This transcript involves dialogue with Bork Sigmundson, Flosi Dalksson, Fridleif Shieldson, Guard (Jatizso), Honour Guard, Hrafn, Hring Hring, Keepa Kettilon, King Gjuki Sorvott IV, Maria Gunnars, Mawnis Burowgar, Mord Gunnars, Raum Urda-Stein, Skuli Myrka, Slug Hemligssen, Thakkrad Sigmundson, Thorkel Silkbeard, Trogen Konungarde, and Vanligga Gastfrihet.
The Fremennik Isles[]
The Gunnars[]
- Player: Hello Mord.
- Mord Gunnars: Hello, are you [Fremennik Name] by any chance?
- Player: Well my name is [Player], but I am known as [Fremennik Name] by the Fremennik. May I ask who you are?
- Mord Gunnars: Of course, I am Mord Gunnars, a humble ferryman. I come from an island north of here called Jatizso, while my wife Maria is from Neitiznot.
- Maria Gunnars: Hello.
- Mord Gunnars: The King of Jatizso has requested that I take you to him, as he has an important task for you.
- Player: Tell me more about Jatizso.
- Mord Gunnars: Well now, the history of the isles is a bloody tale. When told in its intended form it takes 9 days and 9 nights. However, I will give you the abridged version.
- Player: Phew!
- Mord Gunnars: Four generations ago there was a mighty king who ruled wisely and was loved by all. He had many sons, most of whom proved themselves in the usual Fremennik ways of fighting, sailing, drinking, and so on. His youngest two sons, however, were a problem. Ever since they were old enough to hit one another they had bickered and fought.
- Maria Gunnars: Their names were Jatizso and Neitiznot.
- Mord Gunnars: Hey! Who's telling this story? Ahem. At the time it was customary for the King's sons to claim a prize from his treasury when they came of age. Each brother rallied support and strode out to confront the other on the field of battle to claim the same prize. The brothers met on the field, limbs were bruised, bones were crushed and heads clashed.
- Maria Gunnars: They probably didn't notice the head-clashing bit. Too thick skulled!
- Mord Gunnars: Can I finish the story without interruptions?
- Maria Gunnars: Carry on dear.
- Mord Gunnars: Anyway, long into the night they fought, until they stood alone, facing each other. On the second day the old king, whose patience was exhausted, strode out onto the battlefield and demanded to know who had claimed his prize. Jatizso looked at his father and told him yes, it was his, to which the other called out 'No! It's not'. And so, the argument continued through to the third day, with the sounds of 'Jah! 'tis so!', 'Ne! It's not!' echoing over the field, becoming more hoarse as the darkness enveloped the brothers.
- Maria Gunnars: Bah! What they needed was a good clip round the ear.
- Mord Gunnars: At the end of the third day, when the brothers lay unable to move, let alone stand, the King stood between them in shame. As punishment for their squabbling he banished his sons from his realm, ordering that neither should return until they had conquered lands of their own. Jatizso set sail with a band of loyal followers, sailing into the east, while Neitiznot went west. Jatiso ventured far into uncharted oceans, his crew dwindling as the trials of sailing and sea monsters took them. Jatizso's ship limped through the frozen wastes, in need of repairs, fighting off pirates who thought them easy pickings. At last a promising land was sighted, a land rich in minerals, deep fjords and sweeping mountains. Jatizso claimed the land and named it after himself. A mighty citadel was constructed to protect his land, then Jatizso set forth to explore his new kingdom. Crossing a few fjords, Jatizso spied an island which remained green and fertile, even at such latitude. With a mighty cheer Jatizso and his men marched on the island. Upon reaching the island, however, they discovered a wooden stockade. Determined to be master of all the land, Jatizso stood in front of the gates. He looked up and demanded that those within the stockade surrendered. Jatizso was horrified when his brother appeared on the battlements and cried 'This is my land! Go find yer own'. To which his brother replied 'No it's not!', throwing some rocks for good measure. And so the blood feud continued. The fighting between the towns has continued for generations with little sign of improvement. Quite recently a massive troll army seized one of the islands to the north, while our townships' militia were busy fighting one another. They marched down and razed Neitiznot to the ground while Neitiznot's troops laid siege to Jatizso.
- Maria Gunnars: The smoke damage was atrocious, I had to replace my entire wardrobe.
- Mord Gunnars: Yes, dear. Anyways, a hasty sort of peace has been agreed until the trolls are dealt with. But you can still see the bitter rivalry as guards hurl insults between the towns.
- Player: Tell me more about the King of Jatizso.
- Mord Gunnars: Ha! Our benevolent King Gjuki Sorvott IV. He is short-tempered, arrogant and cares little about anything except outdoing Neitiznot's Burgher.
- Maria Gunnars: He's not at all like Burgher Burowgar.
- Mord Gunnars: I'm surprised King Sorvott wishes to talk to you. Don't expect much in the way of gratitude.
- Player: Can you ferry me to Jatizso?
- Mord Gunnars: Of course.
- Player: I'm too busy to help your King.
- Mord Gunnars: I guess I won't be getting paid for finding you then.
- Player: I may be back later.
- Mord Gunnars: Bye.
- Player: Tell me more about Jatizso.
- Maria Gunnars: [Dialogue before The Fremennik Isles missing]
- Player: Tell me about Neitiznot's geography.
- Maria Gunnars: Sure.
- Mord Gunnars: Well, as I have mentioned, I am from an island called Jatizso, while my wife is from another island called Neitiznot. Neitiznot is a far less sophisticated and successful island which will not see reason with Jatizso.
- Maria Gunnars: Ne it iz not!
- Mord Gunnars: Ja it iz so!
- Maria Gunnars: Ahem, anyway, the islands are in a small volcanic archipelago north of here. Along the main isles there are numerous small islands and a frozen northern island that was recently overrun by trolls.
- Mord Gunnars: Jatizso is rich in minerals, and trades extensively, while Neitiznot has stolen all the decent arable land.
- Maria Gunnars: Only because Jatizso hogs all the wealth.
- Mord Gunnars: Well, that wealth is needed to buy the food from Neitiznot at extortionate rates!
- Maria Gunnars: Only because Jatizso hogs all the wealth.
- Mord Gunnars: Ok Maria, stop that!
- Maria Gunnars: Ok dear!
- Mord Gunnars: Thank you!
- Maria Gunnars: Where was I? Yup, that covers the layout of the islands.
- Player: Tell me about the islands' history.
- (Same dialogue with Mord)
- Player: Tell me about Burgher Mawnis Burowgar.
- Maria Gunnars: Well Burgher Mawnis Burowgar is a gentle soul at heart. His kinsfolk are happy and content with their lot.
- Mord Gunnars: 'Soft' is the word we use in Jatizso.
- Maria Gunnars: Well a soft Burgher is better than a stupid King. Anyway, there was a time when Burgher Burowgar was similar to King Sorvott. Argumentative, short tempered; I am sure you know what I mean. The change happened when the trolls came and razed Neitiznot to the ground.
- Mord Gunnars: You mean while Neitiznot's militias were assaulting Jatizso.
- Maria Gunnars: Yes, well out tribes have been at war for nearly four generations now. Anyway, the Burgher lost his wife and youngest son in the trolls' raid and has been a changed man ever since.
- Mord Gunnars: May their journey to our ancestors' halls be swift.
- Maria Gunnars: Personally, I am much happier with the considerate Burgher we have now.
- Player: Can you ferry me to Neitiznot?
- Player: I just stopped to say 'hello'.
- Maria Gunnars: Thanks, and good luck with the Burgher's tasks.
- Player: I may be back later.
- Maria Gunnars: Bye.
