Xenia: Some cultists of Zamorak have gone into the catacombs with a prisoner. I don't know what they're planning, but I'm pretty sure it's not a tea party. There are three of them, and I'm not as young as I was the last time I was here. I don't want to go down there without backup.
I'll help you.
(Quest noticeboard opens)
Accept Quest
Xenia: I knew you would! We've got no time to lose. You head down the stairs, and I'll follow.
Not Right Now.
(Dialogue ends)
I need to know more before I help you.
Xenia: Very wise. I got into a lot of trouble in my youth by rushing in without knowing a situation.
Tell me more about these cultists.
Xenia: Lumbridge is a Saradominist town, but there will always be some people drawn to worship Zamorak. They must have found some ritual that they think will give them power over other people.
(Shows previous options)
Who did they kidnap?
Xenia: A young woman named Ilona. She had just left Lumbridge to apprentice at the Wizards' Tower. They grabbed her on the road. Without training she didn't have a chance.
(Shows previous options)
What's down there?
Xenia: The catacombs of Lumbridge Church. The dead of Lumbridge have been buried there since...well, for about forty years now.
(Shows previous options)
Is there a reward if I help you?
Xenia: The cultists all have weapons, and you'll be able to keep them if we succeed. This adventure will also help to train your combat skills.
(Shows previous options)
Enough questions.
Xenia: So, will you help me, adventurer?
(Shows initial options)
Who are you?
(Same as below)
How did you know who I am?
(Same as below)
Sorry, I've got to go.
(Same as below)
Who are you?
Xenia: My name's Xenia. I'm an adventurer. I'm one of the old guard, I suppose. I helped found the Champions' Guild, and I've done a fair few quests in my time. Now I'm starting to get a bit old for action, which is why I need your help.
(Shows other options)
How did you know who I am?
If you are not yet eligible to receive the Helm of Trials:
Xenia: Oh, I have my ways. I get the feeling that you're one to watch; you could be quite the hero some day.
Xenia: Who doesn't know who you are? You're a legend even in the Legends' Guild! It's an honour to meet you, Player.
(Shows other options)
Sorry, I've got to go.
(Dialogue ends)
After accepting the quest[]
Xenia: When you're ready, head down into the catacombs and I'll follow.
The cultists[]
Upon entering the catacombs[]
Cultists take Ilona, who is tied up.
Reese: Come on, Kayle! We don't have forever.
Kayle: Look, Reese; are you sure about this? There must be some other way we can...
Reese: We made a blood pact, Kayle! The three of us are in this all the way.
Kayle: Yes, but...
Caitlin: Do we have to take this idiot?
Reese: Yes! The blood pact! You read the book!
Ilona: Let me go! I didn't make any blood pact with-
Reese: Shut up! Kayle, you stay here. Guard the door. You, come on.
Xenia enters the catacombs with you.
Xenia: Looks like there's a guard in the room ahead. I think we should be able to overpower him. Speak to me if you have any questions.
Talking to Xenia[]
Upon entering[]
Xenia: There's a guard in the room ahead. Together we should be able to take him out.
What's the plan of attack?
Xenia: It looks like the cultist has a bow. The best way to deal with someone with a ranged weapon is to get close to them and attack with melee.
(Shows previous options)
What's a blood pact?
Xenia: It's something Zamorakian cults do sometimes; a way of swearing loyalty to their leader. A blood pact doesn't have real magical power, but that kind of thing can have great power over a person if they believe strongly enough.
(Shows previous options)
Let's get on with this.
(Dialogue ends)
Upon moving forward[]
As you lead Xenia to Kayle, Kayle fires an arrow which injures Xenia.
Xenia: Ah... It looks like I'm too old for this after all. You'll have to do the rest without me. I'll follow you, but I'll stay out of combat. Return to me if you're wounded. I have some food to share. The first cultist is using a ranged weapon. You should wield a melee weapon to be most effective against him.
Tell me more about melee combat.
Xenia: There's not much to tell. Just run up and attack. You don't even need a weapon - you can use your fists. Melee combat is strong against rangers. Avoid magic users, though.
(Shows previous options)
What's a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Are you going to be alright?
