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The Escaped Pest[]

  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: (If you have completed The Slug Menace.) Good day, Proselyte. Is there anything I can do for you?
  • What do you want to talk about?:
    • Void Knights.:
      • Player: Do you have any new jobs for me?
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Spiffing! You are eager, aren't you? As a matter of fact, I do have a small assignment for you.
      • Player: What do I have to do?
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Should be straightforward. We've had a few reports of a strange, pest-like creature being sighted south of Falador. It's probably nothing; the locals might just have an infestation of large cockroaches.
      • Player: So, I have to exterminate some cockroaches?
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: What, what? No, my lad/lass. I already have some agents in the field following up the reports, but I'd like you to head over to the Void Knight Outpost and investigate the possibility of a pest escaping from the island.
        • Not Right Now:
        • Accept Quest:
          • Player: That seems pretty unlikely, but it shouldn't take too long to verify.
          • Sir Tiffy Cashien: That's the spirit! When you get to the outpost, speak to Commodore Matthias. Report back to me here, once you have found anything.
          • Player: Yes, sir!
    • More...:

Talking to Sir Tiffy again[]

  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Find out anything at the Void Knight Outpost?
  • Player: Err, not yet. I haven't exactly spoken to anyone.
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: What ho? Well, that's no good. Time is of the essence! Go to the outpost, a ship from Port Sarim will take you there. Speak to Commodore Matthias when you get there. It couldn't be simpler, whippersnapper!

Travelling to the Outpost[]

  • Squire: Hi, how can I help you?
    • Who are you?:
      • Player: Who are you?
      • Squire: I'm a Squire for the Void Knights.
      • Player: The who?
      • Squire: The Void Knights, they are great warriors of balance who do Guthix's work here in Gielinor.
        • Wow, can I join?:
        • What kind of work?:
          • Player: What kind of work?
          • Squire: Ah well you see we try to keep Gielinor as Guthix intended, it's very challenging. Actually we've been having some problems recently, maybe you could help us?
            • What's the problem?:
              • Player: What's the problem?
              • Squire: Well the order has become quite diminished over the years, it's a very long process to learn the skills of a Void Knight. Recently there have been breaches into our realm from somewhere else, and strange creatures have been pouring through. We can't let that happen, and we'd be very grateful if you'd help us.
                • How can I help?:
                  • Player: How can I help?
                  • Squire: We send launchers from our outpost to the nearby islands. If you go and wait in the lander there that'd really help.
                • Sorry, but I can't.:
            • What's 'Gielinor'?:
              • Squire: (Same as below.)
            • I'd rather not, sorry.:
        • What's 'Gielinor'?:
          • Player: What's 'Gielinor'?
          • Squire: It is the name that Guthix gave to this world, so we honour him with its use.
        • Uh huh, sure.:
          • Player: Uh huh, sure.
    • Where does this ship go?:
      • Player: Where does this ship go?
      • Squire: To the Void Knight outpost. It's a small island just off Karamja.
        • I'd like to go to your outpost.:
          • Player: I'd like to go to your outpost.
        • That's nice.:
          • Player: That's nice.
    • I'd like to go to your outpost.:
      • Player: I'd like to go to your outpost.
    • I'm fine, thanks.:
      • Player: I'm fine, thanks.

Talking to Commodore Matthias[]

  • Player: Hi, are you Commodore Matthias?
  • Commodore Matthias: I am.
  • Player: I've been sent here by Sir Tiffy of the Temple Knights. There have been reports of a pest being sighted south of Falador and he wants me to investigate the truth of the sightings.
  • Commodore Matthias: Then why are you here? Shouldn't you be investigating the sightings near Falador?
  • Player: Sir Tiffy has knights doing that already. He wants me to investigate if the pest may have come from here. I just want to interview the people on the island and see if anyone knows anything.
  • Commodore Matthias: No one under my command would let a pest escape. But, go ahead and waste your time investigating, if it keeps us on good terms with the Temple Knights. I don't have time to deal with you myself, though. Speak to my second in command, Captain Tyr. He's around here somewhere...big bloke with floppy hair.

Talking to Commodore Matthias again[]

  • Player: Commodore, I...
  • Commodore Matthias: Look, I don't like you investigating my people, but I respect Sir Tiffy and I'm not going to get on his bad side. Investigate your case, but don't bother me unless you've run it by Captain Tyr first.

The Investigation[]

  • Player: Captain Tyr?
  • Captain Tyr: That's me. How can I help you?
  • Player: Commodore Matthias said you could assist me. I'm conducting an investigation regarding reports of a pest on the mainland. Sir Tiffy of the Temple Knights wants me to investigate the possibility of the pest coming from here.
  • Captain Tyr: An escaped pest? I suppose it would be within the realm of possibility that a pest could escape from the islands, but it's highly unlikely. Still, orders are orders. I'd recommend talking to the people on this half of the island first. Someone might have seen something.
  • Player: Why only this half? Surely I should speak to everyone?
  • Captain Tyr: I find tasks are easier if you break them into smaller parts. Start with this half, I think there are 9 people you should talk to, and we'll see how far we get. If you don't find anything, report back to me and we'll take it from there.

Interviewing Mikhal[]

  • Player: Hi, can I ask you some questions? I'm trying to find out if anyone has been acting suspiciously lately.
  • Knight Mikhal: Depends on how you define suspicious. Does stealing someone's girlfriend count?
  • Player: Um, I'm not sure I understand.
  • Knight Mikhal: I'm working myself to the bone trying to earn enough money for a gift for my girlfriend, Mariah. Meanwhile, my best friend, Terry, is stealing her away from me. I would call that pretty suspicious.
    • Why are you so busy?:
      • Player: Why are you so busy?
      • Knight Mikhal: I'm working extra hours and training more so I can get a promotion and earn more money. I want to buy Mariah a nice gift and ask her to marry me.
      • Player: Oh, that seems very nice.
    • What makes you think Terry is involved?:
      • Player: What makes you think Terry is involved?
      • Knight Mikhal: Because he's been acting really jumpy every time I see him. I've also seen Mariah around his house a couple of times.
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • Player: Have you heard anything about pests escaping?
      • Knight Mikhal: No, I spend all my time trying to stop them escaping. When I'm not fighting pests I'm training for a promotion.
      • Player: But you do have access to the pests and could have smuggled one out...
      • Knight Mikhal: And risk my whole career? What's wrong with you? We Void Knights are here to stop pests invading. Suggesting anything else is just insulting.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Interviewing Mariah[]

