Meeting with Sir Owen[]
First greeting[]
- The Death of Chivalry is fully voice acted and features atmospheric music and effects. We suggest that you turn your sound on in order to get the most out of it.
- Sir Owen: The owl hoots at midnight.
- The who with the what now?
- Sir Owen: Never mind, good sir/m'lady. Clearly you are not the contact I was sent here to meet. do look familiar...
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: Never mind, good sir/m'lady. Clearly you are not the contact I was sent here to meet. do look familiar...
- The raven caws as the dawn rises.
- Sir Owen: Then you are indeed the contact Sir Amik sent me to meet. Well met, fellow Temple Knight. Commence the briefing with haste. What is my quest?
- You will seek the Holy Gruel.
- Sir Owen: The holy gruel?
- Player: Yes. The porridge of the gods. Blessed oats, anointed with honeyed ambrosia, and soaked in the milk of human kindness. It is the breakfast of champions.
- Sir Owen: I don't think you're taking this assignment very seriously.
- (Returns to previous options)
- To be a hero.
- Sir Owen: A hero? Heroes get killed, my friend. I just do my job as best I can.
- (Returns to previous options)
- Sir Owen: A hero? Heroes get killed, my friend. I just do my job as best I can.
- Bring me two hundred unicorn horns.
- Sir Owen: With respect, that mission seems a poor use of Temple Knight resources.
- (Returns to previous options)
- Sir Owen: With respect, that mission seems a poor use of Temple Knight resources.
- Actually, it was a lucky guess.
- Sir Owen: Hah! You led me on a merry chase. You may not be my contact, but you do look rather familiar. Have we met before?
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: Hah! You led me on a merry chase. You may not be my contact, but you do look rather familiar. Have we met before?
- You will seek the Holy Gruel.
- Sir Owen: Then you are indeed the contact Sir Amik sent me to meet. Well met, fellow Temple Knight. Commence the briefing with haste. What is my quest?
- The owls are not what they seem.
- Sir Owen: Close. That was last week's callsign. Still...coincidence and fate figure largely in our lives, and you do look rather familiar. Have we met before?
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: Close. That was last week's callsign. Still...coincidence and fate figure largely in our lives, and you do look rather familiar. Have we met before?
- If you have not previously met Sir Owen
- Who are you?
- Sir Owen: I am Sir Owen. a Temple Knight and devoted follower of Saradomin. And who might you be? I'm sure I've seen you before.
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: I am Sir Owen. a Temple Knight and devoted follower of Saradomin. And who might you be? I'm sure I've seen you before.
- Who are you?
- If you have previously met Sir Owen
- Sir Owen! Have you taken leave of your senses?
- Sir Owen: Certainly not, good sir/m'lady. But how is it that you know my name? Have we met before?
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: Certainly not, good sir/m'lady. But how is it that you know my name? Have we met before?
- Sir Owen! Have you taken leave of your senses?
- The who with the what now?
Where you have met before[]
- If you have defeated Anvil as part of Burthorpe and Taverley Tasks
- Together we defeated a huge troll attacking Burthorpe.
- Sir Owen: Ah, yes! You vanquished that beast with great skill. It'd be an honour to work with you again. I had hoped you were the contact Sir Amik sent me here to meet.
- Who is Sir Amik?
- Sir Owen: He is the leader of the White Knights...
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: He is the leader of the White Knights...
- So whom are you expecting?
- Sir Owen: I don't rightly know. However, I'm sure that Saradomin will lead...
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: I don't rightly know. However, I'm sure that Saradomin will lead...
- Why were you sent here?
- Sir Owen: It is not mine to reason why...
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: It is not mine to reason why...
- Who is Sir Amik?
- Sir Owen: Ah, yes! You vanquished that beast with great skill. It'd be an honour to work with you again. I had hoped you were the contact Sir Amik sent me here to meet.
- Together we defeated a huge troll attacking Burthorpe.
- If you have met with Sir Owen in Falador Park
- Player: I saw you with Sir Tiffy in Falador Park.
- Sir Owen: Ah, yes. Since then, I've completed several operations for the Temple Knights. You're a cautious one. I respect that. Perhaps you could assist me in my mission, when Sir Amik's contact arrives.
- What's the mission?
- Sir Owen: I'm sure we will find out soon enough...
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- Who is Sir Amik?
- Sir Owen: He is the leader of the White Knights.
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- Maybe I can help.
- Sir Owen: I was hoping you would ask! You see...
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- What's the mission?
- Sir Owen: Ah, yes. Since then, I've completed several operations for the Temple Knights. You're a cautious one. I respect that. Perhaps you could assist me in my mission, when Sir Amik's contact arrives.
- Player: I saw you with Sir Tiffy in Falador Park.
- If you have met Sir Owen at the Monastery
- I met you praying upstairs at the monastery altar.
- Sir Owen: [missing]
- I met you praying upstairs at the monastery altar.
- I guess I have one of those faces.
- Before Diamond in the Rough
- (Continues below)
- After Diamond in the Rough
- Sir Owen: Your modesty becomes you. I have heard great tales of your deeds from Ozan. I have no doubt that - in your case - he had little cause to exaggerate.
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: Your modesty becomes you. I have heard great tales of your deeds from Ozan. I have no doubt that - in your case - he had little cause to exaggerate.
- Before Diamond in the Rough
- Never mind.
A vision from Saradomin[]
- Sir Owen: Sir Amik received a vision from Saradomin, telling him to send me here. I travelled to Edgeville Monastery with all haste, but I have yet to discover why.
- Saradomin must have had a good reason...
- Sir Owen: I'm sure that all shall be revealed in good time...
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin is probably wasting your time.
- Sir Owen: I have faith in Saradomin. All shall be revealed in good time...
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- Who is Sir Amik?
- Sir Owen: He is the leader of the White Knights...
- Saradomin appears before you and Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
- Never mind.
- Saradomin must have had a good reason...
Saradomin arrives[]
Talking to Sir Owen[]
- Sir Owen does not respond. He murmurs prayers in a low, reverent tone, his head bowed low.
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- (Continues below)
Talking to Saradomin[]
- Sir Owen: Mighty Saradomin! It is an honour to bear witness to your glory, my lord. Of all the days to neglect to polish my armour....
- The choices you make in this quest will have consequences, but will not affect the outcome of the Battle of Lumbridge.
- If you aligned with Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge
- Player: I fight against you, Saradomin.
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: You think I don't know that you've joined Zamorak? I was watching when you crawled under his wing. But...I am a forgiving and just god. Mortals can change, as I am sure you will.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: You think I don't know that you've joined Zamorak? I was watching when you crawled under his wing. But...I am a forgiving and just god. Mortals can change, as I am sure you will.
- After The World Wakes
- Saradomin: You think I don't know that you've joined Zamorak, World Guardian? I was watching when you crawled under his wing. For the sake of your beloved Guthix, I hope you know what you are doing.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: You think I don't know that you've joined Zamorak, World Guardian? I was watching when you crawled under his wing. For the sake of your beloved Guthix, I hope you know what you are doing.
- Saradomin: Regardless, only you can stop an event that will lead to the death of thousands. Would you consider helping them, if not me?
- (Continues below)
- Before The World Wakes
- Player: I fight against you, Saradomin.
- If you did not align with Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge
- (Kneel before Saradomin.)
- If you did not participate in the Battle of Lumbridge
- Saradomin: Please, there is no need to grovel. I could have done with your loyalty on the Lumbridge battlefield. For now, I entrust to both of you this sacred task.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: Please, there is no need to grovel. I could have done with your loyalty on the Lumbridge battlefield. For now, I entrust to both of you this sacred task.
- If you are unaligned during the Battle of Lumbridge
- Saradomin: Please, there is no need to grovel. If you would swear allegiance to me, then do so on the Lumbridge Battlefield. In the meantime, I entrust to both of you this sacred task.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: Please, there is no need to grovel. If you would swear allegiance to me, then do so on the Lumbridge Battlefield. In the meantime, I entrust to both of you this sacred task.
- If you aligned with Saradomin at the Battle of Lumbridge
- Saradomin: Arise, my faithful followers. There is no need to grovel. I know you well, Sir Owen. You are one of the greatest of my faithful. It is why I entrust you with this sacred task.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: Arise, my faithful followers. There is no need to grovel. I know you well, Sir Owen. You are one of the greatest of my faithful. It is why I entrust you with this sacred task.
- If you did not participate in the Battle of Lumbridge
- (Kneel before Saradomin.)
- (Remain standing.)
- If you did not participate in the Battle of Lumbridge
- Saradomin: Your loyalties are your own to choose. I force no one to bow their knee before me. Now that I have defeated Zamorak, I shall usher in a new age of peace and prosperity. You can be sure of a more peaceful and ordered world with me defending it.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: Your loyalties are your own to choose. I force no one to bow their knee before me. Now that I have defeated Zamorak, I shall usher in a new age of peace and prosperity. You can be sure of a more peaceful and ordered world with me defending it.
- If you are unaligned during the Battle of Lumbridge
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: Very well. I understand better than most that loyalty must be earned. It is not too late to choose a side. The Battle of Lumbridge still rages.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: Very well. I understand better than most that loyalty must be earned. It is not too late to choose a side. The Battle of Lumbridge still rages.
- After The World Wakes
- [missing]
- Before The World Wakes
- If you aligned with Saradomin at the Battle of Lumbridge
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: You have chosen to fight against Zamorak at the battle of Lumbridge, and for that I thank you greatly. You can be sure of a more peaceful and ordered world with me defending it.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: You have chosen to fight against Zamorak at the battle of Lumbridge, and for that I thank you greatly. You can be sure of a more peaceful and ordered world with me defending it.
- After The World Wakes
- Saradomin: Ah, the World Guardian. I am glad you chose to fight for me at the battle of Lumbridge. You made the right decision, and Guthix would be proud of you.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: Ah, the World Guardian. I am glad you chose to fight for me at the battle of Lumbridge. You made the right decision, and Guthix would be proud of you.
- Before The World Wakes
- If you aligned with Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: So, you have sworn allegiance to Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge. Such a waste of potential. You could achieve fantastic things on the side of peace and order.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: So, you have sworn allegiance to Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge. Such a waste of potential. You could achieve fantastic things on the side of peace and order.
- After The World Wakes
- [missing]
- Before The World Wakes
- Sir Owen: ...almighty Saradomin, ruler of all things...[sic] ...whose[sic] power no creature is able to resist...[sic][sic] and deliver me...
- Saradomin: And do get up, Sir Owen. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is people grovelling. I know you well, my servant. You are one of my greatest advocates. It is why I entrust you with this task.
- If you did not participate in the Battle of Lumbridge
- If you are unaligned during the Battle of Lumbridge
- You are no god of mine.
- Saradomin turns his gaze toward you.
- Saradomin: Your loyalties are your own to choose. I force no one to bown their knee before me. You show great courage to stand before a god without fear. I sense the power radiating from you. The potential in you is great.
- Sir Owen: ...almighty Saradomin, ruler of all things...[sic] ...whose[sic] power no creature is able to resist...[sic][sic] and deliver me...
- Saradomin: Please, Sir Owen. There is no need to grovel. I know you well, knight. You are one of the greatest among my followers. It is why I entrust you with this mission.
- (Continues below)
- You are no god of mine.
- After The World Wakes
- Saradomin. We meet again.
- Saradomin: Indeed. Much has changed since the death of Guthix. What do you think of my new look?
- If you are aligned with Zamorak
- You've shrunk to a pitiful size.
- [missing]
- You've shrunk to a pitiful size.
- If you are aligned with Zamorak
- I despise what you have become.
- [missing]
- I despise what you have become.
- Unknown condition
- You look like [[[Snow_imp#Names|Snow imp name]]] the snow imp.
- Saradomin: I've been called many things on many planets. That insult wouldn't even make the top one-hundred.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: I've been called many things on many planets. That insult wouldn't even make the top one-hundred.
- You look like [[[Snow_imp#Names|Snow imp name]]] the snow imp.
- If you are aligned with Zamorak
- Worst update ever.
- Saradomin: One does not insult a god without gaining a few broken bones.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: One does not insult a god without gaining a few broken bones.
- Worst update ever.
- If you are aligned with Saradomin
- You're smaller than I remember.
- Saradomin: This is but a minor manifestation. I prefer talking to mortals eye-to-eye.
- You're smaller than I remember.
- If you are aligned with Saradomin
- I preferred you when you were taller.
- Saradomin: This is but a minor manifestation. I prefer talking to mortals eye-to-eye.