Xenia: Don't worry about me. I've survived worse wounds than this. I'm going to hang back from combat, but I'll be here to give you advice if you need it. I'm sure you can beat these cultists on your own.
(Shows previous options)
I can handle this.
(Dialogue ends)
After Xenia has been struck[]
Xenia: I'll follow you, but I'll stay out of combat. Return to me if you're wounded. I have some food to share.
If you are not wounded:
(Continues below)
If you are lightly wounded and not carrying food:
Xenia: You're lightly wounded. Here, have some food...
Xenia gives you a piece of cooked meat. Eat food to heal yourself.
(Continues below)
If you are lightly wounded and carrying food:
Xenia: You're lightly wounded. You should eat some of the food you're carrying.
(Continues below)
If you are badly wounded and not carrying food:
Xenia: You're badly wounded! Eat some food, quickly...
Xenia gives you 4 pieces of cooked meat. Eat food to heal yourself.
(Continues below)
If you are badly wounded and carrying food:
Xenia: You're badly wounded! You should eat some of the food you're carrying.
(Continues below)
Xenia: The first cultist is using a ranged weapon. You should wield a melee weapon to be most effective against him.
Tell me more about melee combat.
(Same as above)
What's a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Are you going to be alright?
(Same as above)
I can handle this.
(Dialogue ends)
Upon moving forward[]
Kayle attacks.
After defeating Kayle[]
Talking to Kayle[]
Kayle: Are - are you going to kill me?
I have some questions.
Kayle: Y-yes! I'll tell you anything!
Who are you?
Kayle: I- My name's Kayle. I'm a ranger. Well, I'd been practising the chargebow... I guess I wasn't as good as I'd thought.
(Shows previous options)
Who are the others?
Kayle: Reese is the leader. All this, the blood pact, it was his idea. He doesn't know magic but he's a strong fighter. Caitlin is a wizard. She was a student at the Wizards' Tower, but she left. She wanted to study dark magic.
(Shows previous options)
What were you planning to do down here?
Kayle: I - I don't really know! Honestly! Listen...Reese used to be an acolyte at the church here. He discovered something about these catacombs; I don't know what. Something about how they were built, I think. Caitlin was a student at the Wizards' Tower. She found something too, in the ruins of the old tower, from back when Zamorakian wizards used it. Caitlin and Reese put what they'd found together. They said they'd discovered a ritual they could perform, something that could give them power over life and death. We made a blood pact, the three of us. So that we'd be in it together, whatever happened. Then we kidnapped Ilona. She was another apprentice from the Wizards' Tower, someone Caitlin had known there. Reese and Caitlin are going down there to perform the ritual. I don't - I don't know what it involves.
And you just went along with this?
Kayle: The blood pact! We'd made a blood pact, and Reese said that bound me to him. It meant I had to do anything he said. He...he said he could curse me.
(Shows previous options)
Who are you?
(Same as above)
Who are the others?
(Same as above)
Enough questions.
(Same as below)
Enough questions.
Kayle: Are - are you going to kill me now?
(Shows initial options)
Yes. Now die!
Kayle dies, leaving his chargebow on the floor. Xenia approaches you.
Xenia: It's a pity you had to kill that man...but I'm not questioning your judgment.
No. Just give me your stuff and get out of here.
Kayle stands up and leaves the catacombs, leaving his chargebow on the floor. Xenia approaches you.
Xenia: I don't think that cultist will be any more trouble. I'm glad you didn't have to kill him.
Attempting to open the Tomb door before choosing Kayle's fate[]
You must deal with the ranger before you advance further into the catacombs.
After choosing Kayle's fate[]
Xenia: I think the second cultist was using magic. You should use a ranged weapon to defeat magic-users. Ask me if you need any help.
Talking to Xenia[]
If you are not wounded:
(Continues below)
If you are lightly wounded and are not carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are lightly wounded and are carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are badly wounded and are not carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are badly wounded and are carrying food:
(Same as above)
Before deciding Kayle's fate[]
Xenia: The first cultist is defeated, but not dead. I'll leave it up to you to how to deal with him.
Tell me more about melee combat.
(Same as above)
What's a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Are you going to be alright?
(Same as above)
I can handle this.