- Player: Tell me about Neitiznot's geography.
One Small Favour[]
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Guard, who is this outlander?
- Hrafn: Meeow? (An outlander, how unusual. Welcome.)
- Guard: This is [Fremennik Name] your majesty.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Is this true? You are the outlander who has been given a Fremennik name?
- Hrafn: Miouw...meow. (You have a human Fremennik name, how unusual.)
- Player: Indeed I am.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Excellent.
- Player: How may I assist your Highness?
- Hrafn: Meouw! (Well, outlander, one requires a fish immediately.)
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Behave Hrafn!
- Hrafn: Meeeiouw! Mewwww! (Behave yourself human! One shall behave as one likes.)
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: I have a task that requires your unique-
- Hrafn: MEEEEOOOUW!!!! (Will you stop interrupting one? For the last time one requires tuna immediately.)
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Not now, Hrafn. Now where was I?
- Player: You mentioned a task requiring my unique-
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Ah, yes. Your unique position among Fremennik-
- Hrafn: MEEEIOOOOUW! MIOOOOOEW! YOOWLLL! (For goodness' sake! One might acquire the mistaken impression that the human rules this place. I command you to feed me.)
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Hrafn! Oh, alright, alright, I give in.
- Hrafn: Purrr. (And about time too, insolent human-pet.)
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Look, could you fetch my cat some fish? Then we can finish our conversation in peace.
- Player: Yes, that's probably a good idea.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Thank you. Hrafn will only eat raw tuna.
- Player: Will any raw tuna do?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Yes, fussy though Hrafn is, he doesn't care where the tuna comes from. If you don't already have any, you can catch some down by the docks, or you can buy some from my fishmonger, Flosi Dalksson.
Yet Another Favour[]
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Hello again, [Fremennik Name]. Do you have a piece of raw tuna for Hrafn?
- Player: Yes, I have your pet's fish.
- Hrafn: Meow. (Hmmm, one will lower oneself to eat the fish, despite the human's insult.)
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Excellent.
- You feed Hrafn the tuna.
- Hrafn: Purrr. (One is satisfied with the freshness of the tuna. The humans have acted satisfactorily in this matter.)
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Now, what was I saying? Ah, yes, so the Burgher of Neitiznot Island is an enemy of free-thinking Jatizso citizens. My informants tell me an increased number of trade ships have been seen docking at their ports. They must be preparing for something. Chancellor, fill in the details.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Sire, Sire! The Kelda merchants have arrived, they are three days early. We're not ready!
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: What? We cannot afford to offend the Red Axe traders. Where are they now?
- Thorkel Silkbeard: They are in the hall, eating and drinking us out of food and beer. It's costing us a fortune.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Another good reason to get them their ore and get them out of town. Get all our miners on the job now!
- Thorkel Silkbeard: I already have. They'll never get enough ore in time, the bunch of lazy no-good layabouts.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Bah! Those miners haven't learned their lesson. It may be time for some extra incentives.
- Player: Wait a minute! I'm fairly handy with a pick axe. Maybe I can help; what do you need?
- Thorkel Silkbeard: We need [eight/seven/six] pieces of [tin/coal/mithril] ore for Keldagrim's merchants. The entrance to our mines are to the north-east of the western gatehouse, outside the walls.
- Player: If I just happen to have the ore you need in the bank, do I need to go down to your mines?
- Thorkel Silkbeard: If you bring us the ore, we won't ask where it came from. Don't worry we're discreet.
- Player: Hmmm, interesting. I'll get the ore then.
Down to Business[]
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Hello again, [Fremennik Name]. Do you have all the ore my Chancellor requested?
- Player: I have the ore here, sir.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: This [man/woman] has gathered the remaining ores needed by Keldagrim's merchants.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Excellent news, your majesty.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Please reward this [man/woman] for [his/her] efforts.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Of course, your majesty.
- Thorkel Silkbeard takes six lumps of mithril ore.
- Thorkel Silkbeard hands you 5000 coins.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Thank you [Fremennik Name]. If only our miners were as efficient as you.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Right. Now let us get down to business, young [Fremennik Name]. Let us hope we have no more interruptions.
- Player: Certainly, your Majesty.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Neitiznot's Burgher, Mawnis Burowgar, is a simpleton and a fool. I have bested him before and will do so again! He is surely plotting a new plan to defeat me. He's up to something, he's always up to something. I will not be kept in the dark about his plans any longer. I must know what underhand tricks he'll use to undermine me. He's out to get me! Get me I say!
- Player: Ahem, I see, sir. How may I help in this matter?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Well, I have heard that some call you 'bard' in Rellekka. Your lyre-playing reputation has carried this far.
- Player: You want me to play the lyre? Well actually, I've been working on a few tunes in my spare time. I have this new song abou-
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Silence! I do not wish to hear your wailing. All bards are charlatans and fools. However, a fool is exactly what I need right now.
- Player: Oh. It's a great tune, very catchy, you'll love-
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Bah! Bards are all the same, they never shut up! If I need to be entertained I'll hire a mime; maybe I'll get some rest then. Now if you'll listen, I'll explain what I want you to do. In the past I have sent my Spymaster to 'entertain' the Burgher, and to see what he can find out. You see, the Burgher of Neitiznot and his aides like a drink when they are being entertained, and their tongues are loose when they drink. However, yesterday my spy had an accident and could no longer help me in this task. However he is still stationed on Neitiznot.
- Player: So this is a covert operation into Neitiznot? You need me to infiltrate the Burgher's hall, undercover, and uncover his evil plans?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Exactly, [Fremennik Name]. So are you interested?
- Player: Sounds like a task for an elite adventurer like myself. Mission accepted.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Excellent, [Fremennik Name], you and I will get on very well.
- Player: So what is the easiest way to get to Neitiznot?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: I suppose you catch Mord's ferry back to Rellekka and then catch a ferry from there.
- Player: Are you sure that's the best way?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: You may find a way across the islands, but the bridges are almost certainly broken, and there are trolls which are a bit of a nuisance. The ferry is probably both quicker and safer.
- Player: I'll be off then.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Oh, there is one more thing. In order to gain an audience with the Burgher, you will need my Spymaster's, err, costume.
- Player: Costume?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: The costume is in my chest. Don't forget to pick up all the pieces. Then travel to Neitiznot and talk to my Spymaster. He is still over there. He will fill you in with the details, and you may report to him. Oh, the Spymaster is a secretive kind of guy. He will require a password. The password is 'free stuff please'.
- Player: What sort of password is that?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Don't ask me, it was his idea.
- Player: Fine. What's his name?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: His name is Slug Hemligssen, but don't expect him to answer to it.
- Player: So how will I recognise him?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Don't worry, you'll find him.
Taking the jester costume from the chest
- Take the jester's hat.
- You take the jester's hat. It's pointy.
- Take the jester's top.
- You take the jester's top. It's top.
- Take the jester's tights.
- You take the jester's tights. They're tight.
- Take the jester's boots.
- You take the jester's boots. They're, err, booty!
A Fool's Errand[]
Reporting In[]
- Player: Hello.
- Slug Hemligssen: Hello.
- Player: ...
- Slug Hemligssen: ...
- Player: Not very talkative are you?
- Slug Hemligssen: Nope.
- Player: ...
- Slug Hemligssen: ...
- Player: I'll be off then.
- Slug Hemligssen: Yup.
- Player: The blue fish leap northwards at dawn.
- Slug Hemligssen: Oranges are not the only fruit.
- Player: The cabbages bloom in the spring.
- Slug Hemligssen: My cows produce milk in the evening.
- Player: I bought an aardvark from Ardougne market.
