Treasure map is an item found in the message in a bottle in the Spirit Realm of Aminishi. The bottle is located on the beach below where the Aminishi moai rested and is revealed after talking to all four of the player's crew on each of the three main islands Waiko, Whale's Maw, and Aminishi. The full conditions to see the message in a bottle at this location are currently unknown. The map leads the player to Christmas Island, where they can meet Manti Claws.
The message in a bottle that contains this treasure map is currently visible. (wrong?) Once a message in a bottle is found and when a player has walked near its spawn location when it was visible it will always be visible, unless the message in the bottle or its treasure map is in the player's bank or inventory.
[There are no words on this map, only what appears to be a paw print and a faint, though unpleasantly musty, smell. There are, however, directions to an island that you think might be called Christmas Island.]
-[paw print]