • (Continues below)
        • After Boat to the Arc:
          • Trader Stan: That's all taken care of. The residents of Port Sarim, along with other charitable sorts, have constructed a new interceptor. I've named it Sarim's Revenge! Technically, it's donated to me personally, but it's a boat for all of Port Sarim. And I am entrusting it to you, at least for the time being...though there is something I - we of Port Sarim - would like you to do in exchange.
            • (Continues below)
      • Trader Stan: But first, you're going to need a crew. You can't very well sail the boat by yourself. I mean, she's small and fast, but she's still not a one-person ship. What do you say? The worst for me is I lose a third boat, but I've got faith in you.
        • (Miniquest noticeboard opens)
          • Accept
            • Player: I mean, sure, why not? So, what sort of crew do I need?
            • Trader Stan: As a minimum, a captain needs a dependable quartermaster to act as their second. You'll also need a strong navigator else you'll wind up getting lost at sea. And then a bosun, to keep everything ship-shape and Sarim fashion.
              • About a quartermaster.
                • Player: Any suggestions for a qualified quartermaster?
                • Trader Stan: Hmm, you're going to want only the best. For that, I'd suggest you talk to Surula in your personal port bar. She has all the gossip.
                  • If you have not yet started Player-owned Ports:
                    • Player: I'm not sure I have a personal port.
                    • Trader Stan: Sure you do; everyone does. Just head into the portal in northern Port Sarim. The bar is to the north once you're in. Surula will be behind the bar.
                      • (Shows previous options)
                  • If you have started Player-owned Ports:
                    • (Shows previous options)
              • About a navigator.
                • Player: What about a knowledgeable navigator?
                • Trader Stan: Oh, that one's easy - you want a siren, if you can find one. It's rare to find one outside the Eastern Lands, but I happen to know one called Umi.
                  • During Boat to the Arc:
                    • Trader Stan: In fact, I've asked her to oversee construction of your boat. She'll be in your personal port right now, though.
                      • (Shows previous options)
                  • After Boat to the Arc:
                    • Trader Stan: In fact, she oversaw construction of your boat. She'll be in your personal port right now, though.
                      • (Shows previous options)
              • About a bosun.
                • Player: Where might I find a brilliant bosun?
                • Trader Stan: Before Jed's assault, my best guess would have been the prison. The guard captain there used to let prisoners work off some of their time aboard ship crews.
                  • During the Port Sarim Invasion:
                    • Trader Stan: Still, you should go and talk to him. He's standing by the Port Sarim lodestone, trying to rally people to defend the jail.
                      • (Shows previous options)
                  • After the Port Sarim Invasion:
                    • Trader Stan: Still, you should go and talk to him. He'll be just inside the old lighthouse jail. Tell him I sent you.
                      • (Shows previous options)
              • Never mind.
          • Decline
    • Yes, I would like to charter a ship.
      • (Non-miniquest dialogue)

The Quartermaster

Talking to The Barmaid

First time

  • The Barmaid: Alright, love, what can I do for you?
  • Player: Trader Stan told me to say he sent me, said you might be able to help.
  • The Barmaid: Stan sent you, did he? So you are here to settle his bar tab, I take it?
  • Player: Oh, no, he suggested you may be able to help me find a quartermaster for my new ship.
  • The Barmaid: Oh, did he, now. I'll tell you what, lamb - if you square up what Stan owes me I've got the perfect person in mind for your crew.
  • Player: Alright, if that is what it will take. How much does he owe?
  • The Barmaid: Call it an even thousand, love.
    • Pay Trader Stan's bar tab of 1,000 coins?
      • Yes.
        • If you do not have sufficient money with you:
          • Player: Oh, wait, sorry, I left my money in my other platelegs. I'll be back with it later.
        • If you have sufficient money with you:
          • If money is stored in your money pouch:
            • 1,000 coins have been removed from your money pouch.
          • The Barmaid: Thank you kindly, love. Now, about a quartermaster - just you go head on upstairs and look for a Mister Gully.
            • If your character is male:
              • The Barmaid: If he gives you the run-around, just tell him I sent you and that'll set him straight.
            • If your character is female:
              • The Barmaid: I'm sure he won't be able to say no... or much of anything, really.
      • No.