- I preferred you when you were taller.
- You've looked better.
- Saradomin: This is but a minor manifestation. I prefer talking to mortals eye-to-eye.
- If you are aligned with Zamorak
- Sir Owen: ...almighty Saradomin, ruler of all things...[sic] ...whose[sic] power no creature is able to resist...
- Saradomin: Oh, do get up, Sir Owen. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is people grovelling. I know you well, my servant. You are one of the greatest among my followers. It is why I entrust you with this sacred quest.
- Saradomin: Indeed. Much has changed since the death of Guthix. What do you think of my new look?
- Saradomin. We meet again.
- Who are you?
- Saradomin: I am Saradomin. It is thanks to my wisdom and guidance that the kingdoms of Misthalin and Asgarnia have enjoyed an era of peace and prosperity.
- After the Battle of Lumbridge
- Saradomin: Now that I have defeated Zamorak, I shall usher in a new age of order and enlightenment.
- (Returns to previous options)
- Saradomin: Now that I have defeated Zamorak, I shall usher in a new age of order and enlightenment.
- During the Battle of Lumbridge
- Saradomin: I have returned to protect you from harm, and bring humanity into a new age of order and enlightenment
- (Returns to previous options)
- Saradomin: I have returned to protect you from harm, and bring humanity into a new age of order and enlightenment
- After the Battle of Lumbridge
- Saradomin: I am Saradomin. It is thanks to my wisdom and guidance that the kingdoms of Misthalin and Asgarnia have enjoyed an era of peace and prosperity.
- If you aligned with Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge
Saradomin seeks your aid[]
- If you aligned with Saradomin at the Battle of Lumbridge
- I've chosen to fight for you, Saradomin.
- Saradomin: And Zamorak curses your decision!
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: With you at my side, how can I fail to defeat him? Peace shall come to my people.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: With you at my side, how can I fail to defeat him? Peace shall come to my people.
- After The World Wakes
- Saradomin: With The World Guardian at my side, how can I fail to defeat him? Peace shall come to my people.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: With The World Guardian at my side, how can I fail to defeat him? Peace shall come to my people.
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: You have no doubt fought his Black Knights, the Kinshra, on the Lumbridge battlefield. They have long sought to rule the kingdom of Asgarnia, and obliterate my White Knights. These dark-hearted knights of Zamorak have discovered a dangerous weapon lasted wielded during the God Wars. If the Black Knights seize this weapon, they will unleash terrible destructive power upon the citizens of Falador. I have chosen both of you to recover this artefact, before Zamorak's minions claim it. Will you aid me?
- (Quest noticeboard opens)
- Saradomin: And Zamorak curses your decision!
- I've chosen to fight for you, Saradomin.
- If you aligned with Saradomin at the Battle of Lumbridge
- I have chosen to fight against Zamorak, Saradomin.
- Saradomin: And Zamorak curses your decision!
- (Same as above)
- Saradomin: And Zamorak curses your decision!
- I have chosen to fight against Zamorak, Saradomin.
- If you are aligned with a particular God emissary faction
- I support [god emissary faction]. (Unlocked by god emissary)
- Player: I support [god emissary faction]. Why would I help you?
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- (Same as above)
- I support [god emissary faction]. (Unlocked by god emissary)
- If you are unaligned during the Battle of Lumbridge
- How can I help?
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: The protection of Guthix is no more.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: The protection of Guthix is no more.
- After The World Wakes
- Saradomin: The Edicts of Guthix are no more.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: The Edicts of Guthix are no more.
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: Now, lesser gods seek to claim dominion in my world with wearisome tenacity. Dark-hearted knights of Zamorak, the Kinshra, have discovered a dangerous weapon last wielded during the God Wars. They have long sought to rule the kingdom of Asgarnia, and obliterate my White Knights. If the Black Knights seize this weapon, they will unleash terrible destructive power. The innocent citizens of Asgarnia will be slaughtered in their hundreds. I have chosen both of you to recover this artefact, before Zamorak's minions claim it. Will you aid me?
- (Quest noticeboard opens)
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- How can I help?
- If you are unaligned during the Battle of Lumbridge
- Why would I help you?
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- (Same as above)
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- Why would I help you?
- If you are unaligned during the Battle of Lumbridge
- I have yet to choose a side in this conflict. Why should I help you?
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- (Same as above)
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- I have yet to choose a side in this conflict. Why should I help you?
- If you aligned with Saradomin at the Battle of Lumbridge
- I only aligned with you for the rewards. What's in it for me?
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- (Same as above)
- Saradomin: These are dark times.
- I only aligned with you for the rewards. What's in it for me?
- If you aligned with Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge
- I have pledged allegiance to Zamorak. Why should I help you?
- Saradomin: The Kinshra, Zamorak's Black Knights, have discovered a dangerous weapon last wielded during the God Wars. They hope to use its terrible power to obliterate my White Knights, and reclaim Falador. They know not the uncontrollable force of corruption they will unleash upon the world. Even Zamorak wouldn't condone the loss of life without reason. Destruction must serve a purpose.
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: The pre-meditated slaughter of hundreds of innocents benefits no-one. I beseech you, for the sake of the people of Gielinor, to find the weapon and keep it safe.
- (Quest noticeboard opens)
- Saradomin: The pre-meditated slaughter of hundreds of innocents benefits no-one. I beseech you, for the sake of the people of Gielinor, to find the weapon and keep it safe.
- After The World Wakes
- Saradomin: Guthix chose you to protect this world, and defend the people of Gielinor. I beseech you, World Guardian, for their sake, to find the weapon and keep it safe.
- (Quest noticeboard opens)
- Saradomin: Guthix chose you to protect this world, and defend the people of Gielinor. I beseech you, World Guardian, for their sake, to find the weapon and keep it safe.
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: The Kinshra, Zamorak's Black Knights, have discovered a dangerous weapon last wielded during the God Wars. They hope to use its terrible power to obliterate my White Knights, and reclaim Falador. They know not the uncontrollable force of corruption they will unleash upon the world. Even Zamorak wouldn't condone the loss of life without reason. Destruction must serve a purpose.
- I have pledged allegiance to Zamorak. Why should I help you?
- If you aligned with Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge
- I've chosen to fight against, you Saradomin. Why would I help you?
- Saradomin: The Kinshra, Zamorak's Black Knights, have discovered a dangerous weapon last wielded during the God Wars. They hope to use its terrible power to obliterate my White Knights, and reclaim Falador. They know not the uncontrollable force of corruption they will unleash upon the world. Even Zamorak wouldn't condone the loss of life without reason. Destruction must serve a purpose.
- (Same as above)
- Saradomin: The Kinshra, Zamorak's Black Knights, have discovered a dangerous weapon last wielded during the God Wars. They hope to use its terrible power to obliterate my White Knights, and reclaim Falador. They know not the uncontrollable force of corruption they will unleash upon the world. Even Zamorak wouldn't condone the loss of life without reason. Destruction must serve a purpose.
- I've chosen to fight against, you Saradomin. Why would I help you?
- If you aligned with Zamorak at the Battle of Lumbridge
- I just aligned with Zamorak for the rewards. What's in it for me?
- Saradomin: The Kinshra, Zamorak's Black Knights, have discovered a dangerous weapon last wielded during the God Wars. They hope to use its terrible power to obliterate my White Knights, and reclaim Falador. They know not the uncontrollable force of corruption they will unleash upon the world. Even Zamorak wouldn't condone the loss of life without reason. Destruction must serve a purpose.
- (Same as above)
- Saradomin: The Kinshra, Zamorak's Black Knights, have discovered a dangerous weapon last wielded during the God Wars. They hope to use its terrible power to obliterate my White Knights, and reclaim Falador. They know not the uncontrollable force of corruption they will unleash upon the world. Even Zamorak wouldn't condone the loss of life without reason. Destruction must serve a purpose.
- I just aligned with Zamorak for the rewards. What's in it for me?
Briefed by Saradomin[]
Choosing to accept the quest[]
- (Quest noticeboard opens)
- Accept Quest
- If you are not aligned with Saradomin
- Sir Owen: I have pledged my life to your service, Saradomin.
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: I have pledged my life to your service, Saradomin.
- If you are aligned with Saradomin
- Sir Owen: We pledge our lives to your service, Saradomin.
- (Continues below)
- Sir Owen: We pledge our lives to your service, Saradomin.
- Sir Owen: What must we do?
- Before The World Wakes
- Saradomin: First, your companion shall require a suitable disguise to infiltrate the Black Knights' Fortress.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: First, your companion shall require a suitable disguise to infiltrate the Black Knights' Fortress.
- After The World Wakes
- Saradomin: First, the World Guardian shall require a suitable disguise to infiltrate the Black Knights' Fortress.
- (Continues below)
- Saradomin: First, the World Guardian shall require a suitable disguise to infiltrate the Black Knights' Fortress.
- Before The World Wakes
- Camera pans to a suit of Black Knight armour
- Saradomin: Equip the armour I have provided to the south-west, and return to me.
- If you are not aligned with Saradomin
- Not Right Now
- Saradomin: Every moment you hesitate, the forces of evil gain ground.
- Accept Quest
Before equipping the armour[]
- Sir Owen does not respond. He stands in awe before his god.
- Saradomin: Kindly equip the armour of a Black Knight captain. Time is of the essence.
- Why did you choose us for this mission?
- Saradomin: Sir Owen has prior knowledge of the layout of the Black Knights' Fortress. He has dealt with their kind before. Moreover, he is willing to make any sacrifice to achieve his mission. I will have need of his devotion. As for you. shall soon see how important you are to me.
- Tell me more about this weapon.
- Saradomin: I will provide further information after you've equipped the armour of a Black Knight captain. I apologise that I cannot be more forthcoming, but I have conflicts to address on other fronts. It is why I need your help.
- If you did not participate in the Battle of Lumbridge
- You're rather small, for a god.
- Saradomin: I am able to project a minor manifestation of my form here to speak with you. It is also why I must ask you to do this for me.
- You're rather small, for a god.
- After the Battle of Lumbridge
- You were a lot larger before.
- Saradomin: I am able to project a minor manifestation of my form here to speak with you. It is also why I must ask you to do this for me.
- You were a lot larger before.
- During the Battle of Lumbridge
- I saw you in Lumbridge. Shouldn't you be back there?
- Saradomin: Although I am locked in battle with Zamorak... I am able to project a minor manifestation of my form here to speak with you. It is also why I must ask you to do this for me.
- I saw you in Lumbridge. Shouldn't you be back there?
- If you have obtained at least one Guthixian memory
- I want to talk about your actions on Guthix's home world...
- Saradomin: The ruin I brought to the Naragi is my greatest shame. Civilisations have risen and fallen, and still the actions of my past haunt me. And so they should, for regret begets wisdom, and I have much to regret. I was young and filled with a new and glorious power. I wore the Elder Crown, and thought it granted me the right to rule. In my arrogance, I did not anticipate the Naragi would refuse. I sought to make amends, when the beast and the hunter brought violence of their own. I fought against them for the same reason that I now battle Zamorak... To protect you. To remove a threat. As long as these invaders exist, your world shall never know peace.
- I want to talk about your actions on Guthix's home world...
- Why did you choose us for this mission?
Upon retrieving the armour[]
- You retrieve the armour of a Black Knight captain from the armour stand.
- Saradomin: Good. You shall impersonate Captain Dulcin, the current overseer of the Black Knights' Fortress. Sir Owen shall accompany you.
- Sir Owen: Disguised as a fellow Black Knight, my lord? I have a set of black armour from a former encounter with the Kinshra. I need only claim it from storage...
- Saradomin: No, Sir Owen. I know well of your experience in stealth and infiltration, but great peril lies ahead. You must remain armed and ready for the battle that awaits. You will soon understand the wisdom of my actions. You shall be Captain Dulcin's prisoner. The Kinshra have recently raided White Knight outposts in Asgarnia, and taken every opportunity to capture my followers alive.
- Sir Owen: For what purpose, my lord?
- Saradomin: That is for you to discover, my faithful knight.
- Sir Owen: My strength and intellect are yours to wield, Saradomin. I trust in your wisdom to lead me through the darkness.
- Saradomin: Excellent. With your permission, I shall now teleport you both to the Black Knights' Fortress.
- Yes, teleport us to the Black Knights' Fortress.
- Saradomin teleports you and Sir Owen to the Black Knights' Fortress; you and Sir Owen walk forward
- First I have some questions for you...
- Sir Owen does not respond. He stands in awe before his god.
