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Earthquake in Prifddinas[]

  • Eluned: Player! Can you feel it? The whole city is shaking. It's as though the city is tearing itself apart. The Voice of Seren seems to amplify the problem. The crystal of the city is resonating with the song in a way we've never seen before. The crystals seem to be shifting towards the Tower of Voices. It's almost as if they're working their way towards the fragment of Seren, like plants grasping at the sun. And... I think I feel it too. These crystals were once a part of Seren. They are willing me to bring them back together, Player. I'm sure of it.
  • Player: What do you think is going to happen to Prifddinas?
  • Eluned: I... I'm not sure. I don't want to imagine the consequences for our beautiful city if the crystal movements get any worse. The Elders share my concerns and a sacred conclave is to be held in the upper chamber of the Tower of Voices, as is elven tradition in times of need. The Elders believe that the crystals are changing because Seren is trying to reform. But she cannot do so alone. I think the Elders intend to vote on bringing Seren back! You've been instrumental in helping us so far, Player. Will you attend the conclave with me?
    • Player: Of course!
    • Player: Why would I help?
      • Eluned: Because if we cannot solve this, then Prifddinas and everything we've worked towards will tear itself apart. Whatever your opinions on Seren may be, I hope you would care enough about this city and her people to help.
  • Eluned: I knew we could count on you, Player! The conclave is imminent, we should hurry to the Tower of Voices. I'll meet you there!

Talking to Eluned again

  • Ask about Seren's return.
    • Eluned: The conclave is imminent, we should hurry to the Tower of Voices. I'll meet you there!

The Conclave in the Tower[]

The tower trembles

  • Eluned: ...they're returning to her core, I can feel it! We need to restore Seren before our city collapses!
  • Arianwyn: Player, well met. I confess I am pleased to see you. Perhaps you can help us with this chaos.
  • Lord Crwys: You are the first human to attend such a conclave, young one. How the times change...
  • Lady Trahaearn: Ha, young one. Oh, Lord Crwys... You are all young ones to me.
    • Player: Good to see you all again.
      • Arianwyn: Likewise, but I'm afraid the situation is too dire to go through the nicities[sic]. we[sic] must discuss the issue at hand..[sic]
    • Player: I've come to offer my help.
      • Arianwyn: And it is greatly appreciated, given all you have done for us so far. There are important matters we must turn our attention towards.
    • Player: Yeah, you are pretty ancient.
      • Lady Trahaearn: Hrmm. I rather set myself up for that one, didn't I?
      • Arianwyn: If you don't mind, there are important matters we must turn our attention towards.
  • Lord Crwys: Indeed! We have all seen the changes in the crystal. The trees cry out in fear as the city writhes and stretches.
  • Arianwyn: I, for one, think Eluned is right. We have finally regrown our city, I will not lose it again. It is time we brought Seren back.
    • Player: How do the crystals Prifddinas is made from relate to Seren?
      • Lady Hefin: Millennia ago Seren made the ultimate sacrifice for the elves. Rather than leave us when Guthix established his edicts, she chose to stay. She shattered herself into thousands of crystals so that she would always be with us.
      • Lady Ithell: We kept these crystals close and, since they had unique properties, we used them in a variety of our crafts. Notably in our architecture. Parts of this magnificent city that surrounds us were constructed from those very crystals. We are surrounded by Seren.
    • Player: How is it possible to bring Seren back?
      • Lord Amlodd: It has been thousands of years since her shattering, but we have always held faith. Our scholars have continued to research all possible avenues.
      • Arianwyn: We've sent some of our brightest scouts into the east to investigate non-elven forms of magic, but such journeys have proved perilous. Some of those chosen have still not returned. It was deeply saddening to hear from Ilfeen that one was murdered on her way to meet a contact in Morytania.
      • Lord Amlodd: Indeed... I believe our past holds the key. But we are still unlocking the secrets of our ancestors.
    • Player: How do we decide?
      • (Continues below)
  • Lord Amlodd: As is tradition, it shall be put to a vote. One voice will emerge from many. Player, ordinarily only clan leaders are permitted to vote. Though, given the circumstances, we are in agreement that you have earned that right. As our honoured guest, you will cast the first vote. What say you?
    • Yes.
      • Player: I believe Seren needs to be reformed!
    • No.
      • Player: Seren sacrificed herself for a reason, she should be allowed to stay shattered.
  • Lady Meilyr: Seren made a choice, the reasons for which no amount of reflection or meditation may ever help us truly understand. I say we respect that choice.
  • Lord Crwys: Hmmm. There is an ache, though... From Isafdar, through the roots of our great city, to the tallest spire. Nature itself yearns for her return. I vote she be reformed.
  • Arianwyn: Agreed. We cannot ignore what is happening outside these very walls! I vote she be made whole once again.
  • Lady Trahaearn: My husband Cynog died to protect the walls around us. These walls that were built from Seren's crystal! She shattered herself so that we could prosper; we should honour their sacrifices. We can find other ways to stabilise the city.
  • Lord Iorwerth: I also believe we should honour her sacrifice. Even as scholars we can never claim to fully comprehend the decision Seren made.
  • Lady Ithell: Well I say we restore her. The Ithell clan cannot deconstruct these growths forever, and I long for the chance to sing Seren back to her true form.
    • If the player voted to reform Seren
      • Lord Amlodd: I find Lady Meilyr's argument compelling. Seren made a great sacrifice for her people one that we should honour. We can find another way to protect the city.
    • If the player voted to leave Seren shattered
      • Lord Amlodd: Lady Ithell you are right, we cannot rely on your clan to repair everything forever. I vote that we restore Seren.
  • Lord Amlodd: Even in times of peril we still stand by tradition I see. The vote currently stands at a tie. Lady Hefin, you have the deciding vote it appears.
  • Lady Hefin: I spent many years living alone in the poison wastes contemplating this very question. At first I was blinded by the feeling of betrayal some of you may still harbour. But as the years turned into decades, and the decades trickled into centuries, my meditative state grew deeper and I began to feel it... We have an innate connection to Seren's crystals. Like them, this connection runs deep into the soil of these lands. She is as much a part of Tirrannwn as we are. The Hefin clan has purified its crystal long enough. It is our duty to reform Seren.
  • Lord Amlodd: So it is decided, we shall find a way to restore Seren.
    • If the player voted to reform Seren
      • Player: So, where do we start?
        • (Continues below)
    • If the player voted to leave Seren shattered
      • Player: I don't want to support Seren.
        • Arianwyn: I'm disappointed to hear you say that, Player. You wouldn't just be doing this for Seren though, you'd be doing this for us.
        • Eluned: And you'd be doing it for Prifddinas! The whole city is in danger. You might be our only hope.
        • Player: Fine.
        • Arianwyn: That's settled then! Where do we start?
  • Lady Meilyr: Hm, perhaps a potion to give us further insight through internal reflection?
  • Lady Ithell: Our clan has piles of research into how crystal singing might be used-
  • Lord Iorwerth: All of which have been inconclusive. No one has any idea where to start!
  • Arianwyn: What about if we were to-
  • Lady Trahaearn: Quiet! Enough squabbling, I may have a solution. A little farfetched, perhaps, but desperate times call for desperate measures. The ancient elves of my clan once smithed an artefact that was imbued with the power to manipulate time.
  • Lord Iorwerth: You speak of the key? I have heard only tales in books, wasn't it lost long ago?
  • Player: The Enchanted Key? I, umm, might know where it can be found...
    • (If the player has the key on their keyring)
      • Player: I actually have it on a keyring.
    • (If the player has the key in inventory)'
      • Player: I actually have it with me now.
    • (If the player has the key in bank)'
      • Player: I just need to nip to the bank...
    • (If the player does not have the key)'
      • (Chatbox) You can recover the key from Jorral from his outpost northwest of Ardougne.
  • Lady Trahaearn: Oh! That certainly is a twist of fate.
    • Player: How will going back in time help our situation?
      • Arianwyn: It may allow us to speak to one of our ancestors who possesses a deeper knowledge of crystal singing or elven magic. Perhaps even both. Or maybe even Seren herself! What better way to find out how to restore her?
      • Lord Crwys: There are risks, of course. Meddling with time is a dangerous game. We must progress with... caution. We elves have a relationship with time that allows us to slow its effects, but reversing it completely could create branches. Branches and splinters in the flow of time... Hm, dangerous indeed.
    • Player: How does the Enchanted Key work?
      • Lady Trahaearn: The general belief is that the key is attuned to a few specific moments in time. Mostly times of historical significance, such as early Gielinor and so forth. However, from my studies I believe it is more that the key exists outside of time and can be focused on a specific goal. If you know what you're doing of course, which I obviously do.
        • If the player does not have the key
          • Lady Trahaearn: You'll need to bring me the key so I can modify it.
        • If the player already has the key in inventory
          • Skip to "Let me have the key" in next section
    • Player: What now?
      • Before the key is attuned
        • Lady Trahaearn: You'll need to bring me the key so I can modify it.
        • Arianwyn: You should locate the key and bring it to Lady Trahaearn to attune.
      • If the player has just attuned the key
        • Lord Amlodd: Lady Trahaearn has attuned the key, you should see where it leads.

Leaving and returning to the Conclave

  • Random elder: Welcome back, Player.

Speaking to each NPC

  • Eluned: It's so strange that you know about this key. It's almost like this was predestined somehow. As if the key engineered itself to be here, for this situation. No, that's crazy talk. Player, you should follow the key and find out where it's leading you.
  • Arianwyn: I wonder where the key will take you?
  • Lady Ithell: The key...some part of me remembers it, though I have never seen it. I have fond memories that never belonged to me, of a device that appears to the right people, when needed the most. You're quite special Player. It's no wonder that we put so much faith in you.
  • Lord Amlodd: The key is a powerful device, the spirit within it must be strong. Hrmm.
  • Lady Hefin: There's no time for introspection here, you should find the key, get Lady Trahaearn to attune it and then see where it leads you.
  • Lady Meilyr: You get a chance to explore through time itself? Why are you still here? Go, adventure across the millenia!
  • Lord Crwys: Thank you for your help in this matter Player, we owe you many debts.
  • Lord Iorwerth: Be careful with that key, time is not something to be trifled with.
  • Lady Trahaearn: (Next section)

Attuning the Key[]

  • Lady Trahaearn: So you have the key? I would very much like to see it.
    • [Show her the key]
      • (Continues below)
    • [Don't show her the key]
      • Lady Trahaearn: Hmph. Fine. Suit yourself.
  • Lady Trahaearn: Let me have the key a moment, I'll attune it properly...
  • (The screen fades)
    • Lady Trahaearn: Now, this bit goes here...
    • Lady Trahaearn: Then I turn this bit like so.
    • Lady Trahaearn: Now I just need to reallign[sic] the positronic ray...
    • Player: The what?
    • Lady Trahaearn: Nothing nothing, ignore that. Also ignore the faint smell of fudge...
    • Player: Why do my teeth taste of lemons?
    • Lady Trahaearn: No reason. Everything is fine. No need to panic...
    • Player: I kind of feel the need to panic right now...
    • (The screen lightens)
  • Lady Trahaearn: There, done. The key should now be attuned to a place and time that will help us restore Seren.
    • Unknown condition
      • Lady Trahaearn: Right, off you go. Backwards through history...and all that.
    • Unknown condition
      • Player: What now?
        • Lord Amlodd: Lady Trahaearn has attuned the key, you should see where it leads.

Speaking with Lady Trahaearn again

  • Lady Trahaearn: So you have the key? I would very much like to see it.
    • [Show her the key]
      • Player: I'd like to retune the key.
        • If the key is currently tuned to Seren:
          • Lady Trahaearn: I see, treasure hunting more important than saving this city from destruction? I quite understand. Don't trouble yourself, there's no hurry or anything.
          • Player: I sense some mild hostility here...
          • Lady Trahaearn: Oh no, I'm as happy as can be. You are clearly going mad. Off with you.
        • If the key is currently tuned to treasure:
          • Lady Trahaearn: Let me have the key a moment, I'll attune it properly...
          • Repeat attuning sequence from above, up to "that will help us restore Seren"
      • Player: Tell me about the key.
        • Lady Trahaearn: This key is truly one of a kind. Do you know that all the records for creating such an artifact[sic] were lost? Burned away in a freak fire. The original inventor slipped on some stairs and bumped his head, suffering complete amnesia over the methods needed to create the key. All that is remembered is that the process seemed almost easy, as though the key wanted to be made. Hokum, obviously, but fascinating. If only we could harness the power at will, we would be able to rewrite history. I could remake the world! It would be a glorious world, in my image. HA HA HA HA HA! Ahem, sorry about that, sudden bout of megalomania, it's passed now. Take care of that key Player it is unique.
    • [Don't show her the key]
      • Lady Trahaearn: Hmph. Fine. Suit yourself.