After paying Trader Stan's bar tab

  • The Barmaid: Thank you kindly, love. Now, about a quartermaster - just you go head on upstairs and look for a Mister Gully.
    • If your character is male:
      • The Barmaid: If he gives you the run-around, just tell him I sent you and that'll set him straight.
    • If your character is female:
      • The Barmaid: I'm sure he won't be able to say no... or much of anything, really.

Talking to Mister Gully

Before talking to The Barmaid

  • If your character is male:
    • Mister Gully: Whatever it is, I'm not interested.
  • If your character is female:
    • Mister Gully: Oh, er... hi. Er, can't talk... er, sorry.

After talking to The Barmaid

  • If your character is male:
    • Mister Gully: Whatever it is, I'm not interested.
    • Player: Surula sent me.
    • Mister Gully: Oh, er, right - Surula? Um, er, okay, I... Y'arrrr!
    • Player: I'm in need of a quartermaster for my new ship. We're heading to the Arc to bring the Skulls pirate, Jed, to justice.
    • Mister Gully: Well, then, why didn't you say so sooner? I'm in!
    • Player: Why so quickly? Don't you want to talk terms?
    • Mister Gully: Make it the usual rate for a quartermaster and we'll do fine. I've got my own unfinished business with that bunch of reprobates.
    • Player: Well, alright then - welcome aboard. My boat will be docked just outside Port Sarim pub. I'll inform Trader Stan you've joined the crew!
  • If your character is female:
    • Mister Gully: Oh, er... hi. Er, can't talk... er, sorry.
    • Player: Surula sent me. I'm in need of a quartermaster for my new ship. We're heading to the Arc to bring the Skulls pirate, Jed, to justice.
    • Mister Gully: Er... okay.
    • Player: That was easy. Don't you want to talk terms?
    • Mister Gully: Er... no, miss. Happy to oblige. Hate the Skulls. Unfinished business.
    • Player: Well, alright then - welcome aboard. My boat will be docked just outside Port Sarim pub. I'll inform Trader Stan you've joined the crew!

After recruiting Mister Gully

  • Mister Gully: I'll meet you at the pub - that is, a different pub - after I've talked to Surula.

The Navigator

Talking to Seasinger Umi

  • Player: Hi, Umi. Trader Stan suggested you might be interested in joining my crew. He said sirens were naturally gifted navigators.
  • Seasinger Umi: Oh, that's kind of him to say, but... I'm kind of happy here in Port Sarim. Plus, I don't really want to go back to the Arc anytime soon. Sorry.
  • Player: Oh, that's a shame. I don't suppose you know anyone else who'd be a good recommendation?
  • Seasinger Umi: Umm, oh, yes! Silly me - my sister has been visiting recently and was even thinking about heading home soon. She'd be perfect!
    • During the Port Sarim Invasion:
      • Seasinger Umi: She said she was heading to Burthorpe to drum up support to repel Jed's attack.
        • (Continues below)
    • After the Port Sarim Invasion:
      • Seasinger Umi: She said she was heading to Rimmington to do some sightseeing before heading home.
        • (Continues below)
  • Seasinger Umi: Besides, she's better than me at navigating anyway AND she's a full-blown seasinger. She's the clever one, so mum always said.
    • After Boat to the Arc:
      • Seasinger Umi: The boat has been made and a crew assembled. We should be ready for sailing soon! Be lucky in all your voyages.

Talking to Seasinger Jemi

Before talking to Seasinger Umi

  • Seasinger Jemi: Oh, hi! I'm not Umi, by the way...if you were even looking for Umi. Umm.

After talking to Seasinger Umi

  • Player: Hi, you're Jemi, aren't you? Umi's sister?
  • Seasinger Jemi: Oh, you're actually looking to talk to me and not her?
  • Player: Why is that so surprising?
  • Seasinger Jemi: Oh, she always gets all the attention. She's the pretty one, mum used to say.
  • Player: But aren't you identical twins?
  • Seasinger Jemi: So, er, what can I help you with?
  • Player: Oh, yeah, right. I'm looking for someone to serve as navigator on my ship. Umi mentioned you were planning to head back to the Arc soon anyway, so... Interested?
  • Seasinger Jemi: Sure, why not. If Umi sent you here, you must be alright - she can spot a creep from miles off.
  • Player: Umm, thanks...I think.
  • Seasinger Jemi: I just have one thing to finish up here and then I'll meet you in Port Sarim pub.
  • Player: Great, I'll go tell Trader Stan that I've got a navigator!