  • Player: Hi.
  • Mariah: Hi.
  • Player: Could I ask you a few questions? I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Mariah: I think my boyfriend is acting weird - he keeps avoiding me. I come to visit him as often as I can, but when I'm here he ignores me. If it weren't for his friend, Terry, I'd die of boredom!
    • How is he acting 'weird'?:
      • Player: How is he acting 'weird'?
      • Mariah: Well, he's always making excuses for why he can't spend time with me. He has to work, or he has training to do, or he's too tired. No one else seems to be as busy as he is!
    • What do you think your boyfriend is up to?:
      • Player: What do you think he's up to?
      • Mariah: I think he wants to break up with me, but can't work up the nerve to do so. Oh, that'd be horrible. I don't want to break up - I love him!
      • Player: So, you don't think he might have been spending his spare time exporting pests from the island to the mainland?
      • Mariah: I-I-I don't know! I thought I knew him, but now I'm not so sure. He's a good person and a devoted Void Knight. I don't think he'd do anything like that.
    • What do you and Terry do together?:
      • Player: What do you and Terry get up to?
      • Mariah: Nothing! Terry is still living with his mum, so he never does anything if she doesn't give permission first. I just go around to his house to have someone to talk to. It's better than sitting here on my own, while Mikhal ignores me.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Interviewing Jessika[]

  • Player: Hi. I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Jessika: A pest escaped? Wow. Um, no one's been acting strangely. Well, I haven't been spending much time with everyone else, so I wouldn't really know. My research has been...time consuming. Actually, that Sam guy is pretty weird. Don't talk to him about cake. I wouldn't say he was suspicious, though.
    • Why haven't you been spending time with anyone else?:
      • Player: Why haven't you been spending time with anyone else?
      • Jessika: I've been very busy. Much of my work takes place in my basement, so I don't see very many people.
      • Player: In your basement? Don't Void Knights usually work out in the field stopping pests?
      • Jessika: Oh, I'm not a Void Knight. I'm a mage from the Wizards' Tower doing research on the magic pests use to create portals.
    • What is your research about?:
      • Player: What is your research about?
      • Jessika: I'm studying pests and the portals they create. They're really very advanced creatures. I think with a bit of work we could stop fighting and make peace.
      • Player: They're pests, they're trying to invade our world and destroy it. I don't see peace on the horizon.
      • Jessika: You don't know anything about them! They're highly intelligent and can feel emotions.
    • Why is Sam obsessed with cake?:
      • Player: Why is Sam obsessed with cake?
      • Jessika: I don't know, he's very odd. He apparently wanted to be a Void Knight to stop the pests from getting at his cake.
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • Player: Have you heard anything about pests escaping?
      • Jessika: No! I haven't heard anything like that. Have other people heard that?
      • Player: Well, obviously they have, or I wouldn't be asking. Do you have access to pests?
      • Jessika: I'm allowed onto the battlefield for research. I've seen them up close, they're quite impressive creatures.
      • Player: But you don't take part in the battles? You're just observing.
      • Jessika: That's right. I don't like killing things, pests or otherwise.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Interviewing Sam[]

  • Ask about escaped pest.:
    • Player: Hi.
    • Squire Sam: Hi.
    • Player: Could I ask you a few ques-
    • Squire Sam: I don't have any cake!
    • Player: What?
    • Squire Sam: Oh. You weren't talking about that. Please continue.
    • Player: Um, I'm investigating the escape of a pest onto the mainland. Have you noticed anyone-
    • Squire Sam: Eating cake? No. No one has been eating cake. I swear.
    • Player: Right. I'm really not here about cake. I need to know if anyone has been acting suspiciously.
    • Squire Sam: They're all acting suspiciously! They all want my cake! Not that I have any cake. I swear. You're not getting any!
    • Player: I'm going to put that down as a 'no', then.
      • Ask about escaped pest.:
        • Player: (Same as above.)
      • That's all, thanks.:
        • Player: That's all, thanks.
  • That's all, thanks:
    • Player: That's all, thanks.

Interviewing Diana[]

  • Player: Hi. I'd like to ask you a few questions. I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Knight Diana: No, not really. I guess my sister, Ami, has been acting a bit weird - she's been really jumpy lately. She gets angry when I try to talk about it, saying that I'm too nosey. I guess I am a bit nosey, but she's my sister and I care about her!
    • Has anything happened to make your sister nervous?:
      • Player: Has anything happened to make your sister nervous?
      • Knight Diana: Well, some of my money went missing last week, but I don't see why that would make HER nervous. I'm not really too upset about it.
    • How is she acting suspiciously?:
      • Player: How is she acting suspiciously?
      • Knight Diana: She snaps at me whenever I talk to her and she always seems to jump when I come into a room. I feel like she's hiding something, but I don't know what.
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • Knight Diana: No, I haven't. Our whole purpose here is to STOP pests escaping. I think we would have noticed if one had escaped.
      • Player: Do you have access to the pests?
      • Knight Diana: Not really, I've only just reached knighthood. I work in the shops when I'm not training.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Interviewing Terry[]

  • Player: Hello. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously lately?
  • Terry Gord: Suspiciously? No, no. No one acting suspiciously around here. Did my mother send you to talk to me? She's always trying to spy on me. She drives away all my friends. She accused Mariah of breaking her stupid vase and now Mariah won't even speak to me.
    • Why does your mother spy on you?:
      • Player: Why does your mother spy on you?
      • Terry Gord: Because she doesn't want me to have a life. Ever since dad died fighting the pests, she's been extra protective. It makes me so mad that sometimes I...
      • Player: You what?
      • Terry Gord: Nothing. I do nothing. I just hold it in. I know she means well...
    • Who did break the vase?:
      • Player: Who did break the vase?
      • Terry Gord: I don't know! It was on a rickety old table - anyone could have knocked it off while innocently just walking by.
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • Player: Have you heard anything about pests escaping?
      • Terry Gord: No, that'd be the stupidest thing ever. Those pests will destroy us if they get a chance.
      • Player: But you do have access to the pests?
      • Terry Gord: No, my mum won't let me be a knight. She's afraid I'll my dad.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Interviewing Ami[]

  • Player: Howdy, I'd like to ask you a few questions. I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Knight Ami: NO! No one's been acting suspiciously. Did my sister Diana send you to talk to me? I told her I'm FINE. If anyone is acting suspiciously, it's her!
  • Player: I was sent by the Temple Knights, not your sister. I just have a few questions.
    • How is Diana acting suspiciously?:
      • Player: How is Diana acting suspiciously?
      • Knight Ami: I don't know, she just is. She keeps pestering me and looking at me when she thinks I don't notice. And she's always talking about money. How she can afford this or that, or how she'll get me a present. I don't want her to buy things for me, I want to buy my own things!
    • Why wouldn't your sister think you're fine?:
      • Player: Why wouldn't your sister think you're fine?
      • Knight Ami: I don't know, I am fine. She says I've been avoiding her and that I've been snappish, but maybe I just don't want to hang out with her.
    • Has anything unusual happened recently?:
      • Player: Has anything unusual happened recently?
      • Knight Ami: No, nothing unusual at all! Diana claims some of her money went missing, but she has so much I don't see how she can be sure.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Interviewing Mrs Gord[]

