The Tree Gnome Village, also known as Priw Gnomo Andralo in Gnomish, is the home of the Gnomes. It is primarily a giant hedge maze (Tree Gnome Maze), at the centre of which lies a civilisation. To enter the village press squeeze through loose railing. If you talk to Elkoy he will lead you through the maze, saving a bit of time.
Gnome glider - after completing The Prisoner of Glouphrie quest, players can use a new glider route, piloted by Captain Belmondo. It is located just outside the village near Elkoy and the farming patch.
Tortoise - these are level 90, and if they carry gnomes they have melee, range and mage attacks. They drop Tortoise shell, which can be sold to Barlak in Dorgesh-Kaan for 600 coins, and also used as a Summoning pouch ingredient for the level 67 War tortoise.