Return to the Past[]

Meeting Guthix[]

  • Player: Predem abducto!
  • (The player is transported to the past)
  • Guthix: It is not often that someone finds their way in here. Who might you be?
    • I am the world guardian.
      • Player: I am Player, the world guardian. The Enchanted Key brought me here.
      • Guthix: World guardian... what a curious title... and who appointed you guardian of the world?
      • Player: You did...
      • Guthix: I see... or I will... I suppose.
    • I am just an adventurer.
      • Player: I'm just an adventurer. The Enchanted Key brought me here.
      • Guthix: You are much more than just an adventurer, I see that well enough.
    • GUTHIX!!!
      • Player: GUTHIX! The Enchanted Key brought me back to you!
      • Guthix: Ah, then we are friends? Will be friends, perhaps. Regardless, it is always good to see a friend.
  • Guthix: I am intrigued. You find yourself here... now, even as I prepare my greatest workings...with the Amserdrwys. Why are you here?
    • Player: What year is it?
      • Guthix: Forgive me, I do not know the words you use to count down the ages. Since we are known to one another, perhaps I can tell you what is going on in Gielinor now. has been besieged by younger gods. They have brought with them their wars, their cruelties and their callousness. The people of Gielinor have suffered enough, I have no choice but to banish the other gods. All of them.
      • Player: You've already banished Seren?
      • Guthix: Not yet. She is different from the others. She cares not for power or worship, she just wants to protect and care for her people. I would wish nothing more than for her to stay...But the lesser gods have forced my hand. I must ask her to leave, though it breaks my heart to do so, no gods can stay on Gielinor...not any more.
    • Player: You know about the key?
      • Guthix: The Amserdrwys, yes. Seren and I discussed it in detail, she was very proud of the ingenuity of her elves. I cannot blame her, to step through time is a most impressive feat.
    • Tell Guthix about the future...
      • I watched you die.
        • Player: I watched you die, Guthix. I couldn't save you.
        • Guthix: All things must die. That is the balance of life. For life to have meaning, it must be finite. The longer we live the more we realise that all things come to an end and that nothing is truly forever. It is mortality's greatest gift that things like friendship, peace and love can seem eternal. I have always known my death would come and it does not frighten me.
      • You made me the world guardian.
        • Player: You shared your power with me and told me to be a guardian of this world.
        • Guthix: Yes. I sense my power within you. Use it wisely, live up to the mantle I have bestowed upon you. I have faith in you.
      • Zaros has returned in my time.
        • Player: Zaros has returned in my time. He's corporeal again.
        • Guthix: 'Zaros'... I have heard this name before. Seren spoke of him. I am not aware of his presence. If he was here, he departed long before I awoke.
        • Player: He was slain by one of the gods you banished, but has since returned.
        • Guthix: To return from death is an unnatural act requiring great power. Be wary of this god, adventurer, such power rarely comes without a cost.
    • I need to restore Seren.
      • Player: I've come on behalf of the elves. We need to know how we can restore Seren.
      • Guthix: Restore? I'm afraid I do not understand...
      • Player: When you demand she leaves she will choose to shatter herself into crystals rather than abandon the elves.
      • Guthix: Seren... Such incredible sacrifice. Her bond to the elves may be unbreakable, but I cannot discriminate. Gielinor must be safe from the wrath of gods. It is the only way.
      • Player: Do you know if it's possible to rebuild her?
      • Guthix: Perhaps...First you will need to collect what major pieces of her remain.
      • Player: How do we reconstruct them?
      • Guthix: Elven magic is unlike any the other races possess. A rare few of them wield it with far greater power than their kin. Not only did these elves create the key you hold, but the most proficient among them are able to form vast crystal structures with voice alone... They have even mastered the elements and become able to manipulate nature. An elf that commands such power may know the song required to reshape their goddess.
      • Player: What about all the parts of her that have been lost?
      • Guthix: I do not know. It may be that you will need to find a way to restore what is missing.
      • Player: Thank you, Guthix.
      • Guthix: Wait... I feel the presence of another here. We are being watched.
      • Player: Someone's spying on us?
      • Guthix: I can sense Seren's essence. It is her but... Different, somehow. The intruder is somewhere in this chamber. I suggest you seek them out before you depart.
      • Player: Okay, I'll be back soon.

Talking to Guthix again before finding the intruder

  • Guthix: The intruder is somewhere in this chamber. I suggest you seek them out before you depart.

The Intruder[]

  • Player: Hello?
  • Haluned: Oh! You spotted me! Wait, I recognise you. Have we met?
    • Yes, we have.
      • Player: Yes, I saw you another time I travelled to the past.
      • Haluned: That's right! You were the human I saw all those years ago. The one misplaced in time... How strange that we should meet again. You're quite fascinating for a human.
    • Player: I don't think so.
      • Haluned: I've got it! You were the human I saw all those years ago. The one misplaced in time... How strange that we should meet again. You're quite fascinating for a human.
  • Player: What are you doing here?
    • Haluned: I'm sorry, I shouldn't really tell you. Seren sent me herself.
    • Player: You can trust me, I'm working with the elves, that's actually why I'm here.
    • Haluned: But I saw you talking to Guthix! It's him I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on!
    • Player: Ah, so that's why you're here. Perhaps I should let him know...
    • Haluned: Oh no, please! It's only because Seren is worried he's going to make her leave. I'm to report back if Guthix leaves this dwelling.
  • Player: Are you related to Eluned?
    • Haluned: Why would you ask that?
    • Player: You look just like her, even your names are similar.
    • Haluned: Well, that's because we are born from the same mother. You might say we're twins.
    • Player: So she's the same age as you? Even now?
    • Haluned: Y- Oh, I've said too much. I won't speak of her any more.
  • [Continue...] (Appears only after going through above two options)
    • Haluned: My mistress calls for me... She's displeased - it was wrong of me to speak to you. I should go.
    • Player: Wait-
    • (Haluned teleports away)
    • Guthix: Return to me, adventurer.

A Farewell[]

  • Guthix: Seren has been keeping watch over me.
  • Player: Yes, the intruder was an elf called Haluned.
  • Guthix: I am aware of her. One of Seren's creations. A piece of Seren with a will of her own.
    • Ask about Eluned.
      • Player: Haluned said an elf I know called Eluned was her twin. Do you think she meant someone else?
      • Guthix: Haluned is part of Seren; a shard. It is unlikely she is the only one. If this is true for your friend, then I'm afraid you will both face difficult decisions ahead.
    • [Continue...]
  • Player: What should I do now?
  • Guthix: You have the information you came here for. Gather the major shards and find an elf that has the power to restore them. I will visit Seren for the final time. Trying to change her mind may be futile, but it will help me accept her fate. Go now. The elves of your time need you.
    • Goodbye.
      • Player: Be seeing you, Guthix.
      • Guthix: Goodbye, Player.
    • Thank you for the help.
      • Player: Thank you for all your help, Guthix.
      • Guthix: Goodbye, Player. I look forward to meeting you again.
    • I don't want to leave you!
      • Player: I don't want to leave you, Guthix!
      • Guthix: Yet you must. We will meet again, though for you that has already happened. Goodbye, Player.
  • Player: Predem abducto!
  • (The player returns to present time)
    • (If you chose "I don't want to leave you")
      • Player: Goodbye, Guthix...

Shards of Seren[]

Reporting Back[]

  • Arianwyn: Player, you've returned! How goes it?
  • Player: The enchanted key worked. It took me back in time to speak with Guthix.
  • Lord Amlodd: Then the legends of the key were true! Surely a being so powerful as Guthix had important insights for us?
  • Player: He told me we need to collect the major shards of Seren. We'll need replacement crystal to fill in the gaps, so to speak.
  • Lord Crwys: Replacement crystal? The only place we could get that would be on Tarddiad.
  • Lady Trahaearn: The major shards he spoke of, we gathered them during the aftermath of Seren's shattering. We can worry about replacement crystals once we have gathered them once more.
  • Player: Where are they now?
  • Lady Trahaearn: It was a chaotic time. The four largest shards were divided and given to clans of similar cultures for safe keeping.
  • Lord Amlodd: Ah, I remember it as though it were yesterday. The bonds between certain clans ran deeper back then. Amlodd and Hefin were known as the Spiritualists. we still protect our shard to this day.
  • Lord Crwys: Ah yes, I had almost forgotten how Crwys and Meilyr used to be bound. The Naturalists...that is what they called us.
  • Lady Meilyr: Indeed, our shard is well hidden. Lord Crwys and I alone posses the knowledge required to find it.
  • Arianwyn: It is well known that clans Cadarn and Iowerth formed the Military. We were at war at the time, though. The old Lord Iowerth had a certain disregard for our goddess. Baxtorian likely hid the shard entrusted to the Military.
  • Lady Trahaearn: And then there is the Artisans: clans Ithell and Trahaearn. Long have we built the foundations of elven civilisation, so of course we were entrusted with a shard.
  • Lady Ithell: Did Guthix share anything about how to reform the pieces? Perhaps a new crystal singing technique?
  • Player: All he said was we need to find an elf who knows powerful ancient magic to restore them. The kind possessed by some of your ancestors.
  • Lady Ithell: Oh... Well, maybe we need to use the enchanted key again?
  • Arianwyn: Let us focus on gathering the shards first. Perhaps we will find something useful on the way.
  • Eluned: Was there anything else Guthix told you? Anything at all that could help us?
  • Player: I found out something that might explain why you want to return the shards to each other so badly. I'm not quite sure how to say this but... Apparently you may be a part of Seren, like Haluned before she became the Dark Lord.
  • Eluned: What? Me - a part of Seren? I...
  • Player: I spoke to Haluned in the past. She said you were twins, born from the same mother.
  • Eluned: This is a lot to take in. I need some space to think.
  • Arianwyn: That's understandable. Everyone, we should give Eluned some breathing room.
  • Lord Amlodd: Adventurer, come and speak to us individually to learn more of how we might find the shards.

Talking about the Shards[]


  • Eluned: You need to gather the four great shards. Crwys and Meilyr know about the Naturalist shard. Amlodd and Hefin know about the Spiritualist shard. Cadarn and Iorwerth know about the Military shard. Trahaearn and Ithell know about the Artisan shard. You should speak to each of them to find out what you need to do.
    • [Ask Eluned about being a shard]
      • Player: How are you doing, you know...being
      • Eluned: About me potentially being a shard? That my life is a fabrication? That I'm not just a piece of her? It's hard to come to terms with. But that's not important right now, right now we should focus on getting those shards.
    • [Leave]


  • Arianwyn: Here, this may help you. It's a poem written by Baxtorian himself. The first part you may know, but only a handful of us know the existence of the second edition.
  • Lord Cadarn hands you the book.
  • Arianwyn: I'm sure it will be valuable in tracking down this shard.

Speaking to Arianwyn after reading the journal

  • Arianwyn: Do you see? The final verse has massive implications!
    • He isn't dead?
      • Arianwyn: Exactly!
    • Glarial is still alive?
      • Arianwyn: No! No.
    • He was really bad at poetry?
      • Arianwyn: No! No.
  • Arianwyn: He may still be alive somewhere in the Falls themselves. Sealed in such a way that only Glarial could find him.

Lady Ithell[]

  • Lady Ithell: All I know is that the shard is hidden deep beneath the earth. The entrance is watched over by clan Ithell. Not sure what that means I'm afraid.

Lord Amlodd[]

  • Player: How can I find the Spiritualists shard?
  • Lord Amlodd: The shard entrusted to Lady Hefin and I was found in the Poison Waste. Many years have been spent trying to purify it of the corruption that gripped it there. Thanks to the hard work of the monks in the monastery I believe we are close to finally purging the poison once and for all. Lady Hefin tells me it will involve a ritual at the monastery, completion of what will require three light cores that can be gained through Divination in the Amlodd district. Good luck adventurer! Bring the shard back here when you are done.

Lady Hefin[]

  • Player: How can I find the Spiritualists shard?
  • Lady Hefin: Our shard was found in the Poison Waste. Since Prifddinas was regrown we've housed it in our monastery, trying to purge the corruption. My clan has been working tirelessly and I now believe we may be able to perform a ritual to cleanse the last of the poison. The ritual will require three light cores if we are to purify the shard completely. They can be found using Divination in Lord Amlodd's district. Meet me in the monastery when you have the necessary supplies. I'll be waiting.

Lady Meilyr[]

  • Lady Meilyr: Long ago, we buried our shard beneath the earth in the heart of Prifddinas. Eventually it transformed a simple seed, which instead became a mighty crystal tree. Through the magic of this seed we locked the cave that held this shard to this tree and then the tree split into a network of trees. Now the shard can only be found by a tree that is in an active stage of growth and a special potion used on it. Sadly I can no longer recall the recipe fully. I only remember pieces. First, you will need a grand defence potion as its base. From there you'll need to find a rare ingredient from Isafadar and another ingredient that is a closely guarded secret of the treants. Unfortunately that's all I remember. But I hope it's enough.

Lord Crwys[]

  • Lord Crwys: The Meilyr and my clan took our shard and buried it deep beneath the earth, in a cave, so that it would be safe. Over time a great crystal tree grew over this cave, marking its entrance. So we took the seeds of this tree and grew several more outside the great city and we enchanted the cave so that it would be revealed only to those you knew the secret. Seek out this tree when it is in a state of heightened activity and then your will need to use a special potion so that the entrance will reveal itself. Talk to Lady Meilyr to find out what's involved in that.

Lord Iowerth[]

  • Lord Iorwerth: The actions of my clan, historically, have not been the best. I think you would be better of[sic] speaking to Lord Cadarn.

Lady Trahaearn[]

  • Lady Trahaearn: My memory is a little foggy, but I recall we hid the shard under the watchful gaze of Lady Ithell. there was some sort of defence system in place as well. I can't for the life of me remember what it is though.

