A message to the gods[]
Talking to Memstix[]
First time[]
- Memstix: Everyone, please stop and listen! A great imbalance is coming! We must stand behind the teachings of the god Guthix! Only thus can we prepare! You must step out from the shadow of the oppressor gods! Wear these items - let your gods know that you are free from their tyranny!
- Player: Hi there.
- Memstix: It's working already! Now, do you want to know about Guthix, and what happened to the west of here?
- Before The World Wakes
- I want to know what happened!
- Memstix: I... He... He died! Murdered! Killed by an enemy in the shadows!
- Player: No!
- Memstix: It is a blow that is hard to bear. I...I can scarcely believe that he is gone.
- Player: What will you do now?
- Memstix: Well, Guthix wouldn't want us to languish in grief. He'd want us to keep doing what we love, and what we do best. Giving away trinkets!
- Player: Trinkets? How will that help your cause?
- Memstix: We make the clothes and ornaments for our order, so we've developed some skill over the years. By encouraging people to wear these items, we can send a message to the gods. A message that we uphold Guthix's tenets: that we are free, and that we need not bow to them. Please, take what you want and live in balance, friend.
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens)
- I don't want to know what happened!
- Memstix: I completely understand. If I could pay a gold piece to 'un-hear' something, I'd have an empty purse in my dresser. Not that my coin purse is in my dresser. That's a metaphor. Look, don't steal from me...please! Let's move on. We're paying tribute to Guthix, honouring him and spreading his word by doing what we do best... Giving away trinkets!
- Player: Trinkets? How will that help your cause?
- Memstix: We make the clothes and ornaments for our order, so we've developed some skill over the years. By encouraging people to wear these items, we can send a message to the gods. A message that we uphold Guthix's tenets: that we are free, and that we need not bow to them. Please, take what you want and live in balance, friend.
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens)
- I don't know who Guthix is.
- Memstix: Guthix is a god: whom the druids honour, but do not worship. He represents balance and harmony with one's surroundings, teaching us to maintain and cultivate rather than exploit and destroy. He also teaches us that we do not need gods: that we can be free of their tyranny! The city behind me is Falador, where the staunchest followers of the god Saradomin live. It seemed like a good place to spread the word.
- Player: I see. So, you said something about giving away free items?
- Memstix: Indeed. We have chosen today to pay tribute to Guthix, and we'll do the same for every year that follows. We'll remind the world of what Guthix represents, and Runestax and I will celebrate Guthix in the way we know best... Giving away trinkets!
- Player: Trinkets? How will that help your cause?
- Memstix: We make the clothes and ornaments for our order, so we've developed some skill over the years. By encouraging people to wear these items, we can send a message to the gods. A message that we uphold Guthix's tenets: that we are free, and that we need not bow to them. Please, take what you want and live in balance, friend.
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens)
- You said something about free items.
- Memstix: Oh...well, I did offer, I suppose. Please, take what you want and live in balance, friend.
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens)
- Memstix: Oh...well, I did offer, I suppose. Please, take what you want and live in balance, friend.
- I want to know what happened!
- After The World Wakes
- I know about Guthix, and everything that happened.
- Memstix: You know? Then your heart must be as heavy as mine. Kaqemeex told us at morning council. The hall was silent with grief. Kaqemeex requested that we make a choice in these dark times... We could remain in Taverley, embodying and celebrating Guthix's teachings, but not actively worshiping Guthix - just as he wished. We would take an oath of pacifism: a promise that we would not attempt to revenge his death. Or we could leave the order, with Kaqemeex's blessing. Only a few took that path: Biehn and some others. But we're still with the order, Runestax and I. We have chosen a slightly unusual path to follow, however: spreading Guthix's teachings by doing what we do best... Giving away trinkets!
- Player: Trinkets? How will that help your cause?
- Memstix: We make the clothes and ornaments for our order, so we've developed some skill over the years. By encouraging people to wear these items, we can send a message to the gods. A message that we uphold Guthix's tenets: that we are free, and that we need not bow to them. Please, take what you want and live in balance, friend.
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens)
- Oh...I just wanted the free stuff.
