This transcript involves dialogue with Baraek, Charlie the Tramp, Katrine, King Roald, Reldo, Straven, and Weaponsmaster.
Starting off[]
Talking to Reldo[]
- Reldo: Hello stranger.
- I'm in search of a quest.
- Player: I'm in search of a quest.
- Reldo: Hmmm, I don't... believe there are any here... Let me think actually...
- Accept Quest
- Reldo: Ah, yes. I know. If you look in a book called 'The Shield of Arrav', you'll find a quest in there. I'm not sure where the book is mind you... but I'm sure it's around here somewhere.
- Not Right Now
- Player: On second thoughts, I don't want a quest after all.
- Reldo: Oh. But you said you're in search of a quest.
- Player: I was. I am. I changed my mind.
- Reldo: You perplex me. Well, come back if you change your mind again.
- Accept Quest
- Player: Thank you.
- Do you have anything to trade?
- (Non-quest dialogue)
- What do you do?
- (Non-quest dialogue)
- Do you know any heroic stories?
- (Non-quest dialogue)
- I'm in search of a quest.
Finding the book on the shelf[]
Searching an incorrect bookcase:
- You search the books...
- You find nothing of interest to you.
Searching the correct bookcase:
- Player: Aha! 'The Shield Of Arrav'! Exactly what I was looking for.
- You take the book from the bookcase.
Talking to Reldo again[]
- Player: Ok. I've read the book. Do you know where I can find the Phoenix Gang?
- Reldo: No, I don't. I think I know someone who might however. If I were you I would talk to Baraek, the fur trader in the market place. I've heard he has connections with the Phoenix Gang.
- Player: Thanks, I'll try that!
Phoenix Gang[]
Talking to Baraek[]
- Can you sell me some furs?
- (Non-quest dialogue)
- Can you tell me where I can find the Phoenix Gang?
- Player: Can you tell me where I can find the Phoenix Gang?
- Baraek: Sh sh sh, not so loud! You don't want to get me in trouble!
- Player: So DO you know where they are?
- Baraek: I may do. But I don't want to get into trouble for revealing their hideout. Of course, if I was, say 10 gold coins richer I may happen to be more inclined to take that sort of risk...
- Yes, I'd like to be 10 gold coins richer too.
- Baraek: What? I thought you were meant to bribe me, not the other way around... oh, forget it!
- If you do not have sufficient money with you:
- I haven't got that much.
- Player: I haven't got that much.
- Baraek: In that case I wouldn't dare tell you anything about the Phoenix Gang.
- I haven't got that much.
- If you have sufficient money with you:
- Okay. Have 10 gold coins.
- Player: Okay. Have 10 gold coins.
- If money is stored in your money pouch:
- 10 coins have been removed from your money pouch.
- (Continues below)
- 10 coins have been removed from your money pouch.
- If money is stored in your money pouch:
- Baraek: Ok, to get to the gang hideout, enter Varrock through the south gate. Then, if you take the first turning east, somewhere along there is an alleyway to the south. The door at the end of there is the entrance to the Phoenix Gang. They're operating there under the name of the VTAM Corporation. Be careful. The Phoenixes ain't the types to be messed about.
- You're really bad at giving directions.
- Player: Seriously ...I paid 10 gold coins for that? I hope you're a better fur trader than a navigator.
- Baraek: Hey now ... the Phoenix Gang make it their business to not be easy to find. Look, if you get lost, talk to Charlie the tramp near the Varrock south gate. He can give you better directions.
- Player: Thanks!
- You're really bad at giving directions.
- Player: Okay. Have 10 gold coins.
- Okay. Have 10 gold coins.
- No, I don't like things like bribery.
- Baraek: Heh. If you wanna deal with the Phoenix Gang they're involved in much worse than a bit of bribery.
- Yes, I'd like to be 10 gold coins richer too.