After speaking to the Trahaearn Automaton MK V.

  • What is your exoskelton made from?
    • Lady Trahaearn: want to know the secret of my suit eh?
    • Lady Trahaearn: You will never fully understand my genius, the designs cannot simply be explained to lesser minds!
    • Lady Trahaearn: Years of research...careful experimentation...many...painful sacrifices. This is my magnum opus, my greatest work!
    • Lady Trahaearn: I will never share my genius: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
    • Player: metal is it made from?
    • Lady Trahaearn: Oh. Runite. I had a good supply and it's a very sturdy metal.
    • Lady Trahaearn: Erm...forget the whole mad laughter kind of thing. I get a bit carried away sometimes.
  • What was your husband called?
    • Lady Trahaearn: Ah Cynog. A good man and a devoted husband. Never have I met a man quite so pliable and devoid of opinion.
    • Lady Trahaearn: I could say 'jump' and he would. I could say 'dance' and he'd flail about, because he had no grace whatsoever.
    • Lady Trahaearn: I lost him when a building collapsed on him. No one was to blame, it was a freak accident that couldn't have been avoided.
    • Lady Trahaearn: I still miss him.
    • Lady Trahaearn: Every time I hear music playing, I imagine him trying and failing to dance to it. A good man, but a rubbish dancer.
  • How many Seren Stones are there?
    • Lady Trahaearn: How on Gielinor should I know? i'm old and forgetful and other obvious excuses. Go and take a look yourself!
  • 'The children are our future'
    • Lady Trahaearn: HAHAHAHA.
    • Lady Trahaearn: Well our future is doomed then. Look at them, lollygagging layabouts.
    • Lady Trahaearn: Especially you barkbrain!
    • Lord Crwys: Patience is a virtue my lady. Sometimes just by standing still and thinking through, we can reach the root of the problem.
    • Lady Trahaearn: More tree puns? Your should LEAF them alone!
    • Lord Crwys: You are getting the hang of them my lady. It's always good to branch out a little.
  • That's all for now.
    • [Leaves]

Meilyr and Crwys shard[]

Wintercup Mushroom[]

  • Player: I'm looking for at rare ingredient for the Elixir of Revealment.
  • Coeden: Now ... that ... is ... something ... I ... haven't ... heard ... in ... a ... long ... time. You ... must ... be ... looking ... for ... the ... wintercup ... mushroom.
  • Player: Yes. Do you know where I can find one?
  • Coeden: Yes ... yes ... I ... can ... tell ... you ... where ... to ... find ... one ... It ... reminds ... me ... of ... a ... funny ... story ...
  • Player: Oh? That sounds ... really ... interesti ... zzz
Coeden's Story[]
  • Coeden: It ... begins ... on ... a ... cold ... winter's ... evening ... There ... I ... was ... sitting ... blah ... on ... a ... stool ... Just ... blah ... sapling ... blah ... my ... own ... business ... Blah ... a ... strange ... blah ... appeared ... blah ... of ... nowhere ... Naturally... blah ... was ... confused ... blah ... their ... blah ... arrival ... but ... When ... blah ... offered ... me ... blah ... blah ... I .... was ... pleasantly ... blah ... I ... blah ... his ... blah ... and ... together ... blah ... flew ... into ... the ... blah ... Blah ... the ... forest ... blah ... was ... blah .. blah ... big ... blah ... with ... enormous ... roots ... blah ... upon ... its ... magnificent ... blah ... were ... blah ... growths ... of ... brilliant ... blah ... and ... they ... blah ... cold[sic] ... blah ... blah .... touch ... Blah ... squidy[sic] ... blah ... blah ... held ... blah ... but ... blah ... immediately ... blah ... saw ... blah ... blah ... powerful ... blah ... blah ... knew ... blah ... Blah ... they ... blah ... on ... blah ... blah ... blah ... had ... blah ... fight ... blah ... Blah ... didn't ... blah ... my ... blah ... strength ... blah ... blah ... snapped ... blah ... blah ... like ... blah ... twig ... blah ... blah ... of ... shock ... blah ... blah ... face ... blah .. haunt ... blah ... dreams ... blah[sic]
Falling Asleep[]
  • (If you fall completely asleep)
    • Coeden: Oh ... I ... thought ... you ... might ... enjoy ... my ... story ...
  • (If you fall completely asleep, one of the following will randomly generate)
    • It's time to take your adventuring exam, and you are super nervous. The paper seems to be covered in random scribbles and unreadable symbols, which is making it pretty tricky to answer the questions. Worse, you keep on having to stop the exam in order to go to adventuring lessons. This is totally stupid and a waste of time as you've also got to get ready to go adventuring. You scamper up and down the halls of adventuring school, checking your schedule and getting more and more frustrated as you discover dozens of subjects you've not attended for months are now due for final exams. But waitnone[sic] of this makes any sense! You've been an adventurer for years, and even then you didn't go to school to learn how to do it. This must be a crazy dream. That explains why all the teachers are clouds of shrieking bats. You wake up with a start.
    • The droning voice has put you to sleep. Whatever you are dreaming of is secondary to the main problem; you are currently snoring like an elderly pig ducking[sic] for apples in a tub of jelly. While this initially causes some amusement in passing elves and adventurers it soon becomes a little embarrassing. A small crowd gathers, trying to work out who will give you a nudge to wake up. As the noise continues, members of the city guard arrive to find out who is trying to drown a defenceless pig. Overall the situation becomes so supremely mortifying that eventually a brave member of the crowd pokes you in the shoulder. You wake up, surrounded by elves who are trying not to meet your gaze, wondering what happened to gather them there. Nobody is willing to tell you, so it will remain a mystery.
    • You find yourself in a vast plaza of marble and gold. A deep, booming voice calls on you to prove your worth. Monster[sic] of all shapes and sizes pour in from all sides and you take them down with consummate ease. Spells, swords and arrows bounce from you like light summer rain, while every sweep of your hand takes down dozens of the enemy. Soon you are standing on a huge heap of slain monsters. The voice once again booms out, naming you as a worthy champion of the gods. Holy weapons, armour and magical trinkets are displayed before you, and you take as many as you can carry. A bright beam of light washes over you, causing you to wake. It was all a dream or was it? Yes, actually it was. It turns out you are currently hugging a rather startled stranger like he was a heap of treasure. With an awkward apology you let him go.
    • You wake up. Goodness; what a strange dream. For some reason you thought you were some sort of mammal who went around on adventures. Instead of having a network of roots and stems you had legs. Instead of leaves you had arms. Instead of a core of lush, delicious cabbage you had a torso and fleshy head. What nonsense! You content yourself with drinking in sunlight and drawing water and nutrients up through your roots. Around you other cabbages rustle in the warm breeze. And above you all, towering, perfect, delicious, is Brassica Prime. You wake up again with an inarticulate cry! You're you again, not a cabbage. Or are you? Can you truly be sure you're a human who dreamed he was a cabbage, or a cabbage that is dreaming of being a human?
    • You wake up in a strange landscape. Everywhere you look are obsidian pillars and slabs that suggest buildings, but are somehow subtly wrong in proportion and arrangement. The words seas rise, nations fall'[sic] are whispered in your ear over and over again, but every time you whip around you see nothing. It is utterly dark but somehow you can still see that there is nobody here with you. The air feels thick, like treacle, and you suddenly realize that you are deep under water. You try to breathe but can't; after all you are surrounded by cold, black water at the bottom of a terrible, merciless ocean. You struggle, but your limbs won't move. Is it because of the pressure of the water, or could it be the myriad black, stone hands that have emerged from the buildings and are gripping you? In either case, you jerk awake with a gasp. It was all a dream! A terrible, terrible dream[sic]

After the story

  • Coeden: Here ... the ... mushroom ... is ... yours ... May ... it ... give ... you ... better ... memories.
  • You receive a wintercup mushroom.

Speaking to Coeden after receiving the mushroom

  • Coeden: Ah ... but ... you ... already ... have ... the ... mushroom ... go ... brew ... the ... potion.

Bloodcap mushroom[]

  • You pick a bloodcap mushroom

Using the Elixir of Revealment on a clan leader[]

  • I'm not entirely sure what you're expecting me to do with that ... but I am not going to do it.

Getting the shard[]

  • You collect the naturalists seren[sic] shard. You feel a sense of harmony with the world around you. You should take this to Lord Crwys.

Returning the shard[]

Talking to Lady Meilyr

  • Lady Meilyr: Wonderful, I knew you would be able to get it. Now you need to find the other shards. (She will take the shard)

Talking to Lord Crwys

  • Lord Crwys: You have recovered the shard, Player, I never doubted you would. Now you need to find the other shards. (He will take the shard)

Talking to either of them after giving them the shard

  • Lady Meilyr: or Lord Crwys: You already found the naturalists' shard.

Trahaearn and Ithell shard[]


  • Peering into the well you see notches large enough to be footholds stretching into the darkness.


  • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: Identifying life form...
    • (If not wearing Exoskeleton)
      • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: Identity unrecognised. Access prohibited.
    • (If wearing Exoskeleton)
      • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: Exoskeleton detected. Confirming identity. Please identify the metal your exoskeleton is comprised of.
        • Mithril
        • Adamant
        • Iron
        • Runite (correct response)
        • Bane Ore
      • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: Correct. Please state the name of your husband Lady Trahaearn.
        • Arawn
        • Cadog
        • Cynog (correct response)
        • Derec
        • Trick Question, I was never married
      • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: Correct. Please state the number of Seren stones currently being monitored by clan Trahaearn.
        • Four
        • Five (correct response)
        • Six
        • Seven
        • Eight
      • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: Correct. Analysing response to this statement: 'Our children are our future'
        • The future is in good hands
        • Youth is wasted on the young
        • The future is doomed (correct response)
      • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: Welcome back, Lady Trahaearn.
      • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: (On-screen) Entering passive observation mode
      • You collect the artisan shard and feel great pride in your work.
    • (If you get a question wrong)
      • Trahaearn Automaton MK V: INCORRECT: ACCESS PROHIBITED[sic]

Returning the shard[]

Talking to Lady Trahaearn

  • Lady Trahaearn: The shard! How wonderful! You've done very well. (She will take the shard)
  • (If you talk with her after giving them the shard)
    • Lady Trahaearn: You found the artisans[sic] shard, perhaps you should look into the other shards? Don't forget to return them to the lords so they can prepare them.

Talking to Lady Ithell

  • Lady Ithell: Fantastic, I knew you'd find it. (She will take the shard)
  • (If you talk with her after giving them the shard)
    • Lady Ithell: You already found the artisans' shard.

Amlodd and Hefin shard[]

Purification Ritual[]

  • Lady Hefin: The ritual requires us to synchronise several poises in a row so we are in harmony, then we will perform an incantation in the elven tongue. I will speak the words and then you must copy me. At first there will be three words and poses, but these will increase to five as the ritual intensifies.
    • Player: What are the words and their meanings?
      • Lady Hefin: The words we must speak are: 'puro' meaning 'purify', 'glanha' meaning 'cleanse', 'adfer' meaning 'restore', ddiarddel' meaning 'expel' and 'llygredd' meaning 'corruption'.
      • Player: Got it. I'm ready to start the ritual.
    • Player: I'm ready to start!
      • Player: Got it. I'm ready to start the ritual.

After the poses each time

  • Lady Hefin: Now for the incantation, listen carefully!
  • Player: (Correctly recite the random order of words)
  • Lady Hefin: It's working! Only 2/1 more to go.

After finishing the ritual

  • Lady Hefin: We've done it! Finally the Spiritualists shard has been purified. Return the shard to me or Lord Amlodd when you next visit the Tower of Voices.

If you get any of the incantation wrong

  • Lady Hefin: Incorrect, pay more attention next time!

Returning the shard[]

Talking to Lady Hefin

  • Player: Here's the shard we purified!
  • Lady Hefin: With the corruption purged from our part of Seren, I feel like a great weight has been lifted from me. Thank you, Player. (She will take the shard). You should lend the other clan leaders your help so we can find the remaining Seren shards.
  • (If you talk with her after giving them the shard)
    • Lady Hefin: You've already found the Spiritualists shard. Lend the other clan leaders your help so we can find the remaining ones.

Talking to Lord Amlodd

  • Player: Here, we managed to purify the Spiritualists shard!
  • Lord Amlodd: Fine work, adventurer! I knew it could be done. (He will take the shard). Now, do not tarry. There are still more shards to find if we are to restore Seren once more!
  • (If you talk with him after giving them the shard)
    • Lord Amlodd: You've already found the Spiritualist's[sic] shard. Perhaps you should speak to some of the other clan leaders about where the rest can be found.

Iorwerth and Cadarn shard[]

Baxtorian Falls[]

  • Arianwyn: This would have been such a tragic ending for a great man. We should investigate his statue, I am sure it's more than it seems.