  • Player: Hi. I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Mrs Gord: No, I haven't. I've been too busy cleaning up. Someone broke my favourite vase and just left it here, shattered into a million pieces. My son said he thought he saw someone run out of the house, but does he know who? No, of course not. I leave my son alone for a few minutes and he lets some hooligan into the house who breaks my nice things. I bet it was Mikhal's girlfriend, Mariah. She's always stopping by to see my son...and tracking in mud, leaving trash all over the house... She's always acting cagey and suspicious. Must be the guilt.
    • How is Mariah acting suspiciously?:
      • Player: How is Mariah acting suspiciously?
      • Mrs Gord: Well, she's always sneaking around! She looks embarrassed when I see her, like she's hiding something. I don't like my son hanging out with girls like that.
    • Couldn't your son have broken the vase?:
      • Player: Couldn't your son have broken the vase?
      • Mrs Gord: My son? Never. I asked him outright if he broke the vase and he said no. My boy would never lie to me.
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • Player: Have you heard anything about pests escaping?
      • Mrs Gord: Escaping? Heavens, no! I think I'd faint if one of them escaped - they're vile beasts.
      • Player: Do you have access to the pests?
      • Mrs Gord: Access to them? Dear, they're not exactly something you access. But no, I've never seen one, let alone accessed one. My husband was a Void Knight and died; I want nothing to do with pests.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Interviewing Bernard[]

  • Player: Do you have a minute? I'd like to ask you some questions.
  • Knight Bernard: Sure, I've got time.
  • Player: Have you noticed anyone acting suspiciously lately?
  • Knight Bernard: Well, my friend Sam always acts suspicious, but that's because he's paranoid...and more than a little bit obsessed with cake.
  • Player: He's what?
  • Knight Bernard: He thinks no one knows, but everyone does. He hoards cake and lies about it. He doesn't want to share it with other people.
  • Player: Okay... Anyone else acting strange?
  • Knight Bernard: Well, now that you mention it, that girl Jessika has been acting a little weird. She's normally very friendly and talkative but, lately, she just talks to herself and looks a little sad. I just figured she got some bad news from home or something. It's probably nothing.
    • How is she acting 'weird'?:
      • Player: How is she acting 'weird'?
      • Knight Bernard: Well, she's researching pests, but she's been spending a lot more time in her basement than out in the field.
      • Player: What's she doing down there?
      • Knight Bernard: No idea. I didn't ask, she didn't tell. I don't like to pry.
      • Player: Has she said anything?
      • Knight Bernard: Not to me. She's been talking to herself a lot, though. I've caught a few snatches of it, something about hoping her friend made it. Not sure what she meant.
    • What do you think she's up to?:
      • Player: What do you think she's up to?
      • Knight Bernard: She's probably just doing some delicate experiments or something. I've never really understood her research. Pests should be destroyed, it's as simple as that.
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • Player: Have you heard anything about pests escaping?
      • Knight Bernard: No, it'd be pretty difficult to do. As far as I know, they can't swim, so they'd have to get back on a ship. But who would want to? The pests want to destroy us; it'd be madness to release one.
      • Player: Do you have access to pests? Could you smuggle one out?
      • Knight Bernard: I'm a Void Knight. I don't have access to anything except hard work. I swore when I became a knight to kill pests on sight, and do everything in my power to stop the pests from spreading.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all thanks.
      • Player: (When you've talked to everyone.) Whew! I think I've spoken to everyone. I should go talk to Captain Tyr.

Reporting back[]

  • Player: Hi, Captain Tyr.
  • Captain Tyr: Hello, Player. Making progress with your investigation?
  • Player: I've spoken to everyone, I think.
  • Captain Tyr: Well done! That was quite a task. Why don't you tell me what you've found out and we can decide if any of it is worth following up.
  • You summarise everything you've heard from the people you've spoken to.:
  • Captain Tyr: Very thoroughly done. I think you may be on to something, but I don't want to interfere. You should think about everything you've heard and see if anyone stands out as a likely candidate. It would be someone who has access to pests and has a motive for wanting to release one. If you think you have a candidate, confront that person to see what they say. They may confirm your suspicions. Then, I think you'll be ready to report back to Commodore Matthias.

Confronting Sam[]

  • Ask about escaped pest.:
    • Player: (Same as above.)
  • Confront about a misdeeds. [sic]:
    • Player: I believe you've done something wrong.
      • You broke Mrs Gord's vase.:
        • Player: You broke Mrs Gord's vase.
        • Squire Sam: Vase has the same number of letters as cake.
      • You stole money from Diana.:
        • Player: You stole money from Diana.
        • Squire Sam: I don't need money, I have cake!
      • You let a pest escape to the mainland.:
        • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
        • Squire Sam: Pests steal cakes! Stop the pests!
  • That's all, thanks.:
    • Player: That's all, thanks.

Confronting Terry[]

  • Player: Hello. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously lately?
  • Terry Gord: Suspiciously? No, no. No one acting suspiciously around here. Did my mother send you to talk to me? She's always trying to spy on me. She drives away all my friends. She accused Mariah of breaking her stupid vase and now Mariah won't even speak to me.
  • Why does your mother spy on you?:
    • Player: (Same as above.)
  • Who did break the vase?:
    • Player: (Same as above.)
  • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
    • Player: (Same as above.)
  • Confront about misdeeds.:
    • Player: I believe you've done something wrong.
      • You broke Mrs Gord's vase.:
        • Player: You broke your mother's vase.
        • Terry Gord: No, I did not!
        • Player: I think we both know that you did. You got angry with her and broke the vase in revenge.
        • Terry Gord: It was an accident! I just walked by and the thing fell off the table.
      • You stole money from Diana.:
        • Player: You stole money from Diana.
        • Terry Gord: No, I didn't.
        • Player: You're sure?
        • Terry Gord: Of course I'm sure!
      • You let a pest escape to the mainland.:
        • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
        • Terry Gord: What? No, I didn't. I don't even have access to the pests! My mum won't let me be a knight ever since my father died fighting the pests.
      • You've been cheating with Mikhal's girlfriend.:
        • Player: You've been cheating with Mikhal's girlfriend.
        • Terry Gord: Huh? Mariah? Heck, no, I wouldn't ever want to date Mariah. She's a snob! I only let her visit because Mikhal's my best friend. He's been really busy and I thought he'd want me to keep her out of his hair for a while.
  • That's all, thanks.:
    • Player: That's all, thanks.