Proving your loyalty[]
Talking to Straven[]
- Straven: Hey! You can't go in there. Only authorised personnel of the VTAM Corporation are allowed beyond this point.
- If Baraek has already told you where the Phoenix gang hideout is:
- I know who you are!
- Player: I know who you are!
- Straven: Really. Well? Who are we then?
- Player: This is the headquarters of the Phoenix Gang, the most powerful crime syndicate this city has ever seen!
- Straven: No, this is a legitimate business run by legitimate businessmen. Supposing we were this crime gang however, what would you want with us?
- I'd like to offer you my services.
- Player: I'd like to offer you my services.
- Straven: You mean you'd like to join the Phoenix Gang? Well, obviously I can't speak for them, but the Phoenix Gang doesn't let people join just like that. You can't be too careful, you understand. Generally someone has to prove their loyalty before they can join.
- Player: How would I go about doing that?
- Straven: Obviously, I would have no idea about that. Although having said that, a rival gang of ours, er, theirs, called the Black Arm Gang is supposedly meeting a contact from Port Sarim today int he Blue Moon Inn. OBVIOUSLY I know NOTHING about the dealings of the Phoenix Gang, but I bet if SOMEBODY were to kill him and bring back his intelligence report, they would be considered loyal enough to join.
- Player: Ok, I'll get right on it.
- I want nothing. I was just making sure you were them.
- Straven: Well then get lost and stop wasting my time. ...if you know what's good for you.
- I'd like to offer you my services.
- I know who you are!
- How do I get a job with the VTAM corporation?
- Straven: Get a copy of the Varrock Herald. If we have any positions right now, they'll be advertised in there.
- Why not?
- Straven: Sorry. That's classified information.
- If Baraek has already told you where the Phoenix gang hideout is:
Talking to Jonny the Beard[]
- Jonny the beard is not interested in talking.
Talking to Straven about the Intel report[]
- Straven: How's your little mission going?
- If you do not yet have the Intel report:
- Player: I haven’t managed to find the report yet…
- Straven: You need to kill Jonny the Beard, who should be in the Blue Moon Inn.[sic] …I would guess.[sic] Not being a member of the Phoenix Gang and all.
- If you have the Intel report in your bank:
- Player: I have the intelligence report!
- Straven: Let's see it then.
- Player: Let me go get it.
- Straven: I'll wait here.
- If you have the Intel report in your inventory:
- Player: I have the intelligence report!
- Straven: Let's see it then.
- You hand over the report. The man reads the report.
- Straven: Yes. Yes, this is very good. Ok! You can join the Phoenix Gang! I am Straven, one of the gang leaders.
- Player: Nice to meet you.
- If you do not yet have the Intel report:
As a Phoenix Gang member[]
Talking to Straven after having joined the Phoenix Gang[]
- (If Heroes' Quest has been started and master thief's armband is needed:)
- Player: I'm afraid I've lost my master thief's armband.
- Straven: Lucky for you I have a spare. Don't lose it again!
- Straven gives the player a master thief's armband.
- Straven: Greetings, fellow gang member.
- I've heard you've got some cool treasures in this place.
- Straven: Oh yeah, we've all stolen some stuff in our time. Those candlesticks down here, for example, were quite a challenge to get out of the palace.
- Player: And the shield of Arrav? I heard you got that!
- Straven: Whoa...that's a blast from the past! We stole that years and years ago! We don't even have all the shield any more.
- Straven: About five years ago we had a massive fight in our gang and the shield got broken in half during that fight.
- Straven: Shortly after the fight some gang members decided they didn't want to be part of our gang anymore. So they split off to form their own gang.
- Straven: The Black Arm Gang.
- Straven: On their way out they looted what treasures they could from us - which included one of the halves of the shield. We've been rivals with the Black Arms ever since.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Any suggestions for where I can go thieving?
- Straven: You can always try the marketplace in Ardougne. LOTS of opportunity there!
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Where's the Black Arm Gang hideout?
