Transportation includes all of the varied means of getting around the RuneScape realm of Gielinor.
On foot[]
Walking and running are the basic methods of travel. Players walk at a speed of 1 square per server cycle (0.6 second) and run at a speed of 2 squares per server cycle, both diagonally and orthogonally. The amount of weight carried determines how quickly a player's energy is drained while running. The player's Agility level determines how quickly energy is recovered while walking or standing. Pressing and holding down the 'Ctrl' key and clicking on a part of the game window or minimap temporarily turns on run. With the 2009 update in RuneScape, players now have the "rest option," which significantly improves running energy.
By teleportation[]
Magic items or spells provide the instant travel from any location to a specific location elsewhere.
- Standard teleport spells
- Ancient Magicks teleport spells
- Lunar teleport spells
Items with unlimited charges[]
- Karamja gloves 3 and 4 - mine beneath Shilo Village
- Ectophial - Port Phasmatys
- Explorer's ring 3 and 4 - can teleport you to the cabbage patch south of the Falador farming patch.
- Ardougne cloak - Monastery south of Ardougne
- Ardougne cloak 4 - Farming patch north of Ardougne
- Broomstick - Sorceress' Garden after enchanting it after Swept Away.
- Ring of kinship - Daemonheim
- Witchdoctor mask
- Clan vexillum - Clan Camp south of Falador
- Captain's log - after starting the player-owned port minigame
- Desert amulet - after completing Desert achievements
- Tokkul-zo - 4 areas in TzHaar City after The Elder Kiln
- Sixth-Age circuit - Guthix's Cave after The World Wakes, the World Gate after Fate of the Gods
- Skull of Remembrance - Roof of the Black Knights' Fortress after completing The Death of Chivalry
Items with limited charges, rechargeable[]
- Skills necklace
- Combat bracelet
- Ring of wealth
- Amulet of glory (can be mounted in a Quest Hall of a player-owned house for unlimited charges)
- Pharaoh's Sceptre - Jalsavrah or Jaleustrophos or Jaldraocht
- Sceptre of the gods - Jalsavrah or Jaleustrophos or Jaldraocht
- Inferior locator
- Poor locator
- Good locator
- Superior locator
- Enchanted lyre - Rellekka or Waterbirth Island (with fremennik sea boots 3)
- Camulet - Enakhra's Temple.
- Crystal teleport seed - Lletya.
- Tirannwn quiver 1 and up - Lletya, Eluned's current location, Death Altar, Poison Waste, Elf Camp, Tyras Camp. Has 5 daily charges.
Items with limited charges, non-rechargeable[]
- Ring of duelling
- Games necklace
- Digsite pendant
- Ferocious Ring
- Ring of slaying
- Skull sceptre - Gunnarsgrunn.
- Dorgesh-kaan sphere - Dorgesh-Kaan
- Goblin village sphere - Goblin Village.
- Plain of mud sphere - Goblin Cave.
- Bandos throne room sphere - Bandos throne room (with The Chosen Commander)
- Teleportation magic tablets
- Grand seed pod
- Ring of life
- Juju teleport spiritbag
Portals and devices[]
- Magic Guild portals
- Portal Chamber in a player-owned house
- Ardougne/Edgeville teleport levers to Deserted Keep (level 55 Wilderness)
Summoning familiars[]
- Void shifters, Void ravagers, Void torchers and Void spinners can all teleport players to the Void Knights' Outpost.
- Spirit graahks can teleport to the Horned Graahk hunter area on Karamja.
- Spirit kyatts can teleport to the Piscatoris Hunter area.
- Spirit larupias can teleport to the Feldip Hunter area.
- Arctic bears can teleport to the Rellekka Hunter area
- Lava titans can teleport to the centre of the Lava Maze.
- Spirit trees - Tree Gnome Village, Grand Exchange, Tree Gnome Stronghold, west of Castle Wars, Battlefield of Khazard and for high level farmers, an additional location at one of the spirit tree farming patches.
- Wizards Aubury/Cromperty/Sedridor/Distantor/Brimstail - Rune Essence mine.
- The Abyss
- Wizards in Runecrafting Altars can teleport to the 1st floor of the Wizards' Tower.
By shortcuts[]
By taking shortcuts with Agility, a player is able to reach a destination faster. The higher the Agility level, the more shortcuts are available.
Some common examples of agility shortcuts are:
- Stile
- Rope swing
- Underwall tunnel
- Log balance
- Pipe squeeze
- Rock climb
- Stepping stones
See also shortcuts under the Agility article.
By air[]
- Gnome glider and military glider. From Ta Quir Priw to Ape Atoll (after Monkey Madness Quest) or Gandius (Karamja), Kar-Hewo (Al Kharid), Sindarpos (White Wolf Mountain), Lemantolly Undri (Feldip Hills; after One Small Favour quest), or Lemanto Andra (the Digsite; one-way).