(Dialogue ends)
After deciding Kayle's fate[]
Without a ranged weapon:
Xenia: You'll need to pick up the bow and equip it before you can attack the second cultist.
(Continues below)
With Kayle's chargebow in your inventory:
Xenia: You'll need to equip the bow before you can attack the second cultist.
(Continues below)
With Kayle's chargebow equipped:
Xenia: You're holding the bow right. You should be able to attack the second cultist without any trouble.
(Continues below)
With your own ranged weapon equipped:
Xenia: I see you've brought your own ranged weapon. I'll assume you know how to use it!
(Continues below)
After Xenia has spoken to you about a ranged weapon:
Tell me more about ranged combat.
Xenia: In order to use ranged combat, you'll need to wield a ranged weapon. For most weapons you'll also need ammunition, but if you use a chargebow you'll always be able to fire low power magical arrows. After that it's easy; just attack your enemy. Ranged combat is good against magic users. It's not so good against melee fighters, since projectiles have trouble getting through heavy armour.
What's a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Are you going to be alright?
(Same as above)
I can handle this.
(Dialogue ends)
Upon entering the next room[]
Caitlin attacks.
Attempting to operate the Winch before defeating Caitlin[]
You can't operate the winch while you are under attack.
After defeating Caitlin[]
Xenia: Well done! You'll need to open the gates to reach the other gallery. There should be a winch nearby.
Talking to Caitlin[]
Caitlin: What are you waiting for? Finish me!
I have some questions.
Caitlin: What?
Who are you?
Caitlin: I am the wizard Caitlin.
(Shows previous options)
Who are the others?
Caitlin: Reese used to be an acolyte at Lumbridge Church. He and I came up with this whole idea.
If you spared Kayle's life:
Caitlin: Kayle's just some idiot Reese roped into helping us. I heard you let him go. It's more than he deserved. He's useless.
(Shows previous options)
If you killed Kayle:
Caitlin: Kayle was just some idiot Reese roped into helping us. I heard you killed him and I can't say I mind. If I'd had my way we'd have used him as the sacrifice.
(Shows previous options)
What were you planning to do down here?
Caitlin: Idiot hero! You don't even know what this place is, do you? This is the tomb of Dragith Nurn! Dragith Nurn was a necromancer. He lived in Lumbridge decades ago. He kept his necromancy secret. Everyone thought he was just a wealthy nobleman and wizard. He paid for these catacombs to be built, and he's interred here in a special tomb. I was a student at the Wizards' Tower. I discovered the note Dragith Nurn had made while he was a wizard there. Reese was an acolyte here at the church. He learned that Dragith Nurn was buried here. The body of a necromancer contains powerful magic. We learned we could perform a ritual on his tomb to unlock the secrets of his work. We would have gained mastery over life and death!
(Shows previous options)
Enough questions.
Caitlin: All right. Now finish me!
I have some questions.
(Same as above)
Yes. Now die!
Caitlin dies, leaving her staff on the floor. Xenia approaches you.
Xenia: I heard you killed the second cultist. It's a pity it had to come to that...but I'm not questioning your judgment.
No. Just give me your stuff and get out of here.
Caitlin stands up and leaves the catacombs, leaving her staff on the floor. Xenia approaches you.
Xenia: The second cultist came past me on her way out. I don't think she'll be any more trouble. I'm glad you didn't have to kill her.
Time for you to die!
Caitlin dies, leaving her staff on the floor. Xenia approaches you.
Xenia: I heard you killed the second cultist. It's a pity it had to come to that...but I'm not questioning your judgment.
I'm not killing you. Just give me your stuff and get out of here.
Caitlin stands up and leaves the catacombs, leaving her staff on the floor. Xenia approaches you.
Xenia: The second cultist came past me on her way out. I don't think she'll be any more trouble. I'm glad you didn't have to kill her.
After choosing Caitlin's fate[]
Xenia: I think the third cultist was a melee fighter. Magic is the best thing to use against melee fighters. Speak to me if you need any help.
Talking to Xenia[]
If you are not wounded:
(Continues below)
If you are lightly wounded and are not carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are lightly wounded and are carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are badly wounded and are not carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are badly wounded and are carrying food:
(Same as above)
Before operating the Winch[]
Xenia: I think you'll need to get across to the other gallery. There should be a winch that opens the gates so you can walk across.
