It was added on 4 June 2013.
Around the Campfire Q&A with the Art Team
Art fascinates us, absorbs us and fills us at the same time. Thanks to art, we can see the world through the lens of our own imagination and share the crazy dreamer within us. We tell tales without uttering a word. We create worlds out of ideas.
Gather around the campfire with us today and meet some of the creators behind the fantastically rich and imaginative world that is Gielinor. Whether you are an art student, you are interested in visual art or you are simply curious, this is your chance to ask the RuneScape Art Team what you always wanted. The live Q&A on our forums will kick off today (4th of June) at 5pm BST.
As a bonus, if you'd like our artists to give you some feedback on a piece of your artwork, upload it to the new WIP folder on our deviantART page. We'll then let our artists pick 5 pictures from 5 different players and comment on them.
As always, keep sending and showing us your wonderful creations. Take to the drawing boards and make sure we don’t miss your genius! Whether it is in our Players' Gallery[help], on our deviantART page, or in the Community-Round Up we are always on a look out for talented and creative players!
What is 'Around the Campfire' session?
Around the Campfire is a form of live Q&A held on our forums. Each time we invite different JMods from various RuneScape teams to talk to you about what they do or are currently working on, and - of course - hang out and have a good time! You ask the questions, and we'll answer as many as we can.
Where can I ask my questions?
In our dedicated questions thread. We're collating questions now, before the Q&A starts, so feel free to get in early!
Where will the live forum Q&A take place?
In the General Forum.
Mod Phoenix and the RuneScape Community Team
Feel free to discuss this here, but remember - if you want to ask a question, do so in the dedicated questions thread!