- Memstix: Oh...well, I did offer, I suppose. Please, take what you want and live in balance, friend.
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens)
- Memstix: Oh...well, I did offer, I suppose. Please, take what you want and live in balance, friend.
- I know about Guthix, and everything that happened.
- Before The World Wakes
- Memstix: Peace in balance, friend. What can I do for you?
- Can I claim my Guthixian items?
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens.)
- (If you have unlocked any Guthixian memories:)
- Can I view my Guthixian memories?
- View last unlocked memory
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- View the memory archive.
- Memory 1
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 2
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 3
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Next page
- Memory 4
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 5
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 6
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Next page
- Memory 7
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 8
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 9
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Next page
- Memory 10
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 11
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 12
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Next page
- Memory 13
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 14
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 15
- (Guthixian Memory plays, then returns to the previous options.)
- Previous page
- (Returns to previous options.)
- I'd like to ask about something else.
- (Dialogue starts from the beginning.)
- Memory 13
- Previous page
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 10
- Previous page
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 7
- Previous page
- (Returns to the previous options.)
- Memory 4
- I'd like to ask about something else.
- (Dialogue starts from the beginning.)
- Memory 1
- I don't want to view the memories after all.
- (Dialogue starts from the beginning.)
- View last unlocked memory
- Can I view my Guthixian memories?
- What's with the Guthixian butterflies around the world?
- Memstix: They are everywhere, aren't they? They seem to be made of dispersed magical energy - from Guthix himself. It seems safe to collect them. I wouldn't be surprised if showing your allegiance to Guthix was making them easier to catch. If you find enough of them, there's a chance you'll be visited by a vision of Guthix, recalling a memory of his past. If you accidentally skip them - or wish to view them again - come and speak to me. [Members will/You'll] also gain experience for catching a butterfly. In keeping with Guthix's teachings of balance, it will be in one of the areas of knowledge or skill where you are most inexperienced. You can only collect butterflies to access memories and experience 20 times per day. It seems that Guthix didn't want any one of us to become too powerful or knowlegeable - again, to retain balance.
- (If the experience from butterflies is toggled on:)
- What if I don't want to receive experience for catching butterflies?
- Memstix: Well, I... I suppose I could help you. Do you really want to stop gaining experience for catching butterflies?
- Stop getting XP from butterflies?
- Yes
- Memstix: You will not be gaining any more experience from catching Guthixian butterflies. Ask me about butterflies again if you change your mind!
- (Returns to the initial options, without the option about butterflies.)
- No
- Memstix: Yes, accept all Guthix has to offer you!
- (Returns to the initial options, without the option about butterflies.)
- Yes
- What if I don't want to receive experience for catching butterflies?
- (If the experience from butterflies is toggled off:)
- Can I receive exprience for catching butterflies again?
- (If none of the daily butterflies have been caught:)
- Memstix: Absolutely!
- (Continues below.)
- (If 1-19 of the daily butterflies have been caught:)
- Memstix: Absolutely! Mind you, you'll only be able to get experience for another [1 butterfly/X butterflies] today as you've already caught [one/some].
- (Continues below.)
- (If the daily 20 have been caught:)
- Memstix: Absolutely! Mind you, you won't be able to get any more experience today as you've already caught 20 butterflies. But you will be able to get some tomorrow!
- (Continues below.)
- Gain XP from butterflies?
- Yes
- Memstix: You will now get experience from catching Guthixian butterflies again. Ask me about butterflies again if you change your mind!
- (Returns to the initial options, without the option about butterflies.)
- No
- Memstix: As you wish.
- (Returns to the initial options, without the option about butterflies.)
- Yes
- (If none of the daily butterflies have been caught:)
- Can I receive exprience for catching butterflies again?
- Can I claim my Guthix items?
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens.)
- Can I view my Guthix memories?
- (As before.)
- Nothing, thanks.
- (Dialogue terminates.)