Investigating the statue

  • Arianwyn: Deffro Baxtorian, eich pobl sydd angen i chi! DEFFRO!
  • (Arianwyn casts a spell on the statue and it transforms into Baxtorian)
  • Baxtorian: Glarial? My Glarial you've retur.. ah. It was too much to hope for. I should have known. Is there at least news?
  • Arianwyn: I'm sorry your majesty...
  • Baxtorian: No, my friend, I am no king, no longer. I gave up my crown long ago. If anything the elves should split the crown between them, each clan held in equal esteem.
  • Arianwyn: Then you would like the new Prifddinas.
  • Baxtorian: A new one? Has Iorwerth fallen?
  • Arianwyn: The old regime is gone, yes, the new Iorwerth stood against them and wished to return the elves to democracy.
  • Baxtorian: Then perhaps now is the right time to return.. who is the human?
    • [Indignant]The human?
      • Player: The human? I have a name you know.
      • Baxtorian: And a chip on your shoulder. I meant no offence by referencing your species.
      • Player: Oh...sorry.
      • (Continues below)
    • [Polite]My name is Player.
      • (Continues below)
  • Player: My name is Player, I'm working with the elves to restore Seren and save Prifddinas.
    • Player: Baxtorian, it's an honour to meet you.
      • Baxtorian: Honour? Perhaps not, I do not feel I deserve that reverence. Let's settle for being pleased to meet one another. What can you tell me about yourself, so I may better know you?
        • Player: I am Player -...
          • The world guardian
            • Player: Player, The World Guardian.
            • Baxtorian: What a ridiculous title...sorry, I mean what an impressive title. How did you earn it?
            • Player: It was a title given by Guthix himself.
            • Baxtorian: Oh in that case I completely take it back, it doesn't sound ridiculously self agrandising at all.
            • Player: ...
            • Baxtorian: Oh dear, this isn't coming out right at all.
          • Saviour of Prifddinas
            • Player: Player, Saviour of Prifddinas.
            • Baxtorian: Really? And how did you accomplish this great feat?
            • Player: Well, where do I begin?
            • (Screen fades in and out)
            • Player: And then, with the Dark Lord defeated, we returned Prifddinas to its former glory.
            • Baxtorian: Well then, you achieved what I could not. In that case I profess the honour of this meeting is mine.
          • Arianwyn's friend.
            • Player: Player, Arianwyn's friend.
            • Baxtorian: A simple and honest moniker. And you Arianwyn, why should I care that this adventurer is your friend?
            • Arianwyn: Because I stand before you, now, as the Lord of clan Cadarn. From a Prifddinas that is once again free.
            • Baxtorian: So it's true, you succeeded where I failed...and Glarial?
            • Arianwyn: I'm sorry...
            • Baxtorian: I see.
            • Player: But you have a grandson, Islwyn.
            • Baxtorian: A Eirlys survived...and had a child? I shall have to meet him.
          • The Ravensworn (if you have the title unlocked)
            • Player: Player, the Ravensworn.
            • Baxtorian: The Ravensworn? Should that mean something?
            • Player: Well it took a long time to get, so I wanted to show off.
            • Baxtorian: It does sound impressive, I'll give you that.
          • Follower of Seren (if you are aligned with Seren)
            • Player: Player, follower of Seren.
            • Baxtorian: Forgive me Player, but my own faith has wavered over the centuries. Meeting a fellow disciple has lost its meaning somewhat.
    • Player: Why have you sealed yourself away?
      • Baxtorian: Because I lost her. My Glarial.
      • Player: So you turned yourself to crystal?
      • Baxtorian: Yes, it allowed me the release from my grief, which was unbearable, but with hope enough that she might yet return to me. Please...I know you want to ask more, but even the centuries have barely dulled the agonising pain of her loss.
      • Player: You seem to be doing ok, considering.
      • Baxtorian: I have spent years embroiled in the politics and machinations of aristocracy, I have a very well maintained mask.
    • Player: I have so many questions...
      • Baxtorian: And in time I will answer them, but for now I sense an urgency in your companion. When the city is safe and Seren restored, we will have plenty of time for answers.
    • We need to restore Seren.
      • Arianwyn: King..Lord Baxtorian, we are here because Prifddinas needs your help. We need to restore Seren and we are missing the shard held by your military. Do you know where we could find it?
      • Baxtorian: Ha ha ha. Yes young Cadarn, I know where it is. I have kept it close to me for the last few centuries. If you are reforging Seren, I would be a part of that.
      • Arianwyn: We would be honoured to have you involved.
      • Baxtorian: Very well. I trust that you know the Song of Restoration?
      • Player: The what?
      • Baxtorian: Ah, that may be a problem. I only remember some of it. It was a song that Seren gave the lords before she shattered herself. A song so that in a moment of direst need, if all hope for the elves was lost, that we could sing her back whole again. I was taught some of the song, but there's still so much missing. But, that is a bridge we will cross when we com to it. For now I promised you a shard. I hid the shard close to me, with a form that I would defend at all costs.
      • Baxtorian: Forgive me my love.
      • (Baxtorian dispels the statue of Glarial)
      • Baxtorian: And now she is gone forever...take the shard. I will return to Prifddinas.

Speaking to Baxtorian after the shard is revealed

  • Baxtorian: I hid the shard close to me, with a form that I would defend at all costs. Take the shard to the tower, I will meet you there. You should return that shard to the Tower of Voices, I'll meet you there.

Speaking to Arianwyn after the shard is revealed

  • (If you don't have the shard yet)
    • Arianwyn: Get the shard, then let's head out of here.
  • (If you have the shard)
    • Arianwyn: We should return to the tower. Hold on to the shard for now, I'll take it from you when we get there.

Getting the shard

  • You collect the military shard and feel your strength of resolve enhanced.

Returning the shard[]

  • Arianwyn: You got the shard? I had no doubts you would my friend. (He will take the shard). Now you should turn your attention to the other shards, there are yet more out there
  • Lord Iorwerth: Excellent, you have the shard! (He will take the shard)

Final Preparations[]

Seren Cutscene 1[]

Trying to enter the second floor of the tower

  • Seren: …Lost…I feel them stirring…My people need me…help me…Player…
  • Player: What was that?
  • Part of a melody fills your mind, you remember a few notes to an incomplete song.

The Missing Shards[]

  • Lady Ithell: You managed to return all the shards!
  • Lord Iorwerth: Wait, there is one other..
  • Arianwyn: Surely you don't mean-
  • Lord Iorwerth: Yes. The Dark Lord was a shard of Seren. What if there is a part of it left?
  • Eluned: Surely we couldn't include that part in the restoration!
  • Lord Iorwerth: Guthix said we need all the major shards of Seren, yes? What if that includes Haluned and perhaps even Eluned? Player, go and speak to Morvran. He'll be able to let you into the Grand Library to search for any remnants of the Dark Lord.

Speaking with each person in the room

  • Eluned: So, I need to be...reincorporated...
    • Player: Not necessarily...I mean Seren was fine without you being part of her previously right?
    • Eluned: But this is different...I...we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now we should deal with the Dark Lord...
      • [Ask about how Eluned feels]
        • Player: How do you feel about all of this?
        • Eluned: Honestly? Terrified. I's not going to be death, not really...but what is me will be gone. I will be just another part of Seren, not Eluned any more. What makes me me, will be gone. It's selfish to think like that, I know. Maybe it's more important that Seren is made whole...but still.
        • Player: I understand.
        • Eluned: You don't, you can't, but it means a lot that you would try.
      • [Leave]
  • Arianwyn: I think you need to speak to Morvran.
  • Lady Ithell: Listen, think carefully. Do we really need to incorporate that nightmare into Seren? Remember all the death and destruction it caused!
  • Lord Amlodd: So, we are to reunite Seren with her darker self. Wise. An incomplete spirit is more dangerous than one tainted with darkness.
  • Lady Hefin: You must recover the dark part of Seren's spirit. She must be whole again.
  • Lady Meilyr: I'm not convinced we need to incorporate the darker aspects of Seren into herself. Surely we want her at her best?
  • Lord Crwys: Strange that we should be so willing to reunite Seren with the darker aspects of herself.
  • Lord Iorwerth: You must reunite Seren with every aspect of herself, no matter how much you may not want to. It is vital that she be returned with even the darkest parts of herself intact. Even gods must attone for their sins, not just be given a blank slate.
  • Lady Trahaearn: Some people here will tell you that we don't need the dark part of Seren reunited. I disagree. No one is truly good, nor evil, but both. We are made from our actions and our inactions. Our reason and our emotions. To believe we can pick and choose is folly and reckless. I urge you, Player, she must be reunited with that dark aspect of herself.
  • Baxtorian: The Dark Lord has been a dangerous thorn in the side of Prifddinas for far too long. If the choice were mine, I would see it destroyed and not have Seren tainted with its evil.


  • Player: I was told you have access to the Grand Library through your arena, can you take me there?
  • Morvran: Who told you that? I don't know what you are talking about...
  • Player: The elders told me, I need to find what remains of the Dark Lord.
  • Morvran: Oh, so they know? Keeping tabs on me again... Fine. I'll take you down there.

Grand Library[]

Speaking to Morvran

  • Morvran: The staircase to the Grand Library is through the door on the other side of this walkway. Watch your step.

Interacting with the Seren shard

  • The remnants of the Dark Lord lie on the floor. A single, blackened crystal. The blast of energy released upon the Dark Lord's death must have flung it over here. Miraculously it stopped before falling into the depths below...
    • Include the dark Seren shard in the restoration?
      • Yes, Seren should return complete with all her imperfections.
        • You found a Seren shard!
      • No, Seren should return without her flaws.
        • (You kick the shard into the abyss)
        • Player: Good riddance.

Speaking with Morvran after choosing what to do with the shard

  • Morvran: You've made your decision, you should return to the Tower of Voices.

Not Enough Crystals[]

  • Arianwyn: How goes the search of the Grand Library?
    • If included Dark Lord shard
      • Player: I found the dark shard and chose to bring it back to use in the restoration.
      • Arianwyn: Oh!
    • If did not include Dark Lord shard
      • Tell the truth - say you destroyed the shard.
        • Player: I found the Dark Lord shard and chose to destroy it.
      • Lie - say you couldn't find anything.
        • Player: I searched everywhere, there was no trace of the Dark Lord.
  • Eluned: It seems... wrong some how.[sic] There's too much missing.
  • Lord Amlodd: There is. There's just not enough crystal infused with her essence.
  • Lady Trahaearn: Where can we get more, without, you know, tearing down the city?
  • Lady Hefin: Tarddiad...
  • Baxtorian: Tarddiad? Are you serious?
  • Lady Hefin: Seren was there for years, we don't even know how long, and it's a world we know is filled with crystal. If there's anywhere that might have the sort of crystals that we need, it will be there.
  • Lady Meilyr: The question is, does anyone know how to get there?
  • Lord Crwys: If I may, the World Gate has been returned to us once more,[sic] it was how we came here, surely it's a way back.
  • Arianwyn: Does anyone know the combinations that will take us there?
  • Lord Iorwerth: I believe I can help with that. In my studies I did come across a reference, it may not be too difficult to deduce the combination.
  • Baxtorian: And we are to believe Iorwerth deceptions?
  • Lord Iorwerth: I can assure you the information is quite genuine.
  • Lady Ithell: There is no need to distrust the Iorwerth now, King Baxtorian...
  • Lord Iorwerth: He is no king of mine.
  • Lady Ithell: ENOUGH! Baxtorian, lord[sic] Iorwerth here was instrumental in taking down the old Iorwerth regime. He has more than proven that he is a friend of all the clans, not just Iorwerth. I understand your past with the Iorwerth, but now is a time to mend bridges and not burn them. Lord Iorwerth, you were saying?
  • Lord Iorwerth: Yes, I believe a little trial and error may be needed to reach Tarddiad via the World Gate. I will entrust Player with what little information I have so there can be no clan bias. The information will allow you to bypass the barrier that prevents acccess to Tarddiad, but you'll need to work out the gate attunement yourself.
  • Eluned: Player I will go too, I have always dreamed of visiting Tarddiad.
  • Lord Amlodd: Then we are settled then. Player head out through the World Gate to Tarddiad, Eluned will meet you there. Be careful though, no one has been to Tarddiad in centuries, who knows what it has become.

Speaking to them once again

  • Baxtorian: You need to gather tarddian crystals Player. We need a good supply of them before Seren can be reforged.


When entering the World Gate

  • Through the gate you see a world covered almost entirely by trees. You recognise it as being Tarddiad, home plane of the elves. Are you ready to step through the World Gate?

Seren Cutscene 2[]

  • Seren: beautiful Tarddiad. I should never have left you. You were the perfect world, not Gielinor. Here my elves would have been happy...I would have been happy. Oh Guthix, why did you ever have to go to that foolish world?
  • Part of a melody fills your mind, you remember a few notes to an incomplete song.


  • Eluned:'s just like I dreamed it. It's so beautiful. We should be able to find plenty of crystals here, but we need to find crystal[sic] with Seren's essence. We should explore deeper as well, I have a strange feeling.
  • Player: How many crystals do you think we'll need?
  • Eluned: About 50 shards infused with essence should be enough. I'll let you make your own way around. I'll explore around here a bit. Who knows what dangers we may face here, make sure you are prepared to defend yourself.

