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Steel full helm old
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Talking to the Boy[]

First time[]

  • Player: Hello young man.
  • The boy sobs.
    • What's the matter?
      • Player: What's the matter?
      • Boy: I've kicked my ball over that hedge, into that garden! The old lady who lives there is scary...She's locked the ball in her wooden shed! Can you get my ball back for me please?
        • Ok, I'll see what I can do.
          • Player: Ok, I'll see what I can do.
          • Boy: Thanks [mister/lady]!
        • Get it back yourself.
          • Player: Get it back yourself.
          • Boy: You're a meany!
          • The boy starts crying again.
    • Well if you're not going to answer, I'll go.
      • Player: Well if you're not going to answer, I'll go.
      • The boy sniffs slightly.


  • Boy: Have you got my ball back yet?
  • Player: Not yet.
  • Boy: Well, it's in the shed in that garden.

Breaking in[]

Preparing to enter the shed[]

Attempting to open the door without a key[]

  • This door is locked.

Searching the flower pot[]

  • You find a key hidden under the flower pot.

Searching the boxes[]

  • You search the boxes but find nothing.
  • You find an old cabbage in the bottom of one of the boxes!
Leather boots[]
  • You find a pair of leather boots in the bottom of one of the boxes!
Leather gloves[]
  • You find a pair of leather gloves in the bottom of one of the boxes!
Sewing needle[]
  • You find a sewing needle in the bottom of one of the boxes!
Sewing thread[]
  • You find some sewing thread in the bottom of one of the boxes!

Eating the cabbage[]

  • You eat the cabbage. Yuck!

Attempting to open the gate without gloves[]

  • As your bare hands touch the gate you feel a shock.

Searching the cupboard[]

  • You find a magnet in the cupboard.

Attempting to open the door to the garden[]

  • Player: Strange... I can't see any kind of lock or handle to open this door.

Using cheese on the mouse-hole[]

  • A mouse runs out of a hole.

Using a magnet on a mouse[]

  • You attach the magnet to the mouse's harness. The mouse finishes the cheese and runs back into its hole. You hear some odd noises inside the walls. There is a strange whirring noise from above the door frame.

Attempting to open the shed door without the key[]

  • The shed door is locked.

Searching the fountain[]

  • You search for the secret compartment mentioned in the diary. Inside it you find a small key. You take the key.

At the shed[]

Attempting to get the ball before defeating the shapeshifter[]

  • The shapeshifter glares at you. You feel slightly weakened.

While fighting the shapeshifter[]

After phase 1[]
  • The shapeshifters' body begins to deform!
  • The shapeshifter turns into a spider!
After phase 2[]
  • The shapeshifters' body begins to twist!
  • The shapeshifter turns into a bear!
After phase 3[]
  • The shapeshifters' body pulses!
  • The shapeshifter turns into a wolf!
After phase 4[]
  • You finally kill the shapeshifter once and for all.

If you are caught by Nora T. Hagg[]

  • Nora T. Hagg: Stop! Thief!
  • Nora T. Hagg: Klarata... Seppteno... Valkan!
  • You are teleported out of the garden.


Talking to the Boy[]

  • Player: Hi, I have gotten your ball back. It was MUCH harder than I thought it would be.
  • You give the ball back.
  • Boy: Thank you so much!
Congratulations! Quest complete!

Post-quest dialogue[]

Talking to the Boy[]

  • Boy: Thank you for getting my ball back!
  • Player: You're welcome.