Confronting Ami[]

  • Player: Howdy, I'd like to ask you a few questions. I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Knight Ami: NO! No one's been acting suspiciously. Did my sister Diana send you to talk to me? I told her I'm FINE. If anyone is acting suspiciously, it's her!
  • Player: I was sent by the Temple Knights, not your sister. I just have a few questions.
    • How is Diana acting suspiciously?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Why wouldn't your sister think you're fine?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Has anything unusual happened recently?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Confront about misdeeds.:
      • Player: I believe you've done something wrong.
        • You broke Mrs Gord's vase.:
          • Player: You broke Mrs Gord's vase.
          • Knight Ami: What? I haven't ever been in Mrs Gord's house! I didn't even know she had a vase.
        • You stole money from Diana.:
          • Player: You stole money from Diana.
          • Knight Ami: Omygosh! You won't tell her, will you? I'm going to pay it back, I just got tired of her lording it over me!
        • You let a pest escape to the mainland.:
          • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
          • Knight Ami: What? How could you accuse me of that? I spend my life here preventing pests from escaping this island. I would never risk the rest of the world with such carelessness!
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Confronting Mikhal[]

  • Player: Hi, can I ask you some questions? I'm trying to find out if anyone has been acting suspiciously lately.
  • Knight Mikhal: Depends on how you define suspicious. Does stealing someone's girlfriend count?
  • Player: Um, I'm not sure I understand.
  • Knight Mikhal: I'm working myself to the bone trying to earn enough money for a gift for my girlfriend, Mariah. Meanwhile, my best friend, Terry, is stealing her away from me. I would call that pretty suspicious.
    • Why are you so busy?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • What makes you think Terry is involved?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Confront about misdeeds.:
      • Player: I believe you've done something wrong.
        • You broke Mrs Gord's vase.:
          • Player: You broke Mrs Gord's vase.
          • Knight Mikhal: What? No, I haven't. I know better than to touch Mrs Gord's porcelain!
        • You stole money from Diana.:
          • Player: You stole money from Diana.
          • Knight Mikhal: I haven't stolen from anyone! I earn my own money through hard work.
        • You let a pest escape to the mainland.:
          • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
          • Knight Mikhal: I work myself to the bone stopping those creatures from escaping these islands. How can you, an outsider, dare accuse me of letting one escape?
        • You're planning to ditch your girlfriend.:
          • Player: You're planning to ditch your girlfriend.
          • Knight Mikhal: No, I'm not. I don't ever want to lose her, I'm going to propose, but I want to save up enough money to get her a gift first.
          • Player: Maybe you should explain that to her before the misunderstanding spirals out of control.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Confronting Mariah[]

  • Player: Hi.
  • Mariah: Hi.
  • Player: Could I ask you a few questions? I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Mariah: I think my boyfriend is acting weird - he keeps avoiding me. I come to visit him as often as I can, but when I'm here he ignores me. If it weren't for his friend, Terry, I'd die of boredom!
    • How is he acting 'weird'?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • What do you think your boyfriend is up to?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • What do you and Terry do together?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Confront about misdeeds.:
      • Player: I believe you've done something wrong.
        • You broke Mrs Gord's vase.:
          • Player: You broke Mrs Gord's vase.
          • Mariah: No, I didn't. Terry did that, he told me so himself.
        • You stole money from Diana.:
          • Player: You stole money from Diana.
          • Mariah: Who's Diana? Money? I don't know who or what you're talking about.
        • You let a pest escape to the mainland.:
          • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
          • Mariah: And how exactly would I do that? I'm not a Void Knight, I'm just visiting. I don't have access to the pests, and I wouldn't want to - they're disgusting.
        • You're cheating on your boyfriend.:
          • Player: You're cheating on your boyfriend.
          • Mariah: No, I am not! I swear I'm not. There's no one else in the world I love more. But he's been ignoring me, and I don't know what else to do, so I hang out with other people and then rumours start. It's so unfair.
          • Player: Maybe you should explain all that to him before the rumours get out of control.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Confronting Diana[]

  • Player: Hi. I'd like to ask you a few questions. I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Knight Diana: No, not really. I guess my sister, Ami, has been acting a bit weird - she's been really jumpy lately. She gets angry when I try to talk about it, saying that I'm too nosey. I guess I am a bit nosey, but she's my sister and I care about her!
    • Has anything happened to make your sister nervous?:
      • (Same as above.)
    • How is she acting suspiciously?:
      • (Same as above.)
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • (Same as above.)
  • Confront about misdeeds.:
    • Player: I believe you've done something wrong.
      • You broke Mrs Gord's vase.:
          • Player: You broke Mrs Gord's vase.
          • Knight Diana: What? No I didn't. I've never been over to Mrs Gord's house.
      • You stole money from Diana.:
          • Player: You stole money from Diana.
          • Knight Diana: I AM Diana! Are you accusing me of stealing money from myself?
          • Player: Err, no. Never mind.
      • You let a pest escape to the mainland.:
        • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
        • Knight Diana: How dare you! I risk my life fighting pests every day. I would never do a thing like that.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Confronting Mrs Gord[]

  • Player: Hi. I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Mrs Gord: No, I haven't. I've been too busy cleaning up. Someone broke my favourite vase and just left it here, shattered into a million pieces. My son said he thought he saw someone run out of the house, but does he know who? No, of course not. I leave my son alone for a few minutes and he lets some hooligan into the house who breaks my nice things. I bet it was Mikhal's girlfriend, Mariah. She's always stopping by to see my son...and tracking in mud, leaving trash all over the house... She's always acting cagey and suspicious. Must be the guilt.
    • How is Mariah acting suspiciously?:
      • (Same as above.)
    • Couldn't your son have broken the vase?:
      • (Same as above.)
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • (Same as above.)
    • Confront about misdeeds.:
      • Player: I believe you've done something wrong.
        • You broke your own vase and accused others.
          • Player: You broke your own vase and accused others.
          • Mrs Gord: I most certainly have not! How dare you suggest such a thing.
        • You stole money from Diana.
      • Player: You stole money from Diana.
          • Mrs Gord: Who is Diana and why would I steal from her? What are you gibbering on about?
        • You let a pest escape to the mainland.
      • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
          • Mrs Gord: What? You think I would disrespect the memory of my dead husband by letting one of those evil creatures off this island? Are you mad?
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.

Confronting Bernard[]

  • Player: Do you have a minute? I'd like to ask you some questions.
  • Knight Bernard: Sure, I've got time.
  • Player: Have you noticed anyone acting suspiciously lately?
  • Knight Bernard: Well, my friend Sam always acts suspicious, but that's because he's paranoid...and more than a little bit obsessed with cake.
  • Player: He's what?
  • Knight Bernard: He thinks no one knows, but everyone does. He hoards cake and lies about it. He doesn't want to share it with other people.
  • Player: Okay... Anyone else acting strange?
  • Knight Bernard: Well, now that you mention it, that girl Jessika has been acting a little weird. She's normally very friendly and talkative but, lately, she just talks to herself and looks a little sad. I just figured she got some bad news from home or something. It's probably nothing.
    • How is she acting 'weird'?:
      • (Same as above.)
    • What do you think she's up to?:
      • (Same as above.)
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • (Same as above.)
    • Confront about misdeeds.:
      • Player: I believe you've done something wrong.
        • You broke Mrs Gords vase.:
          • Player: You broke Mrs Gords vase.
          • Knight Bernard: Nope, not me. I haven't done anything.
        • You stole money from Diana.:
          • Player: You stole money from Diana.
          • Knight Bernard: Nope, not me. I haven't done anything.
        • You let a pest escape to the mainland.
          • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
          • Knight Bernard: Nope, not me. I haven't done anything.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all thanks.