Speaking with Eluned again

  • (Dialogue options)
    • Player: What am I doing again?
      • Eluned: You're seeking out 50 crystals that have been infused with Seren's essence. I suggest heading further into the forests. I have a feeling that there's something here that can help.
    • Player: I met a shapeshifter.
      • (If you haven't yet introduced Eluned and Angof)
        • Eluned: I saw. I was following you and I saw your conversation. It's tragic to see what we could have become. I should go and talk to her, but I need to think of the right words.
      • (If you've already introduced Eluned and Angof)
        • Eluned: Yes, I know. You introduced us, remember?
          • Eluned: (If you're speaking to the Eluned at Angof's house) In fact, she is standing right there, so having this conversation seems a little rude.
        • Player: You're right. I don't know why I brought it up.
    • Player: I'll be going now.
      • (Dialogue ends)


  • Player: Erm...hello?
  • The creature turns to glare at you with wild, mad eyes. Without further warning, it moves to attack.


  • (If you have your weapons unsheathed (combat level displayed))
    • Angof: Sheathe your weapons human, let us try words over warfare.
    • (Continues below)
  • (If you have your weapons sheathed (total level displayed) or have no weapons equipped)
    • Angof: I don't wish to fight you human, let us try words over warfare.
      • Player: Hello, pleased to meet you.
        • Angof: A proper civil greeting, I too am pleased to meet you human.
      • Player: You can talk!
        • Angof: Evidently.
        • Player: Sorry, it's just...well the other shapeshifters have been...
        • Angof: Less than polite, yes, I must apologise on their behalf. They are...not themselves.
      • Player: I'll talk, but I'm staying armed.
        • Angof: A dissapointing[sic] stance for our first diplomatic introduction, but I understand. May I at least know your name?
        • Player: I am Player.
  • Angof: I am Angof. I will speak for my people.
    • Tell me about the crystal shards.
      • Player: Tell me about the crystals.
      • Angof: What would you know?
        • Player: I need complete crystals.
          • Angof: Why exactly?
            • Player: I have my reasons.
              • Angof: And you are entitled to them, of course. But I know that infused shards can only be obtained from my brethren.
            • Player: I am rebuilding Seren.
              • Angof: Rebuilding? She has broken?
              • Player: She shattered herself, rather than abandon the elves on Gielinor.
              • Angof: Of course she did... At least she cares about some of us. However, obtaining the crystals will not be easy. They can only be obtained from my brethren.
          • Angof: And they will not give them up willingly, without a fight.
            • Player: I'd rather not fight them.
              • Angof: Good to hear my friend.
            • Player: Fine by me.
              • Angof: But not by me. They aren't monsters Player they are people, suffering.
          • Angof: Perhaps I can offer an alternative. My people need crystal fragments and you need them whole. Fragments can be found across Tarddiad. In trees, rocks, even floating in the rivers. For every 3 of these you bring me, I will give you complete crystal.
            • (If Eluned has joined you at Angof's house)
              • Eluned: But isn't that going to just make it worse? I mean you've said that the crystals basically enslave you.
              • Angof: Yes and no. In the long term I believe I can ween my people off the crystals, but it needs to be a gradual process. The hold is too strong.
          • (Dialogue continues)
            • Player: Works for me.
              • Angof: I am glad. All but the most violent of my brothers and sisters are now in hiding. Tread carefully, but you should be able to harvest the fragments without fear. Gather crystal fragments from the resources across Tarddiad and I will exchange them for complete crystals.
            • Player: I can get it elsewhere.
              • Angof: No, the only place you'll find complete cystals[sic] is from my brethren... Ah. I see. You realise that my people won't give up without a fight.
                • I will fight the shapeshifters.
                  • Are you sure?
                    • Yes - Fight the shapeshifters
                      • Player: I will fight the shapeshifters.
                      • Angof: Then this conversation is over. So be it. I have called to my brothers and sisters, they will not hide from you. If you change your mind, come see me, I will try and calm them.
                      • (Additional shapeshifters have spawned on the map, and all are now aggressive. If you need to revert this option, right-click toggle on Angof)
                    • No - Gather shards through skilling
                      • (See "peaceful solution" below)
                • Player: I prefer a peaceful solution.
                  • (See above option "Works for me")
            • Ask about something else
              • (Returns to previous options)
        • Player: Can I exchange fragments?
          • (If you have less than 3 fragments)
            • Angof: It appears you have insufficient fragments to trade.
          • (If you have 3 or more fragments)
            • Angof: I will give you <number1> complete crystals for <number2> crystal fragments.
              • Ok
                • You receive <number1> tarddian crystals.
              • Not now
                • (Dialogue ends)
        • Player: What do the crystals do?
          • Angof: For my kind, they stave off the terrible need, if only for a while. They allow us a brief moment of lucidity before swallowing us back.
          • Player: That sounds...unpleasant.
          • Angof: It is. But it's either that or death.
        • Ask about something else.
          • (Returns to previous options)
    • Player: Tell me about yourself.
      • Angof: What would you like to know?
        • Player: What is your role here?
          • Angof: You ask that as though there were some sort of hierarchy here. Truth be told, I am merely the most coherent currently. Officially I serve no role. In time I too will forget myself and the others. Perhaps another will become cognisant enough to take my place, or perhaps not.
          • Player: So there's no lord, lady or any kind of ruler here?
          • Angof: Haha once perhaps. But our civilisation, such that it is, no longer has such things.
            • (If Eluned has joined you at Angof's house)
              • Eluned: But it could be rebuilt? We could help!
              • Angof: Ha ha ha. You could rebuilt[sic] houses. Tend the sick, perhaps. But Tarddiathen[sic] civilisation is long gone. What would you remake us into? A blissful simulacrum of your own world perhaps? That is no longer who we are. The elves of Tarddiad are dead and forgotten. Your kind made sure of that.
              • Eluned: No. I mean, we could...I just...
              • Angof: I know. I am sorry. But the bridge between our people was burned long ago. It will take a long time to repair our kinship.
        • Player: What can you tell me about your history?
          • Angof: A broad question. I was born here, on Tarddiad, in the village of Cysur. I was a proud descendant of Ceidwad herself. Quite the mantle to carry.
            • (If Eluned has joined you at Angof's house)
              • Eluned: Really? I heard stories about her. She wrote the Cerddi!
              • Angof: She did a lot more than that, but yes. She was a spiritual leader for our people, even before Seren's arrival she was our conscience. It is a source of great personal pride to know that my blood can be traced back to hers.
          • Angof: But even that impressive lineage did not stop me from getting the Sickness. I took the crystal before I even knew what it was. And that, for all intents and purposes, is my history. Every day since has been searching for those crystal shards. It is not an existence I would recommend. I confess greater coherence than my brethren, so I took it upon myself to watch out for them. Such as offering an alternative to their slaughter by some hapless adventurer. No offence.
          • Player: None taken.
        • Player: What are your opinions on Seren?
          • Angof: It's strange. I should hate her for abandoning us. But I don't. All I feel is a profound sadness that she is not with me. Odd, isn't it?
            • (If Eluned has joined you at Angof's house)
              • Eluned: do seem to act like you hate her...
              • Angof: I am angered by her. Furious at her abandonment. I loathe her, but I also love her, as do all of her slaves.[sic]
        • Ask about something else
          • (Returns to previous options)
    • Player: Tell me about the shapeshifters.
      • Angof: What would you like to know?
        • Player: What are they?
          • Angof: What a question. They are my family, my friends, the people I love. But of course you don't mean it like that. Once we were elves. Tall, graceful, proud and noble. But we loved a god and she abadoned[sic] us. After that, we could never be complete. Our histories speak of the countless deaths that followed the Great Exodus. Death from lonliness,[sic] from an impossible aching yearning. I'll wager that you have felt the pain of heartbreak at least once in your life. Now imagine that increased by a thousand. It was agony; torture. We had to find a solution and we a degree. The native crystals to Tarddiad retained traces or[sic] her resonance. The tiniest sliver of her essence. Not enough by themselves...but we were adaptable. Using magic and a variation on the Song of Creation, we embedded these crystals within ourselves. It helped, at first. But we simply replaced one need for another and over time we became more and more dependant on the crystals. Over time the crystals changed us. We became...this. The crystals that we embedded within ourselves, began to twist us. Flesh and bone became malleable, like clay. At first it was a blessing. We could reshape and reforge ourselves. We became our weapons. Our artisans no longer needed to create and maintain tools to craft. Our form was pliable and limited only by our creativity. It could have been a golden age for my people.
            • (If Eluned has joined you at Angof's house)
              • Eluned: How does it feel? To change your form so easily?
              • Angof: How do I explain? It is like breaking every bone in your body at once. Twisting every muscle. And it is like relaxing completely in warm water. Like lying down after a hard day's work. It is an agony like no other and an indescribable serenity.
              • Eluned: I can't decide whether that's good or bad.
              • Angof: On the whole, good. But it is not without it's[sic] cost. (If you've triggered this Eluned dialogue, skip the next sentence below)
          • Angof: But we were fools to believe that there would be no cost. The crystals created within us a new need, a new hunger. An insatiable craving for more crystals. But its[sic] a vicious cycle,[sic] the more we acquire, the more we crave. Soon there's nothing left but the aching need for crystal shards. You see now why most of my brethren are mad. Consumed utterly by their hunger for the crystals.
          • Player: But not you?
          • Angof: Ha ha. Oh I crave the crystals. You have no idea how badly I crave them. Each minute is a struggle. Each thought is laced with desperate desire for more of them. But I resist. I remember what I...what we... once were and I use that knowledge to hold on. But I am slipping and it just takes one moment of weakness to fall forever.
            • (If Eluned has joined you at Angof's house)
              • Eluned: If you let us help we could...
              • Angof: No. *Sigh* Not yet. There is a lot of resentment that remains with my people regarding the elves of Gielinor. There are some who would rather die than accept your aid. In time we may be able to change this. But it will be a long process. I hope you understand.
        • Player: What are the crystals?
          • Angof: Simultaneously they are our salvation and our doom. They were natural growths on Tarddiad. We used them in our tools and architecture. But it wasn't until Seren came that we saw their true potential. Seren was a beautiful goddess of crystal and these crystals resonated with her. Her songs, and ours, caused these crystals to absorb the tiniest sliver of her nature. Her essence, if you will. Not enough to cause her harm, or even for her to notice, but just enough to be special. They contain just enough essence to hold back the Sickness as well. Though not enough to starve it off completely. But you can clearly see the profound side effects that they have on us physically, though the mental effect is far worse.
        • Player: Can I help them?
          • Angof: Perhaps Player, perhaps. The crystals that we crave can also be our salvation. If I can slowly ween them off the crystals, then they might become as cognisant as I. Perhaps then, helping one another, we might help each other to find an alternative to these crystals.
            • Player: Perhaps the elves on Gielinor can help.
              • Angof: We would look like monsters to them and what could they do but watch us suffer?
                • Player: Let me get Eluned.
                  • Player: She's an elf from Gielinor.
                  • (Screen fades in and out)
                  • Eluned: Hello Angof. I am Eluned, from Gielinor it's good to meet you.
                  • Angof: Likewise. I am sorry that you could not see us at our best. We are not what we once were.
                  • Eluned: I am sorry, I didn't know that, that's a lie. I knew that there might have been elves left behind. But we didn't want to believe it. None of us wanted to imagine what had become of you. We assumed you would all be...
                  • Angof: Dead. I know. I understand.
                  • Eluned: Please...forgive us.
                  • Angof: No. I'm sorry, but I cannot. Your kind abandoned us and turned your backs on us entirely. Your kind had every opportunity to return and check on us. But you chose not to.
                  • Eluned: The Worldgate[sic], we lost it it[sic]...
                  • Angof: And before it was lost? After? Even now you come here not to aid your own kind, but to rebuild the goddess that did this to us. I bare you no ill will, specifically, Eluned. You at least have made the journey here. But I cannot forgive the elves of Gielinor for abandoning us.
                  • (Extra dialogue may now occur involving Eluned and Angof in certain dialogue options)
                • [Say nothing]
                  • (Returns to previous options)
            • Player: I could gather more crystals.
              • Player: I need to gather them for the elves back in Gielinor anyway.
              • Angof: Yes, that would help. I could ration them and help my brethren get back on their feet.
              • Player: Will you be able to resist the temptation to use them yourself?
              • Angof: Honestly I could not say. But I have resisted this long, with a clear goal in mind I believe I can prevail.
                • Perhaps the elves on Gielinor can help.
                  • (Continues above)
                • [Continue]
                  • (Returns to previous options)
        • Ask about something else
          • (Returns to previous options)
    • Player: Tell me about Tarddiad.
      • Angof: What would you know?
        • Player: What happened to the elven civilisation?
          • Angof: When Seren left us and took the majority of our people with her, what remained was barely enough to maintain a civilisation. We drew inwards, becoming a number of small communities rather than the great cities of old. But without her light to guide us and to protect us, we became sick. Then we found the crystals. We began to care less about maintaining our society and more and more focused on simply finding more crystals. Soon there weren't even villages, we became wanderers. Nomads. Searching for the next source of crystals.
            • (If Eluned has joined you at Angof's house)
              • Eluned: Nothing remains?
              • Angof: I have salvaged what I could. But our ancient temples are overgrown and full of monsters and our cities are now forests. I believe it may once be reclaimed, but it will not be for decades yet.
        • Player: What are these crystal growths?
          • Angof: Yes I heard your Gielinor did not have them. But to us they are as natural as the trees and rocks. They have always been part of my world.
        • Player: What was the religion before Seren?
          • Angof: Do you know[sic], I have no idea. I suppose it just stopped being relevant. I'm not even sure we had religion before her. We worked with the land, venerating what was, rather than the intangible.
        • Ask about something else
          • (Returns to previous options)
    • [Leave]
      • Angof: Farewell human. *Sings to herself*
      • Player: I know that song...I know it...
      • Angof: I fail to see how, it's an ancient elven song. Only the crystals here really remember it.
      • Player: No...It's more than that. It was the last piece that I needed! Thanks.
      • You have now learned the Song of Restoration.

