All Life points: 1,000
Life points: 1,000
All Combat experience: 44.4
Combat experience: 44.4
All Release date: 14 April 2003
Release date: 14 April 2003
All Combat level: 28
Combat level: 28
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 840
NPC ID: 840
Ugthanki(Camelus horribleus) are a variety of vicious camel, which can be found in the Kharidian Desert, located south of Shantay Pass. Their name is derived from the that of Akthanakos, a camel-headed Mahjarrat that trained them to fight. They are aggressive, so players with low life points should keep away from them.
While they can be spoken to with a camulet, their aggressive nature means that they may attack players who do so.