Tell me more about ranged combat.
(Same as above)
What's a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Are you going to be alright?
(Same as above)
I can handle this.
(Dialogue ends)
Before deciding Caitlin's fate[]
Xenia: You'll need to deal with the second cultist. You should be able to get to the other side of the gallery now that you've opened the gate.
Tell me more about ranged combat.
(Same as above)
What's a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Are you going to be alright?
(Same as above)
I can handle this.
(Dialogue ends)
After deciding Caitlin's fate[]
With Caitlin's staff in your inventory:
Xenia: You should wield the cultist's staff. That will mean you have a supply of air runes in order to cast the spell Air Strike.
(Continues below)
With Caitlin's staff equipped and no auto-cast spell selected:
Xenia: You're holding the staff correctly, so you can cast the spell Air Strike.
You'll need to choose it in your ability book in order to automatically cast it.
(Continues below)
With your own magic weapon equipped and no auto-cast spell selected:
Xenia: I see you've brought your own magic weapon, but you need to choose which spell to cast.
You'll need to select a combat spell in your magic ability book in order to automatically cast it.
(Continues below)
After Xenia has spoken to you about a magic weapon:
Tell me more about magic.
Xenia: Magic is based on runes. The runes contain magical power, and you can cast spells by combining them in specific ways. It's like cooking: the runes are ingredients, and a spell is a recipe. Some magical staves act as an infinite supply of a certain type of rune. For example, casting Air Strike normally requires an air rune, but if you're holding an Air staff you can cast it for free. Magic is very useful against melee fighters. Watch out for rangers, though; arrows go straight through mage robes.
(Shows previous options)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
Xenia: Dragith Nurn? I was hoping he wouldn't come into this. Listen...I met Dragith Nurn once. I was just starting out as an adventurer, and he was an old man. I discovered his secret... Dragith Nurn was a wizard. He studied at the Wizards' Tower, but he also studied the dark art, necromancy, on his own. He had a secret magical workshop beneath Lumbridge. He would steal bodies from the graveyard and perform experiments on them. Necromancy was like an addiction for him. When I met him he was very troubled; very conflicted. I convinced him to put an end to it all. He couldn't destroy all the undead he had created - not permanently - so he trapped them all in the lower level of his workshop and sealed it off. He converted the upper level into these catacombs. Everyone thinks Dragith Nurn is buried here in this tomb, but he isn't. He built the tomb to hide the entrance to the lower level. Dragith Nurn is still down there. He knew that when he died he would rise again as a monster, so he sealed himself in with his creatures.
(Shows previous options)
Are you going to be alright?
(Same as above)
I can handle this.
(Dialogue ends)
Attempting to go downstairs with no magic weapon equipped and/or with no spell to cast selected[]
Xenia: The last cultist is a melee fighter, so you should prepare to cast a magic spell before you attack him. Come back here and I can help you.
Go downstairs anyway.
You go downstairs.
Stay where you are.
(Dialogue ends)
Upon descending the stairs[]
Reese: The potion is complete. Where are they? The whole group should be present.
Ilona: Let me go, you-
Reese: Shut up! Who are you? What are you doing here?
My name's Player. I'm an adventurer.
Reese: This will be your tomb, adventurer. The blood pact will prevail!
Reese attacks.
I'm Player. Don't worry, Ilona, I'm here to rescue you.
Ilona: Thank Saradomin! He's insane! He's going to kill me!
Reese: Maybe you can take her place as the sacrifice, adventurer. Stand and fight!
Reese attacks.
If you spared the others:
I let both the others live. This doesn't have to end in violence.
Reese: They were weak. Zamorak will turn his face from them - but he will smile on me when I offer him your blood!
Reese attacks.
If you killed one and spared the other:
I'm the one who defeated your lackeys. Think you can do better?
Reese: They were weak. Zamorak will turn his face from them - but he will smile on me when I offer him your blood!
Reese attacks.
If you killed the others:
I'm the one who killed your lackeys. Think you can do better?
Reese: They were weak. Zamorak will turn his face from them - but he will smile on me when I offer him your blood!