Confronting Jessika[]

  • Player: Hi. I'm investigating reports of a pest escaping onto the mainland. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously?
  • Jessika: A pest escaped? Wow. Um, no one's been acting strangely. Well, I haven't been spending much time with everyone else, so I wouldn't really know. My research has been...time consuming. Actually, that Sam guy is pretty weird. Don't talk to him about cake. I wouldn't say he was suspicious, though.
    • Why haven't you been spending time with anyone else?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • What is your research about?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Why is Sam obsessed with cake?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Have you heard anything about pests escaping?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)
    • Confront about a crime.:
      • Player: I believe you've done something wrong, Jessika.
        • You have broken Mrs Gord's vase.:
          • Player: You have broken Mrs Gord's vase.
          • Jessika: No, I didn't. I haven't been to Mrs Gord's in weeks. I've been too busy.
        • You've stolen money from Ami's sister.:
          • Player: You've stolen money from Ami's sister.
          • Jessika: What? Ami's sister is a good friend of mine. I would never steal from her.
        • You let a pest escape to the mainland.:
          • Player: You let a pest escape to the mainland.
          • Jessika: No! No. I didn't. You have no proof! And escape is a subjective term! I mean, what if it was more like...freeing?
          • Player: I think I'll present my findings to Captain Tyr and see what he thinks.
    • That's all, thanks.:
      • Player: That's all, thanks.
Talking to Jessika again[]
  • Player: I'm afraid I'm going to have to report you to Captain Tyr.
  • Jessika: But I didn't do anything wrong!

Talking to Captain Tyr[]

  • Player: I confronted Jessika about releasing a pest. Her denial was weak, and I think she may know something even if she didn't do it herself.
  • Captain Tyr: Hmm, interesting, that was the conclusion I came to as well. Her reaction does seem telling. You must report this to the Commodore. He will want to investigate this further himself.

Reporting to Commodore Matthias[]

  • Player: Commodore, I think I've made a breakthrough, and Captain Tyr agrees. I've questioned everyone and the only person who would have had access to the pests and may also have a motive for releasing one is Jessika, the researcher.
  • Commodore Matthias: That harmless girl? I can't believe it. Still, if Tyr thinks so too, I guess I'd better speak with her.

Interrogating Jessika[]

  • Commodore Matthias: Jessika, please cooperate. I gave you permission to research here on the understanding that you would obey all of our rules. If a pest is loose on the mainland, we need all the information we can get. I am not accusing you of releasing a pest, I simply need to follow up any leads. Player feels you may know something.
  • Jessika: But I don't, I already told you! You've been very kind to me and I would never do anything to endanger anyone.
  • Player: Yes, but you don't consider pests to be as big of a threat as the rest of us. You might feel letting a pest go free is harmless.
  • Commodore Matthias: That's enough. I'm afraid, Jessika, we must take more drastic measures to find the truth, to be certain you have nothing to hide. The Void Knights have developed a potion that will let the drinker enter the mind of another person.
  • Jessika: That's invasive! I don't want someone in my head. I've told you everything.
  • Commodore Matthias: I'm sorry, Jessika, but the danger of a pest on the mainland calls for extraordinary measures. I insist that you do this, else all of your research will be confiscated and you and any other mages from the Wizards' Tower will be banned from these islands. Will you consent?
  • Jessika: My research is important; I don't want to lose it. I'll consent.
  • Commodore Matthias: Very good. To maintain balance, I want someone unrelated to the Void Knights to enter your mind, so they will be unbiased to your thoughts about pests. Player, are you willing to enter Jessika's mind and find out the truth?
    • Yes.:
      • Player: I'll do it.
      • Commodore Matthias: That is very good, Player. I'm sure this will all turn out well. Jessika has a good heart, and I'm sure this is all a simple misunderstanding.
      • Player: What will I need to do?
      • Commodore Matthias: Drink the potion and focus on the memories you want to access. On entering Jessika's mind, you will see those memories and be able to determine if she did release a pest on to the mainland or not. Korasi, please give some of the potion to Player. We shall begin immediately.
Korasi hands you a potion, which you drink.
    • No.:
      • Player: No, I can't do that.
      • Commodore Matthias: That's unfortunate. I will not proceed with this line of enquiry unless you agree to it. Think on it and speak to me if you change your mind.

Jessika's Mind[]

  • Player: That's a memory, alright, but she's trying really hard to obscure it. I guess I'll have to unscramble it to find out what the memory means.
Upon solving the puzzle[]
  • Jessika: I hope he made it to the mainland okay - he was so weak. Professor Melville said he'd look after him; I'm sure he's fine.

Reporting your findings[]

  • Commodore Matthias: What did you find out, Player?
  • Player: I'm sorry, Commodore, but Jessika did release a pest. I unscrambled the memory, saw an image of the pest and heard her thoughts about it. I think it's conclusive.
  • Korasi: Impossible! How could she possibly have done it?
  • Player: I don't know. I only saw an impression of the memory, no details.
  • Korasi: How did you do it? How COULD you do it? Has living among us taught you nothing?
  • Jessika: I was studying it in my basement. I taught it, him, to remove himself from the hive mind. Once he managed that, he was his own creature. He could think and feel and wasn't a threat! Living among the Void Knights has taught me that while you may seek balance, you see things only in black and white. You would have killed him! So, I smuggled him out. I'm sorry I hurt you, but I don't regret it. It was the right thing to do.
  • Commodore Matthias: Enough! Jessika, I hereby sentence you to house arrest on the Void Knight Outpost until other arrangements can be made. Your research will be confiscated and you will be under guard at all times.
  • Jessika: You don't understand, Commodore. He won't hurt anyone, I promise. He's intelligent and can feel. If you'd just listen!
  • Commodore Matthias: No! I have heard enough. You have betrayed the Void Knights and you have betrayed me. You have put us all at risk, and I will not hear your excuses. Korasi: escort Jessika back to her dwellings, confiscate her research and have her guarded. Meet back at HQ and we'll decide what to do next.
  • Jessika: Commodore, please! Just listen...
  • Commodore Matthias: No.
Jessika and Korasi exit the building.
  • Commodore Matthias: Player, I must apologise for not cooperating with you more. I'm grateful for the work you have done on this. A pest loose on the mainland is what we have always fought against. I'm afraid dark times are ahead, and that your work is only beginning. Captain Tyr: please bring the highet ranked knights here. We need to discuss our plans.
  • Captain Tyr: Yes, sir.

