It was added on 15 November 2002.
Hi there, To those of you who were wondering what happened to last week's newsletter, the answer is, it didn't! But some things in life are worth waiting for.
This looks like it could be one of those weeks, with the introduction of our much-vaunted fatigue update. Andrew has effected something of a double wammy, by taking the tedium of mining and thwarting the mining scammers in one fell swoop. Never has the onset of tiredness aroused such excitement.
And it's a case of "don't cheat, sleep", as Runescape players are finding that those big flat things in their bedroom are not simply there for ornamental value after all.
A few confused players seem to think the new fatigue system actually makes mining take longer, but this is not the case. After testing every single mining site at every single level, we can conclusivly say that it takes no longer to get ore, or level-up than before. But it's a heck of a lot less tedious and repetitive.
Finally you weary warriors can catch some Z's! Even if you do have to do it standing up. Still, horses seem to manage OK. Oh dear, horses. Probably shouldn't have said that word...