Reese attacks.
I'm your worst nightmare, Zamorakian scum!
Reese: This will be your tomb, adventurer. The blood pact will prevail!
Reese attacks.
Attempting to untie Ilona before defeating Reese[]
You'll need to deal with Reese first.
After defeating Reese[]
Talking to Reese[]
Reese: You've beaten me, adventurer. Now strike the final blow! End the blood pact in this tomb.
I have some questions.
Reese: Ask your questions.
Who are you?
Reese: I am Reese! Warrior of Zamorak and leader of the blood pact!
(Shows previous options)
Who were the others?
Reese: Faithful servants of Zamorak! We bound ourselves together in the great god's service with the blood pact!
(Shows previous options)
What were you planning to do down here?
Reese: End the weak god Saradomin's dominance over Lumbridge! With the blood pact, and the power of the tomb of Dragith Nurn, we would send an army of the dead to claim this town for Zamorak!
(Shows previous options)
Enough questions.
Reese: Then finish me! End the blood pact in this tomb.
I have some questions.
(Same as above)
Yes. Now die!
Reese dies.
No. Just give me your stuff and get out of here.
Reese: No! There must be a death! The blood pact must be complete!
Reese drinks a poisonous potion, and dies.
Time for you to die!
Reese dies.
I'm not killing you. Give me your stuff and get out of here.
Reese: No! There must be a death! The blood pact must be complete!
Reese drinks a poisonous potion, and dies.
Talking to Xenia[]
If you are not wounded:
(Continues below)
If you are lightly wounded and are not carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are lightly wounded and are carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are badly wounded and are not carrying food:
(Same as above)
If you are badly wounded and are carrying food:
(Same as above)
Before deciding Reese's fate[]
Xenia: If you've defeated the last cultist, you'll need to decide how to deal with him. Once you've done that, release the prisoner and we can get out of here.
Tell me more about magic.
(Same as above)
What's a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Are you going to be alright?
(Same as above)
I can handle this.
(Dialogue ends)
After dealing with Reese and before freeing Ilona[]
Xenia: You've defeated the last cultist, but you still need to untie their prisoner. She's downstairs.
After Reese dies[]
The fake tomb of Dragith Nurn breaks, revealing stairs to the last level of the catacombs.
Ilona: Help! Untie me so we can get out of here!
After you untie Ilona[]
Are you ready to return to the surface?
Yes, rescue Ilona.
You untie Ilona and return to the surface
(Dialogue ends)
Attempting to climb down the stairs before freeing Ilona[]
You should take the prisoner to the surface and speak to Xenia before you venture deeper into the dungeon.
Finishing up[]
At the entrance of the catacombs[]
Ilona: Thank the gods. We're out. I thought I was going to die down there. You saved my life, whoever you are. Thank you.
Xenia: Well, adventurer, it looks like you have prevailed. You should keep the cultists' weapons as a reward.
If you are missing any cultist's weapon(s):
Xenia: I took the liberty of retrieving the weapons you missed.
If you are missing Kayle's chargebow:
Xenia gives you Kayle's chargebow.
(Continues below)
If you are missing Caitlin's staff:
Xenia gives you Caitlin's staff.
(Continues below)
If you are missing Reese's sword:
Xenia gives you Reese's sword.
(Continues below)
If you are missing Reese's off-hand sword:
Xenia gives you Reese's off-hand sword.
(Continues below)
After receiving all cultists' weapons:
(Continues below)
If you are not missing any cultist's weapon(s):
(Continues below)
Ilona departs.
After Ilona leaves the area[]
Xenia: Is there anything you want to ask before you go to seek out new adventures?
I'm ready for my reward.
If you do not have at least one free inventory space:
Xenia: I want to give you an experience lamp. Speak to me again when you have space to take it.
If you have at least one free inventory space:
Xenia: Farewell, adventurer.
What should I do now?
Xenia: The cultists' ritual opened up the lower level of the catacombs, which is swarming with undead creatures. If you want to practice your combat skills, you could go down there. Alternatively, if you explore the world I'm sure you'll find other quests you can do.
I'm ready for my reward.
(Same as above)
What should I do now?
(Same as above)
You weren't really wounded, were you?