- Slug Hemligssen: Yellow balloons are heavier in boxes.
- Player: ...err...sprockets wangle burps in the forked flan.
- Slug Hemligssen: You have no idea what you are talking about do you?
- Player: No, not really.
- Player: It rains frogs during the Winter in Neitiznot.
- Slug Hemligssen: Oranges are not the only fruit.
- Player: The cabbages bloom in the spring.
- Slug Hemligssen: My cows produce milk in the evening.
- Player: I bought an aardvark from Ardougne market.
- Slug Hemligssen: Yellow balloons are heavier in boxes.
- Player: ...err...sprockets wangle burps in the forked flan.
- Slug Hemligssen: You have no idea what you are talking about do you?
- Player: No, not really.
- Player: Free stuff please.
- Slug Hemligssen: Ah, Operative Budgie. Welcome to the island.
- Player: Budgie? That's not my name, you can call me-
- Slug Hemligssen: Shh! No names! Names are unnecessary. Loose lives cost tongues.
- Player: Shouldn't that be... never mind. So Mr. Hemli-
- Slug Hemligssen: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
- Player: Sorry, no names, I forgot.
- Slug Hemligssen: Call me Operative Nighthawk.
- Player: How come you get the cool name, and I get called Budgie? Can't I be called Operative Panther? Yeah I like that, panthers are cool. Rarrrr!
- Slug Hemligssen: This is not a democracy, Operative! Panther already exists and he's working on a mission in Al Kharid. It's my way or the highway.
- Player: Fine, whatever, I don't care anyway.
- Slug Hemligssen: To business. Here are the details of your operation. You will infiltrate Burgher Burowgar's hall, deep undercover as a travelling entertainer. Burgher Burowgar and his men are known to relax in the presence of a jester – and a few barrels of beer. To get the information required from the court of Burgher Burowgar you must entertain him. While you are obeying the Burgher's instructions you should listen in on the conversations of his council and make note of what they discuss. When you return I shall ask you a few questions about what you have learned.
- Player: Very well.
- Slug Hemligssen: You must wear all four pieces of the jester costume without anything in your hands, as the Burgher's guards will search you thoroughly. Are you ready to begin?
- Player: I am ready.
- Slug Hemligssen: Indeed, you look very dapper in your costume.
- Player: Hmmm. I'm beginning to think that this spy malarkey is not as cool as I thought.
- Slug Hemligssen: You're ready to entertain the Burgher. Good luck with your mission, Operative Budgie. Stay alert. When you are done, come back and talk to me to give your report. I will make sure the King is informed.
- Player: I just need to visit the bank.
- Player: I am ready.
- Player: Colourless green ideas sleep furiously.
- Slug Hemligssen: Oranges are not the only fruit.
- Player: The cabbages bloom in the spring.
- Slug Hemligssen: My cows produce milk in the evening.
- Player: I bought an aardvark from Ardougne market.
- Slug Hemligssen: Yellow balloons are heavier in boxes.
- Player: ...err...sprockets wangle burps in the forked flan.
- Slug Hemligssen: You have no idea what you are talking about do you?
- Player: No, not really.
Jester Minute[]
- Player: Errr, hello. I'm an unemployed jester looking for work.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Ah! A fool. Excellent. The last entertainer I had was not up to standard.
- Player: Well, I'm as entertaining as a juggler with a bag of ferrets down his trousers.
- Mawnis Burowgar: HA HA HA! Now that's funny.
- Player: I like an easy, I mean appreciative audience. Shall I start?
- Mawnis Burowgar: Mm? Oh yes of course... bag of ferrets eh? Haha!
Cutscene begins
- Mawnis Burowgar: Well, new Jester! This had better be good.
- Player: I hope I can amuse and delight as much as your last jester.
- Mawnis Burowgar: If you can amuse or delight me at all, you'll be doing much better than the last one.
- Guard: Actually his juggling was quite funny. Shame about the accident though.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Bah, if he'd been a decent juggler, he could have juggled the battleaxe, flaming torches, and greased pigs we threw at him.
- Player: I see, a tough crowd then. I'd better get this right! Let me entertain you!
- Fridleif Shieldson: When do we assault the caves?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: I can be ready in two days.
- Fridleif Shieldson: Good, my recruits are nearly ready.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: How many militia have you trained?
- Fridleif Shieldson: Seventeen, so far.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: More shields will be completed by noon.
- Fridleif Shieldson: And the armour?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: I will finish the armour tomorrow.
- Fridleif Shieldson: And the two bridges we need repaired?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: I will fix them as soon as I can.
Cutscene ends
- Mawnis Burowgar: Well, thank you, that was much better than the last jester.
- Player: Thanks.
Intelligence Report[]
- Slug Hemligssen: Have you obtained the information we require?
- Player: Yes I have.
- Slug Hemligssen: Now I will ask you some questions, but be warned I have other sources of information that will corroborate your answers.
- Player: I am ready to answer your questions, Operative Nighthawk.
- (Questions begin)
- Player: I need to make a fool of myself again.
- Player: Yes I have.
- (Once ready)
- Slug Hemligssen: How soon does Thakkraid think Neitiznot's troops can be ready?
- Player: They are ready now.
- Player: They will be ready tomorrow.
- Player: They will be ready in two days.
- (Correct)
- Slug Hemligssen: How many militia have been trained?
- Player: Sixteen militia have been trained.
- Player: Seventeen militia have been trained.
- (Correct)
- Player: Eighteen militia have been trained.
- Slug Hemligssen: How many bridges does Thakkrad need repairing?
- Player: There are two bridges to repair.
- (Correct)
- Player: There are three bridges to repair.
- Player: There are four bridges to repair.
- Player: There are two bridges to repair.
- Slug Hemligssen: Hmmm. I believe you're telling me the truth.
- Player: I would not lie to you.
- Slug Hemligssen: Well done! I shall inform the King of your good work. I have been authorised to give you this...
- Slug Hemligssen hands you 2500 coins.
- Slug Hemligssen: Thanks to you, we know a little more about Neitiznot's plans. While you were deep undercover, I received instructions from 'Big Daddy'.
- Player: 'Big Daddy'? Do you mean the K-
- Slug Hemligssen: Shhhh! Yes, I mean the head operative back at home-base. He has given me permission to follow any leads based on your intelligence. It would be useful to know exactly when the Neitiznot engineers intend to repair the bridges. I'd do it myself but my injury stops me. Curse this arm and my reckless bravery in the pursuit of intelligence.
- Player: I heard you had an accident whilst juggling?
- Slug Hemligssen: *ahem* Misinformation my boy. Misinformation and misdirection.
- Player: Is that so?
- Slug Hemligssen: Anyway, enough chit-chat. You should gain the trust of the Burgher. You must not mention our arrangement. Indeed, if you are offered tasks by Neitiznot's folk or Burgher, you should go along with them to avoid arousing suspicion. Once you know that the bridges have been repaired then return to me. Oh. I'd take your jester's costume off first, if I were you.
Digging Deeper[]
A Test of Trust[]
The Burgher[]
- Mawnis Burowgar: Hmmmm. Guard! Who is this outlander who has been brought before me?
- Fridleif Shieldson: Sire, this is the one who has been honoured with a Fremennik name. A rare honour indeed, for an outlander.
- Mawnis Burowgar: You jest! [He/She] doesn't look that impressive to me.
- Player: Ahem. I am indeed known as [Fremennik Name] by those in Rellekka. If I am the one you seek, then how may I assist you?
- Mawnis Burowgar: Well, I have sought an audience with you several days now. I have need for a courageous and valiant individual. One who will not flee at the sight of jest a few trolls.
