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Reason: Various dialogue options with: gossip (including hints), siblings/servants depending on the colour of thread / location that didn't get poisoned, hint dialogue at each stage of the quest, whether or not you need to approach the guard dog before you can ask about suspicious noises, etc
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Something's Amiss[]

Passing By[]

  • Gossip: There's some kind of commotion up at the Sinclair place I hear. Not surprising all things considered.

There Has Been a Murder[]

  • Player: What's going on here?
  • Guard: Oh, it's terrible! Lord Sinclair has been murdered and we don't have any clues as to who or why. We're totally baffled! If you can help us we will be very grateful.
    • Player: Sure, I'll help!
      • Guard: Thanks a lot!
      • Player: What should I be doing to help?
      • Guard: Look around and investigate who might be responsible. The Sarge said every murder leaves clues to who done it, but frankly we're out of our depth here.
    • Player: You should do your own dirty work.
Speaking to the guard again
  • Player: What should I be doing to help again?
  • Guard: Look around and investigate who might be responsible. The Sarge said every murder leaves clues to who done it, but frankly we're out of our depth here.
    • Player: How did Lord Sinclair die?
      • Guard: Well, it's all very mysterious. Mary, the maid, found the body in the study next to his bedroom on the east wing of the ground floor.
      • Guard: The door was found locked from the inside, and he seemed to have been stabbed, but there was an odd smell in the room. Frankly, I'm stumped.
    • Player: I know who did it!
      • Guard: Really? That was quick work! Who?
        • Player: It was an intruder!
        • Player: The butler did it!
          • Guard: I hope you have proof to that effect. We have to arrest someone for this and it seems to me that only the actual murderer would gain by falsely accusing someone.
          • Guard: Although having said that the butler is kind of shifty looking...
        • Player: It was one of the servants!
        • Player: It was one of his family!

Murder Mystery[]

Preliminary Investigations[]

Approaching the gate in the yard
  • As you approach the gate the Guard Dog starts barking loudly at you. There is no way an intruder could have committed the murder. It must have been someone the dog knew to get past it quietly.
  • Sinclair Guard Dog: BARK

One Big Happy Family[]


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Anna: Oh really? What do you want to know then?
    • Player: Who do you think is responsible?
      • Anna: It was clearly an intruder.
      • Player: Well, I don't think it was.
      • Anna: It was one of our lazy servants then.
    • Player: Where were you when the murder happened?
      • Anna: In the library. No one else was there so you'll just have to take my word for it.
    • Player: Do you recognise this thread? [If you have obtained the thread]
      • You show Anna the thread from the study.
        • If the thread matches her trousers
          • Anna: It's some Green thread. It's not exactly uncommon is it? My trousers are made of the same material.
        • If the thread doesn't match
          • Anna: Not really, no. Thread is fairly common.


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Bob: I suppose I had better talk to you then.
    • Player: Who do you think was responsible?
      • Bob: I don't really care as long as no one thinks it's me. Maybe it was that strange poison seller who headed towards the seers village.
    • Player: Where were you when the murder happened?
      • Bob: I was walking by myself in the garden.
      • Player: And can anyone vouch for that?
      • Bob: No. But I was.
    • Player: Do you recognise this thread? [If you have obtained the thread]
      • You show him the thread you discovered.
        • If the thread matches his trousers
          • Bob: It's some red thread. I suppose you think that's some kind of clue? It looks like the material my trousers are made of.
        • If the thread doesn't match
          • [Missing]


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Carol: Well, ask what you want to know then.
    • Player: Who do you think was responsible?
      • Carol: I don't know. I think it's very convenient that you have arrived here so soon after it happened. Maybe it was you.
    • Player: Where were you when the murder happened?
      • Carol: Why? Are you accusing me of something? You seem to have a very high opinion of yourself. I was in my room if you must know, alone.
    • Player: Do you recognise this thread? [If you have obtained the thread]
      • You should Carol the thread found at the crime scene.
        • If the thread matches her trousers
          • Carol: It's some red thread... it kind of looks like the Same material as my trousers. But obviously it's not.
        • If the thread doesn't match
          • [Missing]