- Player: Where's the Black Arm Gang hideout? I wanna go sabotage 'em!
- Straven: That would be a little tricky; their security is pretty good.
- Straven: Not as good as ours, obviously.
- Straven: But still good.
- Straven: If you really want to go there, it's in the alleyway to the west as you come in the south gate.
- Straven: One of our operatives is often near the alley - a red haired tramp, goes by the name of Charlie. He may be able to give you some ideas.
- Player: Thanks for the help!
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Farewell.
- (Dialogue terminates.)
- I've heard you've got some cool treasures in this place.
Entering the Weapon Storeroom doors[]
Without joining the Phoenix Gang:
- Weaponsmaster: Only members of the Phoenix Gang are allowed up here. Find your own weapon stash.
Talking to the Weaponsmaster[]
- Player: Hello.
- Weaponsmaster: Hello fellow Phoenix! What are you after?
- I'm after a weapon or two.
- Player: I'm after a weapon or two.
- Weaponsmaster: No problem, feel free to look around.
- I'm looking for treasure.
- Player: I'm looking for treasure.
- Weaponsmaster: Aren't we all? We've not got any up here. Go mug someone somewhere if you want some treasure.
- I'm after a weapon or two.
Searching the chest[]
- You search the chest.
- You find half of a shield, which you take.
Talking to Katrine after having joined the Phoenix Gang[]
- Katrine: You've got some guts coming here, Phoenix guy/gal!
- Katrine spits.
- Katrine: You got me the phoenix crossbows. You passed your initiation. And then you betrayed the Black Arm Gang. What's the matter with you?
- Katrine: It's not too late for you. Return to the open...arm of the Black Arm Gang, and all shall be forgiven.
- Do you want to join the Black Arm Gang? You'll be able to change your allegiance back to the Phoenix Gang by talking to Straven.
- No
- Katrine: Then get lost, Phoenix scum!
- Yes
- Katrine: Alright. I forgive you. Welcome back to the Black Arm Gang. Don't let it happen again.
- No
Black Arm Gang[]
Talking to Charlie the Tramp[]
- Charlie the Tramp: Spare some change, guv?
- Who are you?
- (Non-quest dialogue)
- What's in it for me?
- Charlie the Tramp: I know you're looking for the Black Arm Gang.
- Player: How do you know that?
- Charlie the Tramp: In my current profession, I spend a lot of time on the streets. I hear things, and for a mere 10 gold, I'll tell you how to join the Black Arm Gang.
- That sounds fair. (Pay 10 gold.)
- Charlie the Tramp: The ruthless and notorious Black Arm Gang have their headquarters down the alleyway to the west of us. Talk to a lady called Katrine. But don't upset her, and tell her I sent you. She's pretty dangerous.
- 10 gold? That's too much. (Pay 5 gold.)
- Charlie the Tramp: I guess that'll have to do then.
- Charlie the Tramp: Great, thanks.
- Player: So where is the hideout, then?
- Charlie the Tramp: If you pay me the other 5 gold, I'll tell you.
- You thieving gutter-scum! You better watch your back!
- Charlie the Tramp: Yeah, sure, whatever. You don't frighten me pal.
- I guess I don't have a choice. (Pay 5 gold.)
- Charlie the Tramp: The ruthless and notorious Black Arm Gang have their headquarters down the alleyway to the west of us. Talk to a lady called Katrine. But don't upset her, and tell her I sent you. She's pretty dangerous.
- You thieving gutter-scum! You better watch your back!
- Never mind. I'll find it myself.
- Charlie the Tramp: Well, you know where to find me if you get lost.
- That sounds fair. (Pay 10 gold.)
- I'm looking for the Phoenix Gang hideout.
- Charlie the Tramp: Yeah, I heard you talked to Baraek. It's easy to get lost on the streets of Varrock. Now listen closely ... To get to the Phoenix hideout, walk east from here. It's the street with the Blue Moon Inn on the corner. Take the first alley leading south off of the road and you'll find the hideout at the end of that alley. It's called the VTAM corporation.
