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Crystal saw
This page is currently under construction.
The information contained within should not be considered fully accurate and/or complete.

Starting off[]

Talking to Zimberfizz[]

  • Zimberfizz: Wotcha guv'na!
    • Talk about Nomad's Requiem.
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • Talk about Nomad's Elegy[sic]
      • Zimberfizz: While you're 'ere, boss, mind takin' a butchers at somethin' for me?
      • Player: What do you mean?
      • Zimberfizz: The soul obelisk is goin' all strange on me. Mind 'avin a look at it?
        • (Quest noticeboard opens)
          • Accept Quest
            • Player: Sure, I'll take a look now.
            • Zimberfizz: Cheers! Just look 'round the throne room. 'Ave a good poke about and see if you can see why it's goin' funny.
            • Player: Will do!
          • Not Right Now
            • Player: Sorry, I don't have time for that.
            • Zimberfizz: Fine, it wasn't anythin' serious anyway.
    • Can you tell me more about Soul Wars?
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • [More...]
      • (Non-quest dialogue)

At the Throne Room[]

Talking to Zimberfizz before finding clues[]

  • Player: So what's wrong?
  • Zimberfizz: Search me, boss. Just have a look 'round. If you see anything odd shout it out and I'll come see.

Investigating Strange emissions[]

  • Player: There seems to be strange energy filling the air here. How peculiar.
    • If you have yet to find all of the clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: Looks like we got a magic leak somewhere. Maybe the obelisk is on the blink?
      • Player: I wonder what it means?
      • Zimberfizz: Search me, boss. Keep looking.
      • You have found X/5 clues!
    • If you have found at least four clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: I know the feel of that magic. 'E's back!
      • Player: You mean...
      • Huge explosion knocks you and Zimberfizz back

Investigating Crystals[]

  • Player: This looks like a chunk of green crystal. What could it mean?
    • If you have yet to find all of the clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: Looks pretty fresh too. Maybe you dropped it when you were fightin' Nomad?
      • Player: I wonder what it means?
      • Zimberfizz: Search me, boss. Keep looking.
      • You have found X/5 clues!
    • If you have found at least four clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: I seen those before, when 'Is 'Ighness was talkin' to 'Is friends!
      • Player: You mean...
      • Huge explosion knocks you and Zimberfizz back

Investigating Nomad's throne[]

  • Player: From this angle the throne seems to be shimmering like it is bathed in magical energies.
    • If you have yet to find at least four clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: Well, from here it looks fine. Must be a trick of the light.
      • Player: I wonder what it means?
      • Zimberfizz: Search me, boss. Keep looking.
      • You have found X/5 clues!
    • If you have found at least four clues:
      • Zimberfizz: There's magic buildin' up. It's 'im!
      • Player: You mean...
      • Huge explosion knocks you and Zimberfizz back

Investigating Sticky goo[]

  • Player: How strange; there seems to be Underworld goo leaking out of the floor here.
    • If you have yet to find at least four clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: Is that what that is? Urgh, nasty stuff.
      • Player: I wonder what it means?
      • Zimberfizz: Search me, boss. Keep looking.
      • You have found X/5 clues!
    • If you have found at least four clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: But that's what 'Is 'Ighness was messin' with!
      • Player: You mean...
      • Huge explosion knocks you and Zimberfizz back

Investigating Fading footprints[]

  • Player: Oh no! These footprints indicate that someone has been here recently!
    • If you have yet to find at least four clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: Those can't be new; they look familiar.
      • Player: I wonder what it means?
      • Zimberfizz: Search me, boss. Keep looking.
      • You have found X/5 clues!
    • If you have found at least four clues: 
      • Zimberfizz: That ain't right! Those are 'is footprints!
      • Player: You mean...
      • Huge explosion knocks you and Zimberfizz back

At Death's office[]

Upon entering Death's Office[]

  • Icthlarin: Where did they even come from? It's madness, why would he do such a thing?
  • Death: Does he really need a motive? He's a madman who feeds on the souls of others.
  • Icthlarin: But to come here and...
  • Death: Wait. We have a guest. I wondered how long it would be until you showed up Player.
  • Icthlarin: A pity that these are not better circumstances for us to meet again my friend.
  • Player: What is going on?
  • Death: Nomad. He has brought an army to the Underworld and has seized Icthlarin's fortress.
  • Icthlarin: Worse. He has brought the soul obelisk with him. He is absorbing all of the souls that come to the Underworld. Every guard slain, every imp slaughtered, every innocent life lost. All absorbed by the obelisk.
  • Death: Icthlarin is using considerable power to try and shield as many souls as possible.
  • Icthlarin: But still far too many get through. We need to stop this. I feel them. Each soul consumed by the obelisk. Shredded and reformed for some terribly purpose that I cannot see. It cannot be allowed to stand.
  • Player: So what do we do?
  • Death: We fight. I am tired of waiting for Nomad to slip up so he can meet the fate he has long deserved. We take the fight to him. We take back Icthlarin's fortress and we kill Nomad once and for all.
  • Icthlarin: We'll need allies. He has an entire army.
  • Player: Of what?
  • Death: Religious fanatics. Members of something they call the True Order of Ascension.
    • I know them.
      • Player: I know them. They were abducting people. I thought they were all trapped.
      • Death: Evidently not all of them.
      • Player: What allies do we have?
        • (Continues below)
    • What allies do we have?
      • Camera pans to Death's door
      • Death: None, yet, but I believe you'll be able to find some through here...
      • Icthlarin: We have set up a headquarters at the bridge over the river Noumenon. Head through the doors and we'll begin preparations.

Talking to Icthlarin again[]

  • Icthlarin: I'm sorry about Zimberfizz, but we can save others if we defeat Nomad.

Talking to Death again[]

  • Death: Head through the door to the Underworld, we can discuss more there.

In the Underworld[]

Attempting to plan on the War table before finding allies[]

  • You must find your allies first.

Talking to Icthlarin[]

  • What do I need to do?
    • Icthlarin: Death is the one with the strategic plan. Speak to him.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What do you think of Nomad?
    • Icthlarin: He wasn't always...this. He was born with a powerful soul. It shone so bright that even in life I felt it. But then, like all bright things, it became tarnished and clouded. I took his parents to their afterlife, filled with grief that they had orphaned their only child. Had circumstances been in his favour he could have become a great hero for this world. But grief and loss corrupted him and he turned against everything. His soul has gone dark then, beyond my preception. I am ashamed to say that I simply forgot about him. But whatever choices he made in that time, they turned him into the monster he is now. Make no mistake. He chose this path. He has had decades to change his fate, but he has always returned to this. Now he torments and destroys countless souls to feed his own ambition. It is terrible to see potential wasted, but far worse to see it perverted into true evil.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • Icthlarin: There are too many to count and even I haven't glimpsed them all, but I know of some. Of which would you like to know?
      • Limbo
        • Player: Can you tell me about the generic afterlife?
        • Icthlarin: Each person has their own beliefs of where they should end up and that is where they go. But for some, they cling to their lives so hard that they are unable to find their peace. For these there is a place where worldly attachments slowly drift away and they forget why they hold on so dearly. When they are ready, when they are no longer tethered to the world, they can move on. It may seem an unpleasant place, but in truth it is a kindness to them. When our time comes, we should embrace what lies beyond.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Saradominist
        • Player: Where do the followers of Saradomin go?
        • Icthlarin: Though he is sometimes more governed by ego that reason, the followers of Saradomin generally try to be good to one another. The result is a world of quiet contemplation and perpetual bliss. A place of light and music. There is no conflict here. No disagreements or discrimination. Only endless bliss.
          • That sounds wonderful.
            • Icthlarin: To some, yes. But some people, perhaps including yourself, thrive on conflict.
              • (Shows previous options)
          • That sounds horrible.
            • Icthlarin: There are those who would disagree. Some would happily close their eyes and never have to care again.
              • (Shows previous options)
      • Zamorakian
        • Player: Where do the followers of Zamorak go?
        • Icthlarin: Our afterlives are shaped by the souls of those who travel them. The followers of Zamorak are creatures of chaos and conflict. Theirs is a world filled with constant power plays and courtly intrigue. A great throne room with an empty throne. But those who claim the throne soon learn there is another throne above them, and another above that. An eternal struggle for power amongst those who are no longer subject to death. I hear that they rather enjoy themselves.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • [More]
        • Armadylean
          • Player: Where do the followers of Armadyl go?
          • Icthlarin: For those who follow Armadyl, community and justice are the most important things in their lives. Their afterlife is a great sphere with a diamond star at the centre. Their world is on the inside of this sphere. Each person there lives the life of each other person. Passing on mantle of self from one to the next. It is a world where everything walks in the shoes of everyone else and so there is a profound sense of togetherness. Albeit perhaps at the loss of one's self.
            • (Shows initial options)
        • Bandosian
          • Player: Where do the followers of Bandos go?
          • Icthlarin: It will surprise you little that even in death the Bandosian warriors march to war. Immortal soldiers slay one another, only to be reborn again ready to try once more for glory. They battle over the ruins of worlds long since burned to ash and they fight simply because they can.
            • (Shows initial options)
        • Zarosian
          • Player: Where do the followers of Zaros go?
          • Icthlarin: Of that I do now know. I have yet to take one to the Underworld. It is something that vexes me greatly.
            • (Shows initial options)
        • [More]
          • Brassican
            • Player: Where do the followers of Brassica Prime go?
            • Icthlarin: They are vegetables...they go back to the earth, or are digested.
            • Player: I was expecting something a bit more profound.
            • Icthlarin: Why? I mean... he's a magic cabbage..
            • Player: Point taken.
              • (Shows initial options)
          • Serenist
            • Player: Where do the followers of Seren go?
            • Icthlarin: Theirs is a world of harmonious song, where each soul is a symphony amongst a choir. Truly beautiful, but as enigmatic as the elves themselves. There is a power to that song that eludes me.
              • (Shows initial options)
          • [More]
            • (Shows initial options)
          • [Leave]
        • [Leave]
      • [Leave]
  • I have to go.

Talking to Death[]

  • What do we need to do now?
    • Death: Behold, the river Noumenon. Here is where souls would normally be guided over to Icthlarin's fortress to move on to their afterlife. Unfortunately Nomad has taken control of this fortress and is absorbing all the souls into his obelisk. This cannot be allowed to stand. We need to gather allies from their afterlives. The boats to our north will bring you to the people you need. These souls are lost, trapped in their afterlives. They will need you to free them from their plight. Each of them is known to you, but now is the time to set aside old rivalries. Once we have our allies, we can prepare to attack the fortress itself.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What are your thoughts on Nomad?
    • Death: He is a walking wound on the world. A nightmare that should not be. He may think himself himself noble, perhaps even heroic, but he is evil in the truest sense of the word. The souls he steals now are warped, twisted and ultimately consumed. They get no afterlife, no rest. He has eluded me for too long. His crimes have grown unforgiveable.[sic] I will revel as I finally reap his soul.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • Death: I know very little about what lies beyond those gates. Icthlarin knows more.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What's it like being Death?
    • Death: Lonely. But rewarding. Few can say their work has as much meaning as I, but no one ever wants to see Death.
      • I do!
        • Death: Thank you. That is kind of you. But you are a unique case I fear. The thought is eternally appreciated though.
          • (Continues below)
      • I can understand that.
        • Death: It's always difficult facing one's mortality and I am the embodiment of that. A reminder that everything must come to an end eventually.
          • (Continues below)
      • Sounds great to me!
        • Death: For some time I would agree. I was never a gregarious person, I liked my solitude. But eternity is such a very long time and time changes all things. Mountains are worn down to pebbles, oceans run dry and stars go dark eventually. Everything changes.
        • Player: That's a depressing outlook.
        • Death: I am Death, depressing is somewhat my forte.
          • (Continues below)
    • Death: I have had friends of course. Even lovers, don't ask, but in the end I have been forced to reap their souls. You cannot know the pain of seeing someone you love pass on to a place you will never know. But then again, I prevent them from being trapped on this world. Change can be terrifying and unbearable, but it can also be wonderful and uplifting. I facilitate the ultimate change to everyone on this world. The transition from one world to the next. Few can say their life has such absolute purpose.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • I have to go.

Travelling to the afterlife[]

Embarking on the Dusty jetty[]

  • Sail to this afterlife?
    • Yes
    • No

Embarking on the Bloodstained jetty[]

  • Sail to this afterlife?
    • Yes
    • No

In Limbo[]

Upon arrival[]

You will be greeted by Astrid if your player was male and engaged to Astrid, and Brand if your character was female and engaged to Brand, during the Throne of Miscellania quest: 

  • Astrid/Brand: Darling! Darling! Hello!

Talking to Astrid/Brand[]

Talking to Astrid for the first time[]

  • Astrid: Hello my beloved. It is so good to see you again.
  • Player: Astrid? But you're dead... which is a redundant statement given we're in the afterlife.
  • Astrid: I know dear. I died a warrior, so I died a good death. I hope you didn't mourn me for too long. I want you to have lived a full and happy life without me. But enough of that. I have crossed afterlives to find you here. I want to help. I learned about Nomad's attack and I knew you'd be here to stop him. So I scouted this afterlife for you. This place is only part of an afterlife. It's a place people go when they're not quite ready to pass on yet. But you forget yourself here. Your memories just sort of slip away from you. It's tragic. There are three souls here that I think would be invaluable in your fight against Nomad. I think you probably know them already. If you can help them remember who they are, then I'm sure they'll help. I'll wait here in case you need any help or advice, but this is something I think you need to do alone.