- (Same as above)
- Sir Owen does not respond. He stands in awe before his god.
- After The World Wakes
- Why do you need my permission?
- Saradomin: The power that Guthix gave you protects you from godly power. As you recall from our last encounter, I cannot teleport you against your will. Now, are you ready to proceed?
- [missing]
- Saradomin: The power that Guthix gave you protects you from godly power. As you recall from our last encounter, I cannot teleport you against your will. Now, are you ready to proceed?
- Why do you need my permission?
- No, I am not yet ready.
- Saradomin: Then make haste, for the Kinshra will not wait for you.
- Yes, teleport us to the Black Knights' Fortress.
Black Knights' Fortress[]
Upon arrival[]
Saradomin: Proceed to the tallest tower of the fortress, and recover the weapon at any cost.
Sir Owen[]
- Sir Owen: Go ahead, 'captain'. You'll need to convince the guard to raise the portcullis before we can enter.
- Tell me about yourself.
- Sir Owen: I was born into the Sonde family, a minor noble house in Falador.
- Player: So you're Sir Owen Sonde?
- Sir Owen: I am indeed. I became a squire to the White Knights as a child and - through hard work and service to the order - gained my knighthood when I came of age. As a junior White Knight, I joined their campaigns against the Kinshra. I was part of the Dawn Ascent operation, and it was by my hand that the Black Knight Iban fell.
- After Underground Pass
- Player: I think you're mistaken about Iban. You haven't heard? Iban came back!
- Sir Owen: What? How can this be? I saw him die!
- Player: He was resurrected with dark magic. I had to infiltrate a group of cultists and bind his spirit to a doll to destroy him. I was elbow-deep in demon blood and spider guts by the end of it. Ugh.
- Sir Owen: A foul business indeed. Well, you have my thanks. You have rid the world of a great evil.
- Player: So how did you defeat him the first time?
- (Continues below)
- After Underground Pass
- Sir Owen: Iban was a powerful warrior, who trained under Lord Daquarius himself. Our orders were to capture him alive. Iban refused to yield. The White Knights were superior in numbers, and Sir Amik - your leader - was over-confident. Iban slaughtered many good knights that day, and Sir Amik continued to press the advance. I could not tolerate such needless bloodshed. While my companions fell to Iban's blade, I withdrew from the battle. Ignoring my commanding officer, I slipped into the shadows, and found a vantage point high above the melee. I readied my bow, took aim, and put an arrow through the back of Iban's skull.
- Player: And that's how you were promoted to a Temple Knight?
- Sir Owen: On the contrary - the White Knights nearly dismissed me from their service. I was accused of cowardice. The White Knights have a strict code of honour...too strict for my liking. They eschew subterfuge and guerrilla warfare. To deceive an enemy is considered an act of cowardice and dishonour. I will use whatever methods necessary, and make any sacrifice to fulfill my mission and protect my allies. Fortunately, Sir Tiffy intervened, and offered me a position with the Temple Knights.
- Who is Sir Tiffy?
- Sir Owen: Sir Tiffy Cashien is a retired adventurer, who heads up recruitment for the Temple Knight organisation. You can usually find him in Falador Park.
- Why did you join the White Knight order?
- Sir Owen: I wanted to learn how to fight, so I could protect Falador's people from those who threaten the peace. When I was young, my mother - Altra - was captured by a Kinshra raiding party. I tried to stand against them, but I was no match for trained knights. It is how I earned this scar. Stario - my father - heard of the attack, but by the time he returned from court, the Black Knights had long since fled. I wanted my father to be angry, to blame me for the loss of his wife, my mother. Instead, there was only grief and sorrow in his eyes, and father has looked at me with disappointment ever since.
- Why do you follow Saradomin?
- Sir Owen: Perhaps you're hoping I'll tell you of the time I witnessed a glorious miracle. Or that Saradomin came to me in a vision, and assured me I had a great destiny to fulfill. It is none of these things. I believe in Saradomin's cause because he wishes the best for his people. Saradomin seeks to protect us from evil, and for Gielinor to be a safe haven where we can live in peace and prosperity. I fight to protect the innocent from those that would do us harm. Our freedom is worth fighting for.
- Tell me about the Temple Knights
- Sir Owen: The Temple Knights are an elite order of White Knights, founded by Saradomin himself in the Third Age. We are a covert division of the order, dedicated to defeating threats to peace and sovereignty. Temple Knight operatives are called in for missions involving espionage, surveillance, sabotage, or infiltration. We also get all the best magical gadgets.
- Who is Sir Tiffy?
- About our mission...
- Who are the Kinshra?
- Sir Owen: The Kinshra are a Zamorakian military order of black knights. They have a long-standing enmity with the White Knights of Falador. The Kinshra were banished from Asgarnia a few years ago, but they maintain several well-defended bases on the outskirts of the kingdom.
- Tell me about the Black Knights' Fortress.
- Sir Owen: It is a well-defended Kinshra stronghold on the outskirts of Asgarnia. The Black Knights built the fortress upon Ice Mountain around the same time as the White Knights constructed Falador Castle. The Fortress was originally the mansion of Lord Shadwell, who founded the order of the Black Knights. He dedicated his home, finances, and the lives of his family to Zamorak, and fortified the mansion as a base of operations. Since then, the Kinshra have established over outposts across Gielinor. Lord Shadwell's reign ended in Year 163 of the Fifth Age. He was suceeded by Lord Milton, and then shortly after by Lord Sulla in Year 164. Lord Daquarius is the current leader of the Black Knights.
- What do you know of Captain Dulcin?
- Sir Owen: He is a descendant of Lord Shadwell; his last surviving relative, or so I've heard. That likely explains why Captain Dulcin has a relatively low military rank, yet maintains control of the Black Knights' Fortress. I've heard that Lord Daquarius does not think fondly of Dulcin, but tolerates him due to his family ties.
- Are you just acting on blind faith?
- Sir Owen: What do you mean?
- You just seem to take everything in your stride.
- Sir Owen: We have a job to do. I cannot afford to surrender to my emotions. I focus on completing our mission as expediently as possible. Saradomin is counting on us.
- You seem to unquestionably do everything Saradomin says.
- Sir Owen: Saradomin wants me to destroy evil and protect the innocent. Those are noble goals, and they are what drive me ever onwards. We live in a cruel and chaotic world. I trust in Saradomin to guide me on the righteous path.
- The obstacles in our path don't discourage you.
- Sir Owen: Why should they? I can't succumb to doubt or despair. I must remain calm and do what is necessary to reach our goal. With a level head, a bold heart, and a sharp blade, there is nothing that we cannot overcome.
- You just seem to take everything in your stride.
- Sir Owen: What do you mean?
- Who are the Kinshra?
- Tell me about yourself.
Gaining entrance[]
- Fortress guard: Captain Dulcin!
- Who?
- Fortress guard: You are Captain Dulcin, are you not? It's hard to tell in that helmet. Sir, why are you with a follower of Saradomin?
- (Continues below)
- Fortress guard: You are Captain Dulcin, are you not? It's hard to tell in that helmet. Sir, why are you with a follower of Saradomin?
- Yes, I have returned.
- Fortress guard: Returned? I thought you were upstairs, sir. And why are you traveling with a follower of Saradomin?
- (Continues below)
- Fortress guard: Returned? I thought you were upstairs, sir. And why are you traveling with a follower of Saradomin?
- Quit your prattling, fool, and raise the portcullis.
- Fortress guard: Yes, captain. It's just that I thought you were upstairs, sir. I didn't see you leave the fortress... And what are you doing with a knight of Saradomin, sir?
- (Continues below)
- Fortress guard: Yes, captain. It's just that I thought you were upstairs, sir. I didn't see you leave the fortress... And what are you doing with a knight of Saradomin, sir?
- I must be going...
- (Exits conversation)
- Who?
- The progress bar at the top of the screen shows how suspicious the Black Knights are. Act like a high-ranking Black Knight to maintain your disguise. Arousing too much suspicion will blow your cover.
- He is my prisoner.
- Fortress guard: Ah, another captive Saradominist, well done, sir! Shall I prepare a rack in the interrogation chamber for your prisoner?
- Sir Owen gulps nervously.
- No, I have something...special planned for him.
- Fortress guard: As you wish, captain. I shan't keep you further...
- Torture, you mean - you monster!
- Fortress guard: Wait here, 'sir'. I think I need to have a brief word with my superior officer...
- I must be going.
- [missing]
- No, I have something...special planned for him.
- I am taking my captive to the tallest tower of the fortress.
- Fortress guard: Oh, he's to be sacrificed? Very well, sir, I shan't keep you further...
- My reasons are none of your concern.
- Fortress guard: Yes, sir! Sorry to have troubled you sir...
- I thought I'd give him the tour...
- Fortress guard: The..tour? Wait here, 'sir'. I think I need to have a brief word with my superior officer...
- I must be going...
- [missing]
- He is my prisoner.
If you successfully gain entrance[]
- Sir Owen: Well played.. Now let's find a way up to the next level.
Inside the Fortress[]
Attempting to attack a Black Knight[]
- Sir Owen: I think attacking the Black Knights will be more than a little suspicious.
Attempting to access the Catacombs[]
- Sir Owen: Saradomin told us to ascend to the tallest tower. There's little point in searching the cellar.
Talking to Sir Owen[]
- Sir Owen: Well done, we're in. There should be an open stairwell in the north-west interrogation chamber. Let's hope it's not guarded.
- Player: Why are you so familiar with the layout of the Black Knights' Fortress?
- Sir Owen: Because I've been here before. On my last mission, I got to the armoury without any of the Kinshra noticing my presence. Though I did have to...silence a few. I still think I should have changed out of this heavy armour before we entered, but I'm sure Saradomin has his reasons.
The Tapestries[]
- Player: Looks like the Black Knights in this illustration have stolen a book.
- Sir Owen: The scoundrels! I hope their library card was revoked.
- You facepalm
- Player: ...
- Sir Owen: In all seriousness, the symbol of Saradomin on the cover implies it was a holy time. Look - it's shining with divine energy.
- Player: There's sunlight pouring from the pedestal where it used to sit too. I wonder why the Black knights took it.
- Sir Owen: It's wise to keep a weapon out of your enemy's hands, even if it's not within your power to wield it.
- Player: The Black Knights in this illustration appear to be on fire.
- Sir Owen: That's most likely artistic license.
- Player: Do you recognise the White Knight with the head injury?
- Sir Owen: That's probably Sir Amik Varze. He was wounded during the Siege of Falador.
- Player: His eye is wounded. It could be Sir Vyvin.
- Sir Owen: Well spotted...though Sir Vyvin lost his right eye to a Wilderness berserker.
- Player: What about the book he's guarding?
- Sir Owen: Can't say I recognise the holy book. I'll check the Temple Knight archives when we finish our mission.
- Player: Perhaps this book is the dangerous weapon Saradomin wants to recover.
- Sir Owen: A good suggestion but unlikely. If such a powerful artefact had once been held by the White Knights, I would have known.
- Player: What do you make of this illustration?
- Sir Owen: Clearly it depicts a confrontation between the knights of Saradomin and Zamorak...most likely the Siege of Falador. The chap on the right bears a striking resemblance to Sir Amik Varze, the leader of the White Knights.
- Player: And the leader of the Black Knights on the left?
- Sir Owen: It could be this Captain Dulcin everyone keeps talking about, but he was in hiding during the War of 164. Most likely it's Lord Sulla, who rose to power after assassinating Lord Shadwell's successor, Lord Milton. Lord Sulla led the War of 164 that culminated in the Siege of Falador.
Lieutenant York[]
- Lieutenant York: Captain Dulcin! Why is this prisoner not under guard?
- I have pacified him with magic.
- Lieutenant York: Magic, sir?
- Player: An enchantment that confuses the subject's mind, and renders them quite harmless.
- Lieutenant York: I wasn't aware of you having mastery of the arcane arts. In fact, you have allowed only swordsmen to enlist a Black Knights in your fortress. Captain Dulcin would never use magic.
- Are you suggesting I cannot handle a mere knight of Saradomin?
- Lieutenant York: No, sir! I merely-
- Player: Do you think me weak, guard?
- Lieutenant York: Absolutely not, sir!
- Player: Perhaps you wish to challenge me to a duel. Will a mortal wound satisfy your curiosity?
- Lieutenant York: That won't be necessary, sir! Please continue, Captain Dulcin.
- Saradomin sent just the two of us.
- Lieutenant York: Could you repeat that, sir? I don't think I heard you correctly.