Eluned after getting crystals[]

  • Eluned: Fantastic! You seem to have enough crystals to restore Seren. We should return and speak to the elders.
    • Let's return.
      • (Screen fades out and you arrive below the Tower of Voices)
    • I met a shapeshifter.
      • (Same as before)
    • I'll be going now.
      • (Dialogue ends)

Returning to the Tower of Voices[]

  • Baxtorian: You have crystals. Good. It is time.
  • Player: I've discovered the last part of the song[sic] of Restoration as well.
  • Baxtorian: Marvellous. You have done well Player, come, let us bring an end to all of this. Let us unite as one council. One voice, from many. Seren. Hear this song and be restored!
  • (Cutscene)
    • Eluned: So this is it then...the end of my journey?
    • Eluned: I'm scared Player.
    • Eluned: I don't want to go.
      • Player: Maybe you don't have to?
        • Player: Seren was fine without you as a part of her before, maybe she doesn't need you now.
        • Lord Iorwerth: No, Seren must be made whole again.
        • Lady Hefin: It would be a noble sacrifice Eluned. Seren and you would both be whole again.
        • Lord Amlodd: Have you not felt incomplete all your life Eluned? That you were part of something greater?
        • Lord Crwys: I agree with Player; Eluned is her own self now, complete and uncorrupted unlike her sister. She has every right to remain just as she is.
        • Lady Trahaearn: The old tree is right. I've lived long enough to see the dangers of absolutes. Let Eluned keep the life she has earned, Seren doesn't need her to be complete.
        • Lord Amlodd: I wish I could agree with your[sic] Lady Trahaearn, but I fear the dangers of reviving an incomplete spirit.
        • Eluned: Player I'm scared, but I will do my duty if you think I should. I trust your decision, though I am sorry for making it yours.
          • Sacrifice Eluned?
            • Yes.
              • Eluned: You're right of course. Goodbye my friends. I return to the light.
              • Lady Trahaearn: What a tragic waste.
            • No.
              • Eluned: I...thank you.
              • Lord Iorwerth: Let's just hope you made the right decision.
      • It's the only way
        • Player: It's the only way.
        • Lady Trahaearn: Is it though? I can't be the only person thinking it sure[sic]? Seren spent years without incorporating Haluned and Eluned, does she really need them both now?
        • Lady Hefin: We need Seren whole again. We cannot risk her being incomplete. I'm sorry Eluned, truly I am, but Player is right.
        • Lord Crwys: She is a seed that has grown separate from the tree for too long now. Who's to say that forcing Eluned to sacrifice herself would not make matters worse?
        • Eluned: Player I'm scared, but I will do my duty if you think I should. I trust your decision, though I am sorry for making it yours.
          • (same as above)

After the Restoration Ceremony[]

  • Seren: I am more than just crystal. More than my shards and my shell. I was born to be the light that balanced the darkness. His opposite and his companion. Player, you must take me to the world that gave me life. Return me to her so that she may restore me. Please...hurry, I feel the city you have all built. It shudders and rages to restore me. I cannot stop it. Hurry, before it is too late.
  • (If you did not sacrifice Eluned)
    • Eluned: I ... for some reason I know you need to go to Freneskae Player. I can't explain it.
  • (If you did sacrifice Eluned)
    • Lord Amlodd: Do you hear them... the whispers? A voice ... she speaks of a barren world far away. A dead world that bleeds magma and cloaks itself in storms. She calls it her birthplace. Freneskae. Player you must take her body to somewhere called Freneskae.
  • Lord Iorwerth: Yes. I remember reading about a place with that name. Seren spoke of it rarely and never fondly.
  • Player: I've been there before. It was where I encountered ...
    • Zaros
      • Player: Zaros. I encountered Zaros there.
      • Lady Hefin: Zaros? He's a dangerous being Player. Seren spoke often about his trecherous[sic] nature.
    • Someone strange
      • Player: ... someone strange.
  • Lord Iorwerth: Hrmm. It seems that Freneskae may hold some answers then, but be careful.
    • I'll go now.
      • Baxtorian: Be careful, I sense that world is fraught with danger. You should be prepared.
        • I'm ready.
          • (Screen fades)
        • I'll go prepare.
          • (See "I have things to do first" below)
    • I have things to do first.
      • Baxtorian: When you are ready, either return here or head through the world gate[sic].

Eluned (if she's still alive)[]

  • Eluned: It didn't you think it's because of me?
    • Player: Yes.
      • Eluned: Oh no, what have I done.[sic]
    • Player: No.
      • Player: I don't think it's because of you.
  • Eluned: We need to go to Freneskae, maybe her homeworld will help revive her.


  • Baxtorian: Seren... she was so... empty. A body, but no soul to occupy it.

Return to Freneskae[]

Freneskae Cutscene[]

  • Player: Here we are, Seren. We'll soon have you fixed.
  • (Chatbox) Player: Cough, cough!
  • Seren: Tarddiad! What has become of you?
  • Player: Don't worry Seren, this isn't Tarddiad.
  • Player: There, we're nearly finished, Seren.

Atop The Cradle[]

  • Player: Phew! Gasp! After that climb I’m feeling bushed. You know, given the theme of your temples I would have thought you’d have been...lighter!
  • Seren stares at you, blank-eyed.
  • Player: Well I thought it was funny.
  • (A Force Muspah appears)
  • Player: A Muspah! I can’t fight that while I’m carrying Seren! I’ll have to avoid its attacks while I think of something.

Zaros banishes the Muspah[]

  • Zaros: (In-game) Go. Away.

Talking to Zaros[]

  • Player: Zaros, you saved us!
  • Zaros: I saved Seren, who you exposed to danger by bringing her here.
  • Player: I didn’t have much of a choice. How else am I supposed to complete her body?
  • Zaros: Are you too blind to see it? Her body is reforged.
  • Player: But then why is she not awake? Did we not find all the shards?
  • Zaros: Her body is not the cause. Her soul too was shattered in her sundering and now needs to be reforged as well.
  • Player: How am I supposed to do that? I’ve come too far to fail now.
  • Zaros: That too can be accomplished in the Elder Halls. I will show you how and then depart.
  • Player: Why don’t you do it yourself? And why do you have to leave?
  • Zaros: Seren and I are the opposite poles of light and dark. And like the opposing poles of a magnet we are drawn to one another. I yearn for her even as she is now. If she was restored in my presence then neither of us would be able to control ourselves. That is why you must complete her soul. And you must never tell her I was involved in this.
  • Player: I don’t understand fully, but you did just save me so I accept your terms.
  • Zaros: Very well, I will take you to the Elder Halls now.

In the Elder Halls[]

  • Zaros: See the light that emanates from her, as revealed by the power of the elder halls[sic]. That energy must be passed into the fractured shards. Redirect the flow of light into those shards. When enough energy has been cleansed in this way, she will be restored. I will leave you to this task now. Tell her ... no, tell her nothing of this.

After first puzzle[]

  • Seren: Integrity. This is the virtue upon which all others stand. To maintain one’s courage, one’s principles, despite all opposition and influence. This is a foundation stronger than any stone.

After second puzzle[]

  • Seren: Harmony. This is the virtue that links all others together. We are all bound together by the Anima Mundi, the energy that flows between all creation. From the greatest gods to the smallest insects, all are linked together. Worlds are the heart in which the Anima rests. When we are in harmony with the world around us, we strengthen the Anima and we strengthen ourselves and each other.

After third puzzle[]

  • Seren: Prudence. This is the virtue that protects the others. Too often life presents us with a curse disguised as a gift. Be cautious and be prepared for all things. There are snakes in the grass, be watchful of their movement.

After fourth puzzle[]

  • Seren: Wisdom. This is the virtue that allows all other virtues to work. It is not enough to know or have something, but to be aware of how and when to use it. Gold is worthless if simply hoarded. It is only when it is spent that it can enact change. Be mindful of the changes you would make to the world and know how to make them happen.

The return of Seren[]

  • Seren: I am returned.
    • (If you saved the Dark Lord's shard (Haluned))
      • Seren: Player, I am whole again. Thank you. Even the dark is rejoined with me, as it should be. I was wrong to hide from it before. We must each accept that there is darkness within us. We must stand up to it, acknowledge it and control it, rather than flee from it.
    • (If you kicked it into the abyss)
      • Seren: Player, I thank you for keeping the darkness away from me. It was a corrupting influence, that tainted my choices with fear and even a little prejudice. But now that part of me is gone and I can focus on ... er ... the ... erm ... what’s that word?
      • Player: The future?
      • Seren: Yes, that’s the word. The future. I can put the darkness of my past behind me and focus on the future!
  • Seren: Ah ... but speaking of darkness, I sense my brother’s lingering presence. He was here, wasn’t he? Zaros.
    • Yes
      • Player: Yes. He told me how to help reinvigorate you.
      • Seren: He did, did he? What angle are you working now brother? Know this of my brother Player; he is loyal only to himself.
    • No
      • Player: No. Not that I am aware of.
      • Seren: Oh no, Player. I can feel the lie upon you, it falls from your lips like poison. I do not know why you feel the need to protect his involvement from me. But you should be careful. My brother, Zaros, 'The Empty Lord' - is not to be trusted. Know this of my brother Player; he is loyal only to himself.
    • Who’s Zaros?
      • Seren: Why these lies Player? You know full well who Zaros is. For some reason, my brother has involved himself in your life. Like orchestrating his place there. Has he really done anything to inspire such loyalty to you now? Know this of my brother Player; he is loyal only to himself.
  • Seren: He would let entire worlds burn if it would get him but one step closer to his ultimate goal.
  • Player: Which is?
  • Seren: Here... it is better that I show you.
  • Seren: I take you to Freneskae, long long ago. Before even the mahjarrat walked the world.


  • Seren: I felt your frustration brother. Why did you come here?
  • Zaros: Look at her Seren. Such a waste...
  • Seren: I don’t understand, what do you mean?
  • Zaros: Power. Unbridled, unrestrained, limitless potential ... all trapped within this malformed and pathetic husk.
  • Seren: Don’t be so cruel Zaros, she’s our mother...
  • Zaros: She is our jailor and our tormentor. She is more of a child than a mother, we are her carers not her children.
  • Seren: In her own way she loves us ...
  • Zaros: Love. A pointless tether, nothing more. Love is her way of chaining us Seren. You know that better than most.
  • Seren: You know it’s not my choice. If I could end my power, I would.
  • Zaros: I know, dear sister, I understand like no one else ever could. It is not your choice, but hers. She squanders her power on what? Pets? Toys? We could be so much more. We deserve to be so much more!
  • Seren: Brother ... where is this going?
  • Zaros: My time here is done. Mah will chain me no longer. There are worlds other than this and I would explore them.
  • Seren: To what end? We have purpose here?
  • Zaros: Nursemaid to this cosmic mistake? Did you know there were others, like her, before her? Even they abandoned her.
  • Seren: What are you talking about?
  • Zaros: There is a chamber in the heart of this world. Within it lie the remnants of others, like Mah ... but more so. It was easy enough to find the memories, when you look carefully enough. Six of them, five of form and one of ... something else. The Elder Gods.
  • Seren: If they are the elders, then who are the younger gods?
  • Zaros: Who else but us sister? The power we wield, if we could just create life, we could fill all of creation with such wonder!
  • Seren: You’re scaring me a little now brother. We were not created for such feats...
  • Zaros: (Screen shakes) AND WHY NOT?
  • Seren: Careful brother, you’ll wake her ...
  • Zaros: (Shaking stops) Forgive me. But why should we be imprisoned by the half-baked ideas of a child that dreams itself a god? I see a different way. I will find these Elder gods and I will claim my birthright. I will become as they and then I will make this universe ... perfect. Will you come with me, dear sister?
  • Seren: No. Mah does not understand the harm she inflicts, but we would. I will not compound the problem the Elder gods represent, by helping create one with an ego.
  • Zaros: Then I will do this alone.
  • Seren: You misunderstand me brother. I cannot stand with you, but I will stand against you. As long as I live, I will stop you from becoming an Elder god.
  • Zaros: Sister ... do not do this ... we could create a perfect universe.
  • Seren: Or become its end.
  • (Cutscene ends)
  • Seren: You see Player, all Zaros cares about is power. He would see entire species destroyed to obtain it. Come. Freneskae is no place for civilised conversation. Join me in the Tower of Voices, so that I may address my people.
    • Teleport to the Tower of Voices?
      • Yes
      • No - take me to the World Gate

The Champion of Prifddinas[]

  • Seren: My how you have changed. My beloved elves, Prifddinas is truly a wonder to behold.
  • Lord Amlodd: My lady Seren, you have returned at last. I have no words to describe this honour.
    • (Possibly if you included Dark Lord shard?)
      • Seren: There are no words because it is an honour that I do not deserve.
    • (Possibly if you excluded the shard?)
      • Seren: I know that problem well my child. I was broken for too long. Thoughts float past me, just out of grasp. There are words that I would use, but they flitter past like leaves on the wind.
  • Lady Hefin: Lady Seren?
    • (Possibly if you included Dark Lord shard?)
      • Seren: I have been the source of so much suffering for you, my people. Part of me was the Dark Lord that tormented you so. It was my meddling that cursed you all with your dependency upon me. All I have done, I have done for you. To try and be the deity you deserve … but in that endeavor I have failed.
    • (Possibly if you excluded the shard?)
      • Seren: I am no longer the goddess I once was. I am no longer the goddess you deserve.
  • Baxtorian: What are you saying? Are you abandoning us again?
  • Seren: No. But neither shall I hold myself as your goddess. I shall withdraw here, to the tower, where you can find me but where I shall be ... apart from you. Here my song will still affect the city, I owe you that much. But I shall be your servant, not you my worshippers. Guthix was right, Gielinor is better off without its gods. I will not leave you, not again, but I will not lead you. Let me, here and now, recognise this council as the true leadership of the elven people. And let me recognize Player here, as a champion of Prifddinas.
  • Baxtorian: Player you are indeed the champion of Prifddinas and as such are worthy of recognition. Here, as a reward for all you have done, let me teach you magic known only to few elves. It is not the magic to summon rivers or to move mountains, but I hope it will serve you well.
  • (Screen fades in and out)
  • Baxtorian: There, may these spells and prayers serve you well.
  • (You can now use Seren's spells from the Ancient Magicks spellbook, and Seren's prayers from the Ancient Curses)
Quest complete!


