All Life points: 3,100
Life points: 3,100
All Slayer experience: 77.5
Slayer experience: 77.5
All Combat experience: 297.3
Combat experience: 297.3
All Release date: 19 September 2005
Release date: 19 September 2005
All Combat level: 86
Combat level: 86
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 2591
NPC ID: 2591
The TzHaar-Mej inhabit the TzHaar city. They can be found wielding a Toktz-Mej-Tal. They attack slightly slower than other TzHaar, but they can use powerful magic that hits quite hard (commonly over 700, and as high as 900), although they may sometimes close in to use melee (this happens more often if engaging them with ranged). In addition, when attacked, they may on rare occasions call for help ("Kot kl, zek e JalYt!", which roughly translates into "Save me, attack the human!") which will cause any nearby TzHaar-Ket or TzHaar-Xil to attack you.
TzHaar-Mej can use two types of attacks. These include a melee attack with its staff, and a very strong magic attack that can deal considerable damage (800+). It may be advisable to activate Protect from Magic to reduce damage from the magic attack.
Since the TzHaar city update, there are three NPC TzHaar-Mej, that can be found inside the TzHaar city library. Those are unattackable. Players may talk to them, but they only reply quite briefly. Their examine text reads "It's busy reading."