After recruiting Seasinger Jemi

  • Seasinger Jemi: Hey, cap'n. I'll meet you in Port Sarim soon, okay?

The Bosun

Talking to Guard Captain Roarkwin

  • Guard Captain Roarkwin: Hello.
    • During the Port Sarim Invasion:
      • Player: Hey, I'm trying to build up a ship crew so we can take the fight to Jed on the water. Trader Stan suggested you've allowed certain prisoners to get an early release in agreement for joining a crew.
      • Guard Captain Roarkwin: That's true, but this raid of Jed's has changed my mind on that particular policy.
        • (Continues below)
    • After the Port Sarim Invasion:
      • Player: Hey, I'm trying to build a ship crew so we can pursue Jed into the Eastern Lands and rescue the people he abducted. Trader Stan suggested you've allowed certain prisoners to get an early release in agreement for joining a crew.
      • Guard Captain Roarkwin: That's true, but Jed abducting a bunch of our prisoners has changed my mind on that particular policy.
        • (Continues below)
  • Guard Captain Roarkwin: I might be able to offer a suggestion, though. What crew roles are you looking to fill?
  • Player: To start with, Stan suggested a quartermaster, a navigator and a bosun.
  • Guard Captain Roarkwin: Hmm, well, I can't help with those first two...and I wouldn't suggest a convict for such important roles either. As for that last one, though, I would have suggested Jacob.
  • Player: Who's Jacob?
  • Guard Captain Roarkwin: He used to serve on the crew of a Black Knights vessel, until he was court-martialled for theft and found his new home in our lovely shore-view cell, but he was grabbed in Jed's initial assault. There isn't much about boats worth knowing that he and his sister didn't know. Oh no, his sister...
  • Player: What's up?
  • Guard Captain Roarkwin: Between the assault and the clean-up, I've not had chance to inform his sister that Jacob's been abducted. Look, I know you came here for a favour, but could you do me one instead? Could you go to Jacob's sister and tell her what happened? If I know her, I think she'll help solve your crew problems.
  • Player: Okay, I guess it can't hurt. Where would I find her?
  • Guard Captain Roarkwin: She got herself transferred to Draynor to be near her brother, so she could visit him. Those two were thick as know, up until her brother was locked up for becoming an actual thief.
  • Player: Draynor is a big place. Any idea where in Draynor she'll be?
  • Guard Captain Roarkwin: Yeah, she's rented a room above the pottery there.

Talking to the Black Knight sergeant

Before talking to Guard Captain Roarkwin

  • Black Knight sergeant: Get lost, pal. You've got no business here.

After talking to Guard Captain Roarkwin

  • Black Knight sergeant: Get lost, pal. You've got no business here.
  • Player: Actually, I think I might. You're Jacob's sister, right?
  • Black Knight sergeant: What of it?
  • Player: He's been taken by a pirate gang called the Skulls.
  • Black Knight sergeant: What? Don't be silly, he's in jail.
  • Player: Yeah, that's where they took him from. I'm preparing a crew to sail in pursuit and rescue all the abductees.
  • Black Knight sergeant: Fine, I'm in.
  • Player: Oh, you're in? I wasn't sure I was asking.
  • Black Knight sergeant: And I don't care...captain. I'm still in. Jacob's my little brother and I'm going after him. He may be an idiot, but he's family. Besides, I know boats better than he does. If you get me to him, I'll keep your ship in top condition.
  • Player: Aren't you a Black Knight? Can you just leave like that?
  • Black Knight sergeant: I can...if I just take care of a few things first. Where's your boat?
  • Player: It'll be moored just outside Port Sarim pub.
  • Black Knight sergeant: Once I've arrived, let's not hang about. By the way, I'm Higgs - Sergeant Evie Higgs.
  • Player: Nice to meet you, I think. I'm-
  • Black Knight sergeant: I know exactly who you are. I fought in the Battle of Lumbridge too.
  • Black Knight sergeant: 'Captain' will do just fine for now...captain.
  • Player: Thank you, sergeant...well, I guess bosun now. I'll let Trader Stan know you've joined the crew.

