An ugune potion (unf) is an unfinished potion made via the Herblore skill during Herblore Habitat. Players make it by using a clean ugune on a juju vial of water.
It is used to make the juju farming potion at level 64 by adding a marble vine, earning 146 experience.
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Ugune potion (unf)", "image": "[[File:Ugune potion (unf).png|link=Ugune potion (unf)]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Juju vial of water", "quantity": "1", "image": "Juju vial of water.png" },{ "name": "Clean ugune", "quantity": "1", "image": "Clean ugune.png" } ], "skill": "Herblore", "level": "64" }