- Player: Ha! It is trolls that fear me! I am Fremennik!
- Mawnis Burowgar: Ha! Well said! However, this is no jesting matter. Although a Fremennik name goes a great way towards my trust, I must ask that you prove your loyalty to me and my kinsfolk.
- Fridleif Shieldson: Sire, surely that isn't necessary! Anyone who has passed the Trials of Manhood can be trusted.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Trust me Fridleif, I think in this case it is necessary. Anyway, there are many tasks that need to be done. Some of them are menial, and [Fremennik Name] needs to show me that [he/she] can handle these as well as the ones that simply require bravery. We on Neitiznot are warriors, but we are not just warriors.
- Fridleif Shieldson: I apologise for speaking out of turn. The Burgher is wise as always.
- Player: I would be honoured to assist you and your tribe, Burgher Burowgar. Indeed I expected no less. This sort of thing seems to happen to me a lot.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Good. Thakkrad, which tasks remain?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: There are a few building projects that could do with a strong extra hand.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Well then, [Fremennik Name], are you willing to assist my engineer?
- Player: Of course, Mawnis Burowgar.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: The bridges to the troll islands need repairing if we are to send a party over. First of all, we will need eight lengths of rope; maybe [Fremennik Name] could assist me with this.
- (If the player does not own 8 ropes)
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: It's quite simple really.Gather some yak hair and take it to the spinning wheel in the south-east of the village.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: There you will be able to spin the yak hair you have collected into strong lengths of rope.
- Player: Is any rope fine for this?
- Mawnis Burowgar: Of course not. Neitiznot rope is the best. Real men use yak rope. You need to make the rope yourself.
- Player: Hmmm, the rope I've seen round here looks exactly the same as the rope I'm used to. It's exactly the same isn't it?
- Mawnis Burowgar: Well yes, of course it is. We supply rope to all the rope traders in Gielinor. It's an excellent business.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Anyway, once you have obtained the rope we shall speak more about the quest I have for you. So get a move on!
- (If the player already has 8 ropes in their inventory)
- Player: As it happens, I'm carrying enough rope on me right now.
- Mawnis Burowgar: That's a coincidence.
- Player: It is.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Do you normally carry all that rope around with you?
- Player: Err, no. I had a feeling I'd need it.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Are you some kind of seer?
- Player: Not exactly.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Hey! You're not some sort of witch are you? Maybe I have trusted you too much.
- Player: No, no, no! It's just a coincidence. Err, I spend my time trading rope. Yes that's right. I'm a rope trader and I just happen to have my wares on me.
- Mawnis Burowgar: You have come to the home of all rope to sell us...rope. What a load of old rope (ahem).
- Player: You asked for it! Do you want this rope or not?
- Mawnis Burowgar: Alright then. Let's have a look at his rope then.
- You show the Burgher the rope.
- (If the player has at least 8 ropes in the bank)
- Player: Right! I'll just go to the bank and get some rope.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Bank? Why do you need to go to a bank? Neitiznot is the home of quality rope. The hairs of the local yak have the perfect combination of strength and hardness required from modern rope. Yak rope is stronger and better than any other rope.
- Player: I thought rope was made from wool. Not yak hair.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Wool? Wool? What a load of old rope. Wool would make awful rope – it's far too soft and it would soak up the water too easily.
- Player: So how come Ned from Draynor makes rope out of wool?
- Mawnis Burowgar: Ned? I don't know anything about Ned. I do know we make regular trades with someone in that area. We send them rope, and we get wool in return.
- Player: So Ned doesn't make the rope? What a fraud! He had me fooled for so long. Anyway, so that means that all rope is made by Neitiznot from yak hair.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Indeed.
- Player: So if I happen to have some rope in the bank then that would also be made from high quality Neitiznot yak hair.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Yell, yes.
- Player: So I could just give you the rope I already have, rather than make more rope?
- Mawnis Burowgar: I suppose so. You should really try to make some rope yourself though. Fighting the dual challenges of the yak's hoofs and its smell is part of becoming a man over here.
- Player: I've had enough of strange 'coming of age' rituals for the time being. I'm going to go to the bank and get the rope you need.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Suit yourself.
- (If the player is carrying a banknote for at least 8 ropes)
- (This branch of dialogue exists, but has not been recorded)
Made in Neitiznot[]
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Have you collected the eight pieces of rope we need yet?
- Player: I have them right here!
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Ah, excellent quality rope. Good work, [Fremennik Name].
- Mawnis Burowgar: Thakkrad! Please reward [Fremennik Name] for [his/her] efforts.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson hands you 1000 coins.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Good work, we will need that rope later. Put it somewhere safe for the time being would you?
- Player: I'll do that shortly. So, I've done your menial task; what is this secret quest? That's what really interests me.
- Mawnis Burowgar: My, you are both impertinent and impatient. I have two more tasks for you before I am willing to tell you the full details.
- Player: Very well, what must I do next?
- Mawnis Burowgar: Thakkrad?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: I require eight arctic pine logs, which have been split in two. Arctic pines grow around the village, and woodcutting stumps are positioned nearby. You can split the logs on them.
- Player: I see. That shouldn't be a problem.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Once you have eight pieces of rope and eight split logs I will explain how you can use them to repair the bridges that the trolls attacked a few days ago.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Well then, [Fremennik Name], are you willing to assist my engineer?
- Player: I would be happy to help your kinsfolk, Mawnis Burowgar.
- Mawnis Burowgar: A, a bit more respect. That's better. I shall speak with you again once you have prepared these split logs.
Repairing the Bridges[]
- Mawnis Burowgar: Hello again; do you have the eight split logs that Thakkrad asked you to make?
- (If the player has 8 split logs in their inventory)
- Player: I have them right here.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: My, that was fast.
- Mawnis Burowgar: [Fremennik Name] has returned with the split logs you asked for. Please reward [him/her] for their efforts.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson hands you 1500 coins.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Good work. Now that you have both the rope and split logs I shall explain how you go about repairing our bridges.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Once this is complete I shall explain the quest I have for you.
- Player: Very well, what must I do next?
- Mawnis Burowgar: Thakkrad, could you explain what needs doing next?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: I would like you to repair the two bridges leading to the northern isle. To repair each bridge you will need four pieces of rope, four split logs and a knife.
- Player: Very well, I shall get on with that now.
- Fridleif Shieldson: You may find a bridge to a small isle, rich in resources. You will not be able to repair it, as I still have to replace the main supports. Leave that bridge – we don't need it to make our raid.
- Mawnis Burowgar: I shall speak with you again once you have repaired the bridges.
- (If the player has a bank note for at least 8 split logs)
- Player: I have a bank note for the split logs with me now.
- Mawnis Burowgar: You can't build bridges with notes! Get me the real thing.
A Different Target[]
- Mawnis Burowgar: Ho there! Have you repaired both bridges for my engineer?
- Player: I have carried out your orders, Sir.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Excellent. We are one step closer to putting my plan into action. Now that the bridges are repaired I feel I can tell you of our plans. First, I shall have my engineer reward you for your efforts. [Fremennik Name] has repaired both bridges. Please reward [him/her] for their efforts, Thakkrad.
- Player: That is most generous of you, Sir.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: We are a generous folk, over here on Neitiznot.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson hands you 1500 coins.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Good work! Now that you have repaired our bridges I can make the final preparations for our next assault on the troll caves.
- Player: Troll caves!