Talking to Brand for the first time[]

  • Brand: Hello my beloved. It is so good to see you again.
  • Player: Brand! But you're...I was going to say you're dead, but that's redundant in the afterlife.
  • Brand: Yes. I have waited for so long to see you that I composed a poem, do you want to hear it?
    • Yes
      • Player: Yes, I'd love to.
      • Brand: In the underworld, illuminated by ghost light. Breathless memories dance betwixt Death's heartless embrace. In restless tomorrow I find endless longing. For delicious cake.
        • That was a lovely poem.
          • Player: Lovely poem Brand, really lovely.
          • Brand: Yes I know, I impress even myself. Being dead has left me focus far more on my creative talents.
            • (Continues below)
        • That didn't even rhyme!
          • Player: That didn't even rhyme...and what rhythm was that meant to be?
          • Brand: Yes I know, I impress even myself. Being dead has left me focus far more on my creative talents.
            • (Continues below)
    • No
      • (Transcript missing. edit)
        • (Continues below)
  • Brand: But enough of that. I have crossed afterlives to find you here. I want to help. I learned about Nomad's attack and I knew you'd be here to stop him. So I scouted this afterlife for you. This place is only part of an afterlife. It's a place people go when they're not quite ready to pass on yet. But you forget yourself here. Your memories just sort of slip away from you. It's tragic. There are three souls here that I think would be invaluable in your fight against Nomad. I think you probably know them already. If you can help them remember who they are, then I'm sure they'll help. I'll wait here in case you need any help or advice, but this is something I think you need to do alone.

Talking to Astrid/Brand afterward[]

Before talking to the others in Limbo[]
  • Astrid/Brand: Have you found any of the allies here?
  • Player/Brand: Not yet.
  • Astrid/Brand: Well I think you should get to that. We can catch up later, when we're out of this place.
After talking to the others in Limbo[]
  • Ask about them.
    • Astrid/Brand: I'm good darling, all the better for seeing you again.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Ask about Hazelmere.
    • Astrid/Brand: Hrmm. I've seen that poor guy. He keeps appearing all over the place spouting nonsense. I wonder if he can point out where he'll appear next.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Ask about Jessika/Korasi.
    • Astrid/Brand: Oh her? She seems to be filled with doubt, seems like you might have to fight her battles for her my darling.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Ask about Xenia.
    • Astrid/Brand: Some people can never let go of their regrets, perhaps you can help her do that? I bet she has them just locked away around here somewhere. Look for things like chests or locked rooms or something.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Goodbye.
    • Astrid/Brand: Goodbye, my beloved.
      • (Shows previous options)

Void Knight memories[]

You will meet Jessika if Jessika dies, and Korasi if Korasi dies, during The Void Stares Back

Talking to Jessika/Korasi[]

First time[]
  • Player: Jessika/Korasi! You're alive!
  • Jessika/Korasi: For what good it's worth.
  • Player: Sorry?
  • Jessika/Korasi: What's the point? I have no reason to do anything. I may as well just stand here and fade away.
  • Player: Ok. So you've just given up?
  • Jessika/Korasi: Why not? There's no reason to fight for who I am is there.[sic]
  • Player: Hmm, so what you need is a reason to fight. I'll look around.
  • Jessika/Korasi: I have no reason to fight to remember myself, so why bother?
  • Player: Hmm, so what you need is a reason to fight. I'll look around.

Wizard Grayzag[]

Upon arrival[]

Wizard Grayzag may say any of the following at random: 

  • Wizard Grayzag: I shall have my revenge! I shall have all the power!
  • Wizard Grayzag: None shall stand against me!
  • Wizard Grayzag: I will crush them all beneath my boot!
  • Wizard Grayzag: Ahahahahaaaa, I will destroy them all!

Talking to Wizard Grayzag[]

As soon as the option "My name is Jessika/Korasi." is selected, the rest of the dialogue will be carried out as if the player was Jessika/Korasi, unless the player walks away and is transformed back into himself/herself: 

  • Wizard Grayzag: Ahahahaa! Jessika/Korasi, we meet again!
    • I'm not Jessika/Korasi.
      • Player: I'm not Jessika/Korasi.
        • If the player is transformed as Jessika/Korasi: 
          • You transform into yourself
      • Wizard Grayzag: Of course not. You're a nobody, worthless. Why remember your name? No one else will!
        • I remember her name.
          • Player: I remember her name. Her name is Jessika, I fought with her against the pest queen.
          • Wizard Grayzag: Yet you still cannot admit that name for yourself. Pathetic.
            • (Shows initial options)
        • My name is Player.
          • Player: My name is Player. I am the World Guardian.
          • Wizard Grayzag: Oh you can hide behind whatever mask you want Jessika/Korasi, but you are hiding.
            • (Shows initial options)
        • My name is Jessika/Korasi.
          • Player: I am...
          • Player transforms into Jessika/Korasi
          • Jessika/Korasi: Jessika/Korasi.
          • Wizard Grayzag: Oh...I you are.
            • (Shows initial options)
    • Wizard Grayzag?
      • If you left Wizard Grayzag with the Black Knights in The Void Stares Back
        • Player: Wizard Grayzag? But you're dead...and probably dismembered. Tortured at the very least.
          • (Continues below)
      • If you left Wizard Grayzag with the Temple Knights in The Void Stares Back
        • Player: Wizard Grayzag? But you're...well...I assume dead. The temple knights were rather vague.
          • (Continues below)
      • If you left Wizard Grayzag with the Void Knights in The Void Stares Back
        • Player: Wizard Grayzag? But you're dead, the Void Knights executed you.
          • (Continues below)
      • If you left Wizard Grayzag with the White Knights in The Void Stares Back
        • Player: Wizard Grayzag? But you're locked away. You're not dead.
      • If the player is himself/herself: 
        • Wizard Grayzag: Oh Jessika/Korasi. You are so blind, you don't see me for what I am.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • If the player is Jessika/Korasi: 
        • Wizard Grayzag: Oh Jessika/Korasi. You still don't acknowledge me for who I really am. Perhaps I should take on a new face.
        • Wizard Grayzag turns into the Pest Queen.
        • Pest Queen reverts back into Wizard Grayzag
        • Wizard Grayzag: Do you know me for what I am now?
          • A shapeshifter?
            • Wizard Grayzag: You are still limited in your imagination. No wonder why I will always win.
              • (Shows initial options)
          • You represent danger.
            • Wizard Grayzag: Yes, now you see.
              • (Shows initial options)
          • You're the pest queen.
            • Wizard Grayzag: You are still limited in your imagination. No wonder why I will always win.
              • (Shows initial options)
    • You got what you deserved.
      • Player: You got what you deserved.
      • Wizard Grayzag: As do we all, in the end.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • I'm not afraid of you!
      • Player: I'm not afraid of you!
        • If talking as the Player: 
          • Wizard Grayzag: Of course you are. You won't even take off your mask Jessika/Korasi.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • If talking as Jessika/Korasi: 
          • If you have not yet gone through all of the initial dialogue options: 
            • Wizard Grayzag: Of course you are, you don't even know what I am.
              • (Shows previous options)
          • If you have already gone through all of the initial dialogue options: 
            • Wizard Grayzag transforms into a Jessika-like figure: Innocent's Suffering
            • Innocent's Suffering: Aren't you? You should be. I am what happens when you fail.
              • Then I won't fail.
                • Jessika/Korasi: Then I won't fail.
                • Innocent's Suffering: But you will. One day. It is inevitable. Just one mistake, once, is all it takes.
                • Jessika/Korasi: I'll deal with you then, not now.
                  • (Continues below)
              • I'll deal with you then, not now.
                • Jessika/Korasi: I'll deal with you then, not now.
                • Innocent's Suffering: But I'll be there, people will suffer.
                • Jessika/Korasi: I cannot protect everyone, but I can fight to protect those I can. But I won't hide in fear because there might be consequences.
                • Innocent's Suffering changes into Acceptance.
                • Acceptance: Good.
                  • If you do not have at least one free inventory space: 
                    • Acceptance: I would give you a piece of Jessika's memory, but you have no space to take it. I will hold on to it until you have some space free.
                  • If you have at least one free inventory space: 
                    • Acceptance: Take this and find the other half. It is with someone who will always watch over her.
                    • You find a fragment of Jessika's memory/Korasi's memory, it looks incomplete.

Talking to Acceptance afterward[]

  • Acceptance: Go, make her whole again.

Talking to Korasi/Jessika[]

You will meet Jessika if Korasi is dead, and Korasi if Jessika is dead: 

  • Player: Korasi/Jessika?
  • Korasi/Jessika: Yes and no. I am a memory of Korasi/Jessika, the Korasi/Jessika that Jessika/Korasi remembers. She makes me haunt her here, so I can watch her from this tower. Always just a little out of reach.
  • Player: Why?
  • Korasi/Jessika: So she can pretend to forget me. But she will never really let me go. So she puts me here, just out of reach. but she leaves me with a piece of herself so we are never really apart.
    • First time: 
      • Korasi/Jessika gives you a fragment of Jessika's memory/Korasi's memory, it looks incomplete.
    • Afterward: 
      • Player: I'll do what I can for her.
      • Korasi/Jessika: I know. Please, make her whole again. Tell her...tell her I'm ok.

Combining the fragments of Jessika's/Korasi's memory[]

  • You have made Jessika's/Korasi's memory whole again, you should give this to her.

Talking to Jessika/Korasi with Jessika's/Korasi's memory[]

  • Jessika/Korasi: Oh...I remember...I remember everything. By Guthix I was a bit pathetic wasn't I? The afterlife does strange things to you Player, let''s keep all this between us, ok?
  • Player: Sounds good to me. I need your help, can you meet me at the bridge over the river Noumenon?
  • Jessika/Korasi: Yes, I can do that. I'll see you there.
Jessika/Korasi teleports away.

Xenia's memories[]

Talking to Xenia[]

  • If you have not yet collected any memory fragments:
    • [Friendly greeting]
      • Player: Xenia, I am so happy to see you.
        • (Continues below)
    • [Unfriendly greeting]
      • Player: Xenia. I had hoped never to have to see you again.
        • (Continues below)
    • [Attack]
      • Player punches Xenia
      • Xenia: Ow.
      • Player: Ow? That's it, ow? No fighting back, no retort? Come on Xenia, you've had this coming.
        • (Continues below)
    • Xenia: Xenia? that my name?
    • Player: Yes, you're Xenia. Do you know who you are?
    • Xenia: No. Don't make me remember. I did terrible things, I should be forgotten.
    • Player: Hrmm. Did you hide your memories Xenia?
    • Xenia: I couldn't bear to see the terrible things I did. I locked those horrible stories away.
    • Player: Well that's a start I suppose.
  • If you have collected one or more memory fragments:
    • Xenia: I hid my guilt and shameful memories. Locked them away where no one can find them.

On the 2nd3rd floor[UK] of Lumbridge Castle[]

Opening the Chest[]
  • The chest is locked, which makes you feel deeply ashamed.
As Shame attacks[]
  • Shame: You manipulated people, convinced friends and allies to do terrible things.
  • Shame: Your mother died alone and abandoned because you were too busy to see her.
Searching the Chest[]
  • You find a fragment of Xenia's memory. It looks incomplete.
Opening the Chest again[]
  • There appears to be nothing more in this box.

On the 1st2nd floor[UK] of Lumbridge Castle[]

Opening the Chest[]
  • The chest is locked, which makes you feel oddly guilty.
As Shame attacks[]
  • Shame: You betrayed your friends and murdered a man, all because of your own arrogance.
  • Shame: You turned on your friends, because you listened to a monster you knew nothing about.
Searching the Chest[]
  • You find a fragment of Xenia's memory. It looks incomplete.
Opening the Chest again[]
  • There appears to be nothing more in this box.

Combining the fragments of Xenia's memory[]

  • You have Xenia's complete memory. You should probably give this to her.

Talking to Xenia with Xenia's memory[]

  • Xenia: Ah, me again. Forgive me Player, I know now that I was wrong with my plans to stop the elder gods. I was so sure that it had to be done and so resolute that no one should have to suffer the blame but me. I have relied on myself for so long, I have forgotten how to take the counsel of others. But we can talk about this later. I know why you're here and I know I can help. I will meet you at the bridge, we can talk further then.

