This transcript involves dialogue with Echned Zekin, Gujuo, Irvig Senay, Jungle Forester, Legends guard, Nezikchened, Radimus Erkle, Ranalph Devere, San Tojalon, Ungadulu, and Viyeldi.
A Legend's Quest[]
The Legends' Guild[]
- A nearby guard approaches you.
- Legends guard: Yes, sir, how can I help you?
- Player: What is this place?
- Player: How do I get in here?
- Player: Can I speak to someone in charge?
- Legends guard: Well, sir, Radimus Erkle is the Grand Vizier of the Legends' Guild. He's a very busy man. And he'll only talk to those people eligible for the quest.
- Player: Can I go on the quest?
- The guard gets out a scroll of paper and starts looking through it.
- Legends guard: well, it looks as if you are eligible for the quest. Grand Vizier Erkle will give you the details about the quest. You can go and talk to him about it if you like?
- Player: Who is Grand Vizier Erkle?
- Player: Yes, I'd like to talk to Grand Vizier Erkle.
- Legends guard: Okay, very well. You need to go into the building on the left, he's in his study.
- The guard unlocks the gate and pushes it open for you.
- Legends guard: Good luck!
- Player: Some other time, perhaps.
- Player: What sort of quest is it?
- Player: Can I go on the quest?
- Legends guard: Well, sir, Radimus Erkle is the Grand Vizier of the Legends' Guild. He's a very busy man. And he'll only talk to those people eligible for the quest.
- Player: It's okay, thanks.
Radimus' Challenge[]
- Radimus Erkle: Good day to you [Sir/Ma'am]! No doubt you are keen to become a member of the Legends Guild?
- Player: Yes actually, what's involved?
- Radimus Erkle: Well, you need to complete a quest for us. You need to map an area called the Kharazi Jungle. It is the unexplored southern part of Karamja Island. You also need to befriend a native from the Kharazi tribe in order to get a gift or token of friendship. We want to display it in the Legends Guild Main hall. Are you interested in this quest?
- Player: Yes, it sounds great!
- Radimus Erkle: Excellent! Ok, you'll need this starting map of the Kharazi Jungle.
- Grand Vizier Erkle gives you some notes and a map.
- Radimus Erkle: Complete this map whenyou get to the Kharazi Jungle. It's towards the southern most part of Karamja. You'll need additional papyrus and charcoal to complete the map. There are three different sectors of the Kharazi Jungle to map.
- Radimus shuffles around the back of his desk. He gives you a stern look.
- Radimus Erkle: It is likely to be tough going. You'll need a hatchet and machete to cut through the dense Kharazi Jungle. Collect a machete from the cupboard before you leave. You'll need to find your own hatchet, preferably a good one. Finally, we really do need some sort of item for the Guild hall. Bring back some sort of token which we can display in the Guild. And very good luck to you!
- Player: Not just at the moment.
- Player: Yes, it sounds great!
- Radimus Erkle: Well, you need to complete a quest for us. You need to map an area called the Kharazi Jungle. It is the unexplored southern part of Karamja Island. You also need to befriend a native from the Kharazi tribe in order to get a gift or token of friendship. We want to display it in the Legends Guild Main hall. Are you interested in this quest?
- Player: Maybe some other time.
- Player: Who are you?
- Player: Yes actually, what's involved?
Reading the scroll
- You open and start to read the scrolls that Radimus gave you.
- Read Mission Briefing.
- *** Legends Guild Quest ***
- Map the Kharazi Jungle (Southern end of Karamja), there are three main areas that need to be mapped.
- Try to meet up with the local friendly natives. Some are not so friendly so be careful.
- See if you can get a trophy or native jungle item from the natives to display in the Legends Guild. You may be given a task or test to earn this.
- *Note – You may need to get help from other people near the jungle, for example, the local woodsmen may have some knowledge of the Jungle area.
- Start Mapping Kharazi Jungle.
- Read Mission Briefing.
Map Quest[]
Using any other item on Radimus Erkle[]
- Radimus Erkle: Sorry old bean, but I don't really need that!
Using the Radimus notes on Radimus Erkle[]
If no part of the Kharazi Jungle has been mapped[]
- (Transcript missing. edit)
If only one part of the Kharazi Jungle has been mapped[]
- (Transcript missing. edit)
If only two parts of the Kharazi Jungle has been mapped[]
- (Transcript missing. edit)
If all three parts of the Kharazi Jungle has been mapped[]
- Radimus Erkle: It's very nice, bwana, but we also need something special to display in the Legends' Guild.
Talking to a Jungle Forester[]
- Jungle forester: Hello friend. You're a long way from civilisation!
- How do I get into the Kharazi Jungle?
- Player: How do I get into the Kharazi Jungle?
- Jungle forester: Well, I've not managed it yet but I heard that someone managed to find a way in. But they only just managed to escape the jungle with their lives. Apparently he was on a mission to map the area. How foolish is that?
- Well, in fact I plan to map that area myself.
- Player: Well, in fact I plan to map that area myself.
- Jungle forester: -- The forester looks very interested -- Oh, well, that sounds quite good actually... Sorry if I sounded rude before, it just didn't seem like a good idea to me. I guess I just wouldn't want to do it myself. But a map of that area would certainly be a big task. And it would certainly be very useful... -- The forester looks very thoughtful -- Hey, if you manage to complete it, be sure to let me take a look! Well, best of luck with it, I'm sure you're going to need it.
- Do you have any other tips about the Kharazi Jungle?
- Player: Do you have any other tips about the Kharazi Jungle?
- Jungle forester: Not really, but I would say be careful, it's a dangerous place. And good luck.
- Have you seen any natives in the jungle?
- (Same as below)
- Ok thanks.
