RuneScape Wiki
This transcript involves dialogue with Harlow, Morgan, Maris, Miss Schism, Fortunato, Town crier, Aggie, Martin the Master Gardener, and Ned.

Starting off[]

Talking to Morgan[]

First time[]

  • Morgan: Praise Saradomin! He has brought you here to save us all!
  • Player: Wha–
  • Morgan: He has guided your steps to my door, so that I may beseech you to save my village from a terrible threat!
    • Why don't you save your own village?
      • Player: Why don't you save your own village?
      • Morgan: I, I, I couldn't. The fear grips me like a hand. I tremble at the the idea of leaving my house!
      • Player: What is this terrible threat?
        • (Continues below)
    • What terrible threat?
      • Player: What is this terrible threat?
        • (Continues below)
    • Anything else I can do for you?
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
  • Morgan: Our village is plagued by a vampyre. He visits us frequently and demands blood payments or he will terrorise us all!
  • Player: The vampyre showed up all of a sudden and started attacking your village?
  • Morgan: I don't know. I just moved here with my wife. We'd move on again, but we're down on our luck and can't afford to. Besides, I don't want to abandon other innocents to this fate. This could be a good community, if only that vampyre would leave us. Will you help me, brave adventurer?
    • Yes.
      • Player: Yes. I'll help you.
        • (Continues below)
    • No.
      • Player: No. I think not.
      • Morgan: Oh. Then I guess Saradomin did not send you in my time of need.
  • Morgan: Wonderful! You will succeed, I'm sure of it. You are very brave to take this on, but I think you should speak to my friend Harlow before you do anything else.
  • Player: Who is this Harlow?
  • Morgan: He is a retired vampyre slayer! I met him when I was a missionary, long ago. He will be able to advise you on the best methods to vanquish this vampyre.
  • Player: You already know a vampyre slayer? What do you need me for?
  • Morgan: Harlow is...past his prime. He's seen too many evil things in his life and, to forget them, he drinks himself into oblivion. I fear he will slay vampyres no more.
  • Player: Where can I find this Harlow?
  • Morgan: He spends his time at the Blue Moon Inn, located in Varrock. If you enter Varrock from the south, it is the second building on your right. I'm sure it's fill with lively people, so you shouldn't miss it.
  • Player: Okay, I'll go find Harlow.
  • Morgan: May Saradomin protect you, my friend!


  • Morgan: How can I help, brave adventurer?
    • What do I need to do?
      • Player: What do I need to do?
      • Morgan: Well, ultimately, you need to slay the vampyre plaguing my village. But, right now, you should speak to Harlow in Varrock. He will tell you the secrets to vampyre slaying.
        • How do I find Harlow?
          • (Same as below)
        • Right, I'l get on that.
          • Player: Right, I'l get on it.
          • Morgan: Please hurry!
    • How do I find Harlow?
      • Player: How do I find Harlow?
      • Morgan: Leave Draynor Village heading north-east. Cross the River Lum and head north to Varrock. Enter Varrock from the south and on your right should be a grub called the Blue Moon Inn. Harlow should be in there drinking, no doubt.
    • Anything else I can do for you?
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • Never mind.
      • Player: Never mind.
      • Morgan: Please hurry and slay that vampyre!

Dr Harlow[]

First time[]

  • Dr Harlow: Buy me a drink pleassh.
    • No, you've had enough.
      • Player: No, you've had enough.
      • Dr Harlow: Pssssh, I never have enough!
    • Are you Dr Harlow, the famous vampyre slayer?
      • Player: Are you Dr Harlow, the famous vampyre slayer?
      • Dr Harlow: Depends whose asking.
      • Player: Your friend Morgan sent me. He said you could teach me how to slay a vampyre.
      • Dr Harlow: Shure, I can teach you. I was the best vampyre slayer ever.
        • (Continues below)
    • You couldn't possibly be Dr Harlow, you're just a drunk.
      • Player: You couldn't possibly be Dr Harlow, you're just a drunk.
      • Dr Harlow: Of coursh I'm Dr Harlow. I'm famoush! I've shlayed more vampyresh than a pup like you could imagine.
      • Player: I think Morgan must have been mistaken. There is no way you could teach me to slay a vampyre, you can barely walk!
      • Dr Harlow: I'm the besht in the business. No one could teash you what I know. No one else has sheen what I've sheen.
        • (Continues below)
  • Dr Harlow: Buy me a beer and I'll teash you.
  • Player: Your good friend Morgan is living in fear of a vampyre and all you can think about is beer?
  • Dr Harlow: Buy ush a drink anyway.

After being asked to buy him a drink[]

Without a drink to give him[]

  • Dr Harlow: Did you buy ush a drrink?
  • Player: I'll just go and buy one.