Plan of Action[]

  • Commodore Matthias: Our worst nightmare is upon us: a pest has made it to the mainland. We need to make a plan of action and act immediately to prevent any further damage the pest may cause. Suggestions?
  • Captain Tyr: It will be no easy feat, but I think the best course is to take a contingent to the mainland and track down the beast. There's no telling how far it may have gotten, but a small force will minimise panic and will be able to cover ground more quickly. It will also not leave our post here unmanned.
  • Commodore Matthias: A good suggestion, Tyr. I agree that is the best course of action. What sort of hunting strategies will work best on the mainland?
  • Korasi: Perhaps we should use Jessika to track it, sir. She has been studying them, and we may be able to persuade her to help if we promise not to harm it. I think Guthix will forgive such a lie in the aid of killing a pest.
  • Commodore Matthias: No. It is because of her actions we are in this mess. We'll keep her on the Outpost until the pest is caught and dealt with. Then I will have the time to consider what we should do with her.
  • Korasi: Yes, sir.
  • Commodore Matthias: Any other thoughts for tracking the pest?
  • Knight Bernard: Sir, what about the Valluta? I've heard some of the older knights telling tales of it. They said it was able to destroy pests on sight, like squashing a bug with your toe. That'd be a handy weapon to have while hunting the pest.
  • Commodore Matthias: Do you believe every fairy tale you've ever heard? The Valluta is just a dream old Void Knights have so that one day we may lay down our arms. It's not real! We're not getting anywhere. We'll discuss tracking once we've reached the mainland and can better assess the situation. I will lead the expedition as it was my foolish decision to let outsiders study the pests. Korasi and a select few will accompany me. Captain Tyr: you're in charge while I'm away. Player, you will go ahead of our landing party and update Sir Tiffy on recent events. Speak to me after this meeting if you have any questions. Seek balance, everyone.

Talking to Commodore Matthias[]

  • Commodore Matthias: Ah, Player. I was hoping you'd speak to me. I wanted to tell you to head back separately ahead of our landing party. I want you to report back to Sir Tiffy and tell him what we've learned. We'll need the Temple Knights' help in hunting the pest.
  • Player: Could I ask you some questions?
  • Commodore Matthias: Of course, but when you're finished, you really must go back and report to Sir Tiffy. I have lots to do and can't spend all day chatting.
    • Why can't I go in the landing party with you?:
      • Player: Why can't I go in the landing party with you?
      • Commodore Matthias: We still have a lot of preparation to do before we leave. It's vital you get back quickly and bring Sir Tiffy up to date. Don't worry, once you've done that, we'll have arrived and the hunt shall begin!
    • What's the Valluta that was mentioned?:
      • Player: What's the Valluta that was mentioned?
      • Commodore Matthias: Oh, that old wives' tale. Some of the older Knights tell tales of a weapon that can destroy all pests, or stop them, or stop portals. It depends on who's telling the tale. I think several generations ago some of the Knights searched for the weapon, but it came to nothing, because it's not real. It's a myth that puts into words our wish to end the battle with the pests. We carry a heavy burden, but we carry it because we must.
    • How do you plan on tracking the pest?:
      • Player: How do you plan on tracking the pest?
      • Commodore Matthias: I was hoping you would help us. Your knowledge of the mainland is far greater than ours. It won't be an easy task, but pests leave signs of their presence and you mainland folk aren't accustomed to their appearance. It won't be able to hide anywhere for long.
    • I don't have any more questions.:
      • Player: I don't have any more questions.
      • Commodore Matthias: Good. Report to Sir Tiffy and then meet us at Port Sarim. We'll begin our hunt!

Talking to Captain Tyr[]

  • Player: Congratualtions on being left in charge, Captain. That must be quite a responsibility.
  • Captain Tyr: Not one I'm afraid to bear. I'll relish the chance to prove myself to the Commodore. Good luck on the hunt, Player. I do wish I could join you, but my duty is here.

Talking to Diana[]

  • Player: Are you going with the landing party to look for the pest?
  • Knight Diana: Yes...I am.
  • Player: Aren't you excited? Hunting pests is your thing.
  • Knight Diana: I am, but I have a bad feeling about this. It's probably nothing, though.

Talking to Bernard[]

  • Player: Are you going with the landing party to look for the pest?
  • Knight Bernard: Yes, I am.
  • Player: Well, good luck! I'll see you there when you land.
  • Knight Bernard: I look forward to it.

Talking to Sam[]

  • Player: Are you going with the landing party to look for the pest?
  • Squire Sam: Yes! I must stop them getting my cake!
  • Player: I don't think pests care about or even like cake.
  • Squire Sam: Of course they do! How could they not like cake? That's just crazy talk.

Talking to Mariah[]

  • Mariah: I hope Mikhal's okay. I haven't heard anything about their mission. He did say it was top secret, though, so I guess I wouldn't be allowed to hear anything.
  • Player: Waiting and not knowing must be hard.
  • Mariah: That's the life of a knight, though. They put themselves in danger to protect us all, never knowing what will happen.

Talking to Mikhal[]

  • Player: Are you going with the landing party to look for the pest?
  • Knight Mikhal: Yes, I've been chosen. It looks like all my hard work has paid off.
  • Player: Good luck!
  • Knight Mikhal: Thanks.

Talking to Terry[]

  • Terry Gord: I'm so jealous. Ami and Diana are going with the landing party to the mainland. I wish I could become a Void Knight - I want adventures like they have.
  • Player: What's stopping you?
  • Terry Gord: My mother won't let me.

Talking to Ami[]

  • Player: Are you going with the landing party to look for the pest?
  • Knight Ami: Yes, I was selected! I haven't been to the mainland in a long time. I'm looking forward to it.

Talking to Mrs Gord[]

  • Mrs Gord: I can't believe a pest actually escaped. My husband must be turning in his grave.
  • Player: Don't you think you should let Terry go help?
  • Mrs Gord: And lose all I have left? Not a chance!

Talking to the squire guarding Jessika[]

  • Player: Could I go in and see Jessika?
  • Squire: No, no one can see the prisoner. We don't want any more escaped pests!

Trying to enter Jessika's house[]

  • Squire: I'm sorry, you can't go in there, Player.
  • Jessika: Is that you, Player? What's going on? Have they found the pest?
  • Player: I don't think I should tell you, Jessika. I might get in trouble.

Talking to Korasi[]

  • Player: Are you excited to be going on the hunt for the pest?
  • Commander Korasi: Of course! I'm thrilled the Commodore thinks I'm ready to join him on such a task. Besides, Tyr is much better at leading - I'm not ready for that yet.