Eluned (if you chose to keep her alive)[]

  • Eluned: That's it. She's back and I'm still ... still me. None of this would be possible without you Player, you've saved Prifddinas and you've saved me. There's nothing I can give you that will repay what you have given me ... but perhaps there are others I can help in your honour.

The elders[]

  • Arianwyn: Ha ha! I knew you could do it my friend. Seren is right, you are the champion of Prifddinas and of the elven people.
  • Lady Ithell: I knew you wouldn't fail us Player. Thank you for everything.
  • Lord Amlodd: You have done us a great service Player. The city and her spirits are now calm once more. You have my thanks.
  • Lady Hefin: Well done adventurer. Seren has returned and our people are whole once more. You have no idea what this means to me ... to us. We are forever in your debt.
  • Lady Meilyr: You did it! I'll have to brew some special potions in celebration. Thank you, World Guardian.
  • Lord Crwys: And with Seren returned, it is like spring once more. The city and its people, are rejuvenated in her light. You are the firmament that the city grows upon, without you this city would have withered and died.
  • Lady Trahaearn: Well ... great ... well done. Now I've lost a bet.
    • Player: You bet Seren wouldn't reform?
    • Lady Trahaearn: Ha ha. No, I knew she'd reform. I was just certain you'd end up breaking the universe with that time key before I saw it.
    • Player: The key can do that?
    • Lady Trahaearn: ... No? ... Oh look! A distraction!
  • Lord Iorwerth: I congratulate you on your achievement. There are none other that could have done what you did. There will be tales of people who slew gods, but you, alone, will be the hero who saved one. I am honoured to know you.


  • Seren: Greetings, World Guardian.
    • Player: World Guardian is a bit formal.
      • Player: Don't you think?
      • Seren: Perhaps. But Guthix does not bestow his trust lightly and so the title must be earned as well. Humility is a worthy virtue. But we should be willing to embrace our achievements rather than obfuscate them out of some false sense of modesty. For good or ill, you are the World Guardian now. To some that makes you a beacon of hope and to others a threat to destroy.
      • Player: And which am I to you?
      • Seren: Now now, that would be telling wouldn't it Player?
    • Player: I'd like to ask about you.
      • Seren: What would you know?
        • Player: What was it like, shattering yourself into pieces?
          • (If you included the Dark Lord shard)
            • Seren: A difficult question to answer. Take a knife and cut off your toes. Then cut off your fingers. Then your ears and your nose. Your lips, then gouge out your eyes.
            • Player: I'd really rather not.
            • Seren: Of course not. But you asked what it was like. It was like ripping myself apart. Cutting off my limbs and tearing off my skin. It was a horrible experience. But a neccesary[sic] one. As the shards I was only passingly aware of the world around me. Time was meaningless and I had little grasp on events around me. Given all that has happened, it was probably for the best.
          • (If you excluded the Dark Lord shard)
            • Seren: It was a terrifying experience. I was floating away from myself. Thoughts drifted out of reach, memories all but lost. I was dimly aware of the world around me. Events passed by like half forgotten dreams. I do not recommend it.
        • Player: I'd like to talk about Haluned, the Dark Lord.
          • Seren: Ah, very well, let us dig up painful memories once more.
            • Player: What was Haluned?
              • (If you included the Dark Lord shard)
                • Seren: She was a part of me that I allowed to live its own life. It is not a concept I can explain easily. She was me and yet she was not me. Writers talk of characters living their own lives, but lives created from the imagination and experiences of the author. I suppose that best describes what she was. When I shattered myself, she took on the burden of my darker aspects. She became the Dark Lord out of a noble sacrifice. She would be corrupted, so that the rest of my[sic] would remain free.
              • (If you excluded the Dark Lord shard)
                • Seren: I remember very little of Haluned. I remember creating her, taking a piece from my chest and giving it a body of its own.
                • Player: You created life?
                • Seren: From nothing? No. It would be better to say that I found a way to exist in two places at once. For a while both Haluned and I was[sic] Seren.
            • Player: Were you aware of what it was doing?
              • (If you included the Dark Lord shard)
                • Seren: Yes. But only dimly. Like it was happening out of the corner of my eye. I could not stop it, please believe me on that.
              • (If you excluded the Dark Lord shard)
                • Seren: I ... I cannot remember.
            • Player: How do you feel about the Dark Lord?
              • (If you included the Dark Lord shard)
                • Seren: Guilty. Ashamed. Are these the words you want to hear? That a god can admit they made mistakes? Had I know what she would become ... how the Iorwerth would have used her ... I would have done it differently. But then we are all saints when looking through hindsight.
              • (If you excluded the Dark Lord shard)
                • Seren: Nothing. That part of me is gone. I am sorry for the danger it presented, but that is all I can feel.
            • Player: How are you going to atone?
              • (If you included the Dark Lord shard)
                • Seren: You pass judgement so quickly. Have I not already atoned? To save my people I tore myself to pieces and scattered myself in the wind. Yes the Dark Lord was a travesty, an abomination, but it was sealed away. It was the Iorwerth and the greed of mortal men that empowered that creature, not I. But to ensure that there will not be another Dark Lord, I will pull myself away from the elves. In time they will no longer need my presence and I can leave them, to be forgotten.
              • (If you excluded the Dark Lord shard)
                • Seren: I shall do nothing. That part of me has already been destroyed, you saw to that. I shall use it as an example to inspire me to not make such mistakes again.
            • I'd like to ask about something else.
              • (Returns to previous options)
            • That's all for now.
              • (Dialogue ends)
        • Player: I'd like to talk about Eluned.
          • Seren: What would you like to know?
            • Player: What is she?
              • Seren: She thinks herself your friend. Is that not enough?
              • Player: That's not really what I was asking.
              • Seren: No, indeed. In truth she is simply Eluned. She was created from a memory inside a shard of me. A shard that sang itself into the elven woman you know well. From then her life has been her own.
            • Player: Where has she gone?
              • Seren: She has decided to visit Tarddiad and see what she can do for the elves there. It is my hope that she can help to correct my cruel mistake. I should never have abandoned them.
              • Player: But then you'd have never come to Gielinor.
              • Seren: And I fear my elves would be all the better for it. This world has been the cause of so much pain. I should have stayed with my elves on Tarddiad.
            • I'd like to ask about something else.
              • (Returns to previous options)
            • That's all for now.
              • (Dialogue ends)
        • I'd like to ask about something else.
          • (Returns to previous options)
        • That's all for now.
          • (Dialogue ends)
    • I'd like to talk about the other gods.
      • Player: I'd like to ask about Zaros.
        • Seren: I would rather not discuss my brother, but if we must. What do you want to know?
          • Player: Did you know that he's returned?
            • Seren: I felt his influence earlier, so yes, I know he's back. My brother and I are made of hardier stuff than the lesser gods, so I was not convinced at his earlier demise. Perhaps 'death' has taught him a little humility. Though I doubt it.
          • Player: What is your relationship with Zaros?
            • Seren: He is my brother. The darkness to my light. My polar opposite and the only person ... living ... that can truly understand me. It's complicated really. We were both forged from the dreams of a half-formed elder god. We rather defy the traditional concepts of family that you might be used to.
            • Player: Are you two on good terms with each other?
            • Seren: Zaros always has an agenda. He must always be in control. I believe that everyone should govern their own actions. So, no, I suppose we are not on the best of terms.
          • Player: Should I trust Zaros?
            • Seren: Only you can make that choice Player. But ask yourself, what is he after? Would he be approaching you if you weren't the World Guardian? Zaros always has an agenda. Think carefully about where you might sit within it.
          • I'd like to ask about something else.
            • (Returns to previous options)
          • That's all for now.
            • (Dialogue ends)
      • Player: I'd like to ask about Guthix.
        • Seren: No ... please. To me it was like he died yesterday. It's still too painful to discuss.
          • Player: I'm sorry, let me ask something else.
            • (Returns to previous options)
          • Player: Did you love him?
            • Seren: That word is too small to describe what we had ... I left Tarddiad for him ... I shattered myself rather than bare his disappointment in me. Love is a mortal word, with mortal restrictions. We were more.
            • (Continues above at "I'm sorry" option)
      • Player: I'd like to ask about the Elder Gods.
        • Seren: What would you like to know?
          • Player: What are they?
            • Seren: They are the driving force of creation. The origins of all the worlds and the life that dwells amongst them. They feed on the anima mundi of a world and become reborn, cycle after cycle. All the younger gods owe their power to these beings. Even Zaros and myself are born from Mah's restless sleep. To attempt to define them further is to fundamentally fail to understand them and to overthink your position in creation. It would be like describing a dragon to an amoeba. So utterly beyond its understanding.
          • Player: Where are they?
            • Seren: Come now, you know this answer as well as I do.
            • Player: Gielinor.
            • Seren: Yes. Beneath the very ground we stand on, in the heart of this world, sleep the living engines of creation. It is, in part, why this world is so interesting to the younger gods and the other races. Gielinor is a perfect world. A perfect magical crucible of limitless potential. This is, of course, their doing.
          • Player: How can they be stopped?
            • Seren: In the past I would have said they couldn't, but now ... Guthix felt that if he could carefully control the flow of Anima Mundi, he could keep the elder gods docile and the world thriving. It wasn't until the younger gods interfered with his plans that this changed. I have no answer now, but perhaps I can find one. Come see me when you learn more about the elder gods, perhaps together we can find a solution.
              • Player: I shall.
                • (Returns to previous options)
              • Player: But Zaros already has a plan.
                • Seren: Oh, of that I have little doubt. But Zaros always has a plan. A plan to see just how much power he can gather. How much control he can wield over the world. My brother cannot be trusted, remember that.
          • I'd like to talk about something else.
            • (Returns to previous options)
          • That's all for now.
            • (Dialogue ends)
      • Player: I'd like to ask about the Dragonkin.
        • Seren: I'm afraid I can be of little help there. I have precious little knowledge of the Dragonkin. My brother, on the other hand, was studying them quite carefully.
      • Player: I'd like to ask about Armadyl.
        • Seren: You forget, my consciousness has been shattered and spread apart from itself. The Armadyl I remember is a naive idealist who is easily led astray by the machinations of older gods. But time is the ultimate catalyst for change and the Armadyl of today is likely quite different.
        • (If you are aligned to Armadyl)
        • Player: Would you consider working with him, Armadyl believes that Gielinor can unite under a banner of peace.
        • Seren: Perhaps. But not today. I have too much history to catch up on, before I make any decisions about the future.
      • Player: I'd like to ask about Bandos.
        • Seren: A dead god and one who's[sic] death I do not mourn. He was a tyrant and a monster, who only wished to see everything bloodied and burnt. He would have burned countless worlds to ash in his pursuit of mindless 'glory'.
        • (If you are aligned with Bandos)
        • Player:But don't you see the wisdom in his philosophy?Survival of the fittest is a fundamental trait of nature.
        • Seren:There's survival and then there is bloodthirsty conquest. Bandos cared more for the latter. His philosophy was an excuse for wanton violence, nothing more.
      • Player: I'd like to ask about Saradomin.
        • Seren: Saradomin means well. Even back in the time of the god wars, he genuinely believed what he was doing what was best for Gielinor. Misguided, perhaps. Arrogant, certainly. But there is a genuine sense of duty to his actions. That said, his zeal and inability to recognise the wisdom of others, has meant that he has fallen more and more from his path. He can be redeemed, I believe, but that is more your choice than mine.
      • Player: I'd like to ask about Zamorak.
        • Seren: He who tried to kill my brother. I have no positive words for him.
        • Player: But I thought you and Zaros didn't get along?
        • Seren: I distrust, despise and sometimes even hate my brother Zaros. But I also love him. Whatever comes between us, whatever trials we face, he is the only brother I will ever have. So forgive me if I dislike someone trying to take him from me.
        • (if you are aligned with Zamorak)
        • Player: But surely you see the wisdom in his philosophy? We improve only in response to chaos. Order brings only stagnation.
        • Seren: Perhaps. But there is also imagination and community. When sharing with others we can learn to see the world differently. Look at all my elves accomplished. It was undone for a time because of chaos. It was harmony that restored them.
      • Player: I'd like to ask about Sliske.
        • Seren: I will not discuss the man who murdered my ... my Guthix. I have been a pacifist. Refusing to turn my power to destruction ... But if I meet him ... I will remind him how light can burn.
      • Player: I'd like to ask about Brassica Prime.
        • Seren: Ah yes. The god of cabbage. I must say I'm pleased he's still around. The younger gods are so full of fury, duty and a stoic seriousness, it is nice to see one who lives in a world of whimsey.
        • Player: But what does he even do? I mean he just seems ... well nuts.
        • Seren: Yes, I suppose he does. But remember that he sees the world through the eyes of a cabbage. Plants have different priorities to the rest of us. In his own way he tends to the anima mundi, helping to keep it healthy and bountiful.
        • Player: So he helps the anima mundi?
        • Seren: In his own, insane, little way. It is why we remain friends. I have memories of him chatting away to the pieces of me across the world. Of course he didn't understand that I was incomplete and took my silence to be deep rapture in his bizarre monologue. There are only so many different ways to hear about how delicious a cabbage is before you start going mad from boredom.
      • I'd like to talk about something else.
        • (Returns to previous options)
    • Player: I'd like to talk about the future.
      • Player: What will you do now?
      • Seren: I shall remain here, in case my elves need me. Whilst I am here I shall reflect on solutions to the elder god problem. With your help, together we might be able to stop them.
    • Player: I'd like to talk about your history.
      • Seren: So like mortals, dwelling on what was rather than focus on what is to come. Very well, what do you want to know?
        • Player: What was your role in the god wars?
          • Seren: For the most part I stayed well away from it. I knew that Zamorak had not truly destroyed Zaros, so I curtailed my wrath. I had promised Guthix a peaceful world, after all. As the fighting grew more widespread, I sent a few scouts to investigate. Some were discovered and fought to survive. They did not. Some of my people screamed for vengeance, but I forbade it. A few went anyway, but their impact on the war was negligible.
        • Player: I'd like to ask about your history with the elves.
          • Seren: What would you like to know?
            • Player: What was Tarddiad like?
              • Seren: Stunning. A world of trees and beautiful crystalline structures. The elves lived in harmony with it, growing their houses from seeds. They lived as part of the ecosystem, rather than exploiting it. I often think that I should never have left it.
            • Player: Tell me about elven longevity.
              • Seren: My greatest mistake. The lifespan of my elves was so short. A few decades, barely a century, and then they were gone. Understand, World Guardian, that to me these were my children. Each one that died was a grief I could barely contain. It was out of love for them that I tried to share with them some of my longevity. My immortality. It worked ... but at a price. They were bound to me. Unable to leave my presence without growing sick and dying. It was why I had to shatter myself, rather than leave them. I am not proud of this mistake, Player. If I could undo it, I would.
            • Player: How do you feel about the clans?
              • Seren: When I first discovered the nine clans on Tarddiad, I was enamoured with their society. Everyone took their place within the clan and worked for the betterment of the elven people. The Cadarn were the scouts and mages who scoured the many forests for potential danger. The Iorwerth were great warriors who fought the dangerous beasts that hid amongst the trees. The Meilyr and Crwys both worked in harmony with nature to find medicine and grow food. The Ithell and Trahaearn worked tirelessly to create houses, tools and anything else that was needed. And the Hefin and Amlodd focused on more spiritual pursuits. Seeking ways of enlightenment for their people.
              • Player: You said nine clans?
              • Seren: Yes. There was also the Cywir. A clan dedicated to elven traditions. They kept the lore of the old people and they maintained the shrines to the elven spirits. They ... would not come with me to Gielinor.
            • I'd like to ask about something else.
              • (Returns to previous options)
            • That's all for now.
              • (Dialogue ends)
        • Player: I'd like to ask about your life on Freneskae.
          • Seren: Mah was, in many ways, both my mother and my child. She dreamed me into existence so that Zaros would not leave her. I believe she felt that a companion, an equal, would keep Zaros happy. But we were the creation of a child. One who could not understand the complexity of sentient emotion. In me she created an ... ability. It would impose upon others a twisted sense of what she understood as love. Zaros was compelled to be in love with me, just as his nature compelled loyalty in me. But it was a hollow feeling and to each of us it felt like chains holding us against our will. Love is as deadly an emotion as it is a wonderous one. Just as it can bring people together, it can lead to unbearable pain and a complete loss of self. I do not blame him for wanting to escape that. But he wanted more than to escape, he wanted to ascend. Zaros tries to control everything around him. He tried to control me, even as I unconciously[sic] controlled him. Power as great as he wishes to attain, should not go to someone like that.
        • I'd like to ask about something else.
          • (Returns to previous options)
        • That's all for now.
          • (Dialogue ends)
    • That's all for now.
      • (Dialogue ends)