Hazelmere's memories[]

Talking to Hazelmere[]

  • Player: Hazelmere! It's good to see you again.
  • Hazelmere: Well of course it's unpleasant. You try having this conversation spread randomly across the moments.
  • Player: Huh?
  • Hazelmere: Though thinking about it, you probably are. Look, I'm spread out all over the place. I'll try and point out where I next am...was...urgh, will be?
  • Player: I'll see if I can find pieces of you shall I?
Hazelmere teleports away

On the balcony of the 1st2nd floor[UK] of Lumbridge Castle[]

  • Hazelmere: I have no idea what that means, but it's an impressive sounding title at least. Look I hate to ask you to go off on some laborious fetch quest, but I don't suppose you could do me a favour could you? You remember I had a gift with seeing the future? A wonderful side effect of my connection to the anima mundi?
Hazelmere teleports away

At the roof of Lumbridge Castle[]

  • Hazelmere: One part of me is thirty seconds into the future, another is ten seconds into the past.
  • Player: Er...that certainly does sound unpleasant?
Hazelmere teleports away

On the 2nd3rd floor[UK] of the Lumbridge Castle gatehouse[]

  • Hazelmere: Ah, hello Player, you look oddly healthy for this place. Adventuring has suited you well. There's a definite power about you.
  • Player: Well Guthix did make me the World Guardian.
Hazelmere teleports away

At Bob's Brilliant Axes[]

  • Hazelmere: Well it appears that there is a small side effect of that when one dies. It appears that I've been sort of, well, scattered around this place. It's as though I've been split apart and different parts of me have been placed in a different time to others.
Hazelmere teleports away

At the southeast corner outside of Lumbridge Castle[]

  • Hazelmere: Please do. They could be all over the place, but find and talk to them to establish a chronological order and I will be terribly grateful.
  • Player: This is really weird.
  • Hazelmere: Try living it.
  • Player: Ok, I'm on it.
Hazelmere teleports away

After talking to Hazelmere in all places[]

  • Hazelmere: Oh, thank the stars for that. I can finally think linearly again. I'll tell you, non-Euclidean realities are not fun, not fun at all. I swear there were strange dogs staring out at me from various angles. Most unpleasant. But that's enough of that, you saved me and I know exactly what you're going to say.
    • I need you to help me fight Nomad.
      • Player: I...
        • (Continues below)
    • Really?
      • (Same as above)
    • Bluster bubble womble flip.
      • Player: Bluster bubble...
      • Hazelmere: ...womble flip. I know, I was in the future remember.
        • (Continues below)
    • Hazelmere: You need me to help your fight against Nomad. I will of course aid you. Anyone stealing souls trying to enter the afterlife deserves a good hard kick up the...
    • Player: ...evil scheme. You're right.
    • Hazelmere: Wonderful. I shall meet you at the bridge over the river Noumenon then.
Hazelmere teleports away

After aiding Jessika/Korasi, Xenia, and Hazelmere[]

  • Player: I think that's everyone. I should go and check on Princess Astrid/Prince Brand.

Talking to Astrid/Brand[]

  • Astrid/Brand: You did it, you found them all. Come on, we should head back to the headquarters at the river.
Nomad interjects
  • Nomad: Oh how sickeningly sweet. Even death won't keep two young lovers apart.
  • Player: Nomad?
  • Astrid/Brand: Darling? Who are you talking to?
  • Nomad: They care so very deeply for you. They see only the good, none of the evil. I wonder, do you feel the same? Does your heart beat in time with theirs?
    • Yes, I feel the same.
      • Nomad: I see. It will break you when you have to leave them again. That prolonged, agonising goodbye as you realise you will never meet again. Worry not my friend, I will save you that drawn out suffering...
        • (Continues below)
    • No, they mean nothing to me.
      • Nomad: How cold. How cruel. Even in death they fought to be by your side and yet they are nothing to you? I thought you were meant to be the hero? But I see that their presence pains you so. Worry not my friend, I will save you that drawn out suffering...
        • (Continues below)
Nomad appears nearby
  • Nomad: I will take your pain away.
Nomad attacks and fatally wounds Astrid/Brand
  • Astrid/Brand: lo...
  • Nomad: How fragile the heart is. Tell me Player will such pain destroy you or empower you? Until we meet again.
Nomad teleports away

Attempting to exit through the Portal[]

  • Leave Limbo?
    • Yes
    • No

In the Bandosian afterlife[]

Upon arrival[]

  • Player: Where am I? This looks like Yu'biusk, but it feels different.
  • Zanik: No! Keep back!
  • Player: Zanik?
  • Facing Zanik's back as Zanik converses
  • Zanik: Please, just leave us alone!
  • Spirit marauder: Begging again, traitor? Pathetic!
  • Zanik and spirit marauder fight; taller spirit marauder crosses the bridge and walks in
  • Spirit marauder: All right you little runts. Make it easy and I'll make it quick...
  • Facing Zanik's back, then Zanik turns to face you
  • Zanik: No! Stop!
  • Cave goblin: Zanik! They are hurting us! Save us, Zanik!
  • Zanik falls
  • Player: Zanik, are you all right? I thought they killed you!
  • Zanik: Player? Is it really you?
  • Player: Yes, it's me. Where are we? I was in the underworld, and now I'm on Yu'biusk.
  • Zanik: This is still the underworld. This punishment.
  • Player: What?
  • Zanik: When we defied Bandos his loyal dead set aside this corner of his afterlife. All this for me and my friends.
    • If you saved Zanik in The Mighty Fall
      • Player: But why are you here? You led the goblins into Yu'biusk as the new leader of the Bandosians.
      • Zanik: It didn't last, Player. I wasn't lying when I said I felt refreshed being there. But, it didn't stay like that for long. Within days I was ailing again. I don't even remember dying I just sort of... fell and woke up here.
      • Player: But what is all this?
      • Zanik: I could have been strong. I could have been the strongest, but I, we, chose to defy Bandos. Now his 'loyal' servants come here when they want to relax with a little entertainment. The lowliest of them come here to have a place where there is someone even they can oppress and kill. They kill me and the other cave goblins. They take our bones as trophies. The skulls of me and my people are used as currency in the battlegrounds of Bandosian 'heaven'. And then we are brought right back so they can do it all over again!
      • Player: Zanik, I'm so sorry to hear that... I'm not going to let that happen any more. Zanik, I will help save you and your friends!
        • (Continues below)
    • If you killed Zanik in The Mighty Fall:
      • Zanik: And then you killed me, and I ended up here. Tormented and attacked constantly!
        • If you are not aligned with Bandos: 
          • (Transcript missing. edit)
        • If you are aligned with Bandos: 
          • You know I had to do that.
            • Player: You know I had to do that. If you had lived the Bandosians would have continued attacking your people and wiped them out.
            • Zanik: That doesn't make it any easier. Do you know how long I have been here, Player? Forever! Time flows strangely here. Sometimes the Bandosians show me things; me meeting you, our adventures. All that hope at lo...potential that you cut down. Yes, you had your reasons, but they still hurt me, Player! I wasn't your enemy! I was never your enemy, just as I thought you were never mine!
            • Player: But what is all this?
              • (Continues above)
          • I'm so sorry, Zanik.
            • Player: I'm so sorry, Zanik. If I hadn't done that the Bandosians would have murdered your people. It was a terrible choice but one I had to make.
              • (Continues above)
          • You were dying.
            • Player: You were dying. I know this is horrible to say, but I chose to lose one life over hundreds.
              • (Continues above)
          • I did it for Bandos.
            • Player: Zanik, you know that I had to do that to uphold the ideals of Bandos.
            • Zanik: You're insane! Bandos was dead! How can you think that justifies killing me and subjecting me to this?
            • Player: You know what, Zanik, I am sick of people telling me I am insane to follow Bandos. Bandos represented strength. The strength I gained following his ideal helped me save your people. The strength I gained from following him helped me save the world more than once. Yes, he is dead, but his message remains. It echoed loud and clear when Armadyl took up his mace; the strong rule and the weak fall. If I am insane it is because, rather than use my strengths for myself all the time, I use it to shield the weak. Maybe in doing so I am trying to justify the mountain of bodies I have climbed to get this strong. Maybe I do it because it pits me against stronger foes. Who knows? All I know is that I am sick to my back teeth of hearing that being Bandosian is terrible from someone whose entire race would be rotting in their graves if I hadn't chosen to use my strength to protect them.
            • Zanik: You're a monster! Bandos represents tyranny, murder, the slaughter of innocents! I saw exactly what he stood for, not this idealized nonsense you are spouting. And! You! Killed! Me!
            • Player: I know. And maybe one day I will truly be a monster. But that day is not today.
              • (Continues above)
  • Zanik: Here they come now!

Battles with the loyal Bandosians[]

During the battles[]

Cave goblins may say any of the following at random: 

  • Cave goblin: Zanik, it hurts!
  • Cave goblin: Zanik, protect us!
  • Cave goblin: Zanik, stop being so weak!
  • Cave goblin: Zanik, why are you letting them hurt us?

After the first battle[]

  • Player: Zanik, snap out of it, this isn't real!
  • Zanik: No, Player, it is real. That's the point.
  • Player: This is the afterlife. You are NOT a Bandosian! You don't belong here. It must be some sort of illusionary punishment the other Bandosians created.
  • Zanik: No, Player! You don't get it. This is real, all of it. Those are the souls of real cave goblins. People I knew. I am really letting them down. They are really getting killed and maimed over and over again because of me. This. Is. Real. There are more coming. No time to talk...

After the second battle[]

  • Player: I thought about what you said and you need to listen to me, Zanik. This may be real, but you know what else is real? The fact that Bandos is dead. He can't keep you here! You just need to be strong and reject this to escape with me.
  • Zanik: Player, that is a beautiful sentiment. But if I'm not here then these Bandosians will butcher the souls of my friends. Sometimes they ignore them and just take turns murdering me. And you being here will make it worse. The only time I have ever beaten them back they just sent more warriors. Here they come again. It is good to see you but... you should go.

After the third battle[]

  • Zanik: They're gone. They're really gone! I can always feel when more of them are going to arrive but now there is nothing. What is this?
  • Player: Remember what I said, Zanik? Bandos is dead. All that is left are his followers and you've driven them off. By resisting you've grown stronger, can't you feel it? You've broken free.
  • Zanik: But I had to rely on you again. I can't escape needing your help even in death...
  • Cave goblin: There's no shame in that, Zanik. Player is your friend, after all.
  • Zanik: Wait, why haven't you said any of this before? All you have told me up until now is how I have failed and disappointed you.
  • Cave goblin: You need to let us go, Zanik. Don't you see? We were forced by the magic of this place to say those things. Did we feel them sometimes? Yes. We were being punished for what you did and that hurt us, so very badly. But without the power of this place we would not have said them. We saw you were doing your best to help us, even if it hurt you.
  • Zanik: But...
  • Cave goblin: No, Zanik. This place was made to hurt you. Bandosian belief put us here to hurt you. You have broken the spell now. In the end this punishment is for you. If you leave we'll be free. The Bandosian spirits only really are here to punish us because you were here.
  • Zanik: I never realised.
  • Player: You took this burden on yourself, Zanik. You can put it down now.
  • Zanik: Thank you, thank you all so much... Player, thank you too. I guess it is time for one last adventure, right?
  • Player: Of course, Zanik. Let's go.
  • Cave goblin: Player?
  • Player: Yes?
  • Cave goblin: I'm so glad you could save Zanik. She never deserved this, and I am glad you managed to get her out. Take care of her.
  • Player: I will.

Cave goblin may say this under certain conditions: 

  • Cave goblin: Do you really think you can save them, Player? You can't. There is a grinding darkness against which your soul shall be lathed. And this is Xau-Tak.
  • Player: What?
  • Cave goblin: I said "I'm so glad you could save Zanik. She never deserved this, and I am glad you managed to get her out. Take care of her." Why do you look so shocked?
  • Player: Nothing. Uh, sure. I will.
You return to Death's office

Moving onto the next phase[]

Talking to allies[]

Talking to the Void Knight ally[]

If Jessika died in The Void Stares Back, you may talk to Jessika; if Korasi died in The Void Stares Back, you may talk to Korasi: 

Talking to Jessika[]
First time[]
  • Jessika: Phew, it's good to be out of there. I could feel myself just sort of slipping away. It wasn't pleasant.
  • Player: Did you not want to go to the afterlife? Isn't it supposed to be restful and pleasant?
  • Jessika: Maybe. I have no evidence to suggest that it would, or evidence to suggest otherwise for that matter. Frankly I'd rather not be dead, it seems like the better solution.
  • Player: I mean...well you are still dead. You're not alive again or anything.
  • Jessika: I know that. I do. But at least now I can prepare myself a bit better, see if I can pass on without the disturbing drifting away part.
    • What do you think about the situation?
      • (Same as below)
    • What's it like to die?
      • (Same as below)
    • Any thoughts on the afterlife?
      • (Same as below)
    • Can I ask you about before you died?
      • (Same as below)
  • What do you think about the situation?
    • Jessika: I can say with categorical certainty that Nomad absolutely must be stopped. Whatever he's doing, it will have disastrous consequences if it's not stopped. It may already have disastrous consequences. Who knows what harm ripping countless souls out from their destined afterlife could have. Actually that's a good point, someone will need to keep an eye on this after it's all done. Hah, do you know, you might just have led me to my true calling. Ha ha ha.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What's it like to die?
    • Jessika: Haven't you died before? I thought adventurers got brought back from death somehow, but still technically died?
    • Player: Well it's not proper death, I never go to the Underworld...well, until now.
    • Jessika: Death is, well it's not as traumatic as you'd expect. At least not for me. Don't get me wrong, it hurt like you wouldn't believe and I could never forgive Grayzag for what he did, but it wasn't endless torment or anything. I sort of fell over, then I got up from my body and saw Death waiting patiently for me. He cut a strange tether to my body and then he led me to the river. That was a harrowing experience. Several of us crowding together staring across a bridge filled with monsters and a god there to light our way. Icthlarin defended us from the devouring beasts and then led us through these great doors and then...well then I sort of found myself in what looked like Lumbridge. I didn't want to go through, I wanted to stay. I had so much to do. So much more to say to...well, to people I care about. So I sort of just...waited and then that place just started making me forget things and drift away. I would not recommend it.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Any thoughts on the afterlife?
    • Jessika: It's actually oddly disappointing seeing it for real. The idea of a life after death always felt like it should be something more imagined than clarified. Still, the scientist in me is glad to be able to categorically answer one of the more defining questions in human history. Albeit to a very small audience.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Can I ask you about before you died?
    • Jessika: I think you were there for what I could consider the defining part of my life. The whole pest problem. I still believe that the poor creatures themselves aren't evil, just controlled by a malign influence.
      • (Shows previous options)
Talking to Korasi[]
First time[]
  • Korasi: Death has filled me in on the situation. I can't believe someone would actually do that. To actually use the souls of sentient beings as some sort of power source for their own ends. It's abhorrent. But worst is that as far as I can tell, this Nomad somehow thinks they're in the right for doing that. It takes a lot of work to become that delusional.
    • What do you think about our situation?
      • (Same as above)
    • What was dying like?
      • (Same as above)
    • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
      • (Same as above)
    • What will you do after this?
      • (Same as above)
  • What do you think about our situation?
    • Korasi: I think Nomad needs to be stopped, by any means necessary. What he's doing must be harming the fundamental structure of reality, there must be a reason that souls go to the afterlife and if he's stopping that...Well, let's face it, there's going to be consequences.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What was dying like?
    • Korasi: I was torn apart by pest drones. Fairly unpleasant probably sums it up well.
    • Player: I meant the passing on to the afterlife thing.
    • Korasi: That I can respect. Death collected me after my death and took me to the bridge, where a number of others waited. There Icthlarin marched us in formation past assorted monsters, which he held at bay. It was well organised and flawlessly executed. I can get behind someone with that sort of precision.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • Korasi: I can't tell you much. Where I went was a place where only those not quite ready to move on get to go. I wasn't ready to be dead you understand. I had so much work to do and so many things to say to people. I just couldn't let go. So I ended up in Limbo and that place began to strip away the memories that were chaining me to my old life. Not a particularly pleasant experience I must say.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What will you do after this?
    • Korasi: I don't know. Perhaps I'll finally move on. Or perhaps I'll hang around here to help deal with the inevitable consequences of Nomad's actions.
      • (Shows previous options)