- Mawnis Burowgar: Long ago, the ancestors of this isle fought heroically against the troll menace upon these isles. But, for the last few generations, we have been preoccupied with fighting our neighbours on Jatizso. In our complacency, the trolls have grown in number and strength and have become increasingly brazen in their raids, attacking our kinsfolk, stealing and destroying our belongings. Now the time has come for us to drive the trolls from this isle. We must defeat their leader, the foul Troll King. Although I am confident we will be victorious, I am a cautious man. We have suffered for many generations and the blood of our ancestors grows weak. But now, in this time of prosperity, Fridleif has recruited the bravest Fremennik warriors from far and wide to win back our honour. Now that you have proven your loyalty, I offer you the honour of leading my forces into battle. What say you, [Fremennik Name]?
- Player: I am honoured, Burowgar. I gratefully accept your offer to lead the charge against your foes.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Excellent! Once Fridleif's militia arrive and are fully equipped we shall head north into the troll caves.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Glory to the Fremenniks.
- Trogen Konungarde: Death to the trolls.
- Mawnis Burowgar: I have one last concern. I suspect that King Sorvott may have some idea that we intend to make this raid.
- Player: I'm afraid that may be true sire.
- Mawnis Burowgar: If he and his men are willing to aid us in this task then that would not be a problem, however I suspect that Sorvott will see our actions and misinterpret them. He may well attempt to prevent us. I need to know the extent of his knowledge so that I may plan. [Fremennik Name], I suspect that you may be able to help us here. I find underhand methods distasteful, however I ask you to go to Jatizso and find the King's plans by whatever means you are familiar with.
- Player: I can do this sire.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Do you need anything from me to help you?
- Player: Err, no. I believe I already have all the... contacts I need.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Excellent. Then make your way with haste.
The Necessary Funds[]
A New Tax[]
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Have you gathered the information about when Neitiznot's bridges will be repaired?
- Player: I have, sir. They have been repaired.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Outrageous, how are they working so rapidly?
- Player: The Fremennik are a very resourceful folk, your majesty.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: That may be, but we are very different from the vermin on Neitiznot.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: We must amass our troops immediately. We must be ready for Neitiznot's army to attack us.
- Player: You majesty.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Chancellor, how are the city's coffers? We will need to pay for weapons and food for our soldiers.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Would you like the financial report now, sir? Once we have paid for all the supplies you... er... I have ordered, your Royal Highness, then the coffers will be at their lowest ebb for some time. However, if we tighten our belts and delay your plans for extra defences, then-
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: What! That is not acceptable! How am I supposed to run this city when I am surrounded by incompetence! Now, more than ever, we need to protect ourselves from the threat of Neitiznot. This is a time of national crisis. Every citizen of Jatizso must bear the burden of protecting our homes. If it means that as citizens we must sacrifice some luxuries for the good of Jatizso, then it must be so. We must raise more taxes.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: But we have already collected Island Taxes this month! We'll never persuade anyone to pay it. Everyone is surviving on coppers as it is.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Yes, well, whatever. Needs must. Think up a new tax.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: A new tax!
- Player: I'm not sure that's such-
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Be quiet serf.
- Player: Hey you-
- The King ignores your protests.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Yes, I was having a discussion with King Vargas the other day. He was saying some places have taxes for all kinds of things; fur taxes, blueberry taxes, tea taxes, playing card taxes. All we need to do is pick something that lots of people have. How about a Window Tax? We have windows on the island.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: A Window Tax?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Yes, yes. That's an excellent idea. I now institute a new Window Tax. Every building with windows. Other countries have Window Taxes, we need them as well.
- Player: Err, what? I'm not sure I agree with-
- Thorkel Silkbeard: How am I going to sell this one?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Well, you had better find a way, and fast! Oh, [Fremennik Name] you seem like someone who gets things done. I now appoint you official tax collector of Jatizso!
- Player: Why would I want to be a tax collector for a-
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Did you say something?
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Shhh! Please whisper, [Fremennik Name]! For both our sakes just agree, otherwise he'll get into one of his moods, and who knows what he'll pronounce.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: [Fremennik Name]! I command you to refill the royal coffers! Thorkel will work out the details.
- You hear Thorkel muttering to himself under his breath.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: How is this island supposed to develop if we keep spending all out money on his paranoid schemes?
- Player: Thorkel, can you tell me about this taxation?
- Thorkel Silkbeard: You need to speak with some of the citizens of Jatizso and collect their taxes. Count the number of windows on each building and tax the people who work inside. 1000 per window. The only people who earn any real money on the island are shopkeepers. Soldiers clearly do not need to be taxed, as paying soldiers' wages is part of the reason for the tax in the first place. Once you have finished collecting the taxes, come and speak to me again.
- Thorkel Silkbeard hands you an empty money bag, which bears the symbol of King Sorvott IV.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Thank you for helping our fine city [Fremennik Name].
Round 1[]
Skuli Myrka[]
- Player: It's tax time I'm afraid.
- Skuli Myrka: But we only paid our Island Tax last week!
- Player: I'm afraid the King has instituted a new Window Tax. 1000gp per window.
- Skuli Myrka: What? *sigh* How much do you want?
- (Enter amount)
- Skuli Myrka: *sigh* It seems a lot of money for some windows.
- Player: This tax does seem a little harsh on you.
- Player: But, rules are rules. Pay up!
- Skuli Myrka puts 6000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But, rules are rules. Pay up!
Hring Hring[]
- Player: I am now the royal tax collector.
- Hring Hring: More taxes; how depressing.
- Player: I'm afraid the King has instituted a new Window Tax to pay for the defence of the realm. It is 1000gp per window.
- Hring Hring: Why should I pay a Window Tax when I don't want any windows. I'd be more than happy staring at the blank walls. How much money are we supposed to pay?
- (Enter amount)
- Hring Hring: *sigh* It seems a lot of money for some windows.
- Player: This tax does seem a little harsh on you.
- Player: But, rules are rules. Pay up!
- Hring Hring puts 8000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But, rules are rules. Pay up!
Keepa Kettilon[]
- Player: I have been appointed by the King to collect taxes.
- Keepa Kettilon: More taxes? How depressing.
- Player: I'm afraid the King has instituted a new Window Tax to pay for the defence of the realm. It is 1000gp per window. The tax is per building so only one of you have to pay.
- Keepa Kettilon: Why should I pay Window Tax when I don't want any windows. I'd be more than happy staring at the blank walls. How much money are we supposed to pay?
- (Enter amount)
- Keepa Kettilon: *sigh* It seems a lot of money for some windows.
- Player: This tax does seem a little harsh on you.
- Player: But, rules are rules. Pay up!
- Keepa Kettlion puts 8000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But, rules are rules. Pay up!
Vanligga Gastfrihet[]
- Vanligga Gastfrihet: It's tax time I'm afraid.
- Vanligga Gastfrihet: But we only paid our Island Tax last week!
- Player: I'm afraid the King has instituted a new Window Tax. 1000gp per window.
- Vanligga Gastfrihet: What? *sigh* How much do you want?
- (Enter amount)
- Vanligga Gastfrihet: *sigh* It seems a lot of money for some windows.
- Player: This tax does seem a little harsh on you.
- Player: But, rules are rules. Pay up!
- Vanligga Gastfrihet puts 5000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I suppose I could pay the tax for you.
- Vanligga Gastfrihet: Thank you, thank you! I owe you one.
- You put 5000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But, rules are rules. Pay up!
One's Never Enough[]
- Player: I've collected the Window Taxes as instructed.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Excellent. Chancellor, we must have enough to pay for the new equipment.
- Chancellor Silkbeard checks the bag.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Err, not quite.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Bah! Again, brave Jatizso citizens, sacrifices must be made.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Yes sire.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Hmmm. Any ideas anyone?
