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Transportation includes all of the varied means of getting around the RuneScape realm of Gielinor.

On foot[]


A player walking.


A player running.

Walking and running are the basic methods of travel. Players walk at a speed of 1 square per server cycle (0.6 second) and run at a speed of 2 squares per server cycle, both diagonally and orthogonally. The amount of weight carried determines how quickly a player's energy is drained while running. The player's Agility level determines how quickly energy is recovered while walking or standing. Pressing and holding down the 'Ctrl' key and clicking on a part of the game window or minimap temporarily turns on run. With the 2009 update in RuneScape, players now have the "rest option," which significantly improves running energy.

By teleportation[]

Main article: Teleportation

Magic items or spells provide the instant travel from any location to a specific location elsewhere.



Items with unlimited charges[]

Items with limited charges, rechargeable[]

Items with limited charges, non-rechargeable[]

Portals and devices[]

Summoning familiars[]


By shortcuts[]

Main article: Shortcuts

By taking shortcuts with Agility, a player is able to reach a destination faster. The higher the Agility level, the more shortcuts are available.

Some common examples of agility shortcuts are:

  • Stile
  • Rope swing
  • Underwall tunnel
  • Log balance
  • Pipe squeeze
  • Rock climb
  • Stepping stones

See also shortcuts under the Agility article.

By air[]

By trains or carts[]

By water[]

Sailing is a large transportation method used to get to difficult locations. It is not commonly used because of inconvenient port locations, but can be very useful to get to places such as Entrana.

Ship transport

Travelling by ship

Port Locations and Prices:

Sailing prices can be lowered if you are wearing the ring of charos (a), which is obtained during the Garden of Tranquillity quest.

By fairy rings[]

Fairy rings is a system founded by fairies. It requires the completion of the first part of the quest Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains. Players can use this system by stepping onto an "eye" on the ground in Gielinor with either a dramen staff or lunar staff equipped, which will teleport players to Zanaris. Once you have completed Fairy Tale III - Orks Rift, neither staff is required.

The closest lodestone to a fairy ring is Yanille

Some useful teleport locations are:

By Wilderness obelisks[]

There are six obelisks in the Wilderness, located in levels 13, 19, 27, 35, 44 and 50. They can be activated by touching any one of the pillars. Then, all the NPCs and players inside the pillared area are teleported to any other random one.

Wilderness teleport portals

A player uses a Wilderness obelisk

Other methods[]

Random destinations[]

Before the revamp of random events, ignoring many of the random event NPCs, such as the sandwich lady, would result in free transportation to random places. Since the destination was unknown, many players avoided such methods of travel. Regardless, many adventurers (and even those who were simply bored) enjoyed the element of the unknown when using this method for travel. Additionally, upon completing the random event incorrectly, the NPCs will get angry and teleport the player.

See also[]
