RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki

Construction of New Varrock Square Complete![]

A handsome statue of our glorious leader, Zemouregal, has been erected in the city square.

Following the lavish reconstruction of New Varrock Palace, our powerful overseer has turned his attention to urban renewal projects elsewhere in the city.

The statue marks the site where Delrith the demon burst up from beneath the city, one year ago to the day.

Following the Glorious Zombie Occupation of the Year 169, the vicious demon remains sealed in the south-east corner of New Varrock, trapped behind a powerful ward maintained by our mighty and intelligent ruler, Zemouregal.

In other news[]

A Reminder[]

When throwing waste out of your windows, please check for gargoyles on your windowsill.

Have you seen this cat?[]

Gertude's cat has been missing since the occupation of New Varrock by our dashing and illustrious ruler. Gertude is now living in New Varrock, south of Zemouregal's west vault. Any information about the whereabouts of fluffs will be gratefully received.

Quiz Night[]

Come to the Blue Moon Inn's Quiz Night! Includes 'Zombie or Dead?' round. Win a hamper full of entrails.

Palace Hours[]

Tours of New Varrock Palace start next week. Learn what happens in Zemouregal's torture room!


None. Everybody's dead.