With a drink to give him[]

  • Dr Harlow: Did you buy ush a drrink?
  • Player: Okay, here you go.
  • You give a beer to Dr Harlow.
  • Dr Harlow: Cheersh, matey.
  • Player: So, tell me how to kill vampyres then.
  • Dr Harlow: Yes, yes, vampyres. I was very good at killing 'em once. Vampyre slaying is not to be undertaken lightly. You must go in prepared, or you will die. *Sigh* A stake is an essential tool for any vampyre slayer. The stake must be used in the final blow against the vampyre or his dark magic will regenerate him to full health. I always carry a spare, so you can have one.
  • Dr Harlow hands you a stake.
  • Dr Harlow: You need a special hammer as well, to drive it in properly. Hmm, I think I have a spare hammer you can have.
  • Dr Harlow hands you a strange hammer.
  • Dr Harlow: One last thing. It's wise to carry garlic with you; vampyres are slightly weakened if they can smell garlic. Garlic is pretty common, I know I always advised Morgan to keep a supply, so you might be able to get some from him. If not, I know they sell it in Port Sarim.
  • Player: Okay, so those are the supplies I need, but how do I actually kill him?
  • Dr Harlow: You are an eager one. Killing a vampyre is DANGEROUS! Never forget that. Go in prepared, with food and armour, but understand that you may die. It's a risk we all take in this business. I've seen many fine men and women die at the hands of vampyres. Enter the vampyre's lair and attempt to open the coffin. He should be asleep in there, so try to use the stake on him. As you're new at this, you'll probably just wake him up and the real fight begins. Fight him until he's nearly dead, and, when the moment is right, stake him through the heart and hammer it in. It's gruesome, but it's the only way. Once he's dead, speak to Morgan so he can notify the village.
  • Player: Thank you very much!

After giving him a drink[]

  • Dr Harlow: Oh, itsh you. What do you want?
    • How do I kill the vampyre?
      • Player: So, tell me how to kill vampyres then.
        • (Same as above)
    • I've lost some equipment you gave me, could I have replacements?
      • Player: I've lost some equipment you gave me, could I have replacements?
        • If you do not have a stake: 
          • Dr Harlow hands you a stake.
          • Dr Harlow: Young peoplsh these days. Can't keep track of nuffin'.
        • If you have a stake in your bank:
          • Dr Harlow: You haven't lost your stake, it's in your bank.
        • If you have a stake in your inventory: 
          • Dr Harlow: Well, you've still gotsh your stake.
        • If you do not have a stake hammer: 
          • Dr Harlow hands you a hammer.
          • Dr Harlow: How yoush expect to kill a vampyre without a hammer?
        • If you have a stake hammer in your bank:
          • Dr Harlow: You haven't lost your hammer, it's in your bank.
        • If you have a stake hammer in your inventory: 
          • Dr Harlow: You've still gotsh your hammer, it's in your pack
    • Nothing, sorry for bothering you.
      • Player: Nothing, sorry for bothering you.
      • Dr Harlow: Issh all right.


Talking to Morgan[]

First time[]

  • Morgan: How can I help, brave adventurer?
  • Player: I found out what equipment I need from Dr Harlow.
  • Morgan: Oh? And what has he told you to acquire?
  • Player: I already have a stale, Harlow gave me a spare. I have the special hammer made for striking stakes into vampyres. I still need to get some garlic.
  • Morgan: Harlow did tell me to always keep garlic on me. He insisted on constant vigilance against any possible threats. I used to have a large supply of it, but it's been disappearing. I think my wife dislikes the smell. Feel free to look around and see if you can find any she missed. Can I help you with anything Else?


  • Player: I've spoken to Dr Harlow.
  • Morgan: I knew he would help is in our time of need. Did he tell you what you needed to know?
  • Player: Yes, he did, but only after I bought him a pint! Some vampyre slayer he is.
  • Morgan: You must forgive him. He believes the beer frees him from his memories, but it's really just destroying him.

Local residents[]

Talking to Maris[]

  • Before talking to Morgan: 
    • Maris: You look brave. You should speak to my husband, he is looking for an adventurer.
    • Player: Hmm, maybe I'll speak to him.
  • After talking to Morgan: 
    • Maris: I understand you have agreed to rid our village of the vampyre! May Saradomin protect you in your endeavour. If you are uncertain of anything, you should speak to my husband.
  • After talking to Dr Harlow: 
    • Maris: What can I do for you, brave adventurer?
    • Player: Do you have any garlic on you?
    • Maris: What an odd question! Morgan always tries to carry some on him, but it makes him stink, so I hide it. I can't remember where I've put it, but it's somewhere in the house. Feel free to look around.