- (Same as below)
- Do you have any other tips about the Kharazi Jungle?
- Are you calling me foolish?
- Player: Are you calling me foolish?
- Jungle forester: No, of course not... Sorry, I have to be on my way...
- What do you do here?
- (Same as below)
- Have you seen any natives in the jungle?
- (Same as below)
- Ok thanks.
- Player: Ok thanks.
- Jungle forester: You're welcome! See you around...
- Well, in fact I plan to map that area myself.
- What do you do here?
- Player: What do you do here?
- Jungle forester: I'm a forester, and I specialise in exotic woods. I've not managed to penetrate the Kharazi Jungle very far but I have found some interesting tree specimens. If you do happen to know how to get into the Kharazi Jungle, do come and let me know. I'd love to be able to safely navigate my own way in and out.
- How do I get into the Kharazi Jungle?
- (Same as above)
- Have you seen any natives in the jungle?
- (Same as below)
- How do I get into the Kharazi Jungle?
- Have you seen any natives in the jungle?
- Player: Have you seen any natives in the jungle?
- Jungle forester: Well, I've heard some funny sounds and I think I've seen a native... but I'm not sure. They generally don't like to be seen I guess. But I found an item that you might be interested in. You swing it above your head and it makes a strange sound, it seems to attract their attention.
- Can I have the item please?
- Player: Can I have the item please?
- Jungle forester: Well, I wish I could give it to you. However, I have grown fond of it. And it may help me in case I get lost in the jungle.
- Will you trade something for it?
- Player: Will you trade something for it?
- Jungle forester: Well, if you have something interesting, let me have a look at it and I'll offer you something in return. OK, I have to go now, but it's been nice talking with you.
- Ok thanks.
- (Same as above)
- Will you trade something for it?
- How do I get into the jungle?
- Player: How do I get into the Kharazi Jungle?
- Jungle forester: Well, I've not managed it yet but I heard that someone managed to find a way in. But they only just managed to escape the jungle with their lives. Apparently he was on a mission to map the area. How foolish is that?
- Well, in fact I plan to map that area myself.
- (Same as above)
- Are you calling me foolish?
- (Same as above)
- What do you do here?
- (Same as above)
- Have you seen any natives in the jungle?
- (Same as above)
- Ok thanks.
- (Same as above)
- Well, in fact I plan to map that area myself.
- Ok thanks.
- (Same as above)
- Can I have the item please?
- About the Task System...
- (Non-quest dialogue)
- How do I get into the Kharazi Jungle?
Using any other item on the Jungle forester[]
- Jungle forester: Sorry, but I have no use for that.
Using the Radimus notes on a Jungle forester[]
If no part of the Kharazi Jungle has been mapped[]
- (Transcript missing. edit)
If only one part of the Kharazi Jungle has been mapped[]
- (Transcript missing. edit)
If only two parts of the Kharazi Jungle has been mapped[]
- (Transcript missing. edit)
If all three parts of the Kharazi Jungle has been mapped[]
- You show the completed map of Kharazi Jungle to the Forester.
- Jungle forester: *Gasp* -- The jungle forester[sic] looks speechless. -- This is very impressive! I'm amazed, it's just great! Do you mind if I make a copy of it, and I'll give you an item in return.
- Yes, go ahead make a copy!
- Player: Yes, go ahead make a copy!
- Jungle forester: Many thanks friend.
- The Jungle Forester takes out some parchment and some charcoal. [He/She] studiously renders another copy of your map.
- Jungle forester: Many thanks friend.
- [He/She] takes out a strange looking object and hands it to you.
- Jungle forester: Here, I won't be needing this any longer, and it may help you. Whenever I've used it before, it attracted the attention of the jungle natives.
- What will you give me in return?
- Player: What will you give me in return?
- Jungle forester: Well, I can offer you this?
- The Jungle Forester takes out a strange looking object. It looks like a wooden pole, with string attached to one end. And at the other end of the string is a shaped piece of wood.
- Jungle forester: If you swing this above your head, it makes a strange sound. I noticed that it attracts the attention of the natives. Is it a deal? Can I make a copy of your map?
- Yes, go ahead and make a copy!
- (Same as above)
- Sorry, I must complete my quest.
- (Same as below)
- Yes, go ahead and make a copy!
- Sorry, I must complete my quest.
- Player: Sorry, I must complete my quest.
- Jungle forester: Very well friend, I understand, I must be on my way as well. -- The Jungle Forester seems a bit annoyed... and wanders off. --
- Yes, go ahead make a copy!
Swinging the Bull roarer outside of the Kharazi Jungle[]
At any other location[]
- You start to swing the bullroarer above your head.
- You feel a bit silly at first, but soon it makes an interesting sound.
- Nothing much seems to happen though.
North of the Kharazi Jungle[]
- You start to swing the bullroarer above your head.
- You feel a bit silly at first, but soon it makes an interesting sound.
- Nothing much seems to happen though.
- Jungle forester: You might like to use that when you get into the Kharazi jungle, it might attract more natives...
Swinging the Bull roarer within the Kharazi Jungle[]
Whilst in combat[]
- You can't use this emote while under attack.
If Guojo is not yet present[]
- You start to swing the bullroarer above your head.
- You feel a bit silly at first, but soon it makes an interesting sound.
- You see some movement in the trees...
- ...and a tall, dark, charismatic looking native approaches you.
- Gujuo approaches.
- Gujuo: Greetings Bwana... Why do you make such strange sounds and disturb the peace of the jungle?
- I was hoping to attract the attention of a native.
- Player: I was hoping to attract the attention of a native.
- Gujuo: Well, it had the desired effect... I am Gujuo, proud member of the Kharazi tribe. What did you want to talk about Bwana?