- (Ignore him.)
- Lieutenant York: Captain Dulcin, sir? Where are you going?
- I have pacified him with magic.
If your true identity is discovered[]
- Lieutenant York: Guards! To me. We have an intruder!
- Sir Owen: They've sounded the alarm. Our cover's been broken! We'd best hide until the Black Knights finish their search. The coast is clear. Remember - stay in character.
Attempting to climb up the stairs[]
- Fortress guard: Captain Dulcin, sir...
- What do you want, maggot?
- (Continues below)
- Er, yes?
- (Continues below)
- What is it?
- (Continues below)
- Never mind.
- [missing]
- Fortress guard: I'm sorry to bother you, captain, but prisoners are not permitted on the upper levels.
- By whose orders?
- Fortress guard: Er...Your orders. Sir! Your orders, sir.
- Player: Precisely.
- Fortress guard: Please continue up the stairs, Captain Dulcin.
- This prisoner is to be sacrificed.
- Fortress guard: Another Saradominist captive, sir? Very well. Praise be to Zamorak. Please continue up the stairs, Captain Dulcin.
- Stand aside, or you will regret it.
- Fortress guard: Yes, sir. My humble apologies, captain! Please continue up the stairs, Captain Dulcin.
- Never mind.
- [missing]
- By whose orders?
- What do you want, maggot?
Talking to Sir Owen[]
- Sir Owen: There should be another stairwell leading to the second floor in the south-east corner of the level.
Talking to Slaves[]
- Cower before me!
- Slave: ...
- We should rescue these slaves.
- Sir Owen: I wish we could, but we need to focus on the mission at hand. If the Kinshra rise to power, we'll all be living as slaves.
- Carry on, slave.
- Slave: ...
Attempting to push a pitch bucket.[]
- Sir Owen: I've known men that suffered under a torrent of boiling oil. It's not a pretty fate.
Heirophant Marius[]
- Heirophant Marius: Ah, Captain Dulcin. You have arrived at an opportune time. Are you ready to receive the mark of Zamorak?
- Are you ready to receive the mark of Zamorak?
- What is the mark of Zamorak?
- Heirophant Marius: Don't take me for a fool, captain. It is my duty to bestow Zamorak's blessing upon his servants. Or will you denounce the lord of chaos, before your own men? Now remove your helmet, and I shall administer the mark.
- (Continues below)
- Heirophant Marius: Don't take me for a fool, captain. It is my duty to bestow Zamorak's blessing upon his servants. Or will you denounce the lord of chaos, before your own men? Now remove your helmet, and I shall administer the mark.
- Yes.
- Heirophant Marius: Splendid. Remove your helmet, and I shall administer the mark.
- (Continues below)
- Heirophant Marius: Splendid. Remove your helmet, and I shall administer the mark.
- No.
- Heirophant Marius: Again you refuse the blessing of Zamorak. What are you hiding, Captain Dulcin? Remove your helmet, and accept the mark. I tire of this dance.
- (Continues below)
- Heirophant Marius: Again you refuse the blessing of Zamorak. What are you hiding, Captain Dulcin? Remove your helmet, and accept the mark. I tire of this dance.
- What is the mark of Zamorak?
- Are you ready to receive the mark of Zamorak?
- (Remove your helmet.)
- Heirophant Marius: You are not Captain Dulcin! I knew it. Imposter! We have an imposter in our midst!
- You have no authority over me, priest.
- Player: I serve Zamorak. I need no tiresome blessing from you to prove my allegiance to the lord of chaos. Stand aside, or I shall strike you down.
- The high priest seethes with fury, but manages to restrain himself.
- Heirophant Marius: I will be watching you captain. You cannot hide from Zamorak's gaze. You may proceed up the south-east stairs, Captain Dulcin.
- I shall return after I deal with this Temple Knight.
- Player: When I have claimed the weapon for Zamorak, then I shall return and tolerate your ridiculous ritual. Now leave me be.
- The priest swallows his anger, looking shiftily from side to side.
- Heirophant Marius: Very well, Captain Dulcin. I shall await your return. Strength through chaos. You may proceed up the south-east stairs, Captain Dulcin.
Talking to Heirophant Marius again[]
- Heirophant Marius: I will be watching you 'Captain'. You cannot hide from Zamorak's gaze.
Praying at the Zamorak Altar[]
- Sir Owen: I think you're taking your commitment to your role a bit far.
Attempting to climb up the stairs[]
- Fortress guard: Excuse me, Captain Dulcin. I cannot permit a Saradominist to access the upper levels of the fortress.
- Fool. He is to be sacrificed.
- Fortress guard: Sacrificed? Sir, you stand before the altar to Zamorak. This is where we perform sacrifices.
- I am bringing him to the tallest tower.
- Fortress guard: For what purpose?
- We need him to recover the weapon of power, as you know.
- Fortress guard: Another Saradominist captive, sir? Very well. May his blood unlock the weapon we seek. Strength through chaos.
- This one's stubborn. He needs some extra encouragement.
- Fortress guard: I see. It's a long drop from up there, Saradominist - you'll talk if you know what's good for you.
- We need him to recover the weapon of power, as you know.
- Fortress guard: For what purpose?
- Why, what's on the upper levels?
- Fortress guard: How could you not know that?
- Fool. He is to be sacrificed.
Next Floor[]
- Sir Owen: We're almost at the tallest tower. I wonder what we'll find?
Lieutenant Graves[]
- Lieutenant Graves: Captain Dulcin! I have grave news... The magic circle has ceased to function, and I can find no trace of your witch. I fear our operation has been sabotaged, sir. We have lost contact with the artefact.
- Report, soldier.
- Lieutenant Graves: Gladly, my lord. How can I be of assistance?
- Tell me of the witch.
- Lieutenant Graves: The witch you hired, Captain Dulcin, to summon a gateway to the weapon we seek. She claimed to be loyal to Zamorak. I am beginning to suspect she was an agent of the White Knights.
- The knight glares suspiciously at Sir Owen, but says nothing.
- Tell me about this magic circle.
- Lieutenant Graves: Your witch took up residence in the attic tower. You were there when she cast the ritual, captain. The ritual circle has been damaged. The gateway has vanished, and without the witch, we cannot re-open it.
- What of this artefact?
- Lieutenant Graves: The weapon sir. The artefact that Lord Daquarius promised would give us the power to destroy Falador.
- Stand aside. I will handle this.
- (Same as below)
- Tell me of the witch.
- Lieutenant Graves: Gladly, my lord. How can I be of assistance?
- Why are you dressed differently from the Black Knights downstairs?
- Lieutenant Graves: How could you possibly not know the garb of the Kinshra elite? Our barracks share a hallway with your quarters.
- Stand aside. I will handle this.
- Lieutenant Graves: Yes, captain. I shall detain the prisoner while you investigate your chamber's attic tower.
- The prisoner stays with me.
- Lieutenant Graves: Captain Dulcin...with respect, sir, I must insist... Enemy agents may have infiltrated the fortress in disguise.
- Sir Owen knocks out Lieutenant Graves
- That would be...inconvenient.
- Lieutenant Graves: Convenience isn't a factor, captain. Enemy agents may have infiltrated the fortress in disguise.
- Sir Owen knocks out Lieutenant Graves
- Sure, take him.
- Lieutenant Graves: Thank you, captain. There is much that we can learn from a Temple Knight with the right sort of persuasion.
- Sir Owen knocks out Lieutenant Graves
- The prisoner stays with me.
- Lieutenant Graves: Yes, captain. I shall detain the prisoner while you investigate your chamber's attic tower.
- Report, soldier.
After Sir Owen knocks out Lieutenant Graves[]
- Sir Owen: Thanks for the distraction. You might want to see if he's carrying anything useful. The captain's quarters are just up ahead.
Upon searching Lieutenant Graves' body[]
- With a thorough search of the body, you find 250 coins.
- 250 coins have been added to your money pouch.
- Sir Owen: We can't leave witnesses. I'll make sure he doesn't suffer.
- What? No! Don't kill him. We'll tie him up somewhere.
- Sir Owen: As you wish. I hope this doesn't come back to bite us in the future.
- You're right. We can't jeopardise the mission.
- Sir Owen: He won't feel a thing. It's better this way. Now, let's investigate that attic tower.
- Screen briefly fades and then returns
- What? No! Don't kill him. We'll tie him up somewhere.
After Lieutenant Graves is dealt with[]
- Sir Owen: Now let's investigate the attic tower.
The Captain's Quarters[]
Talking to Sir Owen[]
- Sir Owen: According to the knight I knocked out, the attic tower can be accessed from the captain's quarters.
Attempting to open the door to the treasury[]
- The door to the fortress treasury is securely locked.
- Sir Owen: It was worth a try.
- Player: Perhaps we can pick the lock?
- Sir Owen: The door is also barred with a latch. Besides, Saradomin said the magic weapon is in the tallest tower, not the treasury.
Inspecting the Dragon head[]
- Sir Owen: Captain Dulcin appears to be quite the dragon slayer! No wonder his men hold him in such high regard. He's clearly a capable warrior. I hope we don't run into this chap in person.
Going to the roof[]
- Sir Owen: Hmm, we're on the roof of the fortress. We've gone too far up.
Searching the Desk[]
- You search the desk and recover a well-worn journal.
- Sir Owen: Well spotted. The journal's locked with a clasp.
- The journal is locked by a metal clasp with a small keyhole. You require the correct key to open the journal.
Inspecting the Suit of armour[]
- Player: Well, this is clearly Captain Dulcin's bedroom.
Inspecting Captain's bed[]
- Hidden under the bed, you find an assortment of bleached human bones!
- Sir Owen: Brutes. This is all too typical of the Kinshra.
- Examine the bones more closely.
- Sir Owen: The bones are eerily clean and brightly polished. Most likely the flesh was dissolved with some kind of acid.
- Count the bones.
- There are almost enough bones to account for a single human body.
- Sir Owen: Strange. The skull is missing.
- Examine the bones more closely.
Inspecting trophy case[]
- Sir Owen: I suspect these helmets are trophies, taken from White Knights that Captain Dulcin defeated in battle.
- Player: That's a lot of helmets.
The Tallest Tower[]
- Sir Owen: A ritual chamber! A dark aura pervades the room. Zamorakian sorcery has been performed here.
- Player: Saradomin said there'd be a dangerous weapon here. Where is it?
- Sir Owen: Look, up there... A magic circle. Inactive, thank Saradomin. Someone has tampered with it.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
- Sir Owen: I hope not. Circles such as this one are normally used to summon and bind otherwordly creatures. I find it unlikely that Saradomin would seek an artefact so strongly aligned with Zamorak.
- (Returns to previous options)
- Sir Owen: I hope not. Circles such as this one are normally used to summon and bind otherwordly creatures. I find it unlikely that Saradomin would seek an artefact so strongly aligned with Zamorak.
- I didn't think you knew about magic.
- Sir Owen: I'm hardly an expert, but one of the advantages of a privileged upbringing is a broad education.
- Player: So you can cast magic spells?
- Sir Owen: I have an academic understanding of magic. Temple Knights have access to a range of magical devices, so we usually receive training in other disciplines. I certainly know enough about ritual magic to proceed with great caution. There are things that well in dark places that are best left undisturbed.
- (Returns to previous options)
- What should we do now?
- Sir Owen: We expected to find Saradomin's weapon in this room, but it's not here.
- Player: Instead, we find a ritual circle.
- Sir Owen: There seems to be only one path available to us. Complete the ritual!
- Player: Is that wise? What if something goes wrong?
- Sir Owen: Indeed. Were this spell to summon forth a powerful demon, we could unleash a great evil upon Asgarnia. Yet I see no alternative. I wonder if Saradomin knew what we would find here.
- Saradomin wouldn't have sent us here to dabble in black magic.
- Sir Owen: And yet, that seems to be the only way to progress. That being said, it is my experience that magic has no inherent morality. It is we who wield it for good or ill. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. All the materials we require should be somewhere in this room.
- (Returns to initial options)
- Sir Owen: And yet, that seems to be the only way to progress. That being said, it is my experience that magic has no inherent morality. It is we who wield it for good or ill. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. All the materials we require should be somewhere in this room.
- As long as Saradomin controls the demon, would he care?
- Sir Owen: You have a poor opinion of the Lord of Light. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. All the materials we require should be somewhere in this room.
- (Returns to initial options)
- Sir Owen: You have a poor opinion of the Lord of Light. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. All the materials we require should be somewhere in this room.
- We must trust that Saradomin leads us into darkness to test our faith.