(Same as below)
You weren't really wounded, were you?
Xenia: Very perceptive, adventurer. I was wounded, but not as badly as I looked. I took the opportunity to see how you would fare.
You risked that woman's life for the sake of a test?
Xenia: I was prepared to step in and rescue her if you failed, but I won't always be that ready. That's why I had to do this. The world needs heroes. I was a hero, once, but I'm not getting any younger. I need to make sure the new generation has its own heroes.
(Shows previous options)
You risked my life for the sake of a test?
Xenia: You're a born adventurer. I can practically smell it on you. People like you have a habit of coming back from things that would kill an ordinary person.
(Shows previous options)
So how did I do?
Xenia: Very well indeed. You're a hero. You're exactly the sort of person the world needs. I'm glad I met you.
(Shows previous options)
Back to my other questions...
I'm ready for my reward.
(Same as above)
What should I do now?
(Same as above)
What will happen in the catacombs now?
(Same as below)
What will happen in the catacombs now?
Xenia: Reese managed to complete the ritual with his own death. He's opened the staircase to the nest of undead creatures in the lower level of the catacombs. Without a necromancer to control them, the creatures won't leave the tomb. I'll warn Father Aereck not to let people go down there. You're an adventurer, though. If you want to, you can venture into the tomb and fight the creatures.
I'm ready for my reward.
(Same as above)
What should I do now?
(Same as above)
You weren't really wounded, were you?
(Same as above)
Congratulations! Quest complete!
Post-quest dialogue[]
Rubbing the Combat XP lamp[]
Rub lamp?
Gain 100 Attack, Defence, Strength, Ranged and Magic XP.
You meditate on your experiences in the Lumbridge Catacombs. You receive 100 XP in each of Attack, Defence, Strength, Ranged, and Magic.
(Dialogue ends)
At the Wizard's Tower[]
Talking to Wizard Ilona[]
Wizard Ilona: Adventurer! It's good to see you again!
Ilona! How are you doing?
Wizard Ilona: I passed my apprenticeship! I'm a wizard now.
If you chose to spare 2 or more cultists:
Wizard Ilona: I'm studying stun and bind spells. If I get into a fight again, I want to be able to disable enemies without killing them, like you did with those cultists.
If you chose to kill 2 or more cultists:
Wizard Ilona: I’m studying elemental battle spells. I’m not a violent person, but…after you had to kill those cultists to rescue me, it made me realise I have to be able to defend myself.
Sorry, who are you?
Wizard Ilona: You don't remember me? I suppose you must rescue lots of girls from evil cultists. I can't expect you to remember them all.
I've got a question about my adventure in the catacombs...
You weren't really wounded, were you?
Xenia: Very perceptive, adventurer. I was wounded, but not as badly as I looked. I took the opportunity to see how you would fare.
You risked that woman's life for the sake of a test?
Xenia: I was prepared to step in and rescue her if you failed, but I won't always be that ready. That's why I had to do this. The world needs heroes. I was a hero, once, but I'm not getting any younger. I need to make sure the new generation has its own heroes.
(Shows previous options)
You risked my life for the sake of a test?
Xenia: You're a born adventurer. I can practically smell it on you. People like you have a habit of coming back from things that would kill an ordinary person.
(Shows previous options)
So how did I do?
Xenia: Very well indeed. You're a hero. You're exactly the sort of person the world needs. I'm glad I met you.
(Shows previous options)
Back to my other questions...
What will happen in the catacombs now?
(Same as below)
What is a blood pact?
(Same as below)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
(Same as below)
I think I'll go now.
(Same as below)
What will happen in the catacombs now?
Xenia: Reese managed to complete the ritual with his own death. He's opened the staircase to the nest of undead creatures in the lower level of the catacombs. Without a necromancer to control them, the creatures won't leave the tomb. I'll warn Father Aereck not to let people go down there. You're an adventurer, though. If you want to, you can venture into the tomb and fight the creatures.
You weren't really wounded, were you?
(Same as above)
What is a blood pact?
(Same as below)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
(Same as below)
I think I'll go now.
(Same as below)
What is a blood pact?