- I want to develop friendly relations with your people.
- Player: I want to develop friendly relations with your people.
- Gujuo smiles and shakes your hand warmly...
- Gujuo: Very good Bwana... this is indeed a pleasant gesture. However, my people are very distributed throughout the Kharazi Jungle.
- Can you get your people together?
- Player: Can you get your people together?
- Gujuo: All of my people normally congregate around a totem pole. But ours has been polluted by an evil spirit. It has been transformed, and now our people are afraid to approach it. We tried to drive the evil spirit out of the totem pole, but it does not seem to work.
- What can we do instead then?
- Player: What can we do instead then?
- Gujuo: We could try to make a new totem pole. However, we need to make it from the trunk of the sacred Yommi tree.
- How do we make the totem pole?
- Player: How do we make the totem pole?
- Gujuo: First we need to plant a sacred Yommi tree. It is a magical tree of great power, however, our Shaman 'Ungadulu' is the only person with the seeds for this tree.
- Gujuo's expression changes to sadness...
- Gujuo: And I fear that it is impossible to get some seeds. He is being held against his will in some caves in the north western part of the Kharazi Jungle.
- I will release Ungadulu...
- Player: I will release Ungadulu...
- Gujuo: You make me very happy Bwana! In the north western part of the Kharazi Jungle area, near some great cliffs, you will find three rocks that form a roughly triangular shape. They are flanked by the palm which also forms the divine geometry. The stones are the entrance, search them well. That's where you will find Ungadulu. If you can free him he will entrust you with some sacred Yommi tree seeds.
- Gujuo disappears from the area.
- Oh well, sorry to hear about that.
- Player: Oh well, sorry to hear about that.
- Gujuo's expression of sadness deepens...
- Gujuo: Yes Bwana, perhaps we will become friends sometime in the future... But not today... Ungadulu has probably lost his mind anyway... It is most likely a lost cause...
- I will release Ungadulu...
- (Same as above)
- Ok thanks for your help.
- Player: Ok thanks for your help.
- Gujuo: You are more than welcome bwana...[sic]
- Gujuo disappears from the area.
- What's in it for me if I release Ungadulu?
- Player: What's in it for me if I release Ungadulu?
- Gujuo's brow furrows...
- Gujuo: We would be very grateful and would be pleased to develop friendly relations with you. Do this thing for us all, my people would be very happy.
- I will release Ungadulu...
- (Same as above)
- I'm lost, can you show me the way out?
- (Same as below)
- I will release Ungadulu...
- I will release Ungadulu...
- I will release Ungadulu...
- I'm lost, can you show me the way out?
- (Same as below)
- How do we make the totem pole?
- I'm lost, can you show me the way out?
- (Same as below)
- What can we do instead then?
- I'm lost, can you show me the way out?
- (Same as below)
- Can you get your people together?
- Sorry, it was a mistake?
- (Same as below)
- I want to develop friendly relations with your people.
- Sorry, it was a mistake?
- Player: Sorry, it was a mistake?
- Gujuo: Very good Bwana... however, it begs the question... What are you doing in the Kharazi Jungle?
- I want to develop friendly relations with your people.
- (Same as above)
- I'm lost, can you show me the way out?
- Player: I'm lost, can you show me the way out?
- Gujuo: Yes Bwana. I can take you to the edge of the Kharazi Jungle. Would you like me to take you?
- Yes please...
- Player: Yes Please...[sic]
- Gujuo: Follow me...
- Gujuo takes you out of the jungle...
- You are now north of the Kharazi Jungle.
- No thanks...
- Player: No thanks...
- Gujuo: As you wish... Again, Bwana, What[sic] is it that brings you to the Kharazi Jungle?
- I want to develop friendly relations with your people.
- (Same as above)
- I'm lost, can you show me the way out?
- (Same as above)
- I want to develop friendly relations with your people.
- Yes please...
- I want to develop friendly relations with your people.
- I was hoping to attract the attention of a native.
If Guojo is already present[]
- You start to swing the bullroarer above your head.
- You feel a bit silly at first, but soon it makes an interesting sound.
- You see some movement in the trees...
- ...and a tall, dark, charismatic looking native approaches you.
Talking to Guojo[]
- Player: Hello there.
- Gujuo: Greetings Bwana... Why do you make such strange sounds and disturb the peace of the jungle?
- I was hoping to attract the attention of a native.
- (Same as above)
- Sorry, it was a mistake?
- (Same as above)
- I was hoping to attract the attention of a native.
Freeing Ungadulu[]
The Flaming Octagram[]
- You look closely at the flames. They seem to form a straight wall. Something about them looks very strange: they look completely supernatural. For example, they seem to come straight out of the ground. You see a white clad figure in the midst of the flames... You see the white robed figure inside the flaming octagram gesturing to you.
- Ungadulu: Please come no closer... the flames will incinerate you. Please run for your life...
- The Shaman seems to be fighting an inner battle.
- Ungadulu: Go... go now...!
- The Shaman seems to change in front of your eyes...
- Ungadulu: Welcome Vacu, to eternal...
- The Shaman starts an incantation... You feel a strange power coming over you... You feel very weak... The Shaman seems to get stronger! The Shaman seems to return to normal...
- Ungadulu: Run, run away... Run like the leopard Bwana!
Speaking to Ungadulu again
- Player: How can I extinguish the flames?
- Ungadulu: Please don't try to extinguish...
- Ungadulu: Yes, douse the flames with water, pure water... foo...
- Ungadulu: Please, leave now... don't listen to me... I beg you, leave now, don't touch the flames...
- Player: Where do I get pure water from?
- Ungadulu: Please, leave now...
- Ungadulu: ...from the above lands... Hurry and release me...