Talking to Xenia[]

First time[]
  • Xenia: Thank you for getting me out of there, it was not the most pleasant of experiences.
    • We need your help.
      • Xenia: But of course I am happy to help. Death and Icthlarin have filled me in on the situation. It sounds dire indeed. This Nomad's actions are terrible indeed and I confess the crime mirrors my own, albeit far more extreme. He must be stopped, just as I understand now that I had to be stopped in my actions. I will do what I can to help you with this Player.
        • What do you think of our situation?
          • (Same as below)
        • What do you think of Nomad?
          • (Same as below)
        • Can you tell me about your afterlife?
          • (Same as below)
        • I want to talk about your death.
          • (Same as below)
    • You're welcome.
      • Xenia: It is good to see you again. I wish we could have parted on better circumstances before. For what it's worth I am sorry for not being more trusting before. I am not, at heart, a trusting person and it's difficult for me to be open. This Nomad's actions are terribly indeed and I confess the crime mirrors my own, albeit far more extreme. He must be stopped, just as I understand now that I had to be stopped in my actions. I will do what I can to help you with this Player.
        • What do you think of our situation?
          • (Same as below)
        • What do you think of Nomad?
          • (Same as below)
        • Can you tell me about your afterlife?
          • (Same as below)
        • I want to talk about your death.
          • (Same as below)
    • Personally I'd have left you.
      • Xenia: It pains me that you feel that way. I realise that our last meeting was not my finest moment. In hindsight I see how I was misled and that I should have trusted in my friends more. It's difficult, I'm not a trusting person. I hope that you feel that I got sufficient punishment for my betrayal. Though death appears to lack that poetic finality that justice requires. Still, I hope that my aid here will offer some slight penance for my actions. This Nomad's actions are terrible indeed and I confess the crime mirrors my own, albeit far more extreme. He must be stopped, just as I understand now that I had to be stopped in my actions. I will do what I can to help you with this Player.
        • What do you think of our situation?
          • (Same as below)
        • What do you think of Nomad?
          • (Same as below)
        • Can you tell me about your afterlife?
          • (Same as below)
        • I want to talk about your death.
          • (Same as below)
  • What do you think of our situation?
    • Xenia: Meddling got me in trouble before, as you remember, I will leave the tactical planning to Harold...sorry, Death.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What do you think of Nomad?
    • Xenia: I know a little of Nomad, he's cropped up on my information network a few times. A strange man. His family died when he was young and he appears to have spent the early parts of his life fighting for survival. A life like that can twist a person, make them hate the world, even subconsciously. The man we have now is a monster that thinks himself a hero. I believe he genuinely thinks that he is somehow the hero of this scene. I can relate to that delusion. To that idea that you alone can save the world by doing something that no one else is willing to do. And just as my solution was the wrong one, Nomad's current plan is even worse. You cannot, must not, show mercy. You cannot reason with this. You have no choice but to terminate with absolute prejudice. Be certain that he will be thinking the same thing.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Can you tell me about your afterlife?
    • Xenia: What is the point of looking back on that. It was a time of great pain for me. Shame, guilt and regret. No, we are much better off focusing on the course ahead. We should be looking back on where we have been.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • I want to talk about your death.
    • Xenia: To what end?
      • You shouldn't have done what you did!
        • Xenia: Ah, yes, so you feel that I deserve futher chastisement. That death and my suffering in the afterlife are insufficient? How would you like me to atone? Shall I cast myself into the river? Or perhaps allow Nomad to consume my soul? Would these acts be enough? I have paid my dues for my mistakes. I know now they were misguided and I know that I should have come to my friends for help. But it is done. I am here now to try and make amends for what I have done and I risk my immortal soul to do so. I hope that is enough. If not then once this is done, you need never see me again. I will understand.
          • (Shows initial options)
      • Are you ok?
        • Xenia: Ha haha he ha ha. I'm sorry, that question rather threw me off guard. Am I happy to have died? No, there's always more I could have done. But am I ok? No and yes. My death was a culmination of mistakes that I will have to bear for eternity, but I can at least start to rest. Knowing that the afterlife is real, it meant I now know that I have a chance to see loved ones again. When you are as old as I am and live the life I lived, you lose a lot of people you care about along the way. I rather look forward to a reunion. A chance to apologise to some and to simply hold some others. So in that regard, yes Player, I'm ok. Thank you for asking.
          • (Shows initial options)

Talking to Hazelmere[]

First time[]
  • Hazelmere: Well that was a weird situation to be in. It seems there are distinct disadvantages to seeing the future. Regardless it's nice to view time from a linear perspective again. I would have liked to come back to a more pleasant time though, this Nomad character sounds like a complete wa...
  • Player: Warmongering psychopath, I agree.
  • Hazelmere: Well there's no point talking about it, let's get down to business.
    • What do you think about our situation?
      • (Same as below)
    • Can you tell me about your afterlife?
      • (Same as below)
    • Can you tell me about your death?
      • (Same as below)
    • I have to go.
  • What do you think about our situation?
    • Hazelmere: Nomad is clearly a madman. He must be stopped. There's really no point saying any more on the subject.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Can you tell me about your afterlife?
    • Hazelmere: Well it wasn't the afterlife I was expecting. I think my meddling with the anima mundi has some side effects. I was sent to Limbo to be disconnected from my mortal anchors, as I expected, but I was instead spread out over various different times. Deeply weird, I can tell you. Hopefully now I can return properly to the Anima Mundi to be reborn. I think I'd like to be a cat for a bit, they have all the fun.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • Can you tell me about your death?
    • Hazelmere: Is there really any point dwelling on the matter? I died, it hurt, I didn't get better. Let's focus on what needs to be done instead shall we?
  • I have to go.

Talking to Zanik[]

First time[]
  • Zanik: Thank you for getting me out of there. It felt like I had been there so long that I forgot what not being there was like. Even here, on just a bridge, staring towards a fortress of souls currently under the control of a madman, it's peaceful.
  • Player: It won't be for long. Nomad has a device there which is stealing all the souls of the Underworld. We're not sure what he's doing with it, but whatever it is it can not be good.
  • Zanik: Don't worry, we'll figure it out. One more grand adventure I think.
  • Player: Glad to hear it.
    • What do you think about all this?
      • Zanik: Quite the group you've gotten here. I can't begin to imagine the adventure's you've been on. Even Xenia's here? Wait? Xenia died?
        • Ariane killed her.
          • Zanik: Ariane? Seriously? She never struck me as the murdering type.
          • Player: Well Xenia was threatening to remove all the magic from the world and thus stop the elder gods waking up.
          • Zanik: The elder what now? Being dead puts you so out of the loop. With all these allies I think we can now finally give that Nomad twit what for. Just let me know what missions you want me to undertake with you and I'm there.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • She had it coming.
          • Zanik: Really? I mean I know she was a bit of a meddler, but she deserved to die?
          • Player: She was trying to remove the anima mundi from the world. Thusly destroying all magic and who knows what other side effects.
          • Zanik: Wow...why?
          • Player: She's learned about the elder gods and wanted to keep them asleep.
          • Zanik: What are the elder gods?
          • Player: Oh, you know, massive super powerful entities that are sleeping at the heart of Gielinor ready to erupt forth and destroy everything in the process.
          • Zanik: ...
          • Player: Ok when I put it that way I can kinda understand why Xenia might have done anything to stop them...
          • Zanik: With all these allies I think we can now finally give that Nomad twit what for. Just let me know what missions you want me to undertake with you and I'm there.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • It was tragic.
          • Zanik: I'm sure it must have been. Still, she's a shrewd and cunning warrior, so at least we have her here now. With all these allies I think we can now finally give that Nomad twit what for. Just let me know what missions you want me to undertake with you and I'm there.
            • (Shows previous options)
    • How can you help with the siege?
      • Zanik: My small frame gives me the edge over some of our other allies when it comes to stealth. I'm pretty good with a crossbow, if I do say so myself. I'm also not afraid of the dangers ahead, because nothing can be worse than where I've just been.
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Can we talk about your afterlife?
      • Zanik: Do we have to? It was horrible.
        • How did you die?
            • Zanik: Against my will my soul was tied to Bandos. When he was killed that death followed back to me. It clawed at me, the last remnants of Bandos trying to survive by killing me. But ironically he wasn't strong enough to survive. But the damage had been done. I was dying, I knew that when we last met. When I left for Yu'biusk for a while it seemed like I was doing better. But that, as it turned out, just wasn't the case. I'm not even sure when I died, or how, I just sort of woke up in that nightmare and couldn't get out. Until you rescued me of course.
              • (Shows previous options)
        • Why did you go to a Bandosian afterlife?
          • Zanik: When he made me the Chosen Commander, Bandos linked our spirits together. In doing so it meant that when I died it was the belief of his followers that sealed my fate, rather than my own beliefs. The moment I entered the Underworld, I was dragged straight to that terrible place.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • How long were you there?
          • Zanik: Forever. Time doesn't work like it does on Gielinor. It was as if I had always been there and always would be. I think...I think some of me is still there, fighting that impossible endless fight. I can feel myself being pulled back to it even now. I will not go back there. I won't. Please tell me I won't.
          • Player: You won't. I promise.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • [Ask about something else.]
          • (Shows initial options)
    • What do you think about the others?
      • Zanik: They seem to be a good bunch. The gnome's a bit stand offish, but the rest of them seem to be good guys. It's certainly nice to have Death and the god of the Underworld on my side at least.
        • (Shows previous options)
  • Hello Player.
    • What do you think about all this?
      • (Same as above)
    • How can you help with the siege?
      • (Same as above)
    • Can we talk about your afterlife?
      • (Same as above)
    • What do you think about the others?
      • (Same as above)

Before acquiring all allies[]

Talking to Icthlarin[]

  • What do I need to do?
    • (Same as above)
  • What do you think of Nomad?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • I have to go.

Talking to Death[]

  • What do we need to do now?
    • (Same as above)
  • What are your thoughts on Nomad?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • What's it like being Death?
    • (Same as below)
  • I have to go.

Planning on the War table[]

  • You need to find your allies first.

After acquiring all allies[]

Upon arrival[]

  • Death: You have allies, good, we can begin. Come speak to me and we'll move on to the next phase of the plan.
  • Player: Poor Astrid/Brand...
  • Icthlarin: I am sorry for your loss Player. But I swear, we will have vengeance.

Talking to Death[]

  • What do we need to do now?
    • Death: Now that we have our army.[sic] We can move on to the next phase. Whilst you were away we had a bit of a breakthrough. We've captured Legio Septimus, the head of the True Order of Ascension. Now we need to find out what they know. Xenia and Zanik have already agreed to assist you with the interrogation. Do not let them rattle you Player. Torture is never the right way to gather information. Use the war table to begin the interrogation.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What are your thoughts on Nomad?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • What's it like being Death?
    • (Same as above)
  • I have to go.

Talking to Zanik[]

  • Zanik is too busy to talk to you right now.