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • David: And? Make this quick. I have better things to do than be interrogated by halfwits all day.
    • Player: Who do you think is responsible?
      • David: I don't really know or care. Frankly, the old man deserved to die. There was a suspicious red headed man who came to the house the other day selling poison now I think about it. Last I saw he was headed towards the tavern in the Seers village.
    • Player: Where were you when the murder happened?
      • David: That is none of your business. Are we finished now, or are you just going to stand there irritating me with your idiotic questions all day?
    • Player: Do you recognise this thread? [If you have obtained the thread]
      • You show him the thread you found on the study window.
        • If the thread matches his trousers
          • [Missing]
        • If the thread doesn't match
          • David: No. Can I go yet? Your face irritates me.


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Donovan the Family Handyman: How can I help?
    • Player: Who do you think is responsible?
      • Donovan the Family Handyman: Oh... I really couldn't say. I wouldn't really want to point any fingers at anybody. If I had to make a guess I'd have to say it was probably Bob though. I saw him arguing with Lord Sinclair about some missing silverware from the Kitchen. It was a very heated argument.
    • Player: Where were you at the time of the murder?
      • Donovan the Family Handyman: Me? I was sound asleep here in the servants Quarters. It's very hard work as a handyman around here. There's always something to do!
    • Player: Did you hear any suspicious noises at all?
      • Donovan the Family Handyman: Hmmm... No, I didn't, but I sleep very soundly at night.
      • Player: So you didn't hear any sounds of a struggle or any barking from the guard dog next to his study window?
      • Donovan the Family Handyman: Now you mention it, no. It is odd I didn't hear anything like that. But I do sleep very soundly as I said and wouldn't necessarily have heard it if there was any such noise.


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Elizabeth: What's so important you need to bother me with then?
    • Player: Who do you think was responsible?
      • Elizabeth: Could have been anyone. The old man was an idiot. He's been asking for it for years.
    • Player: Where were you when the murder happened?
      • Elizabeth: I was out.
      • Player: Care to be any more specific?
      • Elizabeth: Not really. I don't have to justify myself to the likes of you, you know. I know the King personally you know. Now are we finished here?
    • Player: Do you recognise this thread? [If you have obtained the thread]
      • You show her the thread from the study window.
        • If the thread matches her trousers
          • [Missing]
        • If the thread doesn't match
          • Elizabeth: It's some thread. You're not very good at this whole investigation thing are you?


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Frank: Good for you. Now what do you want? ...And can you spare me any money? I'm a little short...
    • Player: Who do you think is responsible?
      • Frank: I don't know. You don't know how long it takes an inheritance to come through do you? I could really use that money pretty soon...
    • Player: Where were you when the murder happened?
      • Frank: I don't know, somewhere around here probably. Could you spare me a few coins? I'll be able to pay you back double tomorrow it's just there's this poker night tonight in town...
    • Player: Do you recognise this thread? [If you have obtained the thread]
      • Frank examines the thread from the crime scene.
        • If the thread matches his trousers
          • [Missing]
        • If the thread doesn't match
          • Frank: It looks like thread to me, but I'm not exactly an expert. Is it worth something? Can I have it? Actually, can you spare me a few gold?


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Hobbes: How can I help?
    • Player: Who do you think is responsible?
      • Hobbes: well, in my considered opinion it must be David. The man is nothing more than a bully. And I happen to know that poor Lord Sinclair and David had a massive argument in the living room about the way he treats the staff, the other day. I did not intend to overhear their conversation, but they were shouting so loudly I could not help but Overhear it. David definitely used the words 'I am going to kill you!' as well. I think he should be the prime suspect. He has a nasty temper that one.
    • Player: Where were you at the time of the murder?
      • Hobbes: I was assisting the cook with the evening meal. I have Mary His Lordships' dinner, and sent her to take it to him, then heard the scream as she found the body.
    • Player: Did you hear any suspicious noises at all?
      • Hobbes: How do you mean 'suspicious'?
      • Player: Any sounds of a struggle with Lord Sinclair?
      • Hobbes: No, I definitely didn't hear anything like that.
      • Player: How about the guard dog barking at all?
      • Hobbes: You know, now you come to mention it I don't believe I did. I suppose that is Proof enough that it could not have been an intruder who is responsible.