- Sir Owen: Yes, you're right. The light of Saradomin shall guide us down this dark path. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. All the materials we require should be somewhere in this room.
- (Returns to initial options)
- Sir Owen: Yes, you're right. The light of Saradomin shall guide us down this dark path. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. All the materials we require should be somewhere in this room.
- Does it matter, as long as I get rewarded?
- Sir Owen: You have the heart of a mercenary, my friend. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. All the materials we require should be somewhere in this room.
- (Returns to initial options)
- Sir Owen: You have the heart of a mercenary, my friend. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. We must trust that this ritual will summon forth the artefact we need. All the materials we require should be somewhere in this room.
- Saradomin wouldn't have sent us here to dabble in black magic.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
Retrieving the candles[]
If you do not have sufficient inventory space
- You need 3 free inventory spaces to get a candle.
If you have sufficient inventory space
- You take a set of three candles from the box.
Using the grimoire[]
- Read the grimoire.
- You have learned a Zamorakian ritual. You receive 250 Magic XP.
- Player: Do you suppose the spell in this book is the powerful weapon that could destroy Falador?
- Sir Owen: I know not what the spell shall conjure, but it is our duty to defeat it. If we do not, our enemies shall complete the ritual, and use this power for ill. Be prepared. Let's proceed.
- Pick up the grimoire.
- You carefully remove the grimoire from the lectern.
- Sir Owen: Good thinking. It'll be much easier to refer to the book's contents if you take it with you.
- Leave it alone.
Searching under the lumps of coal[]
- You search under the lumps of coal, but find nothing of interest.
Searching the wardrobe[]
- In the pocket of a black gown, you find a letter. The wax seal has been broken.
Using the letter on Owen[]
- Sir Owen: Interesting! But you shan't need this letter to complete the ritual.
Using a red candle on Sir Owen[]
- Sir Owen: You'll need that to replace one of the melted candles.
- Sir Owen: You shan't need that item to complete the ritual.
Attempting to light a candle before replacement[]
- This candle has melted down, and cannot be lit.
- Replace the candle.
- If you do not have a red candle
- You will need a fresh candle to replace it.
- If you have a red candle
- You scrape the melted wax from the candlestick, and plant a fresh candle in the sconce.
- If you do not have a red candle
- Leave it alone.
- Replace the candle.
Using a red candle on a candlestick[]
- You scrape the melted wax from the candlestick, and plant a fresh candle in the sconce.
Repairing the circle[]
Before reading the Grimoire[]
- The symbol in the centre of the magic circle has been damaged by clumsy footsteps.
- Sir Owen: The central glyph has been rendered unintelligible. We need to discover what the symbol was.
After reading the Grimoire[]
- The symbol in the centre of the magic circle has been damaged by clumsy footsteps.
- Use the chalk to repair the magic circle.
- (Draw Magic Circle opens)
- Confirm
- Using the chalk, you carefully sketch the magic symbol onto the centre of the magic circle.
- Cancel
- Confirm
- (Draw Magic Circle opens)
- (Check grimoire.)
- (Grimoire opens)
- Leave it alone.
- Use the chalk to repair the magic circle.
Using a red candle on the magic circle[]
- That item can't be used to repair the magic circle.
Lighting the candles[]
North-west candle[]
- You light the candle.
North-east candle[]
- You light the candle. It glows ominously.
South-east candle[]
- You light the candle.
Talking to Sir Owen[]
After repairing the circle[]
If the symbol you have drawn is incorrect
- Sir Owen: The symbol you've drawn doesn't quite match the one in the grimoire...
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
- (Same as above)
- I didn't think you knew about magic.
- (Same as above)
- What should we do now?
- (Same as above)
- Tell me about yourself.
- (Same as above)
- Never mind.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
If the symbol you have drawn is correct
- Sir Owen: I think you've drawn the correct symbol within the magic circle.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
- (Same as above)
- I didn't think you knew about magic.
- (Same as above)
- What should we do now?
- (Same as above)
- Tell me about yourself.
- (Same as above)
- Never mind.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
Before replacing all the candles[]
- Sir Owen: We need to replace all the melted candles.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
- (Same as above)
- I didn't think you knew about magic.
- (Same as above)
- What should we do now?
- (Same as above)
- Tell me about yourself.
- (Same as above)
- Never mind.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
Before lighting all the candles[]
- Sir Owen: We need to light all the candles.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
- (Same as above)
- I didn't think you knew about magic.
- (Same as above)
- What should we do now?
- (Same as above)
- Tell me about yourself.
- (Same as above)
- Never mind.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
Before chanting the correct word over the north-west candle[]
- Sir Owen: We need to chant word of power over the north-west candle.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
- (Same as above)
- I didn't think you knew about magic.
- (Same as above)
- What should we do now?
- (Same as above)
- Tell me about yourself.
- (Same as above)
- Never mind.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
Before chanting the correct word over the north-east candle[]
- Sir Owen: We need to chant word of power over the north-east candle.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
- (Same as above)
- I didn't think you knew about magic.
- (Same as above)
- What should we do now?
- (Same as above)
- Tell me about yourself.
- (Same as above)
- Never mind.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
Before chanting the correct word over the south-east candle[]
- Sir Owen: We need to chant word of power over the south-east candle.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
- (Same as above)
- I didn't think you knew about magic.
- (Same as above)
- What should we do now?
- (Same as above)
- Tell me about yourself.
- (Same as above)
- Never mind.
- Do you think this is the weapon we seek?
Starting the ritual[]
- Sir Owen: Now we'll need to recite the magic words over each candle. Refer to the grimoire. We can't afford any mistakes.
- North-west candle
- Sir Owen: Arom...
- Sir Owen: Nahrea...
- Sir Owen: Imperium.
- North-east candle
- Sir Owen: Feritas...
- Sir Owen: Silenti...
- Sir Owen: Sepulchrum.
- South-east candle
- Sir Owen: Igasac...
- Sir Owen: Perdimit...
- Sir Owen: Ebulam.
- North-west candle
After the correct words are chanted over all candles[]
- Portal opens
- Sir Owen: Well, it's not a demon. This portal could lead anywhere...
- Player: Anywhere in Gielinor?
- Sir Owen: We have no way to even know that for certain. It could take us to another plane, another dimension. We may not be able to return... I recommend you store your disguise in this chest, and bear arms for battle. You might as well put the items you've found in the chest too. You'll need all the supplies you can carry.
- Are you ready to enter the teleportation portal?
- Yes, enter the portal.
- If you have Captain Dulcin's armour equipped
- Sir Owen: Captain Dulcin's armour is ceremonial and cosmetic. It shall be no use to you in battle. You should either store or discard it before we proceed.
- If you do not have Captain Dulcin's armour equipped
- The enemies ahead have appropriate lifepoints for your combat level. Some have special attacks which scale to your maximum lifepoints. Ensure you have equipped appropriate weapons and armour for your level.
- Sir Owen: We've no idea what horrors await us. Yet we must step forward into the unknown, and find the weapon before the Kinshra. May the light of Saradomin protect us.
- The enemies ahead have appropriate lifepoints for your combat level. Some have special attacks which scale to your maximum lifepoints. Ensure you have equipped appropriate weapons and armour for your level.
- If you have Captain Dulcin's armour equipped
- No, I want to use the bank chest.
- Yes, enter the portal.
- Are you ready to enter the teleportation portal?
Returning to Sir Owen after being in the temple.[]
- Sir Owen: Just being in this room makes my skin crawl.
Saradomin's Temple[]
Before defeating the Black Knights[]
Talking to the Damsel with the Black Knights still alive[]
- Damsel: Please help me!
Attempting to exit via the door[]
- Sir Owen: We cannot abandon a damsel in distress! Have you no honour, sir/[missing]?
After defeating the Black Knights[]
- Damsel: Thank you, brave heroes! I've been trapped in this cage for days. Let me out, please...I'm so hungry. One of the Black Knights should have the key to the cage.
Talking to Sir Owen without the key[]
- Sir Owen: Well done! Search the bodies. One of them must have the key to the cage.
Searching a Black Knight corpse[]
- You recover a small metal key from the body. --
Talking to Sir Owen with the key[]
- Sir Owen: Good. You have the key to the lady's cage.
Attempting to leave[]
- Sir Owen: We can't just leave that poor woman dangling in a cage!
Talking to Owen after unlocking the cage[]
- Sir Owen: You fought well. We'd best see what we can learn from the sister of St Elspeth.
Trying to enter the tomb before finishing talking to Dawn[]
- Sir Owen: We'd best not venture into this tomb unprepared.
- Sir Owen: Dawn could have valuable information about our enemies.
- Sir Owen: We should learn all we can from her before we proceed.
Freeing the Damsel[]
- You unlock the door and free the frightened girl from the cage.
- Damsel: Thank you for rescuing me! I'm so grateful. What is your name, sir/madam?
- Player: Player.
- Damsel: You fought with great skill.
- Sir Owen: I helped as well, you know. I could probably have taken them all on my own.
- The young lady ignores Sir Owen, focusing all her attention upon you.
- Dawn: I'm Dawn. I'm a sister of Saint Elspeth.
- Where are we?
- Dawn: A buried tomb in the frozen north. That's all I know!
- Sir Owen: There's snow at the surface entrance, so we can't be too deep underground.
- Who's Saint Elspeth?
- Dawn: Saint Elspeth was a singer and musician who became a legend. She inspired Saradomin's troops with stirring songs during the God Wars. My home is the Abbey of Saint Elspeth Citharede, near Al-Kharid, which was founded in her memory. Erm... The abbey was founded in Saint Elspeth's memory, I mean... Not Al-Kharid. We devote our time to music, prayer and contemplation within the abbey's walls.
- How did the Kinshra capture you?
- Dawn: I was on a pilgrimage from the abbey to Edgeville Monastery, when our caravan was ambushed by Black Knights. They slaughtered the caravan guards, and dragged us back to their fortress. Sister Lara died of infection in their horrible prison. Last week, they brought Sister Esther, Father McGruder and I up to the captain's quarters, and took us through a portal in the attic. They didn't tell us where we are. They just took our things and locked us up in these tiny cages. They've been starving us.
- Sir Owen: The other cages are empty. What happened to your companions?
- Dawn: I don't know. They've been dragging us through that door to the east, one by one. They said they'd be back for me, if Father McGruder didn't survive. If you hadn't arrived when you did...
- Why are the Black Knights here?
- Dawn: I overheard them talking about some kind of weapon they've found in the tomb, sealed behind holy wards.
- Sir Owen: Do the Black Knights know how to breach these wards?
- Dawn: There was a Black Knight in a golden mask, and rich red robes. He said that they require blood. Pure blood. The blood of the virtuous.
- Sir Owen: Anything else?
- Dawn: He said that the blood must be freely given. I guess that's why they're starving us, to force us to help...
- Sir Owen: Thank you for indulging our questions, m'lady. We are left, though, with the problem of what to do with the poor woman.
- Dawn: I'm right here, you know.
- Let's take her with us.
- Dawn: I don't want to go in there!
- Sir Owen: It's too risky. Who knows what dangers await us in the crypt? And the Kinshra may be waiting in ambush. I think it would be safest if she was to wait here...if the lady Dawn would find that agreeable.
- Dawn: Yes, thank you.
- Let's escort her home.
- Sir Owen: A noble suggestion, but we can't afford to delay our mission. The Kinshra could be claiming the weapon as we speak!
- Dawn: I'll wait here. I'll be fine, and I can find some food among their supplies.
- She can find her way back on her own.
- Dawn: Through the fortress? Swarming with Black Knights?
- Player: You could wear a disguise. It worked for us.
- Dawn: I'd really rather not. Even if I made it past the Kinshra, it's a long way back to Al-Kharid...
- Let's take her with us.
- Where are we?
- Dawn: Besides, someone needs to watch the portal in case any more Black Knights appear.
- Sir Owen: Good point. Call out if any arrive. We'll investigate the tomb. Let's go!
In the Tomb[]
- Sir Owen: We've learned all we can from Dawn. Let us venture forth into this dark crypt!
- Player: Where are we?
- Sir Owen: The architecture of this tomb resembles other dungeons I've seen in the frozen north, dating back to the God Wars.
- Sir Owen: If I'm right, we've travelled a great distance, deep into the icy mountains north of Trollheim, west of the Wilderness.
- Sir Owen: That would explain why it's so cold down here.
- Player: What are the God Wars?
- Sir Owen: The God Wars were a series of conflicts that marked the Third Age of Gielinor.