Talking to Miss Schism[]

  • Miss Schism: Oooh, my dear, have you heard the news?
    • Ok, tell me about the news.
      • Miss Schism: Well, there's just too much to tell at once! What would you like to hear first; the vampyre, the bank or the battlefield?
      • Tell me about the vampyre.
        • Player: Tell me about the vampyre.
          • Before talking to Morgan: 
            • Miss Schism: It's terrible, absolutely terrible! Those poor people!
            • Player: What is terrible?
            • Miss Schism: Why, the attacks!
            • Player: A vampyre is attacking people?
            • Miss Schism: Yes, haven't you been listening? A no one is lifting a finger to do anything about it. Well, that new couple, Morgan and Maris, they think we should find a vampyre slayer, but I'm not sure I trust them. They aren't local.
          • After talking to Morgan: 
            • Miss Schism: Why the stories I could tell! Such terrible things I've heard.
            • Player: So, tell them! I need more information about the vampyre.
            • Miss Schism: Don't get angry with me. I'm not some gossip, blabbing about other people's tragedies.
            • Player: ...
        • Tell me about the bank.
          • (Non-quest dialogue)
        • Tell me about the battlefield.
          • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • Who are you?
      • Miss Schism: I, my dear, am a concerned citizen of Draynor Village. Ever since the Council allowed those farmers to set up their stalls here, we've had a constant flow of thieves and murderers through our fair village, and I decided that someone HAD to stand up and keep an eye on the situation. I also do voluntary work for the Draynor Manor Restoration Fund. We're campaigning to have Draynor Manor turned into a museum before the wet-rot destroys it completely.
      • Player: Uh, shouldn't you be more concerned with the vampyre living in the manor before you go turning it into a museum?
      • Miss Schism: A little old vampyre won't matter, dear. Besides, he'd probably look quite fine as an exhibit.
      • Player: You're crazy, lady.
    • I'm not talking to you, you horrible woman.
      • Miss Schism: Oooh.

Talking to Fortunato[]

  • Fortunato: Can I help you at all?
    • Yes, what are you selling?
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • Wine merchant, huh?
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • Can you tell me about Draynor Village?
      • Fortunato: The village is quite old, but the market is a rather recent addition. We were doing quite good business up until recently.
      • Player: What happened?
      • Fortunato: Well, not long ago there was a battle right outside Draynor, between Saradomin and Zamorak! You can still see the battlefield. Besides that, mysterious attacks began happening to villagers. Some say it's a vampyre, but I'm not convinced. Perhaps I can interest you in some wine?
        • Yes, please show me your wares!
          • (Non-quest dialogue)
        • No, I must be going.
          • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • After talking to Morgan: 
      • Talk about Vampyre Slayer.
        • Player: Can you tell me about vampyres? I told Morgan I would slay the one in Draynor Manor.
        • Fortunato: So, it is a vampyre is it? Very interesting. I'm afraid I can't tell you anything of use, except to be careful.
        • Player: That's not very helpful.
    • Not at the moment.
      • (Non-quest dialogue)

Talking to the Town Crier[]

  • Before talking to Morgan: 
    • Town Crier: BEWARE THE VAMPYRE, EVERYONE IN BY NIGHTFALL... Oh, sorry for shouting right at you.
      • Vampyre? What vampyre?
        • Town Crier: Hello citizen. What can I do for you?
        • Player: What did you mean about 'Beware the vampyre'?
        • Town Crier: Our village is plagued by a vampyre that lives in the manor to the north. One of the citizens - Morgan I think - is trying to find a vampyre slayer to rid us of him.
        • Player: Hmm, maybe I should speak to him.
      • Talk about the battlefield.
        • (Non-quest dialogue)
      • Talk about something else.
        • (Non-quest dialogue)
  • After talking to Morgan: 
    • What would you like to talk about?
      • Vampyre Slayer.
        • Before talking to Morgan: 
          • Town Crier: Hello citizen. What can I do for you?
          • Player: Can you tell me about the vampyre attacks on the village?
          • Town Crier: A sad business, that. It used to be a great tourist attraction, having a haunted house next to the village. Then these attacks began, and the town has been hit hard financially. It's hard to keep morale up when it's not safe to be outside after nightfall.
        • After talking to Dr Harlow: 
          • Town Crier: Hello citizen. What can I do for you?
          • Player: Can you tell me anything useful about vampyres? I promised Morgan I would slay the one preying on your village.
          • Town Crier: I only know the after-effects of a vampyre attack. It is not a pretty sight. To face one head-on with the intention to kill it? I can't offer you any advice. Perhaps you should find someone who has killed a vampyre to advise you.
      • The battlefield.
        • (Non-quest dialogue)
      • Something else.
        • (Non-quest dialogue)