  • Baxtorian: Greetings Player, it is good to see you again. I suppose you have many questions.
    • Player: Tell me about yourself.
      • Baxtorian: What would you like to know?
        • Player: What was elven royalty like?
          • Baxtorian: It was a society born in haste, from Seren's destruction. Glarial and I took the throne after Seren's shattering. The elves needed a ruler and the two of us were the most experienced. To alleviate tensions between the clans, we elevated several elves from various clans to roles as advisors and adminstrators. From these would come the first of the elven aristocracy. As is common with positions of power, many let their status get to their heads and acted with prejudice to those of 'lower class'. Something that gave the Iorwerth a platform on which to seed their dissent. It is easy to point those with little at those with great wealth and say 'this is why you suffer'.[sic] In many ways the uprising was inevitable. Iorwerth merely spearheaded it.
        • Player: I hear you can do powerful magic.
          • Baxtorian: Yes. I know spells that can move mountains, or summon the trees to fight as an army. But this is not magic I will teach.
          • Player: Why not?
          • Baxtorian: Because such force could disrupt the balance of power in the world. It could create tyrants and topple kingdoms. It is magic intended to make the world a better place, but the world is not ready for such change yet. Perhaps in time.
        • Player: What will you do now?
          • Baxtorian: I will remain here, in Prifddinas. Perhaps a time will come again where I can be useful.
        • I'd like to ask about something else.
          • (Returns to previous options)
        • That's all for now.
          • (Dialogue ends)
    • Player: Tell me about Glarial.
      • Baxtorian: She was radiant, both in beauty and in temperament. I loved her from the moment I saw her. A terrible cliché ... perhaps fitting for a king. We courted for a full decade. I showed her parts of the world that no other elf had been. I taught her ancient magic and she was a quick study. I thought that we might change the world together. But then I left on that foolish crusade. I wanted to see the world and found a new glorious city. My arrogance and hubris gave the Iorwerth their opening and from there I lost everything. ... I would burn the world to ash for just a few more moments with her ... Ask me something else Player. Don't make me dwell on what could have been.
    • Player: Tell me about elven history.
      • Baxtorian: Is there anything that you do not know?
        • Player: What happened after Seren shattered?
          • Baxtorian: Our civilisation fell into chaos. Understand that we were utterly devoted to Seren. Our entire culture revolved around her words of wisdom. Without her guidance there was panic. The streets were filled with terrified people unsure of what to do. My beloved Glarial, always the voice of reason, encouraged me to take control of the situation. The Cadarn warriors helped to police the city, establishing order and Glarial and I spoke to the people. It was not a swift thing, of course, but between us we brought order to chaos. From then we worked on what was needed and we tried to figure out what we should do next. Without Seren's words to guide us we were lost. We turned to each problem one at a time, never seeing the big picture. It was Glarial who saw the wider vision and helped us to pull our society back together. For a while we returned to peace. But our city was so magnificent, our culture so strong, that we could not limit ourselves to a single region. It was then that we looked to expand the elven lands.
        • Player: Tell me about the elven expansion.
          • Baxtorian: We had just done the impossible. We rebuilt our civilisation after Seren had shattered herself. As a nation we felt unstoppable and so we decided to expand our civilisation beyond the single city. We spread our civilisation out across Kandarin and even into Misthalin. Such was our confidence. We forged lasting alliances with several races. Our old friends the gnomes were first. It had been so long since we had seen each other that we held a great feast lasting a full week. With the gnomes[sic] help we forged treaties with the human tribes dotted around the region. They were wary of us, but peace is preferable to war and so we flourished. The goblins and ogres were less willing to agree to peace. They were so locked into their own civil wars. Still, they were no match for us, so we ignored them. We prospered for a long time. I was genuinely proud of our accomplishments ... then Tirannwn fell silent.
        • Player: Tell me about the Iorwerth uprising.
          • Baxtorian: It began with silence. Tirannwn, the heart of our empire, could not be reached. I sent messengers, both elven and animal. I summoned powerful scrying scrolls to see what was happening ... but there was nothing but darkness. We of course knew that something was afoot and I sent five of my best scouts to investigate. Only one returned, but he was able to tell me of Iorwerth's treachery. Prifddinas had fallen. The Iorwerth had seized absolute control, by some terrible power. Glarial and I knew we could not let this stand. So I rallied our warriors and mages behind us and left for Prifddinas. Though it broke my heart to leave her behind. We were so arrogant. We thought our knowledge of magic might be enough, but with the clans behind us how could we be stopped? Had we known that Iorwerth would be wielding the power of Seren, twisted as it was in the form of the Dark Lord, we might have been less confident. Shadows assailed us and darkness blinded our archers. The Lord Iorwerth laughed as our unprepared forces were torn apart. But our will could not be broken. We withdrew and we lay siege to the city. A long protracted war. Somehow the walls withstood my magic, as if some dark force just drained the magic right out of my spells as they approached. We fought and we fought ... but in the end we knew that we had failed. The Iorwerth had won. We withdrew back to the east ... but found only ruin. The Iorwerth, not only able to hold off a five year siege, had destroyed everything else we had built. They had rallied the goblins and ogres against our defenceless cities. They had bribed weak-willed human armies to turn on us. And amongst all of that sadness I lost all hope and all will to fight ... because she was gone.
        • Player: Tell me about when you went to the falls.
          • Baxtorian: At first I went there to end it all. My grief was so strong that I could not bear it. But I still had that most painful of afflictions ... I still had hope. Hope that one day, Glarial and I might be reunited. So, I hid the shard, that was mine to ward, in a statue of my beloved and then I transformed. It is an ancient spell, intended to imprison my enemies, but I was my own worst enemy. Once the spell was complete I was just crystal and then I waited.
        • I'd like to talk about something else.
          • (Returns to previous options)
        • That's all for now.
          • (Dialogue ends)
    • Player: What do you think of Seren.[sic]
      • Baxtorian: It is good to have her back and I think she is making the right choice distancing ourselves from her. We have shown that we are capable of greatness even without her.
    • Player: What do you think of the current elves?
      • Baxtorian: They have achieved much. The new society is as strong as we ever were. Even the Iorwerth seem to have redeemed themselves.
      • Player: Do you intend to retake the crown?
      • Baxtorian: No. No. My time as king is over. I shall advise and I shall serve, but I shall no longer rule.
    • That's all for now.
      • (Dialogue ends)


  • Ask about the return of Seren.
    • Player: What is your relationship?
      • Zaros: That is a difficult question to answer. In one sense we are brother and sister. And yet we are as alien to one another as can be. She represents light and I, darkness. Both necessary elements of a stable universe. Mah made me first and within me she gave the power of loyalty. So that all who met me would follow me. But it wasn't enough. I could command her feeble muspah, but I was still nothing but a toy to her. When I tried to leave she dreamed Seren into existence. In her Mah gave the power to inspire love, at least how she understood it. A terrible chain of heartache that wrapped around all who encountered Seren. Seren inspired an absolute sense of love, beyond romantic, beyond familial. Addictive and unbearable. For a time Mah's plan worked and I stayed at Seren's side. But I knew the feelings I felt for her were false. Seren, I know, felt the same. These forced feelings fostered great resentment between us. A resentment that soon became stronger than the loyalty or love we engendered and so I broke free. I left Mah and Seren has never forgiven me for it.
    • Player: Does this affect your plan?
      • Zaros: No. I am still the best hope for Gielinor and Seren will see that in time.
    • Player: Are you happy she's returned?
      • Zaros: Yes. Does that surprise you? Whatever we are, however much we squabble, we are still the closest to family each of us will ever possess. Seeing her whole again means there is hope that we may yet reconcile.
    • Ask about something else.
    • Player: I've heard all that I need to.


  • Ask about Seren's return.
    • Azzanadra: Yes. My lord has informed me of her return.
      • (If you sacrificed Eluned)
      • (If you did not sacrifice Eluned)
        • Azzanadra: I am disappointed that you did not fully restore her. Eluned may have been your friend, but she was a part of Seren also. She should have returned to Seren. Now Seren is incomplete and who knows what complications that might have.
      • Azzanadra: My lord thinks fondly of her, though I know the two did not see eye to eye. I only hope she isn't blinded by petty hatred still.
        • (returns to previous options)