After recruiting the Black Knight sergeant

  • Black Knight sergeant: I told you I have things to take care of first. I'll join your crew at Port Sarim pub when I'm good and ready.

Reporting back

Talking to Trader Stan

Before gathering all the crewmembers

  • Trader Stan: Can I help you?
    • Yes, who are you?
      • (Non-miniquest dialogue)
    • Talk about the Skulls pirate, Jed.
      • About a quartermaster.
        • Before recruiting Mister Gully:
          • (Same as above)
        • After recruiting Mister Gully:
          • Player: That's a quartermaster sorted - he seems quite eager about us tracking down the Skulls. Maybe a bit too eager.
            • (Shows previous options)
      • About a navigator.
        • Before recruiting Seasinger Jemi:
          • (Same as above)
        • After recruiting Seasinger Jemi:
          • Player: Jemi agreed to join my crew!
          • Trader Stan: Happy to hear it! She'll steer you right.
            • (Shows previous options)
      • About a bosun.
        • Before recruiting the Black Knight sergeant:
          • (Same as above)
        • After recruiting the Black Knight sergeant:
          • Player: I think she recruited me as her captain, rather than me recruiting her as my bosun, but she's on the crew either way. Her name's Evie, and she only really wants to come to try to rescue her brother from Jed.
            • (Shows previous options)
      • Never mind.
    • Yes, I would like to charter a ship.
      • (Non-miniquest dialogue)

After gathering all the crewmembers

  • Trader Stan: Can I help you?
    • Yes, who are you?
      • (Non-miniquest dialogue)
    • Talk about the Skulls pirate, Jed.
      • Player: So, that's my crew sorted. I'm ready to set sail!
      • Trader Stan: Aye, so you are... captain! Welcome aboard.
        • During Boat to the Arc:
          • Trader Stan: Or at least, you will be, once your boat has finished being built.
            • (Continues below)
        • After Boat to the Arc:
          • (Continues below)
      • Player: Now, about that thing you and the people of Port Sarim wanted me to do?
        • During the Port Sarim Invasion:
          • Trader Stan: Well, it's two things, really. The first being to bring Jed to justice. As good a defence as we're putting up, we're just not equipped to stop him from abducting all of the jail's inmates. Even your new boat can't face him on open water - you'll have to track him back to his lair in the Arc.
            • (Continues below)
        • After the Port Sarim Invasion:
          • Trader Stan: Well, it's two things, really. The first being to bring Jed to justice. He sailed away with a bunch of convicts, and even a few prison guards.
            • (Continues below)
      • Trader Stan: They might be criminals, but they're OUR criminals, and they don't deserve whatever fate Jed has in store for them. Besides, they have family and loved ones here, same as anyone. It won't be easy, mind. Jed's base in the Arc will be well-hidden and well-armed - your new boat will be fast, but she's not built for combat. And while the Arc is the most welcoming region of Wushanko to us westerners, it's still an alien culture. You're going to have to make some new friends out there to help you on this mission to find and defeat Jed.
      • Player: And what was the other thing?
      • Trader Stan: Er, yeah, that one is more personal. I'd like you to retrieve the prized item that was on my boat when Jed stole it, and return it to me no-questions-asked.
      • Player: Why, what is it?
      • Trader Stan: I did just say no-questions-asked! Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous or illegal, it's just...personal. You'll know it when you see it.
      • Player: I'll do what I can.
      • Trader Stan: Very good!
    • Yes, I would like to charter a ship.
      • (Non-miniquest dialogue)
Congratulations! Miniquest complete!

Post-miniquest dialogue

Trader Stan

  • Trader Stan: Can I help you?
    • Yes, who are you?
      • (Non-miniquest dialogue)
    • Talk about the Skulls pirate, Jed.
      • Trader Stan: Go get him, captain!
    • Yes, I would like to charter a ship.
      • (Non-miniquest dialogue)

Mister Gully

  • Mister Gully: Cap'n, we'll be ready to sail soon. Just waiting on some final preparations.

Seasinger Jemi

  • Seasinger Jemi: Ready to set sail whenever you are, cap'n! Y'arr, and all that!

Bosun Higgs

  • Bosun Higgs: Why are we just sitting here? Come on, let's get sailing.