Xenia: It's something Zamorakian cults do sometimes; a way of swearing loyalty to their leader. A blood pact doesn't have real magical power, but that kind of thing can have great power over a person if they believe strongly enough.
(Shows previous options)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
Xenia: Dragith Nurn was a wizard. He studied at the Wizards' Tower, but he also studied the dark art, necromancy, on his own. He had a secret magical workshop beneath Lumbridge. He would steal bodies from the graveyard and perform experiments on them. Necromancy was like an addiction for him. When I met him he was very troubled; very conflicted. I convinced him to put an end to it all. He couldn't destroy all the undead he had created - not permanently - so he trapped them all in the lower level of his workshop and sealed it off. He converted the upper level into these catacombs. Everyone thinks Dragith Nurn is buried here in this tomb, but he isn't. He built the tomb to hide the entrance to the lower level. Dragith Nurn is still down there. He knew that when he died he would rise again as a monster, so he sealed himself in with his creatures.
(Shows previous options)
I think I'll go now.
(Same as below)
If you are missing any cultist's weapon(s):
I've lost some of the cultists' weapons.
Xenia: Yes, one of my contacts in the Champions' Guild found them and returned them to me.
I've got a question about my adventure in the catacombs...
What will happen in the catacombs now?
Wizard Ilona: Reese managed to complete the ritual with his own death. He's opened the staircase to the nest of undead creatures in the lower level of the catacombs. Without a necromancer to control them, the creatures won't leave the tomb. I'll warn Father Aereck not to let people go down there. You're an adventurer, though. If you want to, you can venture into the tomb and fight the creatures.
You weren't really wounded, were you?[sic]
Wizard Ilona: Very perceptive, adventurer. I was wounded, but not as badly as I looked. I took the opportunity to see how you would fare.[sic]
You risked that woman's life for the sake of a test?[sic]
Wizard Ilona: I was prepared to step in and rescue her if you failed, but I won't always be that ready. That's why I had to do this. The world needs heroes. I was a hero, once, but I'm not getting any younger. I need to make sure the new generation has its own heroes.[sic]
(Shows previous options)
You risked my life for the sake of a test?[sic]
Wizard Ilona: You're a born adventurer. I can practically smell it on you. People like you have a habit of coming back from things that would kill an ordinary person.[sic]
(Shows previous options)
So how did I do?[sic]
Wizard Ilona: Very well indeed. You're a hero. You're exactly the sort of person the world needs. I'm glad I met you.[sic]
(Shows previous options)
Back to my other questions...
What will happen in the catacombs now?
(Same as above)
What is a blood pact?
(Same as below)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
(Same as below)
I think I'll go now.
(Same as below)
What is a blood pact?
(Same as below)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
(Same as below)
I think I'll go now.
(Same as below)
What is a blood pact?
Wizard Ilona: It's something Zamorakian cults do sometimes; a way of swearing loyalty to their leader. A blood pact doesn't have real magical power, but that kind of thing can have great power over a person if they believe strongly enough.
What will happen in the catacombs now?
(Same as above)
What is a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
(Same as below)
I think I'll go now.
(Same as below)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
Wizard Ilona: Dragith Nurn was a wizard. He studied at the Wizards' Tower, but he also studied the dark art, necromancy, on his own. He had a secret magical workshop beneath Lumbridge. He would steal bodies from the graveyard and perform experiments on them. Necromancy was like an addiction for him. When Xenia met him he was very troubled; very conflicted. She convinced him to put an end to it all. He couldn't destroy all the undead he had created - not permanently - so he trapped them all in the lower level of his workshop and sealed it off. He converted the upper level into these catacombs. Everyone thinks Dragith Nurn is buried here in this tomb, but he isn't. He built the tomb to hide the entrance to the lower level. Dragith Nurn is still down there. He knew that when he died he would rise again as a monster, so he sealed himself in with his creatures.
What will happen in the catacombs now?
(Same as above)
What is a blood pact?
(Same as above)
Who was Dragith Nurn?
(Same as above)
I think I'll go now.
(Same as below)
I think I'll go now.
(Same as below)
If you are missing any cultist's weapon(s):
I've lost some of the cultists' weapons.
Wizard Ilona: Yes, one of my contacts in the Champions' Guild found them and returned them to me.