Upon arrival[]

  • Legio Septimus: Release me. You dare to lay a hand on me? On this flesh that is soon to be divine? Your imperfection offends and disgusts me and each moment you remain near me is a step further I am from perfection. Release me or kill me, but do not pollute the air with your nauseous banality any longer.
    • I just need to ask you a few things first.
      • Legio Septimus: We are as the ant to the dragon, you are beneath me. I will tell you nothing.
        • (Continues below)
    • I'll make you talk.
      • Legio Septimus: The pebble cannot break the mountain, you will get nothing from me.
        • (Continues below)

Interrogating Legio Septimus[]

  • [Ask him about subject]
    • Tell me about Nomad.
      • What is Nomad's plan?
        • Refusing to tell: 
          • Normally: 
            • Dialogue 1: 
              • Legio Septimus: I will tell you nothing. You believe nothing and soon you'll be nothing.
                • (Shows previous options)
            • Dialogue 2: 
              • Legio Septimus: I will tell you nothing. You are faithless and incapable of vision.
                • (Shows previous options)
            • Dialogue 3: 
              • Legio Septimus: You'll get nothing from me. You're an insect trying to understand the stars.
                • (Shows previous options)
            • Dialogue 4: 
              • Legio Septimus:, I will tell you nothing.
                • (Shows previous options)
          • Insane: 
            • Legio Septimus: Too many limbs; they move like scraping on the walls on the ceilings under the floors.
              • (Shows previous options)
          • Too tired: 
            • Legio Septimus: Please... just let me rest for a moment. I'm so tired, please I can't answer anything. Just let me sleep.
              • (Shows previous options)
          • Almost dead: 
            • Legio Septimus: Kill me, please. Just kill me.
              • (Shows previous options)
        • Closer to telling but not yet agreeing to tell: 
          • Dialogue 1: 
            • Legio Septimus: I can see the beginning of understanding upon your brow, but you still have your mind closed to the truth. I don't think you could comprehend the messiah's plan.
              • [Continue asking questions.]
                • What's his end goal?
                  • Legio Septimus: It is beyond your comprehension!
                    • (Shows previous options)
                • Where's his power focused?
                  • Legio Septimus: In the fortress, obviously. I mean you know that already, surely?
                    • (Shows previous options)
                • [Stay silent.]
                  • (Transcript missing. edit)
              • [Ask about something else.]
                • (Shows previous options)
        • Agreeing to tell in good spirits: 
          • Legio Septimus: It is a noble and glorious plan my friend. With the death of Guthix our world has become empty and without meaning. People go about their lives only offering lip service to the gods that care nothing for their followers. Saradomin, who demands only fealty. Zamorak, who leads us all astray. Only Guthix really cared, only Guthix understood us. Which is where Nomad came to us with his great promise of salvation. A god, a god of our own design. A god who understands all of us because they are made from all of us. The souls of Gielinor fused into our one true protector! The god who is Gielinor, who is his followers! WHO WILL STAND AGAINST THE TYRANNY OF THE OTHER GODS? WHO WILL MAKE GIELINOR WHOLE AGAIN?
            • (Shows previous options)
        • ​Agreeing to tell in broken spirits: 
          • Legio Septimus: Please. Stop. Don't hurt me. I'll tell you...I'll tell you... just please, no more. The souls... Nomad is not destroying them, he is... giving them a purpose... the most noble of purposes. They are becoming more than mere mortal souls passing on. They are being forged into a new protector of Gielinor, a new god. This god will wipe clean the stain of corruption on the world. He will make it a haven for the faithful and cast out those warped with sin. I will be raised up in his council, whereas you will be nothing more than a stain on his boot. Oh how I will laugh at your suffering.
            • (Shows previous options)
      • Who was Nomad's master?
        • Refusing to tell: 
          • Normally: 
            • (Same as above)
          • ​Insane: 
            • (Same as above)
          • Too tired:
            • ​(Same as above)
          • ​Almost dead: 
            • (Same as above)
        • Agreeing to tell: 
          • Legio Septimus: He has no master fool. He is Nomad! He is the future!
            • (Shows previous options)
      • Before Legio Septimus tells you about Nomad's defences: 
        • Tell me about Nomad's defences.
          • Refusing to tell: 
            • Normally: 
              • (Same as above)
            • ​Insane: 
              • (Same as above)
            • Too tired:
              • ​(Same as above)
            • ​Almost dead: 
              • (Same as above)
            • Defiant: 
              • Legio Septimus: I know you yearn to tear him down, but he does not stand alone. Legions of faithful soldiers protect him. Even now they patrol his fortress, ready to cut you down like the dog you are.
                • (Shows previous options)
          • Agreeing to tell: 
            • Legio Septimus: He is the messiah, he needs no bodyguards or guardians, but the faithful will flock to him as his shield, needed or not. The devoted faithful constantly patrol the fortress grounds, you will never get past them.
              • (Shows previous options)
      • After Legio Septimus tells you about Nomad's defences: 
        • Tell me about Nomad's patrols.
          • Refusing to tell: 
            • Normally: 
              • (Same as above)
            • ​Insane: 
              • (Same as above)
            • Too tired:
              • ​(Same as above)
            • ​Almost dead: 
              • (Same as above)
          • Agreeing to tell: 
            • Legio Septimus: I see it... I see it my your eyes. You see the truth, you see the beauty of Nomad's mission! Ah, I see, but you cannot betray your feelings to your allies. They would not understand, small as they are. Come closer my friend, I shall whisper a secret to you. There is a secret way inside the fortress. To the east of the entrance lies a cavern, in which a passageway lies hidden. When the patrols are distracted, find your way inside and make your way to a new beginning.
              • (Shows previous options)
      • Before Legio Septimus tells you about Nomad's plan: 
        • How do I defeat him?
          • Refusing to tell: 
            • Normally: 
              • (Same as above)
            • ​Insane: 
              • (Same as above)
            • Too tired:
              • ​(Same as above)
            • ​Almost dead: 
              • (Same as above)
            • Defiant: 
              • Legio Septimus: You can't! He will crush you into the dust, he will scatter your soul across the cosmos. You cannot hope to win!
                • (Shows previous options)
          • Agreeing to tell: 
            • Legio Septimus: Why would you want to destroy him? He is the god that we need, the god that will protect us. He will be Gielinor incarnate.
              • (Shows previous options)
      • After Legio Septimus tells you about Nomad's plan: 
        • [More...]
          • Tell me about the new god.
            • Refusing to tell: 
              • Normally: 
                • (Same as above)
              • ​Insane: 
                • (Same as above)
              • Too tired:
                • ​(Same as above)
              • ​Almost dead: 
                • (Same as above)
            • Agreeing to tell: 
              • Legio Septimus: Ah, I see it in your eyes, that light of realisation. The desire to know more about the god you know is the true future. He will be a god born from the essence, thoughts, dreams, needs, desires and flaws of all those souls that have died. A glorious gestalt of the blessed chosen ones. It will be a god that truly understands what Gielinor needs, because he will feel that need also! No longer a god that demands fealty for nothing in return, but a god that provides and loves us, because he IS us. Isn't it wonderful!
                • (Shows previous options)
          • How do I defeat him?
            • Refusing to tell: 
              • Normally: 
                • (Same as above)
              • ​Insane: 
                • (Same as above)
              • Too tired:
                • ​(Same as above)
              • ​Almost dead: 
                • (Same as above)
            • Agreeing to tell: 
              • (Same as above)
          • [Back]
          • [More...]
            • (Shows previous options)
      • [Back]
    • Tell me about the Order.
      • What is the order up to?
        • Refusing to tell: 
          • Normally: 
            • (Same as above)
          • ​Insane: 
            • (Same as above)
          • Too tired:
            • ​(Same as above)
          • ​Almost dead: 
            • (Same as above)
        • Agreeing to tell: 
          • Legio Septimus: The Order itself has grown weak and foolish. They cling to the crystals in the monastery and do not think beyond such limited dreams. The True Order embraces a new doctrine. A new dogma. A path to true and absolute ascension. Nomad will show us the way!
            • (Shows previous options)
      • What do they need the souls for?
        • Refusing to tell: 
          • Normally: 
            • (Same as above)
          • ​Insane: 
            • (Same as above)
          • Too tired:
            • ​(Same as above)
          • ​Almost dead: 
            • (Same as above)
        • Agreeing to tell: 
          • Legio Septimus: Your tiny mind cannot begin to fathom the glory of our great mission. I pity you for even trying.
      • Why are you working with Nomad?
        • Refusing to tell: 
          • Normally: 
            • (Same as above)
          • ​Insane: 
            • (Same as above)
          • Too tired:
            • ​(Same as above)
          • ​Almost dead: 
            • (Same as above)
        • Agreeing to tell: 
          • Legio Septimus: Nomad came to us with a new vision; of a god that would serve the people and not the other way around. He taught us of the limitless potential of the human soul and how we can use it to forge a new form of ascension. He is our messiah! He is the future of all Gielinor!
            • (Shows previous options)
      • [Ask something else]
    • [Back to options]
  • [Threaten him]
    • Normally: 
      • Dialogue 1: 
        • Player: I will rip those crystals out of your flesh one by one until you scream the answers to me.
        • Legio Septimus: don't frighten me. I...I am a legio. I am beyond your pathetic mewling.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Dialogue 2
        • Player: With all those big crystals magically empowering you, I wonder how much blood you really need. Shall we find out?
        • Legio Septimus: don't frighten me. I...I am a legio. I am beyond your pathetic mewling.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Dialogue 3: 
        • Player: Come to think of it, you dont need all of your fingers. I could just snap one or two, see how you look.
        • Legio Septimus: don't frighten me. I...I am a legio. I am beyond your pathetic mewling.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Dialogue 4
        • Player: Do crystals melt or burn? I can start a fire and find out. Do you want to find out, or do you want to answer my questions?
        • Legio Septimus: don't frighten me. I...I am a legio. I am beyond your pathetic mewling.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Dialogue 5: 
        • Player: You're obsessed with divinity. I'm going to make you pray for mercy and let's see if you answer.
        • Legio Septimus: don't frighten me. I...I am a legio. I am beyond your pathetic mewling.
          • (Shows previous options)
  • After threatening Legio Septimus several times: 
    • [Remove crystals]
      • Screen briefly fades then returns
      • (Shows previous options)
  • After removing crystals from Legio Septimus several times: 
    • [Torture him]
      • Are you sure? This is a monstrous act.
        • Yes
          • Player: Tell you what. I'm tired of being the nice guy here. You won't talk? Let's give you a reason not to talk. Let's see how well you keep silent once I start plucking those teeth from your mouth, one by one. Talk! TALK! I've got all day and I'm pretty sure I can keep you alive that long, though I'll make you wish I didn't.
          • Zanik: Player, no, stop! STOP!
          • Player: No, I'm going to make him talk, he's going to scream every little secret to me. EVERYTHING!
          • Zanik: No, not like this. Not like this. You've crossed a line and I cannot let you do this. Kill him or let him go, but that's it, this is over.
          • Screen briefly fades then returns
          • Death: We have learned as much as we are going to learn from Legio Septimus. We should move on to the next phase.
        • No
          • (Shows previous options)
  • [Charm him]
    • Normally: 
      • Dialogue 1: 
        • Player: Relax, it's ok, you're not around the order any more. You can tell us what you really think, we won't tell anyone.
          • (Continues below)
      • Dialogue 2: 
        • Player: Look, we can get this over with quickly. You'll be free to go and get back to your life. Just answer a few simple questions.
          • (Continues below)
      • Dialogue 3:
        • Player: We're all adults here. Let's just calm down, take a deep breath and let's talk about this like rational human beings.
          • (Continues below)
      • Dialogue 4: 
        • Player: Are you comfortable enough there? Anything we can do to make you feel more at ease? This doesn't have to be unpleasant.
          • (Continues below)
      • Dialogue 5: 
        • Player: Look, we don't have to be enemies. We want the same thing. A same[sic] and prosperous Gielinor.
          • (Continues below)
    • After you speak: 
      • Response 1: 
        • Legio Septimus: Hmm, could it be? Could it be that you have the potential to truly see, the potential to be ascended? Perhaps, perhaps there is a chance to bring you into the fold after all.
          • (Shows previous options)
      • Response 2: 
        • Legio Septimus: We've done this dance. I see the potential in you, but are you ready to face it?
          • (Shows previous options)
  • After charming Legio Septimus several times
    • [Soothe him]
      • Normally: 
        • Dialogue 1: 
          • Screen briefly fades then returns
          • Player: Here, let's take a moment to relax and recover a bit. There's no need for this to be entirely unpleasant.
          • Legio Septimus: do me a kindness. I there potential in you?
            • (Shows previous options)
  • [More...]
    • [Use Companion]
      • Ask Zanik.
        • Zanik, play bad cop.
          • Zanik: You want me to be the bad cop? Erm...ok. Tell us what we want to know!
          • Screen briefly fades then returns
          • Zanik: AND THEN I'LL WEAR IT AS A HAT!
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Zanik, play good cop.
          • Zanik: Ok I can do that.
          • Player: Ok Septimus, you'll talk, or we'll make you talk!
          • Zanik: Don't worry, I'll try to keep them from hurting you too much...though they are a bit bigger than me so I'm not sure how much help I can actually be.
          • Screen briefly fades then returns
          • Player: Wh...wh...what happened to good cop Zanik?
          • Zanik: Oops, sorry, I got carried away.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Zanik, any ideas?
          • Zanik: None I'm afraid. This...interrogation business is not really my forte.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Never mind.
      • Ask Xenia.
        • Xenia, play bad cop.
          • Xenia: Bad cop?
          • Player: You know...I'll be nice, you'll be nasty.
          • Xenia: Seems like a bit of a waste of time to me, but fine. Now then, let's have a pleasant little chat about fingers...
          • Screen briefly fades then returns
          • Xenia: And then finally a dash of salt to really finish it all off.
          • Player: ...
          • Legio Septimus: ...
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Xenia, play good cop.
          • Xenia: Good cop?
          • Player: You know, be nice to them, whilst I'm nasty.
          • Xenia: I can do that I suppose.
          • Player: Now then Septimus, we have much to discuss...
          • Screen briefly fades then returns
          • Xenia: You can tell, because of the mud on the feet.
          • Player: Oh Guthix...I'm the bad guy? I'm such a terrible person. *Incomprehensible blubbering*
          • Xenia: I might be a bit good at being the good cop, sorry.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Xenia, any ideas?
          • Xenia: He has many secrets. We need to break his spirit just enough to learn them.
            • (Shows previous options)
        • Never mind.
      • Ask something else.
    • If you have unlocked the title the Ravensworn
      • [Use the ravensworn handshake]
        • Legio Septimus: Yes, the thirteenth moon stands ascendant. It is the shadow glass that starts the call.
        • Player: What?
        • Legio Septimus: Hmm? Oh I didn't say anything.
          • (Shows initial options)
    • [Let him recooperate[sic] a bit]
      • Screen briefly fades then returns
      • You give the Legio some time to recover.
        • (Shows initial options)
    • [Abandon interrogation]
    • [More...]
      • (Shows initial options)
  • Legio may possibly say any one of these before giving his response under certain conditions: 
    • Legio Septimus: We're just tiny squares of light being born and destroyed by a thunderstorm in a metal box.
      • (Continues above)
    • Legio Septimus: This...isn't...really...happening.
      • (Continues above)
  • If Legio is in need of recuperation before giving further responses: 
    • Legio Septimus: I'm so tired, please I can't answer anything. Just let me sleep.
  • If Legio Septimus dies before the interrogation is complete: 
    • Legio Septimus: I die...I die and I ascend. Thank you, for this gift Player. I will see you again soon...
    • Screen briefly fades then returns
    • Death: We have learned as much as we are going to learn from Legio Septimus. We should move on to the next phase.
  • If the interrogation is successfully complete: 
    • Player: I think that's all the information we need. Now... what to do with you...
      • Release him.
        • Player: Ok Septimus, you're free to go. Take this chance to make better choices.
        • Legio Septimus: Our time will come mortal. Our time will come.
        • Screen briefly fades then returns
      • Kill him.
        • Player: End of the line Septimus, end of the line.
        • Legio Septimus: Death is not the end, it is merely an alternate route to the same destination.
        • Screen briefly fades then returns

