- Conversation 1 (Without a Monkeyspeak amulet)'
- Monkey: Eeekeek ookeek!
- Conversation 2
- Monkey: Arr!
- Player: Arr!
- Monkey: Arr!
- Player: Arr!
- Monkey: Arr!
- Player: Arr!
- Monkey: Arr!
- Player: Arr!
- Monkey: Bored now...
- Conversation 3
- Monkey: Let me go, can't ye hear them? Howlin' in the dark...
- Player: What do you mean?
- Monkey: I'm not hangin' around te be killed!
- Monkey: The Horrors, the Horrors!
- Conversation 4
- Monkey: I'm not goin' back in that brewery, not fer all the Bitternuts I can carry!
- Conversation 5
- Monkey: Are ye here for...the stuff?
- Player: What?
- Monkey: You know...the 'special' bananas?
- Player: No...why do you ask?
- Monkey: No reason. Have a nice day.
- Conversation 6
- Monkey: Arr! Yer messin with me monkey plunder!
- Player: What?