RuneScape Wiki

May the light of Saradomin and the voice of Saint Elspeth clear your mind and guide you to the truth.

Examine Sister Anna’s body in the infirmiry (SW of abbey)

Face mutilated.
Feet mutilated.
Blunt wound on back of head.
Stab wounds in chest.

Search Sister Anna’s (SE of abbey) cell and anywhere else relevant in abbey

Window smashed from the inside
Cloth fragment under bed
Cloth fragment in applicant dormitory

Question suspects

Sister Cecilia claims she was in the oratory at the time of the murder.
I heard the hymn choir’s hymn to Saint Elspeth.
Sister Cecilia told me about the ripper demon.
Sister Catherina claims she was in the scriptorium at the time of the murder.
An applicant visited the abbey recently but disappeared.
Sister Elena claims she was in the kitchen at the time of the murder.
Sister Elena claims that food had been stolen form the cellar.
Sister Elena disliked Sister Anna. She claimed that Sister Anna argued with Abbess Benita.
Sister Debora claims she was in the clock tower at the time of the murder.
Abbess Benita was planning to retire, and Sister Anna would have succeeded her as abbess.
Valerio claims he was in Al Kharid at the time of the murder.
I heard a song that Valerio sang about a dancing girl.
Valerio had a history with Sister Anna.

Examine Sister Elena’s body and search crime scene (basement, NE of abbey)

Blunt wound on back of head.
Claw marks on arms and hands.
Multiple stab wounds in chest.
Scratches on feet.
Face not mutilated.
Body moved from near reliquary to bottom of stairs.
Killer may have hidden in the robe cabinet.

Search Sister Elena’s cell (SE of abbey) and anywhere else relevant in abbey

Love letters from Valerio under Sister Elena’s bed.
Secret passage from the kitchen to outside the abbey.

Question suspects again

Sister Cecilia claims she saw the Ripper demon in the act of mutilating Sister Elena’s feet.
Valerio confirmed that he had been having an affair with Sister Elena.
