RuneScape Wiki
This transcript involves dialogue with Erik Bonde, Jallek Lenkin, Meranek Thanatos, and Summer Bonde.

Troubled Spirit[]

On the edge[]

Talking to the Spirit [Girl][]

  • Spirit [Girl]: ...with...
  • It looks like she wants you to go with her. Do you want to go?
    • Yes.
    • No.

Entering the Spirit Realm[]

  • You feel as if something is pulling at your consciousness. Do you allow it to drag you away?
    • Yes.
      • Spirits perform emotes; Spirit [Girl] is bound in rings
    • No.

Welcoming party[]

Talking to the Spirit [Girl][]

  • Player: Hello?
  • Spirit [Girl]:
  • Player: Can you hear me?
  • Spirit [Girl]:
  • Player: Hmm, it doesn't seem like I can talk to her while she's stuck behind this barrier. The other ghost put it up around her, so maybe he can take it away again?

Talking to the Spirit [Man][]

  • Player: Hello.
  • Spirit [Man] performs an emote
  • Player: Can you hear me?
  • Spirit [Man] performs an emote
  • Player: This Amulet of Ghostspeak doesn't seem to do any good here. It's as if he can't hear me at all.
  • Spirit [Man] performs an emote
  • Player: Hmm, I think he's actually trying to communicate with me using these gestures. He keeps shrugging to me, but he doesn't really seem indifferent or anything. He seems to want some kind of response from me.
    • If you perform a correct response: 
      • The spirit somehow seems pleased with your response and one of the rings around the little girl disappears...
    • If you perform an incorrect response: 
      • The spirit somehow seems displeased with your response and all of the rings suddenly reappear around the little girl.

Strengthening the Spirit[]

Follow me[]

Talking to the Spirit [Girl][]

  • Spirit [Girl]: ...
    • What's going on here?
      • Player: What's going on here?
      • Spirit [Girl]: Father...trying
      • Player: Who needs help? You? Your father? I don't understand any of this.
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...Beast that...speak...will explain...
      • Player: I'm sorry, but I still don't understand.
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...Later...the
      • Player: A village to the west, by some mountains?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...come with...speak...there...
        • Okay, I will come with you to the village you're talking about.
          • Player: Okay, I will come with you to the village you're talking about.
        • I have some things to do first.
          • Player: I have some things to do first.
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • Player: Can you take me back, please?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...
      • You return to the other world
    • Never mind.
      • Player: Never mind.

Travelling back to the Spirit Realm[]

  • Spirit [Girl]: ...With...
  • You return to the Spirit Realm

Dropping an object in the Spirit Realm[]

  • As you place your object on the ground, it starts fading into nothing, so you quickly pick it up again to avoid losing it.

Something for washing[]

Talking to the Spirit [Girl][]

  • Spirit [Girl]: ...
    • What is this place?
      • Player: What is this place?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...Once...little village...come're here...from the...presence...devouring me...broken...
      • Player: This is all very confusing, but I think the most important thing right now is that I need to help you with something?
      • Spirit [Girl]: strengthen...
        • What should we do now?
          • (Same as below)
        • Can you take me back, please?
          • (Same as below)
        • Never mind.
          • (Same as below)
    • What should we do now?
      • Player: What should we do now?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...The Beast...stuck...weak, wash...clean in...eternity...please fill...barrel...means of...
      • Player: Something about being stuck, a beast, washing something, and this barrel? I will do my best to figure out how to help you.
      • Spirit [Girl]: Thank...
        • What is this place?
          • (Same as above)
        • Can you take me back, please?
          • (Same as above)
        • I'll go see what I can do.
          • Player: I'll go see what I can do.
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • (Same as above)
    • Never mind.
      • (Same as above)

Attempting to search a sack in the Spirit Realm[]

  • For some strange reason, you can't get the sack open. It feels as if you're moving it around, but it's still just lying there.

Attempting to search a crate in the Spirit Realm[]

  • You can't get the crate open. It doesn't appear to have been nailed shut, but for some reason it just won't budge.

Emptying the barrel in the real world[]

  • You fill the bucket with water from the barrel.

In the Spirit Realm after emptying the barrel in the real world[]

  • Spirit [Girl] washes her face
  • Player: Wow, that's strange. When I emptied the barrel in the real world, it filled up in here.

Something to eat[]

Talking to the Spirit [Girl][]

  • Spirit [Girl]: ...
    • What is this place?
      • (Same as above)
    • What should we do now?
      • Player: What should we do now?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...Hungry...been in...years...miss the...good meal...snack...something...
      • Player: Are you hungry? I would try to get you something to eat, but I seem to be very limited in how I can interact with this world.
      • Spirit [Girl]: Please...something...anything...want to...taste of...
      • Player: Okay, I will try to figure something out. There must be something around here you could eat.
      • Spirit [Girl]: Thank..
        • What is this place?
          • (Same as above)
        • Can you take me back, please?
          • (Same as above)
        • I'll go see what I can do.
          • (Same as above)
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • (Same as above)
    • Never mind.
      • (Same as above)

Attempting to use an item on the Spirit [Girl][]

  • You find yourself unable to physically interact with the spirit of the little girl.

