RuneScape Wiki
This transcript involves dialogue with Redbeard Frank, Customs Officer, Luthas, Wydin, and Gardener.

Starting out[]

Talking to Redbeard Frank[]

First time[]

  • Redbeard Frank: Arr, Matey!
    • I'm in search of treasure.
      • Player: I'm in search of treasure.
      • Redbeard Frank: Arr, treasure you be after eh? Well I might be able to tell you where to find some... For a price...
        • What sort of price?
          • Player: What sort of price?
          • Redbeard Frank: Well for example if you can get me a bottle of rum... Not just any rum mind... I'd like some rum made on Karamja Island. There's no rum like Karamja Rum!
            • Ok, I will bring you some rum.
              • Player: Ok, I will bring you some rum.
              • Redbeard Frank: Yer a saint, although it'll take a miracle to get it off Karamja.
              • Player: What do you mean?
              • Redbeard Frank: The Customs office has been clampin' down on the export of spirits. You seem like a resourceful young lad, I'm sure ye'll be able to find a way to slip the stuff past them.
              • Player: Well I'll give it a shot.
              • Redbeard Frank: Arr, that's the spirit!
            • Not right now.
              • Player: Not right now.
              • Redbeard Frank: Fair enough. I'll still be here and thirsty whenever you feel like helpin' out.
    • Arr!
      • Player: Arr!
      • Redbeard Frank: Arr!
        • (Shows previous options)
    • Do you have anything for trade?
      • Player: Do you have anything for trade?
      • Redbeard Frank: Nothin' at the moment, but then again the Customs Agents are on the warpath right now.
    • About the Task System...
      • (Non-quest dialogue)

After agreeing to help[]

  • Redbeard Frank: Arr, Matey! Have ye brought some rum from yer ol' mate Frank?
  • Player: No, not yet.
  • Redbeard Frank: Not surprising, 'tis no easy task to get it off Karamja.
  • Player: What do you mean?
  • Redbeard Frank: The Customs office has been clampin' down on the export of spirits. You seem like a resourceful young lad, I'm sure ye'll be able to find a way to slip the stuff past them.
  • Player: Well I'll give it a shot.
  • Redbeard Frank: Was there anything else?
    • Arr!
      • (Same as above)
    • Do you have anything for trade?
      • (Same as above)
    • About the Task System...
      • (Non-quest dialogue)

Traveling to Karamja[]

Talking to Seaman Lorris[]

  • Seaman Lorris: Do you want to take a trip to Karamja? The trip will cost you 30 coins.
    • Yes, please.
      • Player: Yes, please.
        • If you do not have sufficient money with you: 
          • ​Player: Oh dear, I don't seem to have enough money.
        • If you have sufficient money with you:
          • If money is stored in your money pouch:
            • 30 coins have been removed from your money pouch.
              • (Continues below)
          • You pay 30 coins and board the boat.
          • You travel by ship.
          • The ship arrives at Karamja.
    • No, thank you.
      • Player: No, thank you.

Paying the fare to Seaman Lorris[]

  • Seaman Lorris: The trip to Karamja will cost you 30 coins.
    • Yes, please.
      • (Same as above)
    • No, thank you.
      • (Same as above)

Smuggling the rum[]

Teleporting away with Karamja rum in inventory[]

  • Your Karamjan rum gets broken and spilled.

Traveling to Port Sarim[]

Talking to the Customs officer[]

  • Customs officer: Can I help you?
    • Can I journey on this ship?
      • Player: Can I journey on this ship?
      • Customs officer: You need to be searched before you can board.
        • Why?
          • Player: Why?
          • Customs officer: Because Asgarnia has banned the import of intoxicating spirits.
            • (Shows other options)
        • Search away, I have nothing to hide.
          • Player: Search away, I have nothing to hide.
            • With Karamja rum in your inventory:
              • Customs officer: Aha, trying to smuggle rum are we?
              • Player: Umm... it's for personal use?
              • The customs officer confiscates your rum.
              • You will need to find some way to smuggle it off the island...
            • Without Karamja rum in your inventory:
              • Customs officer: Well, you've got some odd stuff, but it's all legal. Now you need to pay a boarding charge of 30 coins.
              • Ok.
                • Player: Ok.
                  • If you do not have sufficient money with you: 
                    • ​Player: Oh dear, I don't seem to have enough money.
                  • If you have sufficient money with you: 
                    • If money is stored in your money pouch: 
                      • 30 coins have been removed from your money pouch.
                        • (Continues below)
                    • You pay 30 coins and board the boat.
                    • You travel by ship.
                    • The ship arrives at Port Sarim.
              • Oh, I'll not bother then.
                • Player: Oh, I'll not bother then.
        • You're not putting your hands on my things!
          • Player: You're not putting your hands on my things!
          • Customs officer: You're not getting on this ship then.
    • Does Karamja have unusual customs then?
      • Player: Does Karamja have unusual customs then?
      • Customs officer: I'm not that sort of customs officer.