Planning for construction[]

Talking to Death[]

  • What do we need to do now?
    • Death: Now that we have our intel, we will need to construct a battering ram. When you're ready, use the table to determine which allies will help you gather the materials.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • So Nomad is building a god?
    • Death: A true one, perhaps not, certainly I sense no great intellect there. But power...there is definitely power there. Terrible and unfathomable. This abomination cannot be a force for good, Player, if it needs so many to suffer.
      • (Shows previous options)
  • What are your thoughts on Nomad?
    • (Same as above)
  • [More...]
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • What's it like being Death?
    • (Same as above)

I have to go.

    • (Same as above)
  • [More...]
    • (Back to initial options)

Talking to Icthlarin[]

  • What do I need to do?
    • (Same as above)
  • Nomad's building a god?
    • Icthalarin: He's building an abomination. A horrible combination of the tortured souls he's absorbed. My sister at least has the good grave to devour her souls...but this...this thing. It's far worse. I can feel them. Each soul that gets fused to that monstrosity. Their terrible, unbearable agony and then the sudden silence as they as shredded apart. This is not a god. It's an affront to the natural order of creation.
  • What do you think of Nomad?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • I have to go.
    • (Same as above)

Talking to the allies[]


  • What do you think about all this?
    • (Same as above)
  • How can you help with the siege?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can we talk about your afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • What do you think about the others?
    • (Same as above)

Void Knight ally[]

If Jessika dies in The Void Stares Back, you may talk to Jessika; if Korasi dies in The Void Stares Back, you may talk to Korasi: 

  • What do you think about the situation?
    • (Same as above)
  • What's it like to die?
    • (Same as above)
  • Any thoughts on the afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can I ask you about before you died?
    • (Same as above)
  • What do you think about our situation?
    • (Same as above)
  • What was dying like?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can you tell me about the afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • What will you do after this?
    • (Same as above)


  • What do you think of our situation?
    • (Same as above)
  • What do you think of Nomad?
    • (Same as above)
  • Can you tell me about your afterlife?
    • (Same as above)
  • I want to talk about your death.
    • (Same as above)


  • What do you think about our situation?
    • (Same as below)
  • Can you tell me about your afterlife?
    • (Same as below)
  • Can you tell me about your death?
    • (Same as below)
  • I have to go.

Attempting to build the Battering ram without required materials[]

  • You need 25 underworld ore and 25 underworld wood to construct this.

Planning at the War table[]

  • Choose the first ally
    • Zanik
      • Choose the second ally
        • Xenia
        • Hazelmere
        • Jessika/Korasi
    • Xenia
      • Choose the second ally
        • Zanik
        • Hazelmere
        • Jessika/Korasi
    • Hazelmere
      • Choose the second ally
        • Zanik
        • Xenia
        • Jessika/Korasi
    • Jessika/Korasi
      • Choose the second ally
        • Zanik
        • Xenia
        • Hazelmere

Materials for the battering ram[]

Upon arrival[]

  • First ally: We need to gather enough wood and metal to build a decent sized battering ram. That shifty looking tree over there looks like it should provide enough wood and the rocks here can be mined for metal. What do you want me to do?
    • [Gather wood]
    • [Gather metal]
    • [Keep watch]
  • Second ally: What do you want me to do?
    • [Gather wood]
    • [Gather metal]
    • [Keep watch]

Gathering materials[]

Gathering underworld wood[]

  • You have gathered X/25 underworld wood.

Gathering underworld metal[]

  • You have gathered X/25 underworld metal.

As you are gathering materials[]

  • Voice of Nomad: I wondered how long it would take for you to show up here, in the Underworld. Alive of course, just to be special. Don't worry, you're not going mad. I am speaking only to  you, no one else can hear me. How, you ask? It's quite simple really, I am speaking to your soul. The obelisk calls to it, but you are quite safe for now. Your pet god has seen to that. But here we are again. Must we play the role of 'dastardly villain' and 'selfless hero' once more? Is that the lie you tell yourself? That you're the hero? That you've changed the world for the better? Because it is a lie. Because of you Guthix died. Do you remember? You let them all in to his resting place. It was your hubris that allowed Sliske to slay him. You know that don't you?

After you have gathered all materials[]

  • Player: That's enough materials. I should return to the HQ to build the battering ram.

Building the battering ram[]

As you are building the battering ram[]

  • Voice of Nomad: It is because of you that the gods have returned. To threaten us all. They flooded in to our world in droves. Each of them giving orders, imposing their idea of order. I saw what my master had become and I destroyed him. I saved the world from his madness. But have so many masters. Do you even realise you're a servant? Yes I know. You want to deny me, you feel you are in charge. It is a comforting lie I'm sure. But you are here on the word of gods, both alive and dead. You have been told that I am dangerous. That my plan is madness and it is, it's also our only hope. My fortress stands in opposition to the gods. To all the gods. I will be the shield for Gielinor, protecting the world from their arrogant machinations. No matter what the cost, I will pay it. Because to not do so would be far far worse. So build your siege weapons and storm my gates. I wish that when you reach my gates it is as a friend, as someone who knows my way is the only way. But I am no fool, Player. I know that when we meet again you will give me no choice. When we meet again, it will be the day you die. I am sorry, but there really is no other way. So farewell Player, I look forward to devouring your soul. I imagine it will be exquisite.

After building the battering ram[]

  • Death: That's it, we can now break through Nomad's defences.
  • Use the war table to begin the assault.

Preparing for battle[]

Planning at the war table[]

  • Death: We are about to lead the fight to Nomad himself. I am told now is the time for speeches. I am not a man of many words, so Player, will you do the honour?
  • Player: Nomad has taken a lot from us. Our homes, our friends, and he even threatens our immortal souls. He wants to leave us broken and defeated. He wants us to be afraid. But we are NOT afraid! He expected us to stand alone. Instead we stand united! Heroes from some of the greatest stories. Legends who have slain monsters from our deepest nightmares. And brave adventurers that have beaten back the gods themselves. Even Death himself fights by our side! None of us fight alone. We fight together and against such a force Nomad doesn't stand a chance. Now, we bring the fight to him. Now we see how much pain HE can take!
  • Zanik and Jessika/Korasi: FOR GIELINOR!
  • The enemy patrols won't start attacking until you have taken the ram past the start of the bridge.
  • The battering ram will follow behind you. You must keep it safe or the assault is over.
  • Each of your allies can be commanded by clicking on them, or using the control interface. Hold your mouse cursor over the pictures of your allies to see how best to use them.

The allies[]

Mousing over an ally's picture[]

  • Death
With a single swing of his mighty scythe, Death will instantly kill a single enemy within a mili-range. Slow to recharge.
  • Icthlarin
Icthlarin will attack enemies with a magical blast that will deal heavy damage to that enemy and those around them. Slow to recharge.
  • Zanik
Zanik attacks with a ranged crossbow attack. Periodically she will fire multiple shots at a single opponent.
  • Hazelmere
Hazelmere will create an illusion that will draw attention from the enemy causing them to attack the illusion over any other target.
  • Xenia
Xenia fights with a ranged magic attack. Additionally she will occasionally heal all allies except for the world guardian and battering ram.
  • Jessika/Korasi
Jessika/Korasi is a ranged magic attacker, she deals average damage to enemies within range.

Upon selecting an ally[]

  • Ally: Where do you want me to go?

Upon choosing where the ally will go[]

  • Ally: On my way.

Assault on Nomad's forces[]

Towards Icthlarin's fortress[]

When wandering too far away from the battering ram[]

  • Warning! You are too far from the battering ram so it has stopped moving. Keep close to it for its safety!

In battle while approaching Icthlarin's fortress[]

  • Voice of Nomad: Why do you not surrender? My force[sic] are clearly superior. My power unassailable. And even if you do break down these walls, do you think even for a moment that you can face what lies beyond? I have harnessed the power of all the souls in the underworld. Each life, each death, mine. Can you even comprehend that power? I can change the destiny of Gielinor with that power. I can set it free. I can also crush you like an insect, as seems to be your wish.

At the gates of Icthlarin's fortress[]

  • Icthlarin: Look at it, my fortress defiled by that madman.
  • Player: Ok, what now?
  • If Legio Septimus did not tell you about Nomad's defences
    • (Transcript missing. edit)
  • If Legio Septimus told you about Nomad's defences
    • Xenia: Well, thanks to our friend Septimus we know there's a shortcut into the fortress.
    • Icthlarin: Wait, what? No there isn't. It's my fortress, I would know.
    • Player: made one.
    • Icthlarin: How dare they! The insolence! The outrage! I will...
    • Xenia: Yes yes; divine retribution, souls cast into the eternal nightmare, etcetera etcetera. We have bigger things to deal with now. As I was saying: there is a shortcut into the castle. Some of us can sneak in and take on Nomad whilst the others distract him at the gate.
    • Death: Or you can storm the front gates if you want Nomad to befoul his britches in terror.
    • Xenia: Quite. It's up to you Player, the secret passage is off to the east if you want to use that. Otherwise we just lead the ram to the entrance and let it get to work.
  • Icthlarin: We know from the bridge that Nomad isn't just going to let us past, so we're going to need to keep the ram from being destroyed. World guardian, you know our strengths and weaknesses by now. Just tell us where you need us and we will follow.

Entering the fortress[]

Taking the secret tunnel entrance[]

If you take this option, you will skip the battle to break down the Portcullis: 

  • Use the secret tunnel and skip the battle?
    • Yes
      • Screen briefly fades then returns
    • No

While in battle while breaking down the Portcullis[]

You will only engage in the battle to break down the Portcullis if you do not take the secret entrance: 

  • Voice of Nomad: It seems you insist on coming inside. Very well, I am a gracious host. I welcome you. Come Player, bring your impotent godling and whatever other allies you need to protect you. I will show you my power and the power of that which I have created. I have created a force of such power that the gods themselves will tremble before it. It wears the face of an old friend of yours, Player, so you will have something familiar to be destroyed by. I'd tell you to say your last prayers, but the time of the gods is over. Now is the time of mortals. So come Player, Let this be our final battle.

After the Portcullis has broken down or after entering the secret tunnel[]

  • Icthlarin: That's it, we're in. Time to take Nomad down!
  • Zanik: You go on ahead, we'll stay back and hold them off.
  • Icthlarin: My fortress...once a place to welcome souls and help them pass on to somewhere better. Now befouled by Nomad. And he is using it to build that...thing. That mockery of divinity. An insult named Gielinor.
  • Death: Do you feel that Icthlarin? I sense the power of Nomad's creation. Nomad...what have you done?
  • Nomad: I have created salvation for the people of Gielinor and given it their namesake. A bulwark against the machinations of the gods. A god, forged from the amalgamation of all the souls of Gielinor. Mindless and obedient to those who can master it. A god that desires no worship, no penance, no subjugation. A god that serves the people, not the other way around.
  • Icthlarin: But that's insane, you cannot seriously believe this abomination is a good thing? That's madness!
  • Nomad: No! Serving the gods is madness. Letting them tear Gielinor apart is madness! This is our only hope!
  • Player: I cannot let you do this Nomad. It's too much.
  • Nomad: Then do as you must Player. Let's see how much pain you can take!
  • Xenia: Well that's settled then. He's insane.
  • Death: Agreed, but all the more dangerous for it. Player we must destroy this...construct.
  • Player: And Nomad, I'll take him, can you guys handle that thing?
  • Xenia: Together, yes. I can't fight a god, but I can handle Nomad's army quite nicely. I'll deal with the zealots on the ground floor; draw their attention away from the rest of you.
  • Death: Good plan. I will try to cut away the souls that empower it.
  • Icthlarin: Very well, I'll tackle the head of the beast. Though it may look like my old friend...[sic]
  • Icthlarin: ...I will relish its destruction.
  • Death: Then we are ready. Player, good luck.
  • Player: You too. All of you.