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Louisa: How can I help?
    • Player: Who do you think is responsible?
      • Louisa: Elizabeth. Her father confronted her about her constant petty thieving, and was devastated to find she had stolen a silver needle which had meant a lot to him. You could hear their argument from Lumbridge!
    • Player: Where were you at the time of the murder?
      • Louisa: I was right here with Hobbes and Mary. You can't suspect me surely!
    • Player: Did you hear any suspicious noises at all?
      • Louisa: Suspicious? What do you mean suspicious?
      • Player: Any sounds of a struggle with an intruder for example?
      • Louisa: No, I'm sure I don't recall any such thing.
      • Player: How about the guard dog barking at an intruder?
      • Louisa: No, I didn't. If you don't have anything else to ask can You go and leave me alone now? I have a lot of cooking to do for this evening.


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Mary: How can I help?
    • Player: Who do you think is responsible?
      • Mary: Oh I don't know... Frank was acting kind of funny... After that big argument him and the Lord had the other day by the beehive... so I guess maybe him... but it's really scary to think someone here might have been responsible. I actually hope it was a burglar...
    • Player: Where were you at the time of the murder?
      • Mary: I was with Hobbes and Louisa in the Kitchen helping to prepare Lord Sinclair's meal, and then when I took it to his study... I saw... oh, it was horrible... he was...
      • She seems to be on the verge of crying. You decide not to push her anymore for details.
    • Player: Did you hear any suspicious noises at all?
      • Mary: I don't really remember hearing anything out of the ordinary.
      • Player: No sounds of a struggle then?
      • Mary: No, I don't remember hearing anything like that.
      • Player: How about the guard dog barking?
      • Mary: Oh that horrible dog is always barking at noting but I don't think I did...


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Pierre: How can I help?
    • Player: Who do you think was responsible?
      • Pierre: Honestly? I think it was Carol. I saw her in a huge argument with Lord Sinclair in the library the other day. It was something to do with stolen books. She definitely seemed upset enough to have done it afterwards.
    • Player: Where were you when the murder happened?
      • Pierre: I was in town at the inn. When I got back the house was swarming with guards who told me what had happened. Sorry.
    • Player: Did you hear any suspicious noises at all?
      • Pierre: Well, like what?
      • Player: Any sounds of a struggle with Lord Sinclair?
      • Pierre: No, I don't remember hearing anything like that.
      • Player: how about the guard dog barking at all?
      • Pierre: I hear him bark all the time. It's one of his favourite things to do. I can't say I did the night of the murder though as I wasn't close enough to hear either way.


  • Player: I'm here to help the guards with their investigation.
  • Stanford: How can I help?
    • Player: Who do you think is responsible?
      • Stanford: It was Anna. She is seriously unbalanced. She trashed the garden once then tried to blame it on me! I bet it was her. It's just the kind of thing she'd do! She really hates me and was arguing with Lord Sinclair about trashing the garden a few days ago.
    • Player: Where were you at the time of the murder?
      • Stanford: Right here, by my little shed. It's very cosy to sit and think in.
    • Player: Did you hear any suspicious noises at all?
      • Stanford: Not that I remember.
      • Player: So no sounds of a struggle between Lord Sinclair and an intruder?
      • Stanford: Not to the best of my recollection.
      • Player: How about the guard dog barking?
      • Stanford: Not that I can recall.

An Outside Perspective[]