Paying the fare to the Customs officer[]

  • Customs officer: Can I help you?
    • Can I journey on this ship?
      • (Same as above)
    • Does Karamja have unusual customs then?
      • (Same as above)

Talking to Luthas[]

Before asking for employment[]

  • Luthas: Hello I'm Luthas, I run the banana plantation here.
    • Could you offer me employment on your plantation?
      • Player: Could you offer me employment on your plantation?
      • Luthas: Yes, I can sort something out. There's a crate ready to be loaded onto the ship. You wouldn't believe the demand for bananas from Wydin's shop over in Port Sarim. I think this is the third crate I've shipped him this month.. If you could fill it up with bananas, I'll pay you 30 gold.
    • That customs officer is annoying isn't she?
      • Player: That customs officer is annoying isn't she?
      • Luthas: Well I know her pretty well. She doesn't cause me any trouble any more. She doesn't even search my export crates any more. She knows they only contain bananas.
      • Player: Really? How interesting. Whereabouts do you send those to?
      • Luthas: There is a little shop over in Port Sarim that buys them up by the crate. I believe it is run by a man called Wydin.

After accepting employment[]

  • Luthas: Have you completed your task yet?
    • What did I have to do again?
      • Player: What did I have to do again?
      • Luthas: There's a crate ready to be loaded onto the ship. If you could fill it up with bananas, I'll pay you 30 gold.
    • No, the crate isn't full yet.
      • Player: No, the crate isn't full yet...
      • Luthas: Well come back when it is.
    • So where are these bananas going to be delivered to?
      • Player: So where are these bananas going to be delivered to?
      • Luthas: I sell them to Wydin who runs a grocery store in Port Sarim.
    • That customs officer is annoying isn't she?
      • (Same as above)

After filling the crate with bananas[]

  • Player: I've filled a crate with bananas.
  • Luthas: Well done, here's your payment
  • Luthas hands you 30 coins.
  • 30 coins have been added to your money pouch.
    • Will you pay me for another crate full?
      • Player: Will you pay me for another crate full?
      • Luthas: Yes certainly. If you go outside you should see the old crate has been loaded on to the ship, and there is another empty crate in its place.
    • Thank you, I'll be on my way
      • Player: Thank you, I'll be on my way
    • So where are these bananas going to be delivered to?
      • (Same as above)
    • That customs officer is annoying isn't she?
      • (Same as above)

Searching the crate[]


  • The crate is completely empty.

With 1 banana only[]

  • The crate has 1 banana inside.

With 2-4 bananas only[]

  • The crate has X bananas inside.

With 5 bananas only[]

  • The crate is filled with bananas.

With Karamja rum only[]

  • There is some rum in here, although no bananas to cover it. It is a little obvious.

With Karamja rum and 1 banana[]

  • The crate has 1 banana stashed inside. There is also some rum stashed in here too.

With Karamja rum and 2-4 bananas[]

  • The crate has X bananas stashed inside. There is also some rum stashed in here too.

With Karamja rum and 5 bananas[]

  • The crate is filled with bananas. There is also some rum stashed in here too.

Filling the crate[]

Before asking for employment[]

  • I don't know what goes in there.

With 1 banana[]

  • You pack a banana into the crate.

With Karamja rum[]

  • You stash the rum in the crate.

With all bananas in your inventory[]

  • You pack all your bananas into the crate.

With enough bananas to fill the crate[]

  • You fill the crate with bananas.

After the crate is already full[]

  • The crate is already full.