Fighting Nomad's first form[]

At the start of the battle[]

  • Nomad: So Player, must I humiliate you again?

Whenever Gielinor attacks[]

  • Nomad: Feel the power of Gielinor!

After defeating Nomad[]

  • Nomad: You cannot win, Player. You stand above a god but you are beneath it. Gielinor, smite them!
Screen briefly fades then returns

Controlling Xenia[]

  • Xenia: A room full of ascension soldiers and only little old me to fight them. I should probably break my arm or something, make it a fair fight. I need to keep their attention focused on me, so that they don't discover the others.

Mousing over Xenia's abilities[]

  • Fire Blast
Blasts all nearby Rotarii with a powerful homing projectile.
  • Shield Dome
Reduces all incoming damage and reflects damage from Giadii back at them, for a short duration.
  • Shadow Stalk
Uses a copy of yourself to attack a nearby Soutarius from behind.

During the battle as Xenia[]

Attempting to use normal magic on Scutarius[]
  • You can't damage the Scutarius with your normal magic. Try using an ability to get behind it.
Attempting to use any ability on cooldown[]
  • This ability is on cooldown.
Attempting to use Shadow Stalk out of range of any enemies[]
  • There are no enemies in range.

Upon Xenia's victory[]

Screen briefly fades then returns

Fighting Nomad's second form[]

At the start of the battle[]

  • Nomad: Let's up the ante shall we?

Whenever Gielinor attacks[]

  • Nomad: Feel the power of Gielinor!

When Nomad uses a special attack[]

  • Nomad: Can you handle my wrath![sic]

If you did not throw the spear in Dishonour Among Thieves[]

  • Nomad: Your mercy has been your undoing. You should have thrown the spear.

Attempting to hide behind a structure[]

  • Nomad: Stop hiding you worm.

After defeating Nomad[]

  • Nomad: You cannot win, Player. You stand above a god but you are beneath it. Gielinor, smite them!
Screen briefly fades then returns

Controlling Death[]

  • Death: If I'm going to cut any souls loose from that thing, I am going to need to bring it closer to me. If I can enrage it sufficiently, I might be able to bring a hand within range of my scythe. Then I can release some souls from it, weakening it significantly.

Mousing over Death's abilities[]

  • Provoke
Taunts the construct to attack your current location. Will only work due North, East, South and West of the construct.
  • Scythe Swipe
Uses your scythe to attack the construct when in range. Will release a trapped soul.
  • Soul Reap
Releases a freed soul to weaken the construct.

During the battle as Death[]

Using the Provoke ability[]
  • Death: Face me you imposter!
Attempting to use the Provoke ability out of range[]
  • You can't get the construct's attention from here.
Attempting to use the Provoke ability after getting the construct's attention[]
  • You already have got the construct's attention.
Attempting to use the Scythe Swipe ability without the construct's attention[]
  • You can't use this ability until you taunt the construct to attack you.
Attempting to use the Scythe Swipe ability out of range[]
  • You need to be in range of the construct's hand before you can swipe at it.
Attempting to use the Soul Reap ability before freeing a soul[]
  • You need to free a soul from the construct first.
Attempting to use the Soul Reap ability out of range[]
  • You need to be closer to the soul to release it.
Attempting to any ability on cooldown[]
  • This ability is on cooldown.
Just before a rubble falling from above special attack[]
  • You have angered the construct. It looks like it is making this area unstable.

Upon Death's victory[]

Screen briefly fades, then returns

Fighting Nomad's third form[]

At the start of the battle[]

  • Nomad: I never was a fan of an even playing field.

Whenever Gielinor attacks[]

  • Nomad: Feel the power of Gielinor!

When Nomad uses a wrath special attack[]

  • Nomad: Can you handle my wrath![sic]

When Nomad uses doubling effect[]

  • Nomad: I wonder if your senses can help you this time.

If you did not throw the spear in Dishonour Among Thieves[]

  • Nomad: Your mercy has been your undoing. You should have thrown the spear.

Attempting to hide behind a structure[]

  • Nomad: Stop hiding you worm.

After defeating Nomad[]

  • Nomad: You cannot win, Player. You stand above a god but you are beneath it. Gielinor, smite them!

Controlling Icthlarin[]

Icthlarin's abilities[]

  • Soul Release
Releases all nearby souls to a wide area.
Release more souls than the construct to reduce its power.
  • Deflection Shield
Reflects a powerful Soul Beam back at the construct.
The effectiveness of the shield depends on how many souls you have released.

After every two failure attempts[]

  • Icthlarin: No. All these souls endangered by this creature. I need to prevent that thing from absorbing them. Perhaps I can use its own power against it. I may need to fight it at its own game.

After collecting all the souls[]

  • All the souls have been collected. Prepare for Gielinor's onslaught.
  • Nomad: What![sic] How are you more powerful?

Upon being hit by Gielinor's attack

Without Deflector Shield ability[]
  • You are hit by the full power of the attack!
With Deflector Shield ability[]
  • You summon enough power to reflect a massive blow at the construct.

Upon Icthlarin's victory[]

Screen briefly fades then returns

Fighting Nomad's fourth form[]

At the start of the battle[]

  • Nomad: This. Ends. NOW!

Upon defeating Nomad[]

  • Who shall kill Gielinor?
    • Death
      • Death kills Gielinor
    • Icthlarin
      • Icthlarin kills Gielinor

Sliske's arrival and Nomad's defeat[]

After Nomad's final defeat[]

  • Nomad: No! NO! Do you even know what you've done? You've doomed us all, you've doomed the world.
  • Player: Yeah you've said all that before and it seemed to turn out alright.
  • Nomad: Don't you see? We would have had a power strong enough to protect us from the gods. With a god controlled by mortals...
  • Icthlarin: By which you mean you.
  • Nomad: Who else? None of you have the will to do what must be done, none of you have the...
  • Xenia: Oh stop it. I've been in your shoes, but even I wasn't as deluded as you are now.
  • Death: The gods may represent a threat, but your plan created a very real, unavoidable disaster.
  • Icthlarin: Countless souls, shredded into pieces and stitched together into that...that...thing. How dare you try and claim, even for a moment, that this scheme is anything other than unutterably evil.[sic]
  • Nomad: Ha! What does it matter anyway? Congratulations, you've stopped me. I applaud you, really I do. Now nothing can stop your masters from crushing this world, our people, into dust.
    • What masters?
      • (Continues below)
    • I have no masters.
      • (Continues below)
  • Nomad: Are you really so ignorant? So deluded into thinking yourself a hero that you can't even see the strings? This whole game, the dance of the gods, it revolves around you. You're the game piece that they all play with. Did a gathering of gods really have to wait for the arrival of one mortal to get started? There's a reason that all of these stories focus on you. Can't you see it? It's all a game to them and...
  • Mysterious Voice: Mwaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Bravo! Bravo! A most splendid display.
  • Icthlarin: Reveal yourself Sliske. We all know it's you.
  • Sliske: Oh, if you insist!
  • Sliske teleports inside
  • Sliske: Oh Iccy, still not a fan of the theatrical?
  • Icthlarin: What are you doing here Sliske?
  • Sliske: Oh, isn't that obvious? I'm here with an invitation.
    • If Death killed Gielinor: 
      • Sliske: Harold, my good friend. Because you so beautifully murdered the countless souls amalgamated into the new god Gielinor.[sic] I hereby invite you to attend my grand summit and compete for the Stone of Jas.
      • Death: I will attend, if only to take it from you.
      • Sliske: As good a motivation as any I suppose.
        • (Continues below)
    • If Icthlarin killed Gielinor: 
      • Sliske: Iccy, I never thought you had it in you. The way you slaughtered the new god Gielinor. Scattering all those souls into nothingness. I must say I am impressed. You were already invited, but now you're doing well, kudos to you.
      • Icthlarin: No one should have the power of that stone Sliske, you know that.
      • Sliske: So win the competition and then get rid of it, I'm sure you wouldn't use it yourself. Would you Iccy?
        • (Continues below)
  • Sliske: But oh, I have one more invite to extend. Player, my dear dear friend.[sic] I am proud to offer you an invite to my grand competition!
    • Why?
      • Sliske: Why? Because you have defeated Nomad here, a being of remarkable power. I think such a feat is worthy of recognition, don't you? For defeating Nomad, you will stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods themselves. And you'll all compete for the most fantastic of prizes, the Stone of Jas!
        • (Continues below)
    • I don't want it.
      • Sliske: But that's irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether you want it or not. The invite is given. For defeating Nomad, you will stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods themselves. And you'll all compete for the most fantastic of prizes, the Stone of Jas!
        • (Continues below)
    • About time!
      • Sliske: Yes! That's the spirit. Someone who really wants to play the game. For defeating Nomad, you will stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods themselves. And you'll all compete for the most fantastic of prizes, the Stone of Jas!
        • (Continues below)
  • Sliske: Oh but first there's one final thing left...isn't there? Nomad. What will you do with him? He obviously won't stop his wicked, wicked schemes. So the question or die?
  • Nomad: Kill me, I am not afraid of death.
  • Death: I won't need much time to change that opinion, I assure you.
  • Sliske: Ha ha. Delightful. But are you really willing to add more mindless death to this? Perhaps imprisonment? Or a fine? I mean is his crime really so great? He's a hero really, right?
    • Decide Nomad's fate
      • Let Nomad live.
        • Player: There's been enough death today. Nomad, I'm giving you a reprieve. But it's only a temporary one.
        • Nomad: Mercy. After everything?
        • Death: Perhaps Player is showing you mercy, but you have lived long enough. I will have your soul.
        • Sliske: Perhaps you will my friend, perhaps. But not, I think, today!
        • Sliske teleports Nomad away
        • Nomad: Nooooooooooo!
        • Sliske: Ha ha ha ha!
        • Sliske teleports away
        • Sliske: Well then, 'til we meet again Player. As always, it's been a delight.
          • (Continues below)
      • Kill Nomad.
        • Player: Nomad, your crimes are too great. You cannot be allowed to live.
        • Nomad: Do it.
        • You kill Nomad
        • Sliske: Quite right. Who needs mercy? So entirely overrated in my opinion. I mean does it really help anyone do you suppose?[sic] Does a dragon change its scales because of a single kind act? Who cares![sic] Now I'll even do you a little favour...
        • Sliske gives an evil laugh
        • Sliske: And clear up that pesky corpse.
        • Sliske clears Nomad's corpse
        • Sliske: Ha ha ha ha!
        • Sliske teleports away
        • Sliske: Well then, 'til we meet again Player. As always, it's been a delight.
  • Icthlarin: day I will have the delight of smashing his bones to pieces and scattering them to the winds.
  • Death: He has taken my quarry from me again. Nomad's soul will be mine. Soon.
  • Xenia: Everyone, stop. Let it sink in. We've won. Nomad is defeated. His grip on the souls removed. We have prevented the rise of a new, terrifying, deity.[sic] Sliske thrives on chaos, he wants us to feel this is a defeat, but it is far from it.[sic]
  • Death: You're right of course.
  • Player: Come on. We didn't do this alone. We should go and speak to the others before we go.

Farewell to your friends[]

At Death's office[]

  • Death: Say your goodbyes Player and come speak to me again. I'll take you home then.

Planning at the war table[]

  • Icthlarin: It's over my friend, there are no more battles to plan this day.

Saying goodbye[]

Talking to the Void Knight ally[]

If Jessika died in The Void Stares Back, you may talk to Jessika. If Korasi died in The Void Stares Back, you may talk to Korasi: 

Talking to Jessika[]
  • Jessika: Wow...we did it, I mean I knew we would, but still... Wow. I am glad I got to be part of this adventure.
  • Player: What now?
  • Jessika: Now? I will stay here while I think and observe. There may be repercussions for Nomad's scheme and I will look for them. Research doesn't have to stop just because you're dead. But still, I doubt we'll see each other again. It has been good to see you again. Goodbye.
Talking to Korasi[]
  • Korasi: AHA! We did it. We beat Nomad and his soldiers. It's good to feel the thrill of battle again.
  • Player: What will you do now?
  • Korasi: I will do what I always did, I will protect people. There are still some Ascension nutjobs to clear up. And who knows what Nomad's scheme has done to the afterlife. They'll need me, for a while. And then, once that's all done, I can move on again. It will be good to have a rest.
  • Player: Good luck, goodbye Korasi.
  • Korasi: Goodbye my friend.

Talking to Hazelmere[]

  • Hazelmere: Well, that was quite the adventure. Fanatical armies, powerful sorcerors, and even a nightmarish god to deal with. And perhaps the best thing about it all? I hadn't seen any of that coming. It is a strange thing knowing ones[sic] future, it is nice to feel surprise again.[sic] Thank you my good friend, for letting me know what that feels like. One last time.
  • Player: Goodbye Hazelmere.
  • Hazelmere: Goodbye.

Talking to Xenia[]

  • Xenia: You did good there Player, I'm proud of you.[sic]
    • Thanks, you too.
      • Xenia: It is kind of you to say so Player and it means a lot to me.
      • (continues below)
    • Thanks.
      • Xenia: You're welcome, but it is a simple recognition of your skill and success.
      • (continues below)
    • This doesn't make us even.
      • Xenia: No. I imagine not.
      • (continues below)
  • Xenia: I still have much to atone for and so I shall stay behind, here, in the Underworld. I will help remove any remaining members of the order and any lingering after effects of Nomad's scheme. And then, perhaps, when I have done enough, I will move on to a new adventure. Goodbye Player, I am only sorry I will not see more of your legend unfold.