- Thorkel Silkbeard: How about beer?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Beer? No that's a silly thing to tax. No, that really would cause a riot. Hmmm, beer, beers, beards. Beards! Beards, Only the King and his advisors should be allowed un-taxed beards. I now proclaim there will be a new tax on beards.
- Player: So NOW you want me to collect money from everyone that has a beard. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. What about moustaches?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Oh yes, tax those too.
- Player: Grrr. Of course you do, sire.
Round 2[]
Keepa Kettilon[]
- Player: I'm back for more tax.
- Keepa Kettilon: I cannot take any more of this! What ridiculous thing is worthy of taxation this time?
- Player: Errm, it's beards this time! According to my books, you owe 1000gp!
- Keepa Kettilon: But I don't have a beard, I have a finely waxed moustache. I'm definitely not beardy at all.
- Player: I'm afraid all facial hair counts for tax purposes.
- Keepa Kettilon: Surely, facial hair should be taxed on percentage of the face covered. In which case I should owe no more than 20% of the tax that wild-bearded Fremennik men pay.
- Player: Sorry, facial hair is facial hair and is liable for taxation. No arguments.
- Keepa Kettilon: That's not fair!
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
- Keepa Kettilon: My faith in humanity has been sapped again. Thanks for that. Here take the money and get out of my sight.
- Keepa Kettlion puts 1000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
Flosi Dalksson[]
- Player: I'm back for more tax.
- Flosi Dalksson: I should have guessed.
- Player: This time the King has decided to tax facial hair! According to my books, you owe 1000gp!
- Flosi Dalksson: Please no. I have a wife and seven kids to support.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
- Flosi Dalksson puts 1000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
Raum Urda-Stein[]
- Player: I return once more...
- Raum Urda-Stein: I would say I'm happy to see you, but that would be a lie.
- Player: Well, I can't say I blame you, since I need to tax you again.
- Raum Urda-Stein: Gah! What weak excuse for sucking his populace dry has the King come up with this time?
- Player: This time the King has decided to tax facial hair! According to my books, you owe 1000gp!
- Raum Urda-Stein: By all that is holy, this is a travesty!
- Player: You may have a point there.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
- Raum Urda-Stein puts 1000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
Hring Hring[]
- Player: I'm back for more tax.
- Hring Hring: No more! Haven't we all suffered enough?
- Player: I sympathise; it's been a very taxing day for me as well.
- Hring Hring: Groan! Your lame attempts at humour do not save me money. Come on, break it to me gently, what is it this time?
- Player: This time the King has decided to tax facial hair! According to my books you owe 1000gp!
- Hring Hring: But I don't have a beard!
- Player: Yes you do!
- Hring Hring: No, this hair is just an extension of my head hair, which is currently not being taxed.
- Player: Yeah right, no more excuses!
- Hring Hring: Awww come on, be a gent.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
- Hring Hring puts 1000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
Skuli Myrka[]
- Player: I'm back for more tax.
- Skuli Myrka: No more! This is an outrage!
- Player: It is a bit, isn't it. Still, he's your King not mine!
- Skuli Myrka: Oh, thanks a lot 'friend'. What is it this time?
- Player: Don't ask me why, but this time it's beards! According to my books, you owe 1000gp!
- Skuli Myrka: WHAT? This is the last straw. My father wore a beard, my father's father wore a beard; many generations of Fremennik have worn beards with pride, without having to worry whether his pride and joy would cost him money. A beard is the core of a Fremennik's identity, it is the gateway to his soul, it is...
- Player: Alright, I get the idea.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
- Skuli Myrka puts 1000gp into the tax bag.
- Player: I'll think about it a bit.
- Player: But rules are rules. Pay up! You owe the state 1000.
Another Assignment[]
- Player: I have taken money from those with significant facial hair.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Good, good. Chancellor, how do our finances look now?
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Errr.
- Chancellor Silkbeard checks the bag a second time.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Thank the gods, we finally have enough.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Ah, much better. I always find the sound of gold coins being poured into the treasury relaxing.
- Player: Yes, I don't think your citizens would have coped with another round of tax.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: I have another task for you. Your espionage mission was so successful that I need you to do the same thing again. Except this time I want you to find out more about the bridge repairs they have been doing.
- Player: Bridge repairing?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Indeed! I have heard rumours that they have been getting some help from somewhere.
- Player: Really? I wonder who?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: You'd better find out and quickly. Get on it! Go to Neitiznot with all haste! The Spymaster will have the details, as last time.
A Paranoid King[]
Second Mission[]
- Slug Hemligssen: I am sure you know what I require of you by now. You must entertain the ruler of Neitiznot while listening to the conversations of his council. When you return I shall ask you a few questions about what you have learned.
- Player: That should not be a problem.
- Slug Hemligssen: You must wear all four pieces of the jester costume and nothing in your hands, as the Burgher's guards will search you thoroughly.
- Player: Well, I've got the ridiculous costume on again.
- Slug Hemligssen: Excellent. Time to visit the Burgher and get jestering.
Jester Redoux[]
- Mawnis Burowgar: Ah, good timing. I was just thinking I needed a bit of light entertainment.
Cutscene starts
- Mawnis Burowgar: Ah, back again. I hope you've got a new act.
- Player: Err, of course sire. I assure you this act will be somewhat different.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Get on with it then.
- Player: Let me entertain you.
- Fridleif Shieldson: So what do you think of the Burgher's Champion?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: [He/She] seems honourable and courageous to me.
- Fridleif Shieldson: What about their collaboration with King Sorvott?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Well I trust Mord Gunnars, and he works for the King.
- Fridleif Shieldson: And the Champion did help repair your bridges.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Yes, well. So are your militia ready?
- Fridleif Shieldson: I have them anchored near Etceteria.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Then I shall sail the potions to them tonight.
- Fridleif Shieldson: Then we are ready to launch our raid at dawn?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Absolutely. Long live Burgher Burowgar.
- Fridleif Shieldson: And may the Troll King be short-lived!
Cutscene ends
- Mawnis Burowgar: Well, thank you, that was much better than the last jester.
- Player: Thanks.
Intelligence Report[]
- Slug Hemligssen: Are you ready to make your report, [Fremennik Name]?
- Player: Yes, I am.
- Slug Hemligssen: Now I will ask you some questions, but be warned I have other sources of information that can corroborate your answers.
- Player: I am ready to answer your questions.
- Player: No, I need to make a fool of myself again.
- Player: Yes, I am.
- (Once ready)
- Slug Hemligssen: Where are Neitiznot's militia?
- Player: They are in a secluded bay, near Miscellania.
- Player: They are in a secluded bay, near Etceteria.
- (Correct)
- Player: They are in a secluded bay, near Rellekka.
- Slug Hemligssen: What will Thakkrad delvier to Neitiznot's militia tonight?
- Player: They will be given some potions.
- (Correct)
- Player: They will be given some fine ale and meat.
- Player: They will be given some party hats and balloons.
- Player: They will be given some potions.
- Slug Hemligssen: Who has been helping Burgher Mawnis Burowgar?
- Player: Chieftain Brundt of Rellekka has been helping Neitiznot.
- Player: Advisor Ghrim of Miscellania has been helping Neitiznot.
- Player: I have been helping Neitiznot.
- (Correct)
- Slug Hemligssen: Hmmm, that is very interesting. I believe you're telling me the truth.
- Player: I would not lie to you.
- Slug Hemligssen: Clearly not. Well, here is your fee.
- The Spymaster hands you 2500 coins.
- Slug Hemligssen: Right, [Fremennik Name], you had better go and talk to the King. I expect he'll want to discuss your intelligence.
