RuneScape Wiki

Starting off[]

Talking to Wendy

  • Wendy: Oh, hello.
    • Who are you?
      • Player: Who are you?
      • Wendy: Me? I'm Wendy. I'm learning the ways of witchcraft from Maggie here. She's very clever, you know...and very patient.
        • Who are you?
          • (Same as above)
        • What are you doing?
          • (Same as below)
        • You look a little lost.
          • (Same as below)
        • Have you seen that purple cat wandering around?
          • (Same as below)
    • What are you doing?
      • Player: What are you doing?
      • Wendy: I'm travelling with Maggie, trying to learn the ways of witchcraft.
      • Player: And what are you learning at the moment?
      • Wendy: I'm learning all about - um, hold on...let me just think... It was something really quite fascinating, I'm sure... Uh... Hmm...
      • Player: Look, don't worry about it, really.
      • Wendy: Sorry, I can't quite recall at the moment, but I'm sure it will come back to me, sooner or later.
        • Who are you?
          • (Same as above)
        • What are you doing?
          • (Same as above)
        • You look a little lost.
          • (Same as below)
        • Have you seen that purple cat wandering around?
          • (Same as below)
    • You look a little lost.
      • Player: If you don't mind my saying so, you look a little lost.
      • Wendy: It's funny - I get that a lot! I don't think I'm lost...not at the moment, at least. Keeping track of where one is isn't a problem, is it? I think it's more that I keep forgetting where I'm going.
        • What do you mean?
          • Player: What do you mean?
          • Wendy: Well, it's just that there are so many interesting things to do and see, really! It's all well and good to make plans for myself, but I always seem to get distracted along the way.
          • Player: Distracted? By what?
          • Wendy: Oh, well, you know. A pretty flower. A little impling flying by. A fluffy cat that looks like it needs a scratch under its chin. I see things like that and my best-laid plans just seem to fly right out of my head!
          • Player: Hmm, I can see how they might.
        • So where are you going?
          • Player: So, where are you going?
          • Wendy: Well, Maggie has been teaching me the basics of witchcraft. I'm sure she sent me out to collect something but, come to think of it, I can't quite remember what it was.
          • Player: Well, perhaps it was something for a potion? Or a spell?
          • Wendy: Oo, that might be possible! Do you remember what it might have been?
          • Player: Well, given that I wasn't there for the conversation, I have no way of knowing that, I'm afraid.
          • Wendy: Oh. Sad. Wait, what were we talking about again?
          • Player: Look, don't worry about it, okay?
    • Have you seen that purple cat wandering around?
      • Player: Have you seen that purple cat wandering around?
      • Wendy: Why, yes, I'm quite pleased actually - that was an experiment of mine.
      • Player: You can make purple cats?
      • Wendy: Well, no, but I can make cats purple.
        • Can you make anything else purple?
          • Player: Can you make anything else purple?
          • Wendy: Um... Errr... Hum... No, I don't think so. Just cats.
        • If I brought you a cat, could you make it purple?
          • Player: If I brought you a cat, could you make it purple?
          • Wendy: I should think so, but I’m all out of magic unguent. I’d need some more to complete the spell…but, if you brought me some unguent and a cat, I can’t see what could go wrong.
            • So, where can I get this unguent, then?
              • Player: So, where can I get this unguent, then?
              • Wendy: My friend Lottie should know - we started our training together. Last I heard, she was studying in Port Sarim as Betty’s apprentice.
              • Player: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
            • Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
              • Player: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
        • Hmm, that's nice for you.
          • Player: Hmm, that's nice for you.
          • Wendy: Well, it's not the most useful skill, but at least it's something.

Finding the unguent[]

Animals again[]

Talking to Lottie

  • Player: Do you know anything about magic unguent for turning cats purple?
  • Lottie: Oh, you must have been talking to Wendy. What a space cadet! She couldn’t cast herself out of a paper bag. In any case, if it’s unguent you want, it’s in the very same chest where you found Betty’s wand.
  • Player: Oh good, I’ll just get it out, and-
  • Lottie: Hold it right there. You’re not going to be able to open that chest until you sort out the animals again.
  • Player: What? But I’ve already put everyone where they belong!
  • Lottie: Yes, but Betty is a bit paranoid about the security of her precious possessions. After you so easily got into her chest, she decided to make it a bit more difficult to unlock. Which means that, if you want that unguent, you have to put these animals back again…and this time, you’ll have to move every single animal at least once!
  • Lottie: First off, let me give you this magic slate. You can use it for reference, if you like. It’s not necessary, but I find it helpful. Now, what can I do for you?
    • Could you remind me what I should be doing?
      • Player: Could you remind me what I should be doing?
      • Lottie: Of course I can, though you really ought to learn to pay attention more closely. In order to open the chest that contains Betty’s wand, you need to sort out the creatures in Betty’s menagerie. Each creature has its own pen. All you need to do is move each creature into its own pen.
      • Player: Can’t you do that for me?
      • Lottie: No. Now, pay attention. These are very sensitive creatures. You absolutely cannot take a creature into a chamber where there’s another creature. You can’t even take a creature through the door if the chamber you are trying to enter is occupied. Nor can you hold more than one creature at a time. You need to move them one by one into empty pens. You can use the temporary holding pen in this room to help shuttle the little guys around. If you get stuck and want me to return the creatures to their original configuration, just let me know.
      • Player: Okay, sounds good. Thanks.
    • What do these animals have to do with opening that chest?
      • Player: What do these animals have to do with opening that chest?
      • Lottie: Well, it’s extremely complicated. I’m not sure you’d be able to understand it.
      • Player: Try me.
      • Lottie: Well, once you’ve moved each creature into the correct pen, the room’s energy density will be configured in such a way that you’ll be able to open the chest.
      • Player: Energy density?
      • Lottie: Yes, the amount of magical energy stored in this basement, per unit volume. Don’t worry about the details - it’s a witching thing, and it’s very technical indeed.
        • Oh, of course!
          • Player: Oh, of course. How obvious! Why didn’t I think of that?
          • Lottie: Well, not everyone can be as clever as I am.
        • That sounds a little far-fetched.
          • Player: That sounds a little far-fetched, actually.
          • Lottie: Well, we are witches, after all. Being far-fetched is kinda what we do for a living.
          • Player: Oh, I see.
    • Could you return the creatures to their original arrangement?
      • Player: Could you return the creatures to their original arrangement?
        • If the creatures are already in their original arrangement
          • Lottie: They’re exactly how they were when you first came downstairs!
        • If the creatures are not yet in their original arrangement
          • Lottie: Of course! Give me a second.
          • (Creatures are restored to their original positions)
          • Lottie: There you go.
          • Player: Thanks.
    • Can you remind me how to find the magic unguent for Wendy?
      • [missing]