Picking the button mushrooms[]

  • You pick the button mushrooms from the log.

Eating a button mushroom[]

  • You eat the button mushroom.

In the Spirit Realm after picking the button mushrooms in the real world[]

  • Spirit [Girl] picks and eats button mushrooms, then wipes her face

A change of clothes[]

Talking to the Spirit [Girl][]

  • Spirit [Girl]: ...
    • What is this place?
      • (Same as above)
    • What should we do now?
      • Player: What should we do now?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...Washed...but I...unclean...old rags...covered...stench of death...some new...wardrobe...can't get...
      • Player: You need something out of this wardrobe?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...I need...
      • Player: Okay, I may be able to help you out.
      • Spirit [Girl]: Thank...have
        • What is this place?
          • (Same as above)
        • Can you take me back, please?
          • (Same as above)
        • I'll go see what I can do.
          • (Same as above)
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • (Same as above)
    • Never mind.
      • (Same as above)

In the Spirit Realm after repairing the wardrobe in the real world[]

  • Spirit [Girl] takes clothes from the broken open wardrobe

Overgrown weed[]

Before planting the seed in the real world[]

  • Spirit [Girl]: ...
    • What is this place?
      • (Same as above)
    • What should we do now?
      • Player: What should we do now?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...Starting...stronger...there is...unbeating...doll...with me...behind back...stuck...horrid plant...
      • Player: I'm assuming you're talking about this dead, overgrown limpwurt plant and the doll that's stuck under it?
      • Spirit [Girl]: back...
      • Player: You want me to get it back for you? I should be able to help you with that.
      • Spirit [Girl]: able...again...
        • What is this place?
          • (Same as above)
        • Can you take me back, please?
          • (Same as above)
        • I'll go see what I can do.
          • (Same as above)
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • (Same as above)
    • Never mind.
      • (Same as above)

Planting a limpwurt seed[]

  • You plant a limpwurt seed in the flower patch.

Inspecting the flower patch[]

As the limpwurt plant is growing in the real world[]
  • A limpwurt plant is growing in this patch.
With a limpwurt plant overgrown in the Spirit Realm[]
  • An overgrown limpwurt plant.

Harvesting the flower patch[]

  • Are you sure you want to harvest this patch?
    • Yes.
    • No.

After planting the seed in the real world and before the seed grows[]

  • Spirit [Girl]: ...
    • What is this place?
      • (Same as above)
    • What should we do now?
      • Player: What should we do now?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...Plant...away...wait until...gone...doll...
      • Player: We should just wait?
      • Spirit [Girl]: ...Wait and...disappears...
        • What is this place?
          • (Same as above)
        • Can you take me back, please?
          • (Same as above)
        • Okay, I'll wait.
          • Player: Okay, I'll wait.
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • (Same as above)
    • Never mind.
      • (Same as above)

In the Spirit Realm after growing the seed in the real world[]

  • Spirit [Girl] collects her doll from the farming patch

Summer Bonde[]

Communication at last[]

Talking to the Spirit [Girl][]

  • Spirit [Girl]: Thank you so much for your help!
  • Player: Woah! You can talk?
  • Spirit [Girl]: Yes, and it's all thanks to you. You helped restore my soul enough so that I can once again communicate.
  • Player: Oh, so that's what this was all about?
  • Spirit [Girl]: Sadly, no...this was just the beginning. But this is not the place to talk. Please, come with me back to the farm and I will explain in more detail.
    • Okay, I'll come along.
      • Player: Okay, I'll come along.
      • Spirit [Girl]: Thank you. By the way, my name is Summer.
      • Player: It's nice to meet you, Summer. My name is Player. Now let's head back to the farm.
    • I have some things to do, I'll come by later.
      • Player: I have some things to do, I'll come by later.

Brought up to speed[]

Talking to the Spirit [Man][]

  • Player: Hello.
  • Spirit [Man]:
  • Player: Hmm. Not in a mood to talk, eh?
  • Spirit [Man]:
  • Player: I'm wearing an Amulet of Ghostspeak, you can talk to me.
  • Spirit [Man]:
  • Player: Oh, I see how it is. Could you at least tell me what's going on here?
  • Spirit [Man]:
  • Player: Hmm. He can clearly see me, but doesn't seem to be able to hear me at all. Maybe those gestures these two were doing to each other was their way of communicating?