- Ungadulu: Leave here, please, go... now...
- Ungadulu: Hurry, Vacu, the heat kills me... ha ha ha
- The Shaman throws himself down on the floor and starts convulsing.
- Player: Who are you?
- Player: Where do I get pure water from?
- Player: Who are you?
Metal of the Sun[]
- Gujuo: How goes your quest to release Ungadulu Bwana?
- Player: Ungadulu looks a little strange.
- Player: Sorry for bothering you.
- Player: I'm not sure what to do.
- Player: I need some pure water to douse some magic flames.
- Gujuo: Well there is a pool of water that is very sacred to us. But I am unsure why he would need that to douse flames. Perhaps the poor Shaman has lost his mind in the darkness of the caves?
- Player: Ok, thanks... Goodbye.
- Player: Sorry for bothering you.
- Player: I'm not sure what to do.
- Player: Can we still get the people together?
- Player: Where is the pool of sacred water?
- Gujuo: The pool of sacred water is very precious to us, it is located in the middle of the Kharazi Jungle. The water contains special properties which can only be retained if the water is contained in a blessed vessel made from metal of the sun.
- Player: Sorry for bothering you.
- Player: I'm not sure what to do.
- Player: Ok, thanks... Goodbye.
- Player: Metal of the Sun, what is that?
- Player: What kind of a vessel?
- Gujuo: A vessel made of sun metal, but it can be of any shape. However, it must be blessed.
- Gujuo takes out a small scroll and some charcoal and draws a rough sketch. When has has finished, he gives the sketch to you.
- Gujuo: Here, have this as an example... I pray that it will help you.
- Player: How do I bless the vessel?
- Gujuo: When you have made the vessel, bring it to me. I will help but you need to ensure that you are devout and have faith. Your ability in prayer will be thoroughly tested.
- Player: What kind of a vessel?
- Player: Ok thanks for your help.
- Gujuo: You are more than welcome bwana... I am tired Bwana, I must go and rest.
- Gujuo: When you have made the vessel, bring it to me. I will help but you need to ensure that you are devout and have faith. Your ability in prayer will be thoroughly tested.
- Player: Ok thanks for your help.
- Player: How do I bless the vessel?
- Gujuo: The pool of sacred water is very precious to us, it is located in the middle of the Kharazi Jungle. The water contains special properties which can only be retained if the water is contained in a blessed vessel made from metal of the sun.
- Gujuo: Well there is a pool of water that is very sacred to us. But I am unsure why he would need that to douse flames. Perhaps the poor Shaman has lost his mind in the darkness of the caves?
- Player: Ok thanks for your help.
Examining the picture
- This is a crudely drawn picture of some kind of vessel, it looks vaguely bowl shaped – this is what Gujuo was referring to when he said that you needed to make a vessel made from the metal of the sun.
The Viyeldi Caves[]
Opening the first metal door
- You feel for the pins and levers in the mechanism. CLICK!
- Player: Easy as pie...
- You tumble the lock mechanism and the door opens easily.
Attempting to open a later set of doors
- Two huge metal doors bar the way further... There is an intense and unpleasant feeling from this place and as you peer through the cracks in the door you can see why. You see dark, shadowy shapes flapping around in the still dark air. You push the doors... They're quite stiff... They won't budge with a normal push. Do you want to try and force them open with brute strength?
- Yes, I'm very strong, I'll force them open.
- You ripple your muscles and prepare to exert yourself... You brace yourself against the doors... You start to force the doors open... You push and push... and you just manage to force the doors open slightly, just enough to force yourself through.
- No, I'm having second thoughts.
- Yes, I'm very strong, I'll force them open.
Examining the SMELL door
- You find five slightly round depressions and some strange markings. There is a lot of dirt and mould growing over the markings, but you clear it out. After a while you manage to see that it is some form of message. Would you like to read it?
- Yes, I'll read it.
- 'Place the five in order to pass or your life will dwindle until the last. All five are stones of magical power. Place them wrong and your fate will sour. "First is the spirit of man or beast, Second is the place where thoughts are born, Third is the soil from which good things grow Four and five are the rules all men should know." All put together make the word of a basic sense. And from perspective help make maps from indifference.'
- No, I won't read it.
- Yes, I'll read it.
Pure Water[]
The Blessed Vessel[]
- Gujuo: Greetings Bwana. Ah I see you have the golden bowl! Would you like me to show you how to bless it?
- Player: Yes, I'd like you to bless my golden bowl.
- Gujuo: Very well Bwana...
- Gujuo places the bowl on the floor in front of you, and leads you into a deep meditiation...
- Gujuo: Ohhhhhmmmmmm. Ohhhhhmmmmmm. Ohhhhhmmmmmm.
- You're surrounded by total peace as you bring the blessings of your god down on the bowl. The bowl is blessed!
- [Goes to regular dialogue]
- Player: No thanks, I need help with something else.
- Player: Yes, I'd like you to bless my golden bowl.
Sacred Spring[]
- You use the cut reed plant to syphon some water from the pool into your blessed golden bowl. The water seems to bubble and sparkle as if alive. The hollow reed is soaked through with water and is now all soggy.
- You open the Book of Binding in front of Ungadulu and a supernatural light starts emanating from the pages, illuminating Ungadulu whose face twists and contorts in spasms.
- Ungadulu: Curse you foul intruder... 'Ere near to death ye come now that ye has meddled in my dealings...
- Without warning, the outline of a huge demon starts to emerge in front of you as Ungadulu falls to the floor unconscious.
- Nezikchened: Your faith will help you little here.
- A sense of hopelessness fills your body...
Defeating Nezikchened
- Nezikchened: Ha ha ha... I shall return for you when the time is right.