The Missing Contingent[]

  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Good day, Proselyte. Is there anything I can do for you?
    • Void Knights.:
      • Player: Sir, I've completed my investigation at the Void Knight Outpost.
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Ah, reporting back about the pest sightings?
      • Player: Yes, sir. It appears a pest is loose. A small contingent of Void Knights is coming over to hunt it down. I'm to meet them at Port Sarim, but Commodore Matthias wanted the support of the Temple Knights.
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: And he shall have it! Let's go meet that ship, my lad/girl. You can tell me all the details en route.
    • More...:

Port Sarim[]

  • Player: Korasi! What's wrong? Where is everyone else?
  • Korasi: Nhhhhhhhhhhh.
  • Sir Tiffy: You there! Did you see what happened, lass?
  • Squire: She just appeared out of nowhere. I think it was a teleport of some kind.
  • Player: No ship has arrived with a contingent of Void Knights?
  • Squire: No, sir/ma'am! I've seen no Void Knight ships today.
  • Korasi: Uuuuuugh, where am I? What happened?
  • Sir Tiffy: Something is afoot. We must get her out of the open and find out what has happened. Savant, come in Savant.
  • Savant: I'm here, Sir Tiffy. What's going on?
  • Sir Tiffy: Send in Lady Table. I need her to escort someone to HQ.
  • Savant: I'll send her now.
Lady Table teleports in.
  • Sir Tiffy: Lady Table, please escort Commander Korasi to HQ, quickly.
  • Lady Table: Yes, Sir Tiffy.
Lady Table and Korasi teleport away.

Back in Falador[]

  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Korasi arrived safely at Temple Knight HQ.
  • Player: Can I see her? We need to find out what happened.
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Of course, we're not holding her prisoner. Since you're not carrying anything, we can go right now.

The Temple Knight HQ[]

Talking to Sir Tiffy[]

  • Sir Tiffy: We need to determine what happened. She knows you, so she will be more open with you. Ask her questions, but don't push her too hard.

Talking to Korasi[]

  • Player: Korasi, what happened?
  • Commander Korasi: I don't remember. We set sail from the Outpost and then...I was on the docks and you where there.
  • Player: How did you end up on the docks?
  • Commander Korasi: I don't know. I wasn't wet, so I guess I didn't swim, but I'm not very good at magic, so I couldn't have teleported myself. I just don't remember.
  • Sir Tiffy: It's no good, Player. Those memories are lcoked away, and questioning her won't get them out.
  • Player: That's it! Her memories are locked away just like Jessika's were. I can go into her mind and unlock them, then we'll find out what happened. Do you still have some of that potion, Korasi?
  • Commander Korasi: I think so. Yes, here it is.
  • Sir Tiffy: Is that the potion you mentioned earlier, Player - the one that let you enter someone's head?
  • Player: Yes.
  • Sir Tiffy: Very well. It sound unorthodox, but we have no other options.
  • Commander Korasi: Are you ready to go, Player?
    • Yes.:
      • Player: Yes, let's do it.
      • Commander Korasi: Great!
    • No.:

Korasi's Mind[]

Talking to one of the knights[]

  • Knight Bernard/Knight Ami/Knight Diana: You must speak to the crossing guardian.

Talking to the person in the toll booth[]

  • Player: Erm, hello?
  • Greetings.:
  • Player: What's going on? Where am I? This isn't like the last time.
  • No two brains are alike. Ask and you shall know.:
    • What's going on?:
      • Player: What's going on?
      • Something terrible has happened to Korasi and this memory has been scrambled. You will have to face seceral challenges to restore the memories to their rightful places and learn what happened.:
    • What do I need to do?:
      • Player: What do I need to do?
      • You must help the Void Knights cross the bridge. The bridge is only strong enough for two to cross at a time, and pests threaten those who cross. You carry the only sword, and whoever crosses must have the sword. The Void Knights are made of memories. The longer that Korasi has known them, the more memories they are made up of, and the more they 'weigh' upon the bridge. The toll paid is equal to that of the heaviest memory crossing the bridge - go over fifteen and the bridge will collapse, and you'll have to start over.:
        • How much do I weigh in memories?:
          • Player: How much do I weigh in memories?
          • You are a recent memory, so your weight is only equivalent to one. Speak to the Void Knights to find out how much each of them weigh.:
        • How do I send people back and forth?:
          • Player: How do I send people back and forth?
          • Ask and you shall receive. My brother keeper sits on the other side, also awaiting requests. Or you can select who crosses by speaking to the Void Knights.:
        • Could you be less cryptic?:
          • Player: Could you be less cryptic?
          • Two memories may cross the bridge at a time. The heaviest memory contributes to the toll. If the toll goes higher than fifteen, the bridge will collapse and you'll have to start over To cross the bridge, one person must carry the sword to protect themselves from the pests. That means if you send two Void Knights across, one must return with the sword before anyone else can cross.:
Talking to Bernard[]
  • Knight Bernard: My weight in memories is two.
    • I'll cross with you.:
    • You cross with Ami.:
    • You cross with Diana.:
    • Never mind.:
Talking to Ami[]
  • Knight Ami: My weight in memories is five.
    • I'll cross with you.:
    • You cross with Bernard.:
    • You cross with Diana.:
    • Never mind.:
Talking to Diana[]
  • Knight Diana: My weight in memories is eight.
    • I'll cross with you.:
    • You cross with Ami.:
    • You cross with Bernard.:
    • Never mind.:

Talking to a toll booth[]

  • Send someone over the bridge.:
  • I want to reset the memory.:
    • Very well...:
  • What's going on?:
    • Player: (Same as above.)
  • What do I need to do?:
    • Player: (Same as above.)

If the toll exceeds 15[]

  • You have placed too great a toll on Korasi's memory and must start over.:

Upon solving the puzzle[]

  • You have successfully gotten everyone across the bridge.:

The Second Puzzle[]

  • Greetings.:
    • What do I need to do?:
      • Player: What do I need to do?
      • You have shepherded the memories here. Now you must untangle the memory. Each 'person' remembers a few facts. Listen to what they know, then assign each of them a place on the ship, what they were thinking about, and what they saw. Only then will the truth be revealed.:
    • What's going on?:
      • Player: (Same as above.)