Retrieving the rum[]

Talking to Wydin[]

First time[]

  • Wydin: Welcome to my food store! Would you like to buy anything?
    • Yes please.
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • No, thank you.
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • What can you recommend?
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • Can I get a job here?
      • Player: Can I get a job here?
      • Wydin: Well, you're keen, I'll give you that. Okay, I'll give you a go. Have you got your own white apron?
        • If you do not yet have a white apron with you: 
          • Player: No, I haven't.
          • Wydin: Well, you can't work here unless you have a white apron. Health and safety regulations, you understand.
          • Player: Where can I get one of those?
          • Wydin: Well, I get all of mine over at the clothing shop in Varrock. They sell them cheap there. Oh, and I'm sure that I've seen a spare one over in Gerrant's fish store somewhere. It's the little place just north of here.
        • If you already have a white apron with you: 
          • Player: Yes, I have one right here.
          • Wydin: Wow - you are well prepared! You're hired. Go through to the back and tidy up for me, please.

After accepting a job[]

  • Wydin: Is it nice and tidy round the back now?
    • Yes, can I work out front now?
      • Player: Yes, can I work out front now?
      • Wydin: No, I'm the one who works here.
    • Yes, are you going to pay me yet?
      • Player: Yes, are you going to pay me yet?
      • Wydin: Umm... No, not yet.
    • No, it's a complete mess.
      • Player: No, it's a complete mess.
      • Wydin: Ah well, it'll give you something to do, won't it.
    • Can I buy something please?
      • (Non-quest dialogue)

Trying to enter the storage room without wearing a white apron[]

  • Wydin: Can you put your white apron on before going in there, please?

Taking a white apron from Gerant's Fishy Business[]

If you do not have a white apron with you: 

  • You take an apron. It feels freshly starched and smells of laundry.

If you already have a white apron with you: 

  • You already have one.

Searching the crates[]

Banana crate[]

  • There are a lot of bananas in the crate.
    • If you filled Luthas's crate at Karamja with bananas and stashed Karamja rum inside: 
      • You find your bottle of rum in amongst the bananas.
        • (Continues below)
    • Do you want to take a banana?
      • Yes.
        • You take a banana from the crate.
      • No.

Cabbage crate[]

  • There are a lot of cabbages in the crate.
    • Do you want to take a banana?
      • Yes.
        • You take a cabbage from the crate.
      • No.

Potato crate[]

  • There are a lot of bananas in the crate.
    • Do you want to take a banana?
      • Yes.
        • You take a banana from the crate.
      • No.

Raw chicken crate[]

  • There are a lot of raw chickens in the crate.
    • Do you want to take a raw chicken?
      • Yes.
        • You take a raw chicken from the crate.
      • No.

Returning to Redbeard Frank[]

At Port Sarim docks[]

  • Redbeard Frank: Arr, Matey! Have ye brought some rum from yer ol' mate Frank?
  • Player: Yes, I've got some.
  • Redbeard Frank: Now a deal's a deal, I'll tell ye about the treasure. I used to serve under a pirate captain called One-Eyed Hector. Hector were very successful and became very rich. But about a year ago we were boarded by the Customs and Excise Agents. Hector were killed along with many of the crew, I were one of the few to escape and I escaped with this.
  • Frank happily takes the rum...[sic] ...and[sic] hands you a key.
  • Redbeard Frank: This be Hector's key. I believe it opens his chest on his old room in the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock. With any luck his treasure will be in there.
    • Ok thanks, I'll go and get it.
      • Player: Ok thanks, I'll go and get it.
    • So why didn't you ever get it?
      • Player: So why didn't you ever get it?
      • Redbeard Frank: I'm not allowed in the Blue Moon Inn. Apparently I'm a drunken trouble maker.

At Falador Park[]

Digging the correct spot before fighting the Gardener[]

  • Gardener: First moles, now this! Take this, vandal!

Digging the correct spot while being attacked by the Gardener[]

  • I can't dig up anything with him attacking me!

Digging the correct spot after defeating the Gardener[]

  • You dig a hole in the ground...[sic]
  • and find a little chest of treasure.[sic]
Congratulations! Quest complete!

Post-quest dialogue[]

At Port Sarim docks[]

Using Hector's treasure on Frank[]

  • Player: I have the treasure, would you like a share?
  • Redbeard Frank: No lad, you got it fair and square. You enjoy it. It's what Hector would have wanted.

At Falador Park[]

Digging the correct spot after collecting the treasure[]
