RuneScape Wiki
  • Busting the rogue out
    • Rogue: Have you come to bust me out of here?
    • Player: Yes, I have. The doors were locked but I used this magical ring to travel into a parallel realm where all recent changes are opposite to the other side. So by closing the doors there, I opened the doors he–
    • Rogue: Man, did you break the doors open using your head, or what? Regardless, I appreciate the help, man. If you ever need anything, come see me at my place in Varrock. I've got a business you might be interested in.
    • Player: Whereabouts in Varrock?
    • Rogue: Assuming it hasn't been occupied by any of the muggers, I've got a place in the not-so-nice parts of town, right behind the archery store. Come and see me there. Anyway, I've got to run now before my so-called companions realise what you and your thick head have done.
  • Back in Varrock
    • Rogue: Welcome to my humble abode. What can I do for you?
    • Player: (upon choosing You mentioned a business.) Up at the Rogues' Castle, you mentioned a business. What was that about?
    • Rogue: Ah, yes, I run...what do you call it? Something of a little jewellery business. So, if you happen to come across any unenchanted gold jewellery, I'll gladly take it off your hands for a decent sum of coins.
    • Player: Only gold jewellery?
    • Rogue: Correct. I'm not buying anything that isn't beautiful, bright gold. are picky about that.
    • Player: (upon choosing I have some right here.) I have some right here.
    • Rogue: Good, good. Just hand it over and I'll see what I can give for it.