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Start pointQuest map icon Talk to King Lathas on the second floor of Ardougne castle.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyUnknown edit
Official lengthLong
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable. Biohazard quest and 25 Ranged. Agility and Thieving (50+) strongly recommended. Must be able to kill three level 92 demons.
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added. You should bring some armour and a weapon needed to fight 3 Greater Demons (ranged recommended). Although, do not carry too many pieces of armor because there will be a lot of running involved in this quest. 2 ropes (minimum), a bow and arrows, spade, tinderbox (optional, you receive it later on in the quest) and lots of food (lobsters or higher recommended, Summer pies for the agility bonus and brews for the hitpoints healed per inventory space are excellent), Agility potions will be helpful with low agility. Teleporting items are also useful. DO NOT FILL YOUR INVENTORY COMPLETELY, leave 2-4 spaces for items received during the quest. (NOTE: you can receive food throughout the quest in case you run low)
Enemies to defeat 3 Greater demons (level 92), Kalrag (Level 89)


Many players consider Underground Pass to be one of the longest, most frustrating quests. It relies heavily on your Agility skill, often making you complete a number of obstacles in succession. In most cases, failing any of the obstacles will cause you to return to the beginning, which can be quite annoying for players with lower level Agility.

Starting the Quest

To begin, talk to King Lathas on the upper floor of Ardougne castle. It's located near the south-west side of East Ardougne. He'll tell you about the underground pass and the evil Iban who guards it, claiming to be the son of Zamorak. He'll ask you to check in with Koftik who is waiting for you just outside the entrance.

This time, you'll be allowed to go right through the front gates to West Ardougne, so head through and walk all the way west through the city until you find the cave entranced with Koftik standing outside. Talk to him and he'll explain more about the Pass and tell you to meet him next to the bridge further inside.

Getting in and Across the Bridge

File:Undeground pass1.png

  • 1 Here you enter the cave
  • 2 Koftik
  • 3 Place where to shoot the arrow
  • 4 Plank spawn place
  • 5 Pit you cross with rope
  • 6 Grid
  • 7 Furnace
  • 8 Start of wall traps
  • 9 Well


  • B Giant bats, level 27
  • G Goblins, levels 5 and 13
  • O Ogre, level 53
  • S Blessed Spider, level 39
  • Z Zombie, level 24

When you walk inside (1), you'll see three paths branching off in different directions. Whatever you do, DO NOT take the middle path. The swamp there will drag you down and send you tumbling down a very painful hillside you'll have to climb back up again. Instead, take either the left or the right paths. Climb over the rocks there to go around the swamp and get to where Koftik is standing next to a fire (2). Talk to him and he'll tell you it looks like there have been others in the cave already. He'll give you a damp cloth. (If you've gotten to this point with a full inventory, you will have to drop something in order to hold the damp cloth and you won't necessarily get a chance to pick it up again as you cross the bridge automatically once you activate it.) If you need, you can talk to him at any time to get more. Use the damp cloth on an arrow, then use the result on the fire to get a Fire arrow, or a lit arrow if you used a bronze arrow. Equip a bow and this arrow. (Note: If you accidently die or teleport out you can speak to Koftik to get another damp cloth).

If you try to use the arrow on the bridge guidewire from where Koftik is, you will get a message saying you can't get a clear shot. Move into the small room (3) to your north. Look across the subterranean river and you can see where the guide rope holds up the bridge. Click on it and you'll fire your lit arrow at the rope. If you succeed, the bridge will drop and you'll automatically walk across the bridge. The lever next to you will drop the bridge and you'll automatically cross it, so do not pull it unless you want to leave. Getting back will take another arrow. Before you leave, take the plank (4) nearby it is key to getting through some of the traps later.

The Pit and the Grid

Walk south a little to where you should see a pit (5). Don't go into the swampy area with the Blessed spiders, or you'll be sucked down. Instead, walk to the north branch of the pit and find an old spike on the floor. Use your rope with the old spike and you will create a rope balance to walk across. If you fail, you'll fall into the pit and have to climb up, then start again from the very beginning of the Underground Pass.

File:Underground pass grid.PNG


If you do succeed, continue to follow the path until you see Koftik standing in front of a grid of mesh (6). This bit can be frustrating. You'll have to use trial and error to figure out which squares will drop you into a pit and which will support you. It's different for every person, so you'll have to figure it out for yourself. If you stand on ANY square for too long, you will fall. Make sure to remember what it is, since you'll need to come back this way again when you want to do Regicide. Once you finally do get through to the other side, pull the lever in south to get onto the other side of the gate.

Save this image and use it as a template for marking your path File:Grid.png

The Orbs and the Well

To the north of you is a furnace (7). For the moment ignore it, but remember where it is. To the west of you will be a narrow corridor. Approach (8) it carefully, as there are five traps in the wall. Right click and disarm them to get through and be ready to heal if you fail. Note: If you do fail and you have run on, you can quickly run past the trap the instance after you fail and receive no damage. Or if your Thieving isn't high enough, just heal up as much as possible and run through (if you accidentally stop on a trap, you will take up to 9 points of damage numerous times each second). Whichever way you choose, you will eventually get through into an area with a large, rather sinister looking well (9) in the middle and an altar. There are four different paths branching off from this room.