- Sir Owen: For four thousand years, the gods battled for control of our gorld, and sent forth their followers to die in their names.
- Sir Owen: The battles laid waste to northern Gielinor, leaving only a blighted wilderness where great empires once stood.
- Player: What are the God Wars?
- Player: Can you teleport us back to the ritual chamber?
- Sir Owen: Yes, my teleportation amulet still has a few charges. Are you ready to depart?
- Player: Where are we?
- Dawn: I'll be fine. I hope.
- Dawn: I'll stand guard here. If I see any more Black Knights come through the portal, I'll call out for help.
- Dawn: So, if you hear screaming...
- Dawn: Run back here as quickly as you can. Please?
- Attempting to leave via the frozen door
- Sir Owen: We shan't shift that debris.
- Sir Owen: We have no choice but to go deeper into the tomb.
The Tomb, Fern and the Wand[]
- Sir Owen: So many bodies... Hundreds of Saradomin's followers have been inhumed in this crypt.
- Sir Owen: They died fighting in the God Wars, that we might know peace.
- Inspecting a heap of bones
- Player: Why are all these skeletons just piled here?
- Sir Owen: The God Wars raged for four thousand years.
- Sir Owen: There are several such tombs buried beneath Gielinor, but they soon exceeded their capacity.
- Sir Owen: As the death toll rose, they resorted to heaping mounds of bodies in these mortuaries.
- Sir Owen: The Saradominist tombs became charnel pits.
- Player: Saradomin clearly cares nothing for his followers.
- Sir Owen: I do not agree.
- Sir Owen: It is my view that these warriors fought to protect our world from destruction.
- Sir Owen: Civilisation as we know it would not have arisen without their sacrifice.
- Sir Owen: Many died to protect our world from evil gods... but Saradomin knew it was necessary.
- Player: The war was necessary for Saradomin to achieve peace.
- Sir Owen: You're right. All this war and strife brought about an age of prosperity.
- Sir Owen: The kingdoms of Misthalin and Asgarnia would not have enjoyed such prosperity and growth had Saradomin not fought to protect our world from invaders.
- Sir Owen: I have to believe their sacrifice was just.
- Player: This is why the gods must be stopped.
- Sir Owen: Perhaps you're right.
- Player: Saradomin clearly cares nothing for his followers.
- Talking to Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: Merciful Saradomin! To treat the dead with such indignity.
- Sir Owen: Let's see if there are any chambers adjoining this crypt.
- Searching a looted coffin
- Sir Owen: The Kinshra have looted the coffins of these ancient warriors of Saradomin.
- Sir Owen: Have they no respect for the dead?
- Attempting to open a coffin
- Sir Owen: Have you no respect for the dead? Stand clear!
- Sir Owen: Merciful Saradomin! Let the dead rest in peace...
- Sir Owen: These warriors have suffered enough. Leave them be!
- Opening the portcullis
- You have been rewarded 125 Strength XP for opening the portcullis.
- Fern: Come closer, interlopers, and face judgement.
- Talking to Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: This creature is, or was, a centaur. They fought for Saradomin in the God Wars.
- Fern: It is my sacred duty to protect Elora's wand.
- Fern: Leave this place, or be judged.
- Player: Who are you?
- Fern: In life, I was known as Fern.
- Fern: My mate, Bree, and I came here long ago from the Enchanted Valley.
- Fern: We fought for Saradomin in his great war.
- Fern: Thanks to me, the centaurs are nearly extinct.
- Fern: Now, I am the guardian of the Wand of Resurrection.
- Sir Owen: You mentioned Elora's wand. Who is Elora?
- Fern: Elora the Lifegiver was my elder sister. She was loving, honest and courageous.
- Fern: Elora embodied virtue. Since the day of her birth, she thought only of others.
- Fern: During her long life, Elora grew a horn in the centre of her forehead...not unlike that of a unicorn.
- Fern: Among my people, the most virtuous are granted a horn with healing powers.
- Fern: This is rare gift. My sister was very special.
- Sir Owen: How did you come to be here?
- Fern: Saradomin came to the Enchanted Valley, and recruited the centaurs to fight for him.
- Fern: We were enamoured. Most of the centaurs left our home, and followed Saradomin.
- Fern: Bree and I were his generals. We led the centaurs into battle.
- Fern: The war against the gods raged on, for weeks, then months, then year after year.
- Fern: The centaur herds were decimated.
- Fern: We should have returned to the Enchanted Valley.
- Fern: Bree cautioned me to abandon Saradomin's cause, before any more centaurs died in his name.
- Fern: I was determined to keep fighting, and because he loved me, Bree acquiesced.
- Fern: I was stubborn. I was foolish.
- Sir Owen: Then what happened?
- Fern: I convinced Elora to come with me to Gielinor, and aid us in the God Wars.
- Fern: I urged to use her power to resurrect our people.
- Fern: I assured her that if she did not, the centaurs would be extinct.
- Fern: I was determined that, if only we continued to fight, we would soon turn the tide of the war.
- Fern: I brought the dead and the dying to Elora.
- Fern: With great sadness in her eyes, she brought them back to life.
- Fern: I sent my people back to the battlefield, to die again in vain.
- Sir Owen: And Elora continued to aid you?
- Fern: Each time I returned to Elora, she appeared more fatigued.
- Fern: Her breathing was laboured, her movements stiff.
- Fern: I tried not to notice. I asked for her aid, and not once did she refuse me.
- Fern: Elora died exhausted, withered and worn.
- Fern: She poured out the last of her life to save others.
- Fern: I wanted to mourn her. I was overwhelmed with guilt.
- Fern: But I thought only of the war...
- Fern: What became of the centaurs who fought for Saradomin?
- Fern: My people looked to me, begging me to revive their loved ones.
- Fern: In desperation, I cut the horn from my dead sister's forehead. I used it to raise my people.
- Fern: I was not virtuous like my sister. I did not deserve to wield that great power.
- Fern: The centaurs I raised were soulless undead, corrupt and wicked.
- Fern: They thirsted for destruction. The corrupted set upon the living herds.
- Fern: The undead centaurs turned against their families, and cut them down.
- Fern: I could not control them. The centaur armies were destroyed by my folly.
- Fern: The corrupted saved me for last.
- Fern: I died at the hands of my creations, and I welcomed death.
- Fern: So deep was my sorrow and regret, my immortal spirit was tethered to my sister's horn.
- Fern: I cannot leave this world until the Wand of Resurrection finds a worthy successor.
- Fern: It has been a long and lonely vigil.
- Player: Tell me about this wand.
- Fern: The Wand of Resurrection is the horn of my sister, Elora the Lifegiver.
- Sir Owen: What power does the wand possess?
- Fern: It grants life to the dead, and can protect its wielder from harm.
- Fern: Only the virtuous can safely wield its true power.
- Fern: Anything less corrupts and changes the magic of the wand.
- Why don't I need an amulet of ghostspeak to understand you?:
- Fern: I am no mere ghost. My spirit is bound to the wand. I am its guardian.
- Fern: It is my duty to judge those who seek to claim it.
- Fern: To this end, I must confront those who enter, and destroy the unworthy.
- Player: I am ready to be judged.
- Fern: I must ensure you have the strength, intellect, and purity of heart to bear my burden.
- Player: I fight to protect the innocent.
- Sir Owen: We only wish to prevent the Kinshra from abusing the wand's power for conquest.
- Fern: This is a noble and virtuous goal. The sign of a true hero. However...
- Player: We're on a mission from a god.
- Sir Owen: We were sent here by Saradomin himself to claim the wand.
- Sir Owen: Your long vigil is over, spirit.
- Sir Owen: We can relieve you of your burden.
- Sir Owen: You can finally pass into the next world, and know peace.
- Fern: I long for release, but I cannot blindly trust Saradomin.
- Fern: The gods blighted this world, diminished its people.
- Fern: Now the gods have returned, still hungry for power and dominion.
- Fern: I must test you, chosen of Saradomin.
- Player: I am the World Guardian!
- Fern: I sense that it's true. Guthix has given you the power to stand against the gods.
- Fern: Such power is dangerous if not wielded with virtuous intent. I must test you.
- Player: I have yet to be proven worthy.
- Fern: Good. You await the trials with humility and patience.
- Fern: Perhaps you are the virtuous one that will free me from my burden. I must test you.
- Player: I fight to protect the innocent.
- Fern: Before you can reach the wand, I must test you in battle.
- Fern: You must kill me.
- Player: I do not wish to kill you.
- Fern: You will merely destroy a manifestation of my immortal spirit. I will feel no pain.
- Fern: When a new champion arrives, I will materialise again to test their might. Such is my burden.
- Fern: Few have defeated me before. All of them failed the trial of virtue.
- Fern: I fear that none are virtuous enough to return my centaurs to life.
- Player: I'm ready.
- The battle starts
- Player: Bring it!
- The battle starts
- Player: I need time to prepare.
- Player: I do not wish to kill you.
- Fern: I must ensure you have the strength, intellect, and purity of heart to bear my burden.
- Player: We shall leave you in peace (Exits conversation)
- Talking to Sir Owen after starting the fight with Fern
- Sir Owen: It grieves me to battle one who gave her life for Saradomin's cause, but we must complete our mission. To arms!
The Puzzle and the Wand[]
- Fern fades from the world of the living. -
- Sir Owen: It grieves me to have battled one who gave her life for Saradomin's cause, but we must complete our mission.
- Sir Owen: The way is open. Let's find this wand, before it falls into Zamorak's hands!
- When walking up to the wand
- Sir Owen: That certainly looks like the wand Fern mentioned.
- Sir Owen: Now how do we get to it?
- Sir Owen: We should carefully explore this area.
- Inspecting Father McGrubor
- The priest's body is curled up at the base of the pedestal.
- Sir Owen: His outstretched hand has been reduced to a twisted, bloodless stump.
- Inspecting Father Hackett
- It looks like he was flung back and struck the statue with some force. His body is twisted at a torturous angle.
- Sir Owen: The poor man's spine has been snapped.
- Inspecting Sister Esther
- Her dead eyes are wide and terrified. --
- Sir Owen: Her palms have been cut, yet there's no sign of any blood.
- Sir Owen: It's like her wounds were cauterised.
- Talking to Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: I suspect the floor tiles surrounding the pedestal are used to disable the second seal.
- Attempting to claim the wand
- Sir Owen: We'll have to disable the protective wards before we can claim the wand.
- Touching tiles
- Sir Owen: A courageous lion.
- Sir Owen: A centaur.
- Sir Owen: The owl of wisdom.
- Sir Owen: The nimble rabbit.
- Sir Owen: The graceful unicorn.
- Sir Owen: A White Knight?
- Sir Owen: A Star of Saradomin.
- Sir Owen: The wing of an Icyene.
- Talking to Owen with the puzzle incomplete
- Sir Owen: The tiles on the floor reflect aspects of Saradomin. I suspect we must match them in pairs to disable the second seal.
- Getting a match
- Sir Owen: A matching pair.
- Failing the Puzzle
- You have run out of tries. The puzzle has been reset.
- Sir Owen: I hate puzzles...
- Completing the Puzzle
- The last tile snaps into place, and the outer ward de-activates.
- Sir Owen: I'm glad that's over.
- Sir Owen: Well done. Only one seal remains.
- Talking to Sir Owen
- Sir Owen: The final ward requires the blood of a truly virtuous soul. You know what we must do.
- Sir Owen: The sister of St. Elspeth said that this ward requires the blood of one who is virtuous.
- Player: Shall we go get Dawn and cut her?
- Sir Owen: You would bleed an innocent maiden? Have you no honour?
- Sir Owen: I shall make the sacrifice.
- Let Sir Owen risk his life to breach the ward?
- Player: Yes
- "Sir Owen's Sacrifice" cutscene plays
- No, I'll do it.
- Sir Owen: Your valiance is matched only by your piety.
- Sir Owen: Are you sure you wish to breach the ward with your own blood?
- Sir Owen: If you are not pure of heart, the ward will utterly destroy you!
- No, I've changed my mind.
- Player: Yes
- Let Sir Owen risk his life to breach the ward?
- Player: I shall sacrifice my own blood.
- Sir Owen: Your valiance is matched only by your piety.
- Sir Owen: Are you sure you wish to breach the ward with your own blood?
- Sir Owen: If you are not pure of heart, the ward will utterly destroy you!
- Player: Yes.
- Sir Owen: May the light of Saradomin shine upon you, my friend.
- "Player's Sacrifice" Cutscene plays
- Player: No, let Sir Owen do it.