- (If the experience from butterflies is toggled on:)
- Memstix: They are everywhere, aren't they? They seem to be made of dispersed magical energy - from Guthix himself. It seems safe to collect them. I wouldn't be surprised if showing your allegiance to Guthix was making them easier to catch. If you find enough of them, there's a chance you'll be visited by a vision of Guthix, recalling a memory of his past. If you accidentally skip them - or wish to view them again - come and speak to me. [Members will/You'll] also gain experience for catching a butterfly. In keeping with Guthix's teachings of balance, it will be in one of the areas of knowledge or skill where you are most inexperienced. You can only collect butterflies to access memories and experience 20 times per day. It seems that Guthix didn't want any one of us to become too powerful or knowlegeable - again, to retain balance.
- Nothing, thanks.
- (Dialogue terminates.)
- Can I claim my Guthixian items?
Claiming items from Memstix[]
- (Guthixian Memorabilia opens)
Claiming the Sword of Edicts weapon override[]
- The Sword of Edicts weapon override can be accessed from the Customisation interface, which can be found on the Worn Equipment tab.
- Under the 'Main Hand' category in the Customisation interface you will be able to select the cosmetic override, making any 2h-sword you wield look like the Sword of Edicts.
A tribute to Guthix[]
Talking to Runestax[]
- What is this?
- Runestax: This is a tribute stone in honour of Guthix. Anybody wanting to present their respects to him should lay a piece of rune essence on this stone. The world on which this happens matterrs not: this altar transcends worlds. The final tribute stone will show how much Guthix's teachings mean to us all.
- (Shows other options)
- Runestax: This is a tribute stone in honour of Guthix. Anybody wanting to present their respects to him should lay a piece of rune essence on this stone. The world on which this happens matterrs not: this altar transcends worlds. The final tribute stone will show how much Guthix's teachings mean to us all.
- Can I participate?
- Runestax: Feel free! Just obtain a piece of rune essence and place it on the tribute stone.
- (Shows other options)
- Runestax: Feel free! Just obtain a piece of rune essence and place it on the tribute stone.
- How many pieces of essence are on the tribute stone?
- Runestax: There are X essences on the tribute stone.
- (Shows other options)
- Runestax: There are X essences on the tribute stone.
- What are the rewards?
- Runestax: I suppose if enough people across the worlds deposit rune essence, the tribute stone may exhibit some of Guthix's lost power. The tribute stone will remain here for future generations, even after Memstix and I return to Taverley.
- Player: Guthix's lost power? Could you be more specific?
- Runestax: I don't know for sure, but a quarter of a million tributes would probably generate enough energy to turn the tribute stone into an altar and a small obelisk.
- (Shows other options)
- That's all, thanks.
- Runestax: You're welcome!
Placing rune essence on the tribute stone[]
First time[]
- Are you sure you want to place a piece of rune essence on the tribute stone?
- Yes
- You place rune essence number X on the tribute stone.
- No
- Yes
- You have already placed a piece of rune essence on the tribute stone.
Checking the total of rune essence placed on the tribute stone[]
- The pile currently contains X rune essences.
Guthixian butterflies[]
Catching a Guthixian butterfly[]
If you have not yet received your daily limit[]
With memories left to unlock[]
- You manage the catch the butterfly (X/20 of your daily limit for XP and memories).
With all memories unlocked[]
- You manage the catch the butterfly (X/20 of your daily limit for XP.)
If you have already received your daily limit[]
- You manage the catch the butterfly.
Receiving XP from a Guthixian butterfly[]
The message you receive will depend on which is your current lowest skill level by XP
- Attack
- You feel a brief surge of aggression.
- Strength
- Your muscles bulge.
- Defence
- You feel more able to defend yourself.
- Ranged
- Your aim improves.
- Prayer
- You feel closer to the gods.
- Magic
- You feel magical power coursing through your body.
- Constitution
- You feel very healthy.
- Agility
- You feel very nimble.
- Herblore
- You gain a deep understanding of all kinds of strange plants.
- Thieving
- You feel your respect for others' property slipping away.
- Crafting
- Your fingers feel nimble and suited to delicate work.
- Fletching
- You gain a deep understanding of wooden sticks.
- Mining
- You gain a deep understanding of the stones of the earth.
- Smithing
- You gain a deep understanding of all types of metal.
- Fishing
- You gain knowledge about various sea creatures.
- Cooking
- You gain knowledge about various cuisines.