The Final Straw[]
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: I have just one final task before you leave [Fremennik Name]. Guards, secure the doors! So you admit that it was you who repaired Neitiznot's bridges?
- Player: I was following your orders, Sir. I was given strict instructions to go along with Mawnis Burowgar's orders while investigating their island. As I told your fool of a Spymaster, Neitiznot's militia are not going to attack you.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Then why does Burgher Mawnis Burowgar amass an army?
- Player: It is no army Neitiznot has trained, but a raiding party, sire. Mawnis Burowgar's goal is to see the leader of the trolls beheaded.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Do you take me for a fool [Fremennik Name]? It's all lies! You must have been brainwashed by my cousin! He is EVIL and wants to destroy me! Jah Tiz so! Tiz so!
- Player: ... Right! That's it! I've had enough! No more lying! No more biting my tongue! Do I take you for a fool? Yes I do! You are so paranoid about Neitiznot that you are running this island into the ground! Neitiznot is not going to attack Jatizso. I'll say it again to try and force it into your thick skull! Neitiznot is not going to attack Jatizso. They don't care about Jatizso. They care about the trolls and Troll King who are the real threats to the islands. You are so obsessed with your cousin, however, that you stick your head in the sand whenever it comes to the trolls. But I'm not sure it matters, since I think there is a good chance that you will destroy this village long before the trolls get here! You do not have to dress in a jester's costume to act the fool, your royal crown is more than enough!
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: ... No-one has ever talked to me like that before.
- Player: Maybe if they had, you wouldn't be in this mess.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: I should have you beheaded.
- Player: I'd like to see you try.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: So it seems that my cousin's plan is to demonstrate his superiority by killing the Troll King. I cannot let that happen! I will not let him steal the glory.
- Player: You haven't listened to a single word I've been saying, have you?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: We amass our forces now! There is no time to lose. At dawn my men will march upon my ancestor's nemesis, the Troll King.
- Player: Do you even know where to find the Troll King? Your warriors are underfed and tired; your weapons inadequate. You don't stand a chance. Join with your brethren and you may share the glory and perhaps find a way to make peace between your lands. I'm sure the Burgher would be glad of your aid.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Bah! Don't be ridiculous! He would just stab me in the back and claim the glory himself. My brave warriors will find the Troll King and slay him first. How could they not, they are Jatizso warriors, not Neitiznot scum. You will deliver my decree to Burgher Mawnis Burowgar. You shall inform him that my troops attack the western troll caves at dawn and that his interference shall be considered an act of WAR! Long live Jatizso! Long live ME!
- Player: Fine. I give up. I will do this final task for you. After that you're on your own – may the gods be with your troops – they're going to need it.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Fine. Take the decree and go.
- King Sorvott hands you a document.
The Troll King[]
Traditional Rites[]
Back to the Burgher[]
- Mawnis Burowgar: My militia are en route from Rellekka. Have you found out anything about Jatizso's plans yet?
- Player: I have, sir. I was instructed to give you this decree by King Sorvott.
- You hand King Sorvott's document to Mawnis Burowgar.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: King Sorvott has spies that have learnt of the troops you have trained. Until recently, they believed that you planned to assault their town.
- Mawnis Burowgar: That paranoid fool. It would bring great shame upon my family to break the truce that was signed between King Sorvott III and my father.
- Player: Now that Jatizso's spies have learnt of your plans to attack the troll caves, King Sorvott is raising his guards to assault them himself. I believe he plans to depart before you can be ready.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Well, if he thinks the folk of Neitiznot can be intimidated by his threats, he best be ready to accept defeat.
- Fridleif Shieldson: Blasted spies, how can King Sorvott call himself a Fremennik when he resorts to such dishonourable tactics?
- Mawnis Burowgar: We have no time to lose. Fridleif, please guide [Fremennik Name] through the traditions laid down by our ancestors. Once you have completed these rites I shall appoint you as head of my raiding party.
- Fridleif Shieldson: Indeed, it is written in the sagas of Neitiznot that the Champion of the isle must equip himself with the tools of a Fremennik warrior.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: I offer to act as a guide to [Fremennik Name] during the traditional rites.
- Player: Very well. What do these rites entail.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Firstly, you must equip yourself with the traditional armour of Neitiznot. You will need to cull several yaks in order to craft yourself a suit of yak-hide armour. Once you have a few pieces of yak-hide, return to me and I shall cure them for you. Then I will give you instruction on how this hide may be crafted into a thick jerkin, ideal for protecting yourself from the granite clubs that the trolls of these isles prefer to weild.
- Player: Thank you, Fridleif. I shall return with the yak-hides soon.
Curing the Hide[]
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: You will need to cull several yaks in order to craft yourself a suit of yak-hide armour. There is a fenced-in field to the west of the village where yaks roam freely. Once you have a few pieces of yak-hide, return to me and I shall cure them for you. Once cured, a normal needle and thread will be needed to craft the yak leather in the same way as any other leather. You are currently carrying yak-hide, are you not?
- Player: How did you know that?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: That aroma, outlander! It's very distinctive. So, do you wish to get your hide cured?
- Player: Cure my yak-hide, please.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: I will cure yak-hide for a fee of 5 gp per hide.
- Player: Cure all my hides.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: There you go.
- Player: Cure one hide.
- Player: Cure no hide.
- Player: Can you cure any other type of leather?
- Player: Cure all my hides.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: I will cure yak-hide for a fee of 5 gp per hide.
- Player: No thanks, I'll be off then.
- Player: Cure my yak-hide, please.
Another Piece of Equipment[]
- Mawnis Burowgar: Have you completed your suit of yak armour?
- Player: Thakkrad has helped me to complete the traditional armour of a Fremennik warrior.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Excellent news. Now you have just one more item to craft and I can appoint you as leader of my warband; then you may lead our raid against the trolls. The final piece of traditional arms is a large Fremennik round shield. With this you will be able to deflect the large rocks that some of the trolls like to throw at you.
- Player: How may this be crafted?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: You will need two arctic pine logs, a length of rope, some bronze nails and a hammer. When you have all of these, you should find the tree stump outside of town. You will be able to hammer together the shield.
- Player: Thank you. I shall return with a shield soon.
Welcome to the Clan[]
- Mawnis Burowgar: Have you completed the final piece of your Fremennik garb?
- Player: Fridleif has helped me to complete the traditional shield of the Fremennik warrior.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Excellent work, [Fremennik Name]. There is little more for me to say. You have proven your worth to my kinsmen and I, but I must continue with the traditions so... Do you, [Fremennik Name], solemnly swear to uphold the virtues of courage and honour?
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: (Thakkrad whispers in your ear.) Just repeat what I say. 'I, [Fremennik Name], swear to uphold the virtues of courage and honour.'
- Player: I [Fremennik Name] swear to uphold the virtues of courage and honour.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Then it is done. I hearby appoint [Fremennik Name] as Champion of Neitiznot.
- Fridleif Shieldson: Praise be; may the blood of our ancestors flow strongly in our new Champion.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Welcome to the clan of Neitiznot; you shall be welcome in this township forever more.
- Mawnis Burowgar: You have made our township very proud today. We hope you continue to match up to our hopes in the quest which we have for you.
- Mawnis Burowgar: As my kinsmen have mentioned, there is a foul beast dwelling in the caves on the northernmost isle. We ask that you lead our militia against this brute and return with the beast's head as proof of your heroism.
- Fridleif Shieldson: My guards have secured a foothold within the easternmost caves. We have not seen Jatizso's militia yet, but some of my scouts have reported hearing distant fighting in the tunnels.
- Player: I shall make my way over to them now, so that we may defeat this foul Troll King.
