All Life points: 300
Life points: 300
All Combat experience: 27.6
Combat experience: 27.6
All Release date: 2 November 2004
Release date: 2 November 2004
All Combat level: 8
Combat level: 8
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1328
NPC ID: 1328
For the adult version of this monster, see Unicorn.
Unicorn Foals wander around forested areas in RuneScape. They are the offspring of Unicorns and are slightly weaker. This monster is often found in the same area as the adult Unicorn. Its coat is more of a golden colour opposed to that of the adults. It does not drop unicorn horns. Being weak and inferior to the Unicorn, it may try to retreat from a battle.