- The demon starts an incantation...
- Nezikchened: But I will leave you with a taste of my power...
- As he finishes the incantation a powerful bolt of energy strikes you.
- Nezikchened: Haha hah ha ha ha ha...
- The demon's body falls to the floor in a pile of ashes...
The Yommi Tree[]
Ungadulu's Thanks[]
- Ungadulu: Greetings bwana... Many thanks for defeating the demon... and releasing me from his dreadful possession... Pray tell me, what can I do to repay this great favour?
- Player: I need to collect some Yommi tree seeds for Gujuo.
- Ungadulu: Oh, yes, Bwana... you will be doing a great favour to our people by doing this. However, you must know that it is a difficult task, the Yommi tree is difficult to grow. You must have a natural ability with such things to have a chance...
- The Shaman holds out his gnarly old hand and reveals three largish green seeds.
- Ungadulu: Here you are, accept these with my gratitude. You'll need to soak them in sacred water before planting them. I notice that you must already by familiar with sacred water to have passed into the flaming octagram.
- Player: How do I grow the Yommi tree?
- Ungadulu: A good question Bwana, but it is essentially quite simple. First you will need to soak the seeds in some pure water. This will help to germinate the seed and begin the growing process. The Yommi tree is sacred and is also slightly magical. You need to seek out a patch of fertile earth. Such places are located around the jungle and should give the Yommi tree a good chance of survival. The tree should show some remarkable growth quite early but will slow down, you may be able to speed the process up by watering the tree with more pure water, although it can be difficult to find it.
- Player: What will you do now?
- Player: What do you know about the pure water?
- Player: Ok, thanks...
- Ungadulu: My sincerest pleasure Bwana...
- Ungadulu: A good question Bwana, but it is essentially quite simple. First you will need to soak the seeds in some pure water. This will help to germinate the seed and begin the growing process. The Yommi tree is sacred and is also slightly magical. You need to seek out a patch of fertile earth. Such places are located around the jungle and should give the Yommi tree a good chance of survival. The tree should show some remarkable growth quite early but will slow down, you may be able to speed the process up by watering the tree with more pure water, although it can be difficult to find it.
- Player: What do you know about the pure water?
- Player: Ok, thanks...
- Player: How do I grow the Yommi tree?
- Player: How do I get out of here?
- Ungadulu: Now that you have defeated the demon you can come and go as you please. I cast a spell on you which means that you can pass through the flames without harm.
- Player: Ok, thanks...
- Player: I need to collect some Yommi tree seeds for Gujuo.
Fertile Soil[]
- Gujuo: Congratulations on releasing Ungadulu! My people are very pleased... How goes the growing of the Yommi tree?
- Player: I have germinated the Yommi tree seeds.
- Gujuo: Well done Bwana. With the blessings of the gods we will soon have our Totem Pole. Bwana, you now need to plant the seed in the fertile earth.
- Player: Where is the fertile soil?
- Gujuo: You should be able to find many places where the ground is fertile in the Kharazi Jungle. Planting the Yommi tree seeds in fertile soil gives it a good chance to grow. My people are trying to grow the Yommi tree as well. But so far we have not met with any success. If you find a rotten tree or what looks like a rotten totem pole, you'll need to remove it yourself to get to the fertile soil. It will take a very sharp, robust hatchet to do it.
- Player: Ok thanks for your help.
- Player: I have germinated the Yommi tree seeds.
A Bad Omen[]
- Player: Hello there.
- Gujuo: I have visited Ungadulu in the caves, he is hard at work studying. He looks well! Have you grown the Yommi tree yet?
- Player: The water pool has dried up and I need more pure water.
- Gujuo: This is indeed a bad omen Bwana, that pool is sacred to us. I have seen it and it is full of filth, it is not natural. I suspect that some evil is at work here.
- Player: Does the Yommi tree have to have pure water?
- Player: Where is the source of the spring of pure water?
- Gujuo looks very uncomfortable...
- Gujuo: I am not sure but I have heard that deeper in the catacombs where you found Ungadulu, deep underground there is a terrible place guarded by the spirits of the undead. Since they died trying to find the source of the stream, they are cursed to guard it for all eternity. The first to seek the source was said to be a high level sorcerer. He created a powerful spell in the caves. Now, all those who venture near are overcome by a supernatural fear. With all my heart Bwana, I would never go near such a place.
- Player: Ok, I won't go...
- Player: If I went, could you help me?
- Gujuo: Well, if you are sure you want to go, I will assist you as much as I can. You will need the bravery potion of the jungle lion, if you are to go into that forbidden place. I can give you the recipe for a potion to help with that. You will need to find two herbs, snake weed and ardrigal. Add them both to a vial of water and you will walk with the bravery of the Kharazi lion.
- Player: Where can I find Snake weed?
- Player: Where is the source of the spring of pure water.
- Player: Where can I find ardrigal?
- Player: Will I need this potion? I feel brave enough as I am.
- Player: Ok thanks for your help.
- Gujuo: Well, if you are sure you want to go, I will assist you as much as I can. You will need the bravery potion of the jungle lion, if you are to go into that forbidden place. I can give you the recipe for a potion to help with that. You will need to find two herbs, snake weed and ardrigal. Add them both to a vial of water and you will walk with the bravery of the Kharazi lion.
- Player: I searched the catacombs thoroughly but I found nothing else.
- Gujuo: This is indeed a bad omen Bwana, that pool is sacred to us. I have seen it and it is full of filth, it is not natural. I suspect that some evil is at work here.
- Player: The Yommi tree died.
- Player: The water pool has dried up and I need more pure water.
Braving the Caves[]
- This bravery potion bubbles with a strange effervescence, but it smells very strange, like oily burnt oranges. Are you sure you want to drink it?