- Sir Owen: Very well. I shall make the sacrifice.
- Player: No, I've changed my mind.
- Player: Yes.
- Player: You may have the honour of breaching the ward, Sir Owen.
- Sir Owen: Very well. I shall make the sacrifice.
- Let Sir Owen risk his life to breach the ward?
- Player: Yes
- "Sir Owen's Sacrifice" cutscene plays
- No, I'll do it.
- Sir Owen: Your valiance is matched only by your piety.
- Sir Owen: Are you sure you wish to breach the ward with your own blood?
- Sir Owen: If you are not pure of heart, the ward will utterly destroy you!
- No, I've changed my mind.
- Player: Yes
- Player: You're the Saradominist. You do it.
- Sir Owen: Very well. I shall make the sacrifice.
- Let Sir Owen rist his life to breach the ward?
- Player: Yes
- "Sir Owen's Sacrifice" cutscene plays
- No, I'll do it.
- Sir Owen: Your valiance is matched only by your piety.
- Sir Owen: Are you sure you wish to breach the ward with your own blood?
- Sir Owen: If you are not pure of heart, the ward will utterly destroy you!
- No, I've changed my mind.
- Player: Yes
- Player: I need time to think about this.
- Sir Owen: As you wish.
- Player: Shall we go get Dawn and cut her?
- Sir Owen: Dawn!
- Dawn: Thank you, my knight in shining armour.
- Dawn teleports to the center of the crypt
- Sir Owen: Hurry, my friend. We must not let her escape with the wand!
- Talking to Sir Owen again
- Sir Owen: We must pursue her, and recover the Wand of Resurrection at any cost!
- Dawn: Thank you for retrieving the wand.
- Dawn: With it, I shall raise an unstoppable army of the dead!
- Player: I knew you were lying from the start.
- Player: Your damsel in distress act didn't fool us.
- Sir Owen: ...
- Player: Your damsel in distress act didn't fool me.
- Continued below
- Player: You're making a terrible mistake.
- Dawn: Am I, poppet? How so?
- Player: That wand can only be used by the virtuous.
- Dawn: To restore the souls of the dead to their bodies, yes.
- Dawn: I have little need for self-aware, living minions.
- Dawn: The living require food, rest, shelter... They're far too high-maintenance.
- Dawn: An army of obedient, undead warriors will be more than adequate for my needs.
- Continued below
- Player: The wand should stay buried.
- Continued below
- Player: The wand belongs to Saradomin.
- Dawn: Technically, the wand belongs to the centaurs...
- Dawn: Another race - like the icyene - nearly extinct thanks to Saradomin's lust for power.
- Continued below
- Player: That wand belongs in a museum.
- Dawn: How amusing you are.
- Dawn: Perhaps I'll keep you as a pet when I rule this land.
- See below
- Player: Give me the wand or you won't live to regret it.
- Dawn: How amusing you are.
- Dawn: Perhaps I'll keep you as a pet when I rule this land.
- Player: I knew you were lying from the start.
- Player: Don't you know what will happen if you use the wand?
- Sir Owen: When Fern took Elora's horn and used it, the risen dead were corrupted. If you went through all dialogue with Fern
- Sir Owen: The undead centaurs turned on Fern and killed her.
- Dawn: I have done my research, you know.
- Dawn: The ghostly centaur you fought cut this horn from her dead sister's head. If you didn't listen to Fern's Story
- Dawn: She hoped to use it to return her herd to life.
- Dawn: The wand can only restore the souls of the dead to their bodies if wielded by one who is completely virtuous.
- Dawn: When Fern took Elora's horn and used it, the risen dead were corrupted...
- Dawn: The undead centaurs turned on Fern and killed her.
- Sir Owen: Surely you would suffer the same fate. Your intentions are far from pure.
- Dawn: The guardian of the wand fell short of her sister's virtue, but despite her flaws, there was still a spark of goodness in Fern.
- Dawn: It is why she still clings to this world, a tortured spirit wracked with guilt.
- Dawn: The undead she raised hungered to destroy that purity and tore her to pieces.
- Dawn: I have no such impediment. My heart is as black and foul as my creations.
- Dawn: The corrupted shall know me as one of their own, and obey my will.
- Dawn: I shall use Elora's wand to destroy you - the brave knight and his faithful squire...
- Player: Hey!
- Dawn: The great hero/heroine and his/her faithful sidekick, then.
- Dawn: Regardless, your noble quest is at its end.
- Dawn: You have rescued the fair damsel, slain the terrible beast, and proven your valour to your god.
- Dawn: Now you die.
The Death of Sir Owen[]
- Attempting to leave while there are still Zombies around
- You must slaughter your zombies before venturing forth.
- Upon killing Sir Owen
- Sir Owen:
Sir Owen's corpse[]
- (Say a prayer to ease his passing.)
- Merciful Saradomin...
- Player: Merciful Saradomin, bringer of light and protector of peace...
- Player: May your loyal servant find rest at your side, and delight in your wisdom.
- Lord Zamorak, bringer of chaos and father of invention...
- Player: Lord Zamorak, bringer of chaos and father of invention...
- Player: Without chaos, life stagnates. Let me be honed by the obstacles you place in my path.
- Player: Grant me the strength to succeed where this follower of Saradomin failed.
- Mighty Bandos...
- Player: Mighty Bandos, Big High War God...
- Player: Grant me the strength to defeat my enemies. In exchange, I offer up the soul of this fallen warrior do to with as you will.
- Player: Noble Armadyl, god of liberty and justice...
- Player: Noble Armadyl, god of liberty and justice...
- Player: I pray that you remember Sir Owen's great deeds and strong will. May his soul soar free, unfettered by the bonds of earth.
- (More)
- Lord Zaros...
- Player: Lord Zaros, Empty Lord and arbiter of fate...
- Player: All that happened here was inevitable, as you decreed it. I submit my will - and the fate of Sir Owen's soul - to you.
- Seren...
- Player: Seren...queen of harmony...
- Player: Though Sir Owen is not of your chosen people, I beseech your kindness.
- Player: May your peace and grave shine apon this lost soul. Welcome him into your crystal city, I pray.
- Mysterious Sliske...
- Player: Mysterious Sliske, lord of the Shadow Realm and keeper of secrets...
- Player: Here lies a man taken by madness and treachery. I pray that Sir Owen's part has been played out in full.
- Marimbo...
- Player: Marimbo, god of monkeys...
- Player: If ever anyone needed to kick back and have a good time, it's this guy. Show Sir Owen to the punch bowl, will you?
- (More)
- Tumeken...
- Player: Tumeken, god of the Sun...
- Player: Husband to Elidinis, and father of Amascut and Icthlarin.
- Player: May your falcon eyes watch over Sir Owen in the next life...
- Elidinis...
- Player: Elidinis, goddess of fertility and growth...
- Player: Wife of Tumeken, mother of Amascut and Icthlarin...
- Player: May your hippos bear Sir Owen into the next life, where he might prosper and enjoy peace.
- Icthlarin...
- Player: Icthlarin, demi-god of the dead...
- Player: Son of Tumeken and Elidinis, brother of Amascut...
- Player: May your cats and jackals guide Sir Owen on his journey into the underworld. Protect his soul from Amascut the Destroyer, I pray.
- Amascut the Devourer...
- Player: Amascut the Devourer, demi-goddess of destruction...
- Player: Daughter of Elidinis and Tumeken...
- Player: I offer up the soul of Sir Owen to you. Feast upon him in your glory.
- (More)
- Apmeken...
- Player: Apmeken, goddess of friendship and community...
- Player: Welcome Sir Owen with open arms, and protect him from Amascut.
- Crondis...
- Player: Crondis, crocodile god of resourcefulness and responsibility...
- Player: Sir Owen was a capable man; strong, smart, and willing to do what was necessary. I think you will enjoy his company.
- Het...
- Player: Het, god of strength and mental health...
- Player: Patron of Al-Kharid, I commend this strong warrior to your care.
- Scabaras...
- Player: Scabaras, beetle god of isolation and tranquility...
- Player: May Sir Owen find peace and enlightenment in the afterlife.
- (Back)
- Apmeken...
- Tumeken...
- Lord Zaros...
- Merciful Saradomin...
- (Compose an eulogy for Sir Owen)
- What was Sir Owen's most notable quality?
- His courage.
- Player: In battle, you were courageous. You fought bravely by my side.
- His pragmatism.
- Player: You were driven to achieve your goals at any cost to yourself.
- Player: This was your final sacrifice.
- His resourcefulness.
- Player: You were resourceful and practical.
- Player: You were a great asset to the Temple Knights.
- His uselessness.
- Player: As a Temple Knight, you were useless.
- Player: In battle, you were utterly superfluous.
- His courage.
- What are your hopes for him?
- That he finds peace in the next life.
- Player: ...I hope you find peace in the next life.
- That he will never be forgotten.
- Player: will never be forgotten.
- That he will live in my heart forever.
- Player: will live in our hearts forever.
- That he suffer in eternal fire.
- Player: ...I hope you suffer in eternal fire.
- That he finds peace in the next life.
- How would you describe Sir Owen?
- My faithful companion.
- Player: Sir faithful companion.
- A dead fool.
- Player: Sir poor dead fool.
- A follower of Saradomin.
- Player: Sir Owen...follower of Saradomin...
- A Temple Knight.
- Player: Sir Owen...Temple Knight.
- My faithful companion.
- What was his most memorable trait?
- Patience.
- Player: You were always patient, and..
- Politeness.
- Player: You were always well-mannered, and...
- Humility.
- Player: You were always humble, and...
- He annoyed me.
- Player: You were always annoying, and...
- Patience.
- How do you feel about his death?
- I will miss him.
- Player: You will be missed.
- I'll never forget him.
- Player: I'll never forget you.
- He fought bravely.
- Player: You fought bravely.
- I hope he rots.
- Player: I hope you rot.
- I will miss him.
- How do you cope with death?
- I mourn it.
- Player: It is with great sadness that I mourn your passing.
- I celebrate it.
- Player: Yet I choose to celebrate your passing at this troubling time.
- I don't think about it.
- Player: In utter ambivalence, I endure your passing.
- I mourn it.
- What was Sir Owen's most notable quality?
- (Loot Sir Owen's corpse.)
- You carefully search the lifeless body of Sir Owen. The blade of his sword is broken, but he is carrying a shield.
- Take Sir Owen Sonde's Shield? If not already claimed
- Yes.
- You pick up Sir Owen Sonde's shield.
- No. Leave him in peace.
- Yes.
- You have already recovered all items of value from Sir Owen's lifeless body.
In Pursuit of Lensig[]
- Opening the portcullus
- You have been rewarded 125 Strength XP for opening the portcullis.
- Dawn: Did it hurt, to murder your comrade?
- Dawn: Or did you destroy him without hesitation?
- Dawn: Is he nothing more than an evil, dead thing to you now?
- Dawn: Let's see how well you fare without your brave knight to aid you.
- Dawn attacks the player.
During the Battle[]
- Upon being pushed backwards
- Dawn: Get away from me!
- Dawn: Begone!
- Dawn: Get back!
- Dawn: Go away!
- When hiding behind coffins
- Dawn: You cannot hide forever.
- Dawn: Face me, coward!
- Dawn: *cackle*
- Dawn: Come out and play.
- Dawn: Are you afraid of me?
- Skeleton waves
- First wave
- Dawn: Arise, my warriors! (when summoning first wave)
- Dawn: I shall destroy you myself! (upon defeating first wave)
- Second wave
- Dawn: You shall live again! (when summoning second wave)
- Dawn: Pierce their noble heart! (during wave)
- Dawn: If you want something done right... (upon defeating second wave)
- Third wave
- Dawn: Rise from your grave! (when summoning third wave)
- Dawn: You cannot defeat my magic! (during wave)
- Dawn: Witness my full power! (upon defeating third wave)
- First wave
- On defeat
- Dawn: Forgive me, Lord Zamorak. I have...failed you...
Returning Owen to Life[]
- You pry the Wand of Resurrection from Dawn's lifeless hand.
- You also find a small unmarked silver key on Dawn's body.
- Finally, you find a bleached human skull on Dawn's body.
- Saradomin: Well done. You have the wand. If we hurry, we can restore Sir Owen to life.
Talking to Saradomin[]
- Without the Wand
- Saradomin: Where is the Wand of Resurrection? Bring it to me!
- Using the Wand on Sir Owen:
- The player attempts to use the wand to revive Sir Owen
- Player: Why didn't it work? I proved that I am worthy to wield the wand.