- Firemaking
- You have a brief urge to set light to something.
- Woodcutting
- You gain a deep understanding of the trees in the wood.
- Runecrafting
- You gain a deep understanding of runes.
- Slayer
- You gain a deep understanding of many strange creatures.
- Farming
- You gain a deep understanding of the cycles of nature.
- Construction
- You feel homesick.
- Hunter
- You briefly experience the joy of the hunt.
- Summoning
- You feel at one with nature.
- Dungeoneering
- You feel the mysteries of Daemonheim unravel.
- Divination
- You briefly feel the power of the anima mundi pass over you.
- Invention
- You suddenly find your mind is full of ideas.
Finding a Guthixian memory[]
Any memory that is not the last[]
- You have unlocked a new memory.
The last memory[]
- You have unlocked the last memory.
All memories[]
- The energy from this butterfly contains one of Guthix's memories! The memory will take the form of an excerpt from a tale, told by Guthix.
- Would you like to view the memory now?
- Yes
- (Guthixian Memory plays)
- No
- You can access the memory at any time from Memstix, north of Falador.
- Yes
- Would you like to view the memory now?
Guthixian memories[]
Memory 1[]
...never saw Aagi more alive than the day her horns appeared. It was as if she saw her whole adult life ahead of her, and it filled her with excitement.
'What shall I be, daddy? What shall I do?' I told her she could be and do whatever she wanted. That made her even more excited.
She came up with dozens of plans: she would be a diviner; a light-sculptor; a butterfly catcher. I sat with her and tried to explain what each role involved.
She had so much to learn about the world, but she was so eager. It was too early to guess about what she would be - what she would have been...
Memory 2[]
...a chance to teach Aagi about the tradition of hospitality. She sat on the nomads[sic] lap and nodded like a serious grown-up, although I don't think she understood his story.
The nomad told us about a magical disturbance near Askroth. The diviners were ecstatic; saying that it had opened up whole new lines of research.
The most popular theory was that it was a portal, and that it was yet to fully open. A portal to another world! The diviners were arranging a welcoming committee...
Memory 3[]
...since dawn in the refugee camp, and I was exhausted. The news from Askroth became worse with each band to arrive.
The great city of Askroth was no more. Terrified refugees spoke of a blue man the size of a mountain. The diviners had angered him, they said, and in that anger he had razed the city.
They pointed to a building on the horizon, built on the ruins of Askroth. The giant's army was marching downriver. Our cities were assembling armies of their own, but I didn't see how they would stand a...
Memory 4[]
...her sleep had been uneasy. Aagi slept with a frown, clutching her butterfly net. My heart ached to see her - my daughter, yet a child, who had lived her meagre few centuries in times of war. How long had it been since I'd heard her laugh? I considered sending her away with the refugees, more of whom left each year, but they were running out of places to go.
At daybreak, a distant sound roused me. I dashed outside to witness a huge, tusked creature crashing upon the white fortress of the blue giant.
The blue giant materialised and grappled with the beast. My heart cried out with hope. Perhaps, finally, this strange beast was our salvation...
Memory 5[]
...the boar-like beast was mindless. She did not wish to be worshipped, like the blue giant did: for all her power, she was but an animal, enraged and hungry for carnage.
A brutish race of squat, purple creatures followed behind her, killing and stealing in her wake, broad grins on their faces. The beast paid them no heed.
It would not be long before the strange beast reached our homestead. I made a bed for Aagi in the storm cellar, and bade her to stay out of sight.
I was not one for violence, but I still had the scavenged blade, and who else was there to stand between those creatures and...
Memory 6[]
...the world ablaze, my neighbours dead all around. Even the blue giant had abandoned our world, leaving it to the strange beast. A group of the boar's purple brutes turned their visors toward me.
Then, I saw it: the beast itself – huge and hoofed like a wild boar, thick hair down her side, and horns arcing over a slavering, hungry mouth. Before my people had died, they had given her a name: Tuska.
Tiny, bead-like eyes measured me. I hid my head in my hands and wished for a quick death.
There was a crashing. I hid my head still...
Memory 7[]
...a new creature set upon Tuska. Tall and muscled, he was a great warrior, wielding a sword that crackled and sparked.