Talking to Summer Bonde[]

  • Summer Bonde: Thank you for coming, Player.
    • Who are you?
      • Player: Who are you?
      • Summer Bonde: My name is Summer Bonde and I used to live here with my parents, Jennica and Erik, and the two farmhands, Jallek and Meranek. My mother died and the rest of us were murdered a long time ago – that's when we got stuck here.
      • Player: That's horrible! You're just a little girl!
      • Summer Bonde: Yes, I had just turned six.
        • Who would do such a thing?
          • Player: Who would do such a thing?
          • Summer Bonde: I don't know who they were – a group of men. My memories are little more than a chaotic mess and I can hardly remember it anymore. My existence now is far worse than anything they could have done...
        • Can you take me back?
          • (Same as below)
        • Actually, I have to go.
          • (Same as below)
    • What exactly is going on here?
      • Player: What exactly is going on here?
      • Summer Bonde: Since we were murdered many hundreds of years ago, we have been stuck here with the Beast. As the world has decayed around us, our spirits have lived on in constant agony, as the Beast slowly sucks the power of life out of us.
      • Player: ...I...I am speechless...
      • Summer Bonde: It refuses to let us go, and as we grow weaker, the pain only gets worse. The elders tell me it's growing stronger and stronger, and I fear the worst.
      • Player: There must be something you can do? You can't let this go on!
      • Summer Bonde: I know, that is why I brought you here. My family and I are far too weak to go against the Beast. But you, Player, you are still strong, you still have your soul intact! Please, can you help us?
        • Of course, I will help you.
          • Player: Of course, I will help you.
          • Summer Bonde: Thank you so much.
          • Player: So what can I do?
          • Summer Bonde: Many years ago, Jallek discovered a series of discs just outside the farm. He says that they can channel and concentrate the energy of newly summoned souls. He talked about how it could be used to imprison spirits in a strong surge of energy, so maybe we can use it against the Beast?
          • Player: If it's true what you say – that the Beast has been living off of your souls for hundreds of years – then it can't require much in ways of feeding. I know a bit about spirits and summoning myself, and concentrated energy from a completely fresh soul should be overwhelming to it. If the discs function the way Jallek thinks they do, then it might work.
          • Summer Bonde: This is great! We must get to work, then.
          • Player: So, where are these discs?
          • Summer Bonde: They are hidden and asleep. We must first use the altar to awaken them.
          • Player: I see. Where can I find this altar?
          • Summer Bonde: Follow me.
          • Summer Bonde travels to the altar area
        • I'm sorry, but this sounds too dangerous.
          • Player: I'm sorry, but this sounds too dangerous.
    • Can you take me back?
      • Player: Can you take me back?
      • Summer Bonde: Alright. Please don't be gone for long: we need your help.
      • You return to the other world
    • Actually, I have to go.
      • Player: Actually, I have to go.

Climbing up the ladder[]

  • You climb up the ladder.

Climbing down the ladder[]

  • You climb down the ladder.

The Spirit Beast[]

Altar'd state[]

  • Summer Bonde: You must wake the discs, Player.
    • How do I do that?
      • Player: How do I do that?
      • Summer Bonde: Can't you feel its hunger? The altar must feed.
        • Player: Eh...what does an altar eat?
          • Summer Bonde: It eats the remains of those who have had the fortune to die...
          • Player: Hmm. Alright.
        • Player: Oh, okay.
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • (Same as above)
    • Okay, I'll do that.
      • Player: Okay, I'll do that.

Using items on the altar[]

  • You place the skull in the slot on the altar.
  • You place the bones in one of the slots on the altar.


After placing the skull and bones on the altar[]

  • Summer Bonde: Well done, Player! The discs are awake now!
    • What should I do now?
      • Player: What should I do now?
      • Summer Bonde: Jallek said that the discs need newly summoned souls to work. You must bring them what they need, Player, and use the energy on the Beast.
        • I must bring them souls?
          • Player: I must bring them souls?
          • Summer Bonde: Yes, in order for you to use the discs' energy on the Beast, you must give up a spirit to them.
            • That doesn't sound right. In order to help you free your souls, I must give up others?
              • Player: That doesn't sound right. In order to help you free your souls, I must give up others?
              • Summer Bonde: The discs only need to borrow their energy to work. Please, Player, you must do this. We're so close to finally being rid of the pain...
                • No, I won't do it.
                  • Player: No, I won't do it.
                • Can you take me back, please?
                  • (Same as above)
                • Okay, I will do it.
                  • Player: Okay, I will do it.
        • Can you take me back, please?
          • (Same as below)
        • I better get to work, then.
          • Player: I better get to work, then.
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • (Same as above)
    • I will see what I can do with them.
      • Player: I will see what I can do with them.