Talking to Aggie[]

  • Aggie: What can I help you with?
    • Hey, you're a witch aren't you?
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • After talking to Morgan: 
      • Talk about Vampyre Slayer.
        • Before talking to Dr Harlow: 
          • Player: Can you tell me anything about vampyres? I told Morgan I would slay the one in Draynor Manor.
          • Aggie: I know they can only be killed with special equipment, but I don't know what or where you could get it. I'm glad you are attempting to end Count Draynor's reign of terror, though.
          • Player: I'll try my best!
        • After talking to Dr Harlow: 
          • Player: Hi Aggie. I've spoken to Dr Harlow about how to kill the vampyre. I have to use a special hammer to drive a stake into his heart. Do you have any advice for me?
          • Aggie: Do not underestimate the vampyre. He will have strong regenerative abilities. Take garlic and be prepared for a battle.
    • What's new in Draynor Village?
      • Before talking to Morgan: 
        • Player: What's new in Draynor Village?
        • Aggie: The blood sucker has returned to Draynor Manor. I hate his kind.
        • Player: The blood sucker?
        • Aggie: Yes, Count Draynor, the vampyre. He's preying on the innocent people of this village. I do my best to protect them with the magic I have, but he is powerful.
        • Player: Wow, that's sad.
      • After talking to Morgan: 
        • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • More...
      • What could you make for me?
        • (Non-quest dialogue)
      • Can you make dyes for me please?
        • (Non-quest dialogue)
      • More...
        • (Back to previous options)

Talking to Martin the Master Gardener[]

  • What would you like to ask about?
    • Skillcape of Farming.
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • General Chat.
      • (Non-quest dialogue)
    • After talking to Morgan: 
      • Vampyre Slayer.
        • Before talking to Dr Harlow: 
          • Player: Hi, Martin. I was wondering, have you heard about the vampyre attacks in Draynor Village?
          • Martin the Master Gardener: Has he attacked again? It was only at night before! This village has really gone downhill.
          • Player: Why is he attacking the village? Where did he come from?
          • Martin the Master Gardener: I don't know, I'm relatively new to Draynor. That horrible gossip, Miss Schism, probably knows. Just make sure you are indoors when the sun sets.
        • After talking to Dr Harlow: 
          • Martin the Master Gardener: Hello, Player. I've heard rumors in the village that you've promised to kill the vampyre in Draynor Manor. Is that true?
          • Player: Yes, I've promised Morgan I would help. I've also seen Dr Harlow, who was a famous vampyre slayer. He's taught me what to do.
          • Martin the Master Gardener: Are you mad? Taking on a vampyre?
          • Player: Well, someone has to stand up to him. Otherwise your village won't have any villagers!
    • The behemoth pig.
      • (Non-quest dialogue)

Talking to Ned[]

  • About the Task System...
    • (Non-quest dialogue)
  • Talk about something else.
    • Ned: Why, hello there, [lad/lass]. Me friends call me Ned. I was a man of the sea, but it's past me now. Could I be making or selling you some rope?
      • Yes, I would like some rope.
        • (Non-quest dialogue)
      • No thanks, Ned, I don't need any.
        • (Non-quest dialogue)
      • Anything interesting happening in Draynor Village?
        • Player: Anything interesting happening in Draynor Village?
        • Ned: Well, there's a nasty vampyre causing a ruckus every night. I s'pose that's interesting.
        • Player: You seem pretty calm about it.
        • Ned: Boy/Girly after everything I've seen in my life, a vampyre doesn't ruffle my feathers. Long as I stay inside after dark, I'm fine.
      • After talking to Morgan: 
        • Talk about Vampyre Slayer.
          • Player: Have you got any advice for me before I try to kill the vampyre?
          • Ned: Don't be a brave fool. If you're dying, run away. Better to live to fight another day.

Fighting the Vampyre[]

Entering Draynor Manor[]

  • The doors slam shut behind you.

Walking down the stairs at Draynor Manor[]

  • You walk down the stairs.

Opening the coffin[]

  • You push open the door to the coffin, and Count Draynor emerges.

Starting to attack with a stake in your inventory[]

  • You stab the vampyre with the stake, but it does not go deep enough.

Attacking with garlic in your inventory[]

  • The garlic in your pack weakens the vampyre.

Using the hammer when Count Draynor's hitpoints is low[]

  • You have slain the vampyre.

After defeating Count Draynor[]

  • Player: I should tell Morgan that I've killed the vampyre!


Talking to Morgan[]

  • Player: I've killed the vampyre!
  • Morgan: Praise Saradomin! Bless you! We are all saved, the vampyre is slain!
Congratulations! Quest complete!