RuneScape Wiki
Tree farmer outfit equipped

The tree farmer outfit is a Farming outfit that was released with the player-owned farm, and is a component of the master farmer outfit. The blueprints for the master farmer outfit must first be purchased from Granny Potterington at the Farmers' Market for 1,000 beans. The outfit pieces can then be created at an invention workbench at level 80 Farming and level 20 Invention by combining 3,600 master farmer fragments per piece, requiring 18,000 fragments for a full set.

The tree farmer outfit can be combined with the animal farmer outfit and crop farmer outfit to make the master farmer outfit for additional benefits. Pieces of the tree farmer outfit can only be traded for other parts of the master farmer outfits. They cannot be traded for anything else.

Should any piece of the outfit be lost or destroyed, it may be reclaimed for free from Diango, Ianto or Azibo, or through the bank interface.

Set effects[]

When the full set is worn, it has the following effects:

  • Uses the farmer's outfit's bonus experience if owned, even while the set is in the bank, with Diango, player-owned house, or keepsaked. However, the player must have equipped the farmer's outfit at least once in order to receive said benefit.
  • Protection payment discount (-1 to a minimum of 1)
  • Can cast Rapid Growth up to twice per patch, per day
  • 5% chance to gain bonus produce when harvesting fruit trees and bushes
  • Remote access to seed pod teleports (if owned in bank)

Outfit pieces[]

Tree farmer hat Tree farmer hat
Tree farmer jacket Tree farmer jacket
Tree farmer legwear Tree farmer legwear
Tree farmer gloves Tree farmer gloves
Tree farmer boots Tree farmer boots