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RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the player-made mask. For the Treasure Hunter-related item, see Mask of the Airut.

Tuska mask detail
Tuska mask chathead

The Tuska mask is a cosmetic head item that is made by combining five drops from airut:

It is possible to get more than one of each part, and the pieces stack in the player's inventory. You may end up with several lower tusks and need a top, for instance. However, the mask pieces drop only while on an airut task.

The mask pieces can be traded for other mask pieces with other players. After being put together for the first time, the player can wear the mask to gain 43,680 experience in Attack, Strength, Defence, Constitution, Ranged, Magic or 10,920 experience in Slayer. Gaining any experience requires the player to be at least level 90 in the desired skill. The mask can then be kept as a wearable souvenir, or can be traded with any slayer master for 20 slayer reward points by using the mask on the slayer master. The experience bonus is given only one time; however, any masks built after that can still be traded to slayer masters for the 20 slayer reward points.

Constructing the Tuska mask is a requirement for the completionist cape.

Combat Stats
RequirementsTuska mask equipped
NoneHead slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses



  • Although the pieces to the mask have a destroy option, the mask itself can be dropped.
  • On the release day it was possible to trade the mask pieces between each player, without having to trade piece for piece.
  • Completed masks don't stack in the bank.
  • The slayer master will say, "Thanks, another mask to add to my collection." upon receiving the mask.