  • Player: I'm investigating the murder up at the Sinclair place.
  • Gossip: Murder is it? Well, I'm not really surprised...
    • Player: What can you tell me about the Sinclairs?
      • Gossip: Well, what do you want to know?
        • Player: Tell me about Lord Sinclair.
        • Player: Why do the Sinclairs live so far from town?
          • Gossip: Well, they used to live in the big castle, but old Lord Sinclair gave it up so that those strange knights could live there instead. So the king built him a new house to the North. It's more cramped than his old place, but he seemed to like it. His children were furious at him for doing it though!
        • Player: What can you tell me about his sons?
          • Gossip: His sons eh? They all have their own skeletons in their cupboards. You'll have to be more specific. Who are you interested in exactly?
            • Player: Tell me about Bob.
              • Gossip: Bob is an odd character indeed... I'm not one to gossip, but I heard Bob is addicted to Tea. He can't make it through the day without having at least 20 cups! You might not think that's such a big thing, but he has spent thousands of gold to feed his habit! At one point he stole a lot of silverware from the kitchen and pawned it just so he could afford to buy his daily tea allowance. If his father ever found out, he would be in so much trouble... he might even get disowned!
            • Player: Tell me about David.
              • Gossip: David... oh David... not many people know this, but David really has an anger problem. He's always screaming and shouting at the household servants when he's angry, and they live in a state of fear, always walking on eggshells around him, but none of them have the courage to talk to his father about his behaviour. If they did, Lord Sinclair would almost certainly kick him out of the house, as some of the servants have been there longer than he has, and he definitely has no right to treat them like he does... but I'm not one to gossip about people.
            • Player: Tell me about Frank.
              • Gossip: I'm not one to talk ill of people behind their back, but Frank is a real piece of work. He is an absolutely terrible gambler...he can't pass 2 dogs in the street without putting a bet on which one will bark first! He has already squandered all of his allowance, and I heard he had stolen a number of paintings of his fathers to sell to try and cover his debts, but he still owes a lot of people a lot of money. If his father ever found out, he would stop his income, and then he would be in serious trouble!
        • Player: What can you tell me about his daughters?
          • Gossip: His daughters eh? They're all nasty pieces of work, which of them specifically did you want to know about?
            • Player: Tell me about Anna.
              • Gossip: Anna... ah yes... Anna has 2 great loves: Sewing and gardening. But one thing she has kept secret is that she once had an affair with Stanford the gardener, and tried to get him fired when they broke up by killing all of the flowers in the garden. If her father ever found out she had done that he would be so furious he would probably disown her.
            • Player: Tell me about Carol.
              • Gossip: Oh Carol... she is such a fool. You didn't hear this from me, but I heard a while ago she was conned out of a lot of money by a travelling salesman who sold her a box full of beans by telling her they were magic. But they weren't. She sold some rare books from the library to cover her debts, but her father would be incredibly annoyed if he ever found out – he might even throw her out of the house!
            • Player: Tell me about Elizabeth.
              • Gossip: Elizabeth? Elizabeth has a strange problem... She cannot help herself, but is always stealing small objects – it's pretty sad that she is rich enough to afford to buy things, but would rather steal them instead. Now, I don't want to spread stories, but I heard she even stole a silver needle from her father that had great sentimental value for him. He was devastated when it was lost, and cried for a week thinking he had lost it! If he ever found out that it was her who had stolen it he would go absolutely mental, maybe even disowning her!
    • Player: Who do you think was responsible?
      • Gossip: Well, I guess it could have been an intruder, but with that big guard dog of theirs I seriously doubt it. I suspect it was someone closer to home... Especially as I heard that the poison salesman in the Seers' village made a big sale to one of the family the other day.
    • Player: I think the butler did it.
      • Gossip: And I think you've been reading too many cheap detective novels. Hobbes is kind of uptight, but his loyalty to old Lord Sinclair is beyond question.
    • Player: I am so confused about who did it... Think you could give me any hints?
      • [Possibly after interviewing everyone]
        • Gossip: Well, I don't know if it's related, but I heard from that Poison Salesman in town that he sold some poison to one of the Sinclair family the other day. I don't think he has any stock left now though...
      • After proving a Sinclair was lying
        • Gossip: Well, this might be of some help to you. My father was in the guards when he was younger and he always said that there isn't a crime that can't be solved through careful examination of the crime scene and all surrounding areas.
      • [Other hints missing]


Speaking to the guard after obtaining the thread
  • Player: I know who did it! I have proof that it wasn't any of the servants!
  • You show the guard the thread you found on the window.
  • Player: All the servants dress in black so it couldn't have been one of them.
  • Guard: That's some good work there. I guess it wasn't a servant. You still haven't proved who did do it though.