- Fridleif Shieldson: You should head to the eastern end of the northern isle. You don't want to run in to Jatizso's troops now.
Assault on the Caves[]
- Player: Hmm. Left, right, then left again... I'm lost. Best I head towards the sound of the fighting.
- Bork Sigmundson: Hold your ground men!
- Honour guard: The Champion had better arrive soon. We can't wait much longer!
- Bork Sigmundson: [He/She] will be here soon. The Burgher trusts [Him/Her]. That's good enough for me.
Player arrives
- Bork Sigmundson: Sir, Champion [Fremennik Name] has arrived! I knew [He/She] wouldn't let us down!
- Player: It was a hard journey here. I trust you all made it here intact?
- Bork Sigmundson: A little bruised but nothing a true Fremennik can't handle!
- Player: Well said!
- Honour guard: Our supplies are starting to run a little low; we should make our charge soon. Once you have helped to slay 10 trolls then you should be able to assault the Troll King. We will hold back the troll forces while you cross the bridge to the south of the cave.
- Player: I will find the Troll King there, correct?
- Bork Sigmundson: Yes sir! I have some supplies with me if you need them, but I only have a small amount left. We took a heavy toll getting here.
- Player: The fact you've saved any at all proves your bravery.
- Bork Sigmundson: Thank you [sir/ma'am]. We have food, Strength potions and Prayer potions to see us through this battle. A fine tale we will tell once you have claimed the beast's head. Men, follow [Fremennik Name]'s orders.
- Player: Ready, men?
- Honour guard: Aye Champion!
- Honour guard: Aye [Sir/Ma'am]!
- Player: Warriors, advance!
- Bork Sigmundson: Charge!
The Fall of Folly[]
Talking to Miner
- Miner: High hoe, high hoe!
- Player: Why are you singing about farming implements at altitude?
- Miner: I don't know, I've never thought about it. Ask my Dad, he taught me the song.
Talking to Brent
- Player: Why are you still here?
- Brent: Well it seemed rude not to finish the food they gave us.
- Vanligga Gastfrihet: Feel free to leave it. Please leave.
- Grundt: I'll just finish the roast off.
Talking to Grundt
- Grundt: Ah, yes. Now that's what I call a meal.
- Vanligga Gastfrihet: That's funny, I called it fourteen meals yesterday.
Talking to most shop owners of Jatizso
- shop owners: You should speak with the ruler of this isle, King Gjuki Sorvott IV.
- shop owners: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Talking to at least one shop owner of Jatizso (cook)
- shop owners: You should speak with the ruler of this isle, King Gjuki Sorvott IV.
Talking to Thorkel Silkbeard
- Thorkel Silkbeard: I hear you have killed the Troll King. Thanks you for that however I'm afraid I can't really talk to you any more, the King would be unhappy!
- Player: Good luck with dealing with the King. You'll need it!
Talking to King Gjuki Sorvott IV
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: What are you doing in my court? Guards!
- Player: I have come to inform you that you may recall your gaurds; the Troll King was slain by my hand.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Preposterous. Lies, I tell you, lies!
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Yes your majesty, of course your majesty.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Guards.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Guards.
- Player: Guards! Where are your Gaurds?
- Player: Oh. Are they still recovering from their defeat against the trolls?
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Outlander, leave me in peace before I am forced to bear arms against you myself.
- Player: Very well, your Highness, I leave you to contemplate this...
- Player: Should you have approached me honestly and truthfully, rather than with lies and secrecy,
- Player: then it could have been you holding the head of the Troll King aloft today.
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Be gone with you. I have had enough of your insults for one day.
small break here
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Thanks [Fremennik Name], you are the first person to stand up to the King's bullying in many a year. Maybe he learnt something today?
- Player: We can but hope Thorkel.
- Thorkel Silkbeard: Fare thee well brave warrior, fare thee well.
- Hrafn: Purrrrz! (One wishes the tuna-bearing outlander well. One would prefer for him to stay)
- King Gjuki Sorvott IV: Useless, disloyal cat.
Talking to Mord Gunnars
- Mord Gunnars: Hail the counquering hero!
- Player: Heh. Thanks - I was pretty heroic even if I say so myself.
- Mord Gunnars: Is there anything I can do for you?
Champion of Neitiznot[]
Talking to Maria Gunnars
- Maria Gunnars: Hi, [Fremennik Name], you should speak with Burgher Mawnis Burowgar in the main chambers. Do you have any questions?
Talking to Honour Guard (ground level)
- Honour Guard: Hail, [Fremennik Name]!
- Player: Good day! How are you doing?
- Honour Guard: Pretty good. It's nice to have a day off from troll-killing duty.
- Player: Have you killed many trolls?
- Honour Guard: Of course. It's all part of growing up around here. You get used to it.
- Player: See you later.
Talking to Honour Guard(top level)
- Honour Guard: Hail, [Fremennik Name]!
- Player: Good day!
- Honour Guard: Are you here to help with the trolls?
- Player: I'm afraid not, I have other things to do.
- Honour Guard: Well, watch yourself. These rocks that the trolls throw can take your arm off.
Talking to Slug Hemligssen
- Slug Hemligssen: Shhh. Go away. I'm not allowed to talk to you.
- Player: Fine, whatever ...
Talking to either Kjedelig Uppsen or Trogen Konungarde
- Kjedelig Uppsen or Trogen Konungarde: Ah [Fremennik Name], the Burgher is keen to see you. Walk on through.
Talking to Thakkrad Sigmundson or Fridleif Shieldson
- Thakkrad Sigmundson or Friedleif Shieldson: Congratulations on defeating the Troll King. I hope you have collected the fine rewards that the Burgher Mawnis Burowgar has for you.
Talking to Mawnis Burowgar
- Player: I have returned victorious, Mawnis Burowgar.
- Fridleif Shieldson: Hail, Champion of Neitiznot.
- Player: I offer the beast's head as proof that I have completed your task, sir.
- Mawnis Burowgar: I thank you for bringing me this trophy, [Fremennik Name], you have done much to bring honour to this isle.
- You hold aloft the Troll King's head.
- Player: My thanks for the honour you have bestowed upon me, Mawnis Burowgar.
- You hand the Troll King's head to Mawnis Burowgar.
- Mawnis Burowgar: As a mark of my gratitude for slaying my nemesis, the foul Troll King, I offer you my helm.
- The Burgher hands you his crown.
- Player: I thank you for presenting me with such a finely crafted helm, sir.
- Mawnis Burowgar: It makes me proud to know that the helm of my ancestors will be worn in battle. I thank you on behalf of all my kinsmen, [Fremennik Name].
- Fridleif Shieldson: Praise be to our brave Champion.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Hail, Champion [Fremennik Name].
- Mawnis Burowgar: Thakkrad, I believe you have finished repairing the remaining bridge.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: That I have sir, we should be able to mine 'runite' once again; now that I have repaired the north-eastern bridge.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Ah, so that is how we compete with the mineral wealth of Jatizso. Indeed, the wealth of these isles may not be spread evenly, but we certainly make the most of what we have.
- Player: I look forward to any other tasks you may have for me in the future, Burgher Burowgar.
- Mawnis Burowgar: My next task is to make peace with the King of Jatizso.
- Player: I do not think I can help you with that sire. I don't think King Sorvott is speaking with me anymore.
- Mawnis Burowgar: Ah, I see you too have angered King Sorvott IV. Not to worry, I have my ways of pacifying the King. Fare thee well, my Champion.
- Fridleif Shieldson: Fare thee well.
- Thakkrad Sigmundson: Fare thee well.
- Player: Fare thee well, kinsmen of Neitiznot.
Part 6 of the Fremennik quest series | |||||||
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