Talking to Ami[]

  • Ami: The Commodore was thinking about Jessika. He didn't see the shark or the seagull and he wasn't in the hold.
    • What do you want to do?:
      • Hear the hint again.:
      • Assign them to something.:
        • Ship position:
          • Hold:
          • Main deck:
          • Helm:
          • Rigging:
          • Crow's nest:
        • Thinking:
          • Lunch:
          • Jessika:
          • Promotion:
          • Sister:
          • Fighting:
        • Saw:
          • Seagull:
          • Shark:
          • Clouds:
          • Seaweed:
          • Pest:
        • Nothing:
      • Hear what they're assigned to.:
        • Ami: I am Ami. I was standing nowhere, thinking about nothing. I saw nothing.
          • What do you want to assign?:
            • Ship position:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Thinking:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Saw:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Nothing:
      • Nothing.:

Talking to Bernard[]

  • Bernard: Ami was thinking about her sister while she was working in the rigging. Her sister, Diana, wasn't in the hold or at the helm.
    • What do you want to do?:
      • Hear the hint again.:
      • Assign them to something.:
        • Ship position:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Thinking:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Saw:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Nothing:
      • Hear what they're assigned to.:
        • Bernard: I am Bernard. I was standing nowhere, thinking about nothing. I saw nothing.
          • What do you want to assign?:
            • Ship position:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Thinking:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Saw:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Nothing:
      • Nothing.:

Talking to Diana[]

  • Diana: The person thinking about lunch wasn't in the hold. The person in the hold saw the pest.
    • What do you want to do?:
      • Hear the hint again.:
      • Assign them to something.:
        • Ship position:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Thinking:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Saw:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Nothing:
      • Hear what they're assigned to.:
        • Diana: I am Diana. I was standing nowhere, thinking about nothing. I saw nothing.
          • What do you want to assign?:
            • Ship position:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Thinking:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Saw:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Nothing:
      • Nothing.:

Talking to Korasi[]

  • Korasi: Bernard saw the seaweed while he was on watch in the crow's nest. He wasn't thinking about a promotion or his sister.
    • What do you want to do?:
      • Hear the hint again.:
      • Assign them to something.:
        • Ship position:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Thinking:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Saw:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Nothing:
      • Hear what they're assigned to.:
        • Korasi: I am Korasi. I was standing nowhere, thinking about nothing. I saw nothing.
          • What do you want to assign?:
            • Ship position:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Thinking:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Saw:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Nothing:
      • Nothing.:

Talking to the Commodore[]

  • Commodore: The person on deck was thinking about fighting and she saw a seagull fly by. The person who saw clouds was at the helm.
    • What do you want to do?:
      • Hear the hint again.:
      • Assign them to something.:
        • Ship position:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Thinking:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Saw:
          • (Same as above.)
        • Nothing:
      • Hear what they're assigned to.:
        • Commodore: I am the Commodore. I was standing nowhere, thinking about nothing. I saw nothing.
          • What do you want to assign?:
            • Ship position:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Thinking:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Saw:
              • (Same as above.)
            • Nothing:
      • Nothing.:

Korasi's Memory[]

  • Korasi: What's going on up there?
A torcher appears in the hold.
  • Korasi: What the...a pest?
After defeating the torcher, Korasi goes up to the deck only to see the others getting killed by pests.
  • Korasi: Commodore, they're all dead! Commodore?
Korasi climbs up to the helm where Commodore Matthias is fighting a mysterious figure.
  • Korasi: Commodore!
  • Commodore Matthias: Korasi! Get away. Get to shore, NOW!
  • Mysterious figure: Die! Die!
  • Commodore Matthias: Aaaauuugh!
  • Mysterious figure: Your turn, girl. Good night, little knight...
  • Commodore Matthias: Nooo...
Commodore Matthias teleports Korasi away.

Back in the HQ[]

  • Player: Everyone's dead.
  • Commander Korasi: Yes. I remember now... The Commodore... We must carry on. There is a greater threat here than we thought.
  • Sir Tiffy: What happened?
  • Player: There was an attack on the ship. Pests managed to get there somehow and they killed all the knights. The Commodore was fighting...someone - I couldn't make out who. The Commodore was killed, but with his last breath he teleported Korasi away. That's how we found her at Port Sarim.
  • Commander Korasi: Someone doesn't want the Void Knights to find that pest on the mainland.
  • Sir Tiffy: We mustn't act rashly. Korasi must return to the Void Knight Outpost and inform Captain Tyr... I mean, Commodore Tyr, of what has happened.
  • Commander Korasi: I don't know if I can face him just yet. Player, would you do this for me? Please?
  • Player: Of course, Korasi.
  • Sir Tiffy: Very well. Korasi, you will stay here and recover. The Temple Knights will quietly begin the hunt for the pest. Right now, this mysterious puppet master thinks he has the upper hand. We must do nothing to suggest otherwise.
Talking to Korasi[]
  • Player: How are you doing, Korasi?
  • Commander Korasi: I'll be okay. Please speak to Tyr soon, Player. I don't want him to find out from another source what happened to Commodore Matthias.
Talking to Sir Tiffy[]
  • Player: How is Korasi doing, Sir Tiffy?
  • Sir Tiffy: She'll recover, but I think the guilt will weigh on her. Not that she is guilty of anything, but she feels like she failed Matthias. You should really go speak to Captain Tyr and inform him of what has occurred. I expect he will become the new Commodore.
Talking to Sir Tiffy in Falador park[]
  • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Good day, Proselyte. Is there anything I can do for you?
    • Void Knights.:
      • Player: How is Korasi doing?
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Physically, she's recovering well, but she's taken a blow to her confidence and spirit. Those will take longer to heal than the physical wounds. Did you deliver the bad news to Commodore Tyr, yet?
      • Player: Not yet.
      • Sir Tiffy Cashien: Bad news is like bad-tasting medicine: it's better to taste it sooner rather than later. You don't want someone else to break the news to him.
    • More...:

Finishing off[]

  • Player: Tyr, I must speak with you.
  • Captain Tyr: Very well, but you should address me as Captain.
  • Player: I'm afraid that may no longer be the case. I have some bad news...Commodore Matthias is dead. He died saving Korasi, so she could report to me and Sir Tiffy what had happened. There was a pest attack aboard the boat, but someone was controlling them, and Commodore Matthias was killed. I'm...I'm sorry.
  • Captain Tyr: No, it can't... How could this have happened? Matthias...dead? Thank you for telling me, Player. I'll work with Sir Tiffy to determine the best course of action. We'll get in touch with you when we're ready. I'd like to thank you for all the help you have shown the Void Knights.

Post-Quest Dialogue[]


  • Mariah: He's dead! He's dead! My Mikhal is dead!
  • Player: Maybe you should go back to the mainland, see some family?
  • Mariah: And leave his grave? Never! I'm going to stay here, with him.

Mrs Gord[]

  • Mrs Gord: I heard about the landing party. All those young people...and the Commodore...
  • Player: I guess you're glad you stopped Terry from becoming a knight, huh?
  • Mrs Gord: Yes, but now he knows a pain that won't leave him for the rest of his life. Maybe I should reconsider, let him might help take his mind off things.

Terry Gord[]

  • Terry Gord: I heard about the landing party. All my friends...and the Commodore...
  • Player: Does it make you think twice about wanting to become a Void Knight?
  • Terry Gord: Yes and no. I want to become one to honour their memory and keep the fight going, but to lose so many...