- Magic carpets - Shantay Pass, Pollnivneach, Uzer, Bedabin Camp, Sophanem, Menaphos, Nardah and The Monkey Colony (After Do No Evil Quest).
- Balloons can take players between the Grand Tree in Tree Gnome Stronghold, Varrock, Entrana, Crafting Guild, Taverley, and Castle Wars.
- Eagles allow players to travel to Eagles' Peak, Rellekka Hunter area, Feldip Hunter area, Uzer Hunter area, or the jade vine maze.
By trains or carts[]
- Dwarven mine cart allows players to travel between Keldagrim, the Dwarven Mine, the Grand Exchange, and White Wolf Mountain.
- The Shilo Village cart system will take players between Shilo Village and Brimhaven.
- Dorgesh-Kaan - Keldagrim Train System between Dorgesh-Kaan and Keldagrim.
By water[]
Sailing is a large transportation method used to get to difficult locations. It is not commonly used because of inconvenient port locations, but can be very useful to get to places such as Entrana.
Port Locations and Prices:
- Port Sarim to Karamja - 30 coins (15 coins with karamja gloves 1, 2 or 3; free with the ring of charos (a))
- Port Sarim to Entrana - Free (members only)
- East Ardougne to Brimhaven - 30 coins (members only) (15 coins with karamja gloves 1, 2 or 3; free with the Ring of charos (a))
- Shilo Village to Port Khazard - 25 coins (members only)
- Shilo Village to Port Sarim - 25 coins (members only)
- Rellekka to Miscellania - Free (members only)
- Rellekka to Etceteria - Free (members only)
- Rellekka to Waterbirth Island - 1000 coins (free if completed Fremennik Trials quest) (members only)
Sailing prices can be lowered if you are wearing the ring of charos (a), which is obtained during the Garden of Tranquillity quest.
- Canoes - Wilderness (one way in), Edgeville (Varrock side), Champions' Guild, Gunnarsgrunn and Lumbridge.
- Charter ship - travel to Brimhaven, Catherby, Karamja, Mos Le'Harmless, Port Khazard, Port Phasmatys, Port Sarim, Shipyard, Tyras Camp, and Oo'glog.
- Ogre boat ride - Boat powered by ogres that takes players between Karamja (near Tai Bwo Wannai) and Feldip Hills for either cooked chompy or glug-glug herbies.
By fairy rings[]
Fairy rings is a system founded by fairies. It requires the completion of the first part of the quest Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains. Players can use this system by stepping onto an "eye" on the ground in Gielinor with either a dramen staff or lunar staff equipped, which will teleport players to Zanaris. Once you have completed Fairy Tale III - Orks Rift, neither staff is required.
The closest lodestone to a fairy ring is Yanille
Some useful teleport locations are:
- Kharidian Desert
- Fisher Realm
- TzHaar City
- Legends' Guild
- Miscellania
- South-west Karamja
- West of Grand Exchange
- Canifis
- Zanaris
By Wilderness obelisks[]
There are six obelisks in the Wilderness, located in levels 13, 19, 27, 35, 44 and 50. They can be activated by touching any one of the pillars. Then, all the NPCs and players inside the pillared area are teleported to any other random one.
Other methods[]
- Dying - By dying, players will return to their selected spawn point. Members may respawn to the last "hub" they've been to. Spawn points include:
- Lumbridge
- Falador (requires Recruitment Drive)
- Camelot (requires King's Ransom and Knight Waves Training Grounds to be finished)
- Soul Wars (requires Nomad's Requiem)
- Shantay Pass to Port Sarim jail by speaking to Shantay and telling him that you are an outlaw. Refusing to pay the fine will force you to Port Sarim.
- Dark Wizards' Tower to Lumbridge Swamp by speaking to the wizard, Zandar Horfyre, at the top of the tower and refusing to leave. He will then teleport you to Lumbridge Swamp, near the main entrance to Zanaris.
- Amulet of nature - if the amulet is bound to a farming patch that happens to become diseased, the wearer will be notified and be given the option to be teleported to the patch.
- Attacking directly the Mercenary Captain in the Desert Mining Camp will put the player in a random location in the Kharidian Desert, but this is unadvised as the Mercenaries will take all your water.
- Blowing your magic whistle while in the Fisher King's plane will result in you being teleported to the gold ore spot on Karamja Island.
Random destinations[]
Before the revamp of random events, ignoring many of the random event NPCs, such as the sandwich lady, would result in free transportation to random places. Since the destination was unknown, many players avoided such methods of travel. Regardless, many adventurers (and even those who were simply bored) enjoyed the element of the unknown when using this method for travel. Additionally, upon completing the random event incorrectly, the NPCs will get angry and teleport the player.
See also[]
- Teleportation
- Transportation Interchange - these are locations where the transport systems above intersect