- Drink the so-called 'Bravery Potion'?
- Yes, I'll bravely drink the bravery potion.
- You bravely swig down the entire contents of the vial and then wait for some sort of internal explosion. After a few seconds, you realise that you actually feel quite okay.
- Actually, let me consider this a bit longer first; it smells a bit odd.
- Yes, I'll bravely drink the bravery potion.
Climing down into the hole
- The climb down looks pretty dangerous, it leads into a very dark hole. It's actually quite frightening. Are you sure you want to go down?
- Yes, I'll shimmy down the rope into possible doom.
- 'Err, no actually, I've had second thoughts about this.
Test of Might[]
- Your hand passes through the hat as if it wasn't there. Instantly, the clothes begin to animate and then slowly walk towards you!
- Viyeldi: Beware adventurer lest thou lose thy head in search of source. Thou hast been tested for bravery and hast not been found wanting.
- The spirit wavers slightly and then stands proud.
- Viyeldi: Perilous dangers await for thee, Tojalon, Senay and Devere make three, None hold malice but will test your might, pray you do not lose these fights. If, however, you win this day, Take heart that see the source you may, Through Dragon's eye will you gain new heart, To see the source and then depart.
- The clothes slump to the floor again after he has finished.
San Tojalon[]
- San Tojalon: Prepare yourself...
- San Tojalon will test your mettle.
After he is defeated
- San Tojalon: You have proved yourself of the honour.
- A hunk of crystal forms mid-air and falls to the floor. You place the crystal hunk in your inventory.
Irvig Senay[]
- Irvig Senay: Greetings brave warrior, destiny is upon you... Ready your weapon and defend yourself.
After he is defeated
- Irvig Senay: You have proved yourself of the honour.
- A hunk of crystal forms mid-air and falls to the floor. You place the crystal hunk in your inventory.
Ranalph Devere[]
- Ranalph Devere: Upon my honour, I will defend till the end... May your aim be true and the best of us win...
After he is defeated
- Ranalph Devere: You have proved yourself of the honour.
- A hunk of crystal forms mid-air and falls to the floor. You place the crystal hunk in your inventory.
Heart and Mind[]
- You place the final segment of the crystal into the strangely shaped compartment, all the pieces seem to fit. You use your crafting skill to control the furnace. The heat in the furnace slowly rises and soon fuses the parts together. As soon as the item cools, you pick it up. As the crystal touches your hands a voice inside of your head says... Bring life to the dragons eye.
The Source of the Spring[]
Echned Zekin[]
- A thick green mist seems to emanate from the water... It slowly congeals into the shape of a body. In a rasping, barely audible voice you hear the entity speak.
- Echned Zekin: Who disturbs the rocks of Zekin?
- There seems to be something slightly familiar about this presence.
- Player: Er... me?
- Echned Zekin: So you desire the water that flows here?
- Player: Yes, I need it for my quest.
- Echned Zekin: The water babbles so loudly and I am already so tortured. I cannot abide the sound so I have stoppered the streams. Care you not for my torment and pain?
- Player: Why are you tortured?
- Echned Zekin: I was robbed of my life by a cruel man called Viyeldi and I hunger for revenge upon him. It is long since I have walked this world looking for him to haunt him and raise terror in his life. But tragedy of tragedies, his spirit is neither living or dead. He serves the needs of the source. He died trying to collect the water from this stream, and now I hang in torment for eternity.
- Player: What can I do about that?
- Echned Zekin: I was brutally murdered by a vicious man called Viyeldi. I sense his presence near by, but I know that he is no longer living. My spirit burns with the need for revenge, I shall not rest while I sense his spirit still. If you seek the pure water, you must ensure he meets his end. If not, you will never see the source and your journey back must ye start. What is your answer? Will ye put an end to Viyeldi for me?
- Player: I'll do what I must to get the water.
- The shapeless spirit seems to crackle with energy.
- Echned Zekin: You would release me from my torment and the source would be available to you. However, you must realise that this will be no easy task. I will furnish you with a weapon which will help you to achieve your aims... Here, take this...
- The spirit waves an arm and in front of you appears a dark black dagger made of pure obsidian.
- Echned Zekin: To complete your task you must use this weapon on Viyeldi.
- Player: Ok, I'll do it.
- The formless shape shimmers brightly...
- Echned Zekin: You will benefit from this decision, the source will be opened to you. Bring the dagger back to me when you have completed this task.
- Player: I've changed my mind, I can't do it.
- Echned Zekin: The decision is yours but you will have no other way to get the source. The pure water you seek will forever be out of your reach.
- Player: I'll do what I must to get the water.
- The shapeless spirit seems to crackle with energy.
- Echned Zekin: You would release me from my torment and the source would be available to you. However, you must realise that this will be no easy task. Use the dagger I have provided for you to complete this task and then bring it to me when Viyeldi is dead.
- Player: Ok, I'll do it.
- See above.:
- Player: I've changed my mind, I can't do it.
- See above.:
- Player: Ok, I'll do it.
- Player: No, I won't take someone's life for you.
- See above.:
- Player: I'll do what I must to get the water.
- Echned Zekin: The decision is yours but you will have no other way to get the source. The pure water you seek will forever be out of your reach.
- Player: Ok, I'll do it.
- Player: No, I won't take someone's life for you.
- Echned Zekin: Such noble thoughts, but Viyeldi is not alive. He is merely a vessel by which the power of the source protects itself. If that is your decision, then so be it, but expect not to gain the water from this stream.
- Player: I'll do what I must to get the water.