Following a Lead[]

  • Player: I'm investigating the murder at the Sinclair house.
  • Poison Salesman: There was a murder at the Sinclair house??? That's terrible! And I was only there the other day too! They bought the last of my Patented Multi Purpose Poison!
    • Player: Patented Multi Purpose Poison?
      • Poison Salesman: Aaaaah... a miracle of modern apothecaries! This exclusive concoction has been tested on all known forms of life and been proven to kill them all in varying dilutions from cockroaches to king dragons! So incredibly versatile, it can be used as pest control, a cleansing agent, drain cleaner, metal polish and washes whiter than white, all with our uniquely fragrant concoction that is immediately recognisable across the land as Peter Potter's Patented Poison potion!!!
      • The salesman stops for breath.
      • Poison Salesman: I'd love to sell you some but I've sold out recently. That's just how good it is! Three hundred and twenty eight people in this area alone cannot be wrong! Nine out of Ten poisoners prefer it in controlled tests! Can I help you with anything else? Perhaps I can take your name and add it to our mailing list of poison users? We will only send you information related to the use of poison and other Peter Potter Products!
      • Player: Uh... no, it's ok. Really.
    • Player: Who did you sell Poison to at the house?
      • Poison Salesman: Well, Peter Potter's Patented Multi Purpose Poison is a product of such obvious quality that I am glad to say I managed to sell a bottle to each of the Sinclairs! Anna, Bob, Carol, David, Elizabeth and Frank all bought a bottle! In fact they bought the last of my supplies! Maybe I can take your name and address and I will personally come and visit you when stocks return?
      • Player:, it's ok.
    • Player: Can I buy some Poison?
      • Poison Salesman: I'm afraid I am totally out of stock at the moment after my successful trip to the Sinclairs' House the other day. But don't worry! Our factories are working overtime to produce Peter Potter's Patented Multi Purpose Poison! Possibly the finest multi purpose poison and cleaner yet available to the general market. And its unique fragrance makes it the number one choice for cleaners and exterminators the whole country over!
    • Player: I have the pot I found at the murder scene...
      • You show the poison salesman the pot you found at the murder scene with the unusual smell.
      • Poison Salesman: Hmmm... yes, that smells exactly like my Patented Multi Purpose Poison, but I don't see how it could be. It quite clearly says on the label of all bottles 'Not to be taken internally – EXTREMELY POISONOUS'.
      • Player: Perhaps someone else put it in his wine?
      • Poison Salesman: Yes... I suppose that could have happened...

Piecing it All Together[]

One More Round of Interviews[]

Note: these new dialogue options most likely appear after speaking to the poison salesman


  • Player: Why'd you buy poison the other day?
  • Anna: That useless Gardener Stanford let his compost heap fester. It's an eyesore to the garden! So I bought some poison from a travelling salesman so that I could kill off some of the wildlife living in it.


  • Player: Why'd you buy poison the other day?
  • Bob: What's it to you anyway? If you absolutely must know, we had a problem with the beehive in the garden, and as all of our servants are so pathetically useless, I decided I would deal with it myself. So I did.


  • Player: Why'd you buy poison the other day?
  • Carol: I don't see what on earth it has to do with you, but the drain outside was blocked, and as nobody else here has the intelligence to even unblock a simple drain I felt I had to do it myself.


  • Player: Why'd you buy poison the other day?
  • David: There was a nest of spiders upstairs between the two servants' quarters. Obviously I had to kill them before our pathetic servants whined at my father some more. Honestly, it's like they expect to be treated like royalty! If I had my way I would fire the whole workshy lot of them!


  • Player: Do you know why so much poison was bought recently?
  • Donovan the Family Handyman: Well, I do know Frank bought some poison recently to clean the family crest that's outside. It's very old and rusty, and I couldn't clean it myself, so he said he would buy some cleaner and clean it himself. He probably just got some from that Poison Salesman who came to the door the other day... You'd really have to ask him though.


  • Player: Why'd you buy poison the other day?
  • Elizabeth: There was a nest of mosquitos under the fountain in the garden, which I killed with poison the other day. You can see for yourself if you're capable of managing that, which I somehow doubt.
  • Player: I hate mosquitos!
  • Elizabeth: Doesn't everyone?


  • Player: Why'd you buy poison the other day?
  • Frank: Would you like to buy some? I'm kind of strapped for cash right now. I'll sell it to you cheap. It's hardly been used at all. I just used a bit to clean that family crest outside up a bit. Do you think I could get much money for the family crest, actually? It's cleaned up a bit now.