  1. Start with the very north one. This will be the easiest one. Use the plank you picked up earlier on the flat stone to disarm the trap. Go past all three of the traps and pick up the orb of light at the end of the tunnel. If you didn't grab a plank, you'll have to disarm the traps, which is very difficult.
  2. The next one (the next one to the left, north west) is fairly easy as well. Fight or run through the various spiders and level 53 Ogres to grab the orb and run back again. No real tricks here.
  3. Same as the first one. Use your plank to get over the traps, or try to disarm them. There's just more of the traps this time.
  4. Walk through the tunnel. However, when you get to where the orb is, don't pick it up. Disarm the trap underneath it or you'll get hit by a swinging log. Very painful. To disarm the trap, you will have to search the flat stone underneath the orb which may require a spin of the camera angle to actually see.

Now that you have all four of the orbs, back track a little bit. Go back to where the furnace was (remembering to be careful of the traps in the wall). Use each of the orbs on the furnace to destroy them. DO NOT GO THROUGH THE OBSTACLE PIPE, THE GRILL WILL SHUT BEHIND YOU. When you go back through to the well again, you can now climb inside and drop down a level.

File:Undeground pass2.png

  • 1 Entrance and crates
  • 2 Place to dig with spade
  • 3 Ledge
  • 4 Agility maze
  • 5 Easy route

Koftik will be near here sounding a little bit strange. Plus, if you are running low on supplies, you can search the nearby (1) crates to find a decent supply of salmon and meat pies to get you a little bit farther.

The Cages and Obstacle Maze

Head further down the cave and you'll find yourself in an area with a few cages. Pick the lock on the first one on the left (south-east). You'll notice that there's a rather odd looking patch of ground at the back of it (2). Use your spade on this to dig through and find a hidden tunnel that will take you through to the other side. Edge across the narrow ledge (3) (you can fall, but it only takes off a few hp) and you'll be near a (4) maze of raised beams. To get through it, you'll need to hop over a number of obstacles. If you fail, you need to climb back up one of the ramps nearby, often setting you back a few steps. To get through, take the first right, a left, and another left.

There's also another (5), much simpler way to get through. If you have 50 Thieving, you can go a little bit farther south. There's a door that you can pick the lock of. It completely bypasses the whole maze. You just have to be careful to avoid the places that are bubbling. Either way, go south and go through the entrance (6) to get into the next area.

The Caged Unicorn

File:Undeground pass3.png

  • 1 Entrance
  • 2 Unicorn
  • 3 Paladins
  • 4 Well
  • 5 Door to next room


  • S Skeletons, level 22 and 26
  • Z Zombies, level 24

In the next room, you'll find a group of skeletons and a unicorn in a cage. You'll need its horn, but you can't get into the cage to get it, so you'll need to figure out some other way. If you search the cage, you'll find a loose piece of railing. Take this and head south down the path leading to where the cage is. You'll find a large boulder here. Use the loose railing to pry it loose and crush the unicorn. Now you can go back down and retrieve the unicorn horn by searching the wreckage of the cage.

  • shortcuts are via bubbles just walk past them,remember to run or 2 secs later u fall!*

The Paladins

Heading north through the cave, you'll come to a small group of Paladins (3) who have made a sort of camp. They're all level 62, named Sir Carl, Sir Jerro, and Sir Harry. If you talk to them, they'll give you some more food to restock your supplies. Unluckily for them, you need the paladin's badges that they carry. And the only way to get those is to slaughter them. If you do need the food, make sure to talk to them before attacking them. After all, they won't be too happy with you for killing their friends.

Once you have all three badges (red, blue, and green) head a bit west, keeping your eyes out for the traps there. Again, you can foil them by placing the plank on them. Keep going west to where there's another well (4). Use the three badges (crests) and the unicorn horn on the well to open the large doors (5).

Remember this well if you want to recharge the Iban Staff later. This is where you recharge it after use.

The Dwarves

Now, you're in the largest area of the Underground Pass. And one of the most frustrating. Around all edges of the area is a rock ledge to walk on. The middle is a large, open area with a maze of walkways, most of which are broken. If you try to jump across them, sometimes you will fall and end up taking big damage when you hit the ground below, as well as being in a large area filled with Souless.

For now, ignore the walkway, though do take note of the locations where you can get onto them. Head as far south as you can and look at the south wall to find a small staircase leading down. When you walk down it, Koftik will appear, ranting insanely before disappearing again. Before he goes, though, he'll mention some dwarves that have taken up residence there. Walk a bit to the west to find them. There are three dwarves named Niloof, Klank, and Kamen in a small fenced area with two buildings.