- Player: VTAM. Got it.
- Go get a job!
- (Non-quest dialogue)
- Is there anything down this alleyway?
- Player: Is there anything down this alleyway?
- Charlie the Tramp: Funny you should mention that...there is actually. The ruthless and notorious criminal gang known as the Black Arm Gang have their headquarters down there.
- Thanks for the warning!
- Player: Thanks for the warning!
- Charlie the Tramp: Don't worry about it.
- Player: Do you think they would let me join?
- (Same as below)
- Do you think they would let me join?
- Player: Do you think they would let me join?
- Charlie the Tramp: You never know. You'll find a lady down there called Katrine. Speak to her. But don't upset her, she's pretty dangerous.
- Thanks for the warning!
- Who are you?
Joining the gang[]
Talking to Katrine[]
- Player: What is this place?
- Katrine: It's a private business. Can I help you at all?
- I've heard you're the Black Arm Gang.
- Player: I've heard you're the Black Arm Gang.
- Katrine: Who told you that?
- I'd rather not reveal my sources.
- Player: I'd rather not reveal my sources.
- Katrine: Yes, I can understand that. So what do you want with us?
- I want to become a member of your gang.
- Player: I want to become a member of your gang.
- Katrine: How unusual. Normally we recruit for our gang by watching local thugs and thieves in action. People don't normally waltz in here saying 'hello, can I play'. How can I be sure you can be trusted?
- Well, you can give me a try can't you?
- Player: Well, you can give me a try can't you?
- Katrine: I'm not so sure. Thinking about it...I may have a solution actually. Our rival gang - the Phoenix Gang - has a weapons stash a little east of here. We're fresh out of crossbows, so if you could steal a couple of crossbows for us it would be very much appreciated. Then I'll be happy to call you a Black Arm.
- Player: Sounds simple enough. Any particular reason you need to of them?
- Katrine: I have an idea for framing a local merchant who is refusing to pay our, very reasonable, 'keep-your-life-pleasant' insurance rates. I need two phoenix crossbows: one to kill somebody important with and the other to hide in the merchant's house where the local law can find it! When they find it, they'll suspect him of murdering the target for the Phoenix gang and, hopefully, arrest the whole gang! Leaving us as the only thieves gang in Varrock! Brilliant, eh?
- Player: Yeah, brilliant. So, who are you planning to murder?
- Katrine: I haven't decided yet, but it'll need to be somebody important. Say, why are you being so nosey? You aren't with the law are you?
- Player: No, no! Just curious.
- Katrine: You'd better just keep your mouth shut about this plan, or I'll make sure it stays shut for you. Now, are you going to go get those crossbows or not?
- Ok, no problem.
- Player: Ok, no problem.
- Katrine: Great! You'll find the Phoenix gang's weapon stash just next to a temple, due east of here.
- Sounds a little tricky. Got anything easier?
- Player: Sounds a little tricky... Got anything easier?
- Katrine: If you’re not up to a little bit of danger I don’t think you’ve got anything to offer to our gang.
- Ok, no problem.
- Well, people tell me I have an honest face.
- Player: Well, people tell me I have an honest face.
- Katrine: ...How unusual. Someone honest wanting to join a gang of thieves. Excuse me if I remain unconvinced. Thinking about it...I may have a solution actually.
- (Same as above)
- Well, you can give me a try can't you?
- I want some hints for becoming a thief.
- Player: I want some hints for becoming a thief.
- Katrine: Well, I'm sorry luv, I'm not giving away any of my secrets. Not to people who ain't Black Arm members anyway.
- I'm looking for the door out of here. I'm looking for the door out of here.
- Player: I'm looking for the door out of here. I'm looking for the door out of here.
- Katrine groans.
- Katrine: Try... the one you just came in?