- Saradomin: The witch drained all of the life from Sir Owen, then raised him as a zombie.
- Saradomin: When you killed him, he was already dead.
- Saradomin: Only the power of a god can restore Sir Owen to life a second time.
- Saradomin: The wand's power must flow through me.
- Saradomin: Sir Owen's spirit is fading. We have little time.
- Saradomin: Please, give me the wand, and I will restore him to life.
- Player: Won't he just come back as a zombie again?
- Saradomin: The wand draws its power from its wielder.
- Saradomin: The witch's wicked heart and allegiance to Zamorak meant she could only animate corpses.
- Saradomin: In the hands of one devoted to good, the wand can be used to return lost heroes to life.
- Saradomin: Innocents, those who did not deserve to die.
- Saradomin: Have faith in me and Sir Owen shall live again.
- Player: He has suffered enough. Let him rest in peace.
- Saradomin: Sir Owen has the potential to do great deeds in my name. He has dedicated his life to me.
- Saradomin: Sir Owen has much work left to do. I cannot squander this gift...
- Player: I don't think I can trust you with the wand's power.
- Saradomin: You are wise to be cautious of me. I have done many questionable things.
- Saradomin: I do what is necessary to protect my people, that they might live a life of virtue.
- Saradomin: It is possible that the wand will not judge me worthy.
- Saradomin: Yet I must take the risk...for Sir Owen's sake.
- Player: I've made my decision.
- Player: I will give you the wand.
- Saradomin: Well done. You will not regret this.
- Player: No. You cannot have the wand.
- Saradomin: You dare defy a god?
- Saradomin: I shall not be denied!
- Player: I will destroy the wand.
- Saradomin: No!
- Are you sure you want to destroy this object?
- Yes.
- Saradomin: You have defied me for the last time, World Guardian.
- Yes.
- Player: I will give you the wand.
- Player: I need time to consider.
- Saradomin: The spark of life in Sir Owen is fading. There is no time to waste. Give me the wand!
- Player: Won't he just come back as a zombie again?
Giving Saradomin the Wand[]
- Saradomin: Alas, it as I feared.
- Saradomin: I was able to return Sir Owen to his body, but he is...corrupted.
- Player: Corrupted? What does that mean?
- Saradomin: Sir Owen's body is contaminated with the rot of the grave.
- Saradomin: His mind and his heart will soon follow.
- Player: Were we too late?
- Saradomin: No. It seems that I have been deemed unworthy.
- Saradomin: I returned Sir Owen to life, but I could not eradicate all of the corruption in him.
- Saradomin: It seems that I am not unsullied by my decisions. I cannot wield the wand's full power.
- Saradomin: I have made difficult choices. I have sacrificed others for my cause.
- Saradomin: I believe it is for the greater good, but my actions have tarnished my soul.
- Player: You did this to him!
- Player: You said it yourself. The wand draws its power from its wielder. Clearly you are not as pure and good as you think you are.
- Saradomin: All that I have done has been necessary for the good of Gielinor and its inhabitants.
- Saradomin: Nevertheless, some of the actions I had to take were regrettable.
- Saradomin: This is my sacrifice.
- Player: Corrupted? What does that mean?
- Player: I stand by you, Saradomin.
- Saradomin: I appreciate your loyalty. In these dark times, it is a precious gift.
- Player: You're a monster, Saradomin.
- Saradomin: I have lived for countless lives of men.
- Player: How can a god be invirtuous?
- Same as below
- Player: Guthix wanted me to protect the world from gods like you. If the World Wakes is completed.
- Saradomin: I was mortal once, a long time ago.
- Saradomin: I have done...questionable things.
- Saradomin: Yet I have always hoped that the ends justify my means.
- Saradomin: I had hoped to use the wand to restore the centaur race.
- Saradomin: I try to do what is necessary to protect my people, that they might live a life of virtue without fear.
- Saradomin: ...and have no cause to dirty their hands, as I have.
- Saradomin: I am sorry. There is nothing more I can do.
- Saradomin: How do you feel, Sir Owen?
- Sir Owen: My sword arm is numb...I feel an icy chill coursing up my shoulder.
- Sir Owen: The evil that I sought to purge from this world is within me.
- Sir Owen: The urge to destroy boils within me. The corruption claws at my mind.
- Sir Owen: No. I must resist its temptation.
- Sir Owen: I will not allow this evil to consume me.
- Sir Owen: I will stand firm, proud and with honour.
- Sir Owen: I will follow the code you taught me, Saradomin.
- Saradomin: Sir Owen...
- Sir Owen: My body may be tainted, but my intentions are pure and virtuous.
- Saradomin: For now...
- Sir Owen: Let me prove that I can overcome the darkness in me, sire.
- Sir Owen: Remember, I breached the ward with my blood. If Sir Owen's blood was used.
- Sir Owen: Before my death, at least, the wand judged me worthy to wield it.
- Sir Owen: Let me travel to the centaur burial ground, and use the wand to resurrect the centaurs.
- Sir Owen: Remember, he/she breached the ward with his/her blood. If the player's blood was used.
- Sir Owen: The wand judged him/her worthy to wield it, not I.
- Sir Owen: Let us travel to the centaur burial ground, and use the wand to resurrect the centaurs.
- Player: We don't even know where the centaurs are buried.
- Fern: Then I shall guide you.
- Player: Fern! I thought we killed you.
- Fern: You merely destroyed a manifestation of my immortal spirit.
- Fern: I will not know the sweet peace of annihilation until I have atoned for the loss of my people.
- Player: Why would you help us?
- Fern: I am responsible for the destruction of my people.
- Fern: It is my grief for their loss that blinds me to the world of the living.
- Fern: Besides, my soul is bound to Elora's wand. I cannot stray far from my fetter.
- Player: The more the merrier!
- Fern: It will be a long and dangerous journey.
- Fern: You may not survive.
- Player: Fern! I thought we killed you.
- Sir Owen: I can see she's going to be a barrel of laughs.
- Fern: I will be watching you, knight.
- Fern: If you succumb to the corruption, I shall destroy you.
- Saradomin: Very well, but we must be cautious.
- Saradomin: Prepare for the journey ahead. Gather supplies. Leave only when you are ready.
- Fern: My people have been dead for centuries. I suppose they can wait.
- Sir Owen: I shall see what I can requisition from the Temple Knight armoury.
- Saradomin: That will be problematic. You'll have to go into hiding for a time, Sir Owen.
- Saradomin: The Temple Knights will attempt to destroy you in your current state.
- Sir Owen: I'm sure I can acquire what I need without being spotted.
- Saradomin gives Sir Owen the wand
- Saradomin: I am putting great trust in you by relinquishing the wand, Sir Owen.
- Saradomin: Do not make me regret my decision.
- Sir Owen: I will not disappoint you, Saradomin.
- Sir Owen: I shall contact you soon, my friend. If you did not took Sir Owen's shield.
- Sir Owen: It's been an honour to fight at your side.
- Sir Owen: Oh, and adventurer - about my shield... If you took Sir Owen's shield.
- Sir Owen: Keep it, with my blessing.
- Saradomin: Now, World Guardian. I wish to reward you for your efforts.
- Saradomin: You have fought with piety, and saved Sir Owen from a fate worse than death.
- Saradomin: With your permission, I can return you to Edgeville Monastery.
- Player: Yes, teleport me to Edgeville Monastery.
- Saradomin teleports the player to Edgeville Monastery
- Player: No, I wish to stay and explore this tomb.
- Saradomin: As you wish.
- Player: Yes, teleport me to Edgeville Monastery.
Attempting to destroy the Wand/Keep it from Saradomin[]
- Saradomin: What have I done?
- Saradomin: I shouldn't have used the wand in anger.
- Saradomin: I have contaminated Sir Owen's mind and body.
- Player: If I had raised him, this would not have happened.
- Saradomin: You are probably right.
- Saradomin: I was too eager to bring Sir Owen back.
- Saradomin: I needed him too much to let death take him.
- Saradomin: Now all is lost... Though he lives and breathes, the darkness has claimed him.
- Player: I should be immune to god magic! How did you take the wand? Only after The World Wakes.
- Player: If I had raised him, this would not have happened.
- Saradomin: It is true. Thanks to the protection of Guthix...
- Saradomin: I cannot teleport you against your will, and much of my power seems ineffective against you.
- Saradomin: As you have seen, though, you are not completely beyond our reach.
- Player: What has happened to Sir Owen?
- Saradomin: He is corrupted, like the centaurs before him.
- Saradomin: A creature consumed with the desire to destroy purity.
- Sir Owen: There is hope, my lord. My arm is cold and skeletal, yet I can still control it.
- Sir Owen: I can sense the virtue in you, my friend. The purity of your heart that allowed you to claim the wand.
- Sir Owen: It is like a white-hot fire searing my senses.
- Sir Owen: I yearn to snuff out that light, but I can resist this temptation.
- Sir Owen: I will not allow the corruption to consume me.
- Saradomin: No, Sir Owen. You have suffered enough.
- Saradomin: You may feel that you are in control of yourself, but the corruption will consume you in time.
- Saradomin: I must relieve you from your service to me. You cannot remain a Temple Knight.
- Saradomin: I cannot endanger my people by bringing you into their mist.
- Saradomin: You proved yourself worthy to wield the Wand of Resurrection, World Guardian.
- Saradomin: I had hoped that I could persuade you to restore the centaur race.
- Player: Why would you want to resurrect the centaurs?
- Saradomin: The centaurs died fighting for me in the God Wars.
- Saradomin: I am responsible for their near-extinction.
- Player: So that's why you sent us here.
- Saradomin: We needed to keep the wand out of Zamorak's hands, of course.
- Saradomin: You saw how the witch used its power for destructive ends.
- Player: To add more troops to your army, no doubt.
- Saradomin: You speak of war as if it is something I enjoy.
- Saradomin: Gielinor is a precious jewel in the looted treasury of the cosmos.
- Player: Why would you want to resurrect the centaurs?
- Saradomin: I will not deceive you. I have need of allies in the troubled times ahead.
- Saradomin: Since the Elder Gods brought this world into being, it has been beset on all sides, by selfish forces hungering to tear it asunder.
- Saradomin: War is here, The Edicts of Guthix have fallen.
- Saradomin: If we do not fight back against the tide of darkness, my people will be destroyed.
- Saradomin: I seek only to protect this world from outsiders, that you might eventually know peace.
- Fern: Saradomin speaks the truth.
- 'Player: Fern! I thought we killed you.
- Fern: You merely destroyed a manifestation of my immortal spirit.
- Fern: I will not know the peace of annihilation until I have atoned for the loss of my people.
- Player: You would resurrect the centaurs, only for them to die fighting.
- Fern: If it were in my power, I would give each centaur the option to return to the Enchanted Valley.
- Player: The centaurs don't even come from Gielinor! Why fight for it?
- Fern: Because if we do not defeat the other gods, their conflict will spill out into the Enchanted Valley, to other worlds, other planes.
- 'Player: Fern! I thought we killed you.
- Fern: Only Saradomin seeks to maintain order. We have to fight to preserve our way of life.
- Sir Owen: My lord, I have sought to purge evil from this world.
- Sir Owen: I have stood by my principles, and followed the code you taught me.
- Sir Owen: Let me prove that I can overcome the darkness within me.
- Sir Owen: I shall travel to the centaur burial ground, and use the wand to restore the centaur race.
- Fern: Do not forget. It was the World Guardian/this adventurer, not Sir Owen who passed the trial of blood.
- Fern: He/she should lead the expedition.
- Saradomin: Very well.
- Saradomin: Sir Owen, take time to gather supplies for all of you. We shall cautiously prepare for the journey ahead.
- Saradomin: If Sir Owen is still sound of mind when next we meet, I shall relinquish the wand.
- Sir Owen: As you wish, my lord.
- Sir Owen: I shall contact you soon, my friend. If you did not take Sir Owen's shield
- Sir Owen: It's been an honour to fight at your side.
- Sir Owen: Oh, and adventurer - about my shield... If you took Sir Owen's Shield.
- Sir Owen: Keep it, with my blessing.
- Saradomin: Now, World Guardian. Let's discuss your reward.
- Saradomin: You fought bravely, and saved Sir Owen from a fate worse than death.
- Saradomin: With your permission, I can return you to Edgeville Monastery.
- Player: Yes, teleport me to Edgeville Monastery.
- Player: No, I wish to stay and explore this tomb.
- Saradomin: As you wish.
Congratulations! Quest complete!