Niloof will give you some food when you talk to him. If you need more, you can talk to Kamen. He can supply you with an unlimited supply. There are two ways he'll give it to you. You can buy some for a small amount of coins, or accept his offer of a drink. If you do take the drink, it will cause you a bit of damage and hurt your Agility a little. Still, free food is nice. Just don't do it before you're going to go jumping across the walkways.

The Witch

Anyway, talk to Niloof about a witch named Kardia who knows how to kill Iban. Once he's told you that, climb up the staircase again and head east then north until you get to the first location where you can get on the walkways. If you fall, just go to the south of the room full of Souless's. Walk along it and take the first turn to the left (south) to find Kardia's house. Listen at her window, and you'll hear her talking to herself about her missing cat. Do not attempt to open the door or you will take damage from the witch. Head north, take a left, hop across the gap, then take the north branch of the path. Follow it until you find the cat. It will be a yellow dot on your minimap. Grab it and go back to the witch's house again. Do not drop the cat or it will run away and hide. If this happens, just log out then log back in and it will reappear at the same location. Use the cat on the door. You'll automatically hide behind the corner while the witch gets her cat. While she's distracted, sneak into her house and search the chest. You'll get a stat restore potion, a super attack potion, the history of iban (an old journal that relates some info about Iban), and a doll of iban. The doll is the most important part. You now need to collect four elements of Iban to imbue the doll.


A Doomion

Iban's Doll



Iban's Shadow

To get Iban's shadow, you need to kill three level 91 demons named Doomion, Othanian, and Holthion. Head west of the witch's house and take the first left (south) all the way down until you reach where the demons are. Kill each one any way you like (mage or ranged recommended since there are safe spots on the paths) and pick up the amulet of doomion, amulet of othanian and amulet of holthion that they drop respectively. Once you have all three of them, head just north of where Doomion was to the chest there. Opening it will destroy the amulets and give you Iban's shadow. Use it on the doll.

Iban's Body



Either fall or jump back to the staircase to get back downstairs. Go back to the dwarves and talk to Klank. He'll give you Klank's gauntlets and a tinderbox. Make sure you keep it. Next, grab a bucket from the larger of the two buildings and go into the smaller one. Use the bucket on the barrel behind one of the houses to get some of the dwarf brew that Kamen was giving you earlier. Take this and head to the far south-east corner of the area where Iban's tomb is. Dump the bucket of alcohol on top of the tomb and light it up with your tinderbox. After you're done watching it burn, a pile of Iban's ashes will be left behind. Pick them up and use them on the doll.

Iban's Blood



Now for the fun part. If you're arachnophobic, you might be in a bit of trouble. Head straight north from the tomb and keep going until you reach a corridor full of blessed spiders. Walk inside until you find a giant level 89 spider named Kalrag. Kill him. When you defeat him, you'll automatically soak up the blood with your doll. Now you might want to run, because all the spiders nearby will attack you. Despite not being a multi-combat area, they can gang up on you when you kill Kalrag.

Iban's Spirit

Now make sure you put on Klank's gauntlets. From the spider den, head north-west to the far corner of the area. There's another staircase you can climb up to reach the upper area. Near you, there will be several cages with half-souless in them. Search every cage you may have to use a different walkway from the edge to get to more cages. (If you're not wearing your gauntlets, the half-souless will bite you and cause some damage.) Eventually, you will find the skeletal remains of Iban's dove. It could take a while, but when you find them use them on the doll.

Note: If you die and lose Iban's Doll, don't worry, just go back to the Dwarves and talk to Niloof, he will return the doll to you, as complete as it was before death, so you won't have to do everything again.

Killing Iban

Now to finally destroy Iban and bring an end to this quest. You'll need to jump your way to Iban's temple in the very dead-centre of the area. You'll probably fall a few times along the way, but keep at it. Once you're there, kill an Iban Disciple to get Zamorak robes. (They drop top and bottom every time, so grab a few more if you want). Make sure the robes are all you're wearing, then enter the temple.

The next part can be tricky to get through though you don't have to actually fight Iban. What you need to do is use the doll on the well in the centre of the room. What makes it hard is that Iban will be launching spells at you. If any of them hit you, it sends you flying back to the door of the temple. Try to time is so that you RUN when there are no magical spikes. When you do manage to get the doll into the well, though, Iban will be destroyed and the temple will begin to collapse.

You'll be teleported to a cavern where you can find Koftik, who'll be sane again. Leave the cavern and head back to Ardougne and tell King Lathas of your success to finish the quest. Congratulations!!!


Underground Pass Reward


  • Aside from The Fremennik Isles, Wanted!, Death to the Dorgeshuun, and One Small Favour the Underground pass is the only quest that uses a censored word which is damned if you look at the quest guide during the quest, the examine info for the well is "Well of the damned."
  • This quest was the last one to be converted from RuneScape Classic.
  • When you speak to Koftik near the pit and the grid he makes a reference to the 1994 film 'Pulp Fiction.'
  • Throughout the quest, spooky messages (presumably spoken by Iban or Zamorak[1]) will appear in your chatbox.

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