Tuska's warband of squat, purple creatures screamed 'Death to Skargaroth!' as if they had met the hulking warrior before. They piled onto him, biting and stabbing. Blood poured from one of Tuska's eyes, and she careened wildly, wounded in the melee. Still, Tuska spun around and gored Skargaroth's side with her tusks.
Skargaroth bellowed and dropped his sword, madly tumbling. I moved out of the way, and Skargaroth crashed into my homestead...
Memory 8[]
...I felt nothing. I was numb, and Aagi's name was a lump in my throat. The storm cellar was crushed. I could sense an emptiness in the universe as Aagi - my only daughter - died under the unconscious form of Skargaroth.
Tuska - the boar beast - charged at Skargaroth, but I was in the way. I rolled aside and aimed a thrust of the sword at Tuska's remaining eye.
Tuska howled and charged blindly away, her pack of squat, purple creatures rushing to follow. Filled with fury, I moved towards Skargaroth as he staggered away. I resolved to bury the blade into the brute's back...
Memory 9[]
...understanding flooded through me as Skargaroth's blood covered my hands. I was drawn to isolated thoughts, while other details rushed by. But this I knew: there were artefacts, left by elders who came before.
These items were conduits for their power, used to refine, to create on smaller scales, to create perfection. Twelve items, like the sword. A flash of recognition - one was worn by Saradomin: the blue giant.
It had drawn Tuska and Skargaroth to our...my world. The crown located other artefacts, but it would - in turn - attract those who kept them...
Memory 10[]
...found I could move between worlds - opening portals with cuts of the sword. I lost count of the number I visited. Some were dead, and others rotten with war, but others were filled with life.
There was a world that had no distinction between the natural and the artificial, and all things were tended by squat, diligent craftsmen.
There was a world of serene crystal, where immortal artists and philosophers contemplated thoughts that I could barely comprehend.
There was a moon - close to a lush-looking planet - whose tiny winged inhabitants opened portals to explore the wonders of the multiverse...
Memory 11[]
...my search ended. This...this was what I had been looking for, yet until I set foot here I had not known it. So much beauty...a world completely unspoiled.
Of all the worlds I had travelled to, this one felt a masterwork of creation. All others had been mere steps towards what lay before me. I was finally at peace.
I searched this world as if a giddy child – every discovery a revelation. Many of the elders' artefacts were here - a staff, a horn, a stone - but I knew their power and kept them hidden.
This world was not solely for me. This was a world to be shared with races most deserving...
Memory 12[]
...confided my intentions to Seren. We'd grown close, and I had no intention of abandoning her. I wanted to persuade her to likewise leave Gielinor – if the world was to be for mortals, then neither of us should remain. Her eyes glistened with crystal and with tears, but I believed she would leave her people to rest with me...
Memory 13[]
...had no need of mortals to help construct my new dwelling. The stone gave me more power than before.
I considered telling my people - the people - what I was doing, but I decided against it. A promise to someday return would only fuel the worship they have begun to show me.
No, it would be better just to fade away. My appearances have grown fewer and fewer. My final disappearance would have no fanfare.
They could not sustain my cult forever if I withdrew all evidence of my existence. I would sleep in my hidden dwelling until they forgot me.
They would be happier then. Happy and free. Seren promised that she would follow me, after leaving her people in...
Memory 14[]
...thought that I had been transported to another world. But no. Through the haze of pain I made out the mountains and coastlines I had loved when they had been covered with greenery.
Then, I saw him: the blue giant. He looked just as he had when he helped destroy my world. He was locked in battle with another.
The stone had made me more powerful than them. It was easy for me to open portals and cast them out of my world.
But it was my lack of foresight that had led to this. In my eagerness to let the mortals live without me, I had forgotten the other gods and their ambition.
I would not make that mistake again. Even as I wept over my wounded world, I built new defences for it: a magical shield that...
Memory 15[]
...The creatures still remembered me, and I could not help but reveal myself to them as I rebuilt. Yet, I still wanted them to forget.
The world was as safe as I could make it. I resolved to sleep once more, for as long as it took.
No gods, no war. Nature, balance, freedom, and peace...
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