- Echned Zekin: I was brutally murdered by a vicious man called Viyeldi. I sense his presence near by, but I know that he is no longer living. My spirit burns with the need for revenge, I shall not rest while I sense his spirit still. If you seek the pure water, you must ensure he meets his end. If not, you will never see the source and your journey back must ye start. What is your answer? Will ye put an end to Viyeldi for me?
- Player: Can't I just get some water?
- Echned Zekin: Yes, you may get some water, but first you must help me. Revenge is the only thing that keeps my spirit in this place. Help me take vengeance on Viyeldi and I will gladly remove the rocks and allow you access to the water. What say you?
- Player: I'll do what I must to get the water.
- See above.:
- Player: No, I won't take someone's life for you.
- See above.:
- Player: I'll do what I must to get the water.
- Echned Zekin: Yes, you may get some water, but first you must help me. Revenge is the only thing that keeps my spirit in this place. Help me take vengeance on Viyeldi and I will gladly remove the rocks and allow you access to the water. What say you?
- Player: What can I do about that?
- Echned Zekin: I was robbed of my life by a cruel man called Viyeldi and I hunger for revenge upon him. It is long since I have walked this world looking for him to haunt him and raise terror in his life. But tragedy of tragedies, his spirit is neither living or dead. He serves the needs of the source. He died trying to collect the water from this stream, and now I hang in torment for eternity.
- Player: What can I do about that?
- See above.:
- Player: Why are you tortured?
- Echned Zekin: The water babbles so loudly and I am already so tortured. I cannot abide the sound so I have stoppered the streams. Care you not for my torment and pain?
- Player: Not really. I just wondered if I could push that big rock.
- Echned Zekin: The rock must remain, it stoppers the waters that babble. The noise troubles my soul and I seek some rest... rest from this terrible torture...
- Player: Why are you tortured?
- See above.:
- Player: What can I do about that?
- See above.:
- Player: Why are you tortured?
- Echned Zekin: The rock must remain, it stoppers the waters that babble. The noise troubles my soul and I seek some rest... rest from this terrible torture...
- Player: What can I do about that?
- See above.:
- Player: Yes, I need it for my quest.
- Echned Zekin: So you desire the water that flows here?
- Player: Who's asking?
- The shapeless figure faces you. It's quite unnerving.
- Echned Zekin: I am Echned Zekin... and I seek peace from my eternal torture...
- Player: What can I do about that?
- See above.:
- Player: Do I know you?
- Echned Zekin: I am long since dead and buried, lost in the passages of time. Long since have my kin departed and I been forgotten... It is unlikely that you know me... I am a poor tortured soul looking for rest and eternal peace...
- Player: Why are you tortured?
- See above.:
- Player: What can I do about that?
- See above.:
- Player: Why are you tortured?
- Echned Zekin: I am long since dead and buried, lost in the passages of time. Long since have my kin departed and I been forgotten... It is unlikely that you know me... I am a poor tortured soul looking for rest and eternal peace...
- Player: Why are you tortured?
- See above.:
- Player: What can I do about that?
- Player: Er... me?
Talking to Echned Zekin again:
- The shapeless entity of Echned Zekin appears in front of you.
- Echned Zekin: Why do you return when your task is still incomplete?
- Player: Who am I supposed to kill again?
- Echned Zekin: Avenge upon me the death of Viyeldi, the cruel. And I will give you access to the source...
- Player: Er I've had second thoughts.
- Echned Zekin: It is too late for second thoughts... Do as you have agreed and return to me in all haste... His presence tortures me so...
- Player: I have to be going...
- Echned Zekin: Return swiftly with the weapon as soon as your task is complete.
- Player: Who am I supposed to kill again?
Using the ordinary dark dagger on Echned Zekin:
- You hand the dark dagger to the spirit.
- Echned Zekin: Should I take from this that you do not wish to help me gain vengeance on Viyeldi?
- Player: Yes, take the dagger back.
- You feel a chill touch as the spirit removes the dagger from your hand.
- Echned Zekin: Very well, if that is your decision... However, you will not get access to the water...
- Player: No, I'll complete the task.
- Echned Zekin: Very well, return to me when it is done.
- Player: Yes, take the dagger back.
The Foul One's Trick [Short/Hard Path][]
The Dark Dagger's Purpose[]
- You arm the dark dagger and prepare to attack Viyeldi. You thrust the Dark Dagger at Viyeldi... You hit Viyeldi squarely with the dagger.
- Viyeldi: So, you have fallen for the foul one's trick... Aaaaahhhhhhhhh the pain!
- You see a flash as something travels from Viyeldi into the dagger. The dagger seems to glow as Viyeldi crumples to the floor.
- Echned Zekin: Aha, I see you have completed your task. I'll take that dagger from you now.
- The formless shape of Echned Zekin takes the dagger from you. As a ghostly hand envelopes the dagger, something seems to move from the black weapon into the floating figure of the spirit.
- Echned Zekin: Aahhhhhhhhh! As I take the spirit of one departed, I will now reveal myself and spell out your doom.
- A terrible fear comes over you. You feel a terrible sense of loss...
- Nezikchened: Now I am revealed to you, Vacu, so shall ye perish.
- A sense of loss and dread comes over you.
After defeating Nezikchened
- Nezikchened: Arrrgghhhhh, foul Vacu!
- You deliver a final devastating blow to the demon.
- Nezikchened: You would bite the hand that feeds you? Very well, I will ready myself for our next encounter...
- And its unearthly frame crumbles into dust.
Piercing the Darkness [Long/Easy Path][]
The Holy Force Spell[]
- Ungadulu: Hello Bwana, how goes your quest to find the water?
- Player: I met a spirit in the Viyeldi Caves.
- Ungadulu: You did well to come to me Bwana... As I said, I am an expert in spirits of the underworld... In most circumstances you should just ignore them. However, beware as many spirits will try to trick you.