Talking to Lottie again

  • Lottie: Hello. How goes the task of returning the creatures to their proper places?
    • Could you remind me what I should be doing?
      • (Same as above)
    • What do these animals have to do with opening that chest?
      • (Same as above)
    • Could you return the creatures to their original arrangement?
      • (Same as above)
    • Can you remind me how to find the magic unguent for Wendy?
      • (Same as above)

Moving the animals[]

If you attempt to move an animal into or past a pen with an animal already in it

  • Bat
    • Bat: Squeak-squeak! SQUEAK!
    • Player: I don't think I should take this little guy into a room that has another creature with it.
  • Blackbird
    • Blackbird: Caw! Caw-aw!
    • Player: I don't think I should take this little guy into a room that has another creature with it.
  • Rat
    • Rat: Squeak! Squeak-squeal! SQUEAL!
    • Player: I don't think I should take this little guy into a room that has another creature with it.
  • Snail
    • Snail: Sggggggllluggg.
    • Player: I don't think I should take this little guy into a room that has another creature with it.
  • Spider
    • Spider: Tttttthhh-thhhhh!
    • Player: I don't think I should take this little guy into a room that has another creature with it.
  • Lizard
    • Lizard: Graaaa-Hiiiiissssssssssssss!
    • Player: I don't think I should take this little guy into a room that has another creature with it.

If you move an animal into an incorrect pen

  • Bat
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the bat in the pen. He doesn't look very happy there.
  • Blackbird
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the blackbird in the pen. She doesn't look very happy there.
  • Rat
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the rat in the pen. She doesn't look very happy there.
  • Snail
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the snail in the pen. He doesn't look very happy there.
  • Spider
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the spider in the pen. She doesn't look very happy there.
  • Lizard
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the lizard in the pen. He doesn't look very happy there.

If you move an animal into the correct pen

  • Bat
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the bat in the pen. He looks extremely happy there.
  • Blackbird
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the blackbird in the pen. She looks extremely happy there.
  • Rat
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the rat in the pen. She looks extremely happy there.
  • Snail
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the snail in the pen. He looks extremely happy there.
  • Spider
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the spider in the pen. She looks extremely happy there.
  • Lizard
    • (In chatbox)
      • You put the lizard in the pen. He looks extremely happy there.

Completing the puzzle[]

After successfully moving all animals to the correct pens

  • Player: It looks like everyone is in their correct place now. Perhaps I should see if I can open that chest.

Talking to Lottie

  • Player: Can you remind me where I can find this magic unguent for Wendy?
  • Lottie: Of course. Now that you've sorted out those animals, you should be able to find the unguent in that chest over in the corner.
  • Player: Thanks.

Searching the chest after opening it

  • (In chatbox)
    • You search the chest and find some magic unguent.

Talking to Lottie again

  • Lottie: So, have you brought that unguent to Wendy yet?
  • Player: Not quite yet.
  • Lottie: You'd better hurry - that girl is liable to forget who she is, let alone how to cast a complicated spell.

Bringing the unguent[]

Talking to Wendy

  • Wendy: Oh, hello.
    • Who are you?
      • (Same as above)
    • What are you doing?
      • (Same as above)
    • You look a little lost.
      • (Same as above)
    • I have some magic unguent for you!
      • Player: I have some magic unguent for you!
      • Wendy: Oh, thank you so much! That is exactly what I need for my cat enchantments! If you ever want a cat turning purple, just bring her to me.
Miniquest complete

Post-miniquest dialogue[]

Talking to Wendy

  • Wendy: Oh, hello.
    • Who are you?
      • (Same as above)
    • What are you doing?
      • (Same as above)
    • You look a little lost.
      • (Same as above)
    • Let's talk about purple cats.
      • Player: Let's talk about purple cats.
        • Can you make my cat purple?
          • Player: Can you make my cat purple?
            • If you have a cat in your inventory
              • Wendy: Of course. Just hand your cat to me so that I can take a closer look.
            • If you have a cat following you
              • Wendy: Of course. Just pick up your cat and hand her to me so that I can take a closer look.
            • If you do not have a cat with you
              • Wendy: Of course. Just bring your cat to me and let me hold her for a moment. I'll sort her out in no time.
        • Can you remove the purple from a cat?
          • Player: Can you remove the purple from a cat?
          • Wendy: I'm afraid that once the spell is cast, it's cast for good. I haven't figured out how to undo the purple yet.
          • Player: Ah, right. Hmm.