  • Player: Do you know why so much poison was bought recently?
  • Louisa: I told Carol to buy some from that strange poison salesman and clean the drains before they began to smell any worse. She was the one who blocked them in the first place with a load of beans that she bought for some reason. There were far too many to eat, and they were almost rotten when she bought them anyway! You'd really have to ask her though.


  • Player: Do you know why so much poison was bought recently?
  • Mary: I overheard Anna saying to Stanford that if he didn't do something about the state of his compost heap, she was going to. She really doesn't get on well with Stanford, I really have no idea why. You'd really have to ask her though.


  • Player: Do you know why so much poison was bought recently?
  • Pierre: Well, I know David said that he was going to do something about the spiders' nest that's between the two servants' quarters upstairs. He made a big deal about it to Mary the Maid, calling her useless and incompetent. I felt quite sorry for her actually. You'd really have to ask him though.


  • Player: Do you know why so much poison was bought recently?
  • Stanford: Well, Bob mentioned to me the other day he wanted to get rid of the bees in that hive over there. I think I saw him buying poison from that poison salesman the other day. I assume it was to sort out those bees. You'd really have to ask him though.

Sorting Out the Liar[]

Searching the location indicated by the respective Sinclair
  • If Anna was lying
    • The compost is teeming with maggots. Somebody should really do something about it. It's clear nobody's used poison here.
  • If Bob was lying
    • The beehive buzzes with activity. These bees definitely don't seem to be poisoned at all.
  • If Carol was lying
    • The drain is totally blocked. It really stinks. No, it REALLY smells bad. It's certainly clear nobody's cleaned it recently.
  • If David was lying
    • [Missing]
  • If Elizabeth was lying
    • The fountain is swarming with mosquitos. There's a nest of them underneath the fountain.
    • Player: I hate mosquitos, they're so annoying!
    • It's certainly clear nobody's used poison here.
  • If Frank was lying
    • [Missing]
Speaking to the guard about the poison
  • Player: I have proof that [Suspect] is lying about the poison.
  • Guard: Oh really? How did you get that?
  • You tell the guard about the [Location].
  • Guard: Hmm. That's some good detective work there. We need more evidence before we can close the case though. Keep up the good work!

The Summation[]

  • Player: I have conclusive proof who the killer was.
  • Guard: You do? That's excellent work. Let's hear it then.
  • Player: I don't think it was an intruder, and I don't think Lord Sinclair was killed by being stabbed.
  • Guard: Hmmm? Really? Why not?
  • Player: Nobody heard the guard dog barking, which it would have if it had been an intruder who was responsible. Nobody heard any signs of a struggle either. I think the knife was there to throw suspicion away from the real culprit.
  • Guard: Yes, that makes sense. But who did do it then?
  • You prove to the guard the thread matches [suspect]'s clothes.
  • Guard: Yes, I'd have to agree with that... but we need more evidence!
  • You prove to the guard [suspect] did not use the poison on the [object].
  • Guard: Excellent work – have you considered a career as a detective? But I'm afraid it's still not quite enough...
  • You match [culprit]'s finger prints with those on the dagger found in the body of Lord Sinclair.
  • Guard: Yes. There's no doubt about it. It must have been [suspect] who killed [his/her] father. All of the guards must congratulate you on your excellent work in helping us to solve this case. We don't have many murders here in RuneScape and I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to solve it by ourselves. We will hold her here under house arrest until such time as we bring her to trial. You have our gratitude, and I'm sure the rest of the family's as well, in helping to apprehend the murderer. I'll just take the evidence from you now.
  • You hand over all the evidence.
  • Guard: Please accept this reward from the family!

Post-Quest Dialogue[]


  • Guard: Excellent work on solving the murder! All of the guards I know are very impressed, and don't worry, we have the murderer under guard until they can be taken to trial.
  • Player: Is there anything else I can do? Seems awfully quiet up at the house, considering their sibling has just been arrested.
  • Guard: Nothing right now, we have it all under control.


  • [Servant]: Thank you for all your help in solving the murder.


  • [Sinclair sibling]: Apparently you aren't as stupid as you look.