Before activating the discs[]

  • Summer Bonde: Have you tried activating the discs yet?
  • Player: What was it I had to do again?
  • Summer Bonde: The discs need newly summoned souls, so you must bring them what they want and give it to them so that they can harness the energy. This is the energy that the disc will use against the Beast.
    • Can you take me back, please?
      • (Same as above)
    • Okay, I think I understand.
      • Player: Okay, I think I understand.

Luring the Spirit Beast[]

If the Spirit Beast devours a familiar[]

  • The Spirit Beast has devoured your familiar!
  • Summer Bonde: Player, you must activate the disc when the beast is also standing on it. Try luring it over with the soul.
  • Summer Bonde: Player, you must give up the spirit to the disc before the Beast devours it, otherwise the energy is lost. But make sure that the Beast is still close enough to be hit by the disc's power!

Attempting to fight the Spirit Beast[]

  • The Beast isn't interested in fighting you, and shoves you out of its way.

Attempting to dismiss a follower without having a familiar or pet summoned[]

  • You do not have a familiar or pet to dismiss.


After successfully trapping the Spirit Beast[]

  • Player: Well, that takes care of that little problem.
  • Erik Bonde: ...We...
  • Meranek Thanatos: We... thank you... brave adventurer. You... have lifted a burden. For now.
  • Player: For now? What do you mean? He looks pretty trapped. And you can talk – that's got to be a good sign.
  • Jallek Lenkin: Unfortunately, things are not... that simple. Yes, we are strengthened, but your foolhardy desire to help a young girl could well have... unforeseen consequences.
  • Erik Bonde: You see, the Beast has fed on our souls for hundreds of years... but our spirits were not strong...not like yours. The Beast could survive, but it took all this time for it to grow so powerful.
  • Meranek Thanatos: Your presence here can only feed it. The Beast will rapidly become more powerful with every moment you stay here. We are grateful to you for your efforts, but your presence is endangering us all.
  • Player: I...I...was trying to help.
  • Jallek Lenkin: We understand...but please, if only for Summer's sake, leave this place. We already live in constant agony and now it will only get worse.
  • Player: Oh, Summer, I'm sorry. I did all I could, but seem to have only made things worse.
  • Summer Bonde: Don't listen to them, Player, you have strengthened our souls – the Beast may grow even more powerful, but so have we. It is better for us to fight it and lose than to exist in this realm forever.
  • Erik Bonde: Summer, I know you had good intentions but this really didn't do us any good. Our souls may be stronger for now, but only for as long as the Beast is trapped here. There is nothing we can do to it now and it will get loose-
  • Summer Bonde: But at least we have tried! Unlike you, Player did not accept our situation, but tried to do something about it!
  • Erik Bonde: We have tried in the past and we have failed. You know this as well as we do. We had to remain patient and wait for an opportu-
  • Summer Bonde: We have waited for hundreds of years! We can't go on like this!
  • Erik Bonde: I'm sorry, dear, but we are too weak against the Beast. We can't do anything but wait, lest our situation becomes even more unbearable.
  • Jallek Lenkin: Your father is right, Summer. We may have waited for hundreds of years, but only so that we could avoid another failure. A failure like this.
  • Summer Bonde: You weren't always like this, Jallek! You also wanted to fight it!
  • Jallek Lenkin: That is true. But we have tried before and failed. I have realised that we must be patient if we ever want to leave this place.
  • Summer Bonde: But we are stronger now, maybe strong enough to take it on!
  • Jallek Lenkin: Only for as long as the Beast is trapped. As soon as it gets loose, it will start draining us yet again. And since it's now even more powerful, our torment will only be worse.
  • Summer Bonde: Argh! Why can't you understand that we must do something?
  • Erik Bonde: Summer, please. What is done is done, and we will have to endure the consequences. But Player must still leave, or it will become worse.
  • Jallek Lenkin: Yes. Player, we do appreciate that you have tried to help us, but sadly, it was in vain. You must leave now.
  • Erik Bonde, Meranek Thanatos, and Jallek Lenkin disappear
  • Player: I am so sorry, Summer. I had no idea I would only make things worse.
  • Summer Bonde: No, Player, don't listen to them. They should not accept the agony they're in. You did better than they ever could have.
  • Player: I still feel bad, though. Is there anything I can do to make things better for you and your family?
  • Summer Bonde: Not right now, but I am sure we will need your bravery again. Here, take this ring. It once belonged to my mother, Jennica, but, since my death, it has gained a special connection with this realm. When I brought you with me, we passed through a portal connecting the realms. By operating this ring, you can use these portals without my help. It will only work where the connection is already very strong, though. While wearing it, you will also gain a closer connection to spirits in general, and you will find that the revenants who haunt these lands will be a bit more generous in what they leave behind.
  • Player: Thank-
  • Summer Bonde: Oh no...
  • Player: What is it, Summer? What is going on?
  • Summer Bonde: Player, you must...
  • You return to the real world
Congratulations! Quest complete!