- I want to become a member of your gang.
- It was Charlie, the tramp outside.
- Player: It was Charlie, the tramp outside.
- Katrine: Is that guy still out there? He's getting to be a nuisance. Remind me to send someone to kill him. So now you've found us, what do you want?
- (Same as above)
- Everyone knows - it's no great secret.
- Player: Everyone knows. It's no great secret.
- Katrine: I thought we were safe back here!
- Player: Oh no, not at all... It's so obvious! Even the town guard have caught on...
- Katrine: Wow! We MUST be obvious! I guess they'll be expecting bribes again soon in that case. Thanks for the information. Is there anything else you want to tell me?
- (Same as above)
- I'd rather not reveal my sources.
- What sort of business?
- Player: What sort of business?
- Katrine: A small, family business. We give financial advice to other companies.
- I'm looking for fame and riches.
- Player: I'm looking for fame and riches.
- Katrine: And you expect to find it up the back streets of Varrock?T
- I've heard you're the Black Arm Gang.
Entering the locked door[]
After joining the Black Arm Gang, at the Black Arm Gang hideout:
- You feel heavy bolts being drawn back as the door is unlocked.
Attempting to enter the locked area of the Phoenix hideout:
- The door seems to be locked from the inside.
Talking to Katrine[]
- Katrine: Have you got those crossbows for me yet?
- If you do not yet have the Phoenix crossbows:
- Player: No, I haven't found them yet.
- Katrine: I need two crossbows stolen from the Phoenix Gang weapons stash, which if you head east for a bit, is a building on the south side of the road. Katrine: Come back when you got 'em.
- If you have the Phoenix crossbows:
- Player: Yes, I have.
- You give the crossbows to Katrine
- Katrine: Ok. You can join our gang now. Feel free to enter any of the rooms of the ganghouse.
- If you do not yet have the Phoenix crossbows:
As a Black Arm Gang member[]
Searching the cupboard upstairs[]
- You find half of a shield, which you take.
Talking to Katrine after joining the Black Arm Gang[]
- Player: Hey.
- Katrine: Hey.
- (If Heroes' Quest is started and master thief's armband is needed:)
- Player: I have lost my master thief's armband...
- Katrine: Lucky I 'ave a spare ain't it? Don't lose it again.
- Katrine gives the player a master thief's armband.
- (Continues below.)
- Who are all those people in there?
- Katrine: They're just various rogues and thieves.
- Player: They don't say a lot...
- Katrine: Nope.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Teach me to be a top class criminal!
- Katrine: Teach yourself.
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Farewell.
- (Dialogue terminates.)
Talking to Straven after joining the Black Arm Gang[]
- Straven: Black Arm dog! How dare you show your face?
- Straven: I trusted you. I welcomed you into our organisation.
- Straven: It's not too late. Return to us. Forsake the Black Arm Gang, and arise like the glorious phoenix that is our namesake.
- Do you want to join the Phoenix Gang? You'll be able to change your allegiance back to the Black Arm Gang by talking to Katrine.
- No
- Straven: Then we have nothing more to discuss. You know where the door is.
- Yes
- Straven: You have made the right decision. Welcome back to the most reputable VTAM corporation.
- No
Finishing up[]
Talking to King Roald after having reclaimed the Shield of Arrav[]
- Talk about the Shield of Arrav.
- Player: Your majesty, I have come to claim the reward for the return of the Shield Of Arrav.
- You show the re-assembled shield to the king.
- King Roald: My goodness! My father set a bounty on this shield many years ago! I never thought I would live to see the day when someone came forward to claim it. 1,200 coins was a fortune in my father's day. I hope it serves you well in your adventures. The museum of Varrock shall proudly display the Shield of Arrav once again.
- Ask about the kingdom.
- (Non-quest dialogue)
- Greet the king.
- (Non-quest dialogue)
Part 1 of the Arrav quest series | |||||
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