- Player: The spirit told me to kill Viyeldi
- Ungadulu: That sounds very strange Bwana, I'm glad to see that you didn't commit such a foul act. I can make a spell that would help you to defeat the spirit. But I need an item that belongs to the spirit to make it work. If you have something like that, please show it to me. And I'll give you the spell. Beware of everyone in these caves, I was tricked very easily and was enslaved, as you well know.
- Player: Do you know anything about daggers?
- Player: I need more Yommi tree seeds.
- Player: Okay, thanks...
- Player: I met a spirit in the Viyeldi Caves.
Giving Ungadulu the dagger
- You hand the dagger over to the Shaman. The Shaman's face turns pale...
- Ungadulu: This dagger has been made for one purpose only... Praise the gods that you brought it to me. I can make you a spell with this item which will force the spirit to reveal its true self. Once activated, you will be able to attack it like a normal creature.
- The Shaman takes the dagger and gives you a folded piece of paper.
- Ungadulu: Use this spell on the Spirit. It will force the spirit to show its true self. And it will also be vulnerable to normal attacks.
The Light of Truth[]
- A thick green mist seems to emanate from the water... It slowly congeals into the shape of a body... Which slowly floats towards you.
- Echned Zekin: Something seems different about you... Your sense of purpose seems not bent to my will... Give me the dagger that you used to slay Viyeldi or taste my wrath!
- Player: I don't have the dagger.
- Player: I haven't slayed Viyeldi yet.
- Player: I have something else in mind!
- Player: I have to be going...
Using the Holy Force spell on Echned Zekin
- You trust the Holy Force spell in front of the spirit. A bright, holy light streams out from the paper spell.
- Echned Zekin: Argghhhhh...nooooooo!
- The spirit lets out an unearthly, blood curdling scream... The spell seems to weaken the Demon.
- Nezikchened: Now I am revealed to you Vacu, so shall ye perish.
- A sense of fear comes over you. You feel a sense of loss...
Defeating Nezikchened
- Nezikchened: Arrrgghhhhh, foul Vacu! You would bite the hand that feeds you?
- You deliver a final devastating blow to the demon, and its unearthly frame crumbles into dust.
One Last Time[]
Third Time's the Charm[]
- You attempt to replace the evil totem pole. A black cloud emanates from the evil totem pole and it slowly forms into the dread demon Nezikchened.
- Nezikchened: And now you try to defile my sanctuary... I will teach thee!
Heroes Redux [If Viyeldi was slain][]
- The demon starts chanting...
- Nezikchened: Protectors source, alive in death, do not rest while this Vacu draws breath!
- The demon is summoning the dead heroes from the Viyeldi caves!
- [Hero]: Corrupted are we now that Viyeldi is slain... Bent to this demon's will and forced to bring you pain...
Defeating [Hero]
- A nerve tingling scream echoes around you as you slay [Hero].
- [Hero]: Arrghhhhh Forever must I live in this torment till this beast is slain.
After defeating all the heroes
- The demon screams in rage...
- Nezikchened: Raarrrrghhhh! I'll kill you myself!
- You feel a great sense of loss...
- Nezikchened: Your faith will help you little here.
The Final Blow[]
- You deliver the final killing blow to the foul demon.
- Nezikchened: Arrggghhhhh... I am beaten by a mere mortal... I will revenge myself upon you...
- Player: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Heard it all before.
A True Legend[]
Token of Friendship[]
- You remove the evil totem pole and replace it with the one you carved yourself. As you do so, you feel a lightness in the air, almost as if the Kharazi Jungle were sighing.
- Gujuo: Greetings Bwana, we saw your fight with the Demon from some distance away. My people are so pleased with your heroic efforts. Your strength and ability as a warrior are Legendary.
- Gujuo offers you an awe inspiring jungle crafted Totem Pole.
- Gujuo: Please accept this as a token of our appreciation. Please, now consider yourself a friend of my people. And visit us anytime.
- (If you have leftover seeds)
- Gujuo: I'll take those germinated Yommi tree seeds to Ungadulu, I'm sure he'll appreciate them. I must visit my people now.
- (If you have leftover seeds)
Triumphant Return[]
- Radimus Erkle: Well, it looks as if you have some interesting items there. Let's have a look at them! – Sir Radimus sees the gilded totem pole.—
- You show the totem pole to Sir Radimus.
- Radimus Erkle: [Sir/Madam], this is truly amazing... That totem pole will take pride of place in the Legends Guild as a reminder of your quest to gain entry. And so that many other great adventurers can admire your bravery.
- Sir Radimus Erkle orders some guards to take the totem pole into the main Legends Hall.
- Radimus Erkle: Well, you've completed the tasks I set you. That map of the Kharazi jungle will be very helpful for future expeditions. – Sir Radimus takes the map and the totem pole – Congradulations, welcome to the Legends Guild. Please, go through to the main Legends Guild building and I will join you shortly.
Fade out/in
- Radimus Erkle will meet you in the main hall.
Welcome to the Guild[]
- Radimus Erkle: Welcome to the Legends Guild Main Hall. We've placed your Totem Pole as pride of place. All members of the Legends Guild will see it as they walk in. They will know that it was you who brought it back. Congratulations, you're now a fully fledged member. I would like to offer you some training which will increase your experience and abilities in four areas. Would you like to train now?
- Player: Yes, I'll train now.
- Radimus Erkle: You can choose 4 areas to increase your abilities in.
- [List of skills]
- (After selecting the skills)
- Radimus Erkle: Right, that's all the training I can offer you. I hope you're happy with your new skills. Do feel free to explore the rest of the building.
- Player: No, I've got something else to do at the moment.
- Player: Yes, I'll train now.
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