Talking to Zanik[]

  • If you are not aligned with Bandos:
    • Zanik: So that's two gods we've defeated together? That must be a record surely?[sic] It was a good adventure to be our last Player. It was good to see you again.
    • Player: Goodbye Zanik.
    • Zanik: Goodbye, my friend.
  • If you are aligned with Bandos:
    • Zanik: So that's two gods we've defeated together? That must be a record surely?[sic] It was a good adventure to be our last Player. It was good to see you again.
    • Player: So am I still a monster?
    • Zanik: No. Not today. Bandos is wrong and his beliefs are dangerous, but perhaps if his followers were more like you... It's not Bandos that gives you that power, or his philosophy, but you and your interpretation of it. If the Bandosians were more like you, perhaps there would be fewer monsters.
    • Player: Goodbye Zanik.
    • Zanik: Goodbye, my friend.

Talking to Icthlarin[]

  • Icthlarin: Once more you continue to impress me Player. Facing gods, dragonkin and now storming the Underworld itself. To many you are a walking legend, a storm that will change the face of the world. It is my great honour that I can think of you as a friend. But this is not goodbye Player. We will meet again, I am certain of this.

Talking to Death[]

  • Death: Have you said your goodbyes Player? It is likely you will never see these people again. It is rare that we get to say such goodbyes, fate has given you an opportunity you should not squander.[sic]
    • I have said my goodbyes.
      • Death: Very well...
        • (Continues below)
    • I'll be back in a moment.

The future of Soul Wars[]

At Death's office[]

  • Icthlarin: Wait. Before you go there is one thing that we should resolve.
  • Screen briefly fades then returns
  • Icthlarin: Whilst Nomad may be defeated, the obelisk at Soul Wars still remains a very real danger.
  • Player: Wasn't that destroyed in the explosion?
  • Death: It was, and yet it has returned. It seems there is something more to that device we first thought.
  • Icthlarin: As long as the obelisk remains, there is a danger that someone might learn how to harness it again.
    • Like who?
      • Xenia: There are forces out there, ancient and dangerous, that have yet to reveal themselves. Not discounting the dangers that we already know of. Imagine what Sliske, Zamorak or Zemouregal could do with such power. Then there are the people who would use it to 'do good'. Imagine such a device in the hands of...say...Ariane. Or even myself. The danger is undeniable.
        • (Continues below)
    • So what do we do?
      • (Continues below)
    • Icthlarin: The obelisk is too dangerous to leave unguarded. We will need to appoint a caretaker. It is within my power to grant one soul here a reprieve, albeit a temporary one. A few years, that's all. Still, a few moments can be an eternity if used correctly. So a few years does not seem unreasonable. Sadly I can grant such a boon only to one of you. I'd like to offer it to you Zanik.
    • Zanik: Me? But the others deserve it so much more.
    • Icthlarin: Your life was never yours to live. The machinations of Bandos took your destiny from you and warped it for his own ends.
    • Death: Then his death became yours. You weren't even allowed to die according to your own path. You died ultimately because he failed.
    • Icthlarin: After all the souls I could not save here, I would like to redress at least one of fate's cruelties.
    • Zanik: But what about the rest of you? It would feel wrong to leave you here.
    • Xenia: I for one think it's a great idea. No offence to everyone else, but Zanik would have been my choice.
    • Hazelmere: I'm not sure I could live another life, better that the youngsters get a chance at life again I think.[sic]
    • Jessika/Korasi: Honestly, I worry about the grand scheme of things. There's a balance to life and death, this could damage that.
    • Zanik: Player, what do you think?
      • Come back with me Zanik.
        • Zanik: Thank you Player. I think I will. I will guard the soul obelisk and look after Soul Wars. I shall make sure that no one can utilise that power again.
        • Icthlarin: Then it is settled. Zanik, you will come back with us to Soul Wars. You will have only a few years, use them well.
        • Zanik: I intend to. Thank you Player, you truly are a good friend.
          • (Continues below)
      • Zanik should stay dead.
        • Zanik: You''re right of course. My time is done. It's arrogant of me to want more than is my due. Thank you Icthlarin for your kind offer, but no one should defy the laws of nature as blatantly as that.
        • Icthlarin: If that is what you wish, I will abide my[sic] it.
        • Zanik: It is.
        • Icthlarin: Very well then, we are done here. It is time to return to the world of the living.
          • (Continues below)

After choosing Zanik's fate[]

  • Goodbye my friends.
    • Hazelmere: Goodbye.
  • About time.
    • Xenia: Burning one's bridges is the fastest way to damn oneself, remember that.[sic]
Screen briefly fades then returns


If your inventory is too full to collect the reward lamps[]

  • If you saved Zanik:
    • You will need more room in your backpack to take your reward lamps. Speak to Zanik in the Soul Wars lobby to reclaim them.
  • If you kept Zanik dead:
    • (Transcript missing. edit)
Congratulations! Quest complete!

Post-quest dialogue[]

Planning at the war table[]

  • Player: I probably don't want to plan a siege against the Underworld now that Nomad has been defeated.
  • Icthlarin: It's over my friend, there are no more battles to plan this day.

Talking to Jessika[]

  • Jessika: Hello again Player, it's good to see you.
    • What are you doing here?
      • Jessika: The Underworld is fascinating, so much to learn about it. What it means to be dead, that kind of thing.
      • Jessika: On top of that I am keeping an eye out for any damage that Nomad's scheme may have caused.
      • Jessika: I find it unlikely to think that such catastrophic damage to sould and the Underworld wouldn't cause lasting damage.
      • Jessika: But so far it seems fairly secure...and frankly that worries me.
        • Why?
          • Jessika: Because life is never that simple. You can't upset the natural order without there being consequences.
          • Jessika: If they're not obvious, it means that they're subtle. Hidden. Some terrible unpleasantness worming its way through the fundament of creation.
          • Jessika: But there are consequences, make no mistake of that.
          • (Returns to the options before the last ones.)
        • [Ask about something else]
          • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Any further thoughts on Nomad?
      • Jessika: What more is there to say? There's no justifications to his actions, they were about as evil as you get.
      • Jessika: To create the monster he took the immortal part of innocent people.
      • Jessika: He twisted them, tortured them and ultimately he destroyed them.
      • Jessika: Even those that made it to their afterlives would have been the barest fragment of themselves.
      • Jessika: Even the void pests weren't that monstrous.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • What about your death?
      • Jessika: I didn't like dying. It left me with too many things unfinished.
      • Jessika: Too many questions left without answers. Too many promises left unfulfilled.
      • Jessika: Too many things that should have been said, but weren't...
      • Jessika: But then death is a new beginning as well apparently. Think about it, death is not an end.
      • Jessika: Let that settle in. Death is demonstrably not the final stage of our experiences, but that more lies beyond.
      • Jessika: It poses so many new questions. Are we bound to only one afterlife, or can we move?
      • Jessika: Can we return to life via some form of reincarnation?
      • Jessika: In many ways I feel strangely alive now that I'm dead. Odd really.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Goodbye.
      • Jessika: Goodbye my friend.

Talking to Korasi[]

  • Korasi: Hello Player. What brings you back to this lonely bridge?
    • What are you doing here?
      • Korasi: Being predictable I imagine. The stoic warrior standing firm against the darkness.
      • Korasi: Sounds heroic when I say it like that, but in truth I think I'm just waiting.
      • Korasi: I may be dead, but I'm not quite ready to admit that yet. So I think I'm waiting for a reason to take that next step.
      • Korasi: For the moment I'm dealing with any left over Order of Ascension zealots.
        • Are there many of them?
          • Korasi: More than you'd think, but not enough to be a real threat... yet.
          • Korasi: Perhaps if they were organised, but fortunately they seem to have lost any capacity for rational thought.
          • Korasi: Possibly as a result of their abomino-deity's destruction.
          • Korasi: They're not really anything you should worry about though.
          • (Returns to the previous options.)
        • [Say nothing]
          • Korasi: They're not really anything you should worry about though.
          • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • Any further thoughts on Nomad?
      • Korasi What more is there to say really? My only concern is that this clearly isn't the last we'll see of him.
      • Korasi Sliske whisking him away like that...however that ends can't be good.
      • (Returns to the previous options.)
    • What about your death?
      • Korasi What's the point in dwelling on that? I died, I moved on...sort of. Now I'm here.
      • Korasi What I do know is that there is an afterlife. There is something after my death.
      • Korasi And that makes it less frightening, you know? It becomes a transition, not an end.
      • Korasi I know that I'm holding back now. I'm not quite ready, but at least I know there is something after.
      • Korasi It's rather freeing really.
      • Korasi Oh...oh Player, I'm so sorry. I'd completely forgotten about Princess Astrid/Prince Brand... I'm so sorry.
      • Korasi To be that. Nomad is a true monster, I am so sorry.
        • I miss them...
          • Korasi I can understand that. Their loss will never really leave you.
          • Korasi But remember that they loved you, right up until their last moment.
          • Korasi And nothing and no one can ever take that from you.
          • (Returns to the previous options)
        • I don't want to talk about it.
          • Korasi I'm sorry, let's talk about something else.
          • (Returns to the previous options. )
        • Haha, that was funny!
          • Korasi could you say that? How can you think that?
          • Korasi They crossed the Underworld itself. Tearing themself free of their well deserved rest...just to help you.
          • Korasi And laugh as they are rewarded for their affection with the utter destruction of their soul?
          • Korasi I... I don't even know you anymore...
          • Korasi Just... I think we're done talking for a bit. I need to calm down before I punch you.
          • (Returns to the previous options)
    • Goodbye
      • Korasi Goodbye my friend.
  • (After telling Korasi that you laughed at the destruction of Astrid or Brand's soul.)
    • Korasi ...
    • Korasi snarls and refuses to talk to you. She still seems angry, perhaps let her cool off a bit.

Talking to Xenia[]

  • Xenia: Hello again my friend, it's good to see you.
    • It's good to see you too.
      • Xenia: So what brings you to the Underworld?
      • (Continues below.)
    • You're no friend of mine Xenia.
      • Xenia: After everything? You still feel that way?
      • Xenia: Very well, I will not bother you further.
      • (Continues below.)
    • Anything interesting happened?
      • Xenia: There have been a few after effects of Nomad's scheme.
      • Xenia: Some of the order still remain. I've dealt with those that have come out of hiding, but I'm sure there are more.
      • (Continues below.)
  • What about death?
    • Xenia: Let's not. My death and what led up to it were not my proudest moments.
    • Xenia: I had many more years alive than dead and many adventures that are far more interesting.
      • Tell me about an adventure.
        • (One of the following follows:)
          • (Story 1:)
            • Xenia: An individual can be deadlier than an army when they have the right tools...
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: I lost a good friend that day. But he died how he lived...on fire.
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
          • (Story 2:)
            • Xenia: Before our falling out, I would play some little pranks on dear Ariane.
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: ...wandering around Lumbridge with only three palm leaves and a rubber duck to her name.
            • Xenia: She never saw that one coming. Ha hahaha ha haa!
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
          • (Story 3:)
            • Xenia: It all began with a kiss...
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: ...but by that point it was too late, they were married.
            • Xenia: You should have seen the look on the Duke's face, priceless.
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
          • (Story 4:)
            • Xenia: It was the deadliest battle I've ever fought...
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: I barely escaped with my life. That warrior woman fought with unmatched fury.
            • Xenia: Her helm was made of such strange rusted yellow metal, like it had never seen daylight...
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
          • (Story 5:)
            • Xenia: One cannot always be the hero...
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: The fire died down eventually. No life was lost, but the damage done would never heal.
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
          • (Story 6:)
            • Xenia: Seven wizards, twelve knights and five archers...and me with just a spoon...
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: wouldn't believe that legs can bend like that...and they can't.
            • Xenia: Crunch...snap and then a most satisfying pop...
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
          • (Story 7:)
            • Xenia: So a few of us had this little bet...
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: You wouldn't believe how difficult that was to clean off!
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
          • (Story 8:)
            • Xenia: Some secrets should be left buried...
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: As the tomb door closed, we saw a bony claw lift from the sarcophagus and an eerie whistling noise, like lungs made of stone, filled the cavern.
            • Xenia: Needless to say we ran and collapsed the cavern entrance.
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
          • (Story 9:)
            • Xenia: There are some truly evil people out there. One man took advantage of those at their lowest...
            • The screens fades out and back in.
            • Xenia: He expected death or torture, instead we showed everyone how weak he was. How feeble. How pathetic.
            • Xenia: He couldn't intimidate anyone after that, his power over people washed away...unlike the tar and feathers.
            • (Returns to the options before last ones.)
      • Let me ask about something else.
        • (Returns to the previous options.)
  • What about the Abyss?
    • Xenia: I suppose you really want to know what I discovered there, rather than a description of the environment.
    • Xenia: I found an entity, ancient and knowledgeable. It knew things about worlds we have never dreamed of.
    • Xenia: How they were snuffed out, destroyed, shattered. By beings so ancient and so utterly uncaring.
    • Xenia: The Abyss was formed from those dead worlds and from pieces of creation that had been rendered apart.
    • Xenia: And then it showed me what our world would become. It knew that Gielinor was next.
    • Xenia: Seeing that... Knowing that... I had to do something.
    • (Returns to the previous options.)
  